R94-026RESOLUTION NO. R94-~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING AN ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE FOR THE SELECTION OF MOTOR VEHICLE TOWING CONTRACTORS ON A ROTATING BASIS; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH RATES; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH MINIMUM QUALIFICATION CRITERIA FOR TOWING CONTRACTORS; PROVIDING FOR ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOR REVOCATION OF A CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission after study and review has determined that qualified towing contractors should be afforded the opportunity to engage in towing activity on a rotating basis to ensure economic benefit to more than one towing contractor; and WHEREAS, the City Commission following staff analysis and review has determined a feasible rate schedule which shall ensure a balance of economic benefit to towing contractors and economic feasibility to the general public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does hereby establish a rotating system for the selection and use of towing contractors. Rotation shall be in the manner provided for in Exhibit "E" attached hereto. Section 2. The City Commission hereby establishes a rate schedule for all towing related activities by qualified towing contractors. The rate scheduled is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" Section 3. The City Commission hereby establishes minimum qualifications for towing contractors who wish to engage in towing under the City's rotating system. The minimum qualifications are set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. Section 4. The City Commission directs the City Administration to issue to qualified towing contractors a Certificate of Qualification or letter authorizing participation in the rotating program for a maximum term of ~ years. Section 5. The City Commission hereby establishes an administrative procedure for the revocation of the Certificate of Qualification issued by the City. The procedure is set forth in Exhibit "C" attached hereto. Section 6. The City Commission hereby establishes minimum standard operating procedures for towing contractors who participate in the rotation program. The minimum standard operating procedures are set forth in Exhibit "D" attached hereto. Section 7. The City Commission hereby establishes special procedures for the towing of motor vehicles under the City's Code Enforcement powers. The procedures for Code Enforcement towing are set forth in Exhibit "F". Section 8. Any amendment to the qualifications for certification, the procedures, or the code enforcement towing by Resolution of the City Commission. towing rates, the standard operating procedures shall be SectiOn 9. This ReSolution and the rates, qualifications, and procedures established hereby shall become effeCtive immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this /c~ day of February, 1994. ATTEST: CitZy Clerk CITY ~ ~O~ON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Mayor yr ~ Comm~oner (CorPorate Seal) Authsig.doc Tow. Agr 2/11/94 ~SOLUTZOIe NO. R~4-,,.'~ ~Z CI~ OF ~ BZACH, ~RIDA, EST~LISHI~ ~ ~INIS~TI~ FOR ~ S~I~ OF ~R VEHIC~ CO~ ~ A ~ATI~ ~IS~ P~VIDI~ A~I~ ~ EST~LISH PROVIDING A~RI~ ~ EST~LISH ~IFICATION CRI~RIA FOR CO~C~7 PROVIDI~ FOR ~INIS~TI~ PR~S FOR ~V~ATION OF A CERTIFICATE OF ~IFI~TION; P~VIDING FOR ~E~E~; ~ PROVIDING ~ EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Co~mlsslon after study and revie~ has determined that qualified towing contractors should be afforded the opportunity to engage in towing activity on a rotating basis to ensure economic benefit to more than one to~ing contractor; and WHEREAS, the City Commission following staff analysis and review has determined s feasible rate schedule which shall ensure a balance of econo, lc benefit to towing contractors and economlc feasibility to the general public. NOW, THEP~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COM)ilSSION OF THE CITY OF 8OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: ~ectlon 1. The City Commission of the City of ~ynton Beach, Florida does hereby establish a rotating system for the selection end use of towing contractors. Rots:ion shali be in the manner provided for in Exhibit "E? attached hereto. ~ection 2. The City Commission hereby establishes a rate schedule for all towing related activities by gua~ified Exhibit "A". Section 3. The City Ccr~ission hereby esta~ilsnes m~nimum qualifications for towing contractors who wish to engage in towing under the City's rotating system. The mlnimum qualifications ate se= forth ~n Exhib~[ "S' a%%ac~e~ ~ere=c. Section 4. The City Com.~isslon directs the City of Qualification issued by the City. The procedure is se: forth in Exhibit "C" attached hereto. Section $. The City Commission hereby establishes mlnimumstandard operating procedures for towing contractors who Sectzon 7, The City Co~unission hereby establishes special procedures for the towing of ~otor ve~lcles under the City's Code Enforcement powers. The procedures for Code Enforcement towing are set forth ~n Exhibit "F'. Section 8. Any amendment to the towing rates, the qualifications for certification, the stan~ar~ opera~:ng procedures, or the code enforcement towing procecures shall De by Resolution of the City Com~ission. P~SED ~ ~ED ~ll ./~ ~y of Feb~, 1994 ' Co~ner Clerk - (Corporate Sea}.) "~ Auths£g. Ooc Tow. A~r CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TOWING SERVICES AGREEMENT ACCIDENTS, CITY OWNED OR LEASED VEHICLES POLICE/CRIME SCENE/CONFISCATED VEHICLES CODE ENFORCEMENT VEHICLES Revised 2/23/94 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paae A.1 A.2 A.3 B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 D.8 D.9 D.10 D.11 D.12 D.13 D.14 D.15 D.16 D.17 D.18 D.19 D.20 D.21 Purpose TOW RATES Rates ..... City Owned/Leased Vehicles. Special and Additional Charges ~F ~AwardJProcedure Reclui~e¢ Storag~e C~RTIFtCATE( PROCEDURE 'eriod ..... Cancellation .......... Complaints Against Tow Company .... Reputability ........ · ~ Suspension STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Commercially Manufactured Equipment Markings ............ Site Clean-Up ..... Employees ...... Two or More Applications Received From One Proposer Under Different Names Response Time ....... Subcontracting . Benefits From Repairs Insurance Requirements Tow Company's Liability . Non-Liability of City For Towed Vehicles Accessibility of Storage Facility Protection of Vehicles and Property . Inspection of Facilities ..... Release of Vehicles and Personal Properuy Itemized Statement ...... Personal Properuy Loss Destination of Towed Vehicle Radio Communication ........ Telephone Communication . Reporus ..... 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 D.22 D.23 D.24 D.25 D.26 D.27 D.28 Do29 D.30 D.31 D.32 D.33 D. 34 E.1 E.2 E.3 E.4 F.1 F.2 F.3 F.4 Inspections . . etention of Records 48 and Right to Access Clause .... 49 Code Enforcement Cases 50 Non-Exclusiveness of Services . . 51 Indemnification and Hold Harmless 52 Non-Discrimination . . Posting and Providing of Charges . i ~ 53 54 Compliance With Laws and Ordinances . 55 Non-Assignability . - · · · 56 Disposal of Vehicles 57 Modification of This Agreement .... 58 Ethics and Conduct ...... 59 Estimated Quantities . 60 WRECKER ROTATION LIST PROCEDURE Card System ........ 