Minutes 09-26-12 I ['EACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Boynton Beach City Library OCT 2 5 El S: 26 Library Advisory Board Minutes September 26, 2012 The Library Advisory Board meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. by Chair Jeannie Taylor. All board members were present except Bernice Begleiter and Barbara Erlichman. The minutes of the July 25, 2012 meeting were approved as distributed. Correspondence: None. Chair's Report: None. Unfinished Business: Library Director, Craig Clark distributed the circulation statistics for the OverDrive eBooks system. Boynton has the largest circulation of the participating libraries — about 25% of the total circulation. Craig mentioned that the system is quite popular with patrons. The Unique Management Collection Services report through the end of August 2012 was distributed to the board. Patrons are beginning to get more serious about returning materials, showing that the system is working. Over $28,000 has been submitted thus far for collections and the Unique system has identified about $3,500 in skips. Over $5,000 in materials have been returned thus far. Craig also discussed the final Library Budget with the board. He explained the library had received very good support from the City Commission. The final budget restored about $41k to the Book and Materials budget. The budget also reflects an annual savings of $1,700 due to the discovery of an overcharge for the elevator phone. The total budget is up about 4% due to increased pension and personnel costs. The good news is that the State Aid funding will be increased as it is a percentage of the annual budget. Also, the new Teen Librarian position has been posted. The Adopt a Magazine program for 2013 is doing well. A local doctor and pharmacy are adopting 12 magazines each which will be displayed in binders with their nameplates. The library was able to subscribe to some magazines it has previously dropped due to this donation. Another 20 titles were adopted by staff and community volunteers. Assistant Library Director, Anne Watts also stated that a commissioner has donated money, the Quilters donated Quilting magazines, and the Friends of the Library support the Wall Street Journal. The Library staff is delighted with the support. New Business — Craig distributed and discussed the library's Long Range Plan which is updated yearly. Some of the changes discussed included funding an additional Americorps volunteer, and slightly increased State Aid funds due to another library in the pool becoming ineligible for funding. This library uses the funds for primarily for technology, and added a database of Aptitude Tests among other purchases. Staffing changes reported by Craig included the recent posting of the Teen Services position, and an announcement that archivist Janet Devries is moving to a position with the Palm Beach State College. The Friends are donating money to help fund the position so a Librarian versed in archives and collection development can be hired. Craig also described the Americorps literacy and homework help programs and the staffing hours that are donated. This library benefits from many additional hours from other Americorps volunteers looking to fulfill their quotas. Anne detailed some of the grants the library has filed for recently. She is waiting to hear on the NEH Historical Archives grant and announced the $2K Target grant awarded for materials used for outreach activities. The available grants are reviewed weekly and applied for regularly. Laurie volunteered to help with grant writing in the future. A letter was distributed to the Board from the City Manager's office requesting identification of the positive and ongoing lifelong learning education efforts which the library provides, to be used as part of the city's marketing strategy and branding efforts. The board members were asked to give it some thought and the topic will be discussed again at the next meeting. Craig described the upcoming effort to redesign the Library's website and to better utilize social media. He stated that the new teen librarian will be very involved in the program. Library Director's Report Craig distributed the monthly reports for July and August 2012 and noted changes both positive and negative in the year over year statistics. Recent news articles including one highlighting the recent exhibit and reception for Esther Orr were distributed. Mrs. Orr, a long time teacher at Forest Park Elementary, donated her large collection of scrapbooks and photo albums of student activities to the library archives for the exhibit. The next library board meeting is October 24, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. Valerie Pleasanton, Secretary