David Roberts, Mayer
Norman F. Strand, Councilman
Emily M. Jackson, Councilwoman
Tereesa Padgett,
City Clerk
Mayer RoBerts welcomed the ladies and gentlemem present a~d
called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He asked everyone
to rise for the i~vecation givemByRev. Lela~dL. Aldermam,
Pastor of ~ of God, followed By the
Pledge of to the Flag led by Cou~¢ilmam NermamF.
Offer of Sale
of Bo~ntonBeach Water & Sewer Tax-Free Bends
Mayer RoBerts referred to several inquiries regarding the
Boynton Beach Water & Sewer Revenue Bends. He then read a
letter dated July 15, 1975 from William R. Hough&-Co. in
reference tc the purchase of these Bonds. He added that
they are sold in denominations of $5,000 upwards amd their
coupon rates are 4% to 7%. He also announced there was a
bulletin posted on the board.
Special Meeting - Tuesday, August 12, 1975 at 7:00 P. M. in
City Hall Council ChamBers~ Re: Further Discussion Relating
to Water T~eatment
Mayor Roberts announced there would be a special meeting next
Tuesday, August 12~ at 7:00 in the City Hall Council Chambers
regarding the water treatment. He i~formed the audience that
they held a meeting recently to obtain mere information om
this for the Council members. At this meeting, someone im
the audience suggested they should be able to refute the re-
marks and have a chance to speak and the Co~cil members
a~reed. Im order mot to take time at a regular meeting, they
decided to held this special meeting. Anyone wishimg to speak
may be heard at this meeting on August 12.
Mayor Roberts then requested all those wishing to speak about
items on the Agenda to give their names to the City. Clerk, so
they may be called at the appropriate time.
Regular Cit~ Council Meeting - July 15, 197~
AUGUST 5, 1975
Mrs. Jackson referred to the last li~e on Page 6 and stated
it should read: "the previous City Managers" (~lural).
Mrs. Jackson referred to Page 9, u~der the discussion of the
Resolution to Fleri~a Power & Light, mi~e lines down, it
should state: "for a statement from Florida Power & Light as
to how the company'compmtes the light bills including how
they arrive at the fmel adjustment charge and make this state-
ment public".
moved that the Minutes of the Regular City
15, t975, be accepted as carrected.
Mr No discussion. Metio~ carried 5-0.
Mr. Edward Perry stated his name and that he was a resident
of Boyntom Beach. He referred to the Bicentemuial program
and stated he has do~e some research on it. He then read a
letter dated April 14, 1975 from the Bicentenmial Committee
rm~tem on ~mty letterhead paper. He stated perhaps he was
grossly mis~ufermed, but it aPPeared to him they were adver-
tisimg for a public firm on letterhead paid for By the City,
He umderstoo~ the City would pay the postage, Bnt why is the
City advertising for a public firm?
Mr. Courtney Eversley stated his name amd his ad~ress as
13th Raton. He referred to t~e agenda not.men-
about the proposed re-zoning for Golfvlew
Harbo~mr and other sections. He asked what was Being done
abomt thms. This affects him and several others. At least
24 people im Boynton Beach are asking for permits to build.
About two month~ have gone by mow and he has not heard any-
He referred te his mention of re-zoning smd i~formed him
that there was a moratorium. Mr. Harme~ing added that the
lot sizes iz Go~fview Harbeur are non-eomforming under the
mew zoning and ~e believes the Planning & Eon~ Board is
working ~ ~ - ~
it. Mr. Kohl ~uformed them that Both the Plan-
amd Boa~d of Adjustment are working om
this. ES conference with Mr. Beoltm, V±ce Chairman
of the BOard of ~djustment, a~d informed B~m what he shomld
do. They must g~
replied that he must
Kohl informed him that he thought it would be a month before
things were solidified.
Fk~s. Ci~elt~ stated her name and her address as S. W. 12th
Avenue. She informed the Council members that she attended
a ~special workshop meeting of the Planning& Zoning Bo~d
-2 -
AUGUST 5, 1975
during the early part of July and they talked about this re-
July 28 and that is why she is here tonight to see what was
do~e abemt it. Mr. Kelly, Ghairma~ ef the Plammi~g & Zoning
Beard, informed her that she was i~correct in that they did
not agree on this. Mayer Roberts referred to ~o Kohl,s
statement verifyimg that the Bo~a~.ds are working en this and
he ass~mes it will he ready with~ a month. M~. Kelly sug-
~g sted that Mrs. oBtam~ cop~es of the mmmutes of
the last two meetingm of the Pls~g & Zemi~g she
will see there was no mention made of amy July
He Believes she is referring t~ a report that
Department was going to make showimg how m~a~y
pieces ef ~ureperty 2here were accor~img to the 75-1~ Ordi-
they were new waiting ply tea ~me.m~ to the Gity
Manager. Mr. K~l informed them that this memo was fo~_
warded to the City AttOrney.
Building at the Samitary Lamdfill
M~, Kohl informed the City ¢ommci~ that hi~s om the above
were opened on July ~8, ~975 at 3.30 P. M. in the Office of
o~r PmrchaSing Agent, Mr. ~illiam H. Sullivam. He woul~ like
to recommend that all Bids be rejected inasmuch as they are
talking about amounts in excess of $13,O00.00 and there is
the possibility that our landfill area could become obsolete
within a few years. He, therefore, recommends to Co~cil
that they purchase a second-hand trailer mn the price range
of approximately $1,000.O0 to $2,000.00. They already have
approval from the Department of Pollutio~ Control as per a
telephone conversation with them on Thursday, July 31, 1975,
letter of which is forthcoming.
