Joe DeLo~g, Mayor
David ReDerts, Vise Mayer
Fortes% L. Wallace, C~mcilma~
Edward F. Harmening, Co~cilman
Norman F. S%rmad, Councilman
Emily N. Jackson, Cou~ci!woman-elect
Frm~k Kohl, City Manager
Ermes% Simem, City Attorney
Tereesa Padge%%, City Clerk
P~uant %00rdi~ce Ne. 73-53, Mayor DeL~ag called the
mee%i~ %e order at 7:30 P.E. He asked everyone to rise for
tm ~avccatien gm,eh by Fa%her Carl Morrise~, Assistant Pastor
ef S%. N~ark's Ca%belie Chmrch, followed ~y the PIe~ge ef
Allegiance to %he Flag led by Ceuneilmam Wallace.
Mayor DeLomg.mo%ed that %he Palm Beach ~emnty Municipal LeaEne
will meet Friday, Jamuary l~, 1975 at 1:3~ P.M. ia the Wes%
Palm Beach City HalI. The Ci~yNamager will forward cooies
of the notice to all me~ers of Ccmneil, L~eluding ~Irs.-Jackson.
The puDlic hearia6son proposed zoning ordinance an~ map are
as fellows: Tmes~ay, Jamuary28, 1975witl ~e for %he ~.~
north cf OceamAvenme; on We~mesday, Ja~nary29, 1975 will
De for Oeean Avenue -- here at ?:3G P,M.
There wasa me%ice from %he Central and SouthermFlerida Flood
Control District ~ ~ime date and place set for hearing will
De lO:OO A~., January 21, 1975, City Co~it ChamBers,
Ci~y Hall of Boy~ton Beach. Application aa~ supper2 data
availaDle for review Dy interes%e~ parties at the following
loca%icms: Cem~ral amd Sou%berm Florida Flood Control Dis%rio%,
9OlEver~iaEtreet, ~. Palm Beach, Florida~ Russell & .Axon,
Emgi~eers-Pl~ers-Architec~s, Delray Beach, Florida.
The Mayer asked those who wished %e speak %e ~ou~cil about any
item on %he agenda %o give their Lames amd the items te Mrs,
Padge%% so they could ~e called upon at %he appropriate time.
The Lethal Yellcwimg Ki~s for Palm Trees will be available
beo~ Tuesday, January 7, 1975 at the Civic ~e~T~r located
a% 128 E~ oeean Aven~e, from 9:00 A.N, to 4:00 P,M.
Vice Mayer RoBerts note~ several errors made in ~he newspapers
recently whic~have caused Quite a
concerned a remark he did Let make but was credited with --
that imptovemen~s ~o the water plamt would make the City a
disaster area. He said that is Lot ~mue whie~ will ~e seen
later during discussion a~out the Bond.
-1 -
JANUARY 6, i~?~
Nr. Roberts them referred to a quote about a moratorium that
wouldn't end until the aew regional sewer p~a~tis finished --
abeu~ ~e ye~ ~er ee~t~c~io~, He ne~d, hewe~r, tha~
Beth pa~s ~lve~ ~ve eerreete~ ~m se there is mo ~eBiem.
~, Roberts ~ded ~ha~ ~he h~ere~ pa~ ef this eerree~ie~
~ a refere~ce~the in~ additiem ~e the pl~ is loeate~
a~ 120 N.E, ~ Ave~e which ~ppe~s 2e Be the a~drems ef Ci~
E~l, ~, ReBer~ ~te~ it ele~ ~a2 he ~i~ me~ ~We the
s~ateme~ as claimed By ~e ~e~papers,
January 21,
C eumoil meetiag
Tentative dates for fit~ Homestead Exemptioa at Boymtem
Beach ~i~y Hall will Be February 6 and 7, 1~75 be~weem ~:35 A.M.
and $:3~ P,~/.
Regut...s&r. Ci~T Council Meeting - December 17, 1974
Mr, Roberts referred ~e page 6 (~et the Verbatim portiere), para-
graph 3, line 5 and the phrase "Mayer of eleeticm" shemld Be
eha~ged to "m_~_~aer of electiem ..."
He them referred tc the top lime of page 1~ -- the word "kick"
should Be changed te "kicked."
~r~ HarmenLag moved tc accept the Minutes of the Regular City
Ceuaeil Neetimg of December 17, 1975 as corrected. Mr. Wallace
seeomded. Nc diseuzsiem. ~otie~ carried 5-~,
Special City Ceum.$il Meeti~ - Decem~er.,,26~ 1~?~
Mr. Roberts referre~ to page 2, paragraph62, statiag that the
sentence Beginning in the middle ef lime s~oald read, "Mr. Roberts
referred to whe~ some great oha~ge takes ~lace, statimg the Beard
sheul~ com~imue antil iris replaced aud he read the section."
~,.~allaee moved to accept the Ninmtes of the Speeial'~it-y Ceuneil
etimg ef December 26, 197~ as corrected, Mr. Earmeming seeoaded.
Ne diseussiea. ~etien carried 5-e.
Mr~ F, C. Van Demsen 227 N.E~ 22nd Avemue, commended Council en
the ~rememdous job durimg'the past year which ~hey have done.
He then meted that there was a ~we year fight te have a light
put ia on 22nd Avemme ar~ ever since it's ~ee~ installed, it's
bee~ en and elf every other day. He was very concerned abou~
this a~d wanted ~o know the reaso~ why, Nr. Kohl sai~ he has
Been im cc~taet with the engimeers a~d Florida Power & Light
a~d everyone is working together ~o get the light working. Im
- 2-
fact the light was repaire~ again today. Mr. Kohl said he
could e~lyde his beLt.to try to get th? peeple invelved
im this matter te centL~ue te get the light werking,
As a parting rema~.k, Namer DeLo~ complimented Nr. Van Demsen's
approach te Council duri~ the year as he always~tarted off
with the flowers smd ended up with the wee~s."
