Joe DeLong, Mayor
Joseph F. Zack, Vice Mayor
Edward F, Harmening, Councilman
Emily M. Jackson, Councilwoman
Norman F. Strnad~ Councilman
Frank Kohl, City Manager
Robert B. Reed, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Mayor DeLong called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. and
requested everyone to arise at the sound of the gavel for
the invocation given by }~. Frank Kohl, City Manager, and
to remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
led by Hon. Robert B. Reed, City Attorney.
Mayor DeLong announced that he had a recommendation by the
Chair for a special municipal election to be held on Tuesday,
September 7, 1976, for items to be voted upon by referendum
of the electors as follows:
1. Uniform County wide election day for all municipalities
and townships on the second Tuesday in March of each
2. Independent election of Mayor for a 3 year term.
Duties and power of office to be cons~_stant with the
duties and power under the City Council-City Manager
form of government. If approved by the electors, the
effective date would be the municipal election of
3. The elimination of municipal primely elections.
4. The elimination of the restriction on the amoun~ of
terms of office a Council member can serve. Effective
date would be the municipal election of t978.
5. Shall the City Council proceed with plans for the cost
estimate for the construction of a municipal auditor-
ium. Final approval for construction shall be vested
in the City's electors.
He stated that he would like the Council members to digest the
above and the Chair intends to ac~ on this.
Mayor DeLong then requested anyone in the audience wishing to
speak on any item on the Agenda to kindly step forward and
give their name to the City Clerk, M_~s. Padgett, and when that
item becomes the point of business, M~s. Padgett will call
on the~.
Introduction of Miss Boynton Beach Miss Bethany Ann Keller
Presentation of Bouquet by Mayor Joe DeLong
MARCH 16, 1976
Mayor DeLong congratulated Miss Keller and wished her wetl.
He presented her with a bouauet as a token of appreciation.
Miss Keller replied that sh~ hopes she represents Boynton
Beach in the ~ Florida Contest very well, Mayor DeLong
then congratulated the officers and members of the Boynton
Beach Junior Women,s Club for the prestige and good public
relations this pageant brings to the City.
Agenda Additions
~. Kohl requested that the City Cooncit consider three reso-
lutions from the Palm Beach County Municipal League. Also,
a letter to be considered from Willi8~ R. Hough Company just
before Legal. Mayor DeLong replied that the resolutions could
be handled under Administrative with just acknowledging their
receipt and instructions to the City Attorney. ~. Kohl con-
tinued that another item under Legal would be a letter from
M~. Reed regarding two liquor licenses. Under Approval of
Bills~ a bill from GMC Truck and Sales.
Regular City Council Meeting - March 2~ 1976
Following the usual policy, Mayor DeLong started on his right
~md ~. Zack and Mr. Harmening passed.
~s. Jackson referred to Page 9, last line, referring to
Rogerv Saberson,s name on the contract. She requested that
it be added: "as an alternate or more clearly defined.~
She then referred to Page 13, five lines up, which should
say: "jeopardize the revenue sharing' and the same on the next
page instead of cigarette revenue should be revenue sharing.
Mr. Strnad referred to Page 5, sixth line up from where ~s.
Padgett took roll call, and stated that he would like to
clarify that this did come before the Council and it was
agreed to allow them to have this particular gr~at for their
easement with a 3-2 vote with Mayor DeLong and he voting
against it. M~vor DeLong replied that the records do re-
flect this s_nd the previous minutes do verify this.
M~yor DeLong referred to Page 1, five lines up, where he was
talking about the past Mayors present ~ud it should be God,s
speed in "their~, every endeavor. He then referred to Page
14, second paragraph halfway down on page, and it should
state: ~'Mayor DeLong reolied that he has been in this busi-
ness a long while and it-is impossible to increase the mill-
age in order to acquire this amount of money to add a second
story to the Police headquarters and to b~y the piece of land
in question. It will require at least a 3 mill increase in
the advalorem tax. This cannot be done~ it would appear,
M~RCH 16, ~976
without a referendum of the electors as this is a public pro-
ject.'' He referredtto Page 15, four lines down, and requested
that "them" be inserted instead of "it', He referred to Page
17, second line from too. and a~t~ ~ ~+ ~,~ ~.
M~y~r DeLong.r~plme~ka~m2~Rsosuch as the seats would go
ouL Ior compevi~ive hims."
M~. Zack moved to accept the Minutes o~ Mmrch 2, 1976, as cor-
rected, seconded by ~. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0.
Special City Council Meeting -. March 8~ 197g
Mrs. Jackson referred to being absent from this meeting and
advised it was the first meeting she missed. She explained
that she had a dental appointment and did not receive notifi-
cation of the meeting until late Friday and was unable to
contact the dentist to change the appointment.
Mayor DeLong then called on theCounci! members for their
comments and p~. Zack, ~h~. Strnad and M~yor DeLong stated
they had nothing.
M~. Zack moved to accept the Minutes of March 8, 1976, as
presented, seconded by ~. £trnad. Motion carried 3-0 with
~. Harmening and M~s. Jackson abstaining.
Mayor DeLong asked if anyone desired to speak to the Council
and received no reply.
Letter from William R. Hough Company
M~. Kohl read the attached letter. Mayor DeLong referred to
his conversations with Mr. Shepard being relative to the feel-
ing of the City Council in going into the open market. He
knows there was concern about this last year. Ee explained
how they were trying to get the best deal oossible for the
taxpayers. He announced that a motion wou~d be in order to
instruct William R. Hough Company to proceed with the sale.
M~. Reed suggested that this be subjectlto his review and
approval along with the City Bond Council.
~L~RCH 16, 1976
M~. Zack moved to instruct William R. Hough Company to pro-
ceed with the sale of $3,900,000 revenue bonds, Series 1975B,
contingent upon review and favorable reply from the City
Attorney and Bonding Coo~cil. ~s. Jackson seconded the
motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HE~MING
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-9 - RE: Repealing Ordinance No. 199
in its Entirety, and Granting to Florida Power & Light Co.,
an Electric Franchise
~. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-9 on second reading
by caption only.
Mayor DeLong asked if anyone present wished to spes_k in favor
of this ordinance and received no response. He then asked
if anyone opposed it and received no response.
M~. S~_nad moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 76-9 on
second reading, seconded by ~s. Jackson. No discussmon.
M~s. Padgett took a roll call Vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - A~e
Councilwoman Jackson Aye
Councilman Strnad Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong &ye
carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-1~ RE: Abolishing the Building,
Electrical and Plumbing and Mechanical Examining Boards of
Said City ~ud Greating, in Lieu Thereof, The Building Board
of Adjustments and Appeals
Mr. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-1~ on secon8 reading
by caption only.
Mayor DeLong asked if anyone present wished to speak in favor
of this ordinance and received no response. He then asked if
anyone was opposed to this ordinance and received no response.
Mm. Harmening moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 76-11
on second and final reading, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. No
discussion~ M~s. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - ~ye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Ms, or Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
'M0'tion carried 5-0.
Ordinances 1st Reading
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-13 - _RE: Amending Ordinance 75-32
Which Amended Chapter 19 of Codified Ordinances as to Issuance
of Parking Permits (Boynton Municipal Beach)
~. Reed read proDosed Or~_nance~ No. 76-13 on fm_s,'~ ~ reading
in its entirety.
M~. Harmening moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 76-13
on first reading, seconded by ~r. Zack. Under discussion,
M~. Strnad referred to the definitions and explained how
there could possibly~be a conflict between resident and
visitor. This was discussed and Ms. Reed cle~ified that if
a person occupied living accomodations for less than six
months, he would be entitled to a temporary decal; but if a
guest svays longer than six months, he is entitled to a per-
manent pass. A man from the audience then asked if he could
give an opinion and Mayor ~eLong informed him that the public
would be given an opportunity to speak at the second reading~
of the ordinance. ~s. Padgett then took a roll call vote as
Council~mn Harmening - ~ve
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 76-H - RE: Authorizing Execution of
Contract with City of Delray Beach for Purchase of Undivided
~/2 Interest in Real Property to be Used as Site for South
Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant .... TABLED
~. Reed read proposed Resolution No. 76-H. He suggested
that with respect to the contract that their motion may in-
clude his addition of the identifying clause of ~. Saberson's
name as Delray Beach City Attorney as the e~crow holder.
