Don Scantlan, Chair Tim Howard, Finance Director
Jeffrey Grady
Steven Grant
Terry Lonergan
John Sparrell
1. Call to Order — Don Scantlan, Committee Chair
• Should any members not be able to make the meeting; contact Tim
Howard (HowardTAbbfl.us) or (561) 742 -6311 by 3 pm Monday as the
meeting may be cancelled for lack of a quorum.
Donald Scantlan, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll was called and
five members were present.
2. Approval of November 5, 2012 Minutes
Chair Scantlan advised he had changes to the minutes. On page 1, paragraph 2, last
sentence states "the meeting was to kick off a new year ". He wished to add new budget
year. Also on page 2, fifth paragraph it reads "Mr. Sparrell remarked the City does not
run on property taxes ". Chair wished to add alone, at the end of the sentence.
Ms. Lonergan moved to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Grant seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
3. Approval of Agenda
Chair Scantlan wished to add he would be making an announcement and wanted the
meeting to be held in context to what will be announced.
Ms. Lonergan moved to approve the agenda as amended. Mr. Grant seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
4. Announcement
Chair Scantlan announced that he applied for the vacant City Commissioner seat. He
wanted the Committee members to know in case any member would think his decisions
would be shaped in any way. There would be a special Commission meeting called to
Meeting Minutes
Financial Advisory Committee
Boynton Beach, FL December 10, 2012
declare the vacant Commission seat. According to the City Charter, the Commission
had two meetings to fill a vacancy or call a special election. Chair Scantlan further
advised if he was appointed to the Commission, he could not serve on the Committee.
He suggested thought should be given to a Vice Chair and would find out if that was a
position appointed by the Commission.
5. Discuss Commission Direction from November 7, 2012 Commission
Chair Scantlan explained how the budget recommendations were handled in the past.
This year the Commission had asked that the Committee specifically look at four of the
items. The four items are:
- Make or Buy Other City Services — Item 5
- Property /Casualty Insurance Costs — Item 7
- Pension Plans and Intercity Comparison of Benefits — Item 9
- Development Fees and Comparison to Other Cities — Item 12
Due to the possible appointment, Chair Scantlan would not select a topic to research at
this time.
6. Review and Discuss Committee Member Study Topics and Potential
Assignments for FY 2013 -2014
Mr. Grant offered to complete item 12, Development Fees and Comparison to Other
Cities. Mr. Grady offered to undertake Item 5, Make or Buy Other City Services. Chair
Scantlan provided a brief history of the items to the new members. He mentioned one
of the big issues was whether to contract out Solid Waste collection. After a brief
discussion, Ms. Lonergan took Item 12 and Mr. Grant selected Item 9, Pension Plans
and Intercity Comparison to Benefits. Chair Scantlan commented that three or four of
the major union contracts with the City were in negotiation. He suggested Mr. Grant
contact the City Manager, Lori LaVerriere, as she may have comparative information on
this topic. Mr. Sparrell would perform the comparison study on Item 7,
Property /Casualty Insurance Costs by contacting other cities and researching
information on his own.
Chair Scantlan inquired if there were any other topics a member was interested in
pursuing. Ms. Lonergan suggested the idea of the onsite health clinic. Mr. Grant stated
he was at the Commission meeting that discussed the cost study that was done. It
would help reduce costs because instead of the employees going to their own doctors
and losing work time, the clinic would be available without down time. There would be
an impact on the City's health insurance rates and time off.
Mr. Howard commented that part of the dynamics of health insurance premiums are the
total amount of claims that an entity has each year, which was a predictor and used to
Meeting Minutes
Financial Advisory Committee
Boynton Beach, FL December 10, 2012
set the premiums for the following year. The City was running between 97% and 99%
of the premium costs going to claims. The employee pays their co -pay and the plan
pays the difference between the doctor's visit, plus part of the prescription cost. Studies
had shown that an on -site clinic decreases the time an employee was away from their
job and eliminates the doctor visit claim. It would not cost the employees anything.
There would be limited distribution of certain types of medications, alleviating payments
to the pharmacy. A company with a doctor, nurse, physician assistant could be
contracted to man the clinic, which are all governed by the HEPA HIPPA rules. The
employees would go there for incidental things. In addition, incidentals do not get
reported in the claims stream so the costs are less. Eventually, there would be
availability for the spouse and children to use the clinic. Family coverage currently was
very expensive. Preliminary numbers and data from Delray Beach that had a clinic
were gathered.
Ms. Lonergan wanted clarification on what the City was looking for as far as research
from the Committee. Chair Scantlan advised to use it as another data point. Research
that had been started could be reviewed and pulled together and also look at other
sources not yet researched. Mr. Howard added that research could also be done by
contacting other cities that had not been contacted to inquire as to their experience, as
well as in other counties, the State of Florida and nationally. Ms. Lonergan advised she
would undertake this topic. In addition, Mr. Grady would take #4, City Services other
than Solid Waste and Mr. Grant would take #14, Revenues generated by other Cities.
Chair Scantlan advised he would write the Executive Summary on all the
recommendations, if he was still Chair of the Board.
7. Discussion of City Services Survey
Chair Scantlan explained how the City Services Survey was done the prior year. The
biggest problem with the survey was getting the community to participate because there
was an issue with distribution. There were different suggestions on how to get citizens
to participate. For example, the City could possibly award a gift card in a drawing or
have dinner with the Mayor. There was no budget for the survey. Survey Monkey was
utilized for the survey. Notices were distributed around the City and posted on the City
website to inform the citizens that the survey was available.
There was discussion on which questions to keep for this year's survey and which to
amend. It was suggested to focus on the four major topics assigned to the Board to
research. Other cities have transferred police protection to the Sheriff's Department. It
was suggested to query the public on their opinion of this idea. Other questions were
proposed and some were re- evaluated as to their value. There were some questions
that were viewed as duplications and possibly rewording the question could combine
two questions into one. Chair Scantlan advised he included an open -ended question
last year to determine what type of input the citizens were giving on how the City could
improve. He suggested removing this question. However, Mr. Grant suggested
keeping an open -ended question but rewording it to be more specific on suggestions for
Meeting Minutes
Financial Advisory Committee
Boynton Beach, FL December 10, 2012
the Financial Advisory Committee to create ideas for the City to become more fiscally
responsible and run more effectively and efficiently. The remaining questions were
explained and the order was changed to reflect importance.
In prior years, the survey was announced on the City of Boynton Beach web page, the
City of Boynton Beach Police web page, by way of a marquee, distribution in City Hall
and other facilities, and other department's Facebook pages.
8. Other Business
Mr. Scantlan mentioned that in case this was his last meeting as Chair, he would like
someone to consider picking up the torch. He also commented that the Financial
Advisory Committee was a Board that does not allow a member to be a an alternate
member of another Board.
The dates of upcoming Board meetings were discussed. Bi- weekly meetings would
begin after the new year. Two members announced they would be unable to attend the
February 11, 2013 meeting. Chair Scantlan suggested that thought should be given to
cancelling that meeting as there may not be a quorum.
9. Adjournment
Mr. Grant moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Grady and
unanimously passed. The meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m.
&2 /7 (
Ellie Caruso
Recording Secretary