David Roberts, Mayor
Joe DeLong, Vice Mayor
Edward F. Harmening, Councilman
Norman F. Strnad, Councilman
Emily M. Jackson, Councilwoman
Frank Kohl, City Manager
Ernest Simon, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Mayor Roberts called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M.. Ne
asked all to rise for the invocation given by Fastor Roby
Snider, Boynton Baptist Temple, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag led by CouncilWoman_Jackson.
Mrs. C. Howard H6od made a presentation of the Veteran's Burial
Flag of Mr. Charles Harper to the City which was accepted by
Mayor Roberts.
The Mayor announced that there would be a meeting of the
South Central Regional Waatewater Treatment and Disposal Board
at 7 P.M. Thursday, November 6, 1975 at Delray Beach City Hall.
Mayor Roberts announced that City Hall will be closed on Tues-
day, November llth in observance of Veteran's Day.
Regarding voter registration, Mayor Roberts advised that the
books close 45 days prior to election. This does not mean
that voners cannon register, but those names not on the voting
list will not be able to participate. This is a State and
Municipal law. Absentee ballots will be available on November
5th for those who will be unable to vote on election day.
Mr. Jim Warnke of the Bi-centennial Committee gave a status
report on the Bi-centennial film regarding the History of
Boynton Beach. He said every attempt will be made to complete
the film, even with a lack of finances and the Committee is
hoping for a December~7th completion date.
l~ayor Roberts asked all those wishing to speak about items
the~Agenda to give their names to the City Clerk so they
cou£~ ben'called at the~appropriate time.
Regular City Council Meeting - October 21, 1975
Mr. Strnad referred to page 5, paragraph
spelling of Mr. Suiter's name on line 2.
the spelling of Mr. Blank's name on page
3, and corrected the
He also corrected
12, last line.
On page 14, paragraph 5, line 3: Mr. Strnad changed the word
"receive" to "honor".
- 1
NOVEMBER 4, 1975
Mr. DeLong moved for the adoption of the Minutes of October
21st as corrected, seconded by Mrs° Jackson. No discus~iono
Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson referred to a discussion among Council during
which the City Manager was giving some*background information
prior to the arrival of the City Attorney at the continuation
of the October 2'lst meeting (held on October 22nd) She noted
the provisions outlined in Public Law 286 regarding the recording
of any meetings and since she was not certain what if any action
had be~n take~, Mrs. Jackson moved to have the above-discuasion
made part of the Minutes. It was noted that although the
meeting had not been called to order, the discussion about a
"red.tag" was recorded. Mrl Simon stated if there was a dis-
cusslon among Council and a directive was given, it should be
made a part of the Minutes. After some further comment among
Council, Mr~ Harmening seconded the motion. The Mayor noted
that the item in question is headed, "Excerot from Conversation
Prior to Opening the Council Meeting HeLd October 22nd". He
felt there was no objection in adding it to the Minutes. Motion
carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson moved to adopt the Minutes of the Reconvened
Meeting of October 21, 1975 (held on October 22, 1975) ~and
approved as written. Mr. DeLong seconded. No discussion.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Joseph Aranow, 2520 N.E. 1st Court, Village Royale on the
Green, reviewed the information he had given to Council at
the meeting of October 21st, particularly in regard to the
Ordinances he felt were violated pertinent to the parkin~
spaces at Village Royale on the Green. He said there were
three distinct items referred to in connection with shortages of
said parking spaces. One item concerned the I~ spaces for each
unit; another referred to the number of spaces needed for
the theater or auditorium (one parking space for four seats);
and the third item pertained to two spaces for four seats at
private clubs or lodges. Mr. Aranow repeated his claim that
there was a shortage of 510 parking spaces at Village Royale
and his request that a motion be passed directing the City
Manager no place the problem of the shortage of parking soaces
before the City Prosecutor for his action, which was done. In
examining the record, Mr. Aranow felt a complaint had only
been filed with regard to the shortage of the t~ spaces for
each uni[ and the residents of Villag~Royale on the Green
were not satisfied. They wished to have all the complaints
prosecuted. Mr. Aranow asked for an explanation as to why
the required parking spaces were unaccounted for, if his inter-
pretatiorsof the Ordinances were correct. ~e then read aloud a
newspaper article that had appeared two days after the last
Council meeting concerning tke investigation called by the
City Manager and statements by Mr. Bushnell of the Building
- 2
NOVEMBER 4, 1975
Mr~ Aranow commented an length about the buildings which had
not been built according to the site plans, particularly
concerning Building 8 in which he liv~d andhe disputed state-
menns made by Mr. Bushnell according to the newspaper article
he had read. Mr. Aranow asked Mr. Kohl if he had received a
report from Mr. Bushnell concerning violations existing at
Village Royale on the Green that he investiga~ed~ Mr. Kohl
answered yes, however, the report has not yet been given to
Council aslhe was still investi~atins it. When he has com-
oteted the report, Mr. Kohl said he would Mire it to Council.
~r. Aranow was advised that he could look at the report in Mr.
ohl's~of~ice Mr. Aranow felt that only one complaint had
been giy~n to the City Prosecutor and if this was the case,
the residents did not believe they were being given the attention
to which they were entitled. He requested that all the parking
complaints be taken care of and asked for a specific date so
that all the details of the complaints could be given to the
At 7:58 P.M~ the lights went out and there was an electrical
failure in City Hall. Emergency power was installed and the
meeting resumed at 8:18 P.M.
Mayor Roberts requested Mr. Aranow and his committee to see
the City Manager the following morning. Mr. DeLong asked the
City Manager if on the report in question there were any
noticaBte violations that he was not prosecuting. Mr. Kohl
said according to the Building Department, everything is being
taken care of except one item which has been discussed with
the Prosecuting Attorney. Mr. Kohl said he is not at liberty
to say anything at this time. Mr. DeLong asked if there were
other parking violations, would they be pursued. Mr. Kohl
said yes Mr. DeLong felt it would be best to follow the
Mayor's suggestion and meet in the morning with the Prosecuting
Attorney in attendance. Mr~ DeLong asked if Mr. Aranow was
apprised of the Prosecuting Attorney's advice to Mr. Kohl
and Mr Kohl said no. Mr. DeLong felt as a courtesy to Mr.
