Joe DeLong, Mayor
Joseph F. Zack, Vice Mayor
Edward F. Harmening, Councilman
Emily M. Jack~3on, Councilwoman
Norman F. Strnad, Councilman
Frank Kohl, City I,~ager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Mayor DeLong called the meeting to order at 5:05 P. M. He
announced this meeting was called for the purpose of appoint-
lng tke members te the various City Boards. He added there
were several items, which he believed would be appropriate to
discuss first.
Mayor DeLong informed the Council that he had received a
request from Village Royale on the Green to have a special
meeting with the City Council. He has agreed to this spec-
ial meeting, but will leave it in the province of the mem-
bers of the Council when this meeting will take place. He
suggests next Monday afternoon. After discussion, it was
agreed to hold this special meeting at 2:30 P. M. on Monday,
January 12. Mayor DeLong requested Mrs. Padgett to prepare
the notice for this meeting.
Mayor DeLong announced that there would be no re-appointment
of ~. Paul Startzman, because they feel the ExecutiVe Direc-
tor with the Authority should be given as much freedom as
they can. There will be no re-appointment of the transporta-
tion liaison. He then entertained a motion to ratify the
payments which have been given to Mr. Startzman.
Mr. Harmening moved tha, t the payments to M~. Startzman, $25.00
weekly, be ratified. M~s. Jackson seconded the motion. No
discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice ~yor Zack - Aye
M~Jor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Appointments of Boards and Committees
Ma~vor DeLong announced they would continue in the same alpha-
betical order with the appointments.
Board of Adjustment
Mmyor DeLong informed the Council that the Board of Adjustment
consists of seven regular members and two alternates, with all
JANUARY 6, 1976
terms having expired on December 31, 1975. He then read
the members who served on this Board last year. ge added
that according to the new ordinance, the terms will now be
staggered with one, two and three year ter~. N~. Harme~ing
suggested nominating the regular members first.
N~yor DeLong declared the nominations open for the regular
members of the Board of Adjustment and the members made the
following nominations:
Mr. Earme~ing nominated
Carl Zimmerman
David Healy
Joseph Aranow
Fey Ward
Walter Rutter
the following:
- 3 yr. term
- 3 yr. term
- 2 yr. term
- 3 yr. term
- 2 yr. term
Mrs. Jackson nominated the following taking into con-
sideration their attendance at the meetings:
Carl Zimmerman - 3 yr. term
Walter Rutter - 3 yr. term
Foy Ward - 3 yr. term
Vernon Thompson - 2 yr. term
Joseph Aranow 2 yr. term
David Healy 2 yr. term
Mr. Strnad agreed, but questioned M~so Jackson's refer-
ence to their attendance. He asked if they attended all the
meetings, she put them in for 3 years? Mrs. Jackson informed
him that the Board of Adjustment had 13 meetings last year and
read how many meetings each member had attended. M~. Strnad
th~ked her and then nominated the following:
Joseph Aranow
Robert Gordon
George Ampol
Foy Ward
Alvin Boeltz
- 3 yro term
- 3 yr. term
- 3 yr. term
- 2 yr. term
- 2 yr. term
Vernon Thompson - 2 yr. term
Der!e Bailey 1 yr. term
Mr. Zack ~ominated the followimg:
Joseph Aranow - 3 yr. term
Robert Gordon - 3 yr. term
George Ampol - 3 yr. term
Foy Ward - 2 yr. term
Alvin Boeltz - 2 yr. term
Vernon Thompson - 2 yr. term
Derle Bailey - ~ yr. term
JANU~MY 6, 1976
Mayor DeLong stated he was not going to make any'nomi-
nations, but would vote on them. He would just like the
courtesy to make appointments when vacancies occur during
the year.
.Mr. Harmening moved that the nominations be closed on the
regular members, seconded by ME. Strnad. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor DeLong announced they would vote on Mr. Harmening's
nominees first ar_d requested ~s. ~acgett to take a roll
call vote. Mrs. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - No
Vice ~yor Zack - No
Mayor DeLong - No
Mayor DeLong announced the vote was 3-2 and Mr. Harmening's
nominee~ are not eligible for appointment.
