MONDAY, JULY 10, 2000 AT 6:30 P.M.
Gerald Broening Mayor
Bruce Black, Commissioner
Charlie Fisher, Commissioner
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
Wayne Segal, Public Affairs
Sue Kruse, City Clerk
Dan DeCarlo, Neighborhood
Diana Johnson, President
Rick Lewis, Chairman of the Board
Mike Bottcher, Vice Chair Community Affairs
Jeanne Heavilin, Co-Chair of Economic Development
I. Greetings & Introductions
Mayor Broening called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. and asked everyone to
please introduce himself or herself.
Commissioner Black was presented with a birthday cake and well wishes were
II. Stormwater Improvements - Progress Reports/Accountability
Ms. Johnson noted that the Chamber fully supports the work being done. The
Chamber would like to keep businesses informed on the progress of the
stormwater improvements and feels the businesses would like a status report on
the finances spent to date and when the project would be completed.
Mr. Bressner reported on the following:
The Industrial Avenue and Costa Bella projects would be brought before the
City Commission on July 18th for approval to proceed with the engineering
contracts with the two firms that had been selected. The only item Mr.
Bressner would like further addressed is the start time.
· With regard to the swale improvement project, the City is short listing some
consulting engineering firms to provide the design work and it is anticipated
Meeting Minutes
City Commission/Chamber of Commerce Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 10, 2000
that approval of the firm selected would be brought before the Commission at
the second meeting in August.
Pond B has been moved up from the July 18th Commission meeting to the
August 1st meeting because of some additional staff work. Pond B is
expected to be substantially completed and operating in time for the bridge
opening scheduled for November 1st. Through June the City has spent $1.1
million as opposed to the total contract value of $4.9 million.
Mr. Foot noted that it would be important if Pond B could bey ready during
hurricane season when drainage is really necessary. Mayor Broening noted that
Pond B has an impermeable bottom and he will try to ascertain if it could be used
prior to completion. Mayor Broening felt that the drains on Ocean Avenue would
go directly into the Pond and probably are blocked and should be opened up.
Commissioner Fisher inquired why the Utilities Department couldn't have the
pumps ready for the Ocean Avenue area in advance of any heavy rains.
III. CRA Independence and Structure - Moving Forward
Mayor Broening reported that it is anticipated that the CRA would become totally
independent by the end of the calendar year. Mr. Lewis 'inquired what would be
needed to accomplish this. Mayor Broening would like staff to take the initiative
as it did with the first two appointments and provide recommendations to the
Commission from which to make their selection. Commissioner Black suggested
that at the next CRA meeting the Commission could instruct Mr. Greene to move
forward as had been done previously. Mr. Lewis suggested that a timetable be
set to accomplish this since the groundwork has already been laid.
Ms. Johnson inquired what the qualifications were for appointment and
Commissioner Black reviewed them for her. The statute requires a minimum of
seven to serve on the Board. Therefore, there would be openings for five more
persons. Mayor Broening felt that there are some procedural issues that need to
be further discussed in relationship to the Planning and Development Board and
whether the P&D Board would have any responsibility in the CRA area. These
are questions that need to be answered.
Mr. Bressner suggested that the first step should be for the Commission to
consider the criteria, duties and functions and approve them at a Commission
meeting in September. This would then open up the recruitment process. Mr.
Bressner said he would add this for consideration to future agenda items.
Mr. Bressner inquired if the Commission meetings on the first Tuesday of the
month would be changed due to elections. Ms. Kruse responded that the
meetings, for September, October and November would be changed from
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City Commission/Chamber of Commerce Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 10, 2000
Tuesday to Wednesday. Commissioner Black pointed out that CRA meetings are
scheduled for the Wednesday between Commission meetings.
II1. South Technical Education Center - What will happen there now?
