David Roberts~ Mayor
Joe DeLong, ~ice Mayor
Edward F. Harmening, Councilman
Norman P. Strnad, Councilman
Emily M. Jackson, Councilwoman
Prank Kohl, City Manager
Ernest G. Simon, City Attorney
Terees~ Padgett, City Clerk
Mayor Roberts called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. He asked all
to rise for the invocation given by the City Manager, Frank Kohl,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Councilman
The Mayor referred to a meeting which was held the night before, con-
cerning the Regional Waste Water Treatment Plant, noting that both
Boynton and Delray were going to each contribute $25,000 to start off
the progm~a. This subject will come up later in tonight's meeting.
The Mayor announced there would be a Special City Council meeting
on Thursday~ May 8, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in City Council Chambers, at
which time the proposed Zoning Ordinance would be read and there
would be an opportunity to discuss same.
Mayor Robemts said there would be a Special Hearing held at 7:30 P.M.
in City Council Chambers to discuss the proposed Zoning Map on Tuesday
May 13th for the North area and on Wednesday~ May 14th for the area
South of Ocean Avenue.
Mayor Roberts then mead a Proclamation designating Poppy Days on May
23-24, 1975, urging all to wear poppies in memory of all Veterans.
The Mayor asked al! those in the audience wishing to speak on items
on the Age~da so they may be called at the appropriate time to give
their names to the City Clerk. He then asked Councilmembers if they
had anything to add to the Agenda. Mrs. Jackson mentioned two items
and it was decided to place "Approval of Plat for Ya£htmants Cove"
under OLD BUSINESS as the first item to correct the action taken at
the last Council meeting. It was also decided to place "Allocation of
$25,000 for Regional Sewage Facility' as the first item under NEW
Regular City Council Meeting - April 15, 1975
Mrs. Jackson referred to page 14, paragraph 4, line 4 which should be
corrected to read, 'TMrs. Jackson reminded the Council that City
Judges in the past have not been members of the Bar and neither was
our present Judge ad litem."
MAY 6, 1975
The Mayor referned to page 5, paragmaph 5, line 5 -- the meeting was
actually at 7:00 instead of 7:30 snd this should be changed. There
was some discussion about the correct name for the Re~onal Wastewater
Treatment Plant and it was decided that since it is in the Agreement,
it be referred to as the "Regional Facility".
Mr. Simon requested that page 1 under the list of those present,
change be made from 'q~obert Fedenspie!: Acting City Attorney" to
"Robert Federspiel, on behalf of City Attorney".
Mfs.Jackson moved to adopt the Minutes of the Regular City Council
Meeting offS, 1975 as corrected~ seconded by M~. Strnad. No dis-
cussion. M0~ion carried 5-0.
Special City Council Meeting - April 24, 1975
Mr. Hammening moved to accept the Minutes of the Special City Council
Meeting of April 24, 1975 as presented, seconded by Mrs. Jackson~ No
discussion. Motion carried a-G, with one abstention as Mr. DeLong
had not been present.
Mr. John Adams, 770 Horizons East, spoke on behalf of the Bicentennial
Committee as a member thereof and the Program Coordinator. He said
the Committee has concluded that the Liberty Bell should be used as
a symbol of Bayn~tan's Bicentennial Committee and activities and an
expression from the City Council in aeeomd with this fee//ng was ne-
Mrs. Jackson moved to accept the recommendation of the Bicentennial
Committee and Program Coordinator and use the Liberty Bell as the City's
official emblem. Mr. belong seconded. No discussion. Motion camried
5-0. · The Mayor complimented the work of the Committee.
Mr. Adams spoke about the various activities of the Committee and noted
that it was attempting to coordinate the efforts of various groups to
participate in the Bicentennial cele~bmation, adding that there have
been many requests for the Committee to speak at functions in the area.
The Committee does not intend to handle the sale oi souvenir~ etc.
but will help coordinate the activities of those groups wishing to do
so. Such groups should contact the Secretary of the Bicentennial
Committee, Kathy Ha~ghnto learn where a source of supply can be reached.
The Committee has investigated a particular concern in Pompano Beach
and found everything in order regarding merehandise,prices~ etc.
Mr. Adams said there would be a band eonce~held at Leisurevil!e on
T~esday~ May 13th~ in celebration of the Bicentennial and he extended
an invitation £or everyone to attend.
Mrs. Jackson asked if there would be a supply of small Flags available
as she felt the citizens of the City would like to fly them around this
time next year and Mm. Adams said this would be discussed among the
Core,tree. It was also noted that Mr. Kohl had ordered special Flags
to be flown at each of the City's faeilities~ including Bieentennia!
Mr. ~Sidney Schwartz, 1006 S.W. !Sth Street, spoke for the improvement
of conditions for the City's youth and cited several statistics on
erime involving young people. He felt the City should fortify the
programs conducted by the State and County with its own activities.
He requested that the City Council start a Youth Bureau as a stamt
in overcoming the neglect in realizing the need for preventive programs.
The Youth Bureau would have as its objective thee eoDmdination and
supp!ementatioB of the activities of publi% private and religious
ageneies devoted to ~he welfare and protection of the CityTs youth.
It would conduct pmograms for the benefit of children and consist of
a cross section of the City's~ Dopulation from all walks of life,
all of whom would be non-salaried. He asked Council to make this a
priority project.
Mr. DeLong moved that the recommendations of Mm. Schwartz be taken
under advisement by the City Council, seconded by Mfs. Jackson. No
di~nussion. Motion carried 5-0. The Mayor requested Mr. Kohl to be
of help. Mayor Roberts advised Counei! that he had a book in his
offiee containing all crime statistics, and related matters, compiled
by the State and the book was available for review by the members.
Mm. Simon t~yder, 2379 S.W. 13th Avenue, complained that residents were
not observing the regulations in conserving water and he recommended
that when the water meter readers were sent out, a prepared statement
also be sent~ explaining the need for the water restrictions, reiterate
when people may water their lawns, indicate there will be penalties
and strict supervision.