Mayor DeLong then called for a roll call Vote on M~s. Jack-
son's nominees and Mrs. Padgett conducted it as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson Aye
Councilman $trnad No
Vice Mayor Z~ck - No
Mayor DeLong - No
Mayor DeLong announced the vote was 3-2 and Mrs. Jackson's
nominees had lost.
~yor DeLong called for a roll call vote on Mr. Strnad's
nominees and M~s. Padgett conducted it as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - No
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor ~ack - ~ye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
~s. Padgett announced the vote was 4-1 in favor and Mayor
DeLong read the list of nominees submitted by Mr. Strnad.
M~. Strnad moved to appoint the seven men he nominated for
the terms as stated as regular members on the Board of Ad-
jmstment. Mr. Zack seconded the motion. No discussion.
M~rs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
JA~UARY 6, 1976
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - No
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice M~yor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
carried 4-t ·
Mayor DeLong declared the nominations open for the alternate
members of the Board of Adjustment with the terms of one for
two years and one for three years. The members submitted the
follow~g nominations:
Mr. Harmening mominated M~. Carl Zimmerman for a 3 yr.
term and added that he would not nominate an adS'.ltlonal· alter-
nate as he feels it may be an exercise ~u futility.
M~s. Jackson nominated Pm. Carl Zimmerman for a 3 yr.
term and Mr. Walter Rutter for a 2 yr. term.
Mr. Strnad nominated M~. Walter Rutter for a 2 yr. term
and ~-~. Richard.Kurtz for a 3 yr. term.
M~. Zack nominated ~. Walter Rutter for a 2 yr. term
and Mr. Richard Kurtz for a 3 yr. term.
Mayor DeLong noted there was a difference of opinion on one
nominee and requested Mrs. Padgett to take a roll call vote
on the nomination of Mr. Carl Zi~merman as proposed by Mr.
Harmening. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
COU~ncitman Strnad - No
Vice Mayor Zack - No
Msyor DeLong - No
N~s. Padgett announced the Vote was 3-2 and ~yor DeLong an-
~oUnced that Mr. Zimmerman was d!~quel!f~ed~for appointment.
Mayor DeLong then requested a roll call vote on ~s. Jackson,s
nominees and Mrs. Padgett conducted it as follows:
Councilman Harmening Aye
Councilwoman Jackson Aye
Councilman Strnad - No
Vice Mayor Zack No
Mayor DeLong No
~s. Padgett announced the vote was 3-2 egainst.
JA~GARY 6, 1976
Mayor DeLor~ requested a roll call vote on ~ir. Strnad's
nominees and Mrs. Padgett conducted it as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - No
Councilman Strnad - ~je
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Mrs. Padgett annoum~d the vote was 4-1 in favor.
N~yor DeLong asked about Mr. Kurtz's background and Mr. Strnad
informed him that he was superintendent of construction at
the middle school.
NE. Zack moved to appoint Mr. Rutter ~or a 2 yro term and N~.
Kurtz for a 3 yr. term as alternate members of the Board of
Adjustment. Mr. Strnad seconded the motion. No discussion.
~h~s. Padgett took a doll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye,
Councilwoman Jackson No
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong Aye
since it seems this
City has found that
Boards & Committees
are necessary in the
past and in order to
expedite this thing,
he will vote for any
candidates that come
down the pike.
Motion carried 4-I.
Board of Governors - Cemetery Board
Mayor DeLong informed the Council there were two members to
be appointed to fill the expired terms of M~. L. Don Combs
and Mrs. Bertha Chadwell. He declared the nominations open
for the members of the Board of Governors - Cemetery Board~
Mr. Harmening nominated ~. Combs and Mrs° Chadwell.
M~s. Jackson nominated the same two nominees based on
their past attendance record.
Mr. Strnad nominated Mr. Combs and M~s. Chadwell.
N~w. Zack nominated M~. Co~Os and Mrs. Chadwell.
ill i
J~NUARY 6, 1 976
l~. Strnad moved to appoint M~. Combs and Mrs. Chadwell to
the Board of Governors, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No dis-
cussion. Mrs. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as fo_lows.1 -
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilms~ Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motio~ carried 5-0.
