Minutes 07-08-76MINUTES OF SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD IN CITY HALL, TR~REDAY, JULY 8, 1976 PRESENT Joe DeLomg, MaYor. Jsseph F. Za¢~, ¥~ee Mayer Edward F. Earm~ning, Ceunci!man Emily M. Jackson, Coancilwomem Norm~ F. strmad, Co~cilm~ Frank Kohl, Michael City Manager 3, City Clerk Asst. City Atty. Mayor DeLeng called the meetin~ to order a+ ~.zn announced it was a called special meeting ~f={~ P' M. and City Coua- cii by Section 56 of the City Charter ~f t consider the proposal fr~m Wm. a~ addition to the Poliee'Depart- merit and the Goldberg Prot~rty for a~ditio~al recreational Mayer DeLoag deliv~ere~ tc Mo*re clients, Mr~ and re~est~i anaounce~ for this that a letter had just ~een letter from Attorney Gene notification tha~ his , object to the sale ef these projects. Mayor DeLon~ there is~referend~m necessary Mrs. Jackson state~ she would like to ask 9uestiens of the City M~mager. Eh~ asked funds were ia besides the tax? Di~ it include t~ gasoline tax, alcohol tax?. Mr. Kohl replied that he ~id no~ have the list with him. She asked if it inctade4 the fund payable from the ~e~er and water bonds ~unless therewas th~s' backup. MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 8, 1976 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA engaged, it was stated there would be no charge for valida- tion. Fro. Zack moved to accept the proposal of Wm. R. Hough & Co., seconded by ~o Str~ad. Under discussion, Mr. Harmening stated that it seemed this had been sweetened up te include the cemetery improvement. He ~outd like to vote eot that, but has been entirely oppose~ to the other t~o projects ~d is still against~ them. Mayor DeLong replied that Mr. Hurfor~ was turned down by the baaks and they still want to go ahead with the mausgleum. He ca!led upon Mr. Hmrferd to verify this and he did. ~ayor DeLong centinme~ with telling how Mr. Eurford had gone to Mr. Kohl an~ they decided to 'include vlotefor floating a ~ond for the cemetery. formed her that he had a commitment from' of a sudden he became a leper and he Kohl on the su~jecto th~nMrm. Padgett took a roll call Mr. Hurf~ ba~ks and Co%uacilman Strnad Vice Mayor Zack Mayor DeLong Councilman Harme~ng -NO Councilwom~. Jackson - N~, should go to refer- end~ on two separate its~ - Yes, he ~ sald all along he~ould vote for these items - Yes - Yes, definitely needed and will serve pub- lic p~rposes Motioa carried 3-2. Mayor DeLong announced he would be unable to attend the South ~entr~l Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board Meeting this evening and there was another matter he would like to discuss. He is very much concerned with the agreement tabled at the last meeting to haVe Delray Beach supervise construction of the plant. This agreement has now heJn changed. He referred to ~hem. applylng for thms loan from EPA, this was a joint agreement and EPA stated it would be join~ownershi~an~:ij~int management. They paid for hal£ of the property, a~d.h~ joint ownership. However, Joint ~ managem~ntdoe~ nbt seem ~ompati5le to Delray Beach and he explained. He truststhe Council members will make this feeling known tonight. -2- MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING J~LY 8, 1976 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA M~S. Jackson replied that she did not think there was a~y questio~ that this is spelled out i~ the Interlocal A~ree- merit. There is no doubt they are joi~t all the way through. N~yor DeLong stated that he hoped she woml~ take that stand tonight. He continued that he believed they were all ac- quainted with the letter from the Board's Attorney which pointe~ out many i~eguities which would have to be chsmged. He has not received a copy of the new agreement. Mrs. Jackson i~formed him that she would take the Interlecal Agreement to the meeting. Mro Har~ening stated that he has never felt that they entered into anythin~ but ce-egual partnership with DelrayBeach. they will have joint agreement. Mr. Zack then state~ that he personally felt they should not be alarmed too much. The agreement will only be tabled and will have to come back te the Council. A ~ ournment Notion carried at 5:0~ P. M. Jackson moved to adjourn, seconded bY Mr. Harmenimg. 5-0 a~d the meeting was properly adjourned CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORiDA BY Mayor ATTEST: ~City Clerk Recording Secretary (One Tape) -3-