61 Wrecker Response ...... 62 Rotation Tracking . 63 Wrecker Companies Responsibility . 64 CODE ENFORCEMENT TOWING PROCEDURE TOW List . 65 Rotation . ...... 66 Failure to Perform . . . . 67 City Ordinance 10-52 Proper Procedure 68 PURPOSE The City of Boynton Beach is actively seeking qualified tow companys to provide vehicle towinq services in accordance with the teITAS, Request for Qualifications(~RFQ). The City is seeking a maximum in thisAgreement fi~e (5) and a mlnlmum of three (3) qualified tow companys ,to provide Class A and~Class B towing services. Also a max~mUm~b~ f~v~ ~!(5~) and a minimum of three (3) qualified contractors to provide Class C Iow services. Tow companys will be issued a certificate of qualification to provide towing services as stated in the ~erms and conditions of this agreement. The City shall utilize a per incident rotation system of operations for this agreement. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. 1 PATES The. rates herein have been established and approved by the City Commission and will remain firm and fixed for the term of this agreement. The raues charged by the tow companies to provide all labor, tools, materials, and equipment shall not be greater than the applicable maximum rates as provided by this agreement. APPROVED TOWING RATES These rates are the only rates that will be charged owners of vehicles under this agreement. SECTION I. TOWING Item Description A. Class A (cars, vans, light trucks under 10,000 GVW within City limits B. Motorcycles within City limits C. Towing outside City limius for cars, vans, mouorcycles, light trucks 3/4 ton and under D. Class B (vehicles 10,000 TO 33,000 GVW) within City limits E. Towing outside City limits for vehicles 10,000 TO 33,000 GVW F. Class C(over 33,000 GVW) within City limius G. Class C(over 33,000 GVW) outside City limits Extra time at scene after first hour, per 1/2 hour thereafter (Applied to all vehicles, cars, vans, trucks under and over 3/4 ton, for waiting and extra street clean-up. Not to be charged ~n con]unction with vehicle recovery Section III) $ 75. per call $ 75. per call $ 2. per towed mile from City limits $125. per call $ 4. per ~cwed mile from City limits $150. per call $ 6. per towed mile from City limits $ 30. per half hour Miscellaneous other charges 4x4/off-road recovery $ 75. 1st hour $ 30. per half hour after hour scene Tarp fez ~ 35. pe~ call Lowboy service $120. per hour Outside City limits $ 5~ p~ mile fr~m C~ty limits Underwater recovery salvage divers for first hour or part thereof $125. any ~rac~ion ,$ 31. p~= 1/4 hour SECTION II - STORAGE AND LIEN NOTICE B. C. D. E. Cars, vans, trucks under 3/4 ton storage Trucks over 3/4 ton Outside s~orage Inside storage Motorcycles Outside Inside Boat/trailer 21' length and under Out~ide Inside Bo~t/,trailer over 21' length 20. per day 25. per day 30. per day i~ 35. per day~i $ i0. per day $ 12. per day 17. per day 22. per day 30. per day F. Lien Notice After 24 hours vehicle' $ 30. per *Note: Per Fla. Statute, no storage fee charged for less than 6 hours ~hicle storage. SECTION III RECOVERY (To be charged when vehicle is overturned, stuck in sand, mud or ~n the wa~er, requiring more than a single hook-up. Not to be charged in conj~mction with Section I - extra time) A. Class A and B wrecker per hour on scene $60. per hour B. Extra man (each) on scene $35. per hour SECTION IV - ROAD SERVICE Per call for service such as assisted start, unlock door, deliver gas, tire changes, etc. Applies to all vehicles, cars, vans, and trucks under and over 3/4 uon. $30. per call Gate Fee $25. A, 2 CITY OWNED/LEASED VEHICLE RATES 1. Ail City owned or leased vehicles towed under 3/4 ton Class "A" wrecker will be towed at 50% of Class "A" rate. 2. All City owned or leased vehicles under 3/4 ton requirin~ road service as stated in Section IV of this contract will receive such services at 50% of road service rate. 3. All Vehicles towed by the Boynton Beach Police DeDar~ment as a crime scene vehicle, confiscated vehicle, forfeiture cases, etc. will be towed for 50% of the contract rate and will also be stored for 50% of the contract storage rate. 4. All City owned or leased vehicles towed under class "B" or "C" will be towed at 50% of apDropriate class "B" or "C" ra~e. A, 3 SPECIAL AND ADDITIQNAL CHARGES 1. ~ The cost for waiting time shall not be assessed by the contractor until sixty (60) minutes after arrival at.the scene. 2. Labor Char-e: The cost for labor under any c~rcumstances and when applicable shall not be assessed by the contractor until sixty (60) minutes~after~ arrival au the scene~ Labor charge ~must be clearly shown on 5he tow receipt with a written explanationof the, labor charge. 3. When Labor CharGe Prohibited: The cos~ for labor shall not be assessed by the contractor under any circumstances vehicle parts/debris. 4. Service Call: The contractor agrees that apply ~o the clean up and removal of that the mere response to a service on the assessment ~ow company shall hls~her designee. of a disputed special and additional charge and abide by the decision of the City Manager or call scene wiuhout other action does nou constitute a service for which charges are applicable. 5, Documentation of Special and Additional Charces: Contractor will documen~ in detail on the tow recelp~ the reason for waiting time charge and the work performed for assessed labor charge. The contrac=or agrees thau the special and additional charges may be disputed by City officials and/or the vehicle owner or represenuauive. The contractor further agrees that the City Manager or his designee will make the final determinatlon B. 1 AWAR~ CQN$IDERATION FOR AWARD/AWARD PROCEDURES A. The certificate of qualification shall be granted to the best responsible applicants meeting the specifications set forth below an sections A through C which serve the best inheres5 of the City based on the followlng criteria: 1. Ability of the applicant to provide the required services with regard to extent and condition of equipment and facilities, record keeping procedures, competency of staff, financial support, and exceptions taken co con~ract terms, conditions and specifications. 2. Experience, qualifications, training and pas% performance of the proposing tow company owners ~nd officer, and persons who will be directly involved in managing the service on a daily basis. 