Civil Service Appeals Board
Mayor DeLong declared the nominations open for the Civil
Service Appeals Board. He informed the Council there were
two reig~ members to be appointed to fill the expired
terms of Mr. Kelley Kirton and ~. Robert B. Shackley.
~. Harmsning nominated Mr. Kirton and Mr. Shackley.
~s. Jackson nominated ~. Kirton only.
M~. Strnad nominated M~. Albert Furia and ~. Robert
Mr. Zack nominated Mr. Furia for a 3 yr. term and ~.
Shackley for a 2 yr. term.
Mr. Zack clarified that he was referring to the code in stat-
ing a 3 yr. term for M~. Furia, Mayor DeLong asked Mr. Sulli-
van if he had information in reference to this. M~. Sullivan
replied that he thinks the misunderstanding came when the
Board was first established. The odd term came into play,
but since then everyone serves two year terms. M~. Zack
asked if this was stated in the code and Mr. Sullivan re-
plied that it was changed in 1963. Mrs. Padgett checked
the code and noted that a two year term was stated. ~.
Zack requested that M~. Furia's term be changed to 2 years
~. He~mening moved to close the nominations for the regular
members of the Civil Service Appeals Board, seconded by Mr.
Strnad. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor DeLong requested a roll call vote on.Mr. Harmening,s
nominations and M~s. Padgett conducted it as follows:
Councilman Harmening -
Councilwoman Jackson -~No
Councilman Strnad No
Vice Mayor Zack No
~yor DeLong No
Padgett announced the vote was 4-1 against.
JAE~Y 6, 1976
MAyor DeLong requested a roll call vote on Mrs. Jackson's
nomination and Mrs. Padgett conducted it as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson ~jfe
Councilman Strnad - No
Vice Mayor Zack No
Mayor DeLong - No
Mrs. Padgett announced the vote was 3-2 against.
M~vor DeLong requested a roll cs~l vote on Mr. Strnad's
nominations and Mrs. Padgett conducted it as follows:
Councilma~ Harmening - ~ye
Councilwoman Jackson - No
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Mrs. Padgett announced the vote was 4-1 in favor.
Mm. Harmening moved to appoint Mr. Albert Furia and M~.
Robert Shackley for a period of two years as regular mem-
bers of the Civil Service Appeals Board. M~. Strnad
seconded the motion. No discussion. Mms. Padgett took a
roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - ~ye
Cou~_cilwoman Jackson - No
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
~yor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 4-~.
Mayor DeLong declared the nominations open for the two alter-
nate members to be appointed for the regular members.
~. Harmening passed.
Mrs. Jack, on passed, but added that she voted no previ-
ously as she is sticking by her nominations.
Mr. Strnad nominated ~. Morton Levine for two years
with Mr. Furia and ~. Don Shelhamer for two years with Mr.
~. Zack passed.
JANUARY 6, 1976
~yor DeLong requested a roll call vote on F~. Strnad's nomi-
nations and Mrs. Padgett conducted it as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
~ice ~yor Zack - Aye
M~yor DeLong - Aye
Mrs. Padgett announced the vote was 5-0 in favor.
Community Appearance Board
Mayor DeLong declared the nominations open for the regular
me~bers of the Community Appearance Boa~d. He informed the
Council that there were four vacancies, three for three year
terms and ene to complete the balance of Mx. Heel's term ex-
piring in 1977. The names of those expiring are: Mr.
Ch~uncey Buck, Col. Cam Reid and F~. Robert Black.
~. Harmening passed.
~s, Jackson passed.
~. Strnad nominated Mr. Buck for a 3 yr, term,
Black for a 3 yr. term, Col. Reid for a 3 yr. term, and
Raymond Eeirnan for a 2 yr. term.
Mr. Zack passed.
Mayor DeLong requested a roll c~l vote on ~. Strnad's nomi-
nations and F~s. Padgett conducted it as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - ~ye
Mrs. Padgett announced the vote was 5-0 in favor.
M~r. Strnad moved to appoint M~. Buck, N~. Black, Col. Reid,
and ¥~. Keirnan as nominated as regular members to the Com-
munity Appearance Board. M~. Harmening seconded the motion.
No discussion. M~s. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad Aye
Vice Mayor Zack ~je
~yor DeLong - ~ve
Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor DeLong declared the nominations open for the aopoint-
merit of an alternate member to take the place of N~.-Keirnan
on the Community Appearance Board.
