Joe DeLong, ~iayor
Edward F. Harmenir_g, Co~Rcilman
Emily M. Jackson, Councilwom~n
Norman Fo Strnad, Councilman
Frank Kohl, City Manager
Robert B. Reed, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett,_City Clerk
Mayor DeLong welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order
at $:30 P. M. He requested everyone to arise at the sound of
the gavel for the invocation given by Mr. Frank Kohl, City
Manager, and to kindly remain standing for the Pledge of Alle-
giance to the Flag led by Councilman Edward F. Harmening.
Mayor DeLong requested anyone wishing to talk on any item on
the Agenda to kindly s~p forward and give their name to the
City Clerk, Mss° Padgett, and when that particular item be-
comes the order of business, the City Blerk will call upon
them to address the Council.
Mayor DeLong announced that the Area Planing Board of Palm
Beach County has been awarded a gr&ut by the U. S~ Environmen-
tal Protection Agency to prepare an area-wide waste treatment
management plan for Palm Beach County under section 208 of the
Federal ~ater Pollution Control Act Amendments of t972. An
~Area Wide Advisory Group" is being formed. This group, con-
sisting of local elected officials and interested citizens
will serve as a focal point for incorporating public review
and comment into the "208" planning program° Two representa-
tives from Boynton Beach must be appointed, one elected offi-
cial and one citizen, to attend the first meeting of the '~Area
Wide Advisory Grou~' which is scheduled for ~:30 P. M., Thurs-
day, April 29, ~976. The meeting will be held in the Area
Planning Board conference room~ suite 200~ 2300 Palm Beach
Lakes Boulevard, ~est Palm Beach, Florida. City Manager Eohl
has a copy~ for each appointed member, of "The APB Foru~~
which describes the origin of "208" plan~ning in Palm Beach
Mayor DeLong announced that the Chair would like a motion to
appoint Councilwoman Emily Jac~on, the elected official, and
~. Fred DeSalle, the citizen, a civil engineer, to the "Area
Wide Advisory Grou~' of the Area Plannir~ Board. M~. Harmening
so moved, seconded by M~. Strnad. No discussion. Motion car-
ried 4~0o
Regular City Council..Meetin~ - April 6~.. 1976
M~yor DeLong called on the members for their comments. ~.
Harmening and M~s. Jackson passed. Mr. Strnad clarified that
he has never requested nor said that a police patrol should be
constantly on S. W. 6th Street. He would like to correct this
on Page 4, last paragraph, He did not ask to have police
there all the time, He thinks they should go there once a
week or once every two weeks to survey the area. Mrs. Jackson
Mud Mayor DeLong replied that the minutes did not state this~
~. Strnad read the statement. Mrs. Jackson clarified that
her statement was in response to a statement made by ~. Zack.
M~yor DeLong stated that he thought Mrs. Jackson's statement
was logical and he thinks the minutes should stay as they are.
There are no contradictions. M~. Strnad stated that he just
asked for them to go there once a week or every two weeks,
but according to the minutes, it looks like he asked them to
go alltthe time. Mayor DeLong announced that a motion was in
order to accept the minutes as submitted.
¥~s. Jackson moved to accept
Council meeting of April 6,
~. Strnad. No discussion.
the minutes of the regular City
~976, as submitted, seconded by
Motion cm~ried 4-0.
Special City Council Meeting - April 15~ 1976
Mayor DeLong referred to being given these ~nutes tod~v and
asked if the Council members were prepared to act on them?
M~s. Jackson replied that she was ready. I~. Harmening re-
plied that he just received them about 15 minutes ago and
M~. Strnad stated the same~
~s. Jackson referred to the notice of the special meeting
stating it was called for discussion of the police pension
fund, but three things were discussed. She would llke the
parliamentarian to clarify this. ~. Reed informed them that
according to Roberts Rules of Order, the notice must state
the specific reason the meeting is being called for. ~-or
DeLong agreed the notice should have been broader pertaining
to discussion of everything pertaining to pensions. M~.
Reed stated that everything coming before the body should be
noted in the notice of the special meeting. If the purpose
is reasonably anticipated, it should be set in the call.
Mrs. Jackson moved to table the minutes of April ~5, ~976,
until the next meeting, seconded by ~. Harmening. No dis-
cussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Mayor DeL0ng requested anyone mn the audience wishing to
address the Council to please step forward. He requested
that they state their name~ address and nature of business.
APRIL 20, 1976
M~. John Stephens stated his name and his address as 715
N. W. 4th Street. He told about his house being broken into
twice since Thanksgiving and a rash of breaking into homes
in this neighborhood during the last few weeks. He explained
that most of the people in this neighborhood are working peo-
ple. It seems there is a problem there and something should
be done. He has talked to the Chief of Police mud he men-
tioned that very little could be done. If very little can be
done, it will continue and something must be do
Chief told him how juveniles were released from
Palm Beach so quickly. He then told about a hc
that is vacant, but shows signs of evidently be
He suggested possibly boardin~ this up. ¥~ayor
him that Ms. Kohl was making note of this and
action on both counts tomorrow. He requested
follow this through and ~. Kohllagreed.
as. The Police
court in West
ass next to his
Lug in use.
OeLong informed
here will be
hat Mr. Kohl
~s. Blanche H. Girtman stated her name and her address as
912 N. ~. 3rd Street. She informed the Counci~ that she is
the CAC representati~u~ for community development for Palm
Beach County for the City of Boynton Beach. She has had
this positmon since March, 1975, mad has been ~efore this
Council before in this capacity. Tonight, she is represent-
ing members of the black community. She asked the members
of the black community to stand. She stated this was
just a small amount of the people concerned they cs~ne to
ask the City Council to look into the proposal~ which at
this time they find are very necessary, en distributed
copies of letters to each Council member ologized for
not having them ready sooner. She then re~d attached
letter regarding the possibility of a thority for
Boynton Beach. She then read the second at1 ed letter re-
garding the employment Of a person by the City to work with
the black community. She added that she also ~.ad a job des-
cription available if necessary for ~n_s position. She is
very much concerned. She has worked with t,h_is~community and
has lived in Boynton Beach for 30 years. She nas seen no
improvement. These people are also concerned. Mayor DeLong
_eplied tha~ he belie~e~ these t~c _equests w~e v~ry rea~on
able .and he believes the City Manager is in th~ process o~
settmng up a housing authority. ~. Kohl agreed that a
houszng authormty was oe~_ng created, but no actmon had been
taken in regards to Mss. Girtman's second letter. Mayor
DeLong suggested that this be considered. He added that
there was a need to employ a person from the black community.
M~. Kohl explained how they may run into a problem with the
County and Mayor DeLong referred to Mss. Girtman's recommenda-
tion under CETA.
Mayor DeLong announced that a motion would be in order to
instruct the City ~nager to ~llow through on both communi-
cations. M~s. Jackson so moved, seconded by M~. Strnad.
APRIL 20, 1976
Under discussion, Mms. Girtman referred to the job description
she had available e_ud M~vor DeLong requested that she give it
to the City .,Manager as he believes it will be a good aid.
Motion carried 4-0°
At this time, ~yor DeLong announced that Mr. Zac~was unable
to attend as he has ~he flu bug or something of that nature.
Mms. Jackson noted that it was not yet 8:00 P.
to dispense with the regular order of business,
~. Harmening. Motion carried 4-0~
M. and moved
seconded by
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HE~iNG
Proposed Ordin~uce No. 76-13 RE. Amending Rules & Regulations
as it Pertains to the Issuance of Parkin~ Permits
~. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-13 on second reading
by caption only.
Mayor DeLong asked if anyone present wished to speak in favor
of this ordinance ~nd received no response. He then asked if
anyone wished to oppose this ordinance and received no response.