Aranow, he should be apprised of the ad~ice of the Prosecuting
Attorney so he is aware of what is taking place. Mr~ Kohl
asked Council if he could ask the permission of the Prosecuting
Attorney as he didn't wann to do anything to injure the Court
hearing. Mr. DeLong again stated that he felt Mr. Aranow
should be apprised of all actions. Mr. Kohl said he's non
trying to hold back any information but when the Attorney
tells him to do something, he warms to be sure it's done right
for the benefit of the residen[s.
Mayor Roberts asked Mr. Aranow if he's been in touch with the
City Manager concerning the matter~ he's brought up tonight.
Mr. Aranow advised that the only item different tha~ what he
presented an the last meeting was reference to the newspaper
article aboun Mr. Bushnell. It was felt if Mr. Aranow had
been in to see the City Manager, it might have been avoided
going over this matter twice. Mr. Aranow said he was willing
to meet in the Cit~ Manager's office the following morning.
NOVEMBER 4, 1975
Mr. Aranow said he has heard nothing mentioned by Council or
other.City officials that there have_been parking~spaces built
by Village Royale on the Green on City streets. He asked why
that wasn't prosecuted. Mayor Roberts assumed if it hasn't
been started, all the information and facts have not yet been
received. Mr. Aranow said the City Prosecutor told him he
had no information on certain parking probTems'in Village Royale
on the Green. Mr. DeLong said if any member of Council knew
that parking spaces were being built on City ~ights of way or
City streets, he didn't believe he or she would let it continue
to happen. Mr. Aranow said this'was shown on a survey sub-
mitted to the City by the developers in ~espon~e to a demand
by Mr. Barrett. - Mr. Aranow said he wished to give the City
Prosecutor all the informatio~ available in order to prosecute
and he wanted the City to enforce its ordinances~ As an aside,
Mr. Aranow then read a communication received by all the
presidents of th~ buildings at Village Royals concerning
Discussion ensued regarding Mr. Aranow's request for a special
meeting. Mrs. Jackson noted this was a legal matter to be
handled by the City Manager, City Attorney and City Prosecutor
and Council has given the necessary directive to the City Manager.
Mr. Aranow felt the Certificates of Occupancy at Village Royale
on the Green were improperly issued and he felt it was City
Council's duty to grant the residents time to show what they
have to complain about. Mr. DeLong did not feel it was Council's
prerogative to advise the City Prosecutor as to how he should
prosecute the case, but the City should go after every violation
that exists and see that it is prosecuted. After some further
discussion, it was de~ided that the City Manager would make
the necessary arrangements to contact the City Prosecutor and
meet with Mr. Aranow and his committee the followin~ morning.
(Note: Electric power was restored during the above discussion
at approximately 8:30 P.M.)
Mayor Roberts called a brief recess at 8:33 P.M. and called
the meeting to order at 8:37 P.M.
Thirty-five (35) Bunker Coats, Bunker Pants ~ Bunker Suspenders
Mr. Kohl said bids on the above were opened on October 27, 1975
at 3:00 P.M. in the office of the City's Purchasing Agent, Mr.
Sullivan. The Tabulation Committee recommends acceptance of
the bid from Biscayne Fire Equipment Company (for Globe Products)
in the total amount of $4,198.00. Before Council were cooies
of the Tabulation Sheet and Affidavit signed by Mr. Dick Seitner,
Sales Representative of the Biscayne Fire Equipment Company.
Mr. Kohl checked all other requirements and everything is in
order. Funds for the Bunker Coats are available in Account No.
001-865-76 and funds for the Bunker Pants and Suspenders are
available in Account No. 0~1-865-77. Mr. Koh-1 concurred with
- 4
NOVEMBER 4, 1975
the reaommendations of the Tabulation Committee. Mr. DeLong
moved for the approval of the City Manager's recommendations
above. Mr. Strnad seconded. No discussion. Motion carried
Communication Recording & Playback System
Mr. Kohl said bids. on the above were opened on October 27, 1975
at 4:00 P.M. in the office of the Purchasing Agent, Mr. Sullivan.
The Tabulation Committe~ recommended awarding the bid to Lanier
Corporation of Riviera Beach in the amount of $4,500.00. Before
Council were copies of the Tabulation Sheet and Affidavit
signed by Mr. Joe Charles, Regional Sales Representative of
Lanier Corporation of Riviera B~ach. Ali other requirements
have been met. Funds for the above purchase are available in
A~counn No. 020-813 and he concurred with the recommendations
of the Tabulation Committee. Mr. Kohl said the other bidder,
Dictaphone Corporation, did not meet specifications. The Police
Department recommended Lanier because they do have Dictaphone
and are non satisfied.
Mr. Steve Coldren of West Palm Beach, representing Dictaohone
Corporation, stated his company was low bid on this eq. uipmenn
and felt that Dictaphone's equipment exceeded specifications.
Mr. Coldren said he was at the bid opening and felt his com-
petitor did not follow all instructions. Mr. DeLong asked
Mr. Coldren if he had contacted the Purchasin~ Department and
made a complaint and Mr. Coldren said he had been in contact
today and was told of the recommendations. Mr. Kohl said any
bidder has the opportunity 5o come in and tell about his
product. Mr. Kohl said he,was taking the Purchasing A~ent"s
word that Dictaphone did not meet specs as well as the Police
and Fire Departments' word that they want Lanier equipment.
Therefore, Mr. Kohl recommended the Lanier product to ~Conncil.
Mr. DeLong moved to accept the City Mana¢er's recommendation
above, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Mr. Coldren disputed the
statemen5 that Dictaphone did not meet specifications and his
company would see this matter through. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. DeLong said he was oleased with the way the bids have been
handled for the past three years. They are handled with the
greatest degree of integrity and he wished to see the present
system continued. Mrs. Jackson added that the City retains the
right to reject any bid, whether it is the low bid or not. Mr.
Coldren felt his company has saved the City a considerable amount
of money and he said the matter would be pursued.
