Tom Kaiser, Chair Lt. John Bonafair, Board Liaison
Stuart Preston, Vice Chair
Frank Bregoli
Stanley Gavlick, Alt.
Karl Washington, Alt.
James Bowman
William Mitchell
Victor Norfus
Bridget Roberts
Lester McKinzie, Alt.
1. CALL TO ORDER — Tom Kaiser, Chairman
Chair Kaiser called the meeting to order at 10:01 a.m.
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Chair Kaiser gave the invocation with special prayers for the passing of Chuck
Magazine, former Board Liaison, and good health for the wife of Kurt Leuchtner, and
Board Member Frank Bregoli.
The Recording Secretary called the roll. A quorum was present. Chair Kaiser directed
the members to contact the City Clerk to advise of any absences.
Mr. Gavlick moved to approve the agenda. Vice Chair Preston seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Commission
Boynton Beach, FL March 13, 2013
VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, January 9, 2013
The minutes were reviewed.
Chair Kaiser briefly reviewed the following:
➢ Veteran Council Events Spring and Summer 2013
➢ Post 164 Meeting, March 11, 2013 7 :30 p.m.
➢ Veterans Advisory Commission meeting March 13,2013,9:45 a.m. City Hall
➢ Post 164 Meeting April 9, 2013, 7 :30 p.m
➢ Medal Ceremony April 18, 2013, Presbyterian Church Boynton, TA
This ceremony will take place at the Presbyterian Church. Other Legion of Honor
ceremonies were planned for October 22, November 11, December 19, January 10 and
24 and February 3. Two ceremonies were planned for February 21, and one on March
6. Chair Kaiser noted 150 names were given to him to receive these medals and one
service man had died in the interim.
➢ Veterans Advisory Commission Meeting May 8, 2013, 9 :45 a.m.
Chair Kaiser suggested the members post these events on the bulletin board.
➢ Post 164 Meeting, May 13, 2013, 7 :30 p.m.
➢ Decorate Graves at Cemetery May 24, 2013, 8 :30 a.m. ( oolbriht)
Chair Kaiser announced he would try to enlist the assistance of the Episcopal Church to
decorate the graves of veterans. He had invited the pastor to two events, but he did not
attend. Chair Kaiser hoped this did not signify the church youth would not participate.
➢ May 26, 2013, Memorial Day 2 p.m. Cemetery Woolbright, Seacrest
Tents and chairs would be set up at the cemetery for this event. Chair Kaiser requested
someone from the Police Department attend to ensure all would go well, in the event
something unexpected came up. Lt. Bonafair agreed a representative would be present
and commented on the parking at the cemetery. He suggested a golf cart be available
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Commission
B oynton Beach, FL March 13, 2013
to shuttle veterans to their vehicles. Chair Kaiser liked the idea as most of the
participants are older, and the grass could be difficult to walk on. He suggested the
matter be discussed at the next meeting in May.
➢ June 6, 2013, -Day unveiling of US Army Monument Medal Ceremonies at
our Park, 11 a.m. Museum display
Chair Kaiser advised he was contacted by a woman whose father passed away, but
was a parachuter and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. She has a complete, brand new
uniform from WW II. She also had a Nazi flag, emblems and other items. Chair Kaiser
contacted a museum in Miami and arrangements were made to provide display cases
the Veterans Commission could use to display the uniform on a mannequin at the
event. The other artifacts would also be displayed and any members having them
should bring them along with a sign indicating who supplied the display. This event was
scheduled to start at 11 a.m.
Nothing was planned for the fall until October 13th when the Navy Monument would be
unveiled. November 11th was Veterans Day and the monument for the Unknown
Soldier would be unveiled at 10 a.m. and by 11 a.m. the firing squad and bugler would
be in place.
➢ Post 164 Post Meeting, June 9, 2013 7:30 p..
➢ Flag Day Ceremonies, Possibly at 5 p.m. at Post 164
➢ Flag Day at Park 11 a.m. — 20 minutes
a. Other
Chair Kaiser noted from December to March 6, 2013, 120 Veterans received French
Legion of Honor medals from representatives of the French Consulate.