Jay Kaye ef Village Royale em the Gree~, referred te
EpeeialNeeti~g held by Ceu.m~il e~ De,ember 26~ au~ said
he ~ ~reee~ved ~e~d t~at ~is nemi~at~en for the Board ef
Recreation was had "teo maay fingers
tee mamy pies~" tethe ~eu~uil the
mat~ers im which he was involved, ~eth ~ Bey~ten Beach amd
She ~am~ he wished te ~ave the alleged remarks ~tarified.
After s Nr~ Kehl said he Believed the meeti~
Nr~ Kaye was tewas on Sa~ayamd.w~s.~ strictly a
ge~ ~gether ame~g CeuncilmemBers with me ~ecisiems made,
asked appei~ment~ were
said he weuld de se,
Nr, Dan~ite,
the ~
ll~ N.E~ 6t~ Avenue, voice~ h~.~ epimien that
Beach is net cemeern~wi~h his cemw~ity
which is a grea~ p~cblem.
Nr. KehI sai4 he had ~we gentlemen in ~he audience from Palm
Beach Geum~y im regard ~e ~he CE~ ~re~ -- although ~his
~ met em?he ~e~a, they were pre~e4 ~e speak. There
was seme ~seussie~ ~e ~e th~ ma~ter up a~t~ ~e te~t~
r~g ef ~he Ben~ Reselutie~ ~ t~ere ~ ~eem seme p~i~i~
ae~iem ~, at whi~ time there eeul4 ~e f~her ~uastie~
~ ~wers.
Mr. Marv~Glever came forward te speak as a eencerne~ citizen.
referred te statements ma~e at the December l?th meet~g i~
reg~ ~e ~ ~t~ a~ sai~ ~ s~ee then, representatives
ef his ee~i~ ~ven't he~ ~h~. I~ ~ expla~e~ that
Nr~ Kohl w~ prepped te ~ve some ~we~ ready ale~ with ~he
~e ge~l~n from ~he Ce~ i~ aecer~e wi~h ~he r~uest
ma~e ~ ~. Gle~r at the las~ meeti~. ~..Kehl ~e2ed ~hat
he ~ Bee~ in eem~et wi~ ~. Dan ~i~e em se~ral eecasie~
after the 1~2 meeti~.
Installation ef ~i~yt Asbestos Tile - Civic Center
Nr~~ Kohl noted ~he Tabulation Sheet an~ Affidavit before Council
indieat~ the recommendation of the Tabulation Committee that
the bid be awarded te Griffin Fleering Cempaz4v ef West Palm
Beach in the amount ef $3,~3~.~e. Bids for the above were epene~
December 30, 1974 ia the Office ef the Purchasing Agent. Funds for
this project are te be taken from Account 812/39, as
was budgeted for the new reef at the Givie Center and the balamce
from t~ese f~m~s will cover the adore project.
Mr. Wallaee moved te accept the City Manager's recommendation
a~d award the L~staiia~i~ ef ~he v~ yl asBes~s ?~l.e for
the Civic Center im the ameum~ ef $3,03~.00 ~e Grmffln Fleerimg
Cempamy. ~.~ S~rma~ seee~de~. No ~ise~sien. Ne~ie~ e~ried
R_a.w Water Nai~ Ol. eami~g from Well Houses 6, ?~ 8~ 9 & 10
~.~ Kohl referre~ ~o v~e Tabulation Shee~ ~ Affidavi~ on
thi~ item ~ie~ were ~efere Ceu~it. B~s ~re epe~e~ ~ the
Office ef rome ~m~ Ag~t ~ December 3~, 197~ ~ the
Ta~ula~io~ ~o~it~ee rece~ aecept~ee ef ~e o~e bi~ from
Florida ~
Aeee~t 9!e/~
~ ~. Ke~ uem~r~ with ~he res, ef ~e Tabulation
Mr. Harmening moved to award the bi~ te Southern Line Clea~img
0~mpa~y above for ~11,874.~0 imaecor~a~ee with the OmtyNm~ger s
recommendation. Mr. $~rnad seccmde~. Ne ~iseussien. Motion
One (1) Ne~.~/~ Ton - 4 Wheel Drive Pi.e~-Up Tru~ek for Sewer P~m~t
Mr. Kohl referred to the Tabulation Sheet and Affidavit before
Council. Bids were epene~ i~ the Office ef the Purchasing Agent
e~ December 3~, 197~ an~ the Tabmlatien Csmmittee reoemme~s
acceptance ef the eno bid from General GNC Truck of West Palm
Beach in the amount of $5,671.~0, tc be fLnaneed from budgeted
aecemnt 9~/12. Mr. Kohl concurred with the recommendation ef
the Ta ulatmon COmmittee.
~m. Wallace moved to follow the Oity Ms~uager's recommendation
above, seecnaed by Mr. Hermening. Ne discussier~. Me,ism carried
Parcel #l - Lot 6 - Sam Brcw~, Jr. Smbdivisiem~ Applicant -
The.mas Bef~ey~ GmlfstreamNar~
Mr. Kohl read the Public Hearing portion of the Deeember~t6~lg?4
Minmtes ef ~he Special Neetimg ef the Planmimg & Zoning B~ard
regarding the Beard's recommendation for approval cf conditional
use for the applicant 2e allow a~ditiemal office space for the
drift fishing business.
Mayer DeLemg asked if anyone in T~he am~ienee wished te speak in
favor ef this application.
Mr. Tom Beffey, owner-operator of Gulfstream Marima came forward
an~ stated his feelings that this addition would help his
business and further enhance the property.