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING
- 5
Proposed Ordinance No. 75-28 - Re: Providing for Transfer of
Funds Between The General Fund and The Operating Capital Im-
Mr. Simon read the above Ordinance on second reading by caption
only. Mayor Roberts asked if anyone in the audience wished to
speak in favor of or against this Ordinance. No ~eply. Mrs.
Jackson moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 75-28 on second
and final reading. Mr. DeLong seconded. No discussion. Mrs
Padgett called the roll as follows:
Vice Mayor DeLong
Councilman Harmening
Councilwoman Jackson
Councilman Strnad
Mayor Roberts
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 75-35 - Re: Amending Ord. 75-19 to
Correct and Revise Certain Sections of the Zoning ReKulations
Mr~ Simon read the above Ordinance on second and final reading
by caption only. Mayor Roberts asked if anyone in the audience
wished to speak in favor of or against this Ordinance. No reply.
Mr. Strnad moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 75-35 on
second and final reading, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. No discus-
sion. Mrs. Padgett called the roll as follows:
Vice Mayor DeLong
Councilman Harmening
Councilwoman Jackson
Councilman Strnad
Mayor Roberts
Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinances 1st Reading
Proposed Ord. No. 75-38 -
the City Limits
Re: Changing Bar Closing Hours Within
Mr Simon read the above Ordinance on first reading in its
entirety. Mrs. Padgett advised that three people wished to
speak on this item.
Mr. Dennis Vita~% owner of the Town Tavern in Boynton Beach
represented four license-holders in the City with 5:00 A.M.
closing hours, and he .enumerated their reasons for wishing
their esnablishments to be able to remain ooen until that time.
He gave Council an appeal of surrounding businesses in favor
of the later hour and referred to Lake Worth's and Lantmna's
action to keep the 5 o'clock closing time. Mr. Vitaltirequested
Council's consideration and noted than only two license-holders
in the City actually remained open until 5:08 A.M. He also
knew of no complaints from the Police Department.
- 6
NOVEMBER 4, 1975
The Mayor felt some consideration might be given to extending
the later hour on a particular holiday and he noted that most
of the establishments in the surrounding areas closed an 2:00
Rev. Roby Snider of the Boynton Baptist Temple asked that
Council approve the Ordinance for the 3:00 A.M. closing time
for moral reasons and the benefit of parents and children.
Rev. Douglas Smith, 625 Hillcrest Road, wished to speak as a
residenn of the City. He was in favor of the earlier closing
hours, particulmrly because of the social problems caused by
drinking alcohol. He felt the problems were due more to the
liquor industry than the owners of local establishments~
The Mayor asked for Council's consideration of allowing the
local businesses to request a later closing time on a particular
holiday or special occasion by going through the usual channels
in City Hall~ Mr. DeLong suggested having the City Attorney
include the Mayor's idea~into the Ordinance before the second
reading. Discussion ensued as to when~the extended hours may
be permitted. Mr. Simon advised that if there were going to
be exceptions, they should be specific~ After some further
clarification for Mr. Vitalliabout the contents of the Ordinance,
Mrs. Jackson moved for the adopnion of Ord. inance 75-38 with
the exception of the local establishments being permitted to
shay open until 5:00 A.M. on New Year's Day. %>~. Harmening
seconded~ In answer to a question from someone in the audience,
Mr. Simon said regarding Section C, the effect of the Ordinance
is to say that Sunday is an exception to the 3 A.M. closing
hours, except when it falls on New Year's Day. It was further
clarified that Council wished to adopt the Ordinance as it is,
excepn to specify a 5:00 A.M. closing on New Year's Day, regard-
less of what day it falls on. Mrs. Padgett called the roll as
Vice Mayor DeLong
Councilman Harmening
Councilwoman Jackson
Councilman Strnad
Mayor Roberts
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Res. No. 75-QQQ - Re: Amendment to Resolution 75-BBB
as it Pertains to the City Pay Plan
Mr. Simon read the above Resolution in its entirety. Mr. DeLong
moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 75-QQQ, seconded by
Mr. Harmening. It was noted this Resolution would be effective
Thursday November 6, 1975. Mrs. Padgett called the roll as
NOVEMBER 4, 1975
Resolution No. 75-QQQ (Cont'd)
Vice Mayor DeLong
Councilman Harmening
Councilwoman Jackson
Councilman Strnad
Mayor Roberts
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Res. No. 75-RRR - Re: Eliminate the Requirements
Yard Trash be Collected and Disposed of in the Same Manner as
Household Garbage and Other Solid Waste
Mr. Simon read the above Resolution in its entirety. Mr. Har-
mening moved for the adoption of Resolution No, 75-RRR, seconded
by Mrs. Jackson. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett called the roll
as follows:
Vice Mayor DeLong Aye
Councilman Harmening Aye
Councilwoman Jackson Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Mayor Roberts Aye
Motion carried 5-0,
Proposed Res. No, 75-SSS - Re: Appointing Resident Member to
the Board of Trustees of the Municipal Firemen's Pension Fund
Mr. Simon read the above Resolution in its entirety. Mr.
Harmening moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 75-SSS,
seconded by Mr, DeLong. No discussion. Mrs. Padget~ called
the roll as follows:
Vice Mayor DeLong
Councilman Harmening
Councilwoman Jackson
Councilman Strnad
Mayor Roberts
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Res. No. 75-TTT - Re: Appointing Resident Member To
the Board of Trustees of Municipal Police Officers Pension Fund~
Mr. Simon read the above Resolution in its entirety. Mrs.
Jackson moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 75-TTT, seconded
by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett called the
roll as follows:
Vice Mayor DeLong
Councilman Harmening
Councilwoman Jackson
Councilman Strnad
Mayor Roberts
NOVEMBER 4, 1975
Resolution No. 75-TTT (Cont'd)
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Res. No. 75-UUU - Re: Rescinding Resolution 75-U
Relative to Proposed Ramp - S. W. 23rd Avenue
Mr. Simon read the above Resolution in its entirety. Mrs.
