David Roberts, Mayor
Joe DeLong, Vice Mayor
Edwe~d F. F~mening, Councilman
Norman F. Strnad, Councilman
Emily M. Jack~on, Councilwoman
Fra~kKeh!, City Manager
Ernest Simon, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Mayor Roberts called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He
asked all to-rise for the invocation given by the Reverend
James Roy, }~nister of Education, First Methodist Church,
followed by the Pledge,of Allegiance to the Flag led by Vice
Mayor'Joe DeLong.
Mayor Roberts read the proclamation proclaiming the week of
J~uuary 1st through January 7th, 1976 as Organization for
Femininity Week.
Mayor Roberts announced that the next regular City Council
meeting would be on Monday, January 5, 1976. He added that
it is customary to have a meeting on the first Tuesday, but
in this case, according to the charter, the first meeting in
the year is held on Monday and it will be held on Janu~ry 5.
Mayor Roberts announced that City Hall would be closed on
December 25 and 26, 1975, in observance of the Christmas
Holidays and January 1, ~976, in observance of the New Year.
?~. Kohl requested a few additions to the Agenda:
Under Legal - The addition of proposed Ordinance 75-38,
in regard to the bar cloaing hours, which was tabled.
Under Approval of Bills - A new bill for the general
services building from Kozich & Kozich, Inc.
Under Other - A request from the Christian Academy
for a carnival and fair. ~
Mayor Roberts requested all 5.ose'h aesmrm~g~ ' '~ to speak about
ite~ on th~ Agenda to come forward and give their names to
the City Clerk~ so they could be called at the approoriate
time. -
?_egular City Council Meeting - December 2, 1--975
~s. Jackson referred to Page 10 unme_~ ~ Receipt of COrrespon-
dence from ~. James O'Meara, C~a~rman, Bicentennial Co~mitbee,
DECEi~ER 16 , t 975
~5th line down, ~'Fund was $2,656.46, including $200.00 for
flags~and stated this should be: -excluding~ $200.00 for flags.
She then referred to Page 22 where it was noted there was some
discussion with everyone talking at once'. She remem~oers that
the following was said at this time:
Mr. Strnad: You should take the lie detector test.
~s. Jackson: i will take thesodium pentothal truth
Mm. Strnad moved for the adoption of the Minutes of December
2, ]975, with the noted corrections, seconded by ~. Harmening.
Motion carried 5-0.
M~. Joseph Aranow state~ his name and his address as 2520
N. E. ~st Court. He stated that at the beginning of the year,
he was privileged to spes2~ to the Council members on matters
affecting unit owners in Village Royale on the Green. He is
glad he has the opport~ity to speak to them again to express
the thank~ for the _kind attention they have given them. He
expressed best wishes from Village Royale on the Green for a
very merry Christmas and happy New Year. He added that he
would be back at the beginning o~ the New Year. Mayor Roberts
thanked him for the nice wishes.
Mm, Richard Caldwel! stated his name and his address as 1350
S. W.27th Place. He informed the City Council that he was
representing the Golfview Harbor Association and many people
in the area who have children. Tomorrow evening, the Board
of Education will be deciding who will be allowed to attend
the Boynton ~ddle School. Last week, it was made apparent
that many members of the Board were undecided. The children
of Boynton Beach are directly affected by this situation.
The children will be affected by whether or not the Board of
Education decides to merge Lake Worth Junior and Senior High
Schools. If the merger goes through, the children of Boynton
Beach will be deprived of one middle school because of the
borders d~awn. Only the ~hildren in the north end will be
allowed to attend this new school. The children in the south
end will be bused to Carver Middle School. He lives approxi-
mately 1.6 miles from the new school, but his children will
have to travel 5.7 miles south. This is unacceptable for the
people in his area. He requests the City Council to pass a
resolution in behalf of the residents of Boynton Beach. He
continued that Lake Worth is also protesting the busing of
their children to Boynton Beach and explained their actions.
He commends them on speaking against the merger. He wishes
this City Co~cil would do the same. The new school was
named on behalf of Boynton Beach. He thinks the School Board
DECE~R 16 , 1975
should give Boynton Beach a school for their children to
identify with. They have no high school. Lake Worth has a
high school and junior high. Delray Beach has their own high
school and other schools. Boynton Beach is being bypassed
again. He thinks it is about time the residents of Boynton
Beach through the City Co~uncil stand up and s~ they have had
enough of this nonsense and deserve their own middle school.
Let,s let the children of Boynton Beach attend the middle
school first and then alleviate the crowding at Carver and
Lake ~orth.
Mayor Roberts replied that as he understood it will be a sort
of theory to pick up a group from Boynton Beach and move
children from Delr~v Beach further south. Mr. Caldwell in-
formed him that basically what was going to happen is what
exists here today. They have no middle school in operation.
Instead of sending children in the north end to Lake ~orth,
the Lake Worth children will be bused here. Where does this
leave the residents of the south end of the City? They will
be forced to go down to Carver.
M~s. Jackson rep!ie~ that she agreed with M~. Caldwell. She
referred to people moving into town ~ud asY~ng where the
schools were located. She pointed out that it was too late
for a resolution, but possibly they could compose a letter.
~. DeLong referred to the news stating tonight that Dr.
Carroll has refused to give his plan to the public until the
meeting of the School Board this Wednesday evening. M~.
Caldwell replied that tomorrow,s decision would be the final
decision. He added that Dr. Carroll is keeping mum until it
is too late for emy opposition to form. He thi~Z~s it is im-
perative for the City leaders to go before him saud express
their wishes and show a unified front.
~L~s. Jack, on made a motion that this City Council go on
record as being opposed to having their children not go to
Boynton Beach ~ddle School and to have a letter sent to Dr.
Carroll, so it will be ready for the meeting in lieu of a
resoultion since it will not be ready in time. Mr. DeLong
seconded the motion. Under discussion, M~. DeLong said he
agreed to sending a letter, but thinks it should be followed
with an appropriate resolution. This will show the people on
the School Board that they are interested. They should have
the City Manager disoatch the letter tomorrow morning to the
superintendent and i~clude in the motion a request to have
the City Attorney draft an appropriate resolution. Mrs.
