Michele Costantino, Chair Shana Bridgeman, Assistant City Attorney
Robert Foot, 1st Vice Chair Diane Springer, Code Compliance Coordinator
Gary Cole, 2nd Vice Chair
Alan Borrelli
Robert Bucella
Rose Marie Yerzy
Kathleen Carroll
I. CaII to Order
Chair Costantino called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m
II. Approval of August 15, 2012 Code Board Minutes
The following changes were made to the minutes:
Case #12 -961, page four, the fourth line down should read uninhabitable, not
Case #12 -1158, page five, last line in the motion should read Mr. Foot seconded the
motion, not amendment
Case #12 -1225, page, 10, after the case, it should be notated Mr. Foot left the meeting.
Case #12 -988, page 17, the fine amount should be $250.00, not $280.O0-
Case # 12 -933, page 25, the following cease and desist cases be certified, not the
following cases be issued a cease and desist order.
Mr. Cole moved to approve the minutes as amended. Ms. Yerzy seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
III. Approval of Agenda
Pete Roy, Chief Code Compliance Officer, announced the following changes to the
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Case No. 12 -611 should be tabled to November 19, 2012.
Ms. Yerzy moved that the aforementioned case be tabled until the Code Compliance
Board meeting to be held on November 19, 2012. Mr. Cole seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -932 was requested to be tabled to November 19, 2012.
Mr. Bucella moved that the aforementioned case be tabled until the Code Compliance
Board meeting to be held on November 19, 2012. Mr. Cole seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case Nos. 12 -1460, 12 -1465, 12 -1521, 12 -1523, 12 -1529, 12 -1563, 12 -1564, 12 -1568,
and 12 -1374 were removed.
Case No 12 -505 complied
Vice Chair Foot moved to approve the agenda as amended. Mr Cole seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Swearing in of Witnesses and Introduction
Attorney Bridgeman explained the hearing procedures and administered an oath to all
who intended to testify.
V. New Business
Officer Roy called the roll and determined who was present.
Chair Costantino requested pg. 40, Case No. 12 -947 be heard first.
Case No. 12 -947 Ellington Beckles, Est.
Location: 310 NW 16 Court
Violation(s): CH 10 CH 10 -56(A)
CH 15 SEC 15- 120(D) INC
Mow and trim yard and hedges and remove
unregistered and inoperable vehicles
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Vestiguerne Pierre, Senior Code Compliance Officer, presented the details of the
case. He noted the Respondent was present.
Jerry Beckles, 310 NW 16 Court, was the son of the deceased. He pled no contest.
He requested two months. He indicated most of the violations were corrected. He had to
remove one vehicle and remove the debris collected from the property. Mr. Beckles
advised that in reference to his father's work truck, the State recommended he wait to
dispose of the vehicle until after the probate process was completed at which time he
would dispose of it. The other vehicles were operable and were used for daily
transportation. It was noted he had received a three -month extension to take care of
the violations in the past.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that this Board find that Ellington Beckles, Est. is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violation on or before November 16, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violation, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past
November 16, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Foot seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -655 Houssam & Marcie Tannous
Location: 20 Heather Cove Drive
Violation(s): CH 10 SEC 10 -56 (A) (B) (C)
Repair driveway, clean pool, mow yard and
remove all trash and debris. Repair siding on
Courtney Cain, Code Compliance Officer, presented the details of the case. This
case originated as a citizen complaint Thirty days had been given to comply and the
Respondent was present.
Houssam Tannous, 20 Heather Cove Drive, pled no contest. He advised he had a
heart attack in May and Officer Cain gave him three months to get caught up. However,
he was still physically struggling and felt another 30 days should be enough time to fix
the remainder of the items.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Foot
moved that this Board find that Houssam and Marcie Tannous are in violation of the City
of Boynton Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondents
correct the violations on or before November 16, 2012. The Board has considered the
gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous
violations by the Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply
with this Order, a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violations continue
past November 16, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents
are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in
order to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order.
Ms. Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -651 Robert Domenick
Location 2316 SW 23 Cranbrook Drive
Violation(s). BBA FBC 07 ED. 105.1
Permit expired Property red tagged
Luney Guillaume, Code Compliance Officer, presented the case as noted above.
This was an expired permit issue. The Respondent was present.
Marjorie Levine, 6743 Royal Orchid Circle, Delray Beach was the attorney for
Washington Mutual, and pled no contest. She requested 90 days to secure the permit
and it was denied. The Board approved 45 days for her to contact the client and apply
for a new permit.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that Robert Domenick is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violation
on or before December 1, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the violation,
the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent
and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past December 1, 2012,
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Cole seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -988 Bank of America National Assoc.
Location: 2651 NW 2 Street
Violation(s): CO CH 10 SEC 10 -51.5 INC
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Foreclosure property must be registered. Mow
overgrown yard, trim overgrown vegetation and
secure all doors and windows.
Officer Guillaume presented the details of the case. The compliance date set was
August 25, 2012 or $250 per day. The violations still exist.
Marjorie Levine, 6743 Royal Orchid Circle, Delray Beach was the attorney for Bank of
America. She advised the Bank was not granted the Certificate of Title as the
defendants just declared bankruptcy so the Bank cannot proceed to Certificate of Title,
and the sale must be vacated. Chair Costantino reminded the Respondent that the
Board was ready to put a lien on the property, but the Respondent insisted they could
not comply with all the violations as it would be trespassing
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Foot
moved that the Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order
dated August 15, 2012. Having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions
taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of
$250 per day, plus administrative costs, which shall continue to accrue until the
Respondent comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based on this
certification of fine Mr. Bucella seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Chair
Costantino advised the Respondent the fine was $13,634.12 and will continue to run at
$250 per day.