Mms. Jackson moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 76-~3 on
second and final reading, secondedby Mm. Harmeni~g. No dis-
cussion. M~s. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Co,iucilman Harmening &ye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Ordinances - 1st Reading
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-14 R~ Amending Section 5-2.~
Chapter 5 to Require a Clean-Up Bond Prior to Issuance of
Building Permit
Mm. Reed read proposed Ordins~nce No. 76-1~ on first reading
in its entirety.
~s. Jackson moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 76-14 on
first-reading, seconded by ~. Strnad. No discussion. M~s.
Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman He~mening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - ~ve
Councilman Strnad - Aye
~yor DeLong - lye
Motion carried 4-0.
COUNC~ M~T~NG APRIL 20, t976
M~s. Jackson moved to revert back to the regule~ order of
business noting it was 8:00 P. M. ~k~. Harmening seconded
the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Address~ 809 & 8t3 S. E. 4th Street
Request: Rezone from R-2 to R-3
Use: To permit at least 7 apartments in
2 existing buildings
Applicant: Andre St. Juste
Mayor DeLong referred to the minutes of the Plauni~ug & Zoning
Board meeting and this request having been denied by that
Board by a vote of 6-0.
~. Andre St. Juste stated his name and his address as 809
S. E. 4th Street. He informed the Council that he has two
buildi~ags on 4th Street. After building them, he could not
rent them because they were too wide and too long. ~ople
did not have enough money to rent apartn~nts that large. He
took two apartments and divided them into three. Mayor DeLong
asked if he had obtained e building permit and Y~, St. Juste
replied that he built a tool shed ~ud got a permit, but did
not think a permit was needed for inside the house.
DeLong questioned if he realized he was in a R-2 zone mud
was making this a R-3 building mud Mr.~.~ Justs replied that
he found out afterwards that he needed a permit and had to pay
a double permit fee. Mayor DeLong remarked that this is spot
zoning and Mr, St. Juste renlied that it is R-2 mad he has
asked to have it rezoned to-R-3. M~or DeLong informed him
that he could make this request, but is not given the right
to make R-3 in a R-2 zone. He violated the laws. He did not
apply for a building permit s_nd felt he could do it inside
because people would not see it. He referred to M~. St. Justs
having been taken to court arid asked about the decision.
St. Justs stated that the judge told him to put the people
out, but did not make a decision what he could do. He was
charged $600, but he is out of work and has not paid it. In
the meautime, he has two apa~tments closed and must pay the
City. He also has to pay the bank and everything.
Mayor DeLong stated that he believed the Council members had
all the facts in this particular instance. He sxolained that
he would ask if anyone desired to speak in favor ~f what M~.
St. justs has done, then will find out if anyone present is
in opposition, and then it is up to the Council whether to
accept the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board.
!~L~. St. Justs referred to two people being against him at
the Planning & ~oning Board meeting. He stated that one was
the builder who built it and he had to go court with him.
The other was a m~u living four houses south of his ~nd his
son worked for him and he did not pay him. Mayor DeLong
APRIL 20, 1976
replied that they were not attempting to be rude to him. He
doesn't think there is ~uything he can forward to this City
Gouncil insof8~ as his actions that they already do not know.
It is not necessary for any rebuttals. The Council will weigh
the case after hearing the people speak.
~yor DeLong then asked if anyone in the audience wished to
speak in opposition of this particular request and received
no response. He then asked for comments f~.o~members of the
Mm. Kohl referred to the two letters received in opposition
and Mayor DeLong requested that he read them. M~'. Kohl read
the two attached letters from~Alex and ~s. Ar~ua Shramko and
Dr. Marlo J. Tomei, Mayor DeLong then read statements from
the minutes of the Planning & Zoning Board meeting from
Thomas Rouch ~ud ~ Clyde Jones in opposition to this request.
He added that this had no be~ing as far as the parking was
concerned; this is a violation in changing from R-2 to R-3.
He then called on the Council members for their comments.
M~s. Jackson stated she was not going to ps$~ any attention
to the first letter from M~. and M~s. Shramko. She does not
believe they should judge on promises. She think~ it is too
high of a density. She thinks the Planning & Zoning Board
voted properly ~ud she is going to vote against this rezoning
Mr. Harmening stated he thought M~s. Jackson had stated the
case in a nutshell. He thinks it would be spot zoning to zone
this to a~commodate M~. St. Juste. He explained how he was
not entitled to unusual consideration.
~. Strnad stated they could not possibly spov zone.
Mayor DeLong stated that definitely under not¢ircumstances
would he go along with any type of situation which M~. St.
Juste has created. They can't go for a violation of the
zoning code ~ud can't go for a violation of the plumbing
with extra fixtures. He is sorry one letter did refer to
color. This has no place. Mrs. Jackson added that perhaps
~o ~ Justs did not understand, but this ignorance of the
M~s. Jackson moved to uphold the denial of the Planning &
Zoning Board for this request from R~2 to R-3 for apartments
located at 809 & 813 S. E. 4th Street. ~. Harmening seconded
the motion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vo~e as £ollows:
CounciimanHarmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
APRIL 20~ 1976
~ -
Parcel ~2
~ .
Rezone from C-3 Co~aercial to R-3
Multiple Family
Multiple Family
Land Unlimlted,Real%y representing
Owner: Sears, Roebuck & Company
~. Ed Duffy, Jr., stated his name and his address as Land
Unlimited, Realty, 3604 West Boynton Road. He referred to
most of the members of the Council being familiar with this
particular piece of property. He stated that Sears bought iz
approximately 4½ years ago and since that time~ the County
has rezoned approximately 100 acres for DeBartolo. Sears
felt there was not a need for two large shopping malls within
this area. It is common knowledge that Sears i$ ~ing with
DeBartolo. They do not want to se~tl this 100 acres under C-3
zoning. That is why they requested part to be rezoned to R-3.
They could build R-3 in this C-3 zone at the present time with
the approval of the Pl~uning & Zoning Board. They do not want
to se~l the property with the complete C-3 zoning.
Mayor DeLong referred to the Planning & Zoning Board recom-
mend~ug this rezoning with a vote of 5-1. He asked if anyone
desired to spe~ in favor and re~ei~ no response. He then
asked if anyone wished to soeak in opposition and received
M~s. Jackson moved to uphold the recommendation of the Plan-
ning & Zoning Boa_~d and grant this request from C-3 to R-3o
Mr. Harmening seconded the motion. Under discussion, ~L~yor
DeLong remarked that a move such as this type was upgrading
this property~ He feels the Plannir~ & Zoning Board used
good wisdom. M~s..Jackson added that she also thought it was
to the credit of Sears that they are asking for this upgrad-
ing too. Mayor DeLong added that there would be too much
concentration of C-3 and it would not do emybody any good.
Mayor DeLong then referred to the minutes of the meeting of
April 13 of the ~lamning & Zoning Board ~ud a very interest-
ing statement made by ~. Rossi on Page 3. He read the
statement regarding the Congress Avenue right-of-way. He
thinks it is incumbent upon this City Council to consider
this. He explained how he had seen it happen with many
cities developing along the coas~ and there being no pro-
jection nor foresight. This is the time now to acquire
rights-of-way to accommodate the flow of traffic in the
future. He thinks the City C~uncil should adopt a policy
that this 10 ft. additional right-of-way ~e t~ken into con-
sideration ~ud they should prevail upon the people to dedi-
cate it. ~s. Jack~on agreed, but stated that it looked
like they were trying to bribe them. M~yor DeLong replied
that he was just calling it to their attention. ~. Duffy
referred to the Plenning & Zoning Board discussing this fur~
ther~and the dedic&tion would be considered when the final
APRIL 2O, 1976
~ll~s were presented. M~yor DeLong replied that he was fam-
iliar with this ~md if this City Council adopts a policy~eti-
fication should be given to the Planning & Zoning Board that
plats should not be approved unless the applicant is willing
to dedicate 10 ft. M~. Strnad stated he would be hesitant to
vote in favor of this in light of the lO ft. which was men-
tioned because this land could automatically become a non-
conforming piece of land. Mayor DeLong stated that if this
Council adopted a hard ~ud fast rule that the olat will not
be approved until they agree, nothing will int~r~s.
