Steve Waldman, Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Mary Morera, Vice Chair
Carla Colebrooks- Spencer
Carol Lundquist
Hattie Miller
Dr Tiffany North
Jayvonna Roker, Student Voting Member
Dawson Charles Hagger - Lendoiro, Student Non - Voting Member
Loretta Wilkinson
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance /Moment of Silent Reflection
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of
silent reflection. Self introductions were made.
III. Approval of Minutes of September 27, 2012
Ms Colebrooks moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Ms.
Lundquist and unanimously passed.
IV. Approval of Agenda
Ms. Claude advised she had one amendment to the agenda. The dollar amount on the
Harvey Oyer, Jr. Community Contributions should be $3,008 and the total $7,468.
Chair Waldman advised he wished to add an item under Old Business, Item 8F, Student
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL December 6, 2012
Dr North moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion was seconded by
Ms. Colebrooks and unanimously passed.
V. Announcements /Presentations /Correspondence
Chair Waldman introduced new student members of the Board and also welcomed back
Hattie Miller and Carol Lundquist
Ms. Claude advised she brought the new issue of Funfare magazine and would
distribute copies if anyone wanted one. She also read a letter from Galaxy Elementary
School thanking the Board for the Adopt -a- Classroom donation. Chair Waldman
explained the Adopt -a- Classroom program for those who were new to the Board. The
classrooms were at Galaxy Elementary, Forest Park and Boynton High School. Chair
Waldman also announced that he personally adopted a classroom.
VI. Public Audience
VII. New Business
A Donation Request: Freedom Shores SECME Program
B. Donation Request: Freedom Shores "Fundations" Programs
Kristin Wysong, Freedom Shores Elementary School, explained what the Fundations
program entailed. She explained the grant request was for the program that was
reaching out to Title 1 students to try to prepare them to be stronger readers. It was a
program that allowed the students to learn to read It was a prevention program.
Materials had to be purchased each year to keep the program running. The program
just adopted a second edition to their teacher materials. The second edition materials
for purchase were $90 for each teacher edition. The kindergarten, first grade and
second grade were in need of the teacher editions. She explained that since the Title I
monies are mostly spent on the tutorial program and on a new program the principal
had adopted for the Math program; monies were needed to purchase the materials to
keep the Fundations program going. It reaches the lowest 25% of students and was
hoping that the Board could help with a donation. The request was for approximately
Chair Waldman indicated there were two requests from Freedom Shores. Ms. Wysong
advised SECME was the Science program and she was not very familiar with it. Ms
Colebrooks advised according to the Ordinance, she could not participate in the
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL December 6, 2012
discussion as there was a conflict of interest because she is employed by Freedom
Shores Elementary
There was discussion on the donation amount and the fact there were two requests
from the same school. There was a time sensitivity issue on the Fundations request
because the first edition materials were currently being used and the second edition
materials were needed to be ready for full implementation as Phase I was completed.
The second edition was written using the Common Core Standards which the State of
Florida was aiming to make standard in all schools.
Vice Chair Morera inquired if this was a program all the Palm Beach County schools
were becoming involved with and Ms. Wysong indicated it was something Freedom
Shores was doing and it was a principal's school based decision. There was data
developed and tracked that showed students that used this program were on or above
grade level, whereas the students transferred into the school from other schools were
below grade level It was also used as a pullout for children that were struggling, as
well as older children. The end goal was to get the children on par with the rest of the
There was discussion on the amount to donate. The Board wanted to donate to both
causes with Freedom Shores. There was concern that there should be other outside
sourcing. Ms. Wysong indicated they would try the SAC council and fundraising for the
remaining manuals they would need. This is a supplemental, phonics based reading
program, with additional reading comprehension in the program. It was not the core
reading program. She also has an ESL program with an ESL teacher. There were
approximately six schools trying to implement this program. Freedom Shores was a
demonstration site so other schools come in and watch their teachers perform
Fundations. Other schools are then trained from there.
After lengthy discussion, and considering the requests that would come in from other
schools, it was decided to fund 50% of both Freedom Shores requests.
Vice Chair Morera moved to give Fundations $350 and SECME $150, which represents
50% of each donation request. The motion was seconded by Dr North and
unanimously passed.
C. Plans /Events for Next Year
Chair Waldman advised he would prefer to address this topic at the end of the meeting,
if time allowed.
D. Allocate Interest Earned on Account
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL December 6, 2012
Ms Claude reiterated what was discussed many meetings ago about the interest
accruing over the years in a trust fund which earns interest and gets allocated in a
particular account every year. Most of it had gone into the Harvey Oyer Community
Contribution Fund. Ms. Claude calculated since 2007, approximately $2,200 had been
credited from the interest earned to that particular account There was mention that the
Board may want to consider reassigning some of the money into the Borovy Account to
ensure that award could go on for a few more years if the award was kept the same.
After discussion, there was consensus to move $1,000 of the interest to the Borovy
VIII. Old Business
A Shred -A -Thon (Report)
Chair Waldman advised $956 was made during this event. Those funds are included in
the Community Contributions total.
B Adopt -A- Classroom
There was discussion about the Adopt -A- Classroom program earlier in the meeting.
C. Education Marketing Initiative
Due to the resignation of Commissioner Ross, this topic would be put on hold until
further direction was received from the City
D Fundraising
Chair Waldman called on all Board members to think of different fundraising efforts that
could be coordinated to bring in funds.
E. Youth Volunteer Bank/Bob Borovy Award
Ms. Claude updated the Board indicating there were 135 members in the volunteer
bank The application for the Borovy Award was available on the website. She would
put on a press release in January and send information to the schools.
F. Student Contest
Chair Waldman explained that he previously mentioned that he was planning to
recreate a student contest at Boynton Beach High School. Several years ago, the City
use to hold the Black Awareness Celebration and he and others were chairs of the
committee and ran the contest. This was for elementary, middle school, and high
school students. The Black Awareness Celebration became the Heritage Fest and after
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL December 6, 2012
a year the committee broke up. Chair Waldman advised that for this year, he was
trying to reinstitute the contest. Presently, he was funding it out of his own pocket, but
was trying to get monies from other sources. Because some potential sponsors would
possibly give checks, he was asking the Board to co- sponsor the event so the checks
could be received by the City of Boynton Beach. He commented that he would have to
"sell" this contest to the students Dr. Deborah Robinson from the School Board would
be a judge, as well as Marsha Andrews and Jenny Brown from the School Board.
Congressman Hastings was also a possibility for a contest judge. Chair Waldman
advised he was providing the medallions and the certificates and was trying to secure
funds so he could give a monetary prize to each of the categories. Some of the
categories might be an acting performance section, an art, essay, and display boards
section The date for the contest would be February 2, 2013.
Vice Chair Morera mentioned that the Tennis Carnival had been scheduled and
sponsored by Hunters Run. They generously donate their time to teach children how to
play tennis. It would be held Saturday, April 27, 2013 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Hunters Run has done this event for several years in the past. It is free to the public and
registration is through the City of Boynton Beach.
Vice Chair Morera moved to make the Board a co- sponsor of the event with Chair
Waldman Ms. Lundquist seconded the motion that unanimously passed. (Chair
Waldman abstaining).
IX. Future Meeting Dates: January 24, 2013
February 28, 2013
X. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Lundquist moved to adjourn. Ms.
Colebrooks seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was
adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
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Ellie Caruso
Recording Secretary