Joe DeLong, Mayor
Jo?eph F. Zack, Vice Mayor
Emily M. Jackson, Coumcilwoman
Norma~ F. Strnad, Coumcilman
Frank Eohl, City Manager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
M~yor DeLong welcomed everyone present and called the meeting
to order at 2:30 P. M. He announced this was a called spec-
ma meetmng by t_he ~hamr for the purpose of reconsideration
of Resolmtion 76 Y and any Other business, the coUncil may
want to direct. He then ~etcomed back Vice ~&~yor Zack.
Reconsideration of Resolution 76-Y
N~yor DeLong requested that the attached letters be made a
part of the record: a letter addressed te Mr. Kohl from the
Cm y Attorm~y~relatmTe te proposed Resolutiom ?6-Y dated
April 23, 1~76 a~d also a letter received by the City Attor-
ney from the State Department of Revenue signed by Robert
~M. Lankford dated April 19, 1976.
Eayor DeLong advised that according to Roberts Rules of Or-
der, Page , a motion to reconsider must be~ made by motion
by and any member may second.
He then rea~ 158 s~ting that a motion to reconsider
requires a ma vote.
~yor DeLeng them ammoUnced that a motmon would be in order
to reconsider.Resolution 76-Yo He added that this Resolution
was lost by a Vote of ~0 at the regular City Council Meetmng
ef T~esday, Ap~iml ~20, 1976. At this time, the Chair declares
a motion in or~er ~e~ reconsideratiom. Mr! Strnad so moved,
seconded by Mr. zaClk. Mayor DeLeng cla~.~-~fied that it had been
moved and 4ece~ed to reconsider Resolution, 76-Y and in accor-
ds~ce with the~l~sce~ure as outlined in Roberts Rules of Order,hef~e~
~r~ad"$h~$~e£~V6~(. No discussion on the motion. Mrs.
Padgett book a r~i~i vote as follows:
Councilwoman Jackson - No
CoUncilman Strnad - .&ye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLeng - Aye
Mo mort carried 3-1.
Mayor DeLongamnouRced that at this time, a motion would be
in order for the adoption of Resolutioa ~6-Y. Mr. Strnad
moved for the adoptiom of Resolution 76-Y, seconded by Mr.
Zack. Mayor DeLo~g clarified that it had been moved and
seconded to adopt Resolution 76-Y with instructions to the
City M~anager to have the proper City officials execute all
the necessary a~reements and/or contracts pertaining t? the
ba_~v loa~ a~/~ivate property pertained in. Resolution
76 Y plus publication i~a New York newspaper. Under dis-
cussion, Mrs. Jack, on read the following statement:
,,This Council was elected to represent the people of
this City - ~ot to tell them what is good for them.
First we are talking about buying land to increase our
park at the boat ramp. How do we k~ow a m?jority of the people
WANT this? ~ew ma~y of the citizens are willing for the Comn-
oil to;borrow:and pledge THEIR mo~ey? We don't know. Let ns
give them a chance to vote on this.
Perhaps we do need a second floor to our Police Statio~.
Some people think we do, others think that a police station
less than 4 years old is sufficient for now. Again, let ms
give the people a chance to vote on this.
The talk is all about a loan of approximately $700,000.
Very little has been said about the fact that, with the inter-
est it~will bring the total to over $~ million, that we are
putting the people in "hock- for ($1 million plus additional
costs, that always arise).
Much talk is
Beach, Buildings
is created by the
citizens want it.
of this magnitude
done about ~building the image,,-of Boynton
don't build the image. The image of a city
law-makers representing the city the way the
The way we find that out is to put projects
to a vote of the people.
I, for one, am not going to sit up here and play God.
I want the people to speak.
I especially thir~k this is a sneaky way of doing this -
at a poorly advertised special meeting (and I am ~ot blaming
the news media, but the fact that this meeti~ was called on
such short notice) and at a ~ime when the entire Council can-
not be here to voice an opinion. Waiting seven more days
would not have made that mmch difference. At least, it would
have been o~ a regular Agenda.