Mr. Kohl advised ~hat a letter had jms'~ been received from
the law firm of ~illam, New'eft;- Adams amd Stra~wn, espy
ef which was give~ te the City Attorney s~nd the ~ayor,
Keel proceeded ~o rea~ the le~er which adv~e~ ~ha~ ~s f~m
re~resem~ed ~. Irv~g K~seh, She preper~ e~e~ i~e~ia2e~
Se ~e seraph ef G~fs~e~ ~rina. ~. K~ch ~m~ m~ ebjee2
te ~e s~ms~ee ef the apDlieatiem, hewers, he ~ sene
eempl~m~ ~ ~e v~ieus ~ess prae2ices ef Gmlfs~e~,
smeh as ~le~ Beats te Be p~k~ em Kirsch ~reper~
g~B~e 2e acc~m~e alo~ Dre~er~ l~es. Re
· he Ceu~eil~a~tmenish him to more
use of his preper~y se it d,
~ers. I~
iaa~es (~o~y
~eeeive a
a.aye~e else wis~e4 to favor of
[t~em asked if
~he application.
Nr. Beffey dispute4 ~he f~et that semeome
back the ~rees referre~ ~e i~ ~he le~er,
~o eempl~ ~ in ~he le~.
~he au~ienee ~ ~ppose~ ~o ~h~
area was
N~r. Ki,r~ch, ~ir, Beffey's aBevemen~ione~ neighbor,
sm~ said he fel~ there should ~e ~ ~p~cti~ o~ c~e f~d
· he proper~
se tha~ the eemdi%io~ m~ Be cBserve~. He said he spoke te ~.
Beffey ~e~ and w~ ~ favor ef ~s aI~eratien ~ he w~
all aspects are ~o Be eonsider~ before ~eci~i~g to grm~t the
reqmest with seditions is to Change ~h~ monLng provisions,
N~, Re~erts aSked if any complaints were received as to the
condition of ~he property, earn Council withdraw its conditional
use. Nr. Eimon said ~e, however, if he mse~ the ~reperty i~
violation ef the law, his neighbor wcal~ have a~o~her recourse.
Nr. Kirsch said he did net wish to step Mr. Boffey on his project
but he wamted the area cleaned rap. Nayor DeLem~ felt Nr. Boffey
would do ~ everythimg possible ~o ge~ ~he ma~er resolved.
Nr. Kirsch s~td he wemld only be here for a few days amd wished
te have aR inspee~iem to get things, s2raighted out se ~here would
be ne arguments between ~he two meighBers amd the Mayer asked
Mr. Kekl 2e make a ne~e of ~his. Mr, Wallace calle~ for the
qmestien and 2he motion carrie~ 5-0.
Mr. Simem then read Or4i~a~..ee Ne. ??.t on first reading, amen~img
0r~i~amee N gr~ ~e~i~ie~l ~e for
ef additie~ ~o s~ee ~e eem~uc~ ~i~ fish~ ~si~ass, etc.
Mr. Wallace moved to adept Ordinance Ne. 75.1 em first readimg,~
secem~ed By ~. H~. Ne ~c~si~n. ~s. Pa~e~t ealle~
~he roll ~ felte~:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Vice Nayer RobertS - Aye
Com~eilman Strnad - Aye
Ceumcilmam Wallace - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-~.
Ordinamee~ - 2n~..Readim~- PUBLI0 MEANING
~rdi~ances - ls~ Re,adi~g
Proposed 0r~imance Ne. 75-2 - Re: Amending Fire Prevention
Section Pertaining ~o, Emerge~cy Li~ht~ .
Mr. Simon read 0r~inanee No. 75-2 en first readimg in i~s
Mr. Wallace
seeemded ~y
the roll as
moved to adopt Ordinance No. 75-2 on first rea~ing,
Mr. Strnad. No ~iseussi¢~. Mrs. Pa~ge~ called
Ceunci~m~ Harmemi~g - Aye
Vice Naycr Ro~erSs - Aye
Cemncilm~ Strnad - Aye
Co~n¢ilman Wallace - Aye
Mayer DeLeng - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Pre~ese~ Resolution No. 75-A - Re: $6~,00~0 Wa~er n.~d S~er
Re v ~.me Bemds Serzes
Simon and Mr. Kehl shared in the readimg of this lengthy
Resolutiem ~mtil its cempletiem. The Mayor a4momishe~ ~e
audience ~ ~he i~er~ te p~ closer atte~iem se ~hat eve~-
After the reading ef the above Resolution, mayer DeLe~g reoog-
hi.zed the Mayor ef L~ake Worth, ~or Fewler~ who ~d jms~
em~ere~ ~e e~s; The ~yer 2hem m~e~ ~at a represem~ative
ef ~e City's f~eal ~e~, He~h ~ C~, ~. A1 SheD.S,
~ ~so George Russell ef R~sell & Axe. ~he Ci~'s ee~ti~
eng~eers, we~ ~r~.~ te ~w~ ~ ~m~e~ ~he Ce~cil ~y
have e~ee~ Reselmtion Ne. ~A.
NrJ R ebert~
pre 1t ~e
o~served ~hat +de Cit~y is floating a $~.5 millien
the people w~o have meved to Florida, creating
em the wa~er amd sewer supply. He then aske~
the brought mp at the last meetiag
~he of money rather tha~ leaving
or whatever ~ hamdles i~ves~ents amd he read
of the December l?%h miautes, be~tom ef
Mr. She~ar~ said he investigated the matter with Atlantic National
Bank ~ re-rea~ all the Resolutions himself an~ it is the
i~entiom of the Resolution that all monies shall be fully
imveste~ at all times ~or the aeeoum~ ef T~e City L~ the water
a~d sewer system. There is no requirement ia the ~omd Resolution
for a~y money to sit i~ly in the hands of amy bsm~k or trust
company. He ~e~lt there was nothing im .~he B~n~ Resolution that
pr&vents the Gi/~y ~hrough the.Fima~oe D~reeter or City Mmu~ager
from issuimg oraers to fully imvest this memey at all ~imes.