~k~s. Jac~on moved to take this from the table, seconded by
A~. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0.
~s. Oackson moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 76-H
and included in the motion is that the proper authorities
sign the agreement with the addition made by .~. Reed. ~.
Harmening seconded the motion. ~.yor DeLon$ clarified that
the agreement would be executed with the City Attorney of
Delre~- Beach being in charge of the e~crow account. ~nder
discussion, Mayor DeLong referred to this contract being
dm-zerent ,han the original submitted and per their recuest
at the last meeting, the contract now provides that Bo~nton
Beach will receive all the interest. Mr. Harmening referred
to their prelimir~ry discussions and how they had agreed then
that if for some reason the olant should not be built, the
land would revert to Delray ~each and the purchase price
would be returned to Boynton Beach. He questioned if this
should be included in the convract. Mr. Reed replied that
he was sure it could be, even though the Delray Beach City
Manager has already executed it there is no reason they have
to accept it in the exact form. He added that he was not
present ay these discussions and clarified that in the event
for any reason the grant was not realized between the cities,
the contract would be null and void and the money returned
to Boynton Beach. M~. Harmening continued that in the event
it should happen, he didn't think Boynton Beach wanted to
have money invested in this l~d and he believes it should
be included in the contract° Mayor DeLong stated that the
City Attorney will be instructed to use this protection
clause for the benefit of Boynvon Beach and M~. Reed agreed.
~. Strnad referred to consummating the deal and then possi-
bly finding out in a few months that the gramt would not be
forthcoming and asked about the interest then. Mr. Reed
explained that the way the contract reads now that at the
time the transaction is closed, they will receive whatever
interest is generated on the $30,000; but after the trans-
action is closed, the money will become Delray Beach's as
they will be half owner in the property.
?~. Reed then asked what would happen if part of the grant
did not come through and Mm. Harmening informed him that it
would be up to Delray Beach and Boynton Beach to decide
whether or not to go ahead with the ~lant. He adde~ that
if the proper phrase was included, the plemt would or would
not be built.
Mr. Reed stated h~ would like some specific guidance of the
clause they wanted added to the contract. If the plant is
not built or the site is not used for the pl~mt, in that
event, Boynton Beach's investment will be returned and the
land will revert back to Delrsy Beach unless both parties
agree otherwise. I~. Harmening pointed out that it should
not be automatic ~ud questioned if they wanted to pass the
resolution. M~¥or DeLong stated they would be passing it,
contingent upon the e×~ension of the contract to include his
suggestion. M~. Harmening stated that the sales contract
must be amended and is part of the resolution. Mm~. Reed in-
formed them if they give him specific instructions regarding
the amendment, he believes it can be passed.
~s. Padgett then took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - ~-e
MARCH 16, ~976
Proposed Resolution No. 76-N- R~.~- Accepting Dedication of
Tract l, Sutton Manor Subdivision by Hy-Lux Development
Reed read proposed Resolution No. 76-N.
Mr. Harmening moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 76-N,
seconded by M~. Zack. No discussion. M~s. Padgett took a
roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening Aye
Councilwoman Jackson &ye
Councilman Strnad ~ye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong &ye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 76-0 - RE~ Directing City Engineer
to Obtain Plans & Specifications and Cost~st~ma~es' ~ of Paving
N. W. 7th Court from w
~. W. 4th Avenue to 200 feet North of
N. W. 10th Avenue
~. Reed read proposed Resolution No. 76-0.
Mr. Harmening moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 76-0,
seconded by Mrs. Jackson. No discussion. Y~s. Padgett took
a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening ~je
Councilwoman Jackson Aye
Councilman Strnad Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 76-~ - RE: Directing C~ty Engineer
to Obtain Plans & S~ecx~catzons and Cost Estimates of Paving
S. E. 3rd Street from S. E. 2~t Avenue to S. E. 23rd ~
Mr. Reed read proposed Resolution N~. 76-P.
~. Zack moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 76~P,
seconded by ~. Harmeaing~ ~No discussion. ~s. Padgett
took a roll call vote as ~o~lows:
Councilman Harmening Aye
Councilwoman gackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - ~ye
Vice M~yor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
M~RCH 16, 1 976
Letter from Mr. Reed regarding ~. Hans Schmidt's Liquor
License Application
Kohl read the attached letter from M~. Reed.
M~s. Jackson moved to accept the recommendation of the City
Attorney and forward a letter to ?~. Hsms Schmidt, 1403 N. W.
2nd _&venue, that unless he obtains the necessary State li-
cense and submits proof, the City will revoke his license
and also included in this motion is ~. Reed's recommendation
for handling future applications. Mr. Harmening seconded the
motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
.Agreement Between City and Boynton Beach Boat Club
M~. Kohl referred to having received a revised copy today,
which was also given to the Boat Club and he requested to
have this tabled.
M~s. ~ackson moved to table this, seconded by F~. Harmening.
Under discussion, M~. Strnad stated that before this agree-
ment is made, he is not in favor of Section No. 3 on the
second page. Mayor DeLong referred ~o this being tabled ~ud
suggested that he consult with the City Memager or City At-
torney regarding any alterations o~ amendments. Motion car-
ried 5-0.
Retention of ),~nicipal Court - Mayor Joe DeLong
Mayor DeLong advised that the judge made a request asking
permission to get together with the City Manager regarding
the mailing of the copies of the resolution which was adopted
to the members of the State Legislature. A motion will be in
order to grant permission to the City Judge i~conjunction
with the City Manager to send out copies of the resolution
for retention of the Municipal Court.
~· £trnad moved that the request oft~e judge be honored to
get together with the City Manager regarding the mailing of
the resolution. ~. Zack seconded the motion. Under dis-
cussion, £~ayor DeLong added that the judge would select a
list of those to whom the copies will be sent. ~s. Jackson
also explained how this was very important ~ud began in 1971.
She thinks it behooves them to put pressure on the Legislature
to bring the Municipal Courts back to the City. Motion car-
ried 5-0.
Sgc.ial Security , Mayor Joe DeLong
Mayor DeLong requested that this be stricken from the Agenda
and added that he has some data on this which he is going to
turn over to the Vice Mayor.
~RCH 16, 1976
Annexat~on - Mayor Joe DeLonM
Mayor DeLong advised that for several years he has been re-
questing the previous City Attorney to come up with some
guidelines for the Planning & Zoning Board regarding annexa-
tion. it has been apparent in reading the minutes of the
Planning & Zoning Board meetings that whatever has been sub-
mitted probably was not satisfactory and there seems to be
an avenue open for additional information. He referred to
the minutes and it being evident that quite a few members
are in doubt as to how to proceed. He is asking for a motion
that the present City Attorney be instructed to draft guide-
l~ues for an annexation procedure to be followed by the Plan-
ning & Zoning Board.
Mm. Zack made a motion to instruct the City Attorney to draft
the appropriate guidelines for the annexation procedure to be
forwarded to the Plarming & Zoning Board as a guide. ~.
Strnad seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried
Traffic Light - Mayor Joe DeLong
Mayor DeLong informed the Council that a request had been
made for a traffic light at N. W. 2nd Avenue and 01d Boynton
Road. He told about surveying this situation with the City
Me-nager ~ud they concluded that this is a dangerous inter-
section. He believes ~,~. Eohl has a recommendation for one
way traff2c entering a_ud leaving Old Boynton Road. ~. Kohl
replied that he was following up on this. Mayor DeLong con-
tinued that a motion would be in order to instruct the City
Manager to have a survey conducted to meve_mmne~ ' ~ ' the necessity
of this traffic light.
~s. Jack~on made the motion as requested and added that it
may also be a good idea to have a traffic light at the fire
station. She further explained how people could not get out
of N. E. Ist Street and this may also be a problem for emer-
gency vehicles. Mayor DeLong agreed that both could be
taken under consideration.
