Minutes 07-26-12 MINUTES OF THE EDUCATION AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD MEETING HELD ON JULY 26, 2012, AT 7:00 P.M., IN CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PRESENT: Steve Waldman, Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison Carla Colebrooks Dr. Tiffany North Loretta Wilkinson ABSENT: Mary Morera, Vice Chair Armisha Roberts, Student Regular Voting Member Khadijah Davis, Student, Non - Voting Member I. Call to Order Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. 11. Pledge of Allegiance /Moment of Silent Reflection The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of silent reflection. Self introductions were made. III. Approval of Minutes of June 28, 2012 Motion Ms. Wilkinson moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Dr. North and unanimously passed. IV. Approval of Agenda Motion Ms. Wilkinson moved to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded by Dr. North and unanimously passed. 1 Meeting Minutes Education and Youth Advisory Board Boynton Beach, FL July 26, 2012 V. Announcements /Presentations /Correspondence Sherri Claude, Board Liaison, announced that former Commissioner Bill Orlove, due to his resignation, donated the $200 balance in his expense account to be used for schools. She would prepare a thank you letter for Chair Waldman to sign. She also advised that she received an email from Armisha Roberts apologizing for not being able to attend the meeting and submitted her letter of resignation. There are now two student openings on the Board. Chair Waldman mentioned that because of the policy on missing meetings, the Board lost Carol Lundquist and Hattie Miller. Ms. Miller was the longest serving member and he was sorry to lose both of them. According to the ordinance, they cannot reapply for three years. He wanted to express his thanks for their service. Ms. Wilkinson expressed her opinion that the ordinances could be changed. She understood that they were in place so members could not take advantage of a situation, but in Ms. Miller's case, she was on the board so long but was hospitalized and that was why she could not attend. Chair Waldman advised he had spoken to someone about the situation and was awaiting a return call. VI. Public Audience Jeanne Heavilin, 734 NE 9 Avenue, thanked the Board for allowing their participation in the shred -a -thon. It was a great event and the funds were appreciated. In the future, Sister Cities would find their own fundraising event. She mentioned it was time to start planning the Young Artist/Young Authors showcase. She would like to get the information out to the schools before the end of August to give them plenty of time. She had inquired of Chair Waldman if someone from the Board could sit on a planning committee and possibly attend two meetings. More youth need to be engaged and this year the guidelines are 13 -18 years of age. She would like to open it up to more students, private, home - school, as well as more of the public schools. The focus needed to be outside of the Arts and English departments. Ms. Heavilin advised funding sources needed to be found. Ideally, she would like to find a funding source or two that would stay with them every year. She passed out a sample flyer for the Board's review. Chair Waldman added that he was running a contest for the high school on African American culture. He could possibly bring some flyers with him to handout and possibly talk to the teachers and students. Ms. Heavilin advised Sister Cities had their annual conference in Jacksonville, FL two weeks ago. Many great ideas were shared and if she could implement just a couple of them, it would be great. The new logo and tag line for Sister Cities International is 2 Meeting Minutes Education and Youth Advisory Board Boynton Beach, FL July 26, 2012 Connect Globally, Thrive Locally. There was a lot more emphasis on the local community, as well as the Sister Cities. The two main tracks were on youth involvement and economic development. There was a 22 year old student from Ft. Lauderdale Sister Cities who was a speaker and the Youth Ambassador. Sister Cities would try to focus more on youth programs hopefully in partnership with the City and this Board. Ms. Heavilin continued she attended a program on Sister City schools, which has been a program of Sister Cities International. They were using Skype and other similar vehicles to do town hall meetings between classrooms. It would be something that can be done inexpensively. In the beginning, it would be easier to do a Sister class instead of attempting a new project with a whole school. The Board meeting would be held on August 9 at 6:00 p.m. at the Woman's Club and would be discussed then. Ms. Heavilin shared that Ft. Lauderdale had 17 Sister Cities and a lot of projects. They had one called the Honey Project. This was a project developed for youth. One of the major concerns was the high unemployment rate among youth. They developed this program to teach youth using three components; social entrepreneurship, education and technology. The have an academy the students had to attend and they have won international awards for this program. This began when the students invested in a honey bee cooperative in their Sister City of Ghana. They had done a business plan for the beekeepers, a marketing plan, designed labels, and were importing the honey to sell here. Ms. Heavilin feels Boynton Beach would be a great place for a program such as this. She was proposing to invite them here to do a workshop and present an overview of the program and advise us how to get a similar project started. It would be open to the Boards, students, Commissioners, principals and guidance counselors from the high school. Jeanne could organize a workshop if there was interest. There was discussion on what had to be done to garner interest from the public and the students. Next year's Sister City meeting would be in San Antonio, Texas. VII. New Business Chair Waldman advised the school district had a program called Adopt -a- Classroom. For $100, a classroom could be adopted that would help the students. He felt the Board should consider becoming involved and possibly adopting a classroom. Elementary, middle and high schools were all options. Individuals could also participate. There was also discussion on a teacher wish list and an adopt -a- magazine program at the Library. VIII. Old Business A. Fundraising 3 Meeting Minutes Education and Youth Advisory Board Boynton Beach, FL July 26, 2012 There was discussion on planning another shred -a -thon for the fall. A possible date would be discussed at the next meeting. Chair Waldman welcomed ideas for any other fundraising possibilities. He had kept the Oyer family informed of what had come out of the Oyer Family fund. B. Youth Volunteer Bank /Bob Borovy Award Ms. Claude had nothing to report. There was $2,200 left in the account. However, as discussed at previous meetings, there was an accrued interest amount of $4,000 that could be reallocated into that or any account. Until she gets direction from the Board, it would not be moved over. IX. Future Meeting Dates: August 23, 2012 September 27, 2012 October 25, 2012 December 6, 2012 Ms. Claude polled the Board regarding moving the meeting time of all future meetings to 6:00 p.m. instead of 7:00 p.m. Motion Ms. Wilkinson moved to approve moving the future meeting time to 6:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by Dr. North and unanimously passed. X. Adjournment Motion There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Wilkinson moved to adjourn. Dr. North seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. c (,6 2 t , (C Ellie Caruso Recording Secretary 4