Jackson moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 75-UUU,
seconded by Mr. Harmening. Mr. Simon said in the typing of
this, a phrase was left out in Section 1, which should read,
"o.. Said Resolution be and is hereby rescinded and is hereby
declared null and void." Mrs. Padgett called the roll as
Vice Mayor DeLong
Councilman Harmening
Councilwoman Jackson
Councilman Strnad
Mayor Roberts
Motion carried 3-2 in favor.
Consider Signal Maintenance Agreement with Department of
Mr. Simon said he had a Resolution to read if Council agrees
to authorize the contract. It was noted this was done every
year. Mr. Simon read Resolution No. 75-VVV in its entirety.
Mr. DeLong moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 75-VVV:
seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett
called the roll as follows:
Vice Mayor DeLong
Councilman Harmening
Councilwoman Jackson
Councilman Strnad
Mayor Roberts
Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Recommendations of City Attorney Regarding Fire
Hydrant Charges
Mayor Roberts asked if any changes have been contemolated
in the ranes. Mr. Simon said he was asked what procedure
shohld be taken in the event Council wishes to change the
rates and he stated the proper procedure would be by Resolu-
tion. The Mayor knew of no recommendations, therefore, no
action was taken.
NOVEMBER 4, 1975
Annexation - Vice Mayor DeLong
Mr. DeLong wished to have a letter from Mr. William Holland
to the City Manager made a part of the record (copy attached).
Mr. DeLong did not believe there was any specific time re-
quired to snart constructio~ by any property that's been
annexed as he knew of no O~din~nce or C~de ~equiring this.
Mr. DeLong then referred to the Minutes of the Planning &
Zoning Board meeting of October 2g, 1975 which seemed to
reflect some confusion among the members about annexation
regulations and the procedure to be followed Mr Kelly o~
the Planning & Zonin~ Bgard concurred ~r. ~eLon~ moved t~
have tke City. Attorney instructed to send to the'Planning
& Zoning Board the g~ideiin~s insofar as annexation to the
City of Boynt0n Beach ms concerned. Mrs. Jackson seconded.
Mayor Roberts felt a procedure had been set down and he-believed
the new State law on thi:s m~tter should be included, Chapter
75-397, which was recently adopted Mr. DeLong said the
requirements of annexation were inadvernently left out of the
new Zoning Code.
Mr. Kelly, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Board: said the
Board had been in a quandry about the subject of annexation.
He consulted with Mrs. Padgett who showed him a copy of
Resolution 74-L and its Exhibit A which contained Mr. Kohl's
recommendation of March 26, 1974. He said the Resolution does
lack specifics as to whether the Planning & Zoning Board should
make a recommendation for annexation at that time and forget
a~ou~ the q~as{ieD of recommending zoning for the property
proposed to be annexed. Mr. Kelly said he picked up eight
copies of Resolution 74-L and Exhibit A, however, he still
felt Mr~ DeLong's recommendation was in order. Mr. Kelly said
a tentative workshop was scheduled for Saturday, November 8th.
Mr. Simon asked if the guidelines should broaden or expand
upon Resolution 74-L. Council felt that the Resolution should
be updated and upgraded accordingly. It was decided that Mr.
Kohl would work with Mr. Simon on this. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Roberts referred no the letter from Mr. Holland and said
the reason he requested a communication be sent out with
·everyone receiving an answer was not to push on having anything
done on the area in question. He had received some information
that the ownership of the land had reverted back to the
original owner and Mayor Roberts wished to have asnatus quo
on the land. The Mayor said since Mr. Holland still has the
land there is also a question of whethe~ any violations were
in existence regarding grazmng cattle in that horses and cattle
are not allowed wi%hin the Qity limits. Council felt the
appropriate Ordinance should be enforced.
Request Final Approval of Lake view Haven Plat
Mr. Kohl noted that the above was approved by the Planning
NOVEMBER 4, 1975
Zoning Board at their meeting of October 28, 1975, subject to
one change -- that the canal'right-of-way be widened from 25
feet to 30 feet. The Mylar was picked u~ by the engineer for
Lake View Haven and they will make the neeessary correction as
specified by the Planning & Zoning Board. Mr. Kohl said he
had the M~ylar with him to be sure this has been accomplished,
which it has been. He requested final approval of the Lake
View Haven Plat.
.... to~a~cept, the recommendation 11/18/~
~rs. oacmson move~/~or~the-approva~ of the ,City Manager ia minut~
conjunction with t~e recommendations of th~ Pl~nnlng & Zoning
Board above for the final approval of the Lake View Haven plat.
Mr. DeLong seconded. No diSCussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Simon read proposed Ordinance 75-39 re the above in its
entirety on first reading. Mrs. Jackson moved for the adoption
of Ordinance No. 75-39 on first reading, seconded by Mr D~Long.
No discussion. Mrs. Padzett called the roll as follows:
Vice Mayor DeLong Aye
Councilman Harmening Aye
Councilwoman Jackson Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Mayor Roberts Aye
Motion carried 5-0
Discuss Resolution No. 75-ZZ - Re: Tennis Fee' System
Mrs. Padgett noted three people wished to speak on this item.
Mr. R. B. Vastine, 132 Leisureville Boulevard, represented the
United Boynton Civic League and stated that the League's
position is for those residents having the opportunity to use
the tennis courts to have a minimum charge and that a maximum
charge should be placed on those people who do not reside in
Boynton Beach. The Mayor noted that the r~es have been
revised and Mr. Vastine could speak again '~ter they were
announced, if he wished.
Mr. Gary Winter, !~1, S.E. 27th, was in favor of the fees
as they are now proposed. He feln the tennis courts would be
more available to the people who are honestly interested in
the sport. He spoke about the problems he's had in trying
to play in Bovnton and the fact that he had to go down to
Delray where ~he courts could be reserved~ He wished to see
Boynton's courts upgraded and felt the fee system would relieve
the Council of the perpetual request for funds for improvements.
There being no one else present wishing no speak on retaining
the higher rates, Mr. Kohl read the new rate schedule proposed
for the tennis courts, with a recommendation that all.~ther
requirements and procedures remain ihtact with the mddition
that all City employees (classified and non-classified) r~gard-
less of residency shall be eligible for resident membershzo.
- 11
Mr. Kohl said he and the Recreation Director, Mr. Frederick,
developed the proposed plan for Council's consideration.