3. Substantiated complaints received by the City or Palm Beach County Consumer Affairs concernin~ misconduct on the part of the Contractor such as excessive charges, poor business practices, damage to vehicles, and extensive history litigation, will weigh against the proposer. Evaluation of applications will be conducted by a committee comprised of City staff, who will evaluate all responsive applications received from applicants who meet or exceed the contract specifications based upon the information and reference contained in the applications as submitted and an inspection of the proposer's facilities, equipment, record keepin~ procedures and staff. The committee will make its recommendations to the City Manager in the form of a list of all proposers. The'City Manager shall in turn make his recommendation to the City Commission. The City Commission reserves the right, based upon its deliberations and in its opinion, to award the certificate of qualifications. A. To be eligible to Do respond to this RFQ, the Contractor must be regularly engaged full time in the towing business in Palm Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach, can produce evidence to prove prior successful experience in providing similar services during the past two (2) years, one year of which must have been within Palm Beach County, Florida. Have satisfactory financial support, required equipment and organization sufficient to ensure that they can satisfactorily execute the services, if granted a contract, under the terms and conditions staked herein. In the event of a Court challenge arising out of the failure of the City to select an applicant, da~nages, if any, shall be limited to actual preparation costs incurred by the challenging party. The term "equlpment" and "organization" as used here!n shall be construed to mean a fully equipped and well established company as determined, approved, or ratified by the City Commission. Must have office and storage facility in City of Boynton Beach at the time proposal is submitted. Contractor agrees that it will, at its sole cost and expense, if selected, fulfill and comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations and requirements of the City of Boynton Beach, County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, and the United States of America, and any and all governmental agencies having jurisdiction over providing services of the nature contemplated herein. E?~ REOUIREMENTS OF APPLICATION Ail applications must be submitted as specified on the application 9ages. Any attachments must be clearly identified. To be considered, the application must respond to all parts of the RFQ. Any other infomation thought to be relevant, but not applicable to the enumerated categories, should be provided as an appendix to the proposal. If publications are supplied by an applican% to respond to a requirement, the response should include reference to the document number and page number. This will provide a quick reference for the evaluators. Applications not providing this reference will be considered to have no reference material included in the additional documents. ALL SUBMITTED MATERIAL BY PROPOSERS MUST BE TYPED. NO HANDWRITTEN MATERIAL ACCEPTED. ANY HANDWRITTEN APPLICATIONS RECEIVED WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFIED AND NOT CONSIDERED. Bo 4 SPECIFICATIONS The tow company shall maintain and have available at all times for inspection by authorized city personnel, detailed records of all services rendered relative to subject agreement. The tow company shall furnish towing service for the r~oval of vehicles within the City of Boynton Beach and will have adequate storage space for said vehicles within the City when required and whenever such services as dispatched or required by the City's Police Department, or other City authorized representative in the case of city-owned or leased vehicles. Such services shall be available on a 24 hour basis. The City shall be given preference only on emergency calls for service by the Police Department. The contractor, at an accident scene, shall r~ove from the street all broken glass and other debris ~n the area of the accident. The City shall have the right to cancel a reques~ for tow company service until the time that a wrecker is hooked ~n~o vehicle. o Company with agre~nent to provide Class "B" service must keep one Class "B" wrecker in the City limits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 10 B.5 A. B. D. E. 2. Co WRECKERS SPECIFICATIONS Class A Towing/Recovery vehicle specifications Quantity: 2 Small wreckers, of minimum of 4 ton capacity, with GVW rating of 10,000 lbs. minimum, cradle, or ~ow plat, or sling, and safety chains Boom capacity of minimum 4 tons Power winch, pulIing capacity m~nimum 4 tons Cable of 100 ft. minimum and 3/8 inch thick with end hook 1 Flatbed truck roll back or slide back, minimum capacity 4 tons, with GVW of 10,000 lbs. minimum, minimum 4 ton winch capacity, a~ least (16) sixteen foot bed, a minimLun of 50 feet of 3/8 inch cable Class B Towing/Recovery vehicle specifications Quantity: 1 Large wrecker, safety chains minimum. wheel lift, or sling or cradle, or tow, and 10 ton capacity, with 15,000 lbs., GVW Boom capacity of minlmum 8 tons, twin booms or single hydraulic Power winch pulling capacity mlnimum 8 tons Cable of 100 ft minimum and 1/2 inch thick with end hook Class C Towing/Recovery vehicle specifications Q~a~tity: 1 Large wrecker, of minimum 25 uon capacity, with GVW rating of 25,Q00 lbs. minimum, cradle or tow plat or sling, and safety chains, or wheel lif% capability i1 C. D. E. F. ao D. E. F. G. H. J. K. L. M. Boom capacity, extendab%~, 15 tons or more Power twin winch, pulling capacity 25 tons minimum Cable of 200 ft minimum and 5/8 inch thick Air brakes with auxiliary air supply Towing company must have ability to tow aerial fire truck that is approximately 64,000 lbs. GVW and any sanitation truck. One (1) set of heavy duty truck dollies Motorcycle Trailer Each tow truck must to be outfitted with the following supplies and equipment: Tow urucks shall be properly equipped with clearance and marker lights and all other equ~pmenu as required by Florida Statutes There shall be a rotor beam or strobe type light, amber in color, mounted on the wrecker ~n such a manner that it can be seen from the front, rear and both sides. One (i) heavy duty push broom Flood light on the hoist One (1) flat nose shovel One (1) axe One (1) crow bar Minimum Of one (1) 5 lb. inspection tag. One (1) pair of One (1) set of One (1) One (1) One (1) CO2 fire extinguisher with a current Must be an approved type. bolt cutlers lumper cables four way lug wrench high intenslty flash light set of red highway reflecuors 12 No o Five thirty m~nu~e flares Tow company must have in operational condition the two required Class A wreckers at the time of award of the certificate of qualification. The tow company will be required to have available at all times sufficient equipment to perform all services a timely and resDonslble basis. (2) required on 13 B~.6 REOUIRED STANDARDS 1. Contractor shall comply with all laws, rules and regulations of any governmental agency having jurisdiction in the premises including but not limited to, licensing and minimum safety requirement s. 2. The Company shall be a holder of a general towing and wrecker service license. 3. The wreckers shall conuain a telephone or radio communications system to enable continuous direct contact between the driver and the office of the wrecker company. The wreckers shall be motor vehicles specifically designed, constructed, and equipped for the towing of vehicles and shall, au all t~mes, be properly maintained and kept in a mechanically safe condition. 5. Each wrecker shall be manned by a driver who must meet the following qualifications: a. Possesses a valid State of Florida required commercial drivers license. b. Have a detailed knowledge of the layout of the City streets. c. Shall have the physical qualifications necessary to perform the normal tasks required of a tow truck driver. d. The Company will ensure that each driver operates each wrecker in a safe and proper manner in accordance with operating manuals and Florida State Statutes. Upon receipt of a complaint from the Police Department on driver's unsafe or improper operation, documented corrective actions will be required from the Company. 