Joe ~Long, Mayer
Edward F. Harmening ,. Councilman
Emily M. Jackson, Councilwoman
Norma~ F. Strnad, Councilman
Fra~kKohl, City Manager
Rbbert B. Reed, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Mayor DeLong called the meeting to order at 4:30 P. M. and
announced itwas a calle~ special meeting by the Mayor i~ ac-
cil. He the~, requested that background information be given
co~rmimg why two resolmtions were proposed.
Mr. to the City Co,mucil adopting a resolution in
the sale of revenu~ bonds in the amour of
6.5 The first phase for 2..6 million dollars
has already beem issmed a~d sold..The proposed Resolution No.
76-HH relates to the second phase of 3.9 millmon dollars.
Alternate A City to issue and sell bonds on the
~asis Of a?ubl~c sale. to use
in conme~ti0n-with s amd re~empt~m regarding
the possi~ie ~ri~ate bo~ds. These bonds are being
that the buds would be
Hough &
sale on
le~ in 40 days or on or before J~ly 20.
I to ~0, which means they would not
for a public
to let the bid on the
of ~the con-
B were presented.
and B
a~d B.
pies for
members had received
ha~ identified
he A
During Mr. Kohl's absence, ~. Shepar~ tol~ about his interest
in the Boynton Beach Bicentennial Film and how ~e planned to
~ake arrangements to rem~ Ut to sh~w to peop!~ i~ New York own-
ing Boynton Beach bonds. He commended the City on this project.
JUNE 18, 1976
Mr. Kohl returned with the copies and distributed them. Mr.
ghepard stated he thought the place to start was where they
left off the other night where he was instructed to go back
and be ready to present their ideas and the status of the bomd
issue and give whatever informa%ion he could about the resolu-
tion. He added that he would tell the Council what they think,
hut the responsibility for making the decision rests with the
Goumcil. He them read the attached memo listing the points to
Mr. Shepard added that they were keeping a r~ning file of what
is going on in the U. 3. as to the percentage of mu~icipal bonds
sold. In years past, the ame~mt of bonds sold at private sale
were 20 to 3G%. For the past five months, the percentage ef
bond sales have been 45% at private sales. He explained how
they made the proposal in association with five to si~ firms.
Also, they spent yesterday a~d today mpdating the official
statement by working with the City Finance Director~ He then
complimented the City on their records.
Mayor DeLong asked what the amem~t of interest w~ they were
offering? Also, what was the last offer they made a~d the
City accepted when they previously had private negotiations?
~. Shop,rd replied it was 7.07. He continued that the proposal
of today is 99 cents on 1 dollar on the bonds. The met inter-
est cost of this proposal getting the effect of the discomnt is
6.404, which represents a complete ringing out of this group.
M~yor DeLong asked what the going price on the~m~rket was of
yesterday? Mr. Shepard passed out a ~tabulation sheet showing
things in the market this week. He added that this sheet re-
presents a number of sales in Florida in the last 30 days.
He referred to the fifth column being very short A rated bonds
and the more comparable ones being in the last four. He re-
ferred to the municipal bond bar interest and read how it was
different for every week. He pointe~out how it did not indi-
cate a~y trend.
M~. Shepard then pointed out that the important ~art of the pro-
posal was that it did not call for a~y specialbbanking relations
en their part. It leaves it in the hands of the City Council and
Finance Director as to what they do with the management of in-
vested funds a~d paying agent. They do assist the City in ar-
riving at prices for the proposals.
Mr. Shepard then passed out a blank copy of the formal proposal
and stated the information to be filled in the blanks. He added
with reference to No. IO~ the official statement would have to
have a paragraph referring to the Pratt situation, but will not
affect the legality of the bonds. After reading No. 12, he
added that he was a little worried about the status of printing
the bonds and the official statement. He has commitment from
the printer that the official ~tatement will be done by Tuesday
of next week. They have submitted the bond proof without cou-
pons to the prin~ing firm and have been given assurance that
delivery will be by July 1.
JUNE 18, 1976
At this time, ~ayor DeLong opened the floor to the members of
the Council for any questions they desired to ask. ~e also
asked if the members were in agreement with the proposal made?
~s. Jackson referred to the letter given them and the last
thre lines referring to public sale, which were not quite
c to her. Mr. Shepard replied that they were just pointing
out that on any type of public transaction where yom have a com-
mitment or statement from a lawyer which says he is willing to
close the transaction now or an a particalar date. Until the
tranmactien iscclosed, it isnot closed. He explained how there
was the possibility the attorney may change his mind. It is
Sust a consideration.
Mr. Reed asked if Hough & Co. had made a~y forecasts as to the
trend in interest rates in three to four weeks from now and
Mr. ~hepard replied that they had notknowledge or firm convic-
tion, the market can go up or down. He added that there were
times when they did h~ve a feeling about the market improving,
but have ne feeling about whether the market will be better or
less favorable. They can only took at history and say the sit-
uation is be~ter now ~han a short time ago, but not as good as
it Was in January or February, but better than last year. D~r-
lng five YearS, Florida municipal bonds may move from 6.40 today
and the lOWest they would have emjoyed would be 6.35. He ex-
plained that their business was to help put things together in
the best way t~ey can an~ try to meet the ~emands of their clients
when theyaee~ the money.