A m~mber of the audience requested a legal description and
Mrs. Jackson informed him this land was located south of the
iTV Station on Congress Avenue across from Leisureville.
Duffy pointed it out on the map to the gentleman.
M~s. Padgett then took a roll call on the motion as follows:
Councilm~u Hs~mening ~ Aye
Councilwoman Jac~on - ~e
Councilman Strnad - ~ve
Mayor DsLong - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Mayor DeLor~ anno~uced the next order of business would be
to instruct the City Manager to h~¢e the City Attorney draft
the appropriate ordinance of rezoning. M~~. Harmening so
moved, seconded by ?~s. Jackson. No discussion. Motion
carried 4-0.
Parcel #3
Ab~udonment of Easement for
Drainage Purposes
Golf View Harbour, £nd Section
M~lnor Corporation
~yor DeLong advised that this was approved by the Planning &
Zoning Board by a vote of 6-0. He added that in the motion,
they should not only accept the reco~mm~endation of the Plan-
ni~ & Zoning Board~ but accept a substitute easement 25 ft.
to the east.
M~s. Jackson referred to the minutes from the Planning &
Zoning Board on Page 6 and questioned ~. Rossi's reference
to the bank accepting it and M~. Harmening replied that
Rossi was surorised the ba~2~ did not catch the fact that the
house was built over an easement. Mayor DeLong added that
the mortgage was granted with that cloud.
~. Harmening also referred to these minutes ~ud the refer-
ence made to a pipe being in the existing easement over
which the house is built and he would like to ~uow what kind
~ ~R CITY .~Ez~NG
APRIL 20, 1976
of pipe is in the easement. Mm. Howell replied that he be-
lieved this was an error as there is no pipe in the easement.
~k~. Clark stated that as he recalled, the replat indicated
th~ pipe would be relocated which to his knowledge has not
been relocated yet, but the existing pipe is in place under
the house. He has mot investigated this personally, but
knows the drainage must be relocated. M~. Hs~mening referred
to the possibility of this pipe bres/~ing. M~. Clark stated
that i£ there was any question, the developer or builder
should locate the pipe. Mayor DeLong asked if the pipe would
be left existing mud M~. Olark replied that he would not recom-
mend that. He will work this out with the builder and the
Building Department. They must do something so it will not
cave in.
Ms, or DeLong asked if anyone wished to speak in favor and
received no response. He then asked if anyone was opposed
and received no response.
Mr. Harmening continued that if they allowed the granting
of the new easement with the pipe under the house sm_d if
anything happens to this pipe, he feels they would be par-
tially responsible. Before they act on this, he think~ the
City Manager should be instructed to have the City Engineer
and Building Department verify what is under there, which
shouldn't be too difficult, smd also recommend a satisfactory
solution to the problem if a oroblem exists. Until this is
accomplished, he would be against it. ~.~yor DeLong referred
to expediting this a_md questioned if a motion could be made
contingent on these requirements. ~@. Harmening replied
that he would like to be satisfied in his own mind that the
requirements will be met and are met. He added that some-
times in expediting, they end up in trouble and it could
also cause the owners of this house a serious problem.
M~. Harmening ~ade>a motion to deny this request. Mayor
DeLong asked if he was going to add any stipulations and
M~. Harmening stated that after the proper information is
brought out and depending on the type of information, the
proper solutions arrived at mud the solutions implemented,
they can then bring it back for ~uother hearing. P~yor
DeLong suggested possibly not turniD~ it down cold, but
to be certain everything is in order before taking the
action recommended by the Planning & Zoning Board. i~.
Strnad stated that he u~derstood that there is a concrete
pipe under the house. Obviously, the pipe cannot be removed
from under the house. Possibly the ~ipe cs~u be blocked and
when this is done, the man can have his easement.
Mayor DeLong announced t.~a~ the Chair would accept M_~.
Harmening's motion and asked for a second. Mss. Jackson
seConded the motion with the understa~udim~ it was to deny
APRIL 20, 1976
the request at this time until the problems are rec%ified.
Mr. Harmening clarified that it would be amicable to have a
rehemming at a future time after the City Engineer a~ud Build-
Lug Department have submitted an appropriate report. He
does not see where time is of the essence as the house and
easement are not going to go away.
N~jor DeLong stated that it had been moved hud seconded to
deny this request until such time that reports are submitted
from the City Engineer and Building Official that any pro-
blems which existed are rectified. Motion carried 3-1 with
Mr. Strnad voting against.
.LEGAL (Continued)
Proposed Resolution 76-W - RE: Determining Necessity of Pa~ing
N. ~. 7th Ct. Payable bY Special ~%ssessment
~m. Reed read proposed Resolution 76-W.
~. Harmening moved the adoption of Resolution 76-~, seconded
by ~. Strnad. Mayor DeLong added that he believed it would
have to be included to have the City Manager proceed in con-
junction with the City Attorney and City Engineer to proceed
with the preparation of an assessment roll. ~k~. Harmening
agreed, l'~s.
as follows:
Padgett then took a
roll call vote on the motion
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - _&ye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Mayor DeLong - ~je
carried 4-0.
Proposed Resolution 76-X - RE: Repealing Res. 74-L Providing
for Guidelines & Procedures for Annexation of Land
~. Reed read proposed Resolution ?6-X. ~s. Jackson asked
if the Exhibit should also be read and ~. Harmening referred
to it being six,pages. Mayor DeLong suggested that the motion
could include that this be soread upon the r~nutes. Mm. Reed
stated it was a rather invol%ed and detailed orocedure ~ud he
didn't think any legitimate purpose would be ~olved. ~or
DeLong referred to the Planning & Zoning Board no% knowing
exactly what the procedure was in reference to annexation in
the pasv ~ud this is the guidelines. Mm. Reed explaLued how
there were two methods to annex property. He thinks probably
the most significant change is they have attempted to guaran-
tee the review of all annexation petitionm by all department
heads for study before coming back to the City Council. A
APRIL 20, 1976
report will be prepared indicating what sort of zoning,
whether the' property will be able to receive municipal ser-
vies, etc., so when the ordinance is read all matters have
been decided.
Mrs. Jackson referred to the l~md having to be contiguous
and added that she feels there have been quite a few changes
made. Mm. Strnad referred to the meaning of contiguous and
questioned what a substantial part of the boundary would be?
M~. Reed replied that he could not answer this, hut basically
was why he referred to Section 171.031(11). He then read
tb~s section for explanation. M~. Strnad asked who would
determine this and M~ Harmening replied the City Council
would. Mr. Reed stated that initially the application must
he reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Board and they make a
report to the City Coumcil. Ultimately, the City Council
must decide that. After the first reading.of an ordinance,
it must be published for four consecutive week~. At the
public hearing, som. e objection might be presented about the
amount being contiguous and the Council must decide. Sub-
st~ntial means reasonable. He thinks the Legizlature w~uted
to m~ke the point that water, railroad tracks, etc. separat-
ing property from the City will not prevent the City From
annexing, but property cannot be annexed by running a narrow
corridor to that p~ticular piece of property. M~s. Jackson
referred to annexing St. Andrews and according to this, it
would be out of the question. Mayor DeLong clarified that
it would ~e left up to the discretion of the Planning &
Zoning Board what is a substantial part and the City Coumcil
must decide.