Mr. Gene Eddy, 1104 S.W. 26th Avenue, stated he was originally
in favor of retaining the higher rates, but in speaking to
his friends an the tennis courts and after further consideration,
he was now in favor of the lower rates. He then presented
Council with an additional petition, bringing the total
signatures he has presented to 104, in favor of the latest
tennis fee schedule. He noted that all signatures were obtained
at the tennis courts and %hey were all tennis players. He
asked that Council adopt the amended program b~fore them.
Mayor Roberts felt that some of the problems encountered in
playing tennis in the City were due to the ~ack of charges.
He said there was no reason why the fee schedule couldn't be
installed on a trial basis as recommended. He felt the pro-
posed rates were fair. Mrs. Jackson said she originally
voted for the higher rates but felt the revisions were more
fair and she moved to adopt the new rates as recommended by
the City Manager. Mr. DeLong seconded with the inclusion
that the City Attorney be instructed to amend Resolution 75-ZZ
accordingly. The City Manager said he would get together with
the City Attorney to clarify the details. Mr. Harmening felt
mosn people could live with the new schedule and he objected
to the original higher rates. He was cOncerned that students
receive the same consideration as residents, whether or not
they lived in the City. He also felt there should be no standing
reservations, with everyone being required to call in for a
reservation each time After some further discus~ion~ it was
clarified that Mr. Harmening's suggestions have already been
taken into consideration. Motion carried 5-0.
Discuss Repeal of Article IV
Permit no Install TV Antenna
Re: Residents to Pay for a
Councilwoman Jackson
Mrs. Jackson referred to a current law in the City that~everv= Mins
one who has a TV antenna must pay for a permit. She~9~m~at of
~ one quarter of the residents have done so and she wished 11/18~
to see this whole section taken out~ Anyone who installs a ?5
TV antenna would have to be licensed by the City. Mrs. Jackson
therefore moved to strike the entire Article 4 from the
Building Code section. Mr. DeLong seconded. There was some
discussion about the exact section in question and it was
felt the item should be researched further. Mrs. Jackson
moved to table this item, seconded by Mr. DeLong. No discussion.
Motion carried 5-0.
Easement~ Min~es
Discuss Return of All Known/R~g~-e~-Wa? for Utilities that
Will Not be Utilized Eouncilwoman Jackson ~/18/7
Ut~lity_Eas. ementD
Mrs. Jackson said since there are at least two/mnown/~gS~-~r
~my not being used: she moved that the City return the ones it
knows about and return others as they come up. Mr. DeLong
seconded, noting this was brought up once before. No discussion.
Motion carried 5-0.
NOVEMBER 4, 1975
Discuss Public Notice in the Shopper - Re: Hearing on Bar
Closing Hours Councilwoman Jackson '
At Mrs. Jackson's suggestion, Mr. DeLong moved to strike the
above item from the agenda, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No
discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Request Approval of Change Order No. 4 - Wells 12, 13 and 1~
Mr. Kohl said as he previously advised Council, the location
of the above wells h~d to be changed dne to the sand content.
In view of this fact, they all had to be relocated and this
necessitated the expense of addifional pipes, etc. Mr. Joe
Swan of Russell &Axon, Mr. Perry Cessna, Utilities Director,
and the City Manager concurred with this request for Change
Order No. 4 in the amount of $6:363.02 and Mr Kohl asked for
Council's approval. '
Mr. DeLong moved to accept the recommendation of the City
Manager above and approve Change Order No. 4. Mrs. Jackson
seconded. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Approval of Letter of Agreement Between Palm Beach
County and The City - Re: The CETA Program
Mr. Kohl referred to a letter of agreement on the above which
was before Council. He noted the goal of this project is that
the City retain as many employees as possible. However, this
is non obligatory and if they do not perform the City will
receive a waiver to this effect from Mr. Herbert Thurston of
the CETA Program before signing this letner of agreement. Mr.
Kohl said as soon as the waiver is received the letter agree-
ment will be signed and he asked for Council's approval~
Mr. DeLong moved than the appropriate City official sign the above
letter of agreement as soon as the waiver is received. Mr.
Strnad seconded. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Receipt of Nominating Petitions
In accordance with section 86 of the Boynton Beach Code of
Ordinances the following nominating petitions for election to
City Council: Richard D. Caldwell, Gene Moore III, Norman F.
Strnad, Joseph F. Mack-, Nicholas A. Zito. All nominees have
met the necessary qualifications required by law. Mr. DeLong
moved to accept receipt of nhe nominating petitions~ Mrs.
Jackson seconded. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Proclamation of Primary & General Elections
Mayor Roberts read the above Proclamation: designating the
primary election for two Councilmen in Boynton Beach to be
held November 18, 1975, with the general election to be held
NOVEMBER 4, 1975
December 2, 1975. The voting hours are between 7:00 A.M. and
7:00 P.M. on each date and the Mayor then gave all the addresses
of the polling places.
Consider Appointments for Election Board~
Mrs. Padgett said a listing was submitted of those who have
offered to serve during the year since the last election,
totaling 68 names, nwo of which had to be removed for different
reasons, bringing.the total down to 66. She then read the
names of four additional peopl? who wished to serve so that
the required number of 70 appointments could be reached.
Mr. DeLong moved to accept the appointments to the Election
Boards as submitted by the City Clerk (including the names
of Edith Hood, ~!en Wilson, E~na Weaver and Cora Harmon).
Mr. Strnad seconded. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson asked if Mrs. Padgett had the names of people
who could be called upon in an emergency. Mrs. Padgett said
Discuss Thanksgiving Holiday - Vice Mayor DeLon$
Mr. DeLong noted this has been a four-day holiday in the past
and he moved to do the same thing this year. Mr. Strnad
seconded. Mrs~ Jackson asked if it would be a good idea to
have the Civil Service Rules changed to make this a permanent
arrangement, but it was felt that action should be taken each
year if desired. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Request for Change of Election Procedures - Mayor
Discussion concerned receipt of a letter from Mr. Gene Moore
requesting Council's consideration to enact emergency legisla-
tion to eliminate the municipal Primary Election, and Mr.
