Steve Waldman, Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Mary Morera, Vice Chair
Carla Colebrooks
Dr. Tiffany North
Loretta Wilkinson
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance /Moment of Silent Reflection
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of
silent reflection. Self introductions were made.
III. Approval of Minutes of July 26, 2012
Ms. Colebrooks moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Dr. North
and unanimously passed.
IV. Approval of Agenda
Chair Waldman added two items to the agenda. Under New Business he advised he
wanted to talk about the Education Marketing Initiative and the letter the Board would
write to the City Manager discussing the absence policy in the Code of Ordinances.
The amended agenda was approved by consensus.
V. Announcements /Presentations /Correspondence
Jeanne Heavilin, 734 NE 9 Avenue, advised there was not much to update since the
last meeting. She was continually working on the Young Artists/Young Authors
program. There would be someone from the Arts Commission working with them. She
inquired if any Board member would be interested in participating in the meeting as well.
The theme for the program was the Power of Exchange, which Chair Waldman
explained as an exchange of ideas between people to facilitate community development
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL August 23, 2012
and educational opportunities. This could be through any form of communication. Ms.
Heavilin advised they were trying to promote and encourage more writing for
communication. The issues were how to display the art and how to get the schools
involved to participate. It would include the middle and high schools only. Ms. Heavilin
advised the Library would be available for the art to be displayed. The deadline for
submission of the art would be March 20, 2013.
Ms. Heavilin also discussed the Honey Project, the entrepreneurship academy program
for high school youth. The Sister Cities Board would like to determine what other
programs were available in Boynton Beach before an invitation would be made for those
involved in the academy to come and speak.
VI. Public Audience
VII. New Business
A. Adopt -A- Classroom
Chair Waldman explained the school district had a program that enabled a classroom to
be adopted for $100. He inquired if the Board would like to adopt a classroom. There
was discussion on which school should be chosen. There was agreement to adopt a
classroom that had updated their classroom on the website and discuss it at next
meeting. There was concern with the perception created with how the Board would
choose a classroom and what criteria was used. There was discussion on how to
review as there were limited funds. If one classroom was adopted, another could be
adopted in the future. A suggestion was made to possibly choose three schools and
expend $300. There was brief discussion and it was agreed to adopt classrooms at
Forest Park, Galaxy and Boynton High.
Ms. Wilkinson moved to expend $300 for three schools suggested as Forest Park,
Galaxy and Boynton High. Dr. North seconded the motion with discussion. Ms.
Wilkinson suggested that Forest Park and Galaxy were both schools that were in need
and schools the Board had not worked with very much. Boynton High was included
because of the work done with them and the fact they are in need. There was
discussion on other schools that were in need such as Congress. The motion was
amended for keeping it at the elementary and middle school level and chose Forest
Park, Galaxy and Congress. The motion passed unanimously.
Chair Waldman indicated he would be away until the 4 of September. He suggested
contacting the principal with a letter stating the Board was intending to adopt a
classroom. Ms. Wilkinson advised the Board her school thanks donor's in their monthly
newsletter. The Board could also cite some of the other activities they are involved in.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL August 23, 2012
B. Absentee Policy
Chair Waldman advised he had a meeting with the Interim City Manager who suggested
he write a letter to the City Commissioners explaining the policy of absences. He
should also mention the ordinance that stated you could not reapply for a Board for
three years and that it was burdensome. He should mention who the Board had lost
recently. The longest serving member of the Board, Hattie Miller, was forced off
because of absences that were due to a lengthy hospital stay. He should request the
City Commission change the policy and make exceptions. The Board members agreed.
Chair Waldman agreed to check with Ms. Claude before he sends the letter.
C. Education Marketing Initiative
Chair Waldman advised that there was a meeting with Commissioner Marlene Ross,
and members of several other Boards, such as Sister Cities and the Community
Relations Board. Commissioner Ross was asking for a highlight of the brand of the City
of Boynton through an educational marketing initiative. She wants to market and
identify the educational opportunities in the City such as from the Florida Career College
to whatever other opportunities there might be. She was also looking for a name and to
include non - profits, the Women's Circle and others. Sometime in October, the Boards
would reconvene and come up with a branding and logo. Ms. Claude suggested
looking at the current branding of the City and possibly highlight and promote what was
good in Boynton Beach regarding education. This was not meant to be something new,
it was meant to enhance what already existed. In October, the involved Boards which
were Education and Youth, Sister Cities, Library, and Community Relations would meet
and brainstorm some initial task items and possibly come up with a logo at that time. By
publicizing this, they may garner interest for volunteers. Some Boards were losing
members and not receiving new interested applicants. The City wanted volunteers with
fresh ideas. Most volunteers were unaware of the positive elements and opportunities
within the City. Chair Waldman asked for brainstorming to come up with some names
for potential volunteers and organizations that related to anything educational.
The Community Relations Board was pinpointed as the Board that should do the
outreach and coordination. They were looking for projects and one of the things they
had been tasked with was to reach out to HOAs and other community organizations to
try and help recruit Advisory Board members. They would also coordinate the meeting
with the other four Boards in about a month
VIII. Old Business
A. Fundraising
Chair Waldman combined this item with the Shred -A -Thon.
B. Shred -A -Thon
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL August 23, 2012
Ms. Wilkinson advised this was on hold presently and in another month possibly would
contact the shredding company. The member discussed holding the event on a
Saturday with November 3rd or 10th being suggested, with the 17 as a back -up date.
Ms. Wilkinson commented that she received a comment from a woman who attended
the shred -a -thon and mentioned doing something similar for paint. There were not
many places to dispose of paint. Delray had a location but there was not another place
that was close. Someone told Ms. Wilkinson there was a machine that could separate
the paint, sort it and ready it for resale by color. She would investigate that and report
back to the Board.
C. Youth Volunteer Bank/Bob Borovy Award
Chair Waldman advised for the last couple of years, he went to Poinciana with signs
publicizing the Youth Volunteer Bank. He did not go this year. Poinciana was having
an open house and he inquired if any of the members wanted to attend with the forms
for the volunteer bank. Ms. Claude informed the Board if anyone needed the forms she
could email them or print what was needed.
IX. Future Meeting Dates: September 27, 2012
October 25, 2012
December 6, 2012
X. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Wilkinson moved to adjourn. Dr. North
seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:02
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Ellie Caruso
Recording Secretary