Sanitary Sewer Extensions - Lateral 1SC
Mr. Kohl referred to correspondence from Russell L Axon, the CityTs
consulting engineers, dated April 30, 1975, tabulation sheet and
affidavit on the above. Ail other requirements have been met. It
is recommended that this project be awarded to Underground Utilities
in the amount of $24,786.62 and Mm. Kohl concurred with R&A's
recommendation. Funds are avail~ole from monies reimbursed by
H. U.D. to the City on the original Lauder4ale contmact.
Mm. DeLong moved to accept the recommendation of the City Manager
and award the low bid to Underground Utilities in the amount of
$24,786.62. Fi~s. Jackson seconded. It was clarified that the City
had this bid once before and Lauderdale did not follow through so
the City had to go out and re-bid. This amea is south of Boynton
Beach on U.S. !. Mr. DeLong noted the wide range of bids received
and asked Russell & Axon about the reliability of the eompany awarded
the bid.
Mr. Joe Swan~ Engineering Manager~ Russell and Axon~ said R&A is
acquainted with the firm in question from other jobs they have performed
and they were very satisfactory. The fimm bid the low price intentionally
as they would like to work in this area.
MAY 6, 1975
Mr. Strnad ssid he was pleased with the bid in that it was more than
$87000 less th~n RgA~s estimated bid. Motion carried 5-0.
Tennis Court Complex
Mm. Kohl ssid bids on the above were opened on April 28, 1975 at
11:00 A.M. in the office oi the Purchasing Agent~ MD. Sullivan. The
Tabulation Committee recommends acceptance of the low bid from Simgo
Corporation in the amount of $22,790.56. Councilmembers had befome
them copies of the Tabulation Sheet and a~fi~avit signed by Mm. Kurt
Hiller~ President of Simgo Corporation. Mr. Kohl had checked all
other requirements and everything is in omder. He concurred with the
reeommendations of the Tabulation Committee. ~e noted that Counei!
approved the Tennis Cour~ Complex at the Regular Meeting of February
18, 1975 (page 10 of the-Minutes)~ but monies for this project were
not designated at that time. Mm. Kohl requested that monies be ap-
propriated from Operating Capital Improvements in the.~amount Of
$22,790.56, to cover this expenditure.
Mm. DeLong moved to accept the recommendation of the City Manager
and award the low bid toSimgo Corporation as above. Mms. Jackson
seconded. Under discussions Mr. DeLong questioned whether or not
the City was supposed to go out for bid on the tennis courts and a
basketball court at the time. Mr. Kohl said-'he went~ out for bid on
thetennisa mouz~cs~. and later it will be determined where the basket
ball court can be put,on~ 15th Avenue. This has been discussed with
Mr. Fredericks and Council. Motion carried 5-0. it was elarified that
the monies be appropriated as Mr. Kohl requested and that this was in-
eluded in the motion.
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - P[iBLIC HEARING
Proposed Ordinance 75-!3 - Re: Amending Section 16 of Article II
Providing for Deletion of Requirement of Ownership of Improved Real
Estate as a Quslq,fication of Council Members
Mr. S~ read Proposed Ordinance No. 75-15 on second reading by caption
only. MaYor "Roberts asked if anyone wished to speck for°fagainst the
proposed Ordinance. No reply. Mrs. Jackson noted that%his was in
accordance with State law. Mrs. Jackson moved to adopt Ordinance No.
75-13 on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No dis-
cussion. Mrs. Padgett called the roll as follows:
Vice Mayor DeLong Aye
Councilman Hammening Aye
Councilwoman Jackson Aye
Councilman Stoned Aye
Mayor Roberts Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
MAY 6, 1975
Proposed Ordinance 75-14 - Re: Amending Section 52 of Article IV
of the Charter Providing for De!e~of the Requirement of Ownership
of Improved Real Estate as a Qualification of Elective Officials
Mr. Simon read Proposed Omdinance No. 75-14 on second reading by caption
only. M~yor Roberts asked~ if anyone wished to speak for or against this
Ordinance. No reply. Mm. Harmening moved to adopt Ordinance No. 75-14
on second and final meading. Mr. DeLong seconded. No discussion. Mrs.
Padgett called the roll as £ol lows:
Vice Mayor DeLong ~ Aye
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Stmnad - Aye
Mayor Roberts - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance 75-15 - Re: Amending Section 23A-3 of Chapter 23A
of the Codified Ordinances to Amend Rates, Fees and Charges for Services
of the Sewage Disposal System
Mr. Simon read Proposed Ordinance No. 75~15 on second readingby caption
only. Mayor Roberts asked if anyone wished"to speak rom or against this
Ordinance. No reply. Mr. DeLong moved to adopt Ordinance No. 75-15 on
second and final reading~ seconded by Mr. Hammering. No :discussion. Mrs.
Padgett aa!!ed the roll as follows:
Vice Mayor DeLong - Aye
Co~uneilman Hammening Aye
Councilwoman Jackson Aye
Councilman Strnad Aye
Mayor Roberts Aye
Motion carried 5~0.
Ordinances - 1st Re m ding
Proposed Ordinance 75- - Re: City Tree Preservation (TABLED)
Mr. Strnad moved totake this from the tab!e~ seconded by Mr. DeLong.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Stoned refezmed~o page 2, Section H and said it shou&d read,'~It
may have several stems or trunks as in several varieties of Oak.'? (The
word '~appear" should be deleted,) Also~ when the power is given to
the Building Official to have control over the trees and their removal
or planting, Mm. Strnad felt his recommendations should be supported
by someone knowledgeable in this field -- perhaps someone from the
Commmmity Appeamanee Boamd. Mr. DeLong suggested the Supervisor of
Barks in the City if he ha§ the knowledge needed. Mr. Strnad then
referred to page 5~ Item D, regarding inspection by the Building Official.