Case No. 12 -1398 Donna A. Morris
Property Address: 2292 SE 4 Street
Violation(s): CO CH 2.5 SEC. 2.5 -3, 2.5 -7
Alarm Permit/Decal Display
John Herring, Code Compliance Officer, presented the details of the case The case
arose from a police department referral. The initial inspection date was July 26, 2012.
The City recommended 10 days . The Respondent was present.
Donna A. Morris, 2292 SE 4 Street, pled no contest. She advised the alarm had
been disarmed. Even though the alarm was still wired in, it was not connected to the
phone system any longer. She keeps the signs out for deterrence. Officer Herring
indicated the false alarm paperwork was generated on April 6, 2012. Ms. Morris
indicated the alarm went off while she was up north and terminated it when she
There was brief discussion whether the case should be dismissed as there was no
violation or keep it as a violation. It was the alarm initially going off that created the
paperwork for the violation.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Diane Springer, Code Compliance Coordinator, advised that the alarm went off on
April 6, 2012 and the police responded, finding no decal. She was cited to obtain the
decal. As far as the City is concerned, unless she proves that she does not have an
alarm, she needs a decal. There was evidence she had an alarm in April. There was no
evidence she does not have an alarm now. If she can prove she does not have an
alarm, the case would be dropped. If she does not purchase a decal and the alarm
goes off, she would still be in violation. A letter from her alarm company would be
acceptable proof.
It was decided to table the case to enable the Respondent to produce a letter.
Ms. Yerzy moved that the aforementioned case be tabled to November 19, 2012. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Cole and passed 5 -1. (Mr. Foot dissenting).
Case No. 12 -1601 Bernardo Fontana
Location. 243 SE 24 Avenue
Violation(s) CO CH13 SEC 13 -16
Business Tax Receipt needed to rent
Officer Cain presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violations.
Paolo Fontana, 2000 Murano Bay Drive, advised he and his father own the property
but his father was ill and in New York. He pled not guilty.
Mr. Cain indicated he was cited to obtain a Business Tax Receipt and proof was needed
that he had one
Mr. Fontana commented it began when there was a big electrical problem that needed
repair. Officer Cain, FPL, and others were present at the home to try and remedy the
situation. Over the course of a long weekend during the summer, Mr. Fontana advised
he had all the electric brought up to code, the wiring was replaced, and the boxes all
redone. During the process, Officer Cain inspected both apartments and it was noted
that there was not a rental license. He advised he was not aware and would take
responsibility for that. He paid the prorated amount, paid the permit, hired a contractor,
and had everything to code in the apartment in question. In the second apartment, the
tenant stopped paying rent and he received judgment from the court. He would have
had everything repaired in that apartment also, but lost a few weeks being out of town
tending to his sick father. He requested more time as he was starting the eviction
process on the other apartment and as soon as the tenant was evicted, he would fix all
the violations. He also indicated his check for the rental license for 2012 was returned
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
as he was told he needed to have an inspection done before payment could be
accepted. He also wanted time to get the second apartment tenant evicted so he could
complete requirements on that apartment also.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that this Board find that Bernardo Fontana is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before November 16, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of
the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violations continue past
November 16, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order.
There was discussion by Officer Cain indicated that because an eviction was involved, it
may take longer than 30 days to comply. Mr. Cole amended his motion giving Mr.
Fontana 60 days to December 16, 2012. Mr. Bucella seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1194 Suddueth Asset Mgmt Trust Agreement
Location: 1005 SW 5 Court
Violation(s). CO CH10 SEC 10 -56 (A) (B) (D)
BBA FBC 2010 ED. 105.1
Work done without proper permit, as noted in
the red tag. Current evidence of roof leaking
and water leaking into structure Roof sheathing
is rotted, rafters are rotted and damaged.
Fascia board replaced without proper sealing
against water. Flat roof on rear of structure in
disrepair and leaking.
Officer Guillaume presented the details of the violation. He presented photographs for
the Board to review. The Respondent was present and given 15 days to comply
David Sutton, 708 Staffordshire Lane, Sun City Center, FL was representing his wife
who owned the property and pled not guilty. He advised he had a diary of each day
since the gutter fell off the house in June. He was notified by the tenant that the gutter
had fallen off the home but since he was a general contractor, Mr. Sutton gave his
permission to have the gutter and fascia replaced and he would pay the expenses.
After three days, the tenant advised he did not want to take responsibility for it, so Mr.
Sutton travelled from New York to Florida to fix it himself. He did the repair, and an
inspector came and approved the repair, but shortly after a chief inspector arrived and
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
rejected the repair. He since had two insurance adjusters, two wind mitigations and a
roof inspector licensed by the State to provide a five year warranty against leaks. The
pictures shown are from the rear overhang of the porch which, Mr. Sutton claimed was
not an inhabitable part of the home or a part that could leak into the home.
Mr. Sutton advised that the tenant had been forcibly removed from the home eight
weeks prior. He was confused as to why the building inspector was contacting the
tenant about the gutter and not his wife, the owner of the home. He was very recently
informed by his tenant, not the Board that there was a hearing this date. He provided
documentation of all the work performed.
Chair Costantino inquired of Mr. Sutton whether any paid contractor had pulled a permit
for the work.
Chair Costantino called for a recess at 7:27 p.m. due to the rain and inability to hear.
Chair Costantino reconvened the meeting at 7:32 p.m.
Mr. Sutton advised that he had made repairs to the exterior overhang fascia on the
porch. He reiterated the information from his inspections and from the numerous
entities he summoned that stated everything was repaired sufficiently except for the
area outside the home, which in his opinion, was not structural.