Mr. Lewis reported that legislation had been passed and an initiative began to
move certain programs from South Technical to make them part of Palm Beach
Community College (PBCC). Therefore, certain programs were eliminated from
South Tech, but there was no provision for the second step, which was finding a
place of all the displaced students. The Chamber would like to know if the City
would like to become involved in this issue. Commissioner Fisher said he
understood that PBCC would be picking up all these programs. Mr. Lewis said
this did not happen and this is of great concern to the business community.
Commissioner Fisher suggested that this could become a project for the City's
Education Advisory Board. Mr. Hazlett said that a great many students do not
want to go to PBCC because it is a college environment. The only program that
PBCC took was the fire-training program. Mr. Hazlett thinks that a cosmetology
program has been instituted by PBCC at South Tech, and after speaking with the
new principal at South Tech, their enrollment is down 70% to 75%.
Ms. Johnson would like the City to bring the appropriate representatives together
from the City, the Chamber, the Technical School, the College, as well as the
County Commission and School Board, to discuss what happened and find out
what they intend to do about it. Ms. Johnson is also under the impression that
PBCC is seeking funds to build a building to hold the classes when there already
is a facility in Boynton Beach. These are students who want to become blue-
collar workers and learn, a trade. Now, there is no place for them. At one time
there were 4,000 students at South Technical. Mr. Hazlett felt that South Tech
filled a wonderful need in the City that has now been lost.
Mr. Bressner stated he was meeting on Thursday with Commissioner McCarty
and will bring this issue up with her at that time.
V. Marketing - Economic Development Package
Mr. Segal reported that he and Ms. Johnson have been planning to put together
an interactive CD about the City. Hopefully, it will be ready in time for the
corporate games. Also the City and Chamber are sharing space in their
respective newsletters.
Ms. Heavilin reported that the Chamber has formed a Real Estate Task Force,
which is a joint effort between the Chamber and the City. The intent is to identify
all commercial, vacant, industrial and business properties in the city for sale and
Meeting Minutes
City Commission/Chamber of Commerce Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 10, 2000
lease to be available to anyone inquiring about the City; this information would be
instantly available.
Ms. Johnson stated that together with the CD and the real estate information, an
economic development package could be put together. It will include economic
trends, demographics, labor trends, and available workforce all in one package.
This will all be linked to the web sites and will be continually updated.
Mr. Hazlett asked for an update on the Public Image Task Force. Mr. Segal
reviewed the information on the Task Force that had been previously presented
at the last joint workshop.
The salient points uncovered by the Task Force were:
The City lacks a planned coordinated Public Affairs Program, which resulted
in the appointment of a new director of media.
Lack of scientific measurement of public attitude and the recommendation
was a professional public information survey be undertaken.
Coordinate with stakeholders and lack of coordinated citywide involvement.
Reconstitution of a marketing and communication strategist.
Brand Boynton Beach and what are the characteristics of Boynton Beach.
The City's history and legacy are not fully appreciated.
District master planning. Visions 20/20 designated six areas for
The Task Force recommends that the City work with the Treasure Coast
Regional Planning Council to obtain community involvement.
Lack of coordinated marketing materials.
Widespread lack of basic understanding where the City gets its money and
how it spends it money.
Conduct personal interviews with community leaders.
Undertake a facilities audit.
Also, it has been discussed at the Task Force meeting that the City draft an Art
Board ordinance and that an Art Commission be created. Mr. Segal explained
the purpose of setting up an Art Commission.
Ms. Johnson reported that it has been discussed to prepare a state of the City
program and that December 6th has been designated for this purpose. This will
be presented at a breakfast beginning at 7:30 a.m. Mr. Segal stated that an
Annual Report of the City would be presented in conjunction with the state of the
The question was asked if there has been any progress made on developing a
concept for Boynton Beach, and coming up with a theme on how to sell the City?
Mr. Segal felt that the answer to these questions would be determined from the
Meeting Minutes
City Commission/Chamber of Commerce Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 10, 2000
Commission going out into the City to hold Community Forums, as well as from
the data gathered from the surveys being undertaken.