~ayor DeLo~g meted that the presemt and past Fimamce Directors
have complained that the City receives the memey only after a
certaL~ amount of in%~es% em i~ves%me~t ~ been received by
th~ A~l~ie Na~i~l Ba~ ~ now ~at ~he ~tter ~s ~le~,
~A Ke~ ~d ~he Fi~ee D~ec~er ce~ follow uD aceer~i~ly.
After some f~er disc~sien, Nr~~ Shep~ advise~ t~ the
m~ give erde~ for in~s~ent because me ba~ ~ assume 2h~.
~ Harme~im~ meted that a considerable amount of T~e money te
Be use4 for the improvemem~s is maturate4 by the various Federal
~u~ State reg~-latory agencies, i.e. Departnmemt of Pollution
Cem~rol am~ Emvireamemtal Protectiom Agency -- which is eno
reason i~%~',s~mecessary3~o~se~mre as large am issue at this time.
Mr. Harmeming moved for the adoption of Resolution No. ?5-A,
secen~e~ ~y~Lr. Roberts. No discussion. Mrs. ?mdgett oalle~
the roll as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Vice Mayor Roberts - Aye
Oo~neilman Str~ad - Aye
Cou~eilms~ Wallace - Aye
Mayer DeLong - Aye
Motion earrie~ 5-0.
-- ?
Amemding 16,
52 amd 56 ef the Charter
I~em left on table,
ApD~e~Eal of Bills
~tr. Eehl rea~ TSae feltewimg bills for approval:
1. ~amar Uniferm~.~ Ime. Inv.
Uniforms for Fire Dept.
Pay_from Bu~gete~Funds
Oel 863.3~
#192725 ~951.68
~!~3103 52,86
#192723 1~39.08
2. 0usle~ Sod Company
Se~ for Cemetery"
Pay from Boymton Beaeh Nemorial Park Fund
N_ew~en Sea~imE Company
Furniture for Library
Fun~s encumbered i~ 0peratimg Capital Imp, Fund
Walker Process
Upgr~dmmg present Sewer Plant
No funds Dudgeted - Reqmest authorization to
(Can be paid eot ef Utility General)
Naman~ Howell, S~.mith & Chase
Legal ease - Slurry Seal vs. Ci%~y of Boyntom Beach
Pay from 001-Sl~.lO. Funds transferred.
Tr~ieal Acres
Boar~ Dinners
Pay from Bu~gete~ Funds.
C~thia Lewis
Assist-ant cook at Senior Citizens Club
Pay from Federal Revenue Sh~rmng Fund.
Don's Trnc~i_.~
15th Avenue Recreation Park
Pay from BudEeted Funds. 021-810
Retirement Plans, Ine~
Renewal services for
Preparation ef Actuarial Valuation Report
Pay from
Hardrives ef Delray, !nc. 18,99%.00
Sleeve for Raw Water Nain Project 6858-17
Pay from Util. Gen'l. Fund - Reimbursable from future bonding.
A~roval ef Bills. (OeDt,d)
r from
Treatment Facilities
ewer Revenue Bond Issue
$ 3,321.~6
Worl~ Inspections
Charge te Charter World Depesi~ - : ' ·
· Utml~ty Gen 1. Fund
Ce~strmetien Job - Pay from Utit. Gen'l.
lities Expansion
Pay from Utility General Fund
Refundable from future bend issue,
Russell & Axo~ 6858-17-II&0P
P1ans aud specs for Raw Water Naim
Pay from Utility General Fund
Refundable from future bend issue.
The bills ~escribed have been approved aud verified by the depart-
merit heads imvelved~ checked and approved for payment by the
Finance Direeter~ funds ~re availab_e' ~ in ~heir respective budgets,
~. Ko~lrecemmen~ed payment ef these bills.
Nayer belong asked about the status ef Lauderdale Construction --
if they were i~ g~e~ graces ~ew a~d Nr. Kohl said ne, this is
from way back
After some discussion clarifying that the bills wo~ld De approved
as above, Nr. Wallace move~ that the bills be oaid as submitte~
a~d approved by the Finance Director and City '~
~amager~ Nr.
Strnad seconded. Ne diseass!on. Notion carried 5-0.
~. Kohl presented a gift in appreciatie~ from the City te ~yer
DeLong~~ who in t~rn m~e a similar presentation to each ef the
,T~her Council members.
C!esiz~Rem~rks by Retiri~ Ceune~l~ Fe~e~t L. W~aco
~r. Wallace prefaced his remarks by thamking his wife for all
her help~ He said although he w~s stepping down, he w~s just
a phone call a~eaY for a~y help he cs~u be te the City in the
future. He closed by stating that the 1975 Council will truly
operate ~nder "Robert's Rules of 0rder."
~CESS 9:12
Re,c~lt to Order
~ayer DeLomg called the meeting to order at 9:35 P.N. amd
t~rned over ~he ceremonies to the City Clerk, ~s. Padgett,
who administered the oaths of office te the 1975 City Ce~mcil
members. N_rs~ Padgett ~ega~withNrs~ Jackson ~nd Nessrs.
ef City Coumeil for 1975. Nfs. Padgett then presemted the gavel
te ~yor Roberts.
Nayor Ro~erts opened Dy reel
Pi~os ~
some people im the amdiemce --
wife, who jmst celebrated
wed~i~g an~iversa~?y; Nrs~ Jea~ Pipes, Chairma~ ef the
Library Board a~d wife of former Nayor J. Willar~
ef Lake Worth a~d atse President of
Leagme. Nayor Roberts them
the members of the press with
Comments ~y 197~ City Coumcil Nember~
~s. Jackson ~h~nke~ all who t~elped her to be elected, and es-
pecially her husband, ~alter. She then reviewed the policies
am~ practices ef ~e 0i~y Na~ager a~d City Council form of
govermment and stressed the need tc act as a whole Coumcil au~
not as imdividmals amd collectively instruct the City Nmnager
om policies an~ see ~o it ~hat he carries them out.