Jackson agreed this should be included and requested Mayor
Roberts to write the letter. Mayor Roberts replied that he
was in agreement and was glad the City Council expressed
their feelings. However, he would defer the honor of writing
the letter to the City Manage~, but will be glad to get
together with him. Motion carried 5-0.
DEC~:MB~R 16, 1 975
~. Caldwell added that if the members of the City Council had
a few free minutes, the meeting will be at J. C. ~tchell
School in Boca Raton at 7:00 P. M.
.Reguest Per~ssion for Sale of Scrap Irou
Mm. ~_oh± requested permission to sell the scrap iron on hand
as listed in his letter for the Agenda.
Mm. DeLong moved that permission be gra~ted, seconded by ~s.
Jackson. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
~o (2) New ~976 Cab and Chassis Trucks
. w~n Trash Scow Bodie~
~. Kohl's letter for the Agenda stated that bids .on the above
were opened on December 8, 1975 at 3:00 P. M. in the Office of
our ~rchasing Agent, M~. William H. Sullivan. The Tabulation
Committee recommends acceptance of the low bid from General
GMC Truck Sales of West Palm Beach in the amount of $~o
The request to trade one 1969 Chevrolet Truck has been rescinded.
A~tach~m hereto please find copy of the ~abula~zon Sheet and
copy of Affidavit
-on~ by ~. G. DeSanti, President of Gen-
eral GMC Truck Sales, ~@. Kohl said he checked all other re-
quirements ~ud everything is in order. Funds for the above
purchase are available in the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund
Account Nos. 020-831-00 and 001-885-18. M~. Kohl concurred
with the recommendations of the Tabulation Committee.
Mm. DeLong moved to acceot or aporove, the recomme~aatzons- ' ~ · ' of
the City ~rmge~_ and TabUlation Committee and awa~d~ ~ the bid
for $19,722.00 to t~.e~ low bidder, General GMC Truck Sales of
West Palm Beach for two new 1976 Cab and Chassis Trucks and
Trash Scow Bodies. ~. Strnad seconded the motion. No dis-
cussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Sanitary Landfill Truck W ' ~
~~ -ash~n~ Facilit~
P~. Kohl's letter for the Agenda stated that invitations to
bid on the above were mailed to ~ · loca~
~our - concrete contractors
and bids were opened on December 8, 1975 at 3:00 P. M. in the
Office of our Purchasing Agent, ~. Willis~ H. Sullivan. We
received only one bid, which was from B. B. Boldt. This bid
met~ll our requirements, however, the bid is approximately
gl,p 0.00 too high according to our Engineering Department
estimates This work is o -~
· em~ of the Department of Pollution
Control requirement to keSp our landfill open. Tne~efore,~ ~ we
respectfully request your permission to re-bid this item.
M~s. Jac_~on moved to accept the City Mansger,s recommendation
and go out for re-bid, Mm. Harm~nzng seconded. No discussion.
Motion carried 5-0.
prdinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARLNG
Proposed Ordinance No. 75-38 - Re: Hours of Sale, Delivery,
Service or Consum~.tion of Alcoholic Beverages (TABLED)
Mss. Jack~on made a motion to remove this from the table,
seconded by Mr. DeLong. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Simon read proposed Ordinance No. 75-38 on second reading
by caption only.
Mms. Jack~on referred to a petition being submitted. Mayor
Roberts stated ne believed this was put on the table because
of a remark made by Attorney Cerci regard~ug the possibl9
legality of it. M~. Simon informed him that the statute re-
fers to the occupational beverage license provision, which
would not affect the power of the City Council. He has re-
searched the points referred to at the last meeting ~ud the
City is allowed to exercise its police power for the general
safety and welfare of this community.
Mayor Roberts asked if anyone in the audience desired to speak
for hms ormmna=uce which has the hours reduced to 3:00 A. M.
Rev. 'S~ider ~.~ stated his name and his address as 89 Coral Ave.
He informed the Council that he has been asked to come forward
with a petition signed by the residents of Boynton Beach con-
cerning the bar closing hours. He cannot see any reasons for
a bar s~aYing open later and it would benefit 0nly a minute
majority of the community. If this was put to a vote, he
thinks the majority of the people would want the bars to close
at 3:~0 A. M.
Rev. Ernest Campbell stated his name a~d his address as 1006
S. ~. 25th Place. He informed the Council that he has a deeo
feeling regarding this particular controversy and many people
have hounded him about this matter. He has a Christian con-
science, the City Council has a Christian conscience and the
City also does. He is grateful they are interested and appre-
ciates their request for a resolution, it would only serve a
small group ~o change the hours from ~:00 to 5:00 A. M. People
who live near these places of business complain about the
nuisance. He deeply appreciates that the City Council has had
this drawn up.
Mayor Roberts then asked if anyone desired to speak against
this ordinance.
DECE~fi~ER t 6, · 1975
M~. Frank Elmore stated his name and that he was the owner of
Morey,s. He informed the Council that he has had this place
for seven years smd from the time he bought it, it has had a
five o'clock license. He paid quite a premium for this license.
If the five o'clock closing is removed, it will cost him
seversi thousands of dollars. Also, they have heard about
night people who like to go out and relax. Also, they should
think of some of the employees who will be hurt. He has two
barmaids, one with five childrem and one with three children,
~d in each instance, these people will ~ese~about $100 a
month. He will have to cut their hours. Everyone will be
cut one hour per day and in the course of a month, this will
amount to $100. He asked the retirees if they would like to
have their Social Security c:heC~ cut $1007 This will happen
to his gmr~s with children. As far as the bars being a n~i-
sance, this has not been prove~:by anybody, in the light of
noise, when are they going to g~t rid of the coastline Rail-
road, which is not only noisy ~t ties up traffic? Rev.
Campbell asked when did they e~er have to call the police on
account of the railroad? ~,~. Etmore referred to the time the
town tried to slow the railroad~down.
Mrs. Jackson moved that Ord_nance~ No. 75-38 be adopted on
second reading.
Mayor Roberts referred to the last time this came before the
Co~ucil and quite a few questions were raised and a group
asked for relief ~O stay open on certain holidays. His'opi-
nion has not changed and he would be willing to compromise.