He askedfif this provision was going to be added to the Building Pemmit
to show when the inspections have been done. He would like to see it
put on the Building Permit.
Mayor Roberts felt the City was about five yea~s late with this
Ordinance because theme are now~.many environmentalists and conserva-
tionists and the Building Department tskes many steps to assure
that care is ~aken. The Mayor felt this Ordinance would cause a
hardship to a builder. He questioned the pa~ts' of the Ordinance
which put-the burden-on the City Council and Building Department
and he questioned whether or not the City would have the authority
to impose some of the restrictions listed under Section 12. He was
of the opinion that the timing~.~was wrong and. the City was late with
this Ordinance.
M~. DeLong agreed that the City was long overdue but he felt the situa-
tion would not be helped by standing still. He asked who drafted the
Ordinsnce and questioned the legality of it. Mrs. Jackson felt the
Ordinance might be too restrictive and would possiSly invade the
privacy of citizens.
It was clarified that Mr. Kohl had copies of similar ordinances from
the surrounding municipalities and submitted them to the Community
Appearance Board, whereupon they returned them to Mr. Kot~l after review
and he forwarded them to the City Attorney. Mr. DeLong said if Mr.
Simon dr~ted the. Ordinance, he would like to see it tested in Court
if and when the Council adopts it and he £elt some aetion~qould be taken.
The Mayor questioned the wording of some of the sections and discussion
ensued as to the restrictions of the Ordinance, as well as having
knowledgeable pebp!e involved. Mrs. Jackson questioned why it was
necessary to have both the Community Appearance Board and this Ordinanee
as she felt the CAB was doing a good job. The Mayor felt the Ordinance
should be reviewed again and simplified and particularly questioned
the provision for what the size of a tree should be.
Mr. DeLong moved to return this Ordinance to the City Attorney for review
and simplification. Mr. Harmening seconded. Under discussion, Mr.
Harmening suggested considerably simplifying it, as he felt it would
cost the City thousands o~ dollars to en£oree in that it was unworkable
and unrealistic. He noted that other municipalities have also had
eonsiderab!e problems and litigation concerning their tree ordinanees.
Mr. DeLong noted that Boca Raton was very suecessful in any litigation
on this matter. M~tfon carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance
Re: Parental Responsibility for Minors
Mrs. Jackson moved to place this item under NEW BUSINESS for discussion.
Mr. DeLong seconded, noting there was some correspondence on it. No
discussion. Motion earried 5-0. (This will be item VIii - F.)
Proposed Resolution 75-BB - Re: Accessible Routes on S.W. Third Street
in Said City
Mr. Simon read Proposed Resolution No. 75-BB in its entirety. Mr. DeLong
~ove~ ~or the. adoption of Resolution No. 75-BB, seconded by Mr. Harmening.
Mr. ~eLong noted that the State Highway Department closed off 3rd Street
at S.W. 15th Avenue and he felt where it was going to be opened should be
- 6 -
clarified to indioate the access road would be south of the baseball
diamond. It may be misleading that the City, is going to open up
5md Avenue at 15th Avenue where-the DOT has come down with a ramp.
~ayor Roberts explained that there is a pemmiter road around the
play,round being opened up to take the place of the closed off northern
end of 5rd Street which runs into 15th. The Mayor said 15th Avenue was
~t~eed~of~ a~~ 5~d>:$~meet ~ and wash done by the Department of Transportation.
A perimeter road was built to be a regular street which goes around the
p!aygmound and ties in with Tl~rd Stree~ at the north end of 5rd. It
was noted that the perimetem road does not have a designated nau~ ~and
it has not yet been dedicated as a publie road. A~ter some further
diseussion, it was decided to table this until the next meeting. Mm,
DeLong withdrew his motion end Mm. Harmening withdrew his second.
Mms. Jackson moved to ta~!e this item, seconded by Mm. Stmnad. No
discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mm. DeLong moved to instruct the City Attorney to submit a Resolution
at the next meeting~ designating the route from 5rd Street to 15th
Avenue. Mrs. Jackson seconded.No dmscussmon.' ' Motion carmied 5-0.
,~pproval. of Plat for Yachtman~s Cove
After some discussion concemning a correction to the action taken at
the last meeting on ~b/s item, Mfs. Jackson moved to accept prA/~Jminary
approval of plat for Yachtman's Cove, seconded by Mr. Harmening. (Note -
the preceding discussion had included a motion and second by Mrs. Jackson
and Mr. belong, followed by a retraction of same. ) The Mayor %~ished
to get c!arifieation from Mr. Simon on the procedure to be followed.
He noted that this was read last time as a final approval for Yachtman:s
Cove: when in fact, it should have been preliminary~approva!. Mm.
Simon advised that the order of procedure is as follows: the preliminary
plat receives tentative approval by the City Council. Then it is sub-
mitred to the Planning Board for recommendations for final approval
by the City Council. After receiving recommended final approval by the
Planning Board, the original and one copy of the final plat shall be
presented to the City Council for its final approval. Mr. Simon said
if there is going to :be preliminary approval tonight, it then goes to
the Planning Board for recommendations with regard to final approval.
After further discussion, Mrs. Jackson withdrew her motion and moved
to reeonsider the vote on the previous action taken at the last meeting.
Mr. DeLong seeonded. No dis eussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson moved to g~ preliminary approval 6f plat for Yaahtman's
Cove and return to the Planning S Zoning Board for their recommendations
towards final approval. Mr. belong seeonded. It was clarified that
no Ordinance would be read at this time. Motion carried 5-0.
Application for 70 ~t. Radio Tower-Mr. Ben Johnston (TABLED)
Mm. Hammening moved to take this item off the table, seconded by Mrs.
Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
- 7 -
Mm. Kohl mead a letter from attorneys, McMillan, New~tt~-~d~ ~ Stmawn
regamding the pmopemty in question at 737 N.W. 2nd Avenue (copy
attached ).