DeLong s answer to same. Mr. DeLong said he based his objec-
tion to the lateness of Mr. Moore's letter and his feeling
that this matter could not be declared an emergency as it
had nothing to do with the health and welfare of the public.
Also, there was no time to put it on the ballot for the Decem-
ber 2nd election. Mayor Roberts noted that the letter was
addressed to the entire Council and he disputed Mr. DeLong's
answer in that it did not reflect the feelings of all the
members. Mr. DeLong said his answer reflected his personal
feelings. Mayor Roberts took exception to Mr. DeLong's letter
with regard to reference about "the water softener fiasco",
since he felt there was no relevance. Mayor Roberts felt
this remark was pointed at him personally and he added that
the meeting held on that subject was a tremendous success and
there was
a possibility that Delray was considering a aimilar
meeting. The Mayor also objected to any member of the Council
using City equipment, supplies and stenographer for politics.
14 -
Mayor Roberts wished to have some informatien as to what
rights the Council has to make this kind of statement and
also if this comes under the particular law'rel, ating to the
duties and powers of the Council. He e×pectedan-answer
from the City Attorney. Mr. DeLong said there was nething
in Robert's Rules of Order which Council adopted which
prohibits his activities. Mayor Roherts felt Council might
like to consider amending Section 18 of the Charter. The
Mayor and Mr. DeLong disagreed about whetker or. notMr. DeLong~s
letter was political and Mayor Roberts aaid'he was going to
.look into whether or not Co~ncilmembers could engage in
politics at taxpayers' expense.
In regard to eliminating the municipal Primary Election, Mayor
Roberts wished to have the matter studied further and also
hear Council's feelings. Mrs. Jackson said she would not
want to see an ~emergency ordinance p~ssed which-was not for
the health and welfare of thee public. She would like to see
the dates changed at some future time, but wished the election
procedures to remain as they are for the presenn. She felt
it deserved a great deal of thought and should be a referendum
to the people. Mr. DeLong said Council would receive a memo
from him.on the last communication that the candidate sent.
Mrs Jackson hoped Mr. DeLong would ~rite the memo in his own
~arr~r handwri%ing. (See Minutes of 11/18/75)
Mr. DeLong moved to place the communication from Mr. Gene
Moore dated October 28, 1975 on file. Mrs. Jackson seconded.
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Roberts asked for Council's consideration regarding
hav±ng the City Attorney look into Council's activities in
getting involved in political communications at the taxpayers'
expense. After some discussion~ Mr. Simon suggested obtaining
an opinion of the Attorney General on this matter. The Mayor
felt that reference should be made to Mr. DeLong's communication
in determining the powers of Council. Mr. DeLong noted that
his memo was addressed to the Mayor and Council of'which he
is a member and his memo represented no official action. Mrs.
Jackson wished to have a ruling on whether it is proper for a
City official to use a City secretary, City paper and City
time to write a letter that is political. Mr. DeLong wished
to know if it was proper for Mrs..Uackson to have the City
Manager write a letter to Congressman Rogers without official
action. Mrs. Jackson said she obtained permission at the
Budget meetings. After some further comment, Mrs. Jackson
moved to have the City Attorney determine if it is proper for
any member of Council to use City personnel, City time and
City paper for political purposes. Mr. DeLong specifically
stated that if the City Attorney writes to the Attorney General
to include the fact that Mr. De~ong as a Council member
received a copy of Mr. Moore's communication a~d answered
same to the members of Council, including the Mayor with a
copy to the sender. Mayor Roberts also wished to have a ruling
- 15
NOVEMBER 4, 1975
about the use of City Hall and City services and facilities
to recommend, suggest or oppose proposed candidates for
office. After some further discussion, Mrs. Jackson included
in her motion that the City Attorney be given all the cor-
respondence pertaining to this matter to aid in his determina-
tion, including a third communication on the subject. It was
clarified that Mr. Simon's question would be worded in an
objective manner -- is it proper for a City Council member
to use City Hall facilities for the purposes of political
activity. Such political activity would have to be established.
Mrs. Jackson s~id the City can make its ~own policy from the
answer received. After ~ome further c~ormnent,~r. Haz~nening
seconded and~motlon carried 3-2 in fav0~~ ~(Mess~a~/DeLong and
S~rnad against).
Receipt of Correspondence from Hon. David D. Centola~ Attorney
Mr. Centola came forward to represent Seagate of Gulfstream
in order to petition the Council for relief as no utility
payments, as outlined in his letter to Mr. Kohl dated October
27, 1975 (copy attached). Mrs. Jackson felt it was the
determination of the developer to build and the duty of the
City to furnish sewer and water and the people in the City are
indebted no that and the City would be put in a hardship if
it didn't have the money for sewer and water. Mr. Centola
noted that single unit developers are not required to Day
charges even though they are not sold and SeAgate of G~lfstream
was asking to be put into the same position.
Mr. Kohl referred to the last paragraph on page one of Mr.
Centola's letter, stating -- "These units, being non-functional,
utilize no water nor are they a burden to the City's sewer
problem or garbage problem. They are ~ng charged, however,
as if they were a fully functional unit." Mr. Kohl said the
cost of maintaining these lines, equipment and plant capacity
is always with the City, whether an individual or group of
individuals use that facility or not. He referred to Resolution
74-W of April 1, 1974 which was passed at the recommendation of
th~ consulting engineers and fiscal agents. Any change in
policy is the responsibility of the City Council. Prior to
any change in policy, the advice of the fiscal agent and the
consulting engineers should be requested and presented as a
guide to the Council. ~ change could conceivably affect the
over-all fiscal picture of the Utilities Department to such aD_
extent that the saleability of future bond issues would be
jeopardized and Mr. Kohl wished to bring this information to
Council. Mr. DeLong felt Council would not be doing the right
thing if those parties involved were not consulted, although
he was very impressed with Mr. Centola's letter.
