R94-036RESOLUTION NO. ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A ONE YEAR SERVICE CONTRACT AND AN AUTOMOTIVE FLUID RECOVERY SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND SAFETY KLEEN CORP.; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach is desirous of obtaining the services of a contractor to provide equipment, tanks and solutions to clean automotive parts, lawn mowers and tractors at the Vehicle Service Division and the Golf Course; and WHEREAS, this solution can be recycled for further use and replenish's the cleaning solution used in Vehicle Service and the Golf Course with recycled solution, which materials are considered hazardous and are mandated by the State to be handled by a licensed contractor; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a One Year Service Contract with Safety- Kleen Corporation for equipment, tanks and solutions to clean automotive parts, law mowers and tractors at the Vehicle Service Division and the Golf Course, which Contract is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Automotive Fluid Recovery Service Agreement for collection of waste oil, antifreeze and used oil filters by Safety-Kleen to be recycled, which Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "B". Section 2. That this Resolution effective immediately upon passage. shall become PASSED AND ADOPTED this / day of March, 1994. ATTEST: Ci~ Clerk (Corporate Seal) Authsig. WP5 Safety-Kleen. Agr(2) 2/24/94 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, .oner FLORIDA Automotive Fluid Recovery Service Agreeme Customer Information CITY OF BG~NTnN BEACH PU~II. IC WORKS/UEH litAINT Address Bn YNTON BCH ~L ( 407) 738--7423 TeleohoneNumber 3--097--71--2092 S-KCastomer~. Date 3--097--71 S-K 8ranch Fheee 1. General; Safety-K]een Cap. ("Safe{y-Kiden"} agrees to collect used oil an~ spent anfifreeee in3m the Customer m the ten~s and coflditi~s set to~ '~. ~e~_~ ?~r~s. ~ ;o r__a~_? ~an~.er dislx~e of the used oil and spent antifreeze, in accordance with ~1 applicable state and federal ragulaitons. uu ~g.[? .?m. or m~S ag .~..~[, ~us[omer agrees to only al. low Saf~y-KJeen to pick up custee?'s o~1 and spen! antifm~e. Spent antifreeze =~=~ez=[~g~mt~ts~ =,~,~e~e~ spent athylane glycol and water. Other ~roducto such an ols. rad,ater flushings, or any other matonaJ(s}, 2. Antifreeze Stera~ Teek. In connection with Saidty-Kin~n!s Automotive Ruid Reeev~y Sen~ico and during the term of thio Agreernem. Safety Kleen ~eobYnd~.a~cu?O ~ Customer with . ~ coileetiee r.~..K(S) f~ USe by C.?sterner in stering spent ~r~ifr~ze to be collect. ma '- wi' .,~..s~,er ~.a~ a~ ~ ..~at ~t ~, ~ pace ape~ ~ze !n ~ .~.~e~ stoa~e ~k(s) ~wded ~ ~.~e~ and ri ~ o[ p~ane a~y omer mate~m{s~, rnauang, out noi limited to, ~ed oil, tralleell~orl fluid, or any mofer~l(s) cat 'zed as a hazardous waste ~. property .of Safety-Kinen at ait t,mee and, ulx~ temmatian of th~s Agreomeet, s~all be retomed to Safet3,~,Kleea in ~ same condition ~s wh~ 4. Temt. The ten'n of this Agreemeat shalt be one yeer frem the dato een, icos ca.~meecee bereunber. 4. Sebedule and ~ {Check eeidofed Pictmp. and fill in Frequency, Price. and Excess Charge.) if Customer tenders used oil and s~ent antifreeze in ~xcoas of the amount indicated below under "No, of Galor~ Per pickup", Cu~terncr shall pay Safst~ the "Excess Cberge~' inoicated below er each ~' (50) gaitons of excoee used oil and sl3ent a,~;,~eze or any increment of fifty (50) gaitans: ( ) Less than 500 Galinns ( ) Le~ than ~.000 eaito~ · incmaee gaitans of b~ sp~t ~,;;;~ze and ~ oil. Payment shall be made to Safery. Kl~ in amordanee with Safe~'-I~en's invoice to Castomer. Customer agrees to accept Safsty-Kinen's set.ce