Mr. Foot also presented the question on the issue of the permit. Mr. Sutton advised a
permit was not required to "waterproof' a home. Mr Foot commented the City does not
agree as they cited him for not having a permit.
Ms. Springer advised this was originally a complaint from Mr. Sutton's tenant. Code
Enforcement notified the Building Division of work done on the fascia. The section that
fell off with the gutter was replaced by the property owner but was replaced incorrectly,
with no waterproofing. The Building Division, upon inspection, found the rotten wood,
fascia boards, the Teaks on the inside of the property, and the roof that needed repair.
Mr. Sutton was also cited to obtain the permit for work that was already done on the
fascia, and to repair the rotted rafters and damage due to water infiltration on the flat
roof and the fascia board which was replaced without proper sealing, and had to be
taken care of. A contractor applied for and received the permit. The still outstanding
items were the repairs. The family was notified by certified mail three times. Each time
the certified letter was sent, the post office was not able to obtain a signature. Ms.
Springer advised Mr. Sutton called her a few weeks ago and explained they never
received a letter, so she emailed and sent by regular mail, the notice to appear tonight.
Mr Sutton argued that the pictures showed the exterior overhang of a porch which was
not structural. He felt they were not part of the roof that would come down and cause
Teaks indoors, which was what Code Enforcement addressed. In addition, he stated he
had proof from a state certified roofer that there was no evidence of any kind of leakage
or damage from leakage inside the home.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
There was further discussion on the issue of whether the back structure was a part of
the home and it was the opinion of the Board that the Respondent must have the
contractor who pulled the permit, make the repairs on the roof and call for an inspection.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that Suddueth Asset Mgmt Trust Agreement is in violation of
the City of Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent
correct the violation on or before December 16, 2012. The Board has considered the
gravity of the violation, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations
by the Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this
Order, a fine in the amount of $200 per day for each day the violation continues past
December 16, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Bucella seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
The Respondent became angry and had to be removed by the police officer in
Case No. 12- 1068 Robert S. Cole
Location 728 NE 9 Avenue
Violation(s) CO CH 15 SEC 15 -120 (D) INC
CO CH 10 SEC 10 -56 (B) (D)
Mow and trim overgrown weeds, grass and
bushes on the property. Repair or replace
deteriorated wood siding on the east side of
the building.
Skip Lewis, Senior Code Compliance Officer, presented the case as contained in the
notice of violation. The only violation left to correct was to fix the siding on the side of
the house.
Robert Cole, 728 NE 9 Avenue, pled no contest. He indicated he could complete the
work in 30 days.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr
Bucella moved that this Board find that Robert S. Cole is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct
the violations on or before November 16, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity
of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by
the Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Order, a fine in the amount of $150 per day for each day the violations continue past
November 16, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Cole seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1605 U.S. Bank National Association Tr.
Property Address 1498 NW 1 Street
Violation(s) CO Ch 10 SEC 10 -51.5. INC
Property that is vacant or subject to default
must be registered and maintained per City
Code. Register property, repair fence, mow all
overgrown yard areas and trim overgrown
vegetation on property and right -of -way.
Officer Pierre presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. He indicated
everything was complied with except the fence.
Ian Norge, 2727 West Cypress Creek Boulevard, Ft. Lauderdale, pled no contest. He
advised the Bank does not have title to the property. He represents JP Morgan, who
was actually the first mortgage holder on the property. The foreclosure action had not
been filed but would be filed within the next few weeks and then it would go through the
foreclosure process. Mr. Norge did not anticipate it would take a long time to get
judgment, but could not provide a specific date in which the Court would issue judgment
and pass title to the client
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that this Board find that U.S. Bank National Association Tr. is in violation of the
City of Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent
correct the violations on or before December 16, 2012. The Board has considered the
gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous
violations by the Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply
with this Order, a fine in the amount of $150 per day for each day the violations continue
past December 16, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent
is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in
order to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order.
Ms. Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1726 Sandra Bailey
Property Address 1851 NE 2 Lane
Violation(s): CO CH15 SEC 15- 120(D) INC
Remove all unregistered vehicles from the
property Remove trash and debris.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Officer Pierre presented the case as contained in the notice of violation Officer Pierre
provided photographs and indicated that he and the Respondent had gone back and
forth on the phone. The only thing she did was move the trash from the front of the
house to the back of the house to comply. Officer Pierre advised her that action would
not comply the case, it would have to be moved off the property. He was requesting a
Cease and Desist Order.
Sandra Bailey, 644 Las Palmas Park, pled not guilty and advised her tenant collects
things and takes them apart. She commented the violation was to clean up the front
yard and dispose of the truck. The truck was removed and the front yard was clean.
Every photograph presented by Officer Pierre was the back yard. She felt she complied
with the violation, and advised the tenant was slowly hauling things away from the back
yard. She requested 60 days to give the tenant time to dispose of everything. Officer
Pierre would not agree to 60 days.
Mr. Foot commented on the repeat offender status Officer Pierre indicated it was for
the same incident of piling debris in the front and backyard. Ms. Bailey disputed the
accusation that she was a repeat offender, claiming she had never received any
violation notifications. There were discussions on what could have labeled her a repeat
offender. She was informed it did not have to be on the same property and since she
owns 10 properties, she could have been cited in the past on one of the other
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr.
Bucella moved that this Board find that Sandra Bailey is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violation on or before November 16, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violation, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $250 per day for each day the violation continues past
November 16, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order.
Discussion followed and the opinion was the fine was too low. Mr. Bucella amended his
motion to reflect a fine of $500 per day. Mr. Foot seconded the motion and the motion
unanimously passed.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that a Cease and Desist Order be issued giving Sandra Bailey until November
19, 2012 to bring the violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code section as cited into
compliance The Board has considered the gravity of the violation, the actions taken by
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
the Respondent, and any previous violation by the Respondent, and hereby orders that
a fine in the amount of $500 per reoccurrence of the violation thereafter shall be
imposed upon the Respondent. The motion was seconded by Mr. Foot and
unanimously approved.