Again I say: put this to a referendum, giving the
people the full facts as to how much these two-projects are
costing them, a~dlletting them choose whether they want both
a park 'and more boat ramps, or an upstairs to the police
station or a par~, or both.~'
Mayor DeLong replied that the charter was set mp with wisdom
in the respect that everything is not tied down to the vote
of the people. He explained how the people had faitkand
confidence in the people they elected to office. This does
not ha~e to go to referendmm. The original police station
APRIL 28, 1 976
did not go to referendum. The only time to go to referendum
is when they go into a general bond issue placing a
ever~ome,s pr?perry. Ee referred to accusations made, stall
~lcs~se~etc~ a~ ev~ry~charge.made has ~ee~ pro~en
~. ~ne ~m~y snoul~ no~ s~and stmtt. They have.had re-
gress in the past.
Mrs. Jackson referred to the original police station and
statedthat was a case of necessity where the other build-
ing was condemned. They also did not have to get a referen-
dum on the pool at Wilson Center, hut it was done ~yrefer-
end~m. This resolution covers two ~ifferent things and she
feels the people should have the choice. ~m~vormDeLeng re-
plied ~hat she voted for the d~g pomnd, Wilson~Center, fire
s%atio~ and none went to referendum. These were all paid
a citizens, grou~, the City ~amager,
for a difference of o~inion.
Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call
Councilwoman Jackson
Councilman Strnad
~ice M~yor Zack
Motion carried 3-1.
vo=e on the motion~as
- No
- Aye
- Aye
- ~Je
Application of Salty Dog
Mayor DeLong a~nounced that a motion would be in order to
rescind the motion passed at the regmlar City Council meet-
ing on Tuesday, April 20, 1976, relative to a beer amd wine
license application for the Salty Dog due to improper infor-
mation conveyed to the City ~ouncil. This was~not a trsnsfer
of a license, but a new application. The motion to rescind
will include instructions to the City Manager to place the
corrected applicetion on the Agenda for the regular City
Council meeting on May 4. Mr. Strnad so moved, seconded by
~m. Zack. Under discussion, Mrs. Jackson stated she made
the original~motion and has learned a lesson. She will not
vote for anything that comes up at the last minute until she
sees it in writing. SHe acted in haste. She will only vote
if it is an emergency~ Mayor DeLong replied that it was not
necessary to apologize. Motion carried 4-0.
Discussion of Resolution from Buildin~ Officials Organization.
M~jor DeLong announced that a request had been made to have
this on the agenda today, but he is going to request that it
stay off the agenda and be taken up at the next meeting.
He advised that this resolution concerned an appeal made to
the County League of Municipalities by the President of the
Bmilding Officials Organization, M~. Charles O,Melia. It is
relative to antiquated laws. tn speaking to the City Attor-
ney, he.was advised that this resolution forwarded By Mro
O'Melia was faulty in some instances with respect to citing
1974 State ~tatutes which since then have Been superseded~
Mrs. Jackson stated she woul~ l~ke te discuss thim now. She
doesn't think~they would even have time for a resolution. If
Mayor DeLong announced that the Chair would accept a motion
to instruct the~C±ty Manager to contact the City Attorney
relative to resolution as submitted by Mr.
SO ~
t ~
what action should Be take~. Mr,;Zack
Mr. Strnad. Under discussion, .Mayor
they would take into consideration Mrs.
regarding sending a telegram~ M~s. Jack-
like to point out things in this reso-
replied it would be left up to the
continued that she wanted to
his law will do and ,Mayor DeLeng replied
judgement of the City Att~rneyin
orders given to the City Manager.
Discus~ion of~hlic Defender,s Reguest
Mayor DeLong a~vised the City Council to be prepared at the
next m~eting ~o. come in with some recommendations or~sug-
gestion~imse~a~.as the letter received from the Public
Defender,s la~ firm. He added that they received a request
from t~? Public Defender regarding an increase in fees and
they will ~ot .~ ~hle to carry on beyond July 1.
~i' Je~r~ Oxme~.r~q~ested the opportunity to speak at this
me a~ising ~naz ne would be unable to attend the next
Council meeting. Ne explained that he has done the best
~e can to tak~ Steps to keep the ex~enses~f thi~ ~f~
ow~. He tried te explain in his letter that it is not
economical for them to continue to provide the service.
He referred te changes recommended in his letter.