in accordance with and be beund by the terms of Safety-Kleen's Placement Form executed by the Custeeler. Safety-t(leen strait have the right to increase er decrease the pncee co~tained herein up~ thirty (30) days wnttan notice ~o Customer. If Customer dees~not agree to the inclerlasd i~ce, Customer sl'k~ll have itle dght to cancel thio Agre~lent within thi~ly (30) days after receipt of the notification of tbe ~itce increase. safeb~ ar~ag {Pdnt Nome and Office if applicob~e, of individr~al signing) Emptoyee No. C.3P~0~7=_ One-Year Service Contract S-K Dee. No. ,~de~)cefl agrees to provide sen. ice o~ the folowiflg equipment on the terms ami condigons set forth below: 3endme Price per Serdme IMefmel (Repruent~ lP~k dlaeounQ horn I f Prime LJst) of iS m~t ~ u~ ,,~,~ ,,~ ,,,,---, -.~ ... ~ ......... am guarantoed for tbe term ~ _~b .......... e,.h~,,..m~'~k,~mCusmmer aomce to accept said serace [n ~CCOI'~;i~i~ ,~W~,i ;=,*ld pe I)OUIld ~j ,t~j ,t~mYi o~' ,~r~,~,j,*KJeelt S Toem ~ Mil;31m gl ~r~r~a~,m,m'm ........... · ~f '~ eventswi mi adef;mJt by Cu~omm'unbertflasCO~-dCt.(t) Customer. · for reft ,or ) Customm' re~ns ~e ,~,~-,,,~,, due a~y monthly fantal .pe,~e~. . a default )~le~ has ~le right to exm'mse units but ~o be imfTted due trod ~rd~ie · ticeordemat toCustornerandwithouta.~uftorder, oroth(h'~ P ()Pu-~-.,/,-7.----,- Ioceted, without no ' r such equity. Customer aub~OdZce ~ -K]cefl to enter p~ ot Customer lO purposes. (Print Name and Office if appicable, oT individuaJ ~p,~,9) Employee No. __ ~ 2/2/94 ~ "THIS C~.H,IFICAT~E IS ISSUED AS A MA t ~ =M OF INFORMATION ONLY ANr~ I CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICA' I DOFFS NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY T~ WILLIS CORROON CORPORATION LPouc,Es SELOW. 135 S. I.~alle Stxeet, CJ~ca~ IL 60603 COMPAN~ 3o~e Hen=lck~n (M[2) 621-4965 ~. A COMPANY Safety-Kleen Co~. ~ all couP~.~ s~Sldl~ ~d ~filia~ co~ies c~ C 1~ No~ ~dall Road c~.ANY .... ~lgln, Ill~ots 6~123 ~. D COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Planet Insu~--~nce Company (Reliance) COMPANY L~rTER E THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE SEEN tSSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WH CH TH $ CERTIFICATE MAY BE I~UED OR MAY PERTAIN. iTHE NSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLJClES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDIT ONE OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE SE~EN REDUCED aY PAID CLAIMS, TYPE OF' It%~UR&NC~ ~O[.JCY NUMBEIR POLICY EPF~GTWE POLICY EXPIRATION COMMFJ=~ClAL ~ENERAL LiAbILITY NGA0105~84-~l .10/1/93 CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR. (Blanket/Broad Form Contrac~c~al).- OWNER'S S CONTRACTOR'S PROT. AX NKA0105~86..~l 1Oll/94 K ~' ANY AUTO 10/1/93 1Oll/94 OTHER GENERAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS-COMP/OR AGG. PERSONAL & ADV. ]N JURY EACH OCCURRENCE EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE :D:A0105~82-el - All States EXcept as Below ETATUTORYLIMIT$ NWA~lOS~8~-O1 - ~ le/1/93 le/1/94 ~CHA~ID~T $ 1,~.~ ~10~3~1 - ~ & ~ m~E--~UCYUM,~ ~ 1,~,~ ~1g~1~1 -~, ~, ~, DE, ~, ~, ~.O,S~C.~.~O*SE , 1~ ~, ~, PA, SC, ~, ~, ~ & ~ Attn: Ms. Chris Rob%frs Eity of Bo~co~ Beach 222 NE 9th Street Boynton Geach, FL 33425 ACORD 2S-S (7/90) CANCEU.ATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL ~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIfiCATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT. BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL iMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR UABIUTY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY. ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES ~~L~:CORPORATiONI~