Case No. 12 -1669 US Bank National Association Tr.
Property Address. 309 SW 4 Street
Violation(s) CO CH15 SEC 15- 120(D) INC
CO CH 10 SEC 10 -56 (A) (B)
CO CH13 SEC 13 -16
Remove unregistered /inoperable vehicle from
the property. Maintain property. A Business
Tax Receipt is required to rent property
Officer Roy presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation. He noted the Respondent has
had Certificate of Title since August 5, 2010.
Jason Abolsky, 7000 W. Palmetto Park Road, Boca Raton, requested to table the
matter for 60 days and pled no contest. He explained the previous owners that were
foreclosed upon were still occupying the property. It was their inoperable vehicle. The
Bank was working on a modification to restore title in their name and hope to have it
within 45 days. The Bank would like the owner of the vehicle to appear before the
Board, but plans to address the issue within the 45 day time frame to get it resolved.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr.
Bucella moved that this Board find that US Bank National Association Tr. is in violation
of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the
Respondent correct the violations on or before December 16, 2012. The Board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any
previous violations by the Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does
not comply with this Order, a fine in the amount of $250 per day for each day the
violations continue past December 16, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed.
The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify
compliance with this Order. Ms. Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1083 Lake Success Rentals
Property Address: 121 SE 5 Avenue
Violation(s). BBA FBC 2010 ED 105.1
Building permit required, as noted in red tag.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Officer Guillaume presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation and the violation still existed
Leia Benacio, 4813 Gateway Gardens Drive, was representing Lake Success Rentals.
She explained that a permit was applied for at the beginning of September. They
received notification that the plans would have to be modified by the engineer. She
immediately contacted the engineer and provided all the paperwork and this date it was
submitted for a second review and the permit to be issued. All work was stopped in
June because of the issue with the permit. It took time to find another engineer and
have him draw the plans and submit them and then hire a contractor. The manager
previously handling this property was fired and misfiled the original paperwork which
was why no one showed up to the original hearing. She was requesting 30 days for
permit and inspections.
Mr. Foot moved to table the aforementioned case to November 19, 2012. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Cole and unanimously passed
Case No. 12 -933 Arthur S. Lubus, Jr.
Property Address: 620 NW 10 Court
Violation(s). LDR CH3 ART IV SEC 3 (C)
CH13 SEC 13 -16
CH15 SEC 15 -120 (D) INC
Cease storage and shipment of cars from
property. Business Tax Receipt required.
Officer Herring presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. A Cease and
Desist Order was set by the Board on July 28, 2012 or $500 per occurrence. Dates of
occurrences were September 21, 2012, September 25, 2012, October 4, 2012, October
5, 2012, October 6, 2012, and October 10, 2012 for a total of six occurrences. The
violation for the Business Tax Receipt was complied.
Arthur Lubus, 10295 NW 18 Drive, Plantation, FL, advised this was a rental property.
He had been at the property several times and complied with the Business Tax Receipt.
When he visits, there appears to be no violation, speaks to the tenant and the tenant
states there was no violation. He received an email with a picture and he told the tenant
to cease the activity and advised it was not permitted. He was unsure what to do at this
point with the tenant
Officer Herring advised he had spoken to the tenant and he did state that he buys and
ships cars He also stated he had a property somewhere within the county with
industrial zoning. Officer Herring advised the tenant this type of activity was not allowed
in a residential zone. When the Cease and Desist was first ordered, he had one
occurrence, and then it stopped, and then became sporadic.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Chair Costantino advised Mr Lubus that the fine was currently $3,826.18 including
administrative costs and this hearing was to certify the fine. Mr. Lubus asked for
suggestions as to what he could do to prevent his tenant from continuing this activity.
There was brief discussion on possible police intervention.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Foot
moved that this Board find that the Respondent on September 21, 2012, September 25,
2012, October 4, 2012, October 5, 2012, October 6, 2012, and October 10, 2012 did not
comply with this Board's Cease and Desist Order dated July 18, 2012, and having
considered the gravity of the violation, and the actions taken by the Respondent, that
this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of $500 per occurrence for six
occurrences plus administrative costs. Mr. Cole seconded the motion that passed
Chair Costantino called for a recess at 8:19 p.m.
Chair Costantino reconvened the meeting at 8:26 p.m.
Case No. 12 -1381 Bank of New York Trustee
Property Address: 137 SE 8 Avenue
Violation(s) CO CH10 SEC 10 -51.5 INC
Mow, weed and trim all overgrowth, remove
outside storage, replace ripped and missing
screens, replace missing windows, repair
concrete over front door and driveway, repair
damaged soffit, replace sprinkler pump, gate
should be self latching and secure all property
Officer Roy presented the case as contained in the notice of violation All the violations
still exist except the mowing. Staff recommended 10 days be given to correct the
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that this Board find that Bank of New York Trustee is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violation on or before October 27, 2012 The Board has considered the gravity of the
violation, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $350 per day for each day the violation continues past October
27, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for
re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Bucella seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1598 Cheryl D. Marshall
Property Address: 2491 NW 2 Street
Violation(s) CO CH 2.5 SEC 2.5 -3, 2.5 -7
Alarm permit/decal display location.
Officer Herring presented the case as contained in the notice of violation Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr.