Mayor DeLeng informed him that this would be taken into
consideration. ~e explained how the Council must consider
adjustments fSr ~h~ other employees in the court. He sug-
gested that his recommendations be given to the City U~muager
and he would discmss them with the Coumcil.
F~s. Jackson referred to the workload increasing with refer-
ence to getting the records. She questioned if they went
back to the sams method, so the workload wasn't so heavy,
could it be done? Mr. ~ner replied that it would cut down,
but the problem still exists.
Mayor DeLong stated the main culprit in the problem is anyone
can ask for a public defender and there is no way to investi-
gate their fimancial standing. The law is too vague. They
are creating a financial imposition on the m~cir~ti~
He expIained how large Cit±~s had investigator~ ~'to
the court. M~. OXaer agree~ that was Dart of the problem.
He has to take cases any time the Judge determines they are
his. Mayor DeLe~g stated that the judge must take people at
face value and has no wayto investigate whether thee,are in-
digents. .Mr. Oxaer explained how some courts did investigate.
Mayor DeLong referred to Mr. Oxner obtaining the ordinance
from Fort Lauderdale and Judge. Schwartz working on it. ~.
~Oxner ~greed that he did provide the ordinance, but did net
~now who was wor.king:on it. Mayer DeLong.,info~med him that
at t~e present tim~, he did not ~elieve they were set u~ to
provzde an investigator. He continued that in,reference to
tween the 3dge, 3udge ad-l~tem ~nd the prosecutor. He w~uld
like this followed Up with the City Judge. M~. Kohl informed
him that he is already checking this with theGity Attorney.
Mayor DeLong annomnced that he wanted some inpu~ from the
City Co~_acil regarding the degree of increase. It is up to
each individual City Council member to make a study as to
how much the other salaries will be adjusted.
Mms. Jackson suggested checking with other cities. Mr. Kohl
infor~ed her that he has gone through the City-Attorney and
does have a letter forthcoming from him.
Mr. Oxner continued that he would like to emphasize the points
made i~ his letter. He explained the expenses involved.
Mayor DeLong replie~ there was no question about the workload
Mayor DeLong then referred to 34 hours of overtime paid to
police officers for time in court. Mr. Oxner stated there
was no doubt that the
f procedure could be expedited. Mayor
DeLong in ormed him t~at Mr. Kohl had a discussion with the
Chief ~f Police a~.,has Been given soma ideas-~s to how this
c,an be ,expe~ite~. They cannot contluue to paY34 hours of
overtime to police officers every time there is court.
APRIL 28, 1976
Mr. 0xner referred te them not being just defendants, hut
indigent defendants. Ne told about the problems in csn-
tacting them. Mayor DeLong replied that he realized there
were a-certain percentage of them. Also, another percent-
age are able to pay for attorneys who are getting the ser-
vice o£ a public defender free.
I~, Oxuer referred to offering copies of collection letters
used by City Managers. Mayor DeLong replied that he be]L~ved
the City Manager would work in close conjunction with' him.
Appointment of ~ember to Pls~ni~ & Z~t~ Boa~
Mayor DeLong ~eclared the nominations open for~ the appoint-
ment of a member to the Planning & Zoning Boar~. He added
that this is of an em~ergency natmre as they are working under
a hardship with not having alternates~accord~ng to the Chair-
man of ~th~ Planning & Zoning Board. He believes they should
do something about having the charter provide for alternates
on this Board.
Mr. Zack nomimated Mr. Louis Reiser, 330 ~. E. 26th Avenue.
Mrs. Jackson stated she did not know this was coming up
today, Mr. Etrnad stated he did not have any nominations.
Mr. Strnad moved to close the nominations, seconded ~y Mr.
Zack. Motion carried 4-0.
Mayor DeLong requested that F~. Reiser be notified of the
Application for Permit to Solicit
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that he had an application for
permit to solicit in Boynton Beach from Palm Beach House,
which is a division of Youth Services. It is a State Chari-
table Organization. They want to solicit for tickets to the
baseball games.
Nrs. Jackson moved to grant this request,
Zack. Motion carried 4-0.
seconded by F~.