Mr. DeLong moved to accept the recommendations of the City
Manager to reject all bids and give himpermission to pur-
chase a trailer in the amoUnt of $1,000.OO to $2,000.00.
Mrs. Jackson seconded. No ~iscussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinances - Second Reading - PUBLIC gEARING
AUGUST 5, 1975
Proposed Ordinance No. 75-21 - Re: Regulating the Speed and
Manner of Operation of Beats and Vessels ltkin the Municipal
Mr. Simon read proposed Ordinance Ne, 75-21 on second readimg
by caption only. ~ if amyene wished to
speak for or ~. Am an in the audience
a~ked hew they would regulate boats for water s~g purposes?
~yer Roberts replied that this was discussed at the last
meeting and Mr. DeLe he believed if they received
any cemDlaints, they help from the sheriff's
Mrs. Jackson moved for the adoption of Ordinance Ne. 75-21 om
second reading. Mr. Narmenimg seconded. Ne discussion. Mrs.
Padgett conducted a roll call vote as ~ellews:
Vice ~&~yor DeLomg - Aye
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Coumcilwoman Jackson - Aye
Cou~cilma~Strnad - Aye
Mayer Roberts - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinances - First Readin~
Proposed ~rdinance No. 7~-2~ - Re: 197~-1976 Ba~get
Mrs. Jackson stated she would like to make a statement before
the Ordimamce of budget was read. They went through the whole
budget and there is one thing she does not agree with. She
does not believe it is necessary to raise the expenses for
the City Council members. She stated this at the budget
wor~hops and would like ~o ge on record now as being opposed
to the raise and expenses for the Ceuncilo
Mayer Roberts questioned the number ef readings and Mr. Simon
informed him that he believed according to the charter, there
would be three readings. Mayor Roberts then referred to his
request to have au abbreviated version of the budget available
for members of the audience and Mr. Koh2 informed him that
this had been done and they would also be available at the
next meeting.
Mr. Simon read proposed Ordinance Ne. 75-25 on first reading
in its entirety. Mr. Harmening moved for the adoption of
proposed Ordinance No. 75-25 on first reading, seconded by
Mrs. Jackson.
Under discussiom, Mrs. Jackson commended the City Mauager
for having done a good job in helping the taxpayers with
having the budget down to the bare benes. M~yor Roberts
AUGUST 5, 1975
questioned whether this was the time te refer to the pension
fund and Mr. Kohl informed him that he met with the Finance
Director this mornlag and discussed this. They will give
Mayer Roberts an answer and everything will be taken care of.
Mayor Roberts asked if they also discassed disability insur-
ance and ¥~, Kohl replied that this was just a suggestion and
was not discussed. Mayor Roberts remarked that this did
affect the budget. Mrs, Jackson added that she seconded the
motion as kef ehjeotio~ to the raise tm the expense money did
also not make any differenc~ i~ the budget. Mr. DeLeag re-
ferred to absent from the budget sessi~ms and state~ he
was not for er ~aimst amy specific itema, B~ut is aware the
State law requires adoption.
Mrs. Padgett then conducted a roll call vote as fellows:
Vice Mayer DeLo~g - Aye
Cemncilmaa Harme~ing - Aye
Oo~¢ilwoman Jackson - Aye
Comncilman Straad - Aye
Mayor Roberts - Aye
Metion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance ~o. 75-26 - Re: 197~-1976 Tax Mfltage Rate
Mr. Simon read proposed Ordinance No. 75-26 on first rea~ing
in its entirety. Mrs. Jackson moved for adoption of proposed
Ordinance No. 75-26 on first reading, seconded by ~. Narmeming.
Under discussiom, Mr. DeLong stated he woul~ like to discuss
the millage rate, although he will vote for the same reason
as for the previous ordinance. Although reducing it ~/10's,
he would be pleased if it was held to be able to make a~ addi-
tion on the Police Department. He explained how they had
come a long way since 1973 and he would not want to see them
bogged down now as there are still some things essential in
the City. He is sorry it was not left as it was. ~yor
Roberts replied that it was pretty hard to make an allowance
for the second story on the Police Department, since it was
not proposed by the Police Department. Ne thinks they are
holdimg the line with givinga slight reduction. When the
results are in from the other communities, he think~ they will
agree they have done a good job. Mr. DeLong continued that
he thought the secomd story was long over-due with the Police
Department being over-crowded an~ additiomat men being put on.
Mr. Harmenimg stated he was happy to see they were able to
reduce the millage for the coming year. He thi~fms it is an
opportunity that seldom comes along in this day and age,
Mr, DeLong agreed in that this Council as a wholehas done a
AUGUST 5, 1975
pretty good Job. Mr. Strnad stated he was pleased with the
millage rate comd~g do~m, but he di&m't kmew if it was wise
with the .Mayor Roberts stated
they must co~ider the fact that this budget was carefully
drawl He then referred to a few items havi~g reversed from
l~st year. He re£erred te the revenue in the B~ildimg Depart-
~ent beimg quite to~,abut he feels it ~ Re feels
mn a short time, the moratorimm Will He then re-
ferred to their pla~s for the water plamt. He feels they have
a~ ace in the hole amd thimks their revenme'will be better
tham shown. He thi~ they have done their job i.~ redmcing
r ~ere
fortmma%e a~d referred to
year to pick mp
state~againtha% he
ever what was shewm.