Mr. Bottcher inquired if there would be some benefits derived in reconvening the
20/20 group? Mayor Broening said this is being looked at.
Mr. DeMarco pointed out that he feels the City has a great deal to offer and that a
tour of the City should be instituted for the top realtors in the County. Mayor
Broening also stated this is being looked at for sometime starting up in the fall.
Mr. Bottcher would like to have the Visions 20/20 people reconvene, before a
whole new CRA Board is in place.
Mr. Bottcher expressed his displeasure on the newspaper article about scaling
back the Ocean Avenue project and felt these types of articles are not good for
the City.
Mayor Broening pointed out that the article only discussed the money aspect of
the project. There are plans for part of the project to be omitted, and it makes no
sense to fix the entire block and then dig it up again. Mayor Broening also
pointed out that the Ocean Avenue project is only being scaled back for one
block. The quality of the overall project will remain unchanged. Participants
discussed that these types of omissions in the press hurt the City.
Commissioner Black stressed that the scaling back of the project was not about
the money and the decision to scale it back was due to future plans to do
something with government center. Mr. Lewis was of the opinion that negative
press is the result of piecemeal planning. Commissioner Black pointed out that
up until now the City hasn't had the staff to carry out the visions and more staff is
now coming on board. Commissioner Black noted that the City needs to do a
better job in getting information out to the public.
Discussion on the make-up and direction that the City is going took place and the
reasons why people like Boynton Beach. Mayor Broening said that the City's
population has reached 65,000 to 70,000 people. Mayor Broening thinks that
the survey will prove very useful in determining what people want for the City. Mr.
Lewis would like to see the messages that the City wants to get out prioritized.
Someone asked if the City would be planning some type of ceremony for the
opening of the bridge and Mr. Segal said this is very important and that the City
is planning an event.
Mr. Hazlett would like to see more involvement in the City by the younger families
and currently the people who attend Commission meetings are directing City
policies. Mayor Broening stated that this ties in with the importance of
Meeting Minutes
City Commission/Chamber of Commerce Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 10, 2000
neighborhood associations, which is getting involved in common issues. Mayor
Broening asked Mr. DeCarlo to address this issue.
Mr. DeCado pointed out that there are a lot of younger communities within the
City and noted that the Congress Avenue corridor is the fastest growing section
in the City with mostly all younger people. Mr. DeCarlo would like to see the
neighborhood programs expanded to include younger people that would make
them feel part of the City.
Also, Mr. DeCarlo pointed out that the Haitian community is the fastest growing
segment in the community and there are now approximately 4,000 to 6,000
Haitians in the City. Also the Hindu community is growing in the south end and
these communities will be looking for economic development projects and
Boynton Beach is becoming a culturally diverse City.
Mr. DeCarlo pointed out that there are about 70 neighborhood organizations in
the City, but only about 30 are active. Mr. DeCarlo said he would be asking every
neighborhood to come up with five people, which would become a core of people
that would go out into the neighborhoods to perform community projects probably
on a monthly basis.
Ms. Heavilin asked what could be done to ensure a smooth transition throughout
the Ocean Avenue construction project and Mayor Broening responded that one
of the items that brought the cost of the project up was mobilization, which is an
effort to accommodate the residents and merchants. The City could have
reduced its costs significantly if it could have dug the street up all at one time.
However, the city chose to keep one lane open and phase the construction.
Commissioner Fisher also pointed out that a newsletter would be sent to the
residents and merchants to keep them updated. Mr. Hazlett suggested putting a
column in the Chamber newsletter on the progress of the Ocean Avenue
construction. Mr. Lewis said that it was never mentioned in the press that the
City was taking great strides to accommodate the residents and merchants by
keeping the street open.
Mr. Foot requested that the bridge opening not be delayed because of the City's
plans for a ceremony. Mr. Segal stated there is a difference between ribbon
cutting and a party and that they don't necessarily have to be held on the same
day. The City will remain flexible in this regard.