Mr. DeLong moved to receive Mr. Centola's request and forward
it to the City's fiscal agents and consulting engineers for
their report back to Council. Mr. Harmening seconded. Mayor
- 16
NOVEMBER 4, 1975
Roberts asked if there were any other developments suffering
hardships and Mr. Kohl said there were a few, but this was the
only request for relief. After further cormnenn, motion carried
Consider Request of County Sanitation Re: McDonald's Trash
Contract Agreement
Mr. Kohl referred to a copy of the trash contract agreement
between McDonald's and County Sanitation which was before
Council, as well as Section 13-34 (Ordinance 70-22 9/14/75),
stating that all~ refuse accumulated in the City shall be
co~l~cted,~conveyed and disposed of by the Cit~ government
or~l~aensed commercial~ hauler, and~that no person shall
collect, convey over any of the streets or alleys of the
City, or dispose of, any refuse accumulated in the City
without a written contract or permit approved by the City.
He also referred to Section B of the Ordinance pertaining to
trash to which 90% of this contract wilt apply~ in that
household trash consists of paper,~i boxes~ bottles, glass,
etc. ordinarily accumulating abouf residential or commercial
property. Mr. Kohl asked.for Council's wishes on this request.
Mr. DeLong felt that McDonald's has entered into a contract
with an in'dependent garbage collector--County Sanitation, and
that they have e~gaged th~m in Boca Raton. He said there was
nothing in the City's Ordinance that says they must do business
with the City. They must dispose of their trash and it is
their choice as to whom they woul~ rather deal with. Mr~
DeLong therefore movedto honor the contract agreement in
quesltion. Mrs. Jackson seconded. Mrs. Jackson noted that
Kwik-Chek.also did not use'the City for collection. After
some discussion about the benefits of using a compactor,
the motion carried 5-0~
Consider Request of Mr. Gene Moore - Re: Sound Trucks
Mr. Kohl referred to Mr. Moore's request before Council for
permission no operate two sound trucks within the City limits
on November 18 and December 2 in connection~with his candidacy
for City Council, between the hours of 8:00'A.M. and 7:00 P.M.
on said dates. Mr~ Kohl aTso referred to Section 17-22.2 of
the Code pertaining to this request and he drew Council's
attention to the first paragraph which states -- "It shall
be unlawful for any person knowlingly or wantonly to use or
operate, or to cause to be used or operated, any mechanical
device, maehine~ apparatus, or instrument for intensification
or amplification of the human voice or any sound or noise in
any public or private place in such manner that the peace and
good order of the neighborhood is disturbed, or that persons
ownzng, uszng, or occupying property in the neighborhood are
disturbed or annoyed." Mr. Kohl asked for Council's wishes
on this request.
Mr. Aranow wished to know Mr. Moore's request, which Mr.
NOVEMBER 4, 1975
Kohl read aloud.
Mr. Arano~ did not believe Mr. Moore was making a request
to operate a sound truck %hat would be in violation of the
law. Mrs. Jackson felt at one time there was an objection
to something going on continuously in one area, but the
sound trucks in question would be moving around. She ~o~ed
if this request was approved the trucks would not be permitted
to travel any pri~ate roads or go through the condominium
Mr. Aranow said he made a request for the meeting of October
21st to hav.e a sound apparatus available to acco,',',~Lodate the
people outside who cou%~ not get into the Council Chambers
tha~ night because of their large number. He said his request
was turned down and he did not feel there should be any
, given to someone else. Mrs. Jackson said Mr'.
AranoW s request should have come before Council prior to
the Council meeting of October 21st: Mr. DeLong asked the
City Attorney if ~ou~d t=ucks were mn violation of that
p rt~on of the Ordznance zn questzon. Mr..Simon referred
to~ ano. ther p.ortio~ of t Ordinance which ~i-~ various types
os noises which w0utd b ~nsidered in Violation. He said in
another section of the .~ there is a provision for the
granting of approval use of sound trucks or vehicles
on a daily basis and has been done in t~e past. He said
one is a licensin~
noises. The Ii~
and there is no
to sound trucks.
which the Mayor stated
around a~d uses d$~scr~tio~,
intent o~ the Ordinance '
stores and ho~ses. Mr.
the Code, there is a lJ
of Council for the
day basis. After
grant permission
trucks on the
.lacks~n se,
permitted 6n
the applicant should be
specifying the number,
Motion carried 5-0.
is a prohibition against disturbing
specific in the use of sound trucks
~ in the noise Ordinance with regard
s some further comment during
!ett if a truck is out moving
it is not in Violation and the
PA systems are used from
oted under Section 15-18 of
authority subject to approval
a sound truck or ve~icle on a per
Mr. Harmening moved to
~licant for the use of nwo sound
pecified in his r~u~st. Mrs.
addition that the trucks nnt b~
or developments. Mr. DeLong felt
ted to use sound trucks without
~ event he wished to use more.
Application for Taxi Cab License - Mr. William Miller
Mr. Kohl referred to the complete file on the above request
which was before Council and included Mr. Miller's application,
copy of the Bill of Sale and the contract and affidavit. He
then read Sec. 27.5 Same - Transfer -- "No certificate
of public convenience and necessity may be sold, assigned, or
otherwise transferred without the consent of the City Council
who shall not unreasonably refuse the right to transfer."
(Ord. No. 290, Paragraph 7, 11-10-56).
NOVEMBER 4, 1975
Mr. Kohl said everything was in order regarding this transfer
of license and he asked for Council's wishes. Mr. DeLong
moved to grant the ICansfer of ticense as requested. Mr.
Harmening seconded (as did Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Strnad).
Motion carried 5-0.
Application for Permit to Solicit for White Elephant Sale
Kiwanis Club of Boynton Beach; the Heart Association of Palm
Beach co~inty: and th~~ Leukemia So~iet~ Of America
Mr. Kohl said everything was in order and these people were
all 9orm~unity workers. Mr. DeLong moved to approve~the above
appllcations f6r permit to solicit. Mr.Harme~ing seconded.
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Appointment of Member for Community Appearance Board
Mayor Roberts
Mrs. Jackson said that Mr. Lee whom she had suggested earlier
found that he had no be in South America in November and
December so he would not be able to serve on the CAB. After
9etermining that the Board had enough members to operate as
zs until an appropriate technical individual can be found,
Mrs. Jackson moved to strike this item from the agenda, seconded
by Mr. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0·
Approval of Bills
Mr. Kohl read the following bills for approval:
t. School Board of Palm Beach County
Annual Communit~ School Contract
Pay from Budgeted Funds 001-875.39
COntracT dated 8/1/75
$ 4,000·00
Kozich & Kozich, Inc. Est. #2
Maintenance Facility
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing
Bid awarded 8/21/71
Funds appropriated
West Construction Co.