Mayor DeLong then requested that a zoning map be in the
Council Chambers for their reference. This is the only
City he has been in where it is missing. It is a disad-
vantage to the members. They should have a modern uo to
date zoning map~for reference.
~s. Jackson moved the adoption of Resolution 76-X, seconded
by Mm. Harmening.
i member of the audience reeuested to ask a question and
Mayor DeLong advised that i~ was not open for discussion,
as this is not an ordinance. ~. Reed clarified that they
were not talking about any specific piece of land. This
resolution just sets up the procedure when arnaexing laud in
the future. Mayor DeLong explained how it was just a guide-
line for the P!~uning & Zoning Board. He added that there
was no intention on the oart of this Council to promiscuously
annex land such as the rSsidential spots west of the City.
They are concerned with the big developer dependent upon the
City of Boynton Beach for services of water and sewers. },~s.
Jackson added that a copy of this resolution ~ud exhibits
would be posted on the bulletin board.
APRIL 20, 1976
M~s. Carol Wires stated her name and her address as Flavor
t~lct Road, Boynton Beach. She informed the Council that she
got the impression from the City Attorney that the City was
anticipating in the next couple of months to annex some land.
They must have somethir~ in mind to bring this resolution up
now. Mejor DeLong replied: no, it has been hanging fire for
several years. These are guidelines for the Planning & Zon-
ing Board. He added that the Chairman of the Planning &
Zoning Board was present and he could testify that this ws~
done in reply to a request on his part. Mm~. Kelly assured
her that the Pla_uning & Zoning Board had been looking for
this. Mayor DeLong continued that there would be no promis-
cuous s~nexation of terr~_tory to the west. To establish the
western boundary lines will be left to a referendum to be
voted on. Those people c~ncerned should also have the right
to choose whether or not they want to be annexed into the
City. it should be a double referendum with the people in
the City voting whether to accept and the private families
in unincorporated areas voting whether they want to come into
the City. He gus~antees this will be the procedure which
will be followed.
Mrs. Wires continued that a petition came around last summer
as~g whether they wanted to be~in the City of Boy,ton Beach.
Then, she received a notice in the mail that her address had
been changed from Delray Beach to Boynton Beach. Mayor
DeLong informed her that the address change was done by the
post office. He does not 9mow about the petition ~ad it was
not circulated by the City. He further explained how the
City was only concerned with the big developers. There is no
definite drive to force all home owners west of the City into
Boynton Beach. They will have the privilege later on, which
will be many years in the future, whether they want to be in
the City. ?ms. ~ires insisted that her address was Boynton
Beach and Mayor DeLong replied that this was done by the post
Office. He added that nobody would force the people to do
anything age,est their wishes. ~,~s. Jackson added that one
part of the exhibit was not read which points out there is a
chance for people to have a referendum.
Mm. James Kemp stated his name and his address as Hypoluxo
Farms Road. He informed the Council that two years ago~
they organized to stop the City from annexing along Hypoluxo
Road. Tonight they are talking about westwe~d movement.
There are several thousa~ds of acres east of Congress a~ud
yet the City wants to go westward to make Cor_gress the center
of Boynton Beach. The Cou~ucil is telling what is in their
mind aud what they want to do. He moved in the County, so
he would not have to live in the City. The State law stopped
the City two years ago and it will stop them again. Mayor
DeLong replied that he was laboring under misaoprehension and
~. Kemp stated he was reading between his words. Mayor
DeLong replied that he was absolutely wrong. He stressed how
they were concerned with big developers.
APRIL 20, 1976
~s. Jackson moved to amend her motion to include that the
full ~ext of the resolution along with the exhibits will be
posted in City Hall for anyone to see.
~. Reed suggested that the Area Planning Board be contacted
to see if c0pies of their report could be made available for
the members of the Planning & Zoning Board. Mayor DeLong
requeste~ ~. Kohl to take care of this.
Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - ~e
Councilm~ Strnad - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Proposed Resolution 7o-~ RE: Providing for Issuance of Not
EXceeding $670,000 R~funding & Improvement Revenue Cert.
Reed read proposed Resolution 76-Y.
~. Harmening referred to Page 2, Paragraph C, and questioned
if after the period of May 3t, 1977, or any time subsequent
does the prermium ~nalty still uprate or does it expire at
that date? M~. Reed replied that Resolution 71-BB set up
the police building revenue bonds of t97t and Section 1~ pro-
rides I~% of premium redemption from June to May. Thereafter,
there is a premium of 3/4 of !%. ~-~. Harmening remarked that
it drops in half emd M~. Reed agreed.
Mrs. Jackson referred to Page 1 and both the police station
and public park being for the orotection of public health,
safety and welfare of the inha~it~uts of the City of Boynton
Beach. She questioned how this pertained to a park. She
also questioned how they arrived at the $300,000 figure for
a feasibility study. M~. Kohl replied that he did talk to
one of the architects who built the original building and
was ~_n~ormed the price would be $~5.00 to $~0.00 per square
foot. M~s. Jackson referred to the salesman from the realty
being a member of one of the City boards and explained how
they should be careful about this. She asked if an appraisal
had been made by an uninteresed appraiser and ~.~. Kohl re-
plied that the Co~uucil had requested this and it was ~one.
~s. Jackson asked how long ago and M~. Kohl replied approx-
imately 1½ to 2 years ago and he doesn't .believe it would
change much.
Mrs. Jackson r~erred to payir~ 5~% on the loan now and how
the pre.~um was raised and it would cost the taxpayers more
money. She then asked if it was going to be validated like
the ~97~ loan? Mmyor DeLong replied that as far as validation,
APRIL 20, 1976
he th~kst it is very commendable that people loanir~ money
have faith in the City of Boynton Beach. M~. Reed added that
he has been in touch with the First Bank and Trust and the
legal ccunsel indicated no reason for validation of the bond.
Also, Se
not nece
~s. Ja[
pples ~
oolice s
Round lJ
with wac
sewer W~
a refer~
have an~
there w~
lized a~
~s. Jac
ction 7, Paragraph 24, of the Charter provides it is
ssary unless it is a general obligation of the City.
kson stated she still says they are talking about
nd oranges. They are talking about a parkland a
tation and she doesn't think they mix.- It doesn't
ke much ~ntil the interest is figured at one .million
Mayor DeLong referred to talking in the millions
er and sewer. I~s. Jackson replied that water and
re a necessity, but she thinks this should be put to
ndum of the people. She doesn't think the i~ople
thing to say now. She doesn't think the few people
on this Co~uucil should do this. Mayor DeLong stated
s a definite necessity for this and it will be rea-
time goes on. He told about various orga~aizations
g this. Also, it does not require a referendum.
kson r~plied= that she felt it should be put to refer~
~. Ree~ referred to I'~s. Jackson's previous inauir~ regard-
ing themr State Revenue Sharing Funds being jeo~ardmzed. He
referred to a letter from ~. Burton M. Michaels, Staff Attor-
ney for the Florida League of Cities indicating no ~eopa. dy.
~. Strnad moved for the adoption of Resolution 76-Y and
Mayor DeLong laid aside the gavel to second the motion. No
discussion. Mrs. Padgett too~a roll call vote as follows:
Councilm~u Harmening No
Councilwoman Jackson - No
Councilman Strnad - No
Mayor DeLong - No
,~o~=on defeated 4-0.
~b. yor DeLong announced this would be reconsidered at the next
regular meeting~ if they don't have a special meeting before
then to t~me c~_~e of it.