Mrs. Padgett then conducted a roll call vote as
Vice Mayor DeLeng - Aye
Coun¢ilmam Earmenlng - Aye
Gou~cilwoman Jackson - Aye
Coumcilma~ Str~a~ - Aye
Nayor Roberts - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 75-WW - Re: ObJectimg to Florida
Power & Light Compa~y,s Rate I~¢rease
~r. Simon read the above Resolution No. 75-WW i~ its entirety.
Mrs. Jackson moved for the adoption of proposed Resolutmon No.
75-WW, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett
conducted a roll call vote as follows:
Vice Mayor DeLong - Aye
Co~ncilmamEarmeuf~g _ Aye
Co~mcilwoman Jacksom - Aye
Councilma~Strma~ - Aye
Mayor Roberts - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolmtion No. 75_xx _ Re: TelePrompter Rate T~ereaso
Mr. Simon read the above Resolution No. 75-XX in its entirety
including EXhibit A.
Mrs. Jackson questioned if they should insert a date whem it
takeseffect and Mr. Simon agreed that it shoul~ have an effec-
tive date, but he did not know what date the Council wamted.
AUGUST 5, 1975
Me. Kohl stated he thought TelePrompter Corp. requested
A~gust 1. Mr. Simon stated he would check the minutes in
reference to his. A member of the audience imformed them
that the company had already sent sut notlaes that the rates
were increased on August I. M~. Simon suggested that the
proper wor~img would be: ~mmedlately uDon passage.
Mrs. Jackson moved for the adoption of proposed Resolution
No. ?5-XXwith the i~clusion of
· , passage of
this Resolmtmo~. Mr. .on. Ne
discussion. Mrs. roil call vote as
Vice ~yar DeLong - Aye
Councilman Harmeni~g - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Ceuncilman Strmad - Aye
Mayer Roberts - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 75-YY - Re: Bicente~l Grant Re~ues~,
Mayor Roberts referred to this propss~d Resolution NO. 75-YY
and informed everyone that there had been no changes in the
Resolution except that it is addressed not only to Governor
Reubin O'D. Askew, but also to Lt Governor James zll~ams,
since he is the head of the Bicentennial Committee.
Mr. Edward Perry stated his name and informed the City Council
that he would like to ask questions, but has not seen the
Resolution. He informed them that he was formerly the Bicen-
tennial Committee Vice Chairman. He resigned from this commit-
tee because it was heading into a conflict of interests and
he didn,t feel it was justified. He referred to the letter
he read previously and advised the Council that the day it
was Drinted, he found a mistake. He informed Chairman Jim
O'Meara about this and asked if he wanted it re-done. Mr.
O'~ara came to the Jobber and not only went along with the
correction, but made some additions. He put in Nz~rk Pritchard,
which they are advertising in addition to the Chamber of
Mr. Perry continued and stated that Mr. Frank E~erting was
present tonight and he is in the film business and h8~ shown
great shock at the cost of the proposed film. He has gotten
substantially less figmres. Why does a member of the commit-
tee take $4,000 off the top and why is this member made a
custodian of the funds? This man is the Drodn~er of the
film. This gentleman described a 15 minute film to cost
$5,000 and then in May, they ~ere given a cost of $16,235
which is triDle.. Isn't this a conflict of interest? He
AUGUST 5, 1975
has nothing against Mr. War~ke~ serving on the Committee smd
~redm¢i~g the film, bmr qmestio~s beth. He mow understa~s
that tbs film has beem ~mt aside hy the State. Why do they
wa~t a 28 ~lmm~e film? Do they really have that mmch history?
Gouldm't it be just as effective im 12 er 15 mimmtes? Ne a~ks
the Co,oil to take these questions to heart.
Mr. Perry comtinued that it was very appare~t that the Boymton
Beach Bicentemmial CommitteeRh~s a tie with the Chamber of
Commerce. Omo member of the Committee does met evem live
here, hut.happems to be a member of the ~ham~er of Commerce
a~d a member of ~he Committee.
Mr. Perry ~hem referred to Mr. Eberl~g' heimg presemt, who
has a ~ackgrou~d e~ Being a teacher a~d has worked with
Chanmel 12 ma~_ing decmmemtaries, etc. He requested the
Council to entertai~ him.
Mr. Frank Eberling stated his ~ame a~d his address as 808
North Lake Comrt, Jupiter. He first commemde~ the Commcil
on imtrodmcing such a thought. He has taught high school
im Palm Beach Ce~mty amd k~ows how important this is. The
reason he cams tonight was om the behalf of cencsrne~ citi-
mens regarding the cost of this 28 minute film. He womld
like to commemt on the lemg. th of the film~ It would be his
recemmendatio~ that a film of this type with the comtent as
outlined should be approximately 12 to 18 minmtes lomg. He
feels thi~ based om his experience of having hee~ a teacher
amd having used films in the classroom. .Z~o, he would like
to make the Coumci~ mware tha~ although $16,000 is not
tirely omt of line for such a productiom, it cam be dome for
less. Not mecessarily by him, but there are other production
houses around that ca~ produce s~ch. a film cheaper. He is
available for recommendations or to answer any questioms they
may have. Please feel free to contact me if yo~ would like
my advice from an aducatio~al or film standpoint.
Mayor Roberts stated that the City Co~¢il has appointed a
committee to go ahead with this particular project. Nowever
before passing the Resolutiom, possibly they ehomld get the
additio~ $3,000. He stated he would like to go into this
further with the City Co~ci~, hut would also like to hear
Mr. O'Meara's commemts.