14 8.7 STORAGE FACILITIES The contractor shall maintain a storage facility for all impounded vehicles. There shall be an outside enclosed area and an inside storage area. Facilities shall be located within the city limits. Contractor's storage facilities and office space cannot be relocated without written consent from the City. 1. Office Facilities It shall be the duty of the tow company to maintain office facilities: A.To include telephone and restroom facilities and work space such as desk, phone, etc. B.Physical plant to have name and mailing address clearly painted or a sign on the front of the building. C.Must be accessible to City officials 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Answer phone services are not permitted. D.There musu be 24 hour radio communication which is manned J si - :t ra. A.To be kept and maintained uo include: the removal of junk tires and auto parts, the trimmang of all shrubbery, trees and lawns (fence line and grounds), adequate drainage to prevent standing water after rainstorms. B.Must be protected by an enclosed solid wall or a substantial wire fence not less than six (6) feet in height. The top of such fence or wall, including all gates or doors or roofed open areas shall be equipped with not less than 12" of barbed wire installation in such a manner as to .... discourage access over the uop of such fence or wall. Ail fences and walls shall be maintained in good repair throughout 15 4 the term of this agreement. Damage to such walls or fences shall be repaired within 24 hours. C.Area must have minimum twenty-five (25) vehicle storage capacity. This storage will be predominatety for accident tows. designated "HOLD", confiscated, and evidence vehicles. A secondary storage area which may be located within a ten (10) mile radius of the City may be utilized for Code Enforcement related tows. Inside Stora~e A.Paved floor, i.e., concrete or asphalt, free of dirt standing water and vegetation. B. Working area of 9' x 20' per vehicle with at least an 8' ceiling. C. Electrical lighting source sufficient to permit process- lng of vehicle. D. One outside window or ventilation system. E. Contain a minimum of one (1) inside storage space. Crime Scene, Confiscated, Special "HOLD" Stora=e A.Any vehicle towed and stored as a result of the marked "HOLD" relative to a crime scene investigation shall be handled with gloves, i.e. cloth, rubber or leather, by the wrecker operator. B.Crime Scene vehicles shall contamination or degradable be stored to prevent physical evidence from deteriorating preferably by inside storage, type covers, or their equivalent. C. If laboratory work on a crime scene vehicle 16 if not available with tarpaulin is required, and the vehicle must be processed at the City of Boynton Beach Police Headquarters, the crime scene vehicle shall be transported to the City designated location. D. Vehicles which have been marked "HOLD" by the Police Department shall be stored at ~uch compound for whatever period of time necessary zn order to properly process the vehicle and any investigation involved. E.Confiscated vehicles or vehicles znvotved in litigation shall be protected from the elements, preferable inside storage,as to maintain the conditions of the vehicle when towed. F.Police Department personnel of the City shall be permit- ted access to all such vehicles at all times. 17 ~.1 pERFORMANCE PROBATION PERIOD 1. A contractor awarded a certificate of qualification will be subject to a three (3) month probationary period. During this time the contractor's performance will be closely scrutinized by City staff. If the contractor's performance fails to meet the standards specified within the agreement, the City ~ommission may by written notice setting forth the contractor's failure, revoke the certificate. If performance ms acceptable, then the con~racuor wilt be so notified by City Commission. 2. If the City Commission revokes the certificate within the three (3) month probation period, a certificate may be awarded to another eligible company as determined by the City Commission. 18 ~.2 FORMAL REPRIMAND The City Manager with aDgroval by the City Commission may issue a written reprimand to the %ow company for any ac% of omission or commission which, in its sole discretion, is deemed to be a violation of this agreemen%. A written reprimand shall be grounds for %ermination of the Certificate of qualification. 19 CANCELLATION In .the event that any of the criteria for qualification established by Resolution R94-26 are violated by a Certificate Holder, the City of Boynton Beach may serve written notice upon Certificate Holder of the cancellation of the Certificates. However, liability of the Certificate Holder and the surety for any and all violations prior to the date. of cancellation shall not be affected by cancellation. 2O ~,4 COMPLAINTS AGAINST TOW COMPANY Tow company agrees that any complaints received by the City concerning the performance of company's duties under any contract awarded will be referred to the City Manager of the City of Boynton Beach. The failure of contractor to fOlIow any reasonable instruction of the City Manager following the referra,t of such complaint to the City Manager will be considered a material breach of any certificate of qualification granted and cause for the termination ~here~f. 21 C.5 Lack Of reputability shall be cause for revokation of a certificate of qualification and shall include, but not be limited to: 1. Misstatements concerning the conviction of any officer, employee or agent convicted of any felony when the person's civil rights have not been restored. 2. Retaining an officer, employee or agent convicted of any felony when the person's civil rights have not been restored. 3. Retaining an officer, employee or agent convicted of any felony or first degree misdemeanor directly related to the bus~ness of operation of a wrecker, when the person's civil rights have not been restored. For the purpose of this contract, any offense involving perjury or false statement or theft shall be considered to be directly related to the business of operation of a wrecker. 4. Retaining any officer, employee or agent convicted of uhe offense of driving under the influence of alcohol or any con%rolled substance or chemical substance to the extent that normal faculties are impaired or driving with an unlawful blood alcohol level, or of any criminal traffic offense. 22 Should at any time during the term of this agreement including any option terms, the tow company be in violation of any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the City Commission shall have the right tO suspend the compan~ unti} the violation is resolved to the satisfaction of the City Commission. If the violation is not promptly resolved or is of such serious nature that the City Commission dete~nes th~ suspension is not adpquate, the City the right ~9 t~rminate for cause. Should at any time during the term of this agreement, including any option terms, the company or its p~incipals become the subject of a criminal investigation, the City Commission shall have the right to suspend the company until the outcome of any pending investigation including trial should one result. Upon determination of the criminal investigation which does not result in charges, the City au its sole discretion may cancel the certificate of qualification or re-instate the certificate of qualification. If criminal charges are filed at the conclusion of the trial or upon a plea bargain by the Company, the City at its sole discretion may cancel the certificate of qualification or re-instate. 