Mms. Jackson commented that Mm. Johnston's move two yea~s ago was
to be temporary. Also, regarding the taller towers in the vieinity~
she noted that they were all in the County. Regarding the proposal
in Mr. Adams, letter that there would be no employees on the p~emises
after 6 P.M., M_vs. Jackson questioned the t~ucks that were coming in
and dumping muck which was cause for complaint.
In discussion, it was clarified there was nothing to report about the
sun,nons that was issued as yet.
Mr. Bushnell of the Bu/tding Department said that Mr. Barrett requested
in his absence that Council withhold any action.~'~on tb/s matter until
such time as the Build/ng Depamtment man ascert-a/n that compliance
~th all regulations~ in~!uding zoning and those items mentioned in
the above letter amc finished. Mm. Simon advised that since the
Building Department initiated the wamrant, the Build/rig Depazqnment
could ask the prosecutor to%i.~ithhold further prosecution until certain
matters ace taken came of.
Mrs. Jackson moved to comply with the request of the Building Department
as stated above to post-pone any action. Fir. DeLong seconded. Mm.
Simon wished to elari£y that the postponement is addmessed to considera-
tion of the application that's presented to Council, not the postponement
of the prosecution of the case in Municipal Cou~t. Motion carried 5-0.
Discuss Property Adjacent to Municipal Boat Ramp Pa~k (TABLED)
It was decided to leave this item on the table.
Approval of Funds to Connect to Delray Beach Water System
Mr. Kohl noted that at the Special Meeting of April 24, 1975, the
City Council approved the recommendation to sonneet to the Delray Beach
Water System at an estimated cost of approximately $10,000. The City
is proceeding ~rith this work and it should be completed within a week
to ten d~ys. (Mr. Kohl advised that the work was completed today.)
At the Special Meeting, Council requested Mr. Kohl to report where
£unds amc available. Inasmuch as this is an emergency .situation and
funds were not budgeted, Mr. Kohl recommended the increase of
Appropriations ~or New Water Mains to $20,000 (Account No. 811.17)
from the Water $ Sewer Revenues to cover this expenditume. Mr. Kohl
requested approval of this recommendation.
Mr. Harmening moved to accept the City Manager's recommendation. Mr.
DeLong seconded for discussion purposes. Mm. Kohl said he didnTt have
an exact cost ~igure on the work yet. It was clarified that Mr. Kohl
didn't feel the work would cost $10,000 but he wished to have this ad-
dition~a~ amount appropriated. It was ~umther clarified that Account
811.1Y is where the ~unds are coming from, not where they are going to.
Motion carried 5-0.
- 8-
Consider Removal of "Fork" - S.W. 6th Street & S.W. 25th Avenue
Mm~ Kohl noted at the Reguta~ Meeting of Mamch.18th~ it was stated
that an "asphalt fork" in the ~bove a~ea should be removed as people
are confused and ~his constitutes a traffic haman,. The M/nutes
further state the blacktop should be removed,; the a~ea then grassed
and perhaps abandon a portion of this '~fork~' to the abutting property
omelets. The. determination was made this shotLld be handled adnf~nistra-
tively. However, Mm. Kohl e aid before he can proceed:, he would like
Council's decision as tothe abandonment of a portion of this parcel
of land to the ~:abutting proper~y owumems~'. A copy of a drawing of
the area was before Council.
Mr. Harmening felt there .was little traffi2 in the area and there was
no need for any action. It was noted that the City~ eau abandon
property but cannot sell. Council discussed the matter and the
gentleman who lives closest to the area in question came forward. He
seed he was not especially interested in having the property given
to him. He felt it was a hazardous area and people were running in
h~ property. He wished to have that portion of the moad torn up.
After fumttmr discussion, Mm. DeLong moved to have the blacktop removed
and have the City Manager grass the area in. M~. Strnad seconded.
Mrs. Jackson asked abo~t the little island in the area; The gentleman
said that the State ad~-sed Dim they were going to put[ ~lowers in, which
he felt would be of no value. Mr. Harmeraing asked i£ the hazards tha~
ex/sted were to the gentlem~n~s property. ' ~h~a~e~m-was that the
road serves no purpose. He added that quite a few ears tumned on Dis
property. Mm. DeLong requested that Mr. Blank speak about tb/s. The
Mayor felt if it wasn't going to cost a ~reatdeal of money~ the Cit~
should go along with this. Al-kef some further discussion, the ,motion
carried 5-0.
Discuss Representative of Build~ng Dept. to he Pmesent at Community
Appearanee Board Me. etings- Counei3Jaan 'Strnad
Mr. Strnad said since the Agenda was ~de up~ he has spoken to the
Vice Chaimman of the Community Appearance Board and also to Mr. Kohl
and he wished to turn it over to M_~. Kohl to~hand!e administratively.
Mr. Kobfk said that Mr. Strnad had asked if the Building Department
would have all the necessary plans and everything pemtair~_ng to the
Community Appeamance Board and themefore Mm. Stmnad and the CAB would
be satisfied in this direction. Mm. Stmnad said therefore, it would
not be neeessamy in any instance to have a men, er of the Building
DepOnent present at the Commuraity Appearance Board meetings if they
have the proper papers to work on, stamped and approved, etc. This
matter was eonsidered to be handled administratively.
$25~000 for Regional Sewage Faci!it~
Mrs. Jackson moved to allot $25,000 towards the new Regional Sewage
Treatment Facility from Utility General Fund. Mr. DeLong seconded.
PAr. Simon clarified that the Council was only implementing the Agreement
that was a!ready~authorized. It was furtheml~stated that these funds
would be transfemmed to the Broward National Baml~. Motion carried 5-0.