A member of the audience informed them that a traffic light
was needed at Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue. Mayor
DeLong informed him that this was a County road. He ques-
tioned if a request had been made for this intersection and
B~. Kohl replied that he would have to check it. !~or
DeLong replied that this would be incorporated into the
motion. He clarified that the motion would be to have the
City Manager make a study for a traffic light at 01d Boynton
Road and N. W. 2nd Avenue, N. E. 2nd Avenue and 1st Street,
and also check~hether or not a previous request had been
made to the County for a traffic light at Old Boynton Road
and Congress Avenue. Mr. Zack seconded the motion. Motion
carried 5-0.
M~RCH 16, 1976
I~r. Strnad then asked if any progress had been made for the
traffic light he requested several months ago at S. W. 15th &
~dth St.? Y~. Kohl replied that he would checktthe letters to
see if they have answered and what they are going to do and when.
A member of the audience referred to N. Seacrest & 22nd bein~ a
bad intersection and Mayor DeLong informed him that an order
had been put in. Mr. Harmening pointed out that there was the
possibility when t-95 was opened through here, it may take con-
siderable traffic off Congress, Seacrest and U. S. I ~ad may
alleviate the need for some of the traffic lights. P~yor
DeLong pointed out that this was not true at N. E. 22nd Ave.
He agreed they were installing lights all along when t-95 was
A member of the audience asked when a turning arrow would be
installed at 15th & U. S. 1 and Mayor DeLong informed him that
the City Manager has made repeated requests ~o try to expedite
this. He explained how there was a backloEg of several years'
A member of the audience referred to the situation at Seacrest &
Hypoluxo and Mayor DeLong informed him that he got in touch with
County Commissioner Bill Medten about this and the County must
install it. He added that they have also been waiting months
for installation of street lights.
Mr. Zack referred to a survey being made some time ago at 804 &
Leisureville Blvd. and a traffic light not being necessary a~
that time. However, with the increased traffic, he believes
another survey should be made within a year and hopes this has
not been forgotten.
Council Policy - Vice Mayor Joseoh F. Zack
~. Zack svated that he has been on this Council for about three
months and can no longer observe the actions and remain silent.
Five of those here were elected by the people as a body to pro-
ceed with all matters for the improvement or betterment of our
citizens and community, instead, i~ seems most of the time
things have become personal with nitpicking and muckraking ges-
tures which have been taking place almost continuously by our
Councilwoman. The wasted time of various department heads and
City Manager about the fire hydrant charge, which amounted to
nothing more than a wasve of time; the Central File episode;
the opposition to our ordinance pertaining to the discontinuance
of our Engineering Dept. being allowed to make deals for ease-
ments without Council approval; the teleohone call to Tallahassee
is in effect a desperate attempt to bypass the official and legal
action of the City Council members; the request for an itemiza-
tion of all expenditures from the first of the year, which can
readily be found by any Council oerson on their own time without
disrupting an administrative dep~rtment and taking up their val-
uable time from their daily work. On the above mentioned items,
~he thinks he has made himself clear.
M~&RCH t 6, 1 976
Mr. Zacktthen made a motion to prohibit any member of the
Council in the future to make any further inquiries without
Council,s permission to do so. ME. Strnad seconded the motion.
Mayor DeLong clarified that it had been moved and seconded to
prohibit the bypass of the official actions of the City Coun-
cil and matters ofiimportance are not to be ts_ken up by any
individual member of the City Council and furthermore, he
would also say that during this administration there will be
no polling of the Council. EVery piece or any item 0~ offi-
cial business of this City will be t~dmen care of at a regula~
or special meeting of the City Council. They will stop this
s~uff of polling and also stop the stuff of individual members
seeking and burrowing for information, which as he can see is
not gomng to be beneficial for the City.
Under discussion, M~s. Jackson informed them that as far as
the fire hydrants were concerned, it was to bring money into
the City amd was under the bonding agreement. She was trying
to get information. She did ask the City Manager whether she
could go to the Department Heads. She was elected by the
people and still is 1/5 of the Council. She has the right to
get information and so ~o_~aDy ~rson on ~he s~e~t, She
h~go~ng to continue to/m-c-~~ ~f sne ~e~_~a~in doing
a-r~ homework. She has been on the City Council ~onger than P.2,Mins.
anyone else in this room and has attended more meetings than Of 4/6/76
e=s~ and she ms not going to be stopped by a simple
anyone ~ ~
motion. She is not stopping, but will continue to try to
find out background information.
h~yor DeLong advised that they were governed by the City
Council-City Manager form of government. ~s. Jackson agreed.
Mayor DeLong continued that he believed she was the greatest
violator of this. He referred to her reading a nre'oared
statement last year attacking him for things he ~as~not guilty
of and did the same this year. She is not the Chairman of
this Co~mcil this year and even though she pushed the buttons
last year, she will not do it this year. He stated that ~s.
Jackson and everybody else on the City Council is going to
accept and abide by the majority rule. That does not mean
bypassing this City Council and phoning Tallahassee in an
attempt to embarrass this City Council.
~. Zack added that in regards to the fire hydrants, as far
as the core, unity was~concerned, it was a waste of time. ~rs.
Jackson replied that it had nothing to do with Leisureville
and she was trying vo find out about the bonding agreement.
Mr. Zack s~ated that if this was the case, it was not clee~
in their minds. He also discussed this with the City ~nager
aud Utilities Director. Mayor DeLong stated that he believed
the point had been made and it is definite.
~RCH 16, 1976
P~. Harmening asked to continue the discussion and stated
that he was under the impression that this was an information
gathering body and if information was required pertaining to
iten~ on the agenda, that this information could be obtained
from City Hall or any place in the City, State, or Nation
where it was available. In addition, any record or informa-
tion that is available to the City, he would hope would also
be available to the Council men~Oers and to any member of the
public. To attempt or abridge any individual-in this manner
is a violation. Mayor DeLong replied that when you are a
member of the City Council, you must abide by the majority
rule. M~. Harmening replied that if the matter came to a
vote, he is sure the majority vote will carry. Mayor DeLong
stated that they weren't to go outside the official actions
of the majority of the City Council and try to seek informa-
tion relative to the actions previously taken. They work
through the City Manager. Mr. Harmening continued that on
the other hand, if this Co,unsil acted in haste or was ill-
informed ~ud they acted in such a manner that their actions
were not in the best interest of the City or were not legal,
he thinks it would be incumbent upon any member of the City
Council to seek out the truth of the matter. M~yor DeLong
agreed and added that there has never been one instance since
he has been a memJoer of this Council where any shadow of a
doubt remained as to the official actions of this Council.
He continued that there has always been a continued susnicion
and all that he has heard for years is that everybody i~ the
City are crooks and there is this continued looking under the
rocks, under the furniture, into the closets, etc. for some
skeleton to try to hang somebody. If more time was spent
trying to do things of a constructive nature, they would be
further advanced than what they are. He noticed M~. Jackson
laughing and referred to him being the fellow who said that
everybody in the City was a crook outside of him and me. This
is the old psychology to use - they put the spotlight on
everybody else to ~ke you think they s~e the ~oody-goodies.
Mr. Harmening then continued that it seemed to him they were
trying to compare something like oranges and tangerines.
There is a similarity in what has been said, but he certainly
doesn,t ~uestion the actions of the Council or the majority
yore; but on the other hauud, there have been ~y times when
some of the actions might be open to question. M~yor DeLong
replie~ that the fence and lateral were open to question, but
there should have been an investigation.
Mayor DeLong then requested a roll call vote on the motion
and ~s. Padgett took it as follows:
Councilman Harmening - No
Councilwoman Jackson - No
Councilman Strnad - Yes
Vice Mayor Zack - Yes
M~yor DeLong Yes
Motion carried 3-2.