Ms. Ginny Foot wished to commend DOT on their signage and said that
meetings with the bridge people were held every six weeks.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission/Chamber of Commerce Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 10, 2000
North American Corporate Games - Team Development and City
Ms. Johnson noted that the City has received a great deal of good press on the
corporate games. Ms. Johnson noted that Wally Majors is working very hard in
getting the tennis courts ready and an event is being planned around the games.
VII. School Mentoring Match - October Program
A handout on the School Mentoring Program was distributed. Mr. Segal gave an
overview of the Governor's Mentoring Initiative Bill, which gave time to State
employees to mentor one hour per week in public schools. The Governor's goal
is to sign up 200,000 people in the State to do mentoring. The program is being
introduced in Boynton Beach and Boynton Beach will be the first City to enter the
program, in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce and the Florida
Department of Labor and Employment Security. Secretary Hooks promised
when the program starts she will come to Boynton Beach to help kick the
program off.
Mr. Segal noted that the handout explains what the program is.about and
reviewed the handout. The initiative requires -
State agencies to create mentoring programs.
Recruit 10% of each agency's staff to become mentors.
Boynton Beach's role would be to act as a catalyst to increase student
retention in City area schools; to provide positive role models; increase
student awareness through use of community resources; and to improve
student work ethics, build character and self-esteem.
Mr. Segal also explained the characteristics of a mentor and the benefits of
becoming a mentor. Mentoring includes one-on-one mentoring and sharing
mentoring, which is basically tutoring, advising, and counseling. All fulltime city
employees have received the approval of their supervisors to mentor and
employees are given one hour to mentor, which includes travel time.
Staff has already spoken to the School Board and they will be doing the training.
The Chamber has challenged the City that for every person the City gets to
mentor, the Chamber would match the City with someone from the business
Commissioner Fisher asked when the program would start and Mr. Segal said
they are planning to start at the beginning of the new school year. Mr. Segal
stated he plans on meeting with the City's Human Resources Department to get
Meeting Minutes
City Commission/Chamber of Commerce Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 10, 2000
the program online and will be promoting the program through brochures and
newsletters. Ms. Johnson informed Mr. Segal that the Chamber has scheduled
him to announce the program at their regular membership breakfast.
Commissioner Fisher announced that a school supply drive was underway and
that they are coordinating with Children's Home Society for books, pencils and
other school supplies that should be brought to the first meeting in August.
Ms. Johnson announced that they are doing a school supply drive in the
Chamber office for the Dick Webber Child Abuse Center for children at risk.
VIII. Possible Holiday Community Program w/City and Chamber
Mr. Bressner said that they would like to develop some type of holiday program
that would be located in the town center area on a non-secular basis, which
could include some type of holiday tree lighting or a community festival without
getting too involved in the religious aspects of the holiday season.
Commissioner Fisher would like the City to have a bigger event and to get the
businesses involved and noted the festivities that take place in other surrounding
It was suggested that some type of home-lighting/decorating contest could be
held in the City and awards could be given out. This could be tied in with the
City's holiday parade, which usually is scheduled for the first Sunday in
December. It was suggested that some kind of event could be held at the Mall.
Ms. Johnson inquired who would be coordinating the City's events and
Commissioner Fisher stated normally Parks and Recreation would handle this
and he would like the Chamber to become involved.
It was announced that the next meeting is scheduled for Monday,
September 11th at 6:30 P.M.
Someone asked for an update on the kiosks and Ms. Johnson replied that they
have sold the second and third kiosk. Mr. Hazlett said that four and five have
also been sold and there are bidders for the remaining kiosks.
Commissioner Black announced that on Saturday, July 22nd the Dolphin
Restaurant will be opening and noted it is a fabulous building. Commissioner
Black recommended that as many people as possible attend.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission/Chamber of Commerce Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
VIII. Adjournment
July 10, 2000
The meeting properly adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Sue Kruse, City Clerk
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(two tapes)
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