~. Reed referred to them being the City's fiscal consultants
and exoerts in m~micipal finance and asked if there were any
advantages to selling at public sale and Mr. SheDard replied
that it could be argued that it ts_kes lees conrage. Mr. Reed
asked if there was any reason to sell these particular bonds at
public sale and Mr. Shepard replied that he didn,t see any rea-
son. May~r DeLon~ clarified they were moving this way to meet
the requirements of the 40 day period and N~. Shepard replied
that even if there wasn't that pressure, the facts would be the
same. He further explained how there was no way to put these
bonds intothe market at a high interest rate and referred to
the rates of other cities.
Mayor DeLong asked how the other members of the Council felt?
Mr. Strnad referred te not being an expert in financial matters
and re~meSted the Finance Director to give ~is o~in~em~ ~r.
Krih~s stated personally he could see nothing in it which, would
affect ~heir decision. They must consider whether this interest
rate is the best the City cam procure. Mayor DeLong asked if it
was in the ball park and Mr. Kribbs replied: yes. Mr. Strnad
thanked him for his opinion. Mrs~ Jackson and Mr. Harmening
added that they had no questions.
JUNE 18, 1976
Mr. Reed referred to being requested to research and give~ an
opinion with reference to the 40 day period in which construc-
tion bids must be awarded and the effect of the 40 day period
on the Council's decision. His opinion is if the City were to
award the bid for the construction work on July 20 prior to
havimg in hand the proceeds from the sale of these bonds, they
would not stand in pessession of liability to the successful
bidder as long as the Council disclosure had been made to the
tow bidder and as long as they provided sufficient safeguards
in the contract to be executed. He does not want anybody to
feel awarding of the sonstruc~ion bid should influence their
decision with regards te public sale. Mayor DeLomg referre~
to a private sale an~ considering the condition of themarket
a favorable percentsge by the fiscal agents.
hew the last saie at 7.07 was a considerable sav-
ing. the i~surance Bid with the savings. This
and he has always been an advocate elf
the in this particular instance cam see the
benefit the recommendation of the fiscaI agent.
At this time, Mayor DeLong requested Mr. Reed to read Resolu-
tion No. 76'HH~. Alternate B. Mr. Reed rea~ propose4 Resolution
No. 76-MM. Mr. Strnad moved for the adoption of Resolution No.
76-NH, ~econded by Mr.'Harmening, Mrs. Padgett took a roll call
vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
~ouncilman Strnad Aye
Mayor DeLong Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Mayor DeLong announced that a motion was in order to have the
proper City officials execute the agreement with Wm. R. Hough &
Co. Mr. Strmad so moved, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Mrs.
Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwom~n Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - ~je
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Mrs. Jackson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Harmening.
Motion carried 4-0 and the meetingwas properly adjourned at
5:3~ ~. M.
1.Uilli m l ou_ h & Co.
June l8, 1976
Points to consider regardiu9 the acceptance or rejechion of tc~ght's offer
to purc/~ase the $3,900,000 Bol;nton Beach WateI and Sewer Rev~r~L~ Bonds.
1. In%erest ra~es today are favorable although they are slightly higher than
they were the earlier part of this w~ek. By the ~ the public sale of the
~nds is conducbed (3 to 4 weeks aw~y) they m~y rise or go down. We have no
crystal ball in this respect, hG~ever~ we have no reason to t~_lieve that they
will be ar~ t~ore favorable frc~ the City's standpoint than they are today.
2. By a sale of the bends tonight, the City would be able bo plan on a closing
of the transaction, fer cash ~y the end of tl~ ~onth, and therefor make an award
well he_fore the expiration date of the construction contract it has in hand
(July 20, 1976), without having to make the award subject to funds b=~ng av~iTable
at a later date.
3. A public sale will re~ire additional ~ in that we would have to reapply
for and wait for a recc~niL~nt of the MBIA insurance_ The same would also
apply to a reestabl.~hn~nt of the ~ond ratings. ~ sate date should not be
set unl-il we have %b~se rec~vmi~ts. We should ~l~o allow ten to fourteen
days ~ t33~ for adverhis~h or'the public sale in the Daily Bond Buyer
in New Yolk. This advertisem~nh for the bend sale should'~ notice as to
whether or not the MBIA ~ce cc~a~'ttn~_nt is available, also. The extra
time needed for the public sale would likely result in a sale date of about
Ju/ly 15, ~Imich would be the .dat~ the interest rate would be set for the loan
(as opposed to a sehtin9 of the interest rates today if Bough's proposal is
4. The most optimist/c date than for a ~oney closing at a public sale would
be about August 10. It should be pointed out that at the present time ~~e have
a pretty finn cuaaittment frGn bond counsel that they will give their unqualified
~Pr~On as to legality of the bends and a separate opinion to the effect that the
th case as it nG~ stands does not constitute litigation affectin9 the legality
of the bends. It is assun~d that they will render these opirklons at the ~ of
a Closing provided there is no change in ~Geir thinking bet~en now and a closing,
whether such a closing be a public or a private sale. The closing on August 10
as opposed to July 1 however, does increase the time during wkich anything
might happen to change ever so slightly the present ~ of bond counsel.
JU~E 1 8, 1976
~ity Clerk
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Kruse
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)
~ff~*~~~ ~uncil Member ~