Mr. Jim O'Meara appeared before the Com~cil amd informed them
that the film would be a 28 minute color and so~d productiom,
16 millimeter, ef the history ef Boyntgm Beach, Floridm~ They
have held three 2½ homr meetings perta~_ing to this film.
They have worked hard to come up with a film with the pri-
mary purpose ~o ~reserve im movie form the hi~tory of Boymtom
Beach. It will Be available to all schools, chmrches, li-
braries, etc. Most important, the film will become a part
AUGUST 5, 1975
of the history classes of local schools. They Believe this
will also be very vaRuaBle to the admlts who ~ave come from
different parts of the ceumtry amd wa~t to k~ow more
their adopted City. T~ey feel the children ef today amd the
futmre should k~ow more abomt the history of their City to
better prepare themselves to Be citizems amd leaders of
tomorrow. This is their reasom after having visited approx-
imately32 since the time they s~arted. They
have given re ;~ks
have Bee~written e~ ef
Florida. ~T~.e mamwho is doing ~his ~s James R.
who has written two books on thms. T~e people doing
job.on to do one thimg.
He is Ee is provd of
the associates he has the of Commerce
a~d the City Council. This request ~ for the history
of Beach? Ee $~ands above reproach on any matter
to this City.
Mr. O'Meara referred to the J~e issue of Florida 76
Today~ article pertaining to appropriation.
He to Boca Raton for a Bicycle
traini~g am~ he their history is worth jmst
as much. The Lake ~erth Theater has bee~ granted $7,500
also. He wants to kmow what happened to Beymtom Beach.
He then referred te a~ article im the News Journal stating
Beynton Beach and Delray Beach were turned.dow~ for f~ud
grants because they have a limited populatmon to explore.
This is not right.
Mr. O'Meara contimued that as far as he waspperso~ally con-
cerned, he is looking forward to a beautifml last quarter
of this year. They will go back to the committees they
have visited and they have gotten a wonderful receptiom
from all the organizations. They are alooking forward to
an excellent Bicentennial Chamber of Commerce Parade. They
are god~g ahead whether ~hey get it or not. The City Coun-
cil has give~ the Committee excellent s~pport, in addition
to giving $3,000. They have sen~ the request in and they
are the only City have to raise f~n~s. What does the City
Comncil want from this Committee?
Mayor Roberts referred to the $16,000 figure mentioned amd
stated he had the idea the film was a $6,000 project. Mr.
O'Meara imfermed him that the film was $12,000. They
mitred a bid. They raised $6,000 and the grant was made at
their request with the Coumty telling them how to do it and
they asked for $6,000. Mr. Kohl clarified that the film
maker was going to donate $4,075 for labor.
AUGUST 5, 1975
Mr. DeLong stated he was in favor of sending this Resolution
in view of the fact they have had something to de with this
committee, tf they are short of fuuds, he believes they
should send it.. They are going to have a Bicemtennial cele-
brationamd he wants te see it. He thinks thisCemmittee
deserves their utmost support. Mayor Ro~erts agreed. He
added that if there were other problems in the meamtime, he
thinks they should be submitted to the ~ity Msmager. He
thJ_uks the Resolmtio~ should be read and voted om
Mr. Simon read proposed Resolution No. ?5-YY in its entirety.
Mrs. Jackson moved £or a~o~tion of Resolutio~ Ne.
75-YY, seconded ~ted a
roll call vote
Vice zor DeLong - Aye
g - Aye
- Aye
Coumc: - Aye
Mayor ~Roberts - Aye
Motion carried 5-0,
Mr. DeLong stated he thought it would be appropriate at this
time to send a reply to Mr. Rose. Mr. DeEong made a motion
that the City Attorney be instructed to reply to Mr. Rose.
Mrs. Jackson seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Mr. DeLong clarified that Mr. Rose was
still in doubt as to whether he still had a claim since there
was nothing in the City Hall records, but then he produced
an instrument which was presented at the last City Council
meeting. ~. Simon should not only acknowledge receipt of
this, but also advise him where he stands with his claim.
They mow have the facts with the executed agreement, which
they did not have amomg their records. The location of the
property and the type of zoning requested was discussed.
Mr. Kohl stated~that Mr. Simon did give them a legal opimion
that this agreement did not stand up. Mr. Simon cle~ified
that in reviewing the agreement, it appeared to be an agree-
ment between the property owner and the City to enter
a zoning agreement, which is invalid in the State of Florida.
After further diScussion, Mr. Earmening suggested it might
be approp~te for the City Manager to answer Mr. Rose
advise of the City Attorney,s opimion.
Mr. DeLong amended his motion te instruct the City Attorney
to review this letter and render him opinion to the City
~mnager, who will write to Mr. Rose. Mrs. Jackson seconded
the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
- 10-
AUGUST 5, t975
The Chairman for the Boymton Beach Jaycees Muscmlar D~trophy
before the Coumcil amd i~formed them that
~ held the campaigm this weekemd. Mayer
~ob?rts ?tarified that he was reqmestimg permission to solicit
un~s ann suggested that he wait mntil the e~d of this meeting
to make this request.