Bucella moved that this Board find that Cheryl D. Marshall is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violation on or before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violation, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past October
27, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Ms. Yerzy
seconded the motion that unanimously passed
Case No. 12 -1771 Joseph M. and Beverly Tucker
Property Address: 219 SE 23 Avenue
Violation(s) CO CH 2 SEC 2.5 -12, 13
Excess false alarms.
Officer Herring presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that Joseph M. and Beverly Tucker are in violation of the City
of Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct
the violation on or before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of
the violation, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by the
Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $250 per day for each day the violation continues past October
27, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Bucella seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1775 Logra Management Inc.
Property Address. 3557 W. Boynton Beach Blvd
Violation(s): CO CH 2.5 SEC 2.5 -3, 2.5 -7
CO CH 2.5 SEC 2.5 -12, 2.5 -13
Excess false alarms Alarm permit/decal
display location
Officer Herring presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. He advised
the false alarms had complied. The decal was required. Staff recommended 10 days
be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that this Board find that Logra Management, Inc. is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct
the violations on or before October 27, 2012 The Board has considered the gravity of
the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violations continue past October
27, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Bucella seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1430 Equity Trust Co.
Property Address: 1 Renaissance Way, 201
Violation(s): CO CH13 SEC. 13 -16
Must obtain Business Tax Receipt
Officer Cain presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 15 days be given to correct the violation
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr.
Bucella moved that this Board find that Equity Trust Co. is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violation on or before November 1, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violation, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $150 per day for each day the violation continues past
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
November 1, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Ms.
Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1456 Richard S. Lacertosa
Property Address: 1 Renaissance Way, 202
Violation(s). CO CH 13 SEC 13 -16
Business Tax Receipt needed to rent unit
Officer Cain requested the aforementioned case be removed from the agenda.
Ms. Yerzy moved to remove the aforementioned case from the agenda. Mr. Bucella
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1522 Howard Taft
Property Address: 1 Renaissance Way, 303
Violation(s): CO CH13 SEC 13 -16
Business Tax Receipt required.
Officer Cain presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 30 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that Howard Taft is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach
Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violation on or
before November 16, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the violation, the
actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent and
hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $150 per day for each day the violation continues past November 16, 2012,
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Cole seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1524 Alan and Lisa J. Candeub
Property Address. 1 Renaissance Way, 307
Violation(s): CO CH13 SEC 13 -16
Business Tax Receipt needed to rent
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Officer Cain presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 30 days be given to correct the violation
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms.
Yerzy moved that this Board find that Alan and Lisa J. Candeub are in violation of the
City of Boynton Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondents
correct the violation on or before November 16, 2012. The Board has considered the
gravity of the violation, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous
violations by the Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply
with this Order, a fine in the amount of $150 per day for each day the violation continues
past November 16, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents
are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in
order to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order.
Mr Foot seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1567 Lakhbir Manak
Property Address: 1 Renaissance Way, 410
Violation(s) CO CH13 SEC 13 -16
Business Tax Receipt required.
Officer Cain requested the aforementioned case be removed from the agenda.
Ms. Yerzy moved to remove the aforementioned case from the agenda. Mr. Cole
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1733 Kathleen L., Kevin J., & Michael J. Ogonowski
Property Address 522 SE 20 Court
Violation(s): CO CH10 SEC 10 -52
CO CH10 SEC 10 -56 (A) (B)
CO CH15 SEC 15 -120 (D) INC
Mow overgrown yard, trim all hedges, bushes and
trees, and remove all inoperable vehicles from
Officer Cain presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 30 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr.
Bucella moved that this Board find that Kathleen L., Kevin J., & Michael J. Ogonowski
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order
that the Respondents correct the violations on or before November 16, 2012. The
Board has considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the
Respondents and any previous violations by the Respondents and hereby orders that if
the Respondents do not comply with this Order, a fine in the amount of $250 per day for
each day the violations continue past November 16, 2012, plus administrative costs
shall be imposed. The Respondents are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton
Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re- inspection of the property to
verify compliance with this Order Mr. Cole seconded the motion that unanimously
Case No. 12 -1288 FBM Leasing Corp
Location: 130 SE 14 Avenue
Violation(s) CO CH10 SEC 10 -56 (A) (B) (E)
CO CH10 SEC 10 -57 (A -C)
CO CH10 SEC 10 -58 (A -F)
CO CH10 SEC 10 -59 (A) (C) (D) (E)
CO CH13 SEC 13 -16
Make repairs in Units 1 -5 to include repair of all
plumbing fixtures and drainage, repair any
electrical problems, and replace rotted
cabinets, repair locks and doors. There is
sewage backup in Unit 3. Repair any leaks in
air conditioning and refrigerators. Must obtain
Business Tax Receipt.
Officer Guillaume presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 15 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr.
Bucella moved that this Board find that FBM Leasing is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before November 1, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $350 per day for each day the violations continue past
November 1, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Ms
Yerzy seconded the motion with discussion from Mr. Foot. He questioned the long list
of violations. There were 5 units in this property. The motion failed 3 -3 (Chair
Costantino, Messrs Foot, Cole dissenting).
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Mr. Foot amended the motion giving to November 16, 2012 to correct the violations or
pay a fine of $1,000 per day. The motion failed for a lack of a second.
Mr. Cole amended the motion giving to November 16, 2012 to correct the violations or
pay a fine of $500 per day. Mr. Bucella seconded the motion that passed 5 -1. (Mr. Foot
Case No. 12 -1471 James Tuccillo
Property Address 212 SE 1 Avenue
Violation(s): CO CH15 SEC 15 -120 (D) INC
Mow overgrown yard, trim overgrown
vegetation, and remove all outside storage
Officer Guillaume presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that James Tuccillo is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violation
on or before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the violation,
the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent
and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $150 per day for each day the violation continues past October 27, 2012,
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr Cole seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1491 Vanessa Padalino
Property Address. 205 NE 3 Street, 107
Violation(s): CO CH13 SEC 13 -16
Business Tax Receipt required.
