Joe DeLong, Mayor
Joseph F. Zack, Vice Mayor
Norman F. Strnad, Councilman
Edward F. Harmening, Councilmsm
Emily N. Jackson, Councilwoman
Frank Kohl, City Manager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Mayor DeLong called the meeting to order at 11~0 A. M. and
announced it was a Special Meeting called by the Mayor at the
request of Councilwoman Emily Jackson in order to adopt a
resolution to the County Board of Commissioners confirming
a previous communication sent to the County Board of Commis-
sioners sen~ by the Chief Executive Officer of the South
Central Regional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Boa_~d.
Mayor DeLong then read the attached letter sent by M~r. Canon
to the Board of County Commissioners urging them to reject
certain proposed amendments to Palm Beach Co~muty Environmental
Control Rule One. Mayor DeLong then announced this Council
was going to go on record now as confirming this communication
sent by the Chief Executive Officer.
Resolution 76-M - RE: Urging the Boe~d of County Commissioners
to Reject Certain Proposed Amendments to Palm Beach County
Environmental Control Rule One.
Mr. Kohl read Resolution 76-M.
~. Zack moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 76-M, seconded
by Mr. Strnad. Under discussion, M~yor DeLong suggested that
after this resolution has been duly executed, the City ~'~rmger
have this hand delivered to the Chairman of the County Board
of Commissioners. The members agreed. Mayor DeLong added that
the object was to try to get it t~sre in time for the meeting
tomorrow morning of the County Commissioners and this would not
be possible if it was mailed° Mrs. Padgett then took a roll
call ~ote as follows:
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Councilman Strnad-Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 3-0.
Mayor OeLong announced that the City Manager also had some
additional business to be considered at this meeting.
MARCH 8, 1976
Request of Thomas Purdo
Mm. Kohl referred to the City Council having rejected a re-
quest from ~r. Pu~do at the last meeting for payment of $650
for extra work that he did as City Prosecutor. After the
meeting, he received a call ftc'man attorney advising they
were going to start a suit for the $650 against the City.
In the meantime, ~. Purdo also sent a letter. He did talk
to M~. Purdo and he is willing to settle for $325, which is
Mayor DeLong requested Mr. Kohl to read M~. Purdo's letter.
Mr. Kohl read the following letter dated February 26, 1976,
from M~. Pu~do:
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for
placing my request on the agenda. Would you please let me
know where I can obtain a transcript of the meeting of Feb-
ruary 17, 1976, pertaining to my request for payment for all
the extra work I did £or the City while holding the position
of City Prosecutor. Again I th~uk you for your assistance
and I look forward to your prompt reply.'~
Mr. Kohl added that it was prior to this that he received the
phone call from the attorney advising they were going to
start suit. M~yor DeLong clarified that he would settle for
half and Mr. Kohl agreed and added that he talked to P~. Reed
and he advised they should pay, as the legal fees would be
much more than $325.
Mr. Strnad moved to accept the recommendation of the City
Manager to pay Mm. Purdo half the amount of the original
stipulated ~igure. Mayor DeLong advised that the proper
procedure, in view of the fact that the three members pre-
sent here today were on the prevailing side when the denial
was made at the City Council meeting of February 18, 1976,
would be a motion to reconsider their previous action. }~.
Strnad so moved, seconded by F~. Zack. Mayor DeLong clari-
fied the motion was to reconsider the City Council's actions
at the reconvened City Council Meeting of February 18, 1976,
when denial was made by a 4-0 unanimous vote to grant
Purdo's request for the amount of money he believed was due
him for extra compensation. No discussion. Motion carried
Mr. Strnad moved to instruct the City Manager to pay Mr.
Purdo half the amount of the original stipulated amount
which was presented for payment. ~. Zack seconded the
motion. Mayor DeLong c~arified the motion was to accept
the recommendation of the City Manager to forward to
Purdo half of the amount that he claimed was due in remuu-
eration for extra curricular activities while serving as
the City prosecutor for the year of 1975. No discussion.
Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote as follows:
MARCH 8, 1976
Vice Mayor. Zack - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
~_otmon carried 3-0.
Request of Tradewinds Developmen~
MAyor DeLong informed the Council that Mr. White and ~r.
Fred Muse of the Tradewinds Homeowners Association paid a
visit to the Mayor's Office several days agao relative to
the service of water by the City of Boynton Beach to the
Tra~ewinds Development located in the unincorporated area
of the ~unty along South Feder~ Highway. He referred
these people to the City Manager, as this would be consid-
erad Administrative. He requested M~. Kohl to give a re-
port on what has transpired.
First, Mr. Kohl advised that ~s. Jackson had called him
yesterday request~that he tell the Council that she had
an appointment and it was too late to change it to attend
this meeting.