Clarificatiom of Agreement with Mr. Zill im Exchange for
Grant of Easement -Vice Ma~or Joe DoLeful
Mrs. Jackson stated that this was a reconsideration of a vote
which Was takem. Mr. DeLe ~tating it was not a
, but a He wants this clarified,
fence was erected on the Zill property since the last
As a member ef the City Comncil, he does mot recall
~me minutes of J~ly 1, 1975, reflect
act o~ v~r~al
gave t~e
Mayor Roberts clarified
Council for
took pla~e and
agreements made
~e~or e the
far as he is
bally im the
to re-locate
differemt than
taxpayers, f~uds
br~ry. Mr.
t~y had the
wi~h these two proJ
it ~as done before
amd he wants to
son replied t~at she
meeting a~d it was
continued thatthey do not
are s~e~ing taxpayers,
i~the records is a
tea lateral an~ a coz~Li-
a fence womld
It is ~u
free femces,
to a
Who erected the fence
this was presented to the City
matter a~d a chamge of policy
im the future there would be ne
in the City ~til it was brought
the fact of this matter as
the agreement ~as made vet-
· since $15,000 was involved
He added that this was mo
in the~ past with spendimg
ramp and Cha~ging of the li-
om it~
: ahead
amd stated
AUGUST 5, 1975
Mr. DeLong referred agai~ to the agreement with Mr, Zill aud
stated there was no agreement, He added that the City Coum-
cil has no right to honor amy verbal orders made by anyone
employed by tke City. Mayor Roberts replied that they have
discussed future policy. The report reflected a $15,000
saving. Mr. DeLo~g replied that the expen~itmre of $15,000
was only am assumption because it was not done im the way it
should have bee~ done. There has never been the approval of
this City Council for that expenditure. It was done as a
matter after the fact. They ca~, see by the mimutes that they
were supposed to carry out an agreement amd he is still wait-
ing to see the agreement.
Hr. Earmeni~g stated that he believed Mr, Flmshing told them
about the verbal agreement and they agreed to pass on it.
Mr, Strnad replied that the sewer line was already installed,
but not the fence. The members argued farther whether the
fence was actually authorized amd the intent of the motion
as reflected in the minutes. Mayer Roberts conclude~ that
M~. DeLo~g had the right to make this remark for the public
record and has done so.
Mr. Strnad then referred to this easement and correspondence
received from Mr. Flushing stating.the E~gineering Department
does not cheek on the jobs. He thinks this is wr~g. In
amy capable bmsiness, double checking is always done and he
cannot see setting up a system where they de not set up a
procedure. Mayor Roberts stated he would like to discuss
~his at a later date.
Amendment to Ordinance #30-B-32-2-C-W.&~. Flerida #281
Vice Ma~or Joe D~Len~
Mr, DeLong referred to the above ordiaa~ce, Section 2-C, and
requested it be amended with the addition, "shall be approved
by the City Comacil", Mayor Roberts stated he would like to
have this section for backup material smd they could act on
it later. Mrs,'JacP~on ~greed. Mr, DeLong replied that it
would be very simple to clear it up tonight.
Mr. DeLong moved to amend this particular section to include
that verb~_.a~eand instruct the City Attorney to include the
verh~to tie it down. ~, Strnad seconded, Under discms-
sion, Ymyor Roberts asked that the backup material be included
as it is usually dgne. .M~.. DeLong replied that he was just
asking to amend this partmcmlar section of the cede with a~
addition. Mayor Roberts replied tha~ he was ~t disagreeing
with the intent, but they should have backup material.
Mrs. Jacksom moved to table this and have backup material at
the next meeting, Mr. Harmening seconded. Motion carried
3-2, with Mr. DeLong and ~. Strnad voting agadast.
- 12-
Consider Issuance of Permit for Ben Jek~ston's Radio Tower -
Mayor Roberts asked if this had been brought up before the
Court and Mr. Kohl informed him that it was in Court and they
asked for continuance.
Consider Request of the Community Appearance Board, Re: New
Signs - TABLED
Nrs. Jackse~ moved to take this from the table, seconded by
Mr. Earmening. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson referred to the list submitted by Mr. Kohl and
pointed out that three cities do submit signs te the CAB and
six do not. She thinks the CAB is doing a fine job and she
does mot want to see them bogged dow~ witk signs. She thinks
this comes mader the Bmilding Department. She thinks there
has beem a very geed job done. She would like to see it re-
main as it is. .Mr. Strnad remarked that he thought if the
CAB were going to be bogged down by this, they wouldn,t have
asked to be put in this position.
Mayor Roberts informed the members that he attended several
meetings lately and has talked to people around tswm about
this. The CAB is doing a i Job, but they feel mnless they
get a definition of aa he could net go along
with it. He added that most people do put up a sign accept-
able and adequate. It omly creates a~other step for new busi-
nesses coming into t~wm. He also heard that some small busi-
nesses were not coming imto town because of havimg so mamy
s~ps to do now. He ~oesn't understand what an aesthetic
sign is. They de have aa ordinsnce, which he thinks is ado-
See min-
utes o£
Page 2
Mrs. Jackson continued that she believes the time is going to
come when more building will take place and she doesn't want
to put more roadblocks in the way of people coming in. They
have the sign ordinance, which is very definite.
Mrs. Jackson made a motion to leave this as it is under the
Building De_~rtment. Mr. Harmeming seconded the motion.
Motion carried 3-2, with M~. Strnad an~ Mr. DeLeng voting
- 13 -
AUGUST 5, 1975
Cousider Recommendation of the Parks & Recreation Board - TaRT~D
Mr. Harmeming moved to take this from the table, seconded by
Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Harmeming proposed Mrs. Kathy Wallace to fill the vacancy
en the Parks and Recreatiem Board. The vote was 5-0 in favor.