Re-approve Contract of Sale for Purchase for Regional Facility
Between Cities of Boynton Beach and Delra~ Beach
M~r. Reed informed the Council~that the contract has now been
formally approved by Delray B~ach. The only difference is
that due to the delay in being able to get the contract before
APRIL 20, 1976
the Delray Beach City Council, they had to amend Paragrap~h
3 entitled ~'Time for Acceptance" to extend it to April 22,
1976. It was the mutual feeling of the City Attorney of
Delray Beach and himself to bring it before the Boynton Beach
City Council mud get final approval. If Mayor DeLong will
initial his approval to the change in this dste, they can
proceed with the closing of the action se~ for. May 4.
~s. Jackson moved to accept the recommendation of the City
Attorney and.execute the contract of sale. ~m. Reed also
requested that they requisition the check for $30,000 post
haste. Mme. Jackson included this request. ~. Harmening
seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion cs_~ried 4-0.
Approval of Lease Between City of Boynton Beach and Boynton
Beach Child Care Cente~
~. Reed explained that the lease involved two additional
Mms. Jackson moved to execute the lease as or~sentem, seconded
by M~. Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Request to Ocean Ridge - Mayor Joe DeLong
Mayor DeLong informed the Council that the request was to
instruct the City Manager to make application for the first
aid station on the beach again because they are having pro-
blems wit~ people having heart attack~, etc. With the appro-
val of the Council, he would like to have the City Manager
resubmit the plans to the Town of Oce~a Ridge for a first aid
station. Mr. Strnad so ~oved, seconded by ~. Harmening. No
discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Discuss Action to Recover Sequestered ~alue on Boynton Sewer
Plant When Phased Out - Councilwoman Emilv M. Jackson
~rs. Jackson read the following statement:
'~First I would like to review the background of our
wastewater and sewer treatment plant.
Im the interpretation of Public Law 92-505 (Fedsrs~
Register), they said that cities would be oai~ for no faci-
lities that were phased out. The W. Q. M.-P. ~ud State
clearly stated that we were discharging into the Intracoastal
esther!an waters. Council and the engineers were told by the
D.P.C. to chemge the discharge to ou~fe~l and that we could
APRIL 20, 1976
not put an outfall into estuarian waters, citing Lake Worth
and Palm Be~ch, who would have to phase out their outfalls.
(They were zorced to go into deep well injection, which is
experimental) They also forced the re§ional wastewater sys-
tem of Riviera Beach to abandon their plan. We were told at
a meeting it was most cost effective, and they used computers
to ascertain this. In effect, it was a mandate that we had
to go with Deltas. The W.Q.M.P. was adopted in September,
1973, subsequently approved by the D.P.C. and the E.P.A.
Boynton Beach and Delray joined in an application for ~edera!
funds for treatment for a request for federal funds for pl~us
of a regional twelve MGD, and regional treatment and disposal
system and Boynton Beach r~ade application for initial olans
for hooking i~to the regional plant. This had been sp~lled
out in the W.Q.M.P.
The plans for the regional plant were developed by the
consulting engineers, and preliminary steps for connecting
the Boynton sewage system to the regional plant were explored
further as outlined in the ~W.Q.M.P.
In the ~eantime, tD~ Boynton Beach pls_ut was failing to
oerform the treat~_ent system satisfactorily, which resulted
~n a building and connection moratorium, which in turn re-
sulted in severe construction limitations and reductions in
building permits.
Delrsy, in the meantime, after joint application for
federal grant had been made, begem insisting the regional
plant was to be owned and operated by Delray Beach, and
Boynton Beach wou~pay for the service of volume and waste-
water produced in Boynton Beach. This position was taken
because they owned the l~ud for the treatment site and also
the outfall to be used for the system, and the force main
from the plant to the outfall would lie entirely in the con-
fines of Delr~v Beach. Also they had on deposit, from prior
bond issues which they had been unable to use, an amount of
money capable of covering 25% of the initial 12 MGD treatment
and disposal system.
Inasmuch as an application for 1.25 MGD additional
treatment capacity for the Boynton Beach pleat had been author-
ized and approved, but not implemented or funded, Council
decided that it was necessary to relieve the moratorium and
provide appropriate capacity to permit the City of Boynton
Beach to grow- normally until the regional plant could oe
placed in operation, which was very indefinite as to the date
when it could handle all the wastewater oroduced in Boynton
~ adjacent to which Boy'ton Beach had out-
Beach and t~e area ~
standing commitments.
A~RI~ 20, ~976
The main emphasis in t974 was placed on sec~uring an
equitable agreement with Delray Beach for ownership and oper-
ation of the regional treatment and disposal facility which,
by every concept of the W.Q.M.P. and the application, was a
distinct and nnequivocal joint venture. This concept was
placed into an interlocal agreement at the end of DecemBer,
1974 (Dec. 26th).
An experienced Director of Utilities for Boynton Beach
was employed. The 1.25 MGD package treatment plant was
funded and constructed. A part of that contract was the re-
furbishing of the existing Boynton Beach treatment and dis-
posal plant. As a result of the effective direction and
grading of existing facilities, the plant began to function
to meet the criteria of the State and Federal governments
for the wastewater treatment effluent, ~ud as a result the
moratorium was, in effect, lifted.
The South Centra! Regional Board was implemented in con-
formity with the interlocal agreement, a C.=.0. hired and
headquarters established in 1975.
in the latter part of 1975, in looking toward the relief
of the grant from the EPA, it was required that a cost effec-
tive e~alysis be developed for the raw wastewater delivery
syste~ of Boynton Beach to the regional plant. The cost
effective study as oreoared by Russell & Axon, and as sub-
mitted to the DER (~or~erly DPC) and the EPA reconumended that
the Boynton Beach plant be kept in operation for a period of
five additional years after the regional 12 MGD olant was
started, for the reason that the a_~ea to be served by the
regional pl~t indicated that that plant would be overloaded
the first d~v it went into operation. The EPA ~nd the DER
would not accept that recommendation ~d insisted that the
plant must be phased out when the regional plant started.
The second phase of the regional pleat is scheduled to
be 9 MGD capacity and must begin very shortly after the
first 12 MGD plant starts operating. The EPA and the DER
were adamant on this matter with their engineers and thus
immediately raised the question of governmental denial of the
use of facilities which were operating in a manner acceptable
to all regulatory bodies ~ad for which no compensation was
ind--i~-~ted or even suggested. This of course raises the ques-
tion of constitutional rights of property.
The engineers had raised this question initially when
the cost effective analysis was being studied on two sepa-
rate occasions, by direct letter, and to which there was no
reply Dnuown tc be coming, EPA suddenly asked for a conference
APRIL 20, 1 976
between the city, consulting engineers, DER and ~PA. inso-
far as I know, there has never been any response to this very
basic constitutional question. It was discussed at this con-
ference in 1975 in which the EPA cited administrative rulings
on the application of the administrative rules PL 92-500
which prohibits paying for any existing facilities. This is
in the appropriate Federal Register.
Prior to 1975, Pompano was able to obtain reimbursement
for their outfall by a special arrangement with legislative
action in the State of Florida. Subsequently in ~975, the
cities of Lake Worth and Palm Beach made application to the
State for their outfalls which also must be abandoned because
of the ruling that they go to deep well injection. The Palm
Beach Legislative Delegation has reportedly ruled favorably
and will introduce legislation to reimburse Lake Worth and
Palm Beach for the phasing out of the~ outfalls. We must
carry our claim to the State, and at the earliest possible
date as~ Soon as this legislative session is over, ~e immedi-
ately must take the appropriate steps to pursue ou~ c~o
-~egislative Delegation. (about 2½ million dollars?)