23 D,1 COMMERCIALLY MANUFACTURED EOUIPMENT 1. Each tow truck and all equipment owned by the tow company shall be commercially manufactured and shall conform to the requirements set forth herein, or approved by the City of Boynton Beach or designee before being accepted. an good mechanical ~o inspection Each ~ow truck and all equipment must be condition at all times· Each tow truck and all equipment will be subject au all times during the term of the agreement. No vehicle of the tow company shall be used as an emergency vehicle· (example: flashing lights only when necessary). 24 The tow company agrees to have no markings on vehicles, buildings or correspondence that indicates or tends to indicate any official relationship between the company and the City of Boynuon Beach. 25 D.~ SITE CLEAN-UP The tow company will, at no cost to the city, public, or the owner of the vehicle or trailer, promptly clean all debris off the public street, sidewalks, parks, and property of the city and remove the same to a proper place from the scene of any such accident for disposal if the said accident scene is to be, is being, or has been serviced by the tow company, or the agents, or employees of the contractor. However, the owner of the vehicle or trailer may be charged according to rate schedules included in this agreement for clean-up of hazardous wastes, chemicals, construction debris and spilled loads. 26 The tow company agrees to maintain and upon request provide the following information to the Boynuon Beach Police Department on all officers, employees, agents, and servants and be responsible for keeping the information accurat~ and current. Name, address]' date of birth, d~ivers Iicense number, social security number, and photograph. The contractor agrees that the owners of the company or the officers of the company, if a corporation, shall be responsible,-except as Otherwise prohibited by law, for the acts Of their employees while on duty. 27 D.5 TWO OR MORE APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM QNE PROPOSER UNDER D FF IRE -~-~ : . If more than one application is submitted by any one proposer, in the name of is determined substantially his or their clerk, partner, or other persons, that such applicant is under single, identical, the same ownership, all such applications will rejected or if not revealed until during the agreement ~erm, action shall constitute grounds for revokation of of qualifacation. and or be such the certificate by or it 28 D.6 RESPONSE TIME The tow 'company' is to at the request of the Boynton Beach Police Department or other city official requesting tow truck service at any time of the day or night with the appropriate equipment and arrive a~ the scene within the following time limit: Class A 30 minutes Class B 30 minutes Class C 45-60 minutes The company assumes all liability ~n meeting the required class response ~ime including, but not limited to, and all ,damages resulting from traffic accidents and motor vehicle infraction fines. in the event of an over time limit response by the company, the requesting city department will document the over time limit __ response and forward to the agreement administrator. The following: penalties shall apply to the company(s) for failure to respond within the stated class response time frame during each year of the agreemen%: A. Third Offense: B. Fourth Offense: Fifth Offense: D. Any further offense: A certified letter of warning One (1) month suspension ~o (2) month suspension Three (3) month suspension or at the city's option termination If the tow company can show extenuating circumstances beyond company's control, an appeal of the suspension or fine can be made to the City Commission in writing through the City Manager. 29 D.7 SUBCONTRACTING If the tow company does not own the Class B and/or C wrecker, tow company may secure same from a subcontractor. If the tow company does not own the required inside and/or outside storage space, tow company may secure same from a subcontractor. In the event the tow company makes any assignments to subcontractors, the assignment shall be subject to the subcontractors acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement specification. The tow company shall provide in his/her application under these agreement specifications a copy of any such assignment. Any documents required to be submitted by the tow company under this agreement specification shall be submitted on the subcontractor. If there is an assignment and the subcontractor fails to perform in accordance with the agreemenu specifications the contractor shall perform as provided herein, provided however, nothing herein is intended to create any equal relationship between the City and subcontractor. 30 D.8 BENEFITS FROM REPAIRS .... 1. In the event the tow company granted a certificate of qualification operates an automobile repair and/or automobile paint and body repair business the contractor shall provide written notification to a vehicle owner or .representatiVe of a vehicle owner of a vehicle towed under the provisions of this agreement that there is no obligation to have any automobile repairs and/or automobile paint and body work done by the agreement. 2. Tow Company shall notify~the city in writing in a form acceptable to the City, of any and all repairs done on vehicles by the company towed under the provisions of this agreement. The written no obligation of repairs by company notification shall be included. 31 D.9 1. INSURANCE REOUIREMENTS The company's policy will have the City of Boynton Beach as an additional mnsured as to liability. The company shall have in effect at all times insurance with limits as specifically set forth in this section· A copy of such znsurance policy or certificate thereof will be furnished to the city (Purchasing Division) by the contractor immediately after the approval of any resulting contract by the City Commission. The company shall supply the city with a certificate of Insurance for the coverages and limits as shown on Attachment A. In addition, a thirty (30) day cancellation clause in favor of the City shall be included in the policy and certificate. Note: A COpy of current insurance certificate must be attached ~o application submitted. 