~ ~ 1976
~R~H 16 ,
Mr. Strnad referred to being under Old Business and asked
about the legal opinion requested by Mrs. Jackson at the last
City Co~cil meeting concerning a 2/3's vote. M~. Reed re-
plied that he read the provisions, but was informed by the
City Manager that the matter would not be on the agenda and
ne does not have a written opinion prepared. ~-~s. Jackson
informed them that she had asked to have it taken off the
agenda as she read Roberts Rules of Order and was satisfied
after reading this.
~W BU~ ~
Consider Appointmenvs of Members to the Board of Adjustments
and Appeals
Mayor DeLong declared nominations open. ~. Reed informed
them that five regular members and two alternates were re-
quired. Also, the ordinance provides that two will serve
for three years, two for two years, and one for one year,
and the alternates will serve for two years. ~. Kohl read
Ordinance No. 76-1~ for further clarification. ~. Zack re-
ferred to ~. Howell informing him that one man would serve
for three years, two for two years and two for one year,
which is according to Stave Statute. M~. Reed agreed that the
Southern Standard Building Code did provide this and also only
a five member board. M~. Kohl added that this could be
changed by the City Council. M~s. Padgett clarified that the
ordinance stated one member for one year, two for two years,
vwo for three years and the two alternates for two years.
Mayor DeLong again declared the nominations open and announced
they would use the same system for nominating as they did
previously. ~s. Jack~on asked if the members had to be
registered architects or con~ractors and Mr. Reed read the
section of the ordinance pertaining to same in reply. Mayor
DeLong clarified t~t they did not have vobs registered in
the Stateoof Florida and Mm. Reed agreed and added that it
was also not svipulated that there must be a certain number
of each.
The members then proceedsd with the nominations ~ud
Harmening, ~s. Jackson and ~. Strnad passed. ~'~, Zack
stated that the Building Official would be the Secretary
and nominated the following members:
Arthur Williams, Engineer, 3 Zr. Term
Roberv Alan Black, Architect, 3 Yr. Term
Arthur J. Pettit, Caroenter, 2 Yr. Term
Robert Olenik, Plumbe~, 1 Yr. Term
Stephen Kochakian, Electrician, 2 Yr. Term
Morton Levine, Electrician, 2 Yr. Alternate Term
Harry Eindbeiter~ Plumber, 2 Yr. <ernate Term
M~CH 16, 1976
Mayor DeLong then announced that the Chair would accept a
motion that the nominations be closed and Mr. Strnad moved,
seconded by M~s. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor DeLong stated that in view of the fact there are only
these nominees presented by Vice Mayor Zack, a motion will
be in order to appoint the entire slate as submitted. ~.
Strnad moved, seconded by M~. Zack. No discussion. Mrs.
Padgett then took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman ~ackson - Aye
Counciln~n Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - ~ve
Mayor DeLong - ~e
carried 5-0.
Mayor DeLong then requested M~s. Padgett to notify those who:
have been appointed and the date for the organizational meet-
ing, ten days after the ordinance becomes effective.
Correspondence - Bethesda Memorial Hosoitai - Request for
~elicopter Pad ~
~. Kohl read the following letter dated January 28, 1976,
from Robert B. Hill, Assistant Ammmn_strator, of Bethesda
Memorial Hospital:
~'Bethesda Memorial Hospital has had an area designated
for helicopters to land on the Hospital property for as long
as the Hospital has been in existence. The purpose for the
landing area is to have the capability for helicopters to
transport patients and materials to and from the hospital in
emergency or critical situations.
As of the past several years, the State,of Florida re-
quires all landing facilities to be license~. They have for-
warded us the necessary application to comolete and several
of their requirements are responsible for ~his correspondence.
The law requires that '~the applicant for site aporova!
must show evidence of compliance with municipal (city-or
county) ' ' ,~ ,
zon~ngrequlrements., Tnerefore~ I would like to re-
quest such a statement from you or whatever department within
the City you deem responsible for such a reply.
Another requirement is to supply a ~ac~lmty diagram in
the xo_m of a Geodetic Map oftthe area. I understand that
the City has such and I would like to request a copy of the
Hospitaiaand its surrounding ~000 feet i~ available.
Your mmmediate attention to these matters would be
greatly appreciated. If you need further information, please
contact me."
Mr. Kohl added that he does have the geodetic map and he
feels this request has merit as it certainly would be life
saving if they were able to transport emergency cases to the
hospital via helicopter. Mayor DeLong referred to his state-
meat of it having merit and asked if he recor~ended approval
and Mr. Kohl replied: yes.
Mrs. Jackson moved to accept the recommendation of the City
Manager and grant the request ~for a helicopter pad at Bethesda
Memorial Hospital. ~. Harmening seconded the motion. No
discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Supplemental Agreement to Russell & Axon Engineering
Contract to Include EPA Access to Records Statement
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that copie~are on file of
correspondence from Russell & Axon and the supplemental
agreement No. 3 to which they refer, both of which are self-
expl~uatory. This has been forwarded to the City Attorney,
who approves of this supplement as to form an~ content. He
requesvs approval to execute this agreement as indicated.
M~. Harmening moved that the proper people be authorized to
execute the contract for the supplemental agreement to Russell
and Axon .to mnclude EPA access to records statement.
Zack seconded the motion. Mayor DeLong clarified this was
to approve the execution of the agreement. No discussion.
Motibn carried 5-0.
Discuss Utility Relocations on South 15th Avenue
~. Kohl stated that during budget sessions he advised Council
that there was a possibility of the above project being started
sometime in 1976. However, at that time, they had no confirma-
tion from the County and therefore did not set aside the anti-
cipated monies for this projecv. M~. Perry Cessna, the
Utilities Director, informed him that the City is responsible
for relocation of utilities, as they are in the County right-
of-way. He checked this with the County Attorney also. To
most efficiently relocate the involved utilities and meet
design criteria for future distribution system requirements,'
the following is necessary:
(a) Abandon the existing ~0~ asbestos cement line from
1-95 to the east side of U. S. #1.
~£~RCH t6, 1976
Replace from Seacrest Boulevard to the east side of
U. $. #1 with 20'~, 30" and 16" cast iron pipe under
bid item for the road project. Estimated cost is
approximately $103,000.
(c) Install under City bid as prepared by Russell &
Exon one (1) 16" line from Seacrest westward to
3rd Street S. W. on 23rd Avenue, interconnecting
with the existing 10" line at that ooint. Esti-
mated cost is approximately $28,000-to $30,000.
The above has been thoroughly reviewed by ~.~. Joe Swan and
Mr. Milton Hallman of Russell & Axon; Mr. Thomas E, Clark
and ~. William Flushing of the Engineering Staff; and
Perry A. Cessna, Director of Utilities. They all concu~
that this is the prooer way to go. He concurs and would
like Council,s approval inasmuch aa the County is most ar_x-
ious to be~$ this project. Mmyor DeLong added that he did
not believe this was a budgetary item sm, ad should come from
the Utility General Fund and R & R Fund.
Mayor DeLong then announced that the Chair would accept a
motion to approve t~e ~ ~ ~'
~ ecommenma~mon of the City Manager
for the utilities relocation on South 15th Avenue. ~sHar-
· azfi~ so mo~ed, seconded by M~s. Jackson. ~o discussion.
Motion carriea 5-0.
Receipt of Correspondence - Village of Tequesta - Endorsing
Activities of Urban League of Palm Beach County
M~. Kohl referred to a resolution forwarded by the Village of
Tequesta and asked if the City of Boynton Beach desired such
a resolution. ~4r. Harmening replied that he was not in favor
of it. ~s. Jackson reolied that she has read the resolution,
bu~ doesn't see the necSssity for it with the Civil Rights
Law and all that they have. Mayor DeLong questioned if it
had merit or would benefit the City and ~. Eohl reolied that
they are doing these things. Mayor DeLong suggeste~ disposing
of ~. ~
~s. Jackson moved to strike this corresoondence receipt from
the Village of Tequesta endorsing the ac%ivities of the Urban
League of Palm Beach County. Mm~. Harmening seconded the
motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Receiot of Annual ~ '
z_nancmal Report for Fiscal Tear ended
September 30, 1975
M~. Reed read the following letter dated February 20, 1976,
from Callaway, Carpenter, May & Company:
'~We ha3~e completed our examination of the City of Boynton
Beach~s f~nancial statements for the fiscal year en~8~ Septem-
ber 30, 1975, and issued our opinion in respect to these
statements as contained in the published report.