! therefore move that we have a resolution drafted to
present to our Legislative Delegation, ~d aggressively pursue
the necessary steps for proper reimbursement.- Mr. Harmening
seconded this motion. Under discussion, Mm$-or DeLong stated
there was nothing wrong with the recommendation, but the Chair
believes between these people they wilt come to their senses
not to phase out the City plant, but it will be kept on a
stand-by emergency basis. It has been pointed out and dis-
cussed on man)- occasions the day the pl~t is built for the
region~ it will h~ze already met its full capacity. Plans for
another pl~ut should oe commenced as soon as the regional
plant is started. He then called for a vote on the motion
~ud the motion carried 4-0.
Discuss Auditorium for Boynton Beach - Councilwoman Jacksoo
Mms. Jackson referred to about two years ago when the Chamber
of Commerce Com~ittee made a study for the use for an audi-
torium. That was as f~ as it went. She would like to move
to ask the Chamber of Commerce to reactivate that co~ttee
and give this Council a report and msd~e a feasibility study.
Mayor DeLong stated that as Msjor, he is on the Board of
Trustees of the Cha~Oer of Commerce and the Chamber of Com-
merce has a very active committee under the chairmanship of
Dennis McNamara. He believes the Chamber is in agreement to
handle this through a Deferendum by the people. He believes
everyone feels they are moving in the proper direction. He
asked if M~. McNamara had anything to add and ~. McNamara
agreed with his co~ents.
APRIL 20, 1976
Request Approv~ Change Order #2 - Final Balancing - Raw
Water ~in - ~. Jackson & Sons Construction Co.
Me. Kohl read the attached letter from Russell & Axon dated
April 14, 1976~ Mayor DeLong remarked that this was cer-
tainly a switch. ~s. Jackson added that she thought there
was a mistake with it being a decrease instead of an increase.
Mrs. Jackson moved to accept it quickly, seconded by M~.
Harmening. Mayor DeLong clarified that it had been moved
and seconded to grout the approval of change order #2. No
discussion. Motion cs~ried 4-0.
Consider Ratification of Agreement Between the City and
Invern~onal B_otnerhood of Firemen & Oilers~ AFL-CiO
M~. Kohl advised that the above agreement has been submitted
to the City Attorney and he concurs with the agreement. He
has a copy of this agreement for review if ~y me~oer desires
~o see it. He respectfully requests that the City Attorney
be directed to prepare the appropriate resolution for the
May 4th meeting for ratification of this agreement.
Mr. Harmening moved to accept the City Manager's recommenda-
tion, seconded by Mrs. Jack, on. ~yor DeLo~ ~unounced it
had been moved and secomde~ to accept the City Manager's
recommendation ~ud ~irect the City Attorney to prepare the
appropriate resolution for the ~ ~4th meeting for ratifica-
tion of this agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and
International Brotherhood of Firemen & Oilers, ~L-CiO, Local
#5. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Receipt of
Correspondence from Reynolds & Marchbe~s, ~blic
M~. Kohl read the attached letter from Reynolds~& M~rchbanks
dated March 30, ~976:. He added that a letter had also been
received from Dave Centola.
Mayor DeLong stated insofar as receipt of correspondence from
Reynolds & Marchbanks, it would appear at the ~esent t~me,
un±ess the Councml ~s prepared to ~m~ke some kmnd of adjustment,
it should be tabled i~ud considered a~ the next meeting. In
reference to ~. Ce~tola's letter~ i~ should be resolved be-
tween the City Attorney and the Prosecutor.
~s. Jackson moved to table the correspondence from Re~el~s &
Ms&~ah~&~s~ seconded by ~. Strnad. M~s. Padgett informed the
Council that M~. Oxner and ~. Centola had requested to speak.
APRIL 2O, 1976
Under discussion, Mr. Harmening stated he would like to see
the situation handled as it has in the past where the cost to
the City from the Defender's Office had been left. He hates
to see the cost for this type of operation escalate. He knows
it is required by the Supreme Court, but in the oast they have
kept it to a minimum. Mayor DeLong ~nformed him tnst this
particular item would be ~abled until the next meet!ng. Mro
Harmening agreed~ but stated that he wanted to express his
Mrs. Jackson asked if it was permissable to ask a question of
Y~. Oxner. Mayor DeLong replied that insofar as ~. Ox~er is
present, he will__ave~ the opportunity to aopear~ ~ the next
meeting because the motion is to table his reeuest for an in-
crease of funds ~ud his statement to serve only tuutil July.
Insofar as ~. Oxner or his firm as ~blic Defender, this
will have to be ironed out between the Prosecutor, himself,
and the City ~*
M~. Oxner informed the Council that he was not present to
debate the problems between the court s~ud M~. Centola. He
just wanted to advise the Council that ~ order to do his
job right, he c~not continue ethically at the present rate
of compensation. M~yor DeLong replied that they will ts~ke
this into consideration ~ud this will be on the agenda for
the next meeting and he will be invited to appear. A co~mit-
ment has been given until July ~. He is extended the courtesy
to attend the next meetim~g when his request will be the matter
of busmness.
Motion carried 4-0.
.Consider Request of ~est Winds Golf & Racquet Club
M~. Kohl advised that a copy of the map and drawing relating
to the sign installation and plantings at North Charter Drive
and South Congress ~.venue had been given to the Council mem-
bers. For their information, the signs encroach slightly
upon the right-of-way of North Charter Drive. Planting for
the most mart is in the right-of-way. It is understood that
West Wind~ will ~.intain the plantings and sprinkling for
this area. The proposed sign conforz~s to the sign ordinance
and was approved by the Community Appearance Board, excerpt
from the April 5th C.~J~' meeting pertaining to this matter has
been given to the members. He would like to point out that
West Winds Golf & ~acquet Club did t~e over a portion of
what was formerly kmown as Charter World. He thinks it
would be a nice addition there. ~yor DeLong added that it
was his understanding they ~ere trying to divorce themselves
from the name Charter World.
APRIL 20, 1976
~s. Jack, on moved to grant the request of West Winds Golf &
Racquet Club, seconded by M~. Harmening. ¥~yor DeLo~g an-
nounced that it had been moved and seconded to grant the re-
quest of West Winds Golf & Racquet Club as outlined in the
communication received from M~. Kohl relative to this matter.
No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Request Approval of Agreement with Callaway, Carpenter & May
Mx. Kohl read the attached letter dated April tO, t976, from
Callaway, Carpenter, May & Company. He added that everything
Callaway, Carpenter, ~ & Company has said they would do
since hired, they have done a~ud never exceeded the rates.
M~-or DeLong asked what the feelings were of the Finance
Director and the City M~nager? He does not see a memo of
recommendation. It would lie within the prov_~ce of the
City M~nager and Finance Director to lend some guidance to
the Council. M~. Kohl replied that both he and the Finance
Director recommend Callaway, Carpenter & May.
Mrs. JacXson moved to accept the recommendation of the City
Manager in reference to Callaway, Carpenter, May & Company,
seconded by Mr. Harmer_lng. Mayor DeLong anno~unced that it
had been moved and seconded to accept the recommendation of
the City Manager to have Callaway, Carpenter, f~y & Company
continue as the City auditors with their fee not to exceed
$21,500. No discussion. Motion ce~ried 4-0.
Consider Recuest of Eivil Se~zice Appeals Board - RE: S~aggered Terms
M~or DeLong stated that a motion would be in order to place
this item for referendum. M~s. Jackson moved that the stag-
gered terms of the Civil Service Appeals Board be placed on
the first referendum the City has. M_~. Harmening seconded
the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Receipt of Resignation - Enrico Rossi, Member of
Zoning Board
1. Consider Replacement of Above
Planning &
M~s. Jackson moved to accept the resignation from ~. Rossi
and instruct the City Clerk to send the appropriate letter
of thara~?~ and appreciation~ M~. Harmening seconded the
motion. No discussion~ Motion carried 4-0.