Mr. Harmening pamsed.
Mrs. Jackson passed.
M~. Strnad nominated Mr. Robert Collier.
~r. Zack passed.
Mayor DeLong requested a roll call vote on ~o Strnad's nomi-
nation and ~s. Padgstt conducted it as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Cemncilman Str~ad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack Aye
M~yor DeLong ~e
~s. Padgett announced the vote was 5-0 in favor. Mayor DeLeng
added that this vote would carry to appoint M~. Collier.
Comm~n~it~ Relations Board
Mayor DeLong declared the nominations open for the members of
the Community Relations Board. He informed the Council that
the Board co~ists of nine members, with all term~ having ex-
pired on Decem~oer 3~, ~975. He then read the names of the
members who served on this Bo~d last year.
Mr. Harmening passed.
~s. Jackson first stated that this Board had eleven
meetings last year and ~. ~hite only attended fo~r meetings.
~he believes there is a conflict of interest. She then nomi-
nated the following:
Leroy Harris
John P. Jameson
Mrs. Jean W. Pipes
John Ho Stephens
Mrs. ~ldred ~alker
Mr. Strnad nominated the
John H. Stephens
Leroy Harris
S~lvia ~agner
Charles Johnson
A1 Haas
Beverly Barton
Brenda Milliams
Albert McGregor
Christine TaIlen
F~. Zack passed.
Mayor DeLong requested a roll call vote on P~s. Jackson's
nominations and Mss. Padgett conducted it as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - No
Vice Mayor Back - No
Mayor DeLong - No
Mrs. Padgett announced the vote was 3-2 against.
Mayor DeLong requested a roll call vote on Mr. Strnad's
nominations and N~s. Padgett conducted it as follows:
Councilman H~meniD~ - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye,
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
M~yor DeLong - Aye
but there are some
people she knows and
some she doesn't.
~s. Padgett announced the vote was 5-0 in favor.
Library Board
Mayor DeLong declared the nominations open for the members of
the Library Board. He informed the Council there were four
appointments to be made, two for two years ~nd twe for one
year. He added that the terms of Mrs. Lautenschlager, ~s.
Kirton and M~s. White were expiring and ~s. Moore had re-
M~. Harmening passed.
Mrs. Jackson nominated the following:
Mrs. Sandra Lautenschlager - 1 yr. term
Mrs. Mildred White - 2 yr. term
~s. Kathleen Kirton - 2 yr. term
Mrs. ~rtha Muschella - ~ yr. term
N~. Strnad nominated the following:
P~s. Janet Centola - 2 yr. term
~s. Martha Muschella - 2 yr. term
Mrs. Sandra Lautenschlager - 1 yr. term
Mss. l~-Lildred White - I yr. Serm
M~. Zack passed.
Mayor DeLong requested a roll call vote on Mrs. Jackson's
nominations and M~s. Padgett conducted it as follows:
Councilmem Harmening - Aye
Councilwomau Jackson Aye
Councilman Strnad - No
Vice Mayor Zack - No
Mayor DeLong - No
}~s. Padgett ~unounced the vote was 3-2 against.
Mr. Strnad referred to his nominations being the only left smd
movedto appoint the four as named to the Library Bo~md for
the terms as stated. ~. Zack seconded the motion. ~s.
Padgett conducted a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Hsmmening Aye
Councilwom~m Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack Aye
Mayor DeLong - ~je
Motion carried 5-0.
Planning & Zonin~ Board
~yor DeLong declared the nominations open for the members of
the Planning & Zoning Board. He informed the Council there
were four appointments to be made for two year terms. The
members whose terms have expired are: Joseph Kelly, Vicki
Castello, Walter Trauger and Marilyn Huckle.
~. Harmening passed.
~&rs. Jackson first referred to the previous attend~mce
record and then nominated Mr. Kelly, Col. Trauger, Mrs.
Castello and Mme. Huckle.
}~. Strnad nominated ~. Joseph Kelly, ~. Richard
Lambert, ~. Garry Winter and ~m. Fred Kostner.
Mr. Zack passed.