32 Tow company, at its own expense, shall keep in force and at all times maintain during the term of this agreement: A. Comprehensive General Liability: Shall have minimum limits of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) per occurrence combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. B. Automobile Liability Insurance: Automobile Liability coverage shall be in the minimum amount of Three-Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) per person/per occurrence and~p~ropertY damage coverage of Fifty-Thousand Dollars ($50,000.) per Occurrence. C. Garage Keeper's Liability: The company will at all times during the term of this Agreement keep in full force and effect a policy of "garage keeper's legal liability" insurance ~n the minimum amount of Fifty-Thousand dollars any and all vehicles or trailers, pursuant to this Agreement, from ($50,000.) to protect the owners of towed or stored by the company, loss, or damage 5o such vehicle or trailer on account of such removal or storage: The Company shall provide the City with Certi~2cate(s; of Insurance on all the policies of insurance and renewals thereof in form(s) acceptable to the City. Said policies shall provide that the City be an additionally insured and be notified in writing of any cancellation of said policy or policies at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of said cancellation. All insurance policies shall be issued by responsible companies who are acceptable to the City and licensed and authorized to do business under the laws of the State of Florida. The Contractor awarded the certificate of qualificau~on shall show proof of all insurance policies as required above prior to the 33 issuance of the certificate. The company shall not commence operations pursuant to the terms of this agreement until certification or proof of Insurance, detailing terms and provisions of coverage, has been received and approved by the City of Boynton Beach. D. Workers Compensation Insurance: company agrees to maintain, company's expense, state required worker's compensation insurance fully protect both company and City from any and all claims for injury or death arising from the performance of this contract. EO 34 D.10 TOW COMPANY'S LIABILITY 1. o The company shall be liable for any towed vehicle and property contained therein. The company, or its employee, represex~tative, or agent shall inventory all personal property contained in the vehicle to be towed. Such inventory shall be made in triplicate and shall be signed by the persons composing it. One copy shall be g~ven to the owner or the person in possession of the vehicle, or securely at%ached to the,vehicle, and one copy shall be given to the Police Department of ~he City. 35 D.11 NON-LIABILITY OF CITY FOR TOWED VEHICLES The city shall not be resDonsible or liable in any manner whatso- ever for either the collection or payment of any charges for service rendered, including towing and storage. 36 D.12 ACCESSIBILITY OF STORAGE FACILITIES 1. Ail storage a'reas Bhall~be'aCcessible 24 hours per day sev'en days a week, and authorized ~Dersonnel of tow comDany shall be available during such time to assure that the obligations and services required of the comDany Shall be available and fulfilled. All facilities will be subject to City apDroval. 37 D.13 PROTECTION OF VEHICLES AND PROPERTY Vehicles stored in enclosed areas shall be stored under lock and key. The tow company shall protect all stored vehicles and any evidence or personal property contained therein from theft and damage in accordance with all reasonable police department Instructions and directives. The tow company agrees to replace any such article(s) upon verification of the loss by the designated investigative agency representing the City of Boynton Beach or Palm Beach County as Der Florida Statutes. 38 D.14 1. o o INSPECTION OF FACILITIES Storage facilities shall be subject to inspection and shall be approved by the city prior to award of any certificate of qualification. Storage facilities shall be subject to periodic inspections during the term Of the agreement when deemed necessary by the City Manager's office or Notice of any shall be subm .es or deficiencies found by the city tow company in writing, and contractor shall remedy the same with&n ten' {10)days receipt of such notice. Upon failure of the company company may be suspended or of to remedy deficiencies, the terminated at the option of the City. 39 D.15 1. RELEASES OF VEHICLES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TOW Company agrees to release any vehicle which has not been marked "HOLD". All person who shall apply for the release of a vehicle from company shall present proper proof of ownership or right to possession. Vehicles towed after normal their owners the next day, business hours will be released to ~ncluding Sundays and legal holidays provided all documentation has been properly filed. With the release of any personal property by the company, the owner or person entitled to possession thereof, shall receipt company for same. Any vehicle which has been marked "HOLD" by the Police Deparumen~ cannot be released without prior written authority from the Police Deparument. Any vehicle declared junk, abandoned or nuisance may be released only by an authority of the City Police Department. 40 D.16 ITEMIZED STATEMENT 1. with the release of an impounded vehicle, the tow company shall provide to the owner or person lawfully entitled to possession itemized sta~emen~ of all charges related to the impounding of such vehicle. 41 D.17 PERSONAL PROPERTY LOSS: 1. The City shall not be responsible vehicles or any personal property for any 10ss or damage to in the vehicle towed and for all vehicle accessories, regardless of the cause of such damage or loss and contractor shall hold the City harmless in this regard. Personal property situated in vehicles stored by the company shall not be disposed to defray any charges for storage or towing of the vehicles. The tow company will be held accountable for all personal property and vehicle accessories inventoried at time of tow together with the vehicle stored within the storage facilities of the tow company as well as when disposing of junk, abandoned or nuisance vehicles and shall make restitution %~ the owner for all losses for such properties occurring by theft, fire, or other damage. 42 D.18 1. DESTINATION OF TOWED VEHICLE TOW ComDany shall not move any vehicle to any location (sDecified at time of tow) other than that designated by a City Dolice officer or other authorized City reDresentat~ve, or owner or person in Dossession of vehicle. Ail City owned or leased vehicles located within Palm Beach County will be towed as requested to City Droperty. 43 D.19 1. RADIO COMMUNICATIQN Ail towing vehicles must be equipped with two way communication phone or radio. A citizens band radio does not meet this requirement. The range shall extend to a~ least the Boyn~on Beach City limits. Such radios shall not be tuned The base station for the above to any police frequency. equipment should be strong enough to provide coverage city wide. Federal Communication Commission guidelinss will prevail. The tow company is required, at all times to have the communication system manned by competent employees. 