Mrs. Jack, on replied that if they pass this on second read-
ing, she would like to see more days added. She thinks this
is something they would have to go into at a future time.
If they change this between the first and second reading,
this~i~would be the first reading. It couldbe ~nended at the
next meeting. Mr. DeLong asked M~s. Jackson if she would
pledge to consider these people in the future? Is she going
to give some consideration to the list of dates? M~s. Jackson
rep_mem that she is willing to compromise, but does not agree
to them being open late on the weekends. Mr. DeLong read the
list submitted by the Boynton Beach Liquor ~ud Restaurant Asso-
~iation and asked how many she was in favor of? ~s. Jackson
replied that she would not go for Easter, but would agree to
Nos. ~, 2, 3, ~ ~
~ anm 6 on the list, but would hesitate on No.
7. ~ DeLong then asked if this would take effect before
New Year's Eve and ~s. Jackson replied that it would go into
effect on December 26, but it could be changed. ~. Simon
informed them that New Year's Eve was included in the ordi-
nance for the 5 o' clock closing. There was some further dis-
cussion and then Mayor Roberts asked if there was a second to
~s. Jack~on,s motion and received no reply.
Mayor Roberts turned the gavel over to Vice Mayor DeLong and
seconded the motion. Under discussion, M~. Harmening referred
to the first time they kicked this around before passing it
on first reading. He believes at that time, and the County
picture was entirely different, as long as approximately 8~%
of the other municipalities went along with it, he would be
in favor of it, but he was not in favor of creating hardships
on local business people. ~s. Jackson referred to the map
she had at the last meeting showing populationwise that over
50% of Palm Beach County would have ~o~s at 3:00 A. M. or
earlier. She added that Boca Raton and Delray Beach have
two o'clock closings. Mayor Roberts added that most of the
south County area was closing at three o'clock or earlier and
the County is bringing this up again. He would like to ab-
stain because he won't be around, but he should vote. ~.
Strnad added that the other cities being referred to having
closing hours at three o'c&ock may have problems. As far as
he is concerned, he is not aware of having proble~ in this
City with bars being open between 3:00 and 5:00 A. M. Until
he sees on the record~that this is causing trouble, he would
not be in f~¢or of it. Mrs. Jackson reDlied that there was
a record of how many DWI's had been arrested between 3:00 and
5:00 Ao M. and also how many bar dist~bancss there had been.
She added that it was available ~d explained how she had
obtained it.
~s. Padgett then called the roll as follows:
Vice ~-~yor DeLong - No
Councilmam~ Harmening - No
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - No
Mayor Roberts - NO
Motion rejected 4-1.
Ordinances - 1st Reading
Proposed Ordinance No. 75- Re: Rescind Ordinam_ce Pertaining
~o Permit for Installation of T. V. Antennas (T.~BLED)
M~s. JacY~on advised that M~. Simon w~uted to get more informa-
tion from the Building Department in reference to this. ~.
Simon agreed. ~s. Jackson requested that this item remain on
t~e ~able.
Pro-oosed Resolution No. 75-ZZZ - Re: Amending Rules smd
Regu~_a~mons of Civil Service Providing for Additional &
~svised Classifications and Amendments to Ps~X Scale
Mr. Simon read the above Resolution in its entirety. ~.
DeLong moved for the adootion of Resolution No. 75-ZZZ with
the effective date to be-December 16, 1975. ~s. Jackson
DECE~ER 16, 1975
seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Roberts asked
if this was for some additions and Mr. Kohl replied that they
included the additional positions of Programmer and Lift
Station Maintenanceman Foreman and made some minor changes
in the others. ~s. Padgett called the roll as follows:
Vice Mayor DeLong - Aye
Councilman Harmening - ~e
Councilwoman Jack~on - Aye
Coomcilman Strnad - ~ve
M~yor Roberts - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordin~uce No. 75-17 - Re: Procedures and Gro~unds for
Recall - Mayor David Roberts
Mayor Roberts referred to this co~ing before the Council in
M~v. This particular item for recall was amended by the
State, but left a void in their~ordin~uces so people looking
through their code book would not know much about it. It has
been codified since.
I~. Simon suggested that this be oroposed Ordinance No. 75-44.
He then read this ordin~ace on first reading inits entirety.
M~s. Jackson moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 75-44 on
first reading, seconded by ~. DeLong. No discussion.
Padgett called the roll as follows:
Vice Mayor DeLong - Aye
Councilman Harmenir~ - Aye
Co%~mcilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Mayor Roberts - Aye
Motion c~ried 5-0.
Receipt of Correspondence and Petition from M~. Harry B. Duffy,
Attorney at Law (T~,~)
M~vor Roberts referred to the orevious meeting when a petition
was submitted regarding the distance between local bars on
Route 1. This was not tabled, but a motion was passed to hs~ze
this taken under advisement ~ud study. He also believes that
they suggested that the attorney come back with a petition
from Boynton Beach residents and asked if this had been dons?
~. Kohl r~plied that he had not heard anything.
DECE~ER 16, 1975
~s. Jackson stated that when she looked at the list of names
on the ·
but the~etlti°n' she noticed some people not in Boynton Beach,
were adjacent to Congress Avenue. S~e ~oesn't think
they should have one distance one place and a-other distsmce
another place. She thinks it should be o~iform.
Mayor Roberts asked for suggestions ~ud clarified it was a
question of 1,500 feet from schools on Route 1 and 2,500 feet
in sections near Leisureville. He added that if nobody wanted
to maWe a motion, they could keep it ~der advisement. Hear-
ing no further comment, he suggested perhaps it would have to
be brought up again by the petitioner.
M~s. Jackson moved to delete this item from the agenda, seconded
by ~. He~mening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Receipt of Memorandum from Vice Mayor Joe DeLong,
Re ~ Election Vmo±a~_ons - Mayor David Roberts
Mayor Roberts read the memorandum from Vice Mayor Joe DeLong
regarding election violations. M~. DeLong advised that his
memorandums Were dated later than the
-~=~-~ of communication
from Eugene Moose Moore, IZZ, and he thinks it would be ac'cro-
p, late to read his letter first. His levters are ~n response
this. He explained further.