New Office, Lab & Maintenance Shop Wastmwater
Treatment Facilities
Pay from Atlantic National Bank
1975A Series Water & Sewer Bond Issue
Contract dated 7/1/75
Advance Air Conditioning
Air conditioner at Wilson Center
Pay from transferred funds 001.875.80
Council approved 10/21/75
NOVEMBER 4, 1975
Approval of Bills (Cont'd)
Allen Insurance Agency
Miscellaneous Articles Floater - No
Pay from budgeted funds 001-885.37
American States Insurance Co.
Accidental death and dismemberment for Fire
and Police
Pay from budgeted funds 001.885.25
Cynthia Lewis
Assistant cook for Sr. Citizens Club
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 020-880
Ordinance ~73-15 passed 5/15/75
Isiah Andrews
Driver for Sr. Citizens Club
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund
Ordinance #73-15 passed 5/15/75
The bills described above have been approved and verified by
the department heads involved; checked and approved for
payment by the Finance Director and funds are available in
their respective budgets. Mr. Kohl recommended payment of
the above bills.
Mr. Harmening and Mr. DeLong moved to pay the bills. Mrs.
Jackson seconded. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Claim Against Rel-Reeves, Inc
Mr. Kohl requested that authority be given to the City Attorney
to return the executed original and one copy of the filing
in Court of the Rel-Reeves indebtedness to the City of Boynton
Beach in the amount of $317.55 for water and sewer. Mr.
DeLong and Mr. Harmening moved to give the authorization as
required. Mrs. Jackson seconded. Mr. Simon noted that
authorization was to be given to the Mayor and City Clerkto execute
amd the~'City Attoz~ey to file. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. DeLong moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion
carted 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 11:05 P.M.
t~ ~ Mayor
October 23, 1975
281(3 East Oakland Perk
Fo~ kauderds[e, Florida 333~
Telephone: (3~) 565~7762
Fir. Frank Cole, City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
P. O. Box 310
120 Northeast Second Avenue
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Dear Mr. Cole:
In respect to your letter of October 21, 1975, please be
advised that Mr. Holland is in Europe and we expect him
to return on or about November 1, 1975.
At the time that we were annexed into the City of Boynton
Beach we expected to commence development shortly thereafter.
However, the general economic conditions throughout the
country and in particular the construction industry in south
Florida has caused us to re-evaluate our plans and re-
structure our financing. In as much as the condominium
and multiple unit market is distressed primarily-due to
overbuilding, we are redesigning our site~plan to start
with single family housing. We expect to have this re-
design completed shortly at which time I will call for an
appointment to bring you up to date on our proposed changes
in the development plan.
Very truly yours,
Robert F. Sullivan
Mr. Frank Kohl
City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Re: Seagate of Gulfstream
Dear Mr. Kohl:
It is requested that Seagate of Gulfstream
be permitted time on the City Council agenda for
November 4, 1975, in order to petition the Council for
relief as to utility payments.
As you know it is a common practice for
condominium units to build several apartment units
within a single building. It ms also a common practice
to utilize one coramon water source and meter per build-
Prior to the passage of Resolution No. 75-W
on:April 1, 1975, there was one minimum charge for
each meter. This was changed, by said resolution, so
that there is now a minimum charge for each unit whi~ch is
connected to said meter.
The developers of Seagate of Gulfstream are
in full agreement with this resolution as it applies to
units which have been sold and are or should be functional
units2 This resolution, however, does not make any pro-
vision for themany condominium units which are Still owned
by the developer and are non-functional.
water nor
garbage problem.
they were a fully
Th~e units, being non-functional, utilize no
are they a burden to the City's sewer problem or
functionalThey are beingunit.charged, however,as~~~i
Mr. Frank Kohl
City Manager
Re: Seagate of Gulfstream
-2- October 27, 1975
Las% year when construction in this area
came to a virtual standstill, Seagate of Gulfstream
elected to continue its building program. This building
program helped contribute to the economy of the area
and broaden the tax base for the City of Boynton Beach.
Howeuer, as a consequence of this decision, there are
now present at Seagate of Gulfstream many condominiums
which are unsold and still owned by the developer.
These units, because of utility charges, are an
economic burden to the developer°
Unlike a developer of a single dwelling pro-
ject, a condominium developer can not wait until a unit
is sold before connecting the utilities to that unit.
Having only one meter per building the condominium
developer must connect all units in that building at one
time even though many, if not the majority of the units
are not functional.
At the time resolution 75-W was being considered,
a few residence of Boynton Beach requested that, during
~he two or three months they were absent from the city,
they be excused from paying utilities charges. Thes~
requests were denied, for good reason, because the
party themselves have made the election to leave the area.
Unsold condominium units, however, can be
differentiated from the above situation in that the
condominium un,ts have never been a functional unit and
was never an election on anyone's part to voluntarily
leave the area.
It is thus requested that this Council consider
alternates to the present resolution in which utilities
for unsold apartment units are not charged until the unit
is sold. As a practical procedure, the developer could
be required to inform the city, at the time a unit is sold,
as to the name and address of the unit owner and the date
of occupancy.
Another alternative is to bill the developers,
as is presently done, and require the developer to submit
an affidavit as to the number of unsold units in each
building. Following this procedure if the developer does
not file a timely affidavit he would not be entitled to
a credit refund for the unsold units. The affidavit and
Mr. Frank Kohl
City Manager
Re: Seagate of Gulfstream
October 27, 1975
payment could and should be made simultaneously, thus
eliminating the need for sxtra bookkeeping in the
utilities department.
In essence we are requesting that the City
Council consider the hardship this resolution places
upon condominium developers and put them in parity with
single unit developers.
I have enclosed cOpies of this letter for the
members of the City Council.
Eric!: Copies ltr
Very truly yours,