~rs, Jackson moved to a~journ, seconded by Mr. Strnad. Motion
carried 4-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 3:t0
Mr. Frank Kohl, City Manager
Boyn%on Beach, Florida
P~EE~ & $~ODiSl=L I~.A.
Ap il 23, 1976
RE: Proposed Resolution 76-Y
Dear Frank:
As I~previously indicated to you in my letter of April 15, I have now received and
allach hereto the leiler dated April 19 from Mr. Robert M. Lankford of the Office of
Revenue Sharing of the Florida Deparirnent of Revenue. I would appreciate your
circulating a copy of this letter and Mr. Lankford's leiler among the Council members
for their information.
As Mr. Lankford had indicated to me by telephone, neither the proposed pledging
of funds to be received by the City from the Municipal Financial Assistance Trust
Fund (the 2-cents cigareile tax fund), nor the refunding of the 197~ police building
bonds, will affect the amount of revenue sharing funds due lhe City. As noted by Mr.
Lankford, the sole exception to his statement lies in the possibility thai the City might
become ineligible to participate in the receipt of revenue sharing funds beyond the
mi~ir~um entitlement. For the irffornaation of the Council members, Florida Statute
Section 218.23 provides that a city will be eligible to participate beyond the minimum
entitlement if it:
1. Reported its finances for its most recently completed fiscal year to the Depart-
ment of Banking and Finance;
2. Made provisions for ann~al postaudits of its financial accounts;
3. Levied ad valorem taxes (exclusive of taxes levied for debt service or other
special millages authorized by voters) to produce revenue equal to a millage rate of
3 mills on the dollar based on 1973 taxable values, or, collected an occupalional
license tax or utility tax, or both, in combination with the ad valorem tax in order to
produce such 3 mill equivalent;
4. Ceriified that its police officers meet the qualifications for employmenl established
by the Police Standards Council; its salary structure and plans meet the provisions of
Chapter 23 Part IV; and no police officer is compensated tess than $6,000.00 annually.
Mr. Frank Kohl, City Manager
April 23, 1976
Page 2
In summary, Mr. Lankford has confirmed that the City is ~fully eligible to participate
in revenue sharing funds beyond minimum entitlement and it is believed thai ii wou-ld be
very unlike[y for the Ciiy to become ineligible via its inabiliiy to meet the abo~e-enum-
erated requirements of Section 2t8.23.
cc: Curtis L. Witters, Esq.
April 19, 1976
Mr. Robert Reed, City Attorney
City of Boynton Beach
Post Office Box 640
Boynton Beach, Florida $3435
Dear Mr. Reed:
. In our recent telephone conversatiog you asked me to respond
to'two questions which are listed below:
1. What effect on Boynton Beach's Revenue Sharing
funds t~tl be realized by the pledging of funds
received from the Municipal Financial Assistance
Trust Fund (Section 200.132, Florida Statutes)
to secured indebtedness?
2. What effect on Boynton Beach's Revenue Sharing
funds will be realized by refunding the 1971
issue of Cigarette Tax Revenue Bonds?
In answer to question one, there would be no effect on the
Revenue Sharing funds to your city due to the pledging of your
cigarette tax revenues from the MFATF. Section 200.132(1), Florida
Statutes, gives munidipalities the authority to use these funds for
any public purpose.
tn answer to question two, there would be no effect on the
Revenue Sharing funds to your city due to the refunding of the 1971
issue of Cigarette Tax Revenue Bonds. One exception to this state-
ment should be noted. In the event that your city became ineligible
for participation, it would be necessary to establish your city's
minimum entitlement; i.e. the amount of funds required to meet prin-
cipal and interest payments on bonds issued prior to July 1, 1972
and for which cigarette tax was pledged (Section 218.21(7) and
218.25, Florida Statutes). By the refundifig of the 1971 Bond issue
Mr. Robert Reed
April 19, 1976
Page Two
your minimum entitlement would be.zero and in the event your
city became ineligible, would receive nothing from the Revenue
Sharing Trust Fund.
I hope I have given you all the information you need. If
other questions arise, please contact me.
Very truly yours,
Rexrenue Sharing
APRIL 28, 1976
(.~,/' ~'- // Vice ~yo~-
Council Member
Council Member
City Clerk
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Kruso
Recording Secretary
(One Tape)