~. Kohl continued that he had talked to some gentlemen from
the Tradewinds Homeowners Association in his office with the
Utilities Director, Mr. Perry Cessna. To pro~ide water to
Tradewinds with a pipeline running down U. S. 1 would cost
approximately $170,000. Water distribution within Tradewinds
Estates would run approximately $84,000. These people were
tal~ng about annexing and in his opinion, they would be like
any deveIoper coming into the City and if they want water,
they should have to pay for it. He recommends if they do
Want to come into the City or if they do wsmt water service,
they should pay for it just like anybody else.
M~yor DeLong stated a motion would be in order to accept the
recommendations of the City Manager with instructions not to
close the door on negotiations. M~. Zack moved to accept the
recommendation of the City Manager not to close the door to
supply water to Tradewinds. ~. Strnad seconded the motion.
A man from the audience attempted to interupt and Mayor DeLong
explained how it was improper and suggested that he appear
at a regular meeting sand converse with the Council during the
time allowed for the public audience. No discussion. Motion
carried 3-0.
Mayor DeLong then announced the Council would hear the man
in the audience. ~v. John E. Varney stated his name and his
address as 3115 Earen Drive, Tradewinds Estates, Delray Beach,
and he informed the Council that he was the Secretary of the
Tradewinds Property Owners Association. He requested that
the figures quoted be repeated. Mr. Kohl replied that the
i~JL~RCH 8, 1976
line would run approximately $170,000 to run on the east side
of U. S. I from S. E. 36th Avenue to interconnect with Place
in the Sun. Water distribution within Tradewinds would run
approximately $84,000. Mr. Varney asked~if it would be possi-
ble to make the oonnection from the 8" main in Place in the
Sun andccoming across the spoil area to Tradewinds Estates?
Mayor DeLong explained how the door to negotiations had been
left open and suggested that the people ms_ke an appointment
with the City Manager to meet with him and the City Engineer
and Consulting Engsneers to discuss the best a~ud most econom-
ical route.
A man in the audience requested to speak in opposition to this
and Mayor DeLong informed him that the City Manager would re-
qumre a petition to be submitted listing those in favor and
Ad j o~mrnme nt
Mr. Strnad moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Zack. Motion
carried 3-0.
Council Member
Respectfully submitted,
S uz~une Kruse
Recording Secretary
(One tape )
Council Member
Fehure.~-~'24~ 1976
Board of Coun~yComm/ssioners
Palm Beach County
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
Re: Environmental-Control Rule One
Fardon my lateness in respom~ng to the proposed amendment to the."Palm -
Beach County EnviroDmental Control .Rule One ~.Indi~dual Sewage Disposal
Facilities'"as it only'came, to my'attention'a few days ago..X understand that
this proposal has beem~der discussion for a'few months a~ p~apes I was not
~mfo~ed of it sooner was due to my recent ar~val ~n ~he area.
I would be ver~ remiss of my duty however; to the eight communities in
the South Central Regional A~ea of Palm'Beach Count~, if I let this proposed
r~le become effective without comment..And yet to comment on it fu3_l~ ~ould
take reams of paper amd be repetitive of oppositionalvSewsalready presented .
to you hy some of your owe staff and ~ndividual'communities o~ this proposal. I
only wish I could have heem part of the discussiom meat-ings held on this subject
as I would have recalled, arguments of 15 to 20 years ago to "up ~rade" sewage
reqnmrementSo--..', .... ·
To put my position succinctly, .I am opposed to-the "do~l gra~in~' of
sanitary regulations within the South Central Regional Area of Palm BeaCk County
~hich. I feel the p~oposed."RuleOne"'does by m~owln~ developments to install
· ndividual septic systems; It is my ~pinion that the proposed Rule One is
diametrically opposite the recommendations and intentions of go6d ~lanninS a~
Zon%n~'en~,the Wat~r.QuaIit~'~La~asement Plan and the many other studies done in
the area to protect and enhance the quality of life in ~alm Beach County.
Good Planning and Zo~-S provides for the orderly Ero~th pattern of a
~e~ion that would be consistent with the environments ability to keep up ~th
the urhanization%rlth water, sewer and other facilities for the protection of
the health, welfare and.saftey of existinE and proposed inhabitants. The Water
Quality tdanagement Plan was specificly drafted to protect "the inland and estuar~
waters" and "presented the optimu~water quality management strateEy for Palm
Beach COunty". These planu/n~ aids are worth/ess if scatered de%relopments on
septic systems are allowed to flourish.
I urge your Com~sslon to reject adoption of the proposed "Envlronmenta~
Control Rule One" as presently drafted.
cc - /4ayors of:
Boynton Beach
Delray Beach
Highland Beach
Ocean Ridge Golf
/m. thony.,3~.t.~anon -'
~h~e~ Executive Officer
Briney Breezes