M~RCH 16, 1976
During the course of our e×amination, we noted many im-
provements in the financial recordkeeping and reporting pro-
cedures which we feel should be reported to management as an
intangible asset of the City.
As evidenced by the earlier issuance of the annual reDort
in comparison to prior years, the Finance Department close~
the books at year-end and orepared the City's financial state-
ments for our audit in an Sfficient and timely manner. This
efficiency on the part of City personnel alleviated our firm,s
participation in nonaudit orocedures and thereby reduced the
City's auditing costs from-the amount estimated in our engage-
ment letter. This was accomplished while improving and ex-
panding the annual report to more fully disclose the financial
activities of the City to the city govennment, management and
other users of the report.
During the past two years, the financial statements of
the City have been improved to such an extent that ~. Kribs,
with our concurrence, plans to submit the 1974/75 annual re-
port to the Municipal Finauce Officers, Association of the
United States and Canada for consideration in obtaining the
~'Certificate of Conformance" issued by that organization.
This prestigious certificate has only been issued to 380
governmental units, including states, countries, cities,
housing authorities ~ud special taxing districts, as of Ja~n-
uary 27~ 1976. The certificate is issued as recognition that
the annual financial report of a governmental unit substan-
tially conforms to the principles and standards of public
financial reporting as promulgated by the Municipal Finance
Officers' Association and the National Con~ittee on Govern-
mental Accounting. After several discussions with officials
of the Municioal Finance Officers' Association, we feel that
the City of B~ynton Beach will be seriously considered for
this award and this represents a singular achievement in the
City's ~' ~ -
· mnanc_al affairs?
Me. or DeLong entertained a motion to receive and place on
file the ~nnual Financial ~eport for the Fiscal Year ended
September 30, ~975, from the City Auditors and also spread
upon the minutes the communication received with the audit
report. Mrs. Jackson so moved, seconded by ?~. Zack. No
discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Request for E ~ensmon of Retirement - M~. Edward Ott, Building
M~yor DeLong announced that w Kohl requested that this be
tabled. Mrs. Jackson moved to table this, seconded by
Harmen~ng. Motion carried 5-0.
M~&RCH t6, 1976
Mayor DeLong referred to a group of gentlemen being present
ali evening in regards to receiving permission for some equip-.
ment. Ms. Kohl informed the Council that the Fire Department
has some old coats which were replaced with new ones. These
people would l~e to have ten for presentation to somebody amd
they do have ten additional. Mayor DeLong clarified that the
V.F.W. wanted to repair them and send them to their national
home and Mr. Kohl added that they could not sell them.
Mayor DeLong entertained a motion to grant approval to the
City Manager to turn over these ten jackets, old style, obse-
lete and excess, to the V.F.W. Mr. Harmening so moved,
seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor DeLong then ac~owtedged the presence of Mr. T~
~m Madigan,
Former District Commander of the V.F.W. ~. Madigan appeared
before the Council and thanked them for these bunker coats.
He explained that they would be sent to their V.F.W. National
Home· He further explained that this is where the orphans of
deceased veterans live and are fully educated. They have their
own fire department there and saved 50,000 Betty Crocker cou-
pons to gev their fire apparavus. These coats will be more
than appreciated.
Aporovai of Bills
M~. Kohl rea~ the following bills for approval:
Mako Engineering Co.
Compressor For brea~hing tank
Pay from budgeted funds 020-820
Bid of February i0~ 1976
2. Ada~ Chevrolet Co. 5,189.00
1976 Pick-up truck
Pay from budgeted funds 030-901.50
Bid of November 24, 1975
3 ~a_la~y~ ~ar~en~r, May & Co. 9,~62.00
Professional services on audit
year ending 9/30/75
Pay from budgeted funds 001-830.21
o3o-2o5, oo
for fiscal
4. ~a~m Beach Junior College 330.00
Registration for ~1 officers
Pay from Police Education Fund 001-507
Ordinance #74-38, Section 2-10, l(b)
MARCH 16, 1976
Cynthia Lewis
Server for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Funds 020-880
Ordinance #73-15 passed 5/15/73
Isiah Andrews
Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Funds 020-880
Ordinance #73-15 passed 5/15/73
Russell & Axon Inv. #23 6858-4-III-CP
Upgrading existing Wast.water Treatment
Pay from Atlantic National Bank 1974 Issue
Authorization dated 11/20/73
8. Russell & ~xon Inv. #9 6858-4A-II-CPS
South Central Regional Lift Stations and
Force Mains
PaY from Utility General Fund
Refundable from future bond Issues
75% EPA Reimbursable
Authorization dated 11,/71
9. Russell & Axon !nv. #1 6858-20-I
Preparation of ussr charge and industrial
cost recovery system
Pay from Utility General Fund
Refundable from future bond issues
Authorization dated 2/5/76
Russell & Axon Inv. #1 6858-23-CP
Technical support for defense of Case No.
75-4726-CA Pratt vs. City of Boynton Beach
Pay from Water & Sewer Revenue Fund 030-801.40
Subject to transfer from Contingency
Authorization dated 1/20/76
Russell & Axon Inv. #1 7~60-2-II
Revision of plans and specs for a solids
recovery system
Pay from Utility General Fund
Refundable from future bond issues
Authorization dated 2/5/76
Keene COr~,
Parts for No. I pump at ~wik Chek Lift
Pay from budgeted funds 030-921.28
Approved by City Manager 1/15/76
GMC Truck and Sales
Two scow body trash trucks
Bid 12/8/75. Council approved and funds
96. O0
M~RCH 16, 1976
Mr. Kohl noted that the bills described have been approved
and verified by the dspartment heads involved; checked and
approved for payment by the Finance Directorl funds are
available in their respective budgets; ~ud he recommends
payment of these bills.
P~s. Jackson moved to pay the bills, seconded by Mr. Harmening.
Under discussion, ~. Strnad questioned No. 9 and Mr. Hal!man
explained that the oreparation of the user charge is required
by EPA in the waste~ater treatment plant. It is 75% EPA
reimbursable at the time of completion and is required by
EPA. M~. Strnad ~sked if it was okay to have it refundable
from future bond issues and Mayor DeLong replied: yes, it is
the procedure. M~. Hal!man continued with advising that they
have completed 357~ and have not billed the City for the total
amount. Motion carried 5-0.
0 uher
~s. Jackson requested Vice Mayor Zack to read the bonding
agreement to see why she was worried about the fire hydrants.
C~ y. M~r. Zack replied
She was doing it for the good of the ~t
that he understands and went through this, but there was time
wasted. Mrs. 0ackson pointed out that money was lost over a
period of years.
M~~. Strnad referred to several requests from residents in
Chapel Hill and he thinks this requires some attention before
the next Coo~cil meeting. He referred to the taking down of
a stop sign. He informed them that he has had several requests
asking that it be put back up, but also received requests for
the opposite. He would like to ask the City Manager to write
~e~e~s to the people who contacted him originally s~ad ask
them to see what they want and let them decide.
Mr. Reed informed the Couhcil members that on the water soften-
ing case, a hearing has been set for April 26 on their motion
for su~ry judgement. He is sure copies attached to the
affidavit are on file with the City M~nager and they may re-
M' ~ ~s~ te'~.~th~Council memoe_s did
view them. ~ ~0 8 - ~ ~ ~
receive the letter: but he kept the file. Mayor DeLong re-
marked that it was thoughtful on the part of the City Attorney
to make this a matter of public record.
M~. Zack _exezred to vacancies to be filled on the various
Boards and Mayor DeLong suogestem leaving them go until the
next meeting.
M~~. Harmening moved to adjourn, seconded by ~s. Jackson.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
at 9:40 P. M.