Officer Guillaume presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that Vanessa Padalino is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violation
on or before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the violation,
the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past October 27, 2012,
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Bucella seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1676 Laina & Leon Feinstein
Property Address: 508 SW 1 Street
Violation(s): CO CH13 SEC 13 -16
CO CH10 SEC 10 -56 (E)
Business Tax Receipt required. Repair
bedroom and kitchen ceiling and repair or
replace roof.
Officer Guillaume presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that Laina and Leon Feinstein are in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct
the violations on or before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of
the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by the
Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $200 per day for each day the violations continue past October
27, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr Foot
seconded the motion that passed 5 -1 (Mr. Borelli dissenting).
Case No. 12 -960 Johnny Marcandy
Property Address: 317 NW 7 Court
Violation(s): CO CH13 SEC 13 -16
BBA FBC 2010 ED. 105 1
Business Tax Receipt required.
Obtain permit for carport enclosure.
Officer Herring presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr.
Bucella moved that this Board find that Johnny Marcandy is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violation on or before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violation, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $150 per day for each day the violation continues past October
27, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Ms. Yerzy
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1506 Jennifer Bates
Property Address 903 SW 27 Terrace
Violation(s) CO CH15 SEC 15 -120 (D) INC
Remove all unregistered and/or inoperable
vehicles. Refrain from storing cars and
shipping cars from property.
Officer Herring presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation. Officer Herring also requested
a Cease and Desist Order be issued.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that Jennifer Bates is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $300 per day for each day the violations continue past October
27, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed The Respondent is further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Cole
seconded the motion that unanimously passed
Based on testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that a Cease and Desist Order be issued giving Jennifer Bates until October 28,
2012 to bring the violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code section as cited into
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
compliance. The Board has considered the gravity of the violation, the actions taken by
the Respondent, and any previous violation by the Respondent, and hereby orders that
a fine in the amount of $500 per occurrence of the violation thereafter shall be imposed
upon the Respondent. The motion was seconded by Ms. Yerzy and unanimously
Case No. 12 -1713 Lawrence W. King, Jr.
Property Address: 978 Old Boynton Road
Violation(s). CO CH10 SEC 10 -56 (A) (B) (D) (G)
CO CH15 SEC. 15 -120 (D) INC
Remove outside storage. Remove all
inoperable /unregistered trailer and vehicles.
Secure the property, obtain a permit for the
shed, replace /repair all damaged or missing
fascia, repair or replace all broken or missing
windows, and remove all trash and debris.
Officer Herring presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that Lawrence W. King, Jr. is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $1000 per day for each day the violations continue past October
27, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Foot
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -140 James J. and Jeffrey S. Gillum
Property Address. 330 NE 26 Avenue, 115
Violation(s): BBA FBC 2004 105.1
New permit required to replace expired one.
Officer Lewis presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 60 days be given to correct the violation.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that James J. and Jeffrey S Gillum are in violation of the City
of Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct
the violation on or before December 16, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of
the violation, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by the
Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past
December 16, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Cole seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -636 Ralph Lowe
Property Address: 1619 NE 3 Street
Violation(s) CO CH10 SEC 10 -56 (A) (B) (D)
BBA FBC '07 ED. 105.1
Permit is required for enclosure and windows.
Repair shutters, scrape and paint outside
walls, sod areas of lawn.
Officer Lewis presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 90 days be given to correct the violation. The only violation remaining is
to obtain the permit.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr.
Bucella moved that this Board find that Ralph Lowe is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before January 15, 2013. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violations continue past January
15, 2013, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Ms. Yerzy
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1387 Albert Pica, Jr.
Property Address 817 N. Railroad Avenue, B
Violation(s). CO CH13 SEC 13 -16
BBA FBC 2010 ED. 105 1
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Business Tax Receipt required. Secure permit
for renovation work.
Officer Lewis presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 30 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that Albert Pica, Jr. is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before November 16 1, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of
the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violations continue past
November 16 1, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Bucella seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12-1520 Lancore Nursery LLC.
Property Address: 2632 N. Federal Hwy
Violation(s): CO CH10 SEC 10-2
CO CH15 SEC. 15-120 (D) INC
Mow and trim overgrown vacant lot and
remove all trash and debris.
Officer Lewis presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that this Board find that Lancore Nursery LLC is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $500 per day for each day the violations continue past October
27, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Ms. Yerzy
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Business Tax Receipt required. Secure permit
for renovation work.
Officer Lewis presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 30 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that Albert Pica, Jr. is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before November 16, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violations continue past
November 16, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Bucella seconded the motion that unanimously passed
Case No. 12 -1520 Lancore Nursery LLC.
Property Address: 2632 N. Federal Hwy
Violation(s) CO CH10 SEC 10 -2
CO CH15 SEC. 15 -120 (D) INC
Mow and trim overgrown vacant lot and
remove all trash and debris.
Officer Lewis presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that this Board find that Lancore Nursery LLC is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $500 per day for each day the violations continue past October
27, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Ms. Yerzy
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Case No. 12 -1692 Prime Property of the Palm Beaches
Property Address 409 NE 10 "Avenue
Violation(s) CO CH10 SEC 10 -56 (B)
CO CH15 SEC. 15 -120 (D) INC
CO CH 13 SEC. 13 -16
Cease and desist the sale of food, beverages,
etc. at the property. Remove all inoperable
trailers, truck, trash and debris.