Mayor DeLong requested a roll cal~ vote on Mrs. Jackson's
nominations and Mms. Padgett conducted it as follows:
Council=~Lu Harmening - ~Je
Councilwoman Jackson - ~je
Councilman Strnad - No
Vice Mayor Zack - No
Mayor DeLong - No
}~s. Padgett announced the vote was 3-2 against.
JASUJARY 6, 1976
Mr. Zack made a motion to take a roll call vote on the remain-
ing candidates as no~inated by ~. Strnad, seconded by M~.
Strnad. ~s. ?adgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - No
Coumcilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 4-1.
Recreation and Parks Board
Mayor DeLong declared the nominations open for the members of
the Recreation & Parks Board. He informed the Council that
four appointments were to be made to fill the expiring terms
of Mrs. Trauger, Mrs. Girtman, Mrs. Wallace andMrs. Iscoe.
~¢~. Harmening passed.
~s. Jackson passed.
M~r. Strnad nominated Mrs. Blanche Girtman, ~s. Gladys
Iscoe, ~. Jay Kaye, and M~. Floyd Van Deusen.
Mr. Zack passed.
~. Strnad made a motion to aopoint the nominees he ns~e~ to
the Recreation ~ud Park~ Boar~ for a period of two years.
Zack seconded the' motion. ~s. Padgett took a roll call vote
as follows:
Councilman Harmening - No
Councilwoman Jackson - No
Councilman Strnad - ~e
Vice Mmyor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong Aye
Motion carried 3-2.
Cardiac. Cooperative Task Force
Mmyor DeLong declared the nominations ooen for the members of
the Cardiac Cooperative Task Force and ~dded that all terms
had expired. Mrs. Jackson stated that this Board has done all
it c8~ do until the hospital does something. Mayor DeLong
replied that they will have a Task Force Board regardless.
They will continue as it will perform worthwhile services
for the residents of this City. It did not start with the
last City Council, but quite awhile back.
F~. Harmening passed.
Mrs. Jackson passed.
Mm. Strnad nominated Mm. Richard Vastine, Chairm~n;
Dr. Arthur L. Trask; and .Mr. Gene Wright, Boynton Beach Fire
~. Zack passed, but added that more members are needed.
They are supposed to have thr~e, but Mr. Wright is a member
of the Fire Department. Mm. Strnad suggested Mm. Gene Kite.
Mayor DeLong disagreed stating he thought there would be a
conflict with two employees.
~. Zack made a motion to close the nominations, seconded by
Fm. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson made a motion to appoint ~m. Vastine, Dr. Trask,
and Mr. Wright to the Cardiac Cooperative Task Forcer seconded
by Mr. Harmening, No discussion. M~s. Padgett took a roll
call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - _~ve
Councilwoman Jackson -
Councilman Strnad -
Vice Ma~vor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - &ye
Motion carried 5-0.
Board of Trustees - EmPloyees, Pension Plan
~s. Jackson noted that no appointments were necesss~y.
Mr. Zack referred to ~. DeCanio being on the Board 8~ud asked
if he has been selling insurance to the City while on the
Board? .Mr. Kohl replied: yes. M~s. Jackson asked if it was
a bid item and Mr. Kohl replied that he didn't ~ow. Mayor
DeLong suggested that they present this to the City Attorney
to determine whether there is a conflict of interest.
Mr. Zack moved that the position held by Mr. Sal DeCanio on
the Pension Board be forwarded to the City Attorney for deter-
mina~ion of whether there is a conflict of interest, l~ms.
Jackson seconded the motion. No discussion. ~s. Padgett
took a roll call vote as fo~_lows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jac!~son -
Councilman Strnad -
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion ce~ried 5-0.
aNU~&RY 6, 1976
Buildin~ Boards
Mayor DeLo~g referred to everyone havi~ background informa-
tion forwarded by the Building Official. He asked if they
wa~ted to take some action per the recommendation made by
the City Manager, who approves of the contents of the memo
from the Building Official, which means there will be eli-
mination of the Building Board, Electrical Board and Plumb-
ing Board,.. There will be a consolidation under one Board
set up under State law. Mrs. Jack~on asked if they woul~
have to repeal the ordinance on th~s first as the Building
Board e~d Electrical Board &~e per ordinance. Mayor DeLong
advised that if they accepted the recommendations as approved
by the City Manager, next they would take steps to set up a
Building Board of ~djustments and Appeals. I~ may entail
rescinding the ordinances they have. They will ~ot make any
appointments to this Board u~til it is set up~ This new
Board will be dist~ncbfrom the Board of Adjustmen~t. The
Board will be set up per State law and is a quasi-judicial
body. The order of business at the present tim~ would be to
accept the recommendation of th~ Building Official as approved
by the City h~ager.