~R~H 16, ~ 976
~Y VmSe~ Mayor
Council 7tuber
~/~nc i! Member
City Clerk
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Kruse
Recording Secretary
(Three Tapes)
Honorable Joe DaLong,~layor and
Members of the City Co%racil
City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Beach, Fla. 33435
}~rch 15,
RE: $3,900,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1975B
Dear Mayor DeLong and Members of the Council:
This letter will confirm the status of the proposed $3,900,000 bond issue a~d'
follows conversations I had with Mayor DeLong on February 25, 1976 when I delivered
a copy of Moody's Bond Survey to the City Hall for members of the Council, Fir. Kohl
and Mr. Kribs.
Pursuant to our Agreement with the City, we have been ~orkiug on this issue amd
have ~ompleted the Official Statement and the rating and insurance work desirable
fo~ the marketing of the bonds in the most efficient manner. You sho~td have received
a copy of the Official Statemeut earlier, but to be ~ure that you have one readily at
hand, t am enclosing 9 copies to be distributedwith this letter. The bonds have
b~en rated "A" by Standard & Poor's and '~" by Moody's, and we have obtained a~
insurance commitment for the loan from b~IA.
Confirming my conversation with the Mayor~ it is proposed that we proceed to have
a public sale of these bonds at the earliest possible date. I have attached to
this letter a proposed Notice of Sale. We suggest that the Notice of Sm/e call
for receipt of bids at 1:00. p.m. EST on the 29th of March. We also suggest that '
the Notice of Sale be published in the Daily Bond Buyer of ~ew York on the 18th of
March. If this plan of action meets with your approval, we request that we be
directed to proceed with the sale at your Council meeting March 16th. Om the same
date that the Notice of Sale is published in the Bond Buyer We ~,rill make a
dis i . . . , broad
tr~butmon of the OfflcmaI Statement to prospective bidders, banks~institutio~al
investors and brokerage firms who are interested in bonds of this nature.
The bond market continues to be reasonably good from the view point of the City,
and we would expect that a favorable interest rate on the new loan would be obtained.
If you have any questions regarding this matter~ please feel free to ~ive me a call.
Either I or a member of our firm will be at your meeting tomorrow night, }~rch t6th,
to answer any questions you may have. -~
.--~-. . / ~ -~' .
Atfred~. Shepard ' /
.-,March 15. 1976
$3,900. 000
Sealed bids %vill be received by the City Council of the City of Boyaton Beach, Flor/da,
at its regular place of meeting in the City Council Chambers, Boyaton Beach City Hall,
atl20 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Boy. on Beach. Florida 33435. v_afil 1:00 P.M.. E.S.T. on
March 29, 1976, at which time and place ali bids will be publicly opened and read for
the purchase of $3,900,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1975B, of such City,
dated February 1, 1975. The Bends will mature in numerical order, lowest numbers
/irst, on Fetr~ua~y i in the years and amounts as follows:
Year Amount
1978 $ 40, 000
1979 ' 45,000
1980 50,000
1981 55,000
1982 60, 000
1983 65,000
1984 65,000
1985 70, 000
1986 80, 000
1987 85,000
1988 90, 000
1989 95,000
1990 105,000
1991 110, 000 '
Year Amount
1992 ~ $120,000
1993 I30,000
1994 140.000
1995 150.000
1996- 160,000
1997 175,000
1998 185,000
1999 200, O00
2000 215.000
2001 230,000
2002 250,000
200~ 270,000
2004 290,000
2005 370.000
The Bends being sold at this time shall be dated February 1, 19751 shall be nunfaered
consecutively from one upward; shall be in $5,000 denominations; shall bear intergst
payable semi-annually on February 1 and August i of each year; and shall be payable
as to both principal and interest at a bank to be determined by the City prior to delivery
of the Bends.
These Bonds are to be issued by the City of Boynton IJeach. Florida. pursuant to the
City Charter, and Chapter 166, Part II. Florida Statutes. amd Resolution 7SA duly
adopted by the City on Jamaary 6, 1975. The Bonds were validated by a judgment of
the Circuit Couzt of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of Palm Beach Co, tory on February 27.
The Bo~ls are heiugissued to f~nance the construction ~f additions, extensions and
Xmprovemem~s to the existing Water and Sewer System of the City of Boy ran Beach,
The Bonds and the coupons appertaining thereto are p.ayahle solely from and secured .:
by a lien upon and an ix~evocable pledge of the net revenues derived from the operation
of the Water and Sewer System and are secured equally and ratably w~th the following
issues: the OUtstanding bonds of an issue of $6,000,000 Refundiug anct Improvemaut
Revenue Bonds. Series 1964; the outstanding bonds of an issue of $800. 000 Water and
Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1969; with $1, 000, 000 ontsta~rt~,g 53/nter and Sewer Revenue
Bonds, Series 1971; with the outstamrl~ng bonds of an issue of $2,050.000 Water and Sewer
Revenue Bonds, Series 1974; and %vith $2,600,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds. Series
1975A, sold in Sune, 1975.
The.obligations of this issue maturing in the years 1978 to 1986. inclusive, shall not
be redeemable prior to maturity. The obligations maturing in the years I987 tO
inclusive, shall be ~edeemable on or after February 1. t986 at the option of the issuez.
in whole on any date, and in part on any interest payment date~ in the inverse order of '
their maturities; and if less than all of the obligations of any one maturity shall be called
for redemption, then the particular obligations to be redeemed shall be selected by lot.
at the principal amount of the obligations to be redeemed plus accrued Luterest to
the date fixed for redemption, plus a premium of one-fourth of one per cen~m (1/4 of
1~o) of the par value thereof for each one year period, or fractin~ thereof from the
date fixed for redemption to the stated date of matuIity' o£ the obiioo~tions so called for
redemption; such premium, however, not to exceed three per centun% (S~0) of the par
value thereof.
In the opinion of bend counsel for the City
from all present Federal income taxes under exi~g l~ws.
. the interest o~ the Bonds v~ ~ ex~mpt --
The City of Boynton Beach has received a commitment from the M,r~cipal Eond insurance
Associntion (MBIA) for a t~,m~cipal Bond Guaranty Insm:auce Policy uncondi~io.~]ly and.
Lrrevocably guaranteeing payment of interest on and priucipal of the Bonds.'~ Issuance of
any such policy will be at the option of the bidder offe~ingto troy the bonds. Such bidder
shall designate iu the appropriate place on the bid fozm~ whethe~ or not such insurance is
desired. Should a bidder specify that the City shall purch%s, e inSUrance from MBIA,
pr~minm will be paid by the Cit~ from the proceeds of the Bonds. '-
Each proposal must name the rate or rates of interest, not exceeding Seven and.
one-half per centum (7.50%) par annum in multiples of I/8 or 1/20 of lZ which
the Bonds are to bear. No rate named may be lower than any preceding named rate.
Bidders willbe permitted to name an unlimited m,,mher of different ra~es of
interest; provided that all Bonds maturing on the same date must bear interest
at the same rate, and no zero rate or blank rate or split rates will he permitted.
The interest becoming due on each interest payment date must be evidenced by ~
single coupon. No bid for less than all of the Bonds offered will he considered,
No bid for less than ninety-eight and one-half per centum (98.50%) of the Par
value of the Bonds shall be considered.
The Bonds will-ha awarded on the basis of the lowest "true or Camadiam imterest
cost". Such cost will be computed from January l, 1976 to the respective stated
maturity dates of the Bonds, shall include the amount of discount named, and shall
include for comparative purposes only (as though it were additional bond discount
although it should not be included in the actual price bi~) the cost of the -
insurance premium of $. to be paid by the City of Boynton Beach for the
purchase of the Municipal Bond Guaranty Insurance Policy~ if such t~li~y Ss
requested by the bidder in the appropriate place on the bid form. The cost of
the MBIA insurance premium shall not be constr~e~ to be part of the allo~able
1-1/2% discoimt~ but shall be added to such disco~t, for co~arati~
only, ~ calculating the '~true or Canadi~ ~terest eos~." '
~e success~ ~r sh~ ha~ ~e follo~g o~on to ~ e~r~s~ ~ %~ no~c~on
to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida w/tbi~ ~ve ~) days after the award of the Bonds:
To recommend a bank or banks to issue cerWf/cates of depo~ representing the _
balance required to be deposited/n the Reserve Account in the $~kiug Fund as
required and in the ConstrucTion ~un~, such Cerebrates 'of Deposit to mature~
for the Reserve Account on .May 1, 1986, a~d fc~ th~ Constract/on ~'und, on a
schedule which w/il result in funds ]~ing ava~_l&bl~ to meet th~ construct/on con- -
tractor's payments when due, and such Ce,~cate$ of Deposi~ shall be f~Uy
collateral/zed as provided by Florida Law and shall bea~/ntexest at rates at
least equal to the rates available from U. S. Gove~v~ent obi/gat/ohs of compa-
table matUri~es avaJ/able on the date following the date of acceptance of the
proposal of the successftfl bidder.