M~or Roberts asked if this should be turne~ ~ver to the City
Prosecutor for handling and ~. DeLong repl_em that he didn't
think it was necessary as he is just as~ng for investigation
by the City Attorney and a legal opinion from the City Attor-
ney. He ~ows there are orm~ances p r~a~nmng to restrictio~
in election campaigns. As long as they remain on the oo~s,
they are considered to be valid. He then requested Ms~vor
Roberts to call on Attorney Schwartz.
Attorney S nwartz re~erred to election laws in respect to
violations and advertisements alleg~ in violation of the
law. He has read about charges ~d counter-ch~ges concern-
ing alleged election violations re~=~-
the C~tv ~ ~ _ ~ o~ o-m~ a~d ~-2~ oi
- ~ ..... ~zi ~s~ec~ ~0 l~*~-~
~=~-~u~-e ~am at,acing candi-
dates within a certain~oeriod of time prior to He
has researched this mat~er in depth. He has election.
~ ~ come to the con-
clusion for ~n~s Council to act hastily at this time with an
~vestmgatmon would be a~ expense to the~t~p~er. He feels
~nese sections of the come have been inv=lidated ~d declared
ncons~mtutmonal by the State in the case of the Town of Lan-
tana vs. Jim Lasins~% He then read this case for the Council's
information. He pointed out that it was clear that Lantana,s
local law was identic~ to Boynton Beach's law in regs~ds to
literature ~ud maki~ ~
- cnar~es to c~-udidates. He e~plained how
DECEMBER 16, 1975
this was handled and the Circuit Court held this was ~uconsti-
tut£onal. The Supreme Court Justice held that four statements
were unconstitutional. He explained further how the Lantana
clause was lden~_cal to Boynton Beach's. He then referred to
the U. S. Supreme Court in the case of M~lls vs. Alaba~m de-
ciding the Alabama statute comparable to Le~tan~ was invalid.
He added that the Lemtana ordinance not only outlawed false
statements, but true statements as well. He explained fur-
ther and ended with stating that the City law was invalid and
deprived the candidate of constitutional rights and the matter
should be given extreme thought.
M~. DeLong moved to have the City Attorney make a research of
this and if these facts are found to be t~ue and ~alid, the
ordinance pertaining to violations in election law should be
rescinded. ~s. Jackson seconded for the sake of mscussmon.
Under discussion, Mayor Roberts referred to the dissertation
on law given and stated he thought it would be a little out
of place at this time since they are discussing a request
for investigation. He thins they should am~cuss Section 8-20.
~. DeLong replied that what Attorney Schwartz
s~o_~e about
referred to 8-20, since this is more '~iversal around Ps~m
Beach County. Mayor Roberts stated he just wanted to make
sure he was referring to 8-20. He continued that he did not
go into any other as~oects of the v'
_ mola~mons and on that basis,
possibly they should have a~n investigation by some special
prosecuvor. ~. DeLong replied that he didn't think this
was necessary. _Mayor Roberts pointed out that it would re-
move it from politics. ~. DeLong remarked that if the State
.Supreme Court or U. S. Supreme Court was passing a ru!ing,
ne would hate to try to defend this ordinance which is in-
valid. They have tried to do this before. He referred to a
_~-ov~smon being in the Charter that you had to be a freeholder
to run for election and this was deleted after they found out
it was invalid. He doesn,t think it is necessary for an in-
vestigation by a private prosecutor. Mayor ~ob~rts pointed
~n~ ne was s_~gui~g against his o¥~m request. ~. DeLong
rep!mem that he ~us~ thought it was a waste of
,mme. Zf the
City Attorney renders a clear opinion based on this ordinance
as it now stands, he believes he would have to say the accu-
sations he made are right in line with what the ordinance
prohibits. As long as the ordinance stands on'~the books, it
has to be recognized~ but ~
-hey should rescind the portions
that are held to be invalid by the State Supreme Conrt and
U. S. Supreme Court. Mayor Roberts asked about 8-2~, which
is one d~jf or three days and ~. DeLong referred to the
Supreme Court saying they could go right u-o to the date of
election and inc!udmng
~. Harmening referred to the '~ ~
mo._on made by M~. DeLong. He
s~.ed that n~ would like to hear the City Attorney,s opinion
after he has a chance to research it, but he is reluctant to
~'~ETING DECEMBER t 6, 1 975
drag the City Attorney into this, which smac~ him into poli-
tics. He doesn't think any City Attorney would welcome the
opportunity to get involved in this. He thinks maybe a spec-
iai prosecutor would probably be warranted, so there could be
no possible clouding of the issues or nobody could say it is
a cover-up, etc. ~. DeLong replied that they employ the
City Attorney to render clear opinions. ~. Harmening stated
that normally when something controversial comes up involving
politics, they don't employ the City Judge, but keep him out
of the middle. Mr. DeLong disagreed and stated they employ
the City Attorney to guide them in~so far as the legality of
the ordinances and to render clear opinions. This is what he
is asking for. He has specified what the charges are. He
should just tell the Council whether these charges are valid
in so far as the ordin~uce is concerned. If they are valid,
then they go ~o a prosecutor. Mr. Harmer~ng referred to time
after time in city after city, similar situations l~e this
have come up and he doesn!t recall any involving the City
Sttorney, but usually an outside Judge or prosecutor is asked
~o sit. ~. DeLong referred to the Stabe Supreme Court's
and U. S. Smpreme Court,s decisions.
Mme. Jackson then told about her experience of being arrested
in reference to an election violation. She further stated
that she agreed with ~. Harmening and it would be putting
somebody hired by the City Council in a very embarrasing spot
and should be done by someone else.
Me, or Roberts referred to the possibility of there being some
State laws pertaining to political advertisements. ~. DeLong
requested that Attorney Schwsmtz be given the floor again in
view of the research he has done to give background informa-
~. Schwartz stated that he thought it was very ~nafair. He
has taken the time to look into this matter and some of the
members of the City Council should have done this. It is an
unnecessary expense to put the cart before the horse. They
should find out if these sections are maconstitutional and if
so, it would be academic to appoint a prosecutor. Mrs.
