Minutes 12-26-74MINUTES OF THE SPECH~L MEETinG OF THE CZTY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY F~T~, BOYNTON BF~CHAT ~ :ooFLOR!DA'p. M. THURSDAY, DECE~BER 26, 1974 PRESENT Joe DeLeag, Mayor David Roberts, Vice Mayor Forrest Nallace Edward Harmening Norman Strna~ Fra~kKohl, City Manager Ernest Simon, City Attorney Mrs. Callie Clanton, Acting City Clerk Mayor DeLoag called the Epecial Meeting of the City Co~cil to order aU 6:00 P. M. amd recognized Vice Mayor Ro~ertso Mr. Roberts referred to ~eiag mismnderstood and he ~l~n~,t take offense toe often i% affects a great area he thinks cle in the lng. The word ab~ was all wate~ City a office and was sta~ed he talk t which was ~ He referred te a~ artt- Times co~cer~ing water costs ris- to water a~d not one have Bee~. it the bottom where he was wo~tdmake the Ee contacted their ~ateme~t was imcorrect. News-Jomrnal stating the mora- ~nstructio~was completed, purpose of this meeting was that contract for the waste water and Delray Beach. Mr. ff qmestions~ He take~ im the se~ne~ce of I~ter- tability for the RegiomaI , Annex II. they were not able te Et seems it We~ld ~ave ~ith the Delray kich coat ~t is ~uilt It Will have to the t~e npon CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PAGE T~O DECEMBER 26 , t 974 by the board composed of five members of each City a~d in turn approved by the separate a~d imdividual actioms ef each of the separate cities. He added that acticm hy the board will require i~ all cases a 70% ~ote, including affirmative action amd at leaSt two members of eaokcou~cil a~d six con- stituti~g the mimimum of a council, In getting back to the maim question, he feels and he has had much to do with this including a lomg study on it, if they had atte d ~ beth cities has te 1 As 970 to have f~da- ~ omt ) ef md ef a~d Mr. Roberts lock s the l~ave it tinue majl in the gO. to an electi0~ or T~ey resort to ~rred happen if there was a dead- t ' hat mt.wa~, very remote m~der questioned mf it wa~ 50-50. Mr, having the degree and mot to when some. tO the d h~ppen far preferable dec=. Nr. Roberts th~m- no amd electorm~ of t~e him that if it ce~d l~e yes~ if i~ Mr. ~al~ee S~a~ed that he had no questions. ~v~w. sitrmad ~tated he was perfectly satisfied with What hehas readan~i! thmmkSthey have the mos~ caPa~le person possible, who has!i~awnup~the co~tract ~or them. !He is perfectly sat- isfie~. Mr. St~z~ th~ed him and adde~ that he did have CITY COUECIL MINUTES PAGE THREE DECEMBER 26, ] 97~ help from others in the early draft stages. He added that the City Manager of Delray Beach put in some good suggestions and both ~ meaniag Mr. Strna~ stated at the ori- ginal me~tmng which they had i~ aa eDiniOm and not a de¢isiom in reference and he was ope~ for a decision after seeing what transpired. Mayor :o~ld render the people from is ~ t up. [~ possibly have semetking C were imCorrect im using this word. Mr. Sim.em i~formed them they were not incorrect in using this word in its genetic sea_se. They are approving and giving authorization. Mr. Wallace moved to approve the Interlocal Agreememt, Ansex I, ~astewater Discharged into the : ii amd these specific items be minmtes. Mr. Strnad seconded. Mr. Harmeniag added that the appropriate City officials should be instructed to amthorize these agreements. ~s. Clanto~ conducte~ a roll c~1~ vote as follows: Mr. Harmening - Aye .Mr. Roberts - Aye Mr. Strmad - Aye Mr. Wallace - Aye Mayor DeLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Roberts moved to adjomrn, seconded by Mr. Wallace. carried 5-0 amd the meeting was adjourned at 6:25 P. M. ATTEST: Motion Councilman (2mty C±emk~ - INTEP~OCAL AG REE~ENT. T~IS INTERLOCAL AGI~EM. ENT, made and entered into this o~ff ~ day of ~~~-- , A.D., 19/~, by and between the City of Bo~'raton Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation (hereinafter called · ,~oyn~on")~ and City of Delray Beach, Florida, corporation (hereinafter called "Delray"). a municipal WITN ES SETH: ~tEP~AS, Boynton and Delray are authorized by Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, to ~nter into intertocal agreements to cooperatively 'utilize ~he most efficient use of their powers on a basis of mutual · advantage md to provide services and facilities in accord best with geographic, economic, population and other factors influencing the - needs an~'developmen% of the local co~unity; and ~qEREAS, a public agency 'of this State is authorized to exercise jointly with any other public agency of the State or the United States au%Jaorlty ~hich such agencies share in common and which each might exercise separately;, and W~EREAS, in order to provide for the public.health, welfare and safe~y of the citizens of Boynton and Delray and others in the Region~ a regional approach is necessary to the furnishing of regional wastewater treatment and disposal without regard to political or governmental boundaries; and WREREAS~ Boynton and Delray presently own, operate and maintain~ their own ~astewater collection and transmission systems and, ~hereas# both Boynton and Delray will continue to. own, operate, maintala'andexpand said systems to deliver~wastewaret-to the ' ' $ou~hCen%ral Regional Wastewater Treatment And Disposal Facility {hereinafter