Each bid must be uncondi~onal and submitted on a £ozm to be furnished by the muder -
signed, must be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked "Bid for $3,900,000 City of
Boynton Beach, Florida, Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1975B", and must
be accompanied by certified or bank cashier's check upon an incorporated bank or
trust company in the mount of $78,000 payable unconditionally to the order of the
City of Boynton Beach, Florida as a good faith deposit. No interest will be paid on
good faith deposits.
The checks of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon the award of the Bends.
The check of the successful bidder will be held uncashed as security for the bid, bu~
in the event that the successful bidder shall fait to comply with the terms of his bid,
the check may then be cashed and the proceeds thereof retained as and fora fall liquidated
damages. The good faith deposit of the successful bidder will be applied as part payment
of the purchase price of the Bends. Any check for the balance of the purchase price must
also be a certified or bamk cashier's check payable unconditionally to the order of the
City of Boynton Beach, Florida.
Delivery of and payment for the Bonds in definitive form will be made on or about
May 1; 1976 in New York, New York, or such other place mutually agreeable to the
successful bidder and the City of Beynton Beach, Florida. Payment is to be made in
New York Clearing House or local funds, depending upon the place of closing~ The unqualifie(
approving opinion of Messrs. Freeman, Richardson, Watson, Slade, McCarthy & Kelly~
Jacksonville, Florida, ~vilt be furnished without cost to the p~rchasers of the Bonds o
There will also be furnished the usual closing papers, including a certificate stating
that there is no litigation pending c~c tb:ceatened affecting the validity of the Bonds o
· he Bonds have beem validated by a judgraent of the' Circuft Coua:t in and for. l~alm Beach
County, and the time fo]: lTl/rog an appeal on that judgment bas expired.
Prior to the sale of the Bonds, any party interested in submitting a proposal %rill he
furnished limited quanti~es of the Of~cial Statement, including the fora of Notice of
Hou~ a Co., S~te ~01, ~01 senm Ros~d ~ven~e, C~o~ mo~i~' ~0~.
in the proposals is reserved.
The rig_hr to reject any and aL1 proposals and to vcalve amyirregulazities or fo~,aliti~s
3oe DeLong - .
Honorable Mayor and Members
of the City Comucil of Bo)uxton Beach.
Boynton Beack, Florida
For Three Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3. 900. 000) pax: value. City of Bo~nton
Beach. Flozida. Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds. Series 1975B. dated Feb~ua~r 1, 1975,
described in tt~ attached Notice of Sale. which is hereby made a parc of this bid. a~d for
all bat not less than all of said bonds, with interest rates per m~m~m on said bonds maZu~ing
Fabrua.t~ 1 in the years and amounts as follows:
Year Amount Rate Year Amou~ Rate Year Amount
1978 ..:-~$.40,.000 % 1988 $ 90,000 % 1998 $ 185,000
1979 45,000 1989 95. 000 1999 200, 000
1980 50, 000 1990 105,000 -' ~:, 2000 215,000
1981 55,000 1991 110, 000 2001 230, 000
1982 60, 000 1992 120, 000 2002 250, 000
1983 65,000 1993 130, 000 2003 270, 000
1984 65,000 1994 140, 000 2004 290, 000
1985 70, 000 1995 150, 000. 2005 370, 000
1986 80, 000 1996 160, 000
1987 85,000 1997 175,000
~ve offer to pay the sum. of
Donars ($
together with accrued interest from February 1, 1976 to date of delivery.
At the time of delivery of said bonds, the County shall f~u-,,i~b tO us, Eree of charge, the
uuquallf~l opinion of Messrs. Freeman, Richardson, Watson, Slade, McCarthy & Kelly,
Jacksonville, Florida, approving the legality of said bonds, togethea: with the usual closing
In accardance with said Notice of Sale, we enclose herewith a cez~if/ed or bank cashier's
check in the mount of Seventy-eight Thousand Dollars ($78, 000) upon au incarpo~ated bank
or trust company, payable unconditionally to the o~der of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida.
FORM FOR ELECTION FOR MBIA INSURANCE: (Please check appropriate box.) This }koposaI
is no~
mad~ for bonds carrying the MBIA Municipal Bond Guaranty Tn~u~ance Policy with the insurance
p~e'.minrn to be paid for by the City of Boy. on Beach, Florida f~om the bond proceeds.
Respectfully submitted,
.~. o~al_ t~.e~.ations are to be.m~ade in this l~o~po~s_?j~,_.~{55~9~t_tJ~_o__se noted in boxes above.)
Rating: A t~
· - Offering: $B,900,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1975B, expeei~ed through'
negotiated sale in early February 1976
.... Dated : 2-1-75 Due: 2-1-78/2005 Call: beginniwg 2-1-86 at 103
L.O. : Freeman, Richardson, Watson, Slade, McCarth~ & Kelly, Jacksonville
Type cnte~rise_.:
~ater supply, distribution, and treatment; wastewater collection
and treatment; serving both City ~ud aree~ outside of it
Pledged revenues: p~able from net revenues of the water and sewer sy~t~ on parit~
with outstanding bonds~ but sut~rdir~te %o lien on net for
service on 1950 bonds (which have been ft1,~Iy funded)
CO~erage~ after sale: historical net revenues for Year e~ded R--30--75 cover est~a~e~
peak debt service of $1.2 mit!ice by over t.~
Recent results (to 9-30; $ in 000J:
. .. - 1973 . !974
'rev; & come
Opero & ~int. e~es 711 866
Net ~venues 903 1,432
~bt se~ce req.- ~59 523
Historical ke~ ratios: ......... 1973 ....... 1974
Operating ratio(~) ' ~ ~3.7
Net take-down (%) 55.9 62.3
Debt service coverage 1-97 2.7h
Debt sr. safety mawgin (%) 27.5 ~.6
-Debt ratio (%) n.a. 69.8
$~828 23.1 :':-- '"~'"
1,712 58.6 19.6
~61 13.9 7.3
.... !975 ..... Water }-!edimn
" 9.a
60°5 52.5 .:
3.05 2.2O ~
'$0 7 26 5
68.9 0.0'
S,,~' ~nd Opinion: Boy~ton Beach is a rapidly-gr~win~ essentially
co~ity locatea ~ ~les south of West 'P~ B~-a~h~ ~its ~tj~U~-'~
e~s~on p~ h~.been ~de~. f~ded f~m bo~ issued ~ 1974 ~d 1975
the~e b~ -~ll pro~_~ moneys for the City's sh~ of Ioc~ costs for a re~n~
~te~ter trea~ent pl~t ~der ~ Jo~t agree~mt ~th ~ Beach,~d e~siom
crater t~at~t pl~t. F~her e~szon of~t~r~d sewer faci~t~es is ~tici--
~pated. R~tes ~re raised in 197~ ~d ag~n in J~1~75, ~d p~sent net
exceed esti~ted pe~k debt se~c, by ad~uate ~ns. P~fo~l~75 nmt, ~d
estates of net, pro. de ~od core. ge levels om ou~g~d hewing.
favo~ble rem~ts confi~ the~rating on the re~e ~n~ of this
Bonded Debt: ~e Series 1975~ ~n~ ~ll be p~able on a p~ity from net reveres
th~ syste~ with $11,BO0,000 ou~st~ng bonds of 196~ 1969, 1971, 1974 ~d 1975.
the outst~u~ng bon~, $2,050,000 werm issued in 1~7~, ~d ~,600,000 in J~m
~n~ ~e subord~te in lien on net to $28,000 of l~50 bonds due ~1-76/77 for which
~scrowsd f~ have been .on h~d ~re th~ suf~cien~ for their.bond se~ce.