~r. Har~e~ing imtrod~ce~ his wife, Donna, and said he was please~
te be serv~ the City for a~o~her two years an~ thanke~ those
who eleete~ him. He said he would de everything possible to
see that the taxpayers receive a dollar's worth of services for
a dollar's worth of taxes.
Er. Strand said his wife had to stay at home. He enjoyed his
past year on the Council am~ looked forward to another good
year, offering his assistance i~ ~y way possible.
Vice ~ayor DeLo~g said he would endeavor te cooperate for the
cemtinuamce of the improvememts in City affairs that have
transpired since J~nuaz~y, 1973,
~o' RePorts was honored ~o be imStalled as Nayor for the ensmimg
year and sm~d he wemld do his u~mest mot ~o violate the people's
trms~o He observed the Ceuncii'z ability over the past few
year~ to work for the common good and leoke~ for this to continue
i~ 197~, especiallywith the help of the Oity~nager an~ loyal
City employees. The Nayor then commented en his outlook fer the
comi~,~ year, noting that he would net indulge in any programs
that wo~l~ increase t~xes. He remarked abou~ the eurrem~
economic conditions and asked the City Nanager to help curtail
spending im every department.
- l0 -
Rules of Order and Designate Parl~amentar~
~. DeLong moved to a~opt Robert's R~es ef 0rderamd ~e desig-
nate ~he Ci%yAtterney as Parliament~rinn. Nr~ Harmeni~g
secen~e~. No ~iscmssie~. Notion c~rrie~ 5-0,
A~Deim ~tments of City Offic~z1~
Nr~ Roberts noted some prDblems may Be created in ~e appoint-
ments ~ecause in some areas there is an abundance ef recommenda-
~r. Harmemi~gmeve~ te appoL~t Frank Kehl as City Namager for
19~5. It was noted no seconds were needed f~r appoim~ments.
The a_~peintme~t passe~ unmmimeusly,
~r, Harmenimg nominated an~ recommended Eraest Simen as City
Attorney for 1975. ~r. Simon was unanimomsly ap~ointe~ for
the e~sui~g year. -
Nr. HarmeniD~ nominated the City's present Ju4ge Wesselt as
N~nicipal Judge for 1975, The appointment passe~ unanimously.
N~, Strnad nominated Judge Pizzi as Judge Ad Litem f~r 1975.
The appointment p~sed ~imo~ 5-~,
Hr, Str~d ne~te4 Thomas P~do ~ Ci~ ~eseeuter for 1975
and i~ w~ citified t~t the City Clerk ~d his ~ess.
Appe~en~ p~se~ u~us~.
~. 5~e~ng reoriented Dave Cen~ola ~ Assis~ Ci~
Prece~m~er. Appe~ent passed ~imeusly. The Ci~ Clerk
~d ~, Centel~ a~vised that he did net c~e to s~e ~d
~. ~meniD~ with~ew ~s negation. ~s. ~a?ksem ne~ate~
the e~remt Assist~t Ci~ Preseemter, Norris Rickey, for
~ether te~. Appein~ent p~se~ u~imeusly.
E~, Jac~on rece~en~ed the "r~ ~, w~.~ w .....
Cs~_ as Publmc Defe~er_ net~n.~ +ha+ w~ v, vo~~s ~d
mzmness eno or ~e zlrm-s p~tn~s eo~ take ever. After
giv~ some brief bac~round, the appoin~ent was ~e ~animously,
There was some ~isc~siem about the fee ~d it ~s deci4e~ t~$
wo~ 5e ~eei4ed upon la,er.
Ap~e~en~ te Bos~s an~ Oom~ttges
Since there were ~ ab~ce ef nominees in some instates,
~yer Reber~ suggeste~ ~ u~ the appointment i~iviSm~ly.
Re the Bear~ ef Adj~tments with 5 members and as ~y alternates
~ seen fi% -- ~. H~ening neminate~ Fey W~d; ~s. Jackson
nomLuated Simon Ryder; ~. DeLo~ nem~a~ed Irv~ Block; ~.
S.~r~ nominated ~lvin C;Beeltz; Nayer RoBer~ neminate~ Walter
R'u~ter; ~s. Jac~en nomin~te~ Verno~ Thompson; Nr. H~eni~
nem~te~ De~ Bailey, The prece~ n~es were nominated as
reg~ members and discussion ~sued as ~o the proced~e te be
- ll -
~. ~ih~TES - REG~ CITY COUNCIL ~TING JAnUaRY 6, 1975
followed i~ m~king the appointments. N~. Roberts suggested
v.e$i~g on the r~ members f~t ~d ~e tha~ ~r~ left
w~l ~e selecte~ ~ alte~es. ~. Foy/~ ap~oin~
~m~usly, ~, Rutter was ~et appe~e~ ~ l~s. J~e~on,
~.~ S~ad ~d ~ DeLe~ ve~e~ against du~
Ve~en Thempse~ ~s appeared ~imo~ly$ re ~. Simon
Eyd~,~ ~s. Jae~ vote~ ~ favor an~ the ether Council
members vete~ ~ reta~ him as ~ alte~te. ~s. Jackson
the a~peintment passe~ u~.a~imomsly, After some brief dis-
e~ssi~n ~eut T~he nomi~ati~ ef ~Ir, Bailey, N~ver Roberts
Re the Building Beard it was felt this Board wo~l~ remaiR
- t Pa~gett had said
~ taet, however-, ~rs~. jae~o~ neted~ .~a~_ Nfs.
Clyde ~e~ell, a former Cocci! member. Nay~r
~'~ R~sell, N?l~n willi~~, y~a Staley,
an~ they we~ appeared ~imeusiy.~ ~ It
Jack Bzrre~, B~d~g ~ff~ci~ us~ziy s~ms ~n o~ m~s ~zoup.