Discuss Planned Use of General Revenue Sharing Funds for Entitlement
Period 5 - July l~ 1975/June ~0~1976
Correspondence on the above, indicating the requirements which must
be met by the City to receive its Revenue Sharing Funds was before
Council. The anticipated total payments for Period 6 is stated as
$275,359. It is neeessamy that the City Manager receives the views
and opinions of Council members as to where these funds are to be
used. When this is established the City can then proceed administratively
with the required advertising end all other stipulations before the
June 25, 1975 deadline.
It was clarified that this matter could be handled the same as last
yeam. Mr. DeLong moved to have the City Manager take acme of filling
out the necessary form regarding Revenue Sharing Funds. Mrs. Jackson
seconded. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Discuss Emergency Rescue - Councilwoman Emily M. Jacksom
Fms. Jackson said in 1971 end again at last monthTs PatmBeaeh County
Municipal League she saw a demonstration of the Pire Reseue Squad operating
a defibrilator. This is a machine put in an ambulanee and monitored
at the Hospital emergency room for cardiac emergencies. She referred
to her earlier inq_u~.'ry about the feasibility ~tthav~n~. one of these
put in one of the City's rescue trucks, howev~r~/~%r~edid not See
have an actual ambulance. She cited the use of this equipment in other Min.
cities and said it was a life saver. Mrs. Jackson learned that the 5/20/75
equipment cen be purchased for both the ambulance and hospital for
about $25~000~maybe less~ per ambulance, plus special training for
the pama-medie. She inquired as to whether Bethesda Hospital would be
interested and mead a letter from Mr. Clayton of the Hospital,
indicating interest. Mrs. Jackson requested the Mayor to appoint a
Cardiac Coordinated ~ask ~ ~ Force which was also suggested by
D~. Rayburn (heart specialist)~ to meet with the Hospital Adm/nistrator
and look into the feasibi!i~ of purchasing this equipment and sending
some-lmembers of the City's ~re Department to have the necessamy
Mr. R. B. Vastine of Leisumeville came forwazdto speak on this as
he has als~ been working on it fo~ a group. He referred to meports
end conferences he had with Fire Chief Wright and Emergency Medical
Technician K/ght and Wade Marsh, Associate Administrator of Bethesda
Hospital, and Dr. Trask. Mr, Vastine reported on his ~indings concerning
this machine and spoke very highly of it. Mm. Vastine said he learned
it is absolutely essential to have a Federal Communieations License for
ultra highfmequency transmission and it is a State megulation. The City
should not buy any equipment unless there has been consultation with
medical experts. He reviewed Chief%Wright?s needs which amount to
approximately $D2~000 and listed the necessamy requirements to get the
program undez~ay. Problems at the hospital include s~affing and
a tremendous insurance liability factor. The service must be approved
by an area Cotmcil and the hospital has no budgeted funds for auch a
project at this time. Mr. Vastine said he already knows of two people
who will donate £unds tothe hospital if this progT~m gets underway.
- 10 -
Mr. Vastine said this is a very important program and other hospitals
should be studied~ i.e. the Boca Hospital and Kennedy Hospital and he
P~ows of many people who are interested in the prograu~
Mayor Roberts noted that M~. Kight~ who was in the audience, ~had received
a letter from President Fo~d regarding his particular activities. M_~.
Kightstressed the need for adequate manpower to help implement the
EMT program with proper training. He then read a letter dated January
21~ 1975 from M~s. Margaret A. Larson: Program Specialist~ Health
Coordination Operations~ Field of Education. Mr. Kight felt there
were unnecessary delays in getting men t~ained. There was further
discussion, concer~ning the program and Mr. Vastine said that Dr. Trask
would be pleased to help in developing the program. It was decided
that a Committee shotkld be formed to get all the ir~o~mation-~ogether
for presentation at budget time; the committee would include Firs.
Jackson, Mr. Vastine and Mr. Kight, among others. Mrs. Jackson said
that Dr. Rayburn would not be able to be of assistance due to health
reasons, but he felt that a doctor should be involved in coordinating
the program.
Mr. DeLong moved that Richard Vastine, Gene Kight and Mrs. Emily M.
Jackson be appointed as a Committee to study the EMT program, with
the discretion that other members be added as needed. It was noted
that Dr. Trash had offered to he-of help also. Mr. Harmening seconded
the motion which carried 5-0.
Consider Designation of Signs on 1-95 - Councilman Norman P. St~aad
Mr. Str~ad asked Council to consider sending a Resolution to Mr. Sterling
of the Department of Transportation regarding the signs which designate
streets in the City, in that the words "Boynton Beach~' a~e missing.
After looking over the sign plan for the 1-95 system w!~h~Mr. Flushing~
Mr. Strnad noted that Boynton wasn't even mentioned on it, nor is
Delray Beach. Also, S.W. 15th Avenue is referred to as Woolbz~'~ght
Road which is long outdated. He felt that people coming into the area
would be confused and he hoped the matter mould be straightened out
before these signs are put up. The Mayor agreed wholehe~ted!y. Mr.
DeLong said DOT should receive at least a year~s notice so that Something
might be accomplished.
Mr. Flushing seid all the sign plans have been completed ~nd the City
has received a copy. He didn't know if the signs were already being
made. He said there seemed to be no indication of names of Cities --
only the names of stmeets. Mr. DeLong~?said going north on ~-95, the
signs were properly written. Mr. DeLong moved that the City should
have a Resolution sent to DOT regarding the lack of the City's name
being mentioned on the signs they intend to erect. Mr. Strnad said he
would also like to see Woo3_bri~Road chan'~ed to S.W. 15th Avenue (~rlth
Woo3_br~t ~oad indicated underneathin parentheses). The City's name
should be included on all signs to be erected and there should also
be a sign :'Boynton Beach" when entering the City limits. Mrs. Jackson
seconded. Motion ca/Tied 5-0.
