Minutes 06-08-76MINL~TES OF SPECIAL CITY COUNOIL MEETING OF THE CITY BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD IN CITY HALL, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, PRESENT Joe DeLong, Mayer Jeseph F. Zaek, Vice Ma~.or Emily M. Jackson, C0umemlweman OF BOYNTON 1976 Frank Kohl, City Ma~ager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Mayor DeLong called the meeting te order at 10:00 A. M. and announced it was a special 'meeting called by the Mayer at the behest of the gityManager and in accordance with the City Charter. Me aune~ee~ the following three items were listed on the Agenda: I. Rescind Resolution No. ?3-PPP 2. 3. Mayor DeLeng then October 1, 19?3, the majority of quorum. Mrs. hold a meeting with referred to wheu they had all been neti it was unfair to pla~ No~ 1020, Home Rule, effective Paragraph 4, pertaining te bo~y constituting a that she felt it'was ~mfair to ~mbers p~esemt and Nayer DeLong He added that Jackeon replied she thonght they cannot atte~ since they work. Rescind Resolution No. ?3-PpP_ Mayor ~ated Jmne 2, regarding rescinding r N~z~ager to read the memorandum John Gardner, Police Departmemt, No. ?3-PPP. Mayor DeLong them requested DeLong referred jurisdiction ef acknowledging that posed to the plam. Gardner to step forward. N~yor starting ~der the Coumty amd this resolution setup, Lt. Gar~er informed them ~money the South Oo~ty, bmt has gone on record as being eD- Mrs. Jackson going to de away would ceutralize it · ispatch time im to have this how they would know his persomal opimion, i have a choice. The center. All the They are trying to 13 resolution stating it was dispatch center and ~en, which womld increase the She asked i$ they were ~uing example of the same in the towns and questioned Gardner replied that in the time but they de not answere~ in one par~icmlar 97? w±ll be centralmzed. West PalmBeash to Boynton will be no delay. The plan from central Oo~mty. If MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COUNCILMMEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA J~NE 8, 1976 a~ emergency call is directed to the wrong Dolice agency, there is no ~ to correct it an~ the caller must redial. Mr. Kohl added he had atteaded mee~im~s with Lt. Gardner au~ Chief that this is not the best system. They ewe, but have no choice and have to go with the next best thing. They do not want o~e central loca- tion for all Palm Beach County ams this is the o~ly altermative. Nfs. Jackson referred, to it stating it would not obligate will he salutatory. Lt. In ~he , ~hey ~11 ~avor of the~ as the recommendation of Lt. Garclner the Padgett t~ vote Motion carried 3-0. Lt. Gar~mer referred to the ?copSe missing amd apologized to everyone present and stated he did not Become aware of this fact until after regular City Council meetimg. Nayor DeLong added that it a~question of losingS570,369. Reply 2e The S~epper Advertisememt Mayor DeLeng referred to there being quite a lot of mis~eading information with reg.a~.ds to this advertisement. He believes the citmmens are e~tmtled to kmow the stand of the Cit~ Council They must realize this was an unanmmous deci~ and past administration upon the re of the consulting emgimeers within the re- quirements of the DER. Mrs. Jackson suggested that Mayer DeLong hold a press co~fer- once and make thisI statement. She agrees, hut thinks a press conference should be held to make this known. Mayor DeLong replied that he would much rather put in an ad with ~he stand of the City Council. He explained further and stated he thinks~ the City Council should defend themselves. Nfs. Jackson explained how she thought they should not spend taxpayers' money to defend themselves. She doesn't agree with pmtti~g an ad in the paper and believesthe news media should give this coverage. Mayor DeLong smd Mrs. Jackson discussed their opimions further. -2- MIN~ES - SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEAGN, FLORIDA ~ 8, 1976 Mr. Zack stated that he personally feels The Shopper covers their community as well as amy paper and tol~ about his ex- perience amd that of ethers reading through this paper. Mr. Zack moved to te be a~ver%ised gavel tosecond the motion. asked been her a few