44 D.20 TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION The contractor shall provide a 24 hour telephone nua%ber answered by an ~ndividual employed by the company utilized for emergency calls for service so the company can receive instructions and to provide timely and efficient service 24 hours per day. 45 Tow Company shall provide weekly reports of vehicles Department written reports to the Police Department of the City towed at the request of the Police to contain the following information: a. Name of owner or driver b. Make of vehicle and type c. License d. Vehicle identification number e. Time, date, and location of tow f. Circumstances of tow g. Indicate if a "HOLD" was placed on vehicle by the Police Department h. Time dispatched to a scene and time of arrival· Along with the last weekly report of each month, company shall supply the Police department a com9lete and detailed listing of all vehicles which have been impounded or stored for periods of thirty (30) days or longer. And any other available information which the Police Department may require. Any vehicle that is not claimed within 30 days of the towing of such vehicle shall be reported Department. Services related to City-owned or · n writing to the Police leased vehicles shall be logged and forwarded by the contractor, monthly to the City Public Works Director. All such logs submitted by contractor with regard to City- ow~.ed or leased equipment shall identify the vehicle towed, the location from which it was towed and the hours and dates 46 7 o applicable to contractor's services with regard to such City the the City owned or leased vehicles. The "Service Ticket" shall include the signature of authorized City employee who approved the towing of vehicle. The tow company shall maintain at its place of business records which will contain: its the Police Department a. A vehicle storage receipu of each vehicle on premises. b. A log of all calls for service by on a monthly basis. c. A notification log indicating date, time and method of ~-~ notification to the registered owner of a stored vehicle. d. A continuing log kept daily on all vehicles towed. 47 1. INSPECTIONS The tow company shall maintain and have available at all times for inspection by authorized City personnel detailed records of all services rendered relative to subject contract. The tow company shall also make available for inspection by authorized City personnel the compounds and storage facilities. Records maintained by the company relative to services provided under this contract will be separate from any other records maintained in order to facilitate inspection and audit by authorized City personnel· D.23 -'~ RETENTION OF RECORDS AND RIGHT TQ ACCESS CLAUSE TOW company shall preserve and make avaiI~l~:~lI financial records supporting documents pertinent to this contract for a period of three (3) years after termination of this contract; or if an audit has been iniiiated and audit findings have not been resolved ag the end of these three (3) shall be retained until resol6tion of audit years, the records findings. 49 D.24 1. CODE ENFORCEMENT CASES When properly notified vehicles will be towed from public property including right-of-ways and the contractor will have the option to destroy the vehicle or keep it for sale, pursuant to procedure ~n Florida Statute, 713.78 and 715.05. When properly notified vehicles will be towed from private property with the requirement that the vehicle be stored for up to 35 days and then ~he contractor has the option to destroy or sell the vehicle, pursuant to procedure in Florida Statute 713.78. 5O D.25 1. o NON-EXCLUSIVENESS OF SERVICES The owner or person in possession of any vehicle which has been involved in an accident or whose vehicle has been incapacitated in any other manner shall be given the opportunity of contacting a wrecker or tow truck company of his/her own choice if the disabled vehicle does not create a hazardous condition and a reasonable response time can De expected. Said person shall further be g~ven the opportunity ofhaving sUch"~ehi~i~ towed~to a garage or compound other than thau of the contract. The City of Boyn~on Beach will not be liable for any charges for movzng, towing, storage, etc., nor liable for any charges for damage, loss or moving of any vehicle. All vehicles towed under request by the Police Department shall be governed under this section. 51 Q,2~ INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLES~ Tow company shall defend, indemnify and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from and against any and all claims, suits, actions, damages or causes of action whatsoever arisang during the term of any contract awarded, caused by any act or omission of contractor, relating to bodily injury, loss of life or damage to property, sustained as a result of the performance of company's duties, and from all costs, attorney's fees, expenses and liabilities causes of action, investigations thereof, or defenses of the same, or any proceedings brought thereon; and from and against any orders, judgements or decrees which may be entered therein. Tow company shall further specifically defend the City of Boynton Beach in any action brought against city as a result of the items se% forth in this paragraph. 52 D,27 NON-DISCRIMINATION: Contractor agrees that in the performance of any provisions of this agreement not to discriminate or permit discrimination in the hiring practices of contractor or in the performance of the tow company on the basis of race, sex, religion, political affiliation or national orlgln. D,28 1. POSTING AND PROVIDING QF ~HARGES TOW company shall prominently post in company's storage facilities and towing vehicles a list of the charges herein approved by the City Commission. A list of such charges shall be posted in each of the company's tow vehicles as uo be easily noticed. A list of such charges shall also be printed and such charges shall be provided to the owner or person lawfully in possession of each vehicle towed. Tow company shall no~ charge for any service that exceeds such posted or listed amount, nor shall company perform any service that is not delineated on any such posted or listed schedule without giving the owner of the vehicle or the person lawfully in possession thereof a written estimaue of the amount ~hat will be finally due and payable upon the rendition of the services. 54 D.29 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS This Agreement shall be governed by all federal, United States, Florida, and local laws, regulations, ordinances, or other standards as amended from time to time and as set by any other regulatory agency, including, but not limited to, any and all municiDal regulations or any other regulations which may govern the CITY as a municipality of the State of Florida. 55 D.30 NON-ASSIGNABILITY Any certificate of qualifaction granted shall be non-assignable; non-salable and non-transferable. 56 ~ 31. DISPOSAL OF VEHICLES Should company, as a result of this agreement, have in his possession any vehicle or personal property for a period in excess of ninety (90) days, and should contractor be ordered to relinquish such vehicle or personal property to the City of Boynton Beach Pclice Department, company agrees to Immediately do so with no extra charges to the City other than specified in this agreement. 57 D,$2 MODIFICATION OF THIS AGREEMENT NO waiver or modification of this Agreement or any covenant, condition, or limitation, contained in this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and duly executed by the party to be charged. No evidence of any waiver or modification shall be offered or received in evidence in any proceeding, arbitration, or litigation between the parties arising out of or affecting this Agreemen~ or the r~ghts and obligations of the parties unless such waiver or modification Ks in writing and duly executed. The parties hereto do acknowledge and agree that time Ks of the essence relative to the performance of any term, condition, or covenant herein. In the event any litigation or other action shall arise from this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and all costs and expenses, including attorney's fees and all costs and expenses for any court Droceeding rela%~ve Go the disposition of any issues arising under this Agreement. 