MAY 6, 1975
Discuss Traffic Sign~atisn ,on SR ~5 '(B~ S, ~1)
F. Strnad
- Councilman Norman
Mm. Strnad noted howlong ittakesto getsomethinq done f~om the
Dep~mentof Transportation and he,wished to see the Cityt~keaetion
in getting a tra~fie!ight installed at HiS. 1 and Old Dixie which is
very eongested,~espeeiallyin view of Colonial Club land the SunWah
Restaurant. Mm. DeLong said the probiemexisted pa~tieular!y because
motorists could not get~outonto the highway from Colonial Club due
to the moving tm~ffie along HiS. !. It was decided that this should
behandted administratively~as DOTiwould have to make a study.
Consider Change Order ~3~ Alsay-Pippin Co. - Re: Wells 13, 14 and 15
Mr. Kohl read a letter from Joe C. Swan, Engineering Manage~ of Russell
&Axon~dated April 30, 1975, concerning the above and indicating the~
change .order reflects additions and deletions made necessamyto the
original quantit~esdue toe hanging the wells' locations. Mr. Kohl
said he discussed this with Mr. Swan and heeoneumredwithhis recom-
mendations as this change order is essential. Mr. Kohl requested
authorization for the execution of the Supplemental Agreement. He
said the actual changeomder would amount to a net total addition of
Mrs. Jackson moved to accept the recommendation of the City Manager
and Russell& Axon above, re Project No. 6858-6, Change Order No. 3.
Mr. Harmening seconded. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance Re: Parental Responsibility for Minors (Discussion)
Mrs. Jackson said she had discussed this matter with Chief Huddleston
and Mm. Simon, the latter of whom gaveher a StateOrdi~anee No. 74.24
regarding the available Civil action against paments and wil3_~ul
destruction of pmopertyby minor children. She wished to have this
matter tabled and a eopyof the State~ Ordinance distributed to each
Council member for review and discussion at the next meeting.
Mr. DeLong moved to table thisitem, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No
discussion. Motionearried 5-0. Mr. Simon said there are some cities
~ith simitartype ordinanceswhich for the most par~ are a bit
nammower than whatis proposed here. He wasn't sure how broad Council
wished to have the Ordinance. A State Statute already exists to
give the opportunity of going against the parent for destruction of
property by a ehild~ under which a municipality or person orproperty
owner can sue theparent of a minor who maliciouslydestroys proper~y
up to $!,000 provided the minor resides with the parent and~Other
certain requirements~ The suggestion here is for an ordinanee that
p~ovides for criminal penaltieaand[~iit would have to be verycarefully
a~udled because of the eonstitution~itY aspects.
Request Approval to Retain Callaway~ Carpenter and May a~j~ty Auditors
and Authorization. to Si~"Letter-Agmeement"
Mr. Kohl referred to a letter before Council from the above concern,
indicating theix desime to sexve as the City's auditoxs for the fiscal 5/20/7.
yearn e~i~g-SeD~embe~_~_~r 1975-76. Min.
y nave increased their fee $2000~i8~ fxom last yeax.
However, this is due to the fact that they amc t~c~ng on additional
woxk which is indicated in theix lettex and which Mr~. Kohl has
so undexlined. Mr. Kohl said he discussed this with the Finance
Dixeetor, Nm. Kenneth Kribs and they agreed that the City should
engage ea!laway~ Campentex~ ~ay ~' Company and xequest appxoval
to accept the "Let-Cex Agmeement,~. Mm. Kohl felt
. they did a good job.
Mm. DeLong moved to continue with 'C~laway,'~ampentem, May& Company
as City auditoxs. Mx~ Stxnad seconded. No discussion. Motion tattled
Considex Library Agmeement Between the City of Boynton Beach and
Palm Beach County fo~ 1975-76 ~isc~l Yearn
Mr. Kohl meferxed to the complete file on this xequest which was before
Council · ' ~ - ~
and ~e..n~t~d ;~/~.~ t~e.3aDmeement has been mutually beneficial.
Also befome Council was a xecommendation fxom Mrs. Vixginia Farace,
the City's Libraxy Director, a tettex from Nms. Chrisqine Edwamd,
Seeretaxy to the Libxamy Board and the minutes of the Libr~y Boamd
meeting of Apmi! ~, 1975. Nm. Kohl eoneummed with theix unanimous
decision to pamticipate in the County Libramy System and requested
Council's appmoval to accept this ag~eement.~om the ensuing yearn.
Mr. Stxnad moved to aeeept the xecon~endation of Nm. Kohl above,
seconded by Mm. DeLong. No discussion. Motio~ caxxied 5-0.
Considex Request of Seagate of Gulfstmeam
Mr. Kohl said that Mm. Milan Novotny asked that ~'s request dated
April 16, 1975 eoncerning tempoxami!y easing one o~ the restxictions applying
to the sign ordinance be pxesented to Council fox considemation.
Specifically, he xequested that builders be pexmitted to. maintain
theix sales signs aftex they have eomp!eted construetion.~f the last
building, as is pexmitted now during constmuetion, fox a pemicd until
80-9070 of all apaxtments a~e sold. These tempoxamy signs are vital
for all builders in Boynton Beach according to 14m. Novotny.
Mm. Kohl said if Council is desirous in giving the developers some
relief in this megamd due to the economic situation, he would follow
its decision. It was noted that Council would have to amend the Sign
Ordinance. Council discussed the vamious mam/fications involving
this request but felt the sign ordinance should be complied With
even though they weme sympathetic to the situation.
Mr. DeLong moved in view of the eixcumstances that the request be
d~nied with regmet~ seconded by Mxs; Jackson. No discussion. Motion
eaxmied 5-0 by xoll call vote requested by Mm. DeLong:
Vice Mayox DeLong Aye
Councilman Hammening Aye
Councilwoman Jackson Aye
- 1~ -
Councilman Strnad
Mayor Roberts
Request denied by 5-0 vote.
Discuss Proposed Formation and Acceptance of the Florida Assoc/ation
of Mayors
Mr. DeLong moved to take this matter under~ consideration and if the
Counei!members feel there is merit, come back with their recommendations.
