Vinola Rada, Chair Kathy Biscuiti, Special Events Director
James Guilbeault
Jeanne Heavilin
Elliott Williams
Michele Costantino, Alternate
Mark Karageorge, Alternate
Brad Sevaldson
I. Welcome
Chair Rada called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m.
II. Introduction & Announcements
Self- introductions were made. Chair Rada noted a new member, Jeanne Heavilin.
111. Approval of June 6, 2012 Minutes
Ms. Costantino moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Guilbeault seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
IV. Committee Discussion /New Business
Mr. Guilbeault advised he spoke to Bern Ryan of the Delray Chamber of Commerce
who runs the Garlic Festival and the Delray Affair. He invited him to attend a meeting
as an advisory person to give advice on organizing affairs.
He also advised Mr. Ryan and Nancy Stewart own a company called Festival
Management. The Chamber outsources much of their work to Festival Management.
Meeting Minutes
Special Events Ad Hoc Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida August 1, 2012
Mr. Guilbeault moved to invite Bern Ryan to the next available meeting. The motion was
seconded by Ms. Heavilin and passed unanimously.
Ms. Costantino requested discussion of the Resolution that the Board functions under.
The Resolution binds the Board and prevents the Board from getting anything
successfully done. For the Board to continue and move forward, the group would have
to work a lot and out of the Sunshine Law. There would have to be separate planning
groups to get things accomplished in a short amount of time and the Resolution forbids
that. She felt this would need to be discussed or have Ms. Biscuiti bring it to the
Commission for a possible amendment.
Chair Rada advised that if the Board decided to do the Pepper Festival, the Board, for
example, would decide who was an expert in cooking, and that person would oversee
those vendors. The same would apply to each area. Each board member would be
responsible for getting their own volunteers to assist and then hold a meeting with the
volunteers to discuss what needed to be done. She did not feel this was a violation of
the Sunshine Law. Ms. Costantino advised that the board needed to be able to
communicate with each other. If this event was going to happen soon, the board should
consider meeting more than once a month. Chair Rada agreed and this would be
discussed should the need arise in the future.
Chair Rada advised there would be a presentation at the next meeting on the
International Kinetic Symposium.
There was discussion on the Pepper Festival that was briefly brought up at the last
meeting Mr. Williams indicated there were many different festivals in various cities, but
there were no pepper festivals so he felt it would be successful. He had spoken to a lot
of vendors that indicated interest in participating in this type of event. This would
possibly be the signature event and other events would run off this. A name for the
festival was discussed. Boynton Beach used to be famous for its peppers.
Ms. Heavilin commented that possibly it was not a good idea that a signature event
should be focused on a single thing like peppers. Mr. Williams indicated there would be
other things there such as art, entertainment, and cooking contests, among other things.
It was the opinion that Boynton Beach needed multi - cultural events.
There was discussion regarding the procurement of the vendors and getting on their
event track where they start in the Keys, go to Boca, Delray and end up in West Palm.
These are vendors that come in from all over the country.
Meeting Minutes
Special Events Ad Hoc Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida August 1, 2012
The idea of having it called an international festival appealed to the Board. This would
appeal to the entire Boynton population and would bring visitors from other areas as
Mr. Williams moved that the signature event be named the Boynton Beach International
Pepper Festival. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Different dates were discussed in March and April where there would not be a conflict
with other area events and holidays.
Mr. Guilbeault moved to set the date of the festival to April 13 -14, 2013. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously passed.
The next item discussed was a possible location of the festival. Ocean Avenue, the
Amphitheater and Intercoastal Park were discussed. There had to be ample parking,
shuttle possibilities, a location to put multiple vendors, and possibly an entertainment
stage. If the event were held at Intracoastal Park, the building could possibly be used
for a VIP area. It was suggested to contact Wally Majors to inquire what was available
and the hours of availability. The problem with Intracoastal Park was the residents who
live there and the hour the entertainment would have to cease. There were suggestions
of having the festival on Ocean Avenue and the surrounding areas because everything
needed was there. It would be near water and other businesses, and vendors could
safely cover their goods overnight.
There was brief discussion regarding clarification of the Sunshine Law. More than one
person could not go and meet with Mr. Majors. If anything business related was
discussed, it would be a violation of the Sunshine Law. It was agreed that Mr.
Guilbeault would meet with Mr. Majors.
There was a brief discussion regarding how much to charge the vendors. This was a
first year affair and the price would have to be appealing to a potential vendor. Mr.
Guilbeault suggested a budget be discussed first. The majority of the money would
come from sponsorships. There would have to be security hired, and police and fire
would have to be on -site, as well. That alone could potentially cost approximately
$5,000. Chair Rada would have a draft budget to review for the next meeting. Ms.
Buscuiti would email a sample of an event budget to the Board. Chair Rada suggested
that a vendor pay $75.00 per day, or $150.00 for the weekend for the event. It would
provide a 10 x 10 space. Vendors would bring their own chairs, tables, etc.
Meeting Minutes
Special Events Ad Hoc Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida August 1, 2012
Mr. Guilbeault recommended creating sub - committees soon for the various elements of
the festival. Ms. Costantino mentioned that a sponsor package should be reviewed and
decided what would be offered to a potential sponsor. There could be a title sponsor
who would be a large money sponsor, then event sponsors below that. The main thing
the sponsor would get would be advertisement and exposure. Mr. Guilbeault offered to
take the role of securing sponsorships.
There would be more in -depth discussions regarding the planning of the event at the
next meeting.
V. Other Business
VI. Adjourn
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Guilbeault moved to adjourn. Ms.
Costantino seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
Ellie Caruso
Recording Secretary