Jackson replied that she believed there was more to this than
just the City ordinmuces. They must find if the City ordi-
nances go with the State ordinances.
~. DeLong clarified that his motion was no have the City
Attorney ms_ke a research and if it is found the information
he nas given here tonight is correct, then come back with a
recommendation to resc~_ud.
~. Si~on referred to the Lantana case mentioned by ~.
Schwartz before the Supreme Court of Florida. The Lant~ua
code convained similar provisions to their ordinance. The
DECEMBER 16, 1975
ordinance was held to be unconstitutior~l. He agrees with
Attorney Schwartz. There is no need for him to do any re-
search. He explained f~ther. He then pointed out that
Section 8-20 was similar to Lantana ~ud will orobably fall to
the same as Lantana. If 8-20 is attacked, it-would probably
be ruled ~mconstitutional on the basis of the Lantana case,
but it has never been attacked. He is in accord with M~.
Schwartz and that case is applicable in regard to 8-20.
He then informed the Council that he had not acted upon the
memo because he thought ~ was going to be discussed tonight.
He understands from the memo that allegations from Mr.
Pratt do not refer to Section 8-20. and he would be happy to
research this4' He added that there was no need to research
8-20, as he is in accord with Attorney Schwartz.
Mayor Roberts pointed out that also Sections 8~2~ and 8-22
were involved. These are also based on the State law and
he would like to take this up shortly in regard to the che~ge
from ~. Moore. He asked if these sections were included in
the Supreme Court decision and ~. Simon reolied that they
were not. M~. Schwartz was ref~rrmng solel~ to 8-20. Lantana
was limited to 8-20. He agrees with M~. Schwartz's presenta-
tion, but it pertained to 8-20 solely. Mr. Schwsm~tz added
that regardless of the section of the law, the co~t is quite
specific when it invalidates a code which prohibits the cir-
culation of any literature or ~k_ng~ any false or true ch~.~ges
against anyone. The case does not go into the element of mn-
setting amvertmsement and whether sta~ng ~t ms a paid politi-
cal advertisement. ~t just pertains to circulating before
the election or making any statements regarding a cs~-~didate.
He thinks the M~_yor is trying to bring out that there is a
separate case before the City Council at this time.
Major Roberts referred to Section 8-22 pertaining to_ pol~_-
cal literature being circulated. M~., Schwartz reolm~a t~at
if~any l_tera~ure was circulated, they had the right to do so
up to the time of the election. Mayor Roberts read Section
8-22. He po_ntea~ ~ ~ out that he could _ov~ ' accept all these
~men~s unless he is ~ ~ ~ the whole thing is u-tong.
Harmening pointed out that there were several allegations.
He ada~d that he would like to get them cleared up once ~ud
for all. He would be very reluctant to have the C~vy~' Attorney
~n~e~oa~e these matters.
~¥~. Harmening moved to appoint a special prosecutor to inves-
tigate these allegations of election law violations and author-
ize him to investigate a~uy election law violations he has
found and report to the City Council. M~s. Jack~on seconded
t~_e motion. Under discussion, ~. DeLong questioned whom they
were going to appoint? Mayor Roberts told about mentioning
this at a County meeting and receiving the suggestion to go
to the Co~uty bar. M~. DeLong remarked ~h~ he thought m~
DECE~ER 16, 197~
was all ul~necessary and wastes the tsxpayers, money.
Padgett called the roll as follows:
Vice i'~vor DeLong - No
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad No
Mayor Roberts - Aye
Motion carried 3-2.
,.Mr. Richard Vastine appeared before the Cou~ci! and stated his
name and his address as 132 Leisureville Boulevard and was
President of the United Boynton Civic League. He stated that
he had requested to speak on this item and in reference to M~.
Moore,s letter. He is sure under the constitution of the
Unite~ States, there is freedom of press and speech. The
United Civic League did not try this case, but would like to
ms/me several remark~ for the record. He then read the
constitutional by-laws for the League. He then stated that
it seemed the impression has been given that the League has
no right to ~ ~
oe~ involved. No red blooded American is going
to stand still and take abuse and m~ke statements that are
absolutely not based on fact and expect so~body to stand
still a~ud not do anything about it. He then referred to the
ad in "The Shopper" on November 26, 1975, six days before the
electdon and ~. Moore's statemenvs in same. The United
Boynt:on Civic League never discussed this subject. This is
a complete fabrication. Also, the Appellate Court has nothing
to do with the &lection in Boynton Beach and this was refer-
enced to discredit M~. Zack. It was not ~. Zack and why ?~.
Zack ha~ to be -~smirched by this, he does not know. This
is dated November 2~ and they will not let this slip by. The
United Boynton Civic League has recommended all of the current
Cguncil members. Their technique has not changed, but they
wmll no3 stand still with an advertisement like this ~n the
paper. ~ - -
M~. Vastine continued that he had a copy of Ms. Moore's letter
to Honorable David Roberts dated December 4 and referred to
the third paragraph regarding investigation by the U. S. In-
ternal Revenue Service to delve into the activities of the
United Boynton Civic League. Apparently ~. Moore does not
know that no condominium has not paid a cent to the United
Boynton Civic League. That money for their donation comes
from a special group. The Palm Beach County Leisureville
Association is not a condominium. He then referred to the
sentence stating that thousands and thousands of dollars of
campaign funds were pumped into this election, etc. and he
would like to k~ow from whom and where it went?
~. DeLong replied that this would be something for the spec-
ial prosecutor. ~. Vastine said that the Council certainly
Minutes of 1/5/76 - ~M~_~.~__J_ac,~$on r~equeste~, that. it be addend, that t/3e United,
e~3~n.~lvlc League ct~ not recc~zaen~ her in £ast year s
has the right to do what it wants to do. Howe~er~ he asked if
~hey realized they were getting into a co~tr ox ~10,000 over
M~yor Roberts referred to the League's charter and questioned
the date of it? M~. Vastine replied that it was dated 16 March
1972, signed by Richard Stone, Secretary of State. Mmyor
Roberts stated that he had a copy of tbs charter which did not
match his charter and he asked the purpose of the Civic League?