~s. Jackson moved to approve the recommendation of the
Building Official as approved by the City Manager to create
a new Building Board of Adjustments ~ud Appeals. Mr. Strnad
seconded the motion. E~der discussion, Mr. Zack referred
to the Board consisting of five members and stated he did
not think this was enough to represent three trades.
Kohl informed him that this was according to the State
Statute, but they could go higher. Mr. Eack suggested two
people from each trade as a minimum. Mayor DeLong suggested
a seven member Board to avoid a deadlock. M~. Zack agreed.
Mrs. Jackson requested that a se~en member Board be included
in her motion. Mayor DeLong asked if there were any positions
for any laymen a~ud Mr. ~Ohl~replied that he would check it.
M~. Harmening stated he thought the City Attorney or City
M~nager should check that this is according to State Statute.
Mrs. Padgett then took a ro~t call vote as follows:
Co?~ncilman ~armening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice ~yor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong ~ Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Board of Trustees - Mu~c_~al Firemen's Pension Trust Fun8
~. Kohl informed the Council that one lay member was to be
appointed. M~s. Jackson stated she believed this member
must be connected with a ba~, but they must be careful not
to get a conflict of interest. M~ayor DeLong declared the
J~UARY 6, 1976
nominations open for the one vacancy on this Bosmdo
Mr. Harmening passed stating he was reluctemt to nominate
anyone because he amdn t want to embarrass them.
~ms. Jackson stated since it was hard to get people to
serve on these Boards, she would ask that .Mr. Richard D'Angelo
be re-appointed. Mayor DeLong questioned why he left and Mrs.
Jackson replied that his term expired.
Mm'. Strnad nom~mated Mr. George Gold as resident member
of the Municipal Firemen's Pension Trust Fund.
M~. Zack passed.
Mrs. Jackson asked for information about Mr. Gold and
Strnad replied that he didn,t have a resume, but he is a
retired fireman from New York City. Mrs. Jackson asked if
he was a member of a bank and Mayor DeLong questioned if
the Resolution required a member of the bank. Mrs. Padgett
reolied th t the re u' ' ~ ' ·
_~ __ ~ ~ · ~ q iremen~ was no~ ~ the Charter, but mn
~ne ~ave ~a~u~es. She believes Mr. D~Angelo was from the
First Bar~. ~. Elam informed t~eb Council that _~. D'Angelo
is a comptroller of First Bank & Trust. M~yor DeLong asked
if this was required and Mm. Kohl replied that he would check
M~s. Jackson moved to table the nomination until they get
further information regarding the appointment to the Muni-
cipalFiremen,s Pension Trust Fund. M~. Harmening seconded
the motion. NO discussion. Motion carried 3-0.
Mm. Zack asked if they were going to nominate an alternate
for this Board and Ms~or DeLong suggested waiting until they
found about the regular member first.
Board of T~ustees~ Municipal Police__Officers Retirement Trust Fund
~yor DeLong asked mf there were any reeuirements ~or this
and ~s. P~dgett informed him that this~woul[ [lso'be under
State Statutes.
M~s. Jackson moved to table this appointment, seconded by
M~. Harmen~ng. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor DeLong announced there would be a meeting of the County
League of M~nicipalities on Friday at t;45 P. M. in West Palm
Beach. He~lso reminded the members of the meeting next
Monday afternoon at 2:30 P. M. with Village Royale on the
Green. He ~dded that he thinks there must b~ ~ ~etter system
than this f~r appointment of members to the Boards. ~
JA~-~J-~/qY 6, 1976
_&dj ournment
N~. Harmening made a motion to adjourn, seconded by ~.
Strnad. Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly
adjourned at 6:30 Po M.
Susan Kruse,
RecOrdin~ Secretary -1 6-
(2 Tapesy