~,~yor DeLong asked if the members were in a position to con-
sider a replacement ~d received a negative response. ~.
Harmening moved to table this r~atter until the next meeting~
Motion carried 4-0.
APRIL 20, 1976
Consider Apptigation fo~ Beer~ Wine & Liquor License
M~. Kohl informed the Council that an application had been
submitted for a beer~ wine and liquor license for the Salty
Dog. This is an existing license at Gulfstream Marina.. The
zoning does comply.
Mms. Jack, on moved to grant the ~equest of
seconded by ~J~. Harmening. No discussion.
the Salty Dog,
Motion carried
Approval of Bills
Mr. Kohl read the following bills for approval:
1. C~stom Ambulance of Fia.~ Inc. ~ 18,617.00
Cnesrolet ~'Silverado'~ AmbulanCe
Pay from budgeted ~un~s 020-810
Bid opened 11/~ 0/75, Council approved 11/19/7~
2. Palm Beach Junior College 200.00
Tuition fee for 2 cadets Basic Recruit Class
Pay from Police Education Fund 001-507
Ordin~uce ~74-83, Section 2-10, 1(b)
3. Palm Beach Junior Co!le~e t50.00
Career Development "Adve~ce~~ Class for ~0
Pay from Police Education Fund 00t-507
Ordinance ~74-83, Section 2-I0, l(b)
4. National C~sn Regis. ter 2,889.70
Maintenance of varmous ~chines
Pay from budgeted zunds 001-830.30 $1,743.72
030-802.30 $1,145.98
5. Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce
Fireworks for July 4th
Pay from budgeted funds 060-882
6. Palm Beach eun_or~ ~ Colle~e ~ 100.00
Tuition fee ~ w
~o~ I cadet Basic Recruit Class
Pay from _ozmce Education Fund 001-507
0rdinemce #74-83, Section 2-10, 1 (b)
7. Cra~g-Mar~ Cons~ructmon 3,700.00
Asphalt Spreader box, trai!er, ~ud roller
Pay from budgeted f~nas 020-834
~ounc_l approved 4/6/76
Charles E. Waldner~ M.-D. 1,390.00
Annna! ~nysica!s for police & fire depts.
Pay from budgeted funds 00t-840.23
'~ CO~C~ ~ETING APRIL 20, 1976
9. Grejbar Electric Co. 1,319.54
Final payment on ballfiel~ lighting
Pay from budgeted funds 0~0-856
Bid of 1/13/76 - Council approved t/20/76
10. C~n~h~a Lewis 96.00
Server for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 020-880
Ordinance #73-t5, passed 5/15/73
Islah Andrews 90.00
Driver' for S~nior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 020-880
Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73
12. Jackson & Sons - Est. #3 Final 38~213.15
Raw Water Main Part A
Pay from Atlantic National Bank Series 1975
Contract dated 4/22/75
~3. Russell & Axon Inv. #24 6858-4-III-CP 4,065.83
Upgrading existing Wastewater Treatment
Pay from Utility General Fund
Authorization dated 11/20/73
Russell & Axon Inv. #10 6858-4A-II-CPS 17,647.00
South Central Regional Lift Stations and
Force Mains
Pay from Utility General Fund
Authorization dated tt/71
t5. Russell & ~o~=Inv. #2 6858-20-1 3,700.00
Preoaration of user chs~ge and industrial
~ost recovery system
Pay from Utility General Fund
Refundable from future bond issues
Authorization dated 2/5/76
16. Russell & Axon Inv. #2 6858-23-CP 3,733.42
Tec~naical support for defense of Case
Pratt vs. City of Boynton Beach
Pay from Mater & Sewer Revenue Fund 030-801.40
Subject to transfer from Contingency
AuthorizatiOn dated 1/2Q/76
Mr. Kohl noted that the bills described have been approved
and verified by the department heads involved; checked and
approved for payment by the Finance Director; funds are
available in their respective budgets. He recommends payment
of these bills.
~,~s. Jackson moved to pay the bills, seconded by ~,~. Harmening.
Under discussion, M~. Reed questioned who authorized the last
bill, No. 16 and Mr. Kohl replied that it was approved by ~
Kribs~ the Finance Director. He added that this had nothing
to do with the attorney's fees. This is for things they had
to supply. ~. Reed stated that he was not k_nowledgsable of
the fact that Russell & Axon we~ to be paid for their support
of this case ~ud he would like to see their statement. M~s.
Jackson amended her motion to p~ the bills with the exception
of No. 16 ~ud instruct the City Manager to supply the informa-
tion requested by the City Attorney. ~. Harmening ~econded
the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
~. Strnad moved to adjo~mn,
carried 4-0 and
seconded by ~s. Jackson. Motion
the meeting was properly adjourned at 10:t5
Vice Mayor
Council Me~
C ~c il Member
j~ City Clerk
submit ted,
Suz~ne a~use, ~ecormi~g Secretary
(Three Tapes)
Co~ncii Member
~irso Er~]y Jackson~ Council member
TITLE: Administrative Assistant
General Statement of Duties
Work under the direction of the City Manager, performs
specific technical duties, as assigned.
Distinguishing Features of The Class
This is a management level position relating to activities
and functions of the City and the Community Development Program.
Examples of Work
Coordinates activities of the City Managers Office with
other Assigned Departments to insure smooth operation and
accomplishment of City functions. Receives and responds to
citizen complaints, initiates and conducts investigations of
complaints, prepares detail investigative reports and other
documents. Conducts neighborhood meetings and speaks to
citizen groups on furtherance of City Programs.
Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
Ability to converse with others end function without close
immediate supervision. Must have knowledge of City government
and immediate area. Have a high degree of skill in working
with citizens in all positions of City.
Acceptable Training And Experience
Several years of college level work in the field of
sociolog%, urban development, public administration, or related
f~eld. ~t least four years experience in the field of housing
opportunities~ cormnunity relations, community development, or
related field, or an equivalent combination of college work and
Established in 1920
Enghueers · Planners · Architec~
April 14, 1916
· M.r.i' Frank 'Keht~ City Manager
City of.Boyn~on Beach
P.O. Box $10' . ....
/.:Boynton Beach, -Florida 33435
Dear Mr. Kohl:--
Final Balancing - Change Order No. 2
Raw Water'Main - Part A
City of Boyn~on Beach
Preject No. 6858~17
Enclosed ts specimen of Final Change Order No. 2 for subjec~ project, repre-
senting a net. deerease of $2;~54.65, Which .)s submitted for Council approval.
Th(s change-~rder ~efle~s.~he changes in all items which Varied from the
At the request of the Palm Beach County Engineers, the-30" tine~'wes shifted
.10~13 feet south, thus, requiring the additionof thecitem of ~od, but greatly
reducing the item of pavement ~eptacemeat, which accounted-.for a substantial
portion of the reduction.
U~pn approval, we. will provide six-copies el.the changeorder ~for proper
s~9natures. We reconInend a~proval of th~s Change O~der No. 2.
Joe C. Swan, P.E.
Engineering Manager
Eric. (1).
cc Mr. Perry A. Cessna, Dir. Util, (~/enc.)
MLH, R&A, Daytona "
167 N. E. 2ND AVENUE · POST OFFICE BOX 1837 · DELKAY BEACH, FLOR]DA 33444 · 305t278-2615
Mr. Frank Kohl, City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
H. O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Dear Mr. Kohl:
Th~s letter will detail the problems we discussed concerning our
duties as Public Defender for the Boynton Beach Municipal Court.
BrieflY, these areas are compensation, payment of costs, discovery
and a proposal to provide part of the fun~s for these services.