and he one the t¢ ,sponse im the form efa rebuttal laid aside the , Mrs. Jackson informed te ammwer each City Com~cil to Be used. Nfs. Jackson wasting taxpayers' money. votimg~agai~st. Beach amd Parking Area at Ocean Rinse Jackson a~d Mayor his about accept would it. he had a conference with like to continue the plan tc the Council all been favorable. Mrs. kmoww~e owns the south property that regardless of who owns it, it explaimed about ha~ nothing te worry and he will Mrs. Jackson replied that if ~eed f~r ~he south p~cperty, she Nayor his asked if Mr. Harmeming had agreed and Mr. Kohl he showed it to Mr. Harmenimg yesterday in he did agree. Mrs. Jackson made a motion to instruct the City Manager to ¢ontimue negotiations with the proviso of getting a q~it claim deed on the south property from the middle of Spanish RiYer Creek tc the oceam. Mayor DeLong refmsed to a~cept the motion the motion should be to have the Cmty Mana- ger as parking is concerned. After the park- ing is then Mrs. Jackson,s motion wo~ld ~e in order. They for parking and if this is acceptable, then t move. They should take care of one thing at a ~ime. Ne is ~9~ going to get involved in the descriptions of and at this time. They should see what the parking plam brings out, ~. Kohl agreed Shey shomld get the p~rking doue first te ma~e sure everything will ~e im order amd they cam g~t %he description of laud later. Mayor ~n~omnced the Chair would accept a motion te in- struct th~ Manager to proceed with the parking plam he has drafted negotiate with OeeamRidge whether they will accept this pla~. Mr. Zack so moved and Mayor DeLong laid MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY CO~NOIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 8, 1976 aside the gavel to second the motion. Under discussion, Mrs. Jackson stated she wanted to ge 'on record as saying she is not Lu favor of havimg anything done on that somth piece of property at all until -they have this settle~. Oceam Ridge has said they Will quit claim this piece of property which is theirs. Mayor ~ referred of who owns th~ lang. If r will be relieved ef a~y a different procedure. He OV er way back mistake if · about a with a cemm~ ~- deal amd how See Min- rites o~ ~/~s/ Mrs. Padgett reek a Councilwoman Jackson - No Vice Mayor Zack - Yes - Yes Motion carried 2-1. Bid Award for Canal Park Mr, Kohl referred to the Council awarding the bid to Niebel ~onstruction for Canal Park and advised that they have been u~able to procure a ho~. He recommends awarding the Bid to the next lowest bidder,. Rmbin ~onstruetion, in the amount of $23,~6.00. He recommends going ahead with this as they have obligations. Mayor DeLeng clarified that it was a 50-50 pro- position with t~e State amd Mr. Kohl agreed. He added that he wo~l~ send a letter te Niebel Construction advising they ne longer have been awarded the bid. ~yor DeLong questioned why construction was net going ahead with Niebel Construction and Mr. Kohl informed him that a performance bond had not beem given t*tthe City and he has contacted them about this several times. Mayor DeLong announced a motion was in order to rescind the bid to Niebel Construction because of not supplying a performance bond and award the bid to Rubin Construction im the amount of $23,116. Mr. Sack ac moved, secomded by Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Pad~ett Sock a roll cai1 vote as follows: Councilwoman Jackso~ - Aye Vice Mayor Zack - Aye Mayer DeLong - Aye Motion carried 3-0, MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JBNE 8, 1976 Other Nrs. Jackson Mr. Kohl when the budget meetimgs were geingte ~o having a choice in the past sma "this smmmer. Mr. Kohl informed her that he planned to talk te each member and find out when it womld be conveniemt. Mrs. Jackson also referred te two she believes they should be sen- stated that he feels the people who rum for de not have the time . meet- pebple, He to they .the pmblic. Adjournment Mr. Zack made a motion to adjourn, -seconded b~ Hrs. Jackson. Nstien earrie~ 3-0 and the meetinE was ~ro~erly adjourned at 10:40 A. M. CITY BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA BY 'er ATTEST: City ~Ierk Council Member Council1 Member -5-