Officer Herring presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 15 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that this Board find that Prime Property of the Palm Beaches is in violation of the
City of Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent
correct the violations on or before November 1, 2012. The Board has considered the
gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous
violations by the Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply
with this Order, a fine in the amount of $200 per day for each day the violations continue
past November 1, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Bucella seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1578 Andrew & Gail Luchey
Property Address: 128 NW 10 Avenue
Violation(s) CO CH15 SEC. 15 -120 (D) INC
Remove all trash and debris, and trim
Officer Pierre presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr.
Bucella moved that this Board find that Andrew and Gail Luchey are in violation of the
City of Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondents
correct the violation on or before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the
gravity of the violation, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous
violations by the Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply
with this Order, a fine in the amount of $500 per day for each day the violation continues
past October 27, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in
order to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order.
Mr. Bucella seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1683 Wells Fargo Bank NA
Property Address: 261 N. Atlantic Drive
Violation(s) CO CH10 SEC 10 -51.5 INC
Property must be registered. Property is not to
be occupied until all violations are corrected.
Fix roof and ceiling, repair all windows and
doors, and repair the front and rear screen
windows and doors. The pool is not safe.
Permit for pool fencing is required. Repair all
light fixtures. Permit is required for your new
Officer Pierre presented the case as contained in the notice of violation Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that Wells Fargo Bank NA is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $1000 per day for each day the violations continue past October
27, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Bucella seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1379 Marie & Rigaud Alsume
Property Address: 1184 SW 27 Place
Violation(s): CO CH10 SEC 10 -56 (A) (B) (C)
Clean pool and repair filtration system.
Maintain pool in a sanitary condition
Officer Roy presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that Marie and Rigaud Alsume are in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct
the violations on or before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of
the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by the
Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $500 per day for each day the violations continue past October
27, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Cole
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1634 Deutsche Bank National Trust
Property Address: 2531 SW 11 Court
Violation(s): CO CH10 SEC 10 -51.5 INC
Property must be registered. Mow, weed and
trim property, secure gates to pool and clean
and maintain pool in sanitary condition.
Officer Roy presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr.
Bucella moved that this Board find that Deutsche Bank National Trust is in violation of
the City of Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent
correct the violations on or before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the
gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous
violations by the Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply
with this Order, a fine in the amount of $1000 per day for each day the violations
continue past October 27, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The
Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance
Division in order to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with
this Order. Ms. Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1638 Wayne Course
Property Address: 449 NW 1 Street
Violation(s) CO CH10 SEC 10 -56 (A) (B) (D)
CO CH15 SEC. 15 -120 (D) INC
CO CH13 SEC. 13 -16
Mow, weed and trim all overgrowth including
hedges and areas on east side. Remove all
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
trash and debris. Remove outside storage.
Replace missing windows and screens.
Business Tax Receipt is required.
Officer Roy presented the case as contained in the notice of violation Staff
recommended 30 days be given to correct the violation. The house is now vacant so
the Business Tax receipt was no longer a violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that this Board find that Wayne Course is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before November 16, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $500 per day for each day the violations continue past
November 16, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Ms.
Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1657 Rose Joaseus
Property Address: 465 SW 3 Avenue
Violation(s) CO CH15 SEC 15 -120 (D) INC
Remove trailer from front yard. Trailer must be
Officer Roy presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that Rose Joaseus is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violation
on or before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the violation,
the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent
and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $250 per day for each day the violation continues past October 27, 2012,
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order Mr. Bucella seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Case No. 12 -1707 Maria & Jose Urdialez
Property Address 104 SW 8th Avenue
Violation(s) CO CH10 SEC 10 -56 (A) (B) (D)
Mow, weed and trim all overgrowth, including
Officer Roy presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms Yerzy
moved that this Board find that Maris and Jose Urdialez are in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct
the violations on or before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of
the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by the
Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violations continue past October
27, 2012, plus administrative costs shall be imposed The Respondents are further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re- inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Cole
seconded the motion that unanimously passed
Case No. 12 -1742 Garry Rowell
Property Address 345 SW 13 Avenue
Violation(s) CO CH10 SEC 10 -56 (A) (C) (D)
Secure all openings of structure to prevent
unauthorized individuals from entering the
building. Secure swimming pool. Fix fence.
Officer Roy presented the case as contained in the notice of violation. Staff
recommended 10 days be given to correct the violation. He stated the intention was to
board up the house and cover up the pool. This was a health and safety hazard.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that this Board find that Garry Rowell is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach
Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violations on or
before October 27, 2012. The Board has considered the gravity of the violations, the
actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent and
hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $1000 per day for each day the violations continue past October 27, 2012,
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Ms. Yerzy seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Officer Roy recommended the following case be certified at $50 per day:
Case No. 12 -281 Fred and Pam Greenspan 18 Southport Ln. #C
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that this Board find that the Respondents have not complied with this Board's
Order dated July 18, 2012, and having considered the gravity of the violations, and the
actions taken by the Respondents, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the
amount of $50 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the
Respondents come into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification of fine. Ms. Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Officer Roy recommended the following cases be certified at $100 per day:
Case No. 12 -1190 Wells Fargo Bank 84 SW 5 Court
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's
Order dated August 15, 2012, and having considered the gravity of the violations, and
the actions taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the
amount of $100 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until
the Respondent comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification of fine. Mr. Bucella seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1097 Donnie L & Doris Jones 205 NE 9 Street
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that the Respondents have not complied with this Board's
Order dated August 15, 2012, and having considered the gravity of the violations, and
the actions taken by the Respondents, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the
amount of $100 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until
the Respondents come into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification of fine. Mr. Bucella seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Officer Roy recommended the following case be certified at $200 per day:
Case No. 12 -1107 Mohammad Kibria & Farhan Newaz 21 Hawthorne Lane
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that the Respondents have not complied with this Board's
Order dated August 15, 2012, and having considered the gravity of the violations, and
the actions taken by the Respondents, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the
amount of $200 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until
the Respondents come into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification of fine. Mr. Cole seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Officer Roy recommended the following cases be certified at $250 per day:
Case No. 12 -1133 Kristine Flynn 418 NW 11 Avenue
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's
Order dated August 15, 2012, and having considered the gravity of the violation, and
the actions taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the
amount of $250 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until
the Respondent comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification of fine. Mr. Bucella seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1344 Deutsche Bank National Trust 105 Arthur Court
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's
Order dated September 19, 2012, and having considered the gravity of the violations,
and the actions taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in
the amount of $250 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue
until the Respondent comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon
this certification of fine. Mr. Bucella seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Officer Roy recommended the following case be certified at $300 per day.