Mm. Hammening seconded. Under discussion. Mms. Jaekson wished to know
how much it would cost and what this orq~ization could do that the
P~Beach Co%mty Munieipa!League~can'~ do om the Plorida League
of Cities, etc. A~ter some diseussion~ Motion camried 5-0.
Request to~ Proceed with General Services Complex
Mr. Kohl said at the Regulam City Council meeting of April 15, 1975
he advised Council in his Status Report that the plans for the
improvements to the Genems/ Services Complex were in his office
for Council's review. In the event all members have not ~eviewed the
plans~ they amc still available. However, Mm. Kohl requested per-
mission to proceed with the improvements to the General Services
Complex. The estimated cost for this projeet~ according to the plans,
is approximately $100~000 or less. Funds ame available in Revenue
It was noted that $200~000 was eammamked for this project initially.
Clarifying that Mm. Kohl ~ecommended that his request be 9manted,
Mm. ReLong moved that the recommendation to proceed with the General
Service~ Complex' be approved. ~t~. Harmening seconded. It was noted
that this mtem would go out for bi~ after the final plans were received.
Motion eamried 5-0.
Request for Extension of Retirement - Mm. Henry AlbemS, Building
Maintenance Supervisor
Mm. Kohl referred to a request fmomMm. Albems which was befome
Cofmcil. Mm. Kohl highly praised the efforts of Mm. A!bers end
the qualifications of he and his crew which have resulted in many
savings for the City. Mr. Kohl listed the absentee reeo~d of Mm.
A3_bers which was praotically nil over the yeams and said that Mm.
Albemst cooperation has been outstanding. Mm. Kohl recommended
Mm. AlbersT retirement date be extended for one yeam beginning June
14, 1975 to June !5, 1976 as he is one of the City's best employees.
M~. Harmening moved to allow that the extension be gmented, seconded
by Mr. DeLong. M~s. Jackson felt a letter of commendation should be
sent to ~. A3foers in view o~ his outstanding work. Motion earried
5-0. M~. Kohl will hendle the letter of commendation.
List o~Raymem~s ~fo~Januamy and Februamy~ 1975
Mms. Jackson moved to accept the payments for Januamy and February~ 1975
- !4 -
and have them attached to their respective files. Mr. Strnad
seconded. No discussion. Motion ca,tied 5-0.
Application for Permit to Solicit - De3_~ay Art League
Mr. Kohl noted that si] the informati°n was before Council, including
the AppJ~eation for Permit to Solicit and a letter from Mr. Otley
W. Scott of-Lueille & Otley's Restaurant granting permission for
the event to be held on his prop,tory. In view of. the fact that
this request has been. submitted many months in advance and that Mr.
Ned Seifert, President of the De!ray Art League (applicant) will be
leaving for the nort~ and will not be returning until the 10th of
November, he would like to know the status of:his request so he
can proceed with plans from the north befoz~ his return.
Mrs. Jackson moved to grant :~pp~a~a!~.~o~:~th~e above application,
seconded by Mr. DeLong. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Approval of Bills
Mr. Kohl read the following bills for approval:
General G.M.C. Truek~Sales
3/4 ton 4 wheel drive for Sewer Plant
Pay from budgeted funds 030-820.12
Southern Line Cle~g
Rawwater main cleaning
Pay frombudgeted funds
Hardrives~ Inc.
Access road - South Teeh Educational Center
Pay£rom encumbered funds 001-514
4. Rubin Construction Co.
Asphaltic concrete
Pay ~rom budgetedfunds
Lighting at Little League Ball Field
Pay from budgeted funds 020-8!0
Peabody Peterson Co. Est. ~!0
~pgradin9 Wast,water Treatment Plant
Pay ~mom Atlantic NationalBank2.5 Bond Issue
Niebel Construction, Inc.
Sidewalks - Park, South Federal Highway
Pay from budgeted funds 001-854.90
Isiah Andrews
Driver £or Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay ~rom Federal Revenue Sharing 020-800
- 15 -
MAY 6,
Cynthia Lewis
Assistant cook for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from FederalRevenue Sharing 020-800
Don~s Trucking
Final paymenton paving Little League Field
Pay from Operating Capital Improvement 021-810
Russell & Axon Est. ~12 6858-4-III
Upgrading existing Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Pay from Atlantic National Bank 2.5 Bond Issue
Russell $ Axon Est. ~6 6858-5-III&CP
Pay from Charter World Deposit
Utility General Fund
Russell L AXon Est. ~6 6858-5-II
Pay from Charter World Deposit
Utility General Fund
Russell $ Axon Est. ~7 6858-6-IIILCP
Engineering services far construction of wells
Pay from budgeted funds 030-801.09
Russell & Axon Est. ~9 6858-15~II-CP
Plans and specs for Water Facilities Expansion
Pay fmom Utility General Fund
Ref~mdab!e from future bond issue
Russell & Axon Est. ~6 6858-17-II&CP
Plans and specs for Raw Water Main
Pay from Utility General Fund
Refund mble from future bond issue
Russell L AXon Est. ~4 6858-3-I
Final for preparation of preliminary engineeming repor~
Expansion of Wastewater Treatment and Co!teetion Systems
Pay from Utility General Fund
Russell L Axon Est. N3 6858-21-II
Plans and specs for Expansionof existing transmission
and distributionmains
Payfrom Utility General Fund
Refundable from future bond issue
19. ~av-Pippin Est, ~4 24,962;16
Wells ~12~ 13~ and 14
Pay fmom Utility General Fund
The billsdesemibed have been appreved and verified by the department
heads involved~ checked and approved for payment by the Finance Direetor~
funds are avai!~ble in their respective budgets. Mr. Kohl recommended
payment of these bills.