He pointed out that his states for charitable and philanthropic
purpose. The by-laws do not state anything about being politi-
cal. M~. Vastine replied that it states they seek out and
elect candidates to enact legislation.
Mayor Roberts then referred back to the State law, which they
are trying to uphold and look into. The fact remains that
there are certain laws. He was also asked to look into
whether these were passed out by certain groups~ etc. There
should be a grand ju~y requested e~d he is going to ask for a
grand j~3_~y investigation. ~
M_~. DeLong stated that in the four campaigns he has engaged in
in this City, two of them finally wound up with personality
clashes and one individual was responsible for both of these
actions. He told about a certain letter being t~en to a
publisher. ~s. Jackson replied that this is something which
has vo stop. This has been going onCfor too many years. Every
year, she wonders what is going to happen.
t~. Nick Zito appeared before the Council stating his name and
his address as 2540 S. W. 14th Street. He stated that this
City really needs an awakening. He was awakened when he came
down here on a Friday night. He referred to Mr. Vastine read-
ing the by-laws for the League stating it was non-partisan and
he does not believe this. He came dow~ not k~owing what _kind
of group they had. He came from Detroit and when a candidate
ran, they had a civic see~chlight and every candidate was men-
tione~ whether he was qualified~ not qualified, etc, He gave
his speech and received a letter from ~. Vastine emd also re-
Ceived a letter from the South County Women's Voters League,
both espying about the same questions. He received a letter
from the Women,s League containing the responses from all the
candidates, but did not hear from M~. Ve~tine. However, a
man asked him what the Boynton Civic League had against him,
as he was not even mentioned. His point is that they should
change the name of the United Boynton Civic League to Condo
or something like that, as it does not represent the people
in Boynton Beach. They certainly are not non-partis~a.
Mayor Roberts replied that he thinks the air should be cleared
and they should let the State Attorney have this. ~o candi-
dates were running around on a weekend and depositing literature
DE~Ei~BER ~ 6 ~ 1 975
and if State statutes have been violated, it should be rotund
out. It will not cost thousands of dollars. He added that
he thinks the intent of this League is that they have turned
from the charitable and philanthropic purpose. He would like
permission to go ahead with this. M~. Zito continued that he
didn't know what the other villages have, but condominiums
have signs stating no solicit~ug, but this League does.
Roberts replied that he was sure these things will come out.
He thinks the air should be cleared. There has been a lot of
activity by candidates. He thinks an impartial agency like
the State should partake. ~ne Council does not have the know-
how nor ability to make decisions here.
M_~s. Jackson moved to ta2me these so-called alleged violations
to the grand jury. Mr. Harmening seconded the motion. Under
discussion~ Mr. DeLong stated he thinks it is all out of order,
out of place~ u~unecessary smd they are doing everything to get
back to an imageless City. By ~these actions, they are putting
it down again. They are back to their o~d habits. M~rs. Jackson
referred to the violations and ~h~. DeLong~ asked who had taken
the letter to the publisher against him? ~s. Jackson replied
that they were not talking about personalities. The members
discussed the violations further eaad then ~irs. ?aag~tt~ ~ took a
roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Vice Mayor DeLong - No
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - ~ye
Councilman Strnad - No
Mayor Roberts - ~ve
Motion carried 3--.
Receipt of Correspondence from Mm. Gene Moore,
Re: Election Violations - Mayor David Roberts
Discussed wit~ preceding item.
5ill's Fence__- Vice Mayor Joe DeLong
~ir. DeLong stated he just wanted it to be made a matter of
public record that the trees ~. Zill w~ated to oreserve and
for which he got a fence from the City for have ~een tsi~en
down. M~s. Jackson asked if he cut them down a~ud M~. DeLong
replied that he took the~ out completely aaad th~nks for the
Reports__e~om Russell & ~n~on and ~:. R.
Re: Re_93!~st of Sea,ate of Gulfstream
Hough & Co.,
DECE~ER 16, 1975
rexer~ed to the Council voting on this previously
~s. Jackson~
and from rsam_ng the letters, she thinks ~. Hatlman from
Russell & Axon agrees this cannot be dons. Everyone seems to
agree they c~unot do e/4ything, as it would be giving ~ ~
tial treatment and would put a hardship and expense on the
City. She moves to accept this correspondence and put it on
Mayor Roberts referred to the letters responding to the re-
quest and advising against it. He doesn't think any action
is to be taken, except report on it.
Discuss Recording of Meetings for all City Bo~ds ~ad Commit-
tees - Mayor David Roberts
Mayor Roberts read his memo dated March 4, 1975, pertaining
to this. The only reason he brought this up is because there
was a meeting held by the Board of Adjustment where total
resignation of the Board was discussed. This was not re-
flected in the minutes, but re~orted in the newspaper. M~.
Aranow also suggested going to a higher court. He thinks
this is not as simple as it see~ &nd possibly another memo
should go out.
M~s. Jackson added that on Tuesday, December 9, she received
a phone call from a reporter asking about the action the City
Comucil took pertaining to the Dekd~er property. She referred
to M~. Kohl giving them some backgno'~d of this. She read
the transcript from that portion of the conversation which
took place before the meeting. In the Board of Adjustment
minutes, there was no mention of what the reporter mentioned
to her. In reading the newspaper, she thought there were two
separate meetings. The minutes and the report in the paoer
are not similar. Why was this oortion of the meeting no~
taped? She has not been able t~ get ahold of any tape. Was
the secretary there mud was this discussion before or after
the secretary left? She then read Florida State Statu~e 286
requiring minutes of any Board to be recorded. She then moved
that a copy of this portion of the law be sent to the Board of
Adjustmenv and 'perhaps all the other Boards, so they know they
are not suoposed to do vn_s. Me, or Roberts waited for a second
to the motion and when none was received, he stated that he
wished the ~ v ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ,~
~-~ ~.g~r would rem~nd al~ the Boards vn~v ~
subject to 286 and ne does no~ f~el ~he Board shou±d forego
these instructions, as.they could get in a bind.