Brief discussion followed about the monument to the Unknown Soldier and whether City
Commission permission was needed to erect it. Chair Kaiser was unsure whether that
was done, but requested a formal motion to put up the last monument at the Park to the
Unknown Soldier. All the other monuments were approved by the City Commission.
Vice Chair Preston so moved. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion that unanimously
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Commission
Boynton Beach, FL March 13, 2013
Chair Kaiser noted June 6th was also the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor and marked
five years since the Park was created. He sought to have another ceremony at the Park
as they currently only hold one. The Four Chaplains Ceremony takes place at a church
or temple. Chair Kaiser requested the members consider holding the Four Chaplains
event and perhaps the D -Day Ceremony at the Park and suggested this be discussed at
the next meeting. He thought for the money and time spent, the Park should be used
more often and relocating those two ceremonies to the Park would evenly space out
events throughout the year. He pointed out doing so, even though the Park was owned
by the City, was within the purview of the Veterans Council as they hold the
Chair Kaiser also commented the Boy Scouts held their MIA vigil on September 3rd at
the Park. This vigil does not draw a crowd. It only involved a ceremony at the beginning
and end of the vigil. He also complimented the Scouts at the last vigil as it rained
torrentially. As soon as the rain ended, however, the scouts resumed the vigil. Their
emblem, as a show of respect, was on the front of the program and he commented
there was an Open House at the American Legion with hot dogs, hamburgers and
Chair Kaiser introduced Lt. John Bonafair, the new Board Liaison. Lt. Bonafair explained
he is the Shift Commander for the night shift at the Boynton Beach Police Department.
He is a Veteran of Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom and has been in the Navy Reserve
for 24 years, serving as a Chief Petty Officer.
Ken Sutton, Commander at the Post, submitted an application to be on the Board.
Chair Kaiser noted the Board is down members and he requested a motion from the
Board to send a letter regarding Mr. Norfus' lack of attendance and that he is off the
Board. His appointment to the Board resulted in Karl Washington being bumped from a
regular member to an alternate.
Additionally, Chair Kaiser pointed out if a member missed two out of three meetings, he
remained on the Board. To be removed, a member must miss three consecutive
meetings. He thought the City should be made aware the Veterans Commission only
meets five times per year and the amount of allowable absences should be reduced. It
was noted Mr. Norfus received credit for attending a meeting five minutes before the
meeting was adjourned.
Chair Kaiser advised the Coast Guard Auxiliary was invited to be on the Commission.
He requested a motion, if - the City permitted it, to have a member of the Boynton Beach
Police Department serve on the Veterans Commission.
Vice Chair Preston so moved. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion that unanimously
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Commission
Boynton Beach, FL March 13, 2013
The Secretary was requested to ensure all applications received to serve on the
Veterans Commission are submitted to the City Commission so they could have a full
Board and that Board Alternate, Karl Washington, be moved to a regular member. He
also noted Steve Anton was present at the meeting and requested his application be put
before the City Commission.
Vice Chair Preston so moved. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion that unanimously
Lt. Bonafair commented in discussions with the Public Information Officer for the City,
Stephanie Slater, a suggestion was made to create a Veterans website. Chair Kaiser
liked the idea and thought Veterans activities should be aired on BBTV. He explained
the Veterans have provided positive press coverage for the City and was on NBC
several times.
A computer class would also be offered to the Board members to improve online
communication. Lt. Bonafair advised he would send an email to the members with the
details. He pointed out the computer training rooms are available and whatever the
members needed to know, they would teach. They would show the members the
website. Chair Kaiser pointed out he typed press releases on Veterans Council
letterhead. As to programs, they are only four pages. The sale of bricks could be
posted on the website as well.
Chair Kaiser hoped all vacancies would be filled by the next meeting. He welcomed
Steve Anton to the meeting and requested each member representing an organization
bring a member to the meetings. Chair Kaiser commented press coverage would not
occur unless one is out and at a place when the press is there.
Chair Kaiser gave the benediction, followed by a moment of silent prayer.
XI. NEXT BOARD MEETING =- Wednesday, May 8, 2013, at 10:00 AM
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Kaiser adjourned the meeting at
10:30 a.m.
Catherine Cherry
Recording Secretary