Re the Bo~rd cf Gcvermers-Cemetery Bsard, the present members
were re-~omi~ated: Edgar H~rf~rd, Do~ Combs, Basil Camelot,
l~rs. Cha~well, ~&rs, Vandeve~der, an~ Mrs. PadEett who sits in
~n ~he Board whe~ available. Beard appointed unamimeusly.
Re tho Civil Service Appeals Beard there were ne eha~ge~ for
1~75 ~d the members were u~a~imously appointed: Robert Shaakley~
~r. Kitten4 Effren, ~.~ca-sand alternates were ~essrs, Far,a,
V~nDeusem, Zebel and Earvin.
Re the Comm~i%-y Appearance Beard, ~lrs. Jackson sai~ that
£~erdstrem w~uld serve i~stead ef ~r. Case who said he did net
wan% te serve except as an alter~ate. ~rs. Nordstrom and the
present members were mnanimously appsLuted; Col. Reid, Chaunc~y
Bu~, Robert Black, Nil~ NOvelty, Anten Heel, ~s. Denee~ as
regml~ members with the ~o alte~ates berg Ra~end Kei~nan
~d ~o~C~e wi~ ~e henor~ member ~ Dr. Wee~. It v~
necess~y for Ceunc~ ~ vote sep~ately on ~. H~al,
Deneem ~ F~s. Ner~tr~m ~ the veto was 5-0 f~r appe~en2'.
Re T~he Cemmuniiny Relations Boar~, the present members were re-
appointed: Joseph Lis~ John Stepk~ns ~ L'eroy ~ Harris, John
Jameson, John Ra~t_~ ~ud ~s. Walker, Three new individuals
were also appointed te fill the vacancies: Daniel ?~ite, ~rs.
Pzpes a~d Brenda W~!I~ams. Nrs. Jackson move for T~heir
appointment and they were u~nimously approved.
- 12
Re the Beard of Examiners ef Eleetrieians, ~r. Roberts advised
that several members bad beem~mov~d because they moved out
of Beynten~, Nrs. Jackson nominated Nr. ~hemas Summers, a
liee~sed con,fac%er and Nayor Roberts noted that N~. Srimsey
was m~ve~ mD from the Plumbing Bear~. Nayer Rebe~s rea~ ~he
~h~ the F~e ~s~tl ~ Buildi~ Offieial si~ ~ on ~he
Be~. Atse, an ~%er~te is ne% regm~e~ aceerd~ %e O~e,
The a~pe~n~s p~sed ~imousty.
Re the Library Bear~, ~t~yer Roberts had suggested re~ai~ing the
member was t~ be appointed,
Re the Plam~ing & Zoning Board, the nominees inelmde~ present
memb~s -- ~s. Euekle, Joseph Kelly, Wal~er Traug~, 0ris
~alker, Je~ Rogers ~ ~o mew members, [~s. Vicks' ~ Cos~ello
~d Rick R~ssi, The appein~ents were ~e ~imeusly.
$ ~h~ Be~ of ~l~ co~issione~s the n~es sub~ed were
~ ~ er~ who WO~lG have. to be checke~ out, The e~her
~ee Aom~ees were ~meusly aDpeinte~, '
Re the Recreation ~ P~ks Bo~d, Nr. De~ ~o~ed that he
ha~ ~de ne ree~en~ations to Be~s in 1973 er 197~ ~d he
therefore submitted ~he n~e of J~ E~e ~ne h~ a vast bac~round
~ this p~ic~ field ~d the ~ep~ent heaA baa a~vise~
there ~s no problem as f~ as he was conceded. N~or Roberts
sai8 he would ~ve te t~e each nominee ~Aividmally for a vote
ef Ce~cil~ ~. Tern ~vin appointed ~eusl~, ~. Cl~ence
Hullfish appointed ~moms~; Nm~ 'KA~
W~ter Lacey w~ a~peznte~ by a 3-~ veto. ~. DeT.o~
qualified his vote in Shat his ~d~ate lost ~ he felt he
sho~d ne~ vote in favor ef s~e~e else.
Re the Be~d ef Trustees, N~er Roberts sai~ thee ~ one
vac~ey. ~s. Jaekson a~vised ~hat ~. H~g
~m~get% he zelt there woul~ be a cenfliet of interest. A~er
some discussion reg~g a possible e~id&te, it w~ deciaed
to leave this epe~ ~til s~eene comes up with a n~e, It was
noted ~ha% ~. S~ DeC~ie w~hed to serve ~d he
by ~imeu~ veto. -
The ~yor advised that the Tra=uspertation Cemmzt,ee' ~ had been
abolished. They did a very geed job an~ their duties were
a/L! eemplete~ and some .buses were now running. Council agree~
te re~aiu eno m~n, ~. John Cleary as a liaison between the
City ~ Country to deal with any problems that may arise.
- 13 -
J~NUARY 6, 1975
~s. Jackson wished to be sure that all the individuals
a ~
ppemmted were registered voters in the City aud ~s, Padgett
said they would be ve_mfme~ ~y the next meeting.
Nr. DeLeng mo~ed te suspen~ the regular or,er ef business em
the a~.e~a amd Call upon the gentleme~ from the County Who
were invited by ~A~ Kohl. Ne second. Notion earrie~ 5-~.
DiM~cmssion_~of CETA Program
Nr. Kohl t~anked Nr. Thurston for waiting, He meted that
~e a~iicatiem for C~ was prepared a few mo~ths ag~ ~ ~e~
~ w~ le~e~ ~here ~h~ De a s~g ~ f~ as ~emple~e~t
~s~ee costs i~e~r~e~ after ~e te~a~i~ ef ~ employee.