Mm. Joseph Aranow appeared before the Council and informed
them that he was a member of the Board of Adjustment and did
not know this conversation was going to come about. He is
sure if they write to the Board, they will get straight for-
ward answers. If the Council has a complaint to m~e, they
should ask for the Board's response. The Board has written
vo the City Council.
DECEMB~ -16, ~ 975
Mayor Roberts replied that he agreed with him, but they must
do things in the proper manner. He added that there have been
several instances where Boards have failed to make recorded
tapes of the meetings. Mr, Aranow stated again that if the
Council hag a question to ask the Board of Adjustment, they
will not hide and will give a direct, thorough ~uud complete
reply. Any newspaper article has nothing to do with it. They
should ask the Board of Adjustment and not a newspaper reporter.
Mms. Jackson asked how it happened that this portion of that
meeting was not in the minutes and ~. Aranow suggested that
she write a letter and she would get aD_ e-uswer ~n writing.
He is not authorized to spe~/~ for the Board. If she writes
a letter to him, the Board, etc., she will receive a full
reply. Mms. Jack~on asked if the secretary was present and
Mr. Aranow replied that she should write a letter and she
will get a reply.
At this time~ }@. DeLong asked what action was taken on the
previous item and Mayor Roberts informed him that they accepted
the recommendation. M~. DeLong asked if they were sending a
copy to ~,~. Centola and M~. Kohl infformed him that M~. Centola
came ~o his office and got the copies. Mr. DeLong continued
that ne noticed from the communication from the City consult-
ing engineer that they recommended that the developers be
mnstructed in writir~ the choices available on ~ater meter
location at the ti~ of site plan review and he asked if they
were going to t~2~e any action on that? ~. Kohl replied that
they all have that.
~iscuss ~ngy for Bicentennial - Councilwoman E~y Jackso~
Mms. Jack~on referred to the last meeving when they almost
gave the Bicentennial Committee a blank check. She talked
to Mm. O'Meara and he has asked ~zm. Adams to represent him
tonight. They have a breakdown of what the money is to be
used for and what the balance is, etc. She has not had a
chance to thoroughly read it. She added that she undsrsts_uds
the film has been nsmrated by Lowell Thomas and is finished.
Mr. John Q. Adams appeared before the Council ~_ud affirmed
this understanding was correct. He informed the Council
that it is something everyone in the City should be tremen-
dously proud of. Lowell Thomas is outstanding and the copy
prepared for him to take last week was done in a tremendous
way. He has a!w~s admired him from way back. if you are
not charged with emotion when you hear it with the film, he
will be quite surprised. Zt is finished, but it will have to
be edited. It will then be sent to ~ometco Movie Production
Company for coli~ting a~d to be put together with music smd
DECEi~ER 16, 1 975
M~. Adams then referred to ~s. Jackson's statement of almost
giving them a blamk check. Mrs. Jackson clarified that she
meant them subsidizing it. When she talked to Mr. O'Meara
about this, he was very grateful. She is very proud of our
City for doing it all by themoe_ves. In the letter from ~.~.
O'~es~a, he states you are working on a budget for a six month
period and there is a breakdown showing a b~±ance of $798.63.
Does ~. O'Mee~a mean that this is all you are going to need?
M~. Admms replied that the closing paragraphs giva this answer.
Obviously, they still have a deficit in unpaid expenses ~ ·
x Or
the film. There are various ways these expenses can be derived.
The firm with M~. Wa~necke should be paid for their expenses.
They have not been pushy in getting paid ~ud have been rld_ng
along in this whole matter. He feels the production costs
~ill be paid in fu~ eventually..through d '
-~ onatlons, evc, They
have gone quite a way ~ad the Council has voted money on two
occasions. The Committee itself did successfully in raising
money. ~{_w~n~_o~er.~he,~oa of~$3,000 nersonally contri-
buted. ~-~g oa~ zo ~ne o±an~ check statement, the Co~ittee,
most of all ?.~. O'Meara, and others and all the citizens here
tonight will agree there was no implication two weeks ago in
the motion made by M~ DeLong ~nmch could have been accurately
construed that they would oe~ a blank check. As he recalls
Mr. DeLong,s statements~ he would not want the C
- omm~ee going
around standing on street corners ~vh a tin paml. It would
ne the height of stu~=dmvy to assume that they got a blank
check. They did not consider it that way, but did get sup-
port to the extent it was obviously applied. ~hile they are
asking for additional funds, if they don,t get them, they will
go it alone. They are interested in Boynton Beach. They
will uphold t ~
h=s regardless of what goes on in Council meet-
ings or business. As it states in the concluding p -
- .aragrapn
of Mm. O'Meara,s letter, they exoect to have a thorough dis-
cussion of this project which will be a premier showing of
the film and they will keep the Council ad =sed of all develoo-
ments, also he wants to ooint out that ~
.... ~ was his understand-
ing ~ ~'- ' -
w~,en ~, O'Meara asked his ooinion on this matter, that
M~s. Jackson asked ~ ~ -
~o~ a budget in wrmvmng. M~s. Jackson
plied: not quite, but she felt the Counc~ wanted to know what
the Committee wanted, h -- .
S_e felt it would be a good mdea to
~ow in advance how much money is needed. M~. Adams re.lied
that this was carried out. ~@. DeLong stated ~
' - th=v he was
never consulted. ~ azem that she tal~ed to ~.
~s. Jackson st '
O'Meara an~ told him they wan~ed to have everything and he
has it broken down so it is in writing. M~. Adams agreed and
when he was told this letter was going to be wr_tven, he
~ ,
agreed the Council was entitled to it. ~s. Jackson continued
that the Council amends their budgets and feels they b _
be kept apprised of what the Coi~,~ittee is doing. She thinks
t_~ey have the best Bicentennial Committee in the whole state.
Mn~. Adams mn~ormed her tna~ *~ ~
inTM~' ~.~ey had received compliments
~e~v Palm Beach today in that same effect.