Bus Accommodation at Beach - Councilwomam Emily M. Jackson -
Mrs. Jackson moved to take this from the table, seconded by
Mr. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jacksom stated that they had not heard anything from the
County and Mr. Kohl informed them that it had been turned over
to the County Engineer. Mrs. Jackson suggested that Mr. Kohl,
Mr. Fredericks amd Ym. Gleamy meet with the City Manager of
Ocean Ridge to get their viewpoint. Mr. DeLong questioned if
Ocean Ridge was motified about this and Ym. Kohl informed him
that he did send them a letter advising that the County was
working on this. Mrs. Jackson stated she felt it should be
spelled out ia more detail. The members discussed whether
Ocean Ridge had all the i~formation. Mr. DeLeng added that
they should work thromgh the City Counciland not delegate
different people to meet. After a further discussion, it
was agreed to let the City Manager pursue this.
Discuss Unused Easements - Mayer David Robert~
Mayor Roberts asked if the policy of this particula~ item
for future easements would be taken care cf under B and ~.
DeLong replied definitely.
5~yor Roberts continued that since they were contemplating a
chamge of policy in this particmlar matter, he thin-ks they
should clear off the books of all ~nused easements. He ques-
tioned the procedure to get these easements aba-~4ned amd
Mr. Simon explained that the regular aban~omment procedure
would have to be followed.
Mr. DeLong referred te this being a suggestion by a member
of the City Council to get rid of easements not msed. He
referred to a memo dated July 17, 1975, fromMr. Flushing
stating this would be a major effort. Mr. Harmening re-
ferred to this memo and clarified that there were probably
a considerable number of easements in the City not being
used. For the Engineering Department to actually check,
they must go through every easement in the City to check
to see if it is being used. This means all the public uti-
lities. Mr. DeLong 9uestioned if it should be brought up-
to-date and Mr. Harmening replied not necessarily. There
AUGUST 5, 1975
is a big difference between easement and right-of-way. If
anyone discovers an easement not being used, they ca~ peti-
tion for the abandomment. Mr. DeLeng clarified that the ori-
ginal motion to do it was taking in too mmch territory. Mr.
Narmening agreed stating it would be a tremendous job. There
are easements which have never been recorded and some mot
showing on the up-to-date map. They would be throwing a
trememdous burde~ on the Engineering Department.
Mr. whether they should act on the two for
Mr. ~. S~rma~. to Mr.
he wanted to get this Strmad dis-
Mrs. Jackso~clarified that ~ should
returm it to him. Mr. Earmeni~g added thai abam-
domments were the ones reeentty req~ire~ for the sewers.
Mayor Roberts asked if havi~g an easement on the property
property owner owns the property where the easement is.
Mr. Strmad referred back to the double checking procedure.
He stated that the whole deal with Sill's would not have come
about if there had been do~ble cheoking, They foumd three
telephcme pol~.s~ after the job was started and the trees were
mix feet so~th ef the property line. This .should have been
checked. It is imperative that the Engineering Depmrtment
and Building Department cheek on this. Mayor Roberts agreed.
Mayor Roberts continued and referred to having the idea of
there b~ing only a few ~used easementsto ~lear off the books,
so it would not interfere with the sale of the property.
Mr. Harmening agreed there may only he a few easements in
actuality; but to find them, the search womld be very labor-
ious and lengthy. Mr. DeLong added that Mr. Swan of Russell
and Axon had told them ~hat they wouldn,t, be in favor of
this, as they may have to go in later to do repairs.
Mayor Roberts summarized that the Council felt they should
leave well enough alone.
Discuss Value of Property Owned by City of Delray Beach for
Regiomal Sewage Treatment Plant Site - Ma~or David ~oberts
.Mayor Roberts a~nounced that he had just gotten a confirma-
tion of a telephone call and it looked like they were still
bargaining. The Council ~es~gnated Mr. Gent to represent
Delray Beach dm negotiations e£ the 34 acre site. They
could not agree with $300,000, but would agree to $315,00.
He doesn't know what the Council wants ~o do about a counter
offer or possibly leasing. Possibly if they use the method
of suggesting leasing, perhaps they may come down a little
AUGUST 5, 1975
Mrs. Jackson replied that she did not prefer to lease, as she
feels they would like to have them as tenants.
~yor Roberts continued that this land was financed by sewer
and water revenue bomds. He believes if they receive the money,
they could use it to retire the beads.
Mr~ DeLeng stated he believed the original price was $510,000
and half was $255,000. We made an offer of $300,000 and he
had hoped it would be a firm offer amd not have to go bar-
gaining, Re thi~d~s their offer was fair aa~ gives them a
profit. Re feels they are in the market and have their hand
out and are getting assistance from the County for their
is his own persomal opimion that $300,000 would he as much
a~d as high as they should go. He wants te stay with the
firm priceof $300,000. Mayor Roberts replied that they
could not tie in what they get for their beaches amd other
things. He added that it was also brought to their atten-
tion the cost of $80,000 to draw pla~s, etc. Mr. DeLong
contiaued that he ~mst pointed out that they are usdag tax-
payers, momey and mt is money from the BoyntomBeach taxpayers.
On a piece of property such as this being a Joint ownership
and management, he thJ~W~ they are m~W~g a reas~enable profit.
Mayor Roberts ~greed tha~ $30~,000 w~ figure, hut
didn,t agree with his cempm~isoms. Mr. that
i$ was all tax--ers, mone~ no matter where it csme from.
Mr. Strnad referred to discussing this at the Sewer Board
Meeting the other night. He suggested that possibly they
may need an arbitrator. Mr. DeLeng replied that it could
be worked out.
After further discussion, it was agreed to hold firm with
their offer of $300,~00. Mayor Roberts added that he would
imform them.