Structure: New bonds ~iI1 m~ture 1978 through 200,~.~ Estimated overall! debt service
for selected years ending September 30 (assuming 7t~%linterest bn 1975B bonds) is as
follows ($ in 000):
Boynton Beach, Florida, Water and Sewer ~ystem ' -
~ste~:the City. The City's system serves the City as well as_ Unincorporated'
nsza-rea or good q~.~_~. Treatment p!~r~ has resent ' -- --
~spos~ ~to ~e Int~co~l ~late~. Under cons~c~ ~ %o ~ oD~tton~
th~ }-e~ is ~ inturim 1.25 ~d package p~t to P~de t~o~ re~ef to the
for EPA ~t to b~d-a region~ se~ge dispos~ pl~t. T~s pl~t of
tO ~6 ~ (sUf~Cie~ for nee~ to 1980 or ~9~); (3) b~ce for Ci~s ~e
~A Ste~ ~ apD~cat~n for other ~onents of the region~ Sew
fr~ A~I 1975 bon~ ~ud bi~ z%r this have been ~t~n the est~tes.
~Co~ectlons projected to rise ~ to 12 000 ~ater ~nd 10,400 sewer ~ i~Tg'
~in~nci~ (to 9-30; $ in 000): '
~ Ch~ge
re~nues 5YO 823 1,Oyg A4-Y
charges 1~8 28~ . 112 : ' 93-9 ' '-61.0' ~' ".,-'
rev~ & income ' "1,613 2~.298 ' 2,828 ~2.3 _'~- 23.1
& ~nt, e~enses 710 866 1,155 21.8 33.4
se~ce req. 459 523 561 13.9 . 7.3 ~-'
~ance skeet [$ in 000): 9-3~74 ~30-75 :
~nded debt 8,728 ' I1,0T5 ''
resmrve & debt sr. f~ 565 933
bonded debt 8,163 10,.1~2'
..~ates:. ~tes were r~sed in J~m.~ 1974 ~d J~ 1975. Coca, son of old
Czty monthly ch~ges fellow:
(3,000 g~!ons) ' $ 2.65 $ 2.80
(5 ~es ) 4.~o 5. oo
fi~'~es ) 6.90 10-00
Water and Sewer System
Year Principal£ Interest Total Year Principal
1977 250 896a 1,146 1990 625
1978 320 881 1,201 1995 830
1979 340 862 1,202 2000 460
1980 360 8~2 1,202 R005 370
ao Includes $300,000 capti~lized interest on 19ISB bonds.
Interest "Torsi
556 1,18~ ' ' ~
336 i,i66 ~ ~
Coverage ($ in 000):
Last 3 Fis-
cal Yr.
175 635
28 . 398 -- ;
Yr. Ended
' ' ' 9-30-75._ '' ' --'-
Net revenues $1,349. $1,712 .. -. -..:
Est. peak requirements:
Interest : $ 909 (1975-76) 1,4Bx : .:;~ i ~ 1.88x- '-~-':~_
Principal'& int.: 1,202 (1978-79) 1.12'',.,~" > . '-.'.. .;
Pro--forms net rev~ues for 197l~75, adjusted to reflect the 1975 rate chauges~..
$l,957,000, covering estimated p~k debt service by 1.63 time~. _ ,.~._~:-._. ......
I~et revenues are ~reJeetedto't0tal$i,g72,000 for ~975-76; $1;995,000 for 1976-77,~-~
$2,025,000.forig77-T8, 92,101,000 for 1978-79. ' j:- .~- ' -
Future finanoins: Present plans after this sale contemplate issuance of
o4er the next 5 years, of'which $6,120:000 bends would be for~rater purpos~san~
balance for sewer purposes. -' ~7'~ ~-~.- .. .:~.~ ...... _
~ -~ . secured U~der Resolution of the City adopted Jauua-~6, 197~.
Bond $~cu~.z~... Bonds are
~onds uere validated bY the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of
Beach County on February 27, ~ ----:7- . --"~>'
Flower Fund~: GrOss System revenues shall be deposited.iht°. the Revenue Fun~nd-
(1) for payment of operating and m~nten~uce expenses;
(2)Sit,king Fu~d for payment of principal and interest on Serie~'1950 bonds-
The sinking Fu~d is fully funded ($57,136 is escrowed~ith a Trustee Bank);
(3) Si~/cing Fund, month/y 1/6 of semi-annual interest due~ud 1/12 of annual
princio~ldue on all paritybonds. Into a Reserve aeeount~mth!y~ounts
equal %0 1/t2 of 20~ of m~ximumau~umlprincip~l end interest
on p~rity bonds until maximum ~uzuat debt service is accumulated. The
Reserve is to be fully at the time the offered bonds ~re issued.'Series . .-'~
1969 bonds have a separate Reserve account.
(4) Rene%'al ~ud Replacement Fundmonthly an amount equal $833.33until$100,000. ,
is acc,~mul~ted~ - - -- - ' -'
(5) any !aw~ilpurpose.
Rate covenant; City covenants to maintmin rates, fees, rentals and other charges
sufficient to ~ay operation and maintenance expenses and 1.25 times the
debt service requirement on outstanding and offered bonds. . .
Additional Bonds: Additional psrity bonds m~ybe issued if, a~ong other requirem~ts,
the lesser of: (1) ~ver~ge annual net revenues for preceding 24 ~onth~; or (2) the
.net revenues for precedinE 12 months: equal not less than 1o40 times m~ximu~ annual
~debt service requirements on outstanding and offered bonds° Consulting engineer~
adjust net to reflect rate changes.
_O~her provisions: Resolution also contains prgV~szons regarding no free servzee, no
competzD~ r systems, required co~eetions, and enforcement of collections.
· - Boy,ton Beach, Florida, ~ter a~d Sewer SyStem
~nere are ~so ~gh~r charges outside the City. ~ter connection eh~g~
~150 to $385, ~d se~r co~usction c~rges ~re $250.
Se~ce ~a: Boston. Beach is located 12 ~les so~th of ~est P~ Beach.
has gro-~ ~pi~, inc~asing 7B%. f~m 10,~67 ~ 1960 to ~15 ~gYO, and
at' 30,000 ~ September 1975. City'is ~ residenti~,
~udes ~ shopp~g c~rs. Ta~ble v~uation ~s $243 ~o~
Hans Schmidt
Application for alcoholic beverage l~cense
Marjorie Foran
Application for alcoholic beverage license
1403 N. W. 2nd Avenue' (Villager Shopping
Dear Frank:
On I%~arch 2, I forwarded you a memo opinion to the effect that the City could
not consider granting I~rs. Foran's application since it had previously granted l~Ir.
Schmidt's application within the same shopping center. Mr. Bushnell had advised
that Mr. Schraldt had not yet obtained the necessary State license allowing on-off
consumption of alcoholic beverages in addition to his existing beer and wine license,
and. accordingly, I informed you that Mr. Schmidt be given a reasonable period of
time within which to obtain said license. I have again been informed that to date
Mr. Schmidt has failed to obtain the State liquor license required under our Code
Section 3-13.
Therefore, it is my recommendation that the City Council, at its meeting of
3-18-76, direct the City Attorney to forward a letter to Mr. Schmidt advisLug h~rn that
u~less he obtains the required State license and submits proof thereof to the City
prior to April 1, 1976, the City will be forced to revoke 'the City License due to his
continued violation of Section 3-13. In addition, I would recommend to the Council
that all future applications for City licenses be accompanied by a photostatic copy
of the applicant's State liquor license in order that no City license will be granted
i.~ violation of Section 3-13, which requires as a prerequisite to obtaining a City
license that the applicant holds a current unrevoked State license.