DECE~ER ~ 6, 1 975
Request for Extension of Retl~emenv _ M~. John Schneider,
AUimal WardeE_
M~. Kohl referred to the letters submitted with ~
~--~ agenda
and requested approval of M~. Schneider's extension to Nov-
~. DeLong moved that the request for extension be gr~-uted,
seconded by w
~. Strnad. Under discussion, ~&~s. Jackson pointed
out that when it comes budget time, they should be thin~ing
abou~ putting a man on about October 1. Mr. DeLong informed
her that another ~mn has already been put on. Motion carried
Consider Appointment of Building Offici~]
~. Kohl referred to M~. Howell being aopointed. M~s. Jackaon
moved to accept the recommendation of t~e City Me~ager, seconded
by ~. DeLong. Motion carried 5-0.
At this time, ~. Kohl introduced ~'. Howell to the Council
msmbers. He then asked about a legal opinion in regard to
the resolution. Mayor Roberts asked if en appointment was
necessary and ~. DeLong replied that he believed it has been
a system in the past. M~. Simon stated he would be glad to
prepare a resolution appointing M~. Howell as the Building
Official. ~. Kohl referred to the statement in Article
Section 49 of the City Cha_~ter.
Mr. DeLong moved that the appropriate resolution be prepared
by the City Attorney ~ ·
m~ng this ·
requested M~. Simon to '~ appomntmen~. Mayor Roberts
o~ng in a resolution if it was needed.
M~. Kohl stated it was not necessary as far as he was con-
A pr ova~
~ohl read the following bills for ~pp~o~al.
Allied Chlorine and Chemm
~...,- ~ ~'cal Co.
orlne '- -
~rO_ oedge~ee funds 030-82~.63
Allied Chlorine
a_.~ Chemical Co.
Pay from budgeted funds 030-8~].63 1,380.00
001-875.63 ]89.72
~International Business Machine Corp.
2 Typewrmters
Pay from ~
~umgeted funds 020-802
DECEP~ER t6, ~ 975
~ E ui-~ment
Passi~e~ision S
~om budgeted funds 001-862.88
Bid Gounci! approved 10/7/75
Peabody Peterson m~t ~9
~er ~acilities and
Upgrading Existing Facilities
Pay from A~lant_c National Bank ~975A Series
Contract dated 3/27/74
.Qa!lawa~, Carpenter,.~y & Company
Professmona~vices through November 30,
~974-5 Audit
Pay from budgeted funds 00~-830.21
Motorola~ Inc.
~Two-way radios
Pay from budgeted funds 020-804
001-863.83 1,746.00
001-812.80 743.00
001-85~.84 743.00
001-852-84 743.00
Russell & Axon 6858-17-III&CPR Inv. #4
Engineeri~ Services ~ad Resident Inspection
for Raw Water Main ~
Pay from Atlantic National Bank ~975A Series
Authorization dated 8/15/74
- -oo~z & ~on 6858-15-iZ-CP !nv.
~pa~ construction plans and soecs
for Water Treatment Expansion - Water T~eat-
ment Plant
Pay from Atlantic National Bank 1975A Series
Authorization dated 5/74
Russell & Axon 6858-12-III-CPR Inv. #5
~ewage Treatment Plant Improvements
Pay ~-ro_ Atlantic ~?
· ~a,monal Bank 1975A Series
Authorization dated ~/17/74
Russell & Axon 6858-6-III-CPR ~n~. #~5
~ .
Enolneermng services for construction of
~el±s 12, ~3 & 14
Pay from Utility General Fund 030-205
Authorization dated 5/4/73
DECE~ER 16, 1975
Russell & Axon 6858-4A-II-CPS inv. #6
~Regional Lift Stations and
Force ~.ins
Pay from Utility General Fund
Refundable from future bond issues
75% EPA Reimbursable
Authorization dated 11/71
Russell & Axon 6858-4-III-CP inv. #20
Upgrading existing Wastewater Treatment
Pay from Atlantic National Bank 1974 Issue
Authorization dated 11/20/73
14. Cynthia Lewis
Assistant cook for Senior Citizens ~lub ~
2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 020-880
Ordinance #73-15 passed 5/15/73
t5. Isiah Andrews
Driver'for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing ~und 020-880
Ordinance #73-15 passed 5/15/73
16. Barfield Investment
Trailor for Sanitary Landfill
Pay from budgeted funds 020-833
Co~nacil approved 8/5/75
.Boynton Beach Child Care Center
Funds for Quarter ended November 30, 1975
~°ay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 020-880
Ordinance ~73-15 passed 5/15/73
~:ozich ~ Koz!c~
Eoht added the last item ~ud noted the bills described
have been approved and verified by the department heads in-
volved~ checked and approved for payment by the Fin~uce
Director; funds are available in their resoective budgets.
~. Eohl recommended payment of these bill~.
Ms-. DeLong moved to pay the bilis~ seconded by Mr. Strnad.
No discussion. Mo~aon carried 5-0.
ReGuest from Christian Academy for a Carnival and
-21 -
DECEMBF2R t6, 1975
Mm. Kohl informed the Comuclt that this is the same request
they had last year a~ud he did request that ~ney receive an
~nsurance policy. Mayor Roberts asked where this was located
amd Mr. Kohl informed him it was on Mm. Worrell,s property.
~z~. DeLong ~
novem to grant this request, seconded by
Strnad. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
~!r. Aranow appeared before the Council again and requested a
copy of these minutes be submitted to each member and alternate
member of the Board of Adjustment. He would -lke each one to
have a complete set of minutes. They d°
mscussed whether he
desired the section pertaining to the Board of Adjustment or
the entire meeting ~ud whether it should be prepared per verba-
tim. After discussion, Mayor Roberts requested that this re-
quest be made in writing and the Council will rsply. He added
that the Board of Adjustment was not involved in a~.~y investi-
gation. Mm. Aranow replied that ~he would discuss this with
the Board of Adjustment end let them decide.
M~. Kohl referred to Section 8-17 re ui~i
q - ng the Co~ucil to
void any ballots received after the election. ~. DeLong
moved to instruct the City Clerk to dispos~ of the ballots,
seconded by ~s. Jack, on. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. DeLong moved to ~' Mr. StrnadaudMr. Ha~g.
~m~ou~n, seconded bY/~k'~r-~on. Meet-
ing adjourned at ~0:00 P. M.
See Min-
utes of
~ City Cler~ -22-