Case No. 12 -1090 Federal National Mortgage Assoc. 1256 Gondola Court
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr.
Bucella moved that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this
Board's Order dated August 15, 2012, and having considered the gravity of the
violation, and the actions taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a
fine in the amount of $300 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to
accrue until the Respondent comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered
based upon this certification of fine. Mr. Cole seconded the motion that unanimously
Officer Roy recommended the following cases be certified at $500 per day:
Case No. 12 -906 Nationwide Investment Firm Corp. 1093 SW 25 Place
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr.
Bucella moved that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this
Board's Order dated August 15, 2012, and having considered the gravity of the
violation, and the actions taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a
fine in the amount of $500 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to
accrue until the Respondent comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered
based upon this certification of fine. Mr. Cole seconded the motion that unanimously
Case No. 12 -1053 Bank of New York Mellon 113 Seacrest Court
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr.
Bucella moved that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this
Board's Order dated August 15, 2012, and having considered the gravity of the
violation, and the actions taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a
fine in the amount of $500 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to
accrue until the Respondent comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered
based upon this certification of fine. Mr. Cole seconded the motion that unanimously
Officer Roy recommended the following case be certified at $1000 per day:
Case No. 12 -1089 Sebastian & Lorraine Brusca 1004 NW 7 Street
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms Yerzy
moved that this Board find that the Respondents have not complied with this Board's
Order dated August 15, 2012, and having considered the gravity of the violation, and
the actions taken by the Respondents, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the
amount of $1000 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until
the Respondents come into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification of fine. Mr. Cole seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Officer Roy requested a Lien Certification and Order to Abate the Nuisance for the
following case:
Case No. 12 -1415 Jean S. Dufresne 2651 NW 22 Street
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's
Order dated September 19, 2012, and having considered the gravity of the violation,
and the actions taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in
the amount of $500 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue
until the Respondent comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon
this certification of fine. Mr. Bucella seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Mr. Cole
moved that this Board find that there exists a threat to public health, safety and welfare
and pursuant to Section 2 -79 of the City's Code of Ordinances direct City officials to
take all necessary action to correct the violation and to recover any costs and expenses
incurred from the property owner. Ms. Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously
Officer Roy recommended the following cases be certified at zero dollars or "No Fine ":
Case No. 12 -1002 KNHK LLC 3300 S. Congress Avenue, #18
Based on testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that the Respondent, KNHK LLC, was in violation of the City
of Boynton Beach Code section as cited subsequent to the date of compliance specified
in the Board's Order of July 18, 2012, and in consideration of the gravity of the violation
and the actions taken by the Respondent to remedy the violation and the previous
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
violations of the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify "No Fine." Mr. Bucella
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -993 Marwan & Suhair Gali 1005 N. Seacrest Blvd.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that the Respondents, Marwan & Suhair Gali, were in
violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code section as cited subsequent to the date of
compliance specified in the Board's Order of August 15, 2012, and in consideration of
the gravity of the violation and the actions taken by the Respondents to remedy the
violation and the previous violations of the Respondents, that this Board impose and
certify "No Fine." Mr. Bucella seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -254 1200 West Industrial Avenue LLC 1200 W. Industrial Ave.
Euro Auto Service LLC
Based on testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms. Yerzy
moved that this Board find that the Respondent, 1200 West Industrial Avenue LLC,
Euro Auto Service LLC was in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as
cited subsequent to the date of compliance specified in the Board's Order of June 20,
2012, and in consideration of the gravity of the violations and the actions taken by the
Respondent to remedy the violations and the previous violations of the Respondent,
that this Board impose and certify "No Fine ". Mr. Bucella seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1324 Francisco Alvarez 2431 N. Seacrest Blvd.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, Ms Yerzy
moved that this Board find that the Respondent, Francisco Alvarez was in violation of
the City of Boynton Beach Code section as cited subsequent to the date of compliance
specified in the Board's Order of September 19, 2012, and in consideration of the
gravity of the violation and the actions taken by the Respondent to remedy the violations
and the previous violations of the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify "No
Fine." Mr. Bucella seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Officer Roy requested the following cases be tabled to December 19, 2012,
Case No. 11 -1968 Ocean Properties 777 LLC 1510 SW 8 Street
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, FL October 17, 2012
Ms. Yerzy moved that the aforementioned case be tabled until the Code Compliance
Board meeting to be held on December 19 2012. Mr. Bucella seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -120 Gregory G. Van Vliet 1830 N. Seacrest Blvd.
Ms. Yerzy moved that the aforementioned case be tabled until the Code Compliance
Board meeting to be held on December 19, 2012. Mr. Bucella seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
VI. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Cole moved to adjourn. Mr. Bucella
seconded the motion that unanimously passed The meeting was adjourned at 9:09
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Ellie Caruso
Recording Secretary