Later the Ci~- le~e~ fromm. Th~s~em t~ ~here was ne
people were h~e~, 50% ~f t~weul~ have ~o be kept at the
~ ef the ye~ ~d ~. Ee~ j~$~ le~med of ~ether Stipulation
where people we~ have te be h~e~ e~a~ively.
~ayer Roberts felt this program would put a stranglehold cn
the City as Boynton is one of the few accepting this program.
~/~. Thurston a~vised that Delray, West Palm Beach amd Riviera
Beach ~re all participating i~ the pr~gramo ~r. Thursten said
the ~uesticn here relates to the number cf perseus that mmst be
placed in unsubsidize~ 'e~pleyme~t ~t th~ e~d of the life o~ the
program. He then read part of the regulations pertai~im~ to
this program, eep~ ef which womid be avamlable upc~ request.
He read that plac~uE half of the cumulative p~rtieipan~s in
umsubsidized private o~ public sector.employment means that
they are to be place~ Lu~empleymemt wmth ~he C~j or the County
or with orivate i~ustry amd the City wouI~ be obtigate~ to
find suc~ employme~tA ~Ir. Thurston said it -mas learmed en
December 31st at m meeting in Gaimemville that a w~iver may be
resuested regarding this re~uireme~t~ I~ieatic~s are that this
wamver may be gr~_~te~ provided support is shown with proper
decume~t~atien. ~r, Thermion said te date he has not ap~iied
for ~his because of the hclidays, aud the ~£~ct ~hat the
h~s eeen grante~ additi,~a~l fundS, the amo~at ~f which has ~ot
finally been stipulated,i for a~ditional unempleym~ut mssista~ce.
~, Thursto~ said a waiver wouldbe.app~ied for by the eu~ cf
the week and he was assured of getting
~r. Harmening felt in light of ~. Thursto~'s commen~s, the City
should postpeme thi untml the r~mre~en~ ~s wamved. ~rs.
Jackson sai~ it sounds ~s if the. Cmty is being made ~am employment
agency aud Nr. Th~ste~ said~ yes, t~e City and the County
e eperatzve±y. She the~ asked a~eu~'unemployment compensation
~ud ~. Thurston referre~ to cop!es efa letter which he gave
to ~. Kohl tonight ~at the Dept. of Labor has state~ they
would assume the respens~ibili~y for this momey, but it was his
uu~erstand~g the City woul~ hav~ te i~voiee the County, etc,
Nrs, Jackson understood from the last mee~'~ug that the funding
for this would all be over with by the 1st ef June and she
asked if the Dept. ef Labor was still going to be f~uded. Nr,
Thmrston said yes.
Nr. Roberts said the Cit~..had great hopes of using this force
but there were so ~ strings attached he objected te putting
the 0iffy in a bi~d, It was observed that some of the
were removed or liberalized a~d he hoped the Ci~y Nan~ger would
leek i~to the matter f~rther a~d ge ahead with it, keeping in
mLud the waiver em retaining all the help because the City is
trying to work u~der a budget,
~rs, Jackson asked if thzs ~.a~.a.nteed t~at e_uly !ne peeRle o_~
Bo~to~ would have a job or is it county-wide so that others
ea~ come into the City for ~ ~ob, N~. Thurston said they would
as predeseribed ~y the Bepartmeut
the selections provided they
meet the other ~ualifieatio~s ef the law a~d this could Be worked
There was some further discussion d~ring which Council expressed
a desire to proceed with the program o~ce the waiver~was ob-
tanned,. ~. Thmrston said it was learned at the meeting in
Gai~esvill~ thatPalm Beach County is to receive some additional
$2 million for work within the County a~d m~uicipalities therein.
He felt it might be two or three weeks before the waiver regarding
the 50% retention is received, Discussion e~sued as to whether
te table this matter or turn it over to the City ~nager to
carry thromgh if there are no strings attached.
Nfs. Jackso~ moved to table this matter u~tit it is further
claz~f~ed, Nr, Str~ad seconded. Ne discussion, Notio~
Nrc. Jackso~ moved to revert back to the regular order ef
business, seconded by '~r, Har~ening. Ne discussion. Notion
carried 5-0,
Consider Abolishing Beard e~ Ba~r_ber Examiners
In view of the fact that this comes under State ~isdiction,
~r. DeLcng moved to abolish this Board, seconded by ~.~. Harmening.
Ne dis=ussion. ~otion carried 5-0.
E~r, Simon read Ordinance No, 75-3 en first reading regarding
the mbolishment ef the Boar~ ef Barber Exmm~ners. Nr, Harmening
moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. ?5-3 on first reading.
Nrf DeLo~g secen~e~. ~ms. Padgett ealle~ the roll as fellews~
there being no discussion:
Vice Mayer DeLo~g Aye
Co~nci!manY~rmeni~ - Aye
Couneilwema~ Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
15 -
Ordinauce No..?~-~ (Sent'd)
~ay or R~berts
carried 5-0.
Pro~sed Resolutien No. ?5-B - Re: ...~a~nkSig~atores~er 1975
~&r, Simon read proposed Resolution No. ?5-B Ln its entirety.
~Nr. DeLong meyed for the adop~men ef Resolution 75-B, seconded
by~. H~e~in~. Ne discussion. Nrs. Padgett eonducte~
the roll call vote as fellows:
Vice Mayor DeLong - Aye
Ceuncilman Harmening Aye
Councilwoman Jackson Aye
Counsilms~Strnad - Aye
~yer Roberts Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
~s.~Ss R~tes of Conduct - (Councilwoman Emily N. Jackson)
~. Jackson referred to her ~emarks following the swearing
a~d she hoped this would act as a guide for the conduct ef
the Council for the comin~ year.