Offer of Land for Regional Sewage Treatment Plant Site -
Mayor David Roberts
Mr. DeLong moved to place om file the commumication from
Law ~ealty, Inc. dated July 22, 1975, for future reference.
Mrs. Jackson seconded the motion. No discussion. Motioa
carried 5-0.
Policy for Transcribing Minutes of City Co%u~cil Meetings
Councilwoman ~!~ M. Jackson
- 16
AUGUST 5, 1975
Mrs. Jackson referred to their 12 homrs of budget workshop
W ·
sessions. These meetings were taped and wet? to be rmtten
~p in the fsrm ef minutes, bu~ net by verbatim~ She walked
i~te City Hall and could hear veicem coming from all differ-
ent tape recorders and found out that practically the whole
City Clerk,s office was working on tacos from these meetings.
She thi~hks a policy_~s~./~e set. I~ someone wants te come
im amd have a tran~r~T~%ome meeting, that is goe~. If
someone wants to hear a ~ecord, it is good. However, when
it takes so many people time to transcribe this, it is taking
the taxpayers, money. I~ someen? wants a transcript, they
should have an outside s~enographer come in a~d pay for it.
Mr. Strnad referred to Mrs. Jackson meeting with femr Depart-
ment heads for over an hour and bantering about fire hydrants.
He then referred to the transcribing of the ~udget workshop
sessions and stated he thought she was being extremely sel-
fish to the taxpayer. ~sessioms are only held once a
y~ar. When a~yone c( about the budget ses-
sions, they will have a of the information,
without having them listen to an inamdi~le tape. It is their
purpose to make this available to the taxpayer. If he ~ad
more time, he could enumerate many times when she ha~ no con-
cern for the taxpayer.
~trs. Jackson continued that she coul~ understand workshop
meetings being taped. However, no action is taken nor mo-
tiens made. They did not vote on the budget until tonight.
She then explained about the meeting he overheard yesterday
and how she accumulated the material herself and was trying
to get answers in reference to not violating their bo~d agree-
Mr. Strnad stated again that the budget hearings only happen
once a year. He thinks the City can have a transcribed copy
of these meetings, which are the meet important item in the
City government. Mrs. Jackson questioned if they had dome
it before and Mr. Strnad replied: no, but they could start.
Mrs. Jackson remarked that she thought it should have been
brought up before the hearings. Mr. Strnad informed her that
he checked with ~. Kohl before he had ~his done and was told
there was nothing wrong in requesting this.
Mayor Roberts stated he couldn,t grasp this thing. He is
just trying to figure out why these minutes could not have
been recorded on a personal tape recorder, because they de
not even transcribe their minutes per verbatim of the City
Council meetings. What value would these be from the budget
meetings? The~ estimated cost would run in the vicinity of ~250 en~5
Mrs. Jackson referred to their policy for transcribing regu- mmnu~es
lar Council meetings and how they agreed it was not necessary
- 17-
~UGUST 5, 1975
to type the minutes per verbatim. She cannot see the neces-
sity of having three workshopsdene per verbatim. She thi~W~
the persom wanting this done should have to pay for this.
Mayor Roberts referred to their budget hearings last year and
how only three Council members attended, but the ones not at-
tending did not require this. He thi~d~s it is an mmnecessary
expense. When they transcribe an item like this per verbatim
and the results reflect on the budget, he ~oes not thi~k it
is necessary. Mr. Earmeniag agreed that a goe~ consolidation
of the minutes was preferred. Mayor Roberts continued that
it was hard te figure these things omt. He hates to see this
policy continue at least during the few months he has left on
the Coumcil. Ee will mull tkis over to see What he can come
mp with,
Imq~iry Relating to Employees Pension Plan Committee -
~ou~cilman Norma~F. Strand
Mr. Strmad stated he never received any minntes of the meet-
ings of the Pension Board. Mayor Roberts questioned whether
he asked for them and Mr. Strnad replied: no, but he receives
minutes from the other Boards of the City, He questioned why
this would be different? Why hasn't he seen a~y minutes from
this Board? Mayor Roberts requested the City Manager £o for-
war~ a copy of these minutes to sach Council member in the
future and Mr. Kohl replied that he would be glad te do this.
Fir. Strnad continued with after having spoken to two members
of the Pension Board, he noted an ordinance stating the Finance
Director is the Treasurer of this Board, hut he never attends
the meetings. Mrs. Padgett remarked that the meetings were
open. Mayor Roberts questioned whether he was compelled to
attend and M~s. Padgett replied that not to her knowledge he
wasn,t. The importance and necessity of the Finance Director
Was discussed further. After discmssion, it was agreed that
Mr. ~ohl would send a notice of the meetings to the Finance
Director from now on.
Consider Application for Permit to Solicit:
I. Boynton Rams Football Team
2. Lake Worth/Boynton Beach Lodge #2304 - Sons of Italy
. 3. Boy~ton Beach Ja~cees Musc~ DSstrophy Campai~
I~ view of the fact that everything appeared to be in order,
~. DeLong moved to approve the applications and that the
Jaycees be permitted to commence their activity this Satur-
day contingent upon filing an application with the City Clerk.
Mrs. Jackson seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion
carried 5-0.
- 18-
AUGUST 5, 1975
~pproval of Bills
Mr. Eohl read the following bills for approval:
Lanier Business Machime~
Recording system for Council Chambers
Pay from encumbered f~nds 001-510
Fence Contractors
Femcing at Little League Field
Pay from ~perating Capital Improvememt
Fund 021 810
~s Courts
Pay from Operating Capital Improvement
F~d 021-815
Bid approved by Ceum¢il 5/6/75
s Office
Pay from encumbered funds. 00~-513
R & R Utilities
Extension of 12" Force Main 1-95 & S. W.