58 D.33 ETHICS AND CONDUCT The company agrees to conduct operations under this agreement in a courteous, orderly, ethical and business like manner. As this contract is very sensitive in nature and requires the company and company's personnel to deal with the public on a daily basis, companys are required to extend common courteously such as A. Expedite release of the vehicle in accordance with the' terms of this agreement. B. Assist the vehicle owner in retrieving docUments from the vehicle to establish ownership. C. Allow the owner to remove the auto tag and any unattached personal possessions. D. Explain fully and politely the reason for the tow and all charges levied. E. If a dispute occurs, company shall attempt to resolve the dispute promptly and politely. If it cannot be resolved satisfactorily, the dispute shall be reported to the City Manager's office no later than the next business day. 59 D.34 ~STIMATED OUANTITIES Based upon reports provided by a prior company, this volume is approximately 1499 vehicle tows per year. of the vehicle tows were City vehicles. agreement Forty nine (49) 60 WRECKER RQTATtON LIST PROCED~I~ Establish a procedure for wrecker call out on a per incident basis (except Code Enforcemenu) . An index card system will be utilized and maintained by E.1 A_RD ]Y:TEM the Communications~Division. Index cards will be utilized with Class "A" wrecker companys Class "B" and "C" wrecker companys three card Code Enforcement wrecker companys (A/~L companies ~ to participate) Wrecker companies qualified for Classes "A" and "C" will be filed in botk systems. Companies will be filed in alphabetical order. file system: "B" and/or A company will be called in rotation order from the file on a per incldent basis, An exception will be made in case a Class "B" or "C" needed and then the call will be split according au the scene. needs card is the 61 E.2 WRECKER RESPONSE a. If a company is unable to respond to a call for service the company will be moved to the end of the list. The date, time, and reason given for the non-response will be noted in the log book. The City official on scene who requested the wrecker is the authority for determining a wrecker remaining on top of the rotation list in the event of cancellation or other circumstances where a wrecker is not used. The date, time, and reason g~ven for the cancellation or circumstance will be noted in the log book. c. Unable to contact, excessive response time to hazardous scene, etc. the next rotation wrecker will be called and charged on the rotation list. d. Logs will be reconciled daily on the midnight shift and any problem, s brought ~o the attentlon of the dispatch supervisor who will forward same to the Police Department. Tow Agreemen~ Monitor] 6¸2 E.3 ROTATION TRACKING a. Co A manual log will be used to track all vehicle tows to include rotation wreckers. The log will contain the following information date/time/wrecker company/location/vehicle description/reason/officer/dispatch/case ~/remarks/computer check. Owner requests for a specific company will not be charged against ro~ation. The "owner request" will be logged as such. If an owner request cannot be honored, (e~g.unable to contact, excessive response time to hazardous scene, etc.] a rotation wrecker will be called and charged on the rouation list. 63 ~.4 WRECKER COMPANIES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING THEIR POSITIQN QN THE ROTATION LIST a. Communications will no~ ~ive this information over the teleDhone. b. The rotation list is Dublic record and is available for inspection, by aDDoinsmen~, durin~ regular business hours. 64 TOW PROCEDURE PURPOSE Standard operating procedure to be utilized for removal deemed to be abandoned/wrecked as described in Article III, 10-52 of our Code of Ordinances. PROCEDURE F.! TOW LIST a. Tow lists will be picked up at the front desk Department on the 1st, 10th and 20th day of b. Ail tow lists must be returned to the front than midnight of the last day of the month. c. Results of the status of each vehicle will be noted on the list, (ie: towed, gone-on-arrival, or complied-currently licensed). d. Any vehicles not verified as to their status will automatically be rolled over to the next month's tow list. e. Each tow company represented in the rotation system mus~ supply a contact person and phone number is responsible for the tow list, located division of the Police Department. This as it enables the field. of vehicles Section of the Police each month. desk no later to the clerk who in the records is very important, Immediate remedies for problems that arise in 65 a. Wrecker companies will rotate Code Enforcement tows on a thirty (30) day basis. b. Wrecker company is required to notify Code Enforcement Unit (clerk responsible for the tow list) ten (10) days in advance if unable to perform Code Enforcement tows. c. If unable to perform, company will be moved to end of list. 66 FAILURE TO PERFORM a. Failure to perform Code Enforcement tows more than two (2) months within a twelve (12) month period can result in suspension from AL~ tow lists for a period of time approved by the City Commission. b. Continued failure to perform Code Enforcement tows after suspension can result in revokation of certificate of qualification for period of t~me approved by the City Commission. 67 CITY ORDINANCE PROCEDURES Original Date: 11/13/89 Revised Date: F.4 PROPER PROCEDURE FOR CITY ORDINANCES SECTION 10-57 The following outlines the proper procedure for the enforcement of Section 10-52 of the C~y of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. 1. Notice of violation ~$ written, entered into computer by address and referenced by PCN and the information goes to the Police Department for verification. When the information is verified at notice of violation is mailed to the property owner/tenan~ and the vehicle owner, including Section 10-52 an iss entirety, and a sticker is placed on the vehicle. The sticker and the notice of violation shall s~a~s that all appeals mus~ be in writing to the City Manager's Office. 2. If no appeal has been requested, the vehicle ~s reinspected in ten days, and if still in violation, the vehicle is placed cna tow list for 3. If appeal is requested and the Appeal Board determines tha~ ~he conditions which exist on the property constitute a public nuisance, the owner or owners (7) days to correct or remove the conditions from the date of the hearing. 4. When the vehicle is towed, a certified letter will be mailed (return receipt requested) to the owner within 15 days of 68 removal. A certified letter will be mailed to all other Dersons, lien holders, etc., with record interest in said motor vehicle. Vehicles may be reclaimed by the owner from the tow comDany within 20 days after date of notice. 5. If the City if unable to other ~nterested parties, publication. 6. CoDies of all of Florida. notification has date of advise identify the owner, lien holder, or the City shall advertise notice by certified notices will be forwarded to DMV, State assumes right to vehicle after proDer been made and 20 days has elapsed since notice by certified letter. The City will of this date. the 69