~ay~r Roberts sai~ he felt the policy should be ¢ontinue~
whereim three minutes or se s~euld be allowed for someone tc
speak and he requested that everyone who speaks in this
Co-~cil Chamber give his name aud residence -- not a business
Co,sider Preliminary Approval - Parcel ef Land Around Lake
Oe~sta~tLne. (Leis~eville)
~.~. Kohl referred te his letter for the agenda to which
correspondence ws.m attached frem Nr. Rossi, E~gineer of the
above project and copy of December 10th Plar~uing & Zoning
Boa~.d Einutes, indicating actions taken by the Beard en this
zonzmg change. Also before Council was ~he Prelimiuary Plat
of the 10th Section. Palm Beach Leisureville. The Nilar
Prints~ef this Plat are ~n Central File. ~ir. Kohl said this
was suppese~ to be a replat rather thegn any z~ning change.
~. KehI noted that ~m. Barrett was present if there were any
~uestiens and he read the letter ~f replat from Rossi and
Ealav~si dated December 13, 1974.
~irs. Jackson felt that since this was loweri~ the density,
it w~ favorable. ~. Barret~ sai~ this was only a request
~er replat, ~ot a request f*r rezeniD~. The rezoning application
would come forth at a later date.
~r. Earmening move~ ~, accep? the recommendation of the
Planmi~g & Eoning Board, gmv~ng pezmmssmon to replat a parcel
- 16 -
of laud around Lake Oen~ta~tino in Leisureville, N~. DeLong
seconded. Ne discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ~r. Simon
clarified with Nr. Barrett that this was a preliminary plat
that Council was approving,
Oer~szder Recezpt ef ¢~r~espon4e.nce and i~ter-Lecal Agree nt
from..Palm Be~oh 0o~y - Community Development Act of 1977~
Nr. Eehl referred to correspondence befeme Council from
missioner Robert F. Cttlpepper which indicate~ the Oeun~
weml4 l~e t~ ~s~e ~spe~iBili~ for the G~i~ Develep-
me~ F~. If ~em~eil ~eci~ ~e accept the
Agree~t~ ~h~n the ~i~ ef Bo~te~ Beach weul~
~ individual Ce~i~ from ~e C~z~ De~lepm~t Pregr~.
Nr. Kohl said there were three reasons whY -- 1) the Community
may benefit by cooperation with the ~o~m~y to ~e e~en~ ~h~t
it may be mere eer~ai~ ef receiv~ ~enefi~ from the Act
t~h ~e Ce~y t~ i~ ee~ b~ ~ an i~ivi~mal certify
~ ce~etiti~ ~th e~hers ~ 2) ~he Ci~ we~ be sp~e4 the
expose ~f app!ieatie~ prep~a~i~ ~ ~e~n~ ef ~h~ pr~
gr~, 3) P~m Beach Oem~ ~s ~e p~i~ ~ other
prefesZi~ s~lls withLu i~ Pl~, Bmil~g.~ Zsmi~
~ep~em~ ~e ~ea Plan~i~ Be~ a~ the adminis~ra~zem
~r, KOhl sai~ Boyntcn is a ~iscretien~ry ¢i~-, that is low
~ the totem pele~ an~ the county is also a discretionary
~oun~y, but with the above three facts, he felt the City would
have mere of a chance in receiving f-~ds from the Co~ty,
ether tha~ going out By i~elf aud Nr. Kohl therefore recommended
~ayer Roberts asked ~. Simon if this was in order a~d
Simo~ said as te eentent it seems appropriate. It's to f~ke
adva~t~e of the f£g~res. Nr. DeLo~eved to fellow the
reeommen~lation ef the City Nar~ger, seeen~e~ by M~r. ~armening,
to accept this i~ter-loeal sgreement. Un, er ~iscussion,
_w~rmend~ felt the City wouldn't ~e any worse ~ff this way
~han any other s~ in faot it might Be just a little bit better.
Notion carried 5-~.
A~plicatiem for Setic~i. tatien- The Arthritis Foun~atio~
~?~ Kohl said this is one te which permission has been grante~
the ~ast, Nr. DeLo~g meve~ te grant permission to solicit
f~r irthritis in the City ef Boy~te~ Beach. Nrs. Jackson
se¢o~dedo Ne ~iseussion. Notion carried 5-0.
- 17
jANUARY 6, 1975
Y~rso Ja~ks?n m~ve~ ~e a~jeurn, seee~ded by ~ar. Harmening,
Needling a~]~urned a~ 11:10 P~N.
(Pages 10-18, Inc. Onl'
January 6, 1975
City Council
City Hall
Bolrnto~each~ Florida
re: Application of Thomas Boffey to permit expansion
of existing building for ticket sales office
I represent ~,ir. Irving Kirsch, who is the property owner
immediately to the south of Gulfstream Marina. Mr. Kirsch
has asked me o~ his behalf to present his views regarding
this application to the Council.
Mr. Kirsch, who has been a taxpayer in Boynton Beach for
25 years, does not object to the substance of the applica-
tion in that he does not wish to deny Mr. Boffey the oppor-
tunity to expand his business. However, expansions of
Gulfstream Marina have in the past been done with some
disregard for the rights of the adjoining property owners.
Pot example, it has been the practice of Gulfstream Marina,
or those using the facilities of Gulfstream Marina, to
park their boats upon the beach which is part of the Kirsch
p~operty. In addition, garbage has been allowed to accumulate
along the property lines between the two adjoining parcels
~nd it is our belief that while ~. Boffey may have not been
the one.to have put it there he did not restrain those who
use his facilities from doing so. Also, earlier in the year,
someone from Gulfstream Marina cut back extensively the
~rees_and growth'on:{h6 western front of the Kirsch property
~o altowth~ Gulfstream Marina sign to be seen more clearly
f~om U~ S. Highway NS. i. He would request, therefore, that
oapproving~Mr. Boffey~s application,-that the Council
nish him to m°re' carefully reg,!ate ~he use of his
p~operty so that it does not inter~ere with the adjoining
p~operty o%~ers.
~appreciate your entering this
into the minutes of the
Sinc~/~/~ly yours,
Roger Saberson