15th Avenue
Pay from budgeted funds 030-821.11
Freeman, Richardson, ~atson, Slade
Mc & Ke2
conne~ with
$2,600,000 Bend Issue
Refundable from Atlsmtic National Bank
Pay from Utility General F~ad
Harco C~rp.
'~athodic Pretectiem for Water Tower
F~y fr~m budgeted funds 030-811.t5 &
Bid aplr~oved by Council 2/10/75
State of Florida - D. ~. T.
1-95 Aceess Road, 23rd & 6th Street
Pay from ~udgeted fuads O01-885.18
Associated/Ferris Printers~ Inc.
300 Official Statements for $2,600,000
1975 Series Bomd Issue
Pay from Utility General Fund
Recoverable from Atlantic National Bank
!slab Andrews
briver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
~ay from Federal Revenue S~ar~ing Fund 020-800
Ordinance #73'15 passed 5/15/73
$ 1,494.70
90. O0
- 19-
AUGUST 5, 1975
C~thia Lewis
Assistant Geck for Se~ior Citizens Club
2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fumd 020-800
Ordinance #73-15 passed 5/15/73
Pay from Utility General F~
Contract dated 5/27/75
Recoverable from HUD Oe~strmction Fum~
¢~. #13
Pay from Ba~k
1974 Issue $144,015.84
1975 IssUe
Contract dated 3/27/74
West Construction Co. Est. #1
New Office, Lab &Mai m ShopL Wastewater
Treatment Fac.
Pay from ~Atlantic National Bank
1975 Series Water & Sewer Revenue Bond Issue
Russell & Axon 6858-4-III & CP !nv. #15
~pgrading existing Wastewater Treatment
Pay from Atlamtic National Bamk 1974 Issue
Authorization dated 11/20/73
Russell & Axon 6858-21-II & CP I~v. #6
Preparation of constructio~ plans and
specs for expansion of existing trams-
missioa on distribmtionmaims and storage
Authorization dated 1/20/75
~ from Utility General Fund
Recoverable from future bond issue
Russell &Axon 6858-15-II-CP Imv. #12
~reparation of construction pla~s and
specs for Water Treatment Expansiom -
~ater Treatment Plant
Authorization dated 5/74
Pay from Utility General F~nd
Recoverable from future bond issue
Russell &Axon 6858-9-CP Inv. #22
PE92-500 Grant Application and Supporting
Authorizatio~ dated 5/9/75
Pay from Utility General Fumd
- 20 -
AUGUST 5, 1975
Russell & Axon 6858-4A-CPS Inv. #1
South Central Regiomal Lift Station~ and
Force Mains
Authorization dated 11/72
Pay from Utility General Fund
~ssell &.Axon 6858 19 CPR Inv. #1
in pectmon servmces mn connection with
Samitary Sewer, Lateral 18C
Authorization dated 71/t4/74
Pay from Utility General Fund
Recoverable from HUD Constructio~ Fund
Mr. Kohl said all bills described have been approved and veri-
fied by the department heads iavolved; checked and approved
for payment by the Fimance Director; funds are available in
their respective budgets. Mr. Kohl therefore recommended
payment of these bills.
Fms. Jackson requested that Item #8 be voted on separately.
~. Hemmening moved to pay the bills with the exception of
#8, seconded by ~s. Jackson. Mr. Strnad requested that #12
be left out for a separate vote. Mrs. Jackson clarified for
the groans in the audience that some of this is recoverable
from funds coming in for the Waste Water Treatment Plant.
Mr. Strnad stated he would not vote in favor of #12, because
there is a cloud on this ps~ticular item.
~. Harmening amended his motion to pay the bills with the
exception of Items #8 and 12 for separate discussion. Mrs.
Jackson seconded. Under discussion, Mr. DeLong stated he
would like to call to the attention of the members of the
Council that they have om various occassio.~s notified cer-
tain builders they will be paid from certamn funds and
they are recoverable from a bond issue and then it dies.
The City Comncil should be apprised of it. They should have
this information or advice as to when it is recovered. M~.
Kohl stated he would follow this through. Motiom carried
Mrs. Jackson referred to #8 and stated she was going to vote
against it. Mayor Roberts referred to this being adopted by
the Council on a 3-2 vote, the same applying to #~2. They
have bee~ voted on and would how~be saying they are not going
to pay the bill.
Mr. DeLeng moved to pay the bill for Item #8, State of Florida.
Mr. Harmening seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
~. Harmeming moved to pay Item #12, Underground Utility Con-
struction Co., which is recoverable from HUD Construction
Fund. Mrs. Jackson seconded. Motion carried 3-E, with Mr.
- 21
AUGUST 5, 1975
Strnad and Ma. DeLeng voting against. Mr. DeLong added that
the fence should have been left e~t. Mr. Joe Swan appeare~
before the Council and informed them that Item #12 was per
Estimate #1. It is not a final amd does not include any pay-
ment for any femce.
Mr. Kohl referred to an appraisal made om the property near
6th Street and 23rdand questione~ if he should pursue this?
Mr. Harmeni~g stated his recommendation wa~ to let the City
praised at $15,500.
M~. DeLe~g moved to instruct the City Manager to negotiate
for the acquisition of the right-el-way. M~. Harmenimg
seconded the motiom. Ne discussion. Motion carried 5-0,
Mr. DeLemg moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Strnad. Meeting
adjourned at 10710 P. M.