- 16 -
April .~O 1975
Mr. Frank Kohl
City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
Florida 33435
Re: Ben Johnston L-~udscaping Co.,
Dear Mr. Kohl:
I met with Mr. J. W. Barrett, your BuiI~ Official~
yesterday and discussed the ~-se of the p_~opert
Second Avenue. As you know~ the propert~is
Florida Power ~nd Light and is next to ~_~=_ir distributio~
Apparently the City Council. au a recent ~e~in~, directe~
the Bui!~ing Official to issue a s~mons for the arrest
of Mr. Johnston for the failure to obtain, a bui~din~
for the erec=lon of a radio an~uenna. Ra~-ker -t~%~n cause
any additional trouble for 3o~ police d~par-~__~nt,
Johnston voluntarily agreed to accept se~ice of ~e sut~_'~ons.
The purpose of this letter ~s uo attempt to reach
agreement which would avoid the necessit~ of kavin9 a trial
over a technical violation.
Mr. Johnston was in business ~oproximateLy ~o blocks fr~
this location for about eight years when he n~J~s told ~o
years ago to move to another s~te. He ~o~ad to thepr~
site with the consent of th~ C~ty, con~a~ced %i~e opezation
of the landscaping business and began p._~ocess~ng ~he papers
necessary for a permit for *~a erection of the a~nterma.
This involved a Federal Complications Commission applica-
tion which took approximately four mo~th~ ~nd a county
state permit and occupational license, kt tS~t tim~,
Johnston informs me, he was not aware a ~ity pe__~x~i_'t was required
and the t~wer was moved to tlte new location, it is only
70 feet tall and nearly obscu_~d from s~ht b-3 ~a~ny large
Mr. Frsu~f~ Kohl ;~rii 30, 1975
page two
trees. 2~ is my recollection that I could see three othe~
taller t~ers witi~.in the vic~ity - all of which were of a
greater keight and more visible.
A¢cordin.~ to the facts related to me, he ~-as ti~ten contacted
by tl~e ~ai!ding Department wkich informed hi~ he needed a
permit and part of ~,he requir~nt for the pem~--~it was a
structural engineer study sD_owing it was structurally safe
from win~ damage. This was obtained at a cost of $175.00
and an application for a pea--it was th~n sub. trod. t feel
there ~s no doubt the Building Department wo~d have to agree
there is no basis for the denial of a pex,~it at this time
in view ~f the above facts. Admittedly, there was a technical
violation originally.
This co. any has done business in Boynton Beach for approximately
ten years and it would seem totally unfair if t~hey were not
allo'~ed :o continua to use tower equipment which originally
cost approximately $10,000 a_nd which certai~ni5- is a valid
appurtenant use to a landscaping company ~hick is a permitted
use in C-1.
It seems to me there is more involved in tl~is action than
a mere technical violation and ! would lika~'-~ make the following
proposal which coulc be con~_a~d at a workshop meeting:
1. The west entrap_ce will be la-~d~caped so that
the entrance will be attractive and any e~uip~_ent will be
concea!ad from the street by !~dscapin~.
2. They will immediately begin a general clean-
up of tite area which will include moving a junked truck ~.d
certain other equipment which is in a state of disrepair.
This will also include the re.oval of a 1954 e=~tique auto~obi!e
which seems to be tJ~.e subject of soma comptair~t.
3. They will agree no employees ~=~
~=~ be allowed
to stay on the premises after 6:00 P.M.
4. They will eli~inate the words ~heavy equipment"
from any vehicles which migkt lead people to believe they
are conducting a heavy equipment business. Zkey are no
longer ~n the heavy equipmen~ business and ere now operating
with less than ten employees.
The facu that they are agree~.Jo!e to m=~ ~
~t_..~ +~ue City more
than half-way, together with ~-~= fact the-antenna has been
erected for some two years ~nd ~uey have had a~n occupational
Mr. Frank Kohl April
Page three
license at the location for ~2~e s~.e pe~_od ~ui~ seem
me to constitute good reaso~ for your Cocci2 toautho~=
the recent s~unt~ns to be di~-~_issed.
Eventually, Florida Power a~d Light wii! ~se ~%is entire
corner and I feel, if prop-c~!y landscaped, t~=s present use
would be a more desirable u~e of the propert5~ r?~an any o~aer
I can imagine.
From past experience in mu~_~ipai affairs, i %-ou!d guess
that there might~ indivi~a!~ citizens ~%ho ~tiatedt~.h!s
particular complaint. If ~is is so, we wit2 be happy to
· nd~-~aua~s you -m~ht ~gest~d
contact any particular .... ~ '
discuss the improvements o~+_~.~ined above.
I would appreciate the cou_~_~esy of the f~-rther ~Dnsideration
of this proble~ by you and +_he City Council.
cc: Building Official
City Clerk
City Attorney
City Prosecutor
City Council
Yours ver3-.~ truly,
John Poss ~
MAY 6: 1975
M~s. Jackson moved to pay the bills as recommended. M~. Ha~mening
seconded. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
M~. DeLong recognized a delegation from the Police Department in the
audience and asked that they state their business.
M~. Robert Farrell~ Patrolman with the Boynton Beach Police Department
and member of the Board of Directors of the Palm Beach County Chapter
of the Police Benevolent Assoeiation requested recognition of the
Police Benevolent Association as a collective bargaining agent for
the police offieems of the Boynton Beach foree, representative of
the majority of the officers in the department.
Mr. Kohl said the City would not he in order to recognize this and
said he spoke to Mr. Parrell over the weekend, He was unaware that
they were going to be present tonight. Mr. Kohl said he forwerded a
letter he received from Mr. Parrell and his associates to the
City Attorney and._in the meantime PERC-was instituted through the
State Legislature and they have instructed the City accord/rig to the
plans they have to abide by. As of now, Mr. Kohl does not have the
certification or registration, and this is up to the City Manager
which is the way it should be done. It was clarified that the
certification and registration must come from the State from
Council decided it would be out of order to discuss this matter further
and the City Manager would handle it.
Mrs. Jackson moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Motion
carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 10:G6 P.M.
City Clerk
- 17 -
C/ C - Mayor