Thc current salary for the Public Defender is $2,000.00 per year,
less than $200.00 per month. The usual number of cases assigned
to/the Public Defender was eight to ten cases per month up until the
first of this year. However, in March 32 cases were assigned. Each
case requires research of the law, interviews with the defendants
and witnesses (often difficult to locate due to lack of accurate,
current addresses and telephone numbers).and discussion of possible
plea negotiations w~th .the prosecuting attorney. Under ideal circum-
stances this investigation and preparation requires an average of
three hours per case. In some cases much more time is required.
Inability to actively investigate and prepare each case due to lack
of funds may result in an inadequate defense of the case. This is
th~ only contact with the courts of justice that many people eve~
have in a lifetime. Many face jail sentences if their case is lost.
Fo~ some, there on shoplifting charges or charges of disorderly
co,duct, the outcome could greatly affect their jobs, their ability
toIobtain licenses and their future in applying for positions of
trust and responsibility.
To most of our clients, their case is the most disruptive event in
their lives, if not the single most significant occurrence they
ever encounter. They deserve justice just as much as any. Regard-
le~s of pay, once ou~ office has been assigned to a case we are
bo~nd to give adequate representation. This, I believe, we are
doing without unnecessarily wasting time. Since I have six years
experience as an attorney, and four of those years in litigation with
Mr. Frank Kohl, City Manager
City of Boynton Beach, Florida
Page 2
Mar~h 30, 1976
~_he Attorney. General's office, I believe I know what can and should
be done to provide adequate counsel at a minimum number of hours
spent. This month I spent 24 hours on Public Defender work for your
City, five of those actually in front of the Municipal Judqe. Our
office usually bills at $65.00 per hour except for hours in court
which we bill at $100.00 per hour. The lowest hourly rate we Charge
any client is $45.00. I was fortunate enough to receive on a
voll~ntary basis 52.5 hours of paralegal assistance for which the
charge 'is generally $4.00-$5~00 pe~ hour. In February i spen~eight
hours 'in the courtroom. Each cas~ also incurs additional expenses.
Secretarial time is needed to type motions, pleadings a~d letters to
defendants and witnesses. Copies must be ma~e of motions and plead-
ings filed with the Court. Many defendants must be contacted by mail.
In ~arch alone ~ records show that well over 258 copies were required
at a cost for which we usually bill our clients $.25 each.
Allow me to offer an example of money and time needlessly spent:
the Public Defender is entitled to all information which the prose-
cuting attorney has which may be favorable to his client. This same
rule applies for private defense counsel. The Florida Rules of
Criminal Procedure, which apply to municipal courts when a defendant
is being tried under a state statute, provides that upon demand a
defendant's attorney is entitled to see and copy such information.
The prosecuting attorney may insist, and %he judge may require, that
a written Demand for Discovery be filed in each case. This requires
typing a separate Demand for each case and sending ~he original to
the prosecuting attorney and a copy to the City Clerk for filing with
the Court while retaining a copy for our files. I am then entitled
to look at the documents and copy what I feel is necessary--a time-
consuming process. If such discovery is not allowed, the remedy is
that the case must be dismissed. In,the past, these documents have
been furnished to the Public Defender along wittl the police report
to save time and'expense, except when there was an unusual reason
for not doing so, e.g., the identity of a confidential informant
might be revealed. Unless there is good reason for making an exception
in a particular case, these documents should continue to be provided
automatically. Presently, the information is not provided, hence,
the added, unnecessary expense. For the six months or so during
which these docu~ents were provided as a matter of course, to my
kn6wledge no officer has been attacked for poor spelling or grammar,
no sensitive source or method was revealed. I have asked that if
there is any such incident, I be informed of it; no such information
Mr. Frank Kohl, City Manager
City of Boynton Beach, Florida
Pag~ 3
MarCh 30, 1976
has been received. Please understand that the action of the prose-
cutor is not illegal or unconstitutional. However, neither is the
method of proceeding used formerly.
The expense of providing an attorney for an indigent defendant may
be passed on to him or her, subject to ability to pay. This procedure
is used by the state and some other municipalities at present. Many
defendants who are unable to afford & private attorney can afford to
pay a small sum, e.g., $5.00-$10.00 per month. The fee could be
based on the minimum amount of time required to defend a case. A
fee of $50.00--$75.00 would cover much of the expense of the Public
Defender. I am drafting a proposed ordinance providing for such fees
which I will send to you shortly.
I will be happy to appear before the City Council to further discuss
these proposals. However, our office cannot continue to provide the
services I described above without adequate compensation. Certainly,
some of the extra hours spent resulted from the recent changing of
the guard. Other hours are needlessly wasted because_of unnecessarily
hard-nosed practices outlined above; and I must quickly say that I do
not mean to point out any practice or individual as the sole cause of
the waste of time. There are many areas in which the Court needs to
immediately improve its procedures for the sake of the individual
rights of the defendants and for the sake of efficiency and economy
for the City.
I will be happy to work with any person
of justice run more smoothly. However,
without substantial relief immediately.
or group to make the wheels
our office cannot continue
Allow me to finish with an apology. I know that some delays are
implicit in the system, and I do not exempt myself from those who
can make adjustments for a better system. But, as matters stand
now, I find deficiencies in the system which demand changes which
are beyond my power. If Boynton Beach wants to retain its municipal
court it should be willing to provide the necessary funds for adequate
standards of justice.
I hope that I have not overstated my case; I have certainly been
restrained in my criticisms, which I consider constructive. I trust
the comments will promote a better System.
We will continue to provide the services of Public Defender at the
present rate until July 1, 1976. After that time, we will provide
the service described for $500.00 per month for up to fifteen (15)
Mr. Frank Kohl, City Manager
City of Boynten Beach, Florida
Page 4~
March 30, 1976
hours of attorney time. After fifteen (15) hours, our fee woul~ be
$50.00/hour for attorney time. We should be able to make the best
use of these hours by being permitted to bill you our costs, including
paralegal assistance at $4.00 per hour, copying at $.25 per page,
and long distance telephone calls (if any). We would bear the costs
of mileage. Unless there can be some relief in line with or
substantially similar to the above, I would ask that we be permitted
to resign on July 1, 1976.
Please let me know if I can answer any question regarding, the above,
or if you would like me to appear before Council.
April 10, 1976
Mr. Frank Kohl
City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Beach, Florida
Dear Mr. Kohl:
The purpose of this letter is to outline the anticipated scope of our
engagement with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, to assure that no misunder-
standing will arise.
We will examine your financial statements of the currently existing
funds of the City for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1976, in connection
with the expression of our opinion on the fairness with which the statements
present financial position and results of operations in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles consistently applied. Also, we will perform other
audits during the period commencing with our appointment to March 31, 1977, as
may be required by the City in connection with the issuance of additional bonds.
Our examinations will be made in accordance with generally accepted
auditing standards and will include such tests of the accounting records and such
other auditing procedures as we consider necessary in the circumstances. In making
our examinations we will be aware of the possibility that fraud may exist, but it
sh~utd be recognized that such examinations cannot be relied upon to assure the
discovery of fraud, and that they are not primarily nor specifically designed, and
cannot be relied upon~ to disclose defalcations and other similar irregularities,
although their discovery may result. We shall, however, make careful reviews of
i~ternal control and, if necessary, shall inform you from time to time on weaknesses
which we believe should be corrected and of our recommendations in this respect.
Frank Kohl Page 2 April 10, 1976
Our fee for the preceding services will be based on our regular hourly
rates for municipal audits and will not exceed $21,500.00.
If the foregoimg meets with your approval please sign the emclosed copy
of this letter and return it to us for our files.
Very truly yours,