called "Regional Facility"); and ~EREAS~ it is in %he best interest of the citizens of Boynton and Delray ~hat a single entity make all the policies necessary in connection with the providing and the furnishing of regional was%ewater treatment and disposa~ service in the South Central Region of Palm Beach County as presently established by the regu- latory agencies; and ~qF~EREAS, since such an entity will have broad powers and responsibilities, it should be City Council of each City. .Now, THEREFORE, for and composed of five members of the in consideration of the mutual benefits to flow to each other', the City of Boynton Beach and the City of Delray Beach and %0 the citizens residing in both Boynton and Delray, and in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and agreements herein contained, Boynton and Delray hereby agree with each other as follows: Section 1: . Purpose of Agreement. The purpose of this Interlocal Agreement is to create and by these presents does hereby create a legal entity composed of five ~enfo~rs of %he City Council of each of the two cities (Boynton and Delray) ~o be known as the South Central Regional Wastewater Treat- merit and Disposal Board (hereinafter called "Board"). The Board is charged with the responsibility of providing wastewater treatment and disposa~ services to the South Central Region depicted on the map dated December, 1974 which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof, which map also delineates the service areas of Delra~ and .Boynton. Such Board sha'll make all policies for the ad- ~nistratlon, ooeration,~ . = mazntenance,~ enlargement, development, re~ placement, and repair oz the Regiona~ Facility for the furnishing of wastewater treatment and disposal services to the said South Central Region. 1, Boynton and to comply To accomplish the purposes expressed in this Section Delray respectively and mutually agree with each other an~ abide by all policies as shall be set and deter- mined by such Board and approved by the majority vote-of the separate City Councils of Delray and Boynton, subject at all times, however, to the contractual rights of the holders of the revenue obligations of the separate cities. It is not the purpose of this Agreement to ~ransfer ownership of any existing facilities. Nothing in this Agreement, however, shall ever be construed to authorize the Board, -2- _Boynton or Delray to affect adversely or impair the contractual rights created and vested by reason of the issuance at any time of bonds by'Boynton or Delray. Section 2: Duration. The Board shall continue in existence until it is replaced by .(a) a satisfactory legal entity or contractual arrangement ap- ''prove~ by a majority vote of each of the City Councils or (b) by governmental restructuring or reorganization when ratified by the quatifiedelectors of the South Central Region, which must include a majority ratification by electors of Boynton and a majority rati- fication by electors of ~elray. Section 3: Powers and Procedures. Procedures. 1. The Board shall meet in~uediately and select a Chair- man and thereafter such additional officers and agents as the 'Board shall from time to time determine and who shall continue to hold such positions until their successors are duly selected and installed. . ~- ~ . - 2. She Board shall meet at le~ast_:~q~ar~e~rannually or more often when necessary upon call of the Chairman or upon request of not less than four [4) members of the Board to transact the business of the Board~ ~ . . 3. A quorum for the purpose of transacting business shall consist of no~ less than six (6) members comprised of not less than three (3) members of the 'City Council°of Boynton Beach and 'not less than three (3) members of the City Council of Delray Beach. 4. The concurring vote of seventy percent (70%) of members present, including the concurring vote of at least two (2) members of each Council'shall be necessary to decide any question. 5. The Board shall adopt by-laws, r61es and regulations to govern its actions and procedures. The following powers are exercisable by the Board: 1. The power and authority to accept funds appropriated to it by any governmental body or from whate~er source', and it may -3- apply for and receive grants and donations of all kinds. 2. May expend a%l or any part of such funds for any lawful purpose or purposes consistent with'~he general purposes of %bls Interlocal Agreement. 3. Shall have the authority, independently or by or with %he assistance of either of the participating parties hereto, to enforce all rules, regulations and policies adopted under the author- i%y of this !nterlocal Agreement, and may resort to any available legal process.for this purpose. 4. Shall be authorized to defend or prosecute all lawsuits and claims_in which th~ Board is a proper party and to collect and pay such expenses and ko settle claims related thereto, and to employ %he se~vlces of attorneys~ accountants and O.tker professional advisers for the prosecution-or.defense of such lawsuits and claims. 5.. Have such additional powers as are by resolution or agreement lawfully delegated to it.by the City Council of each City. " 6.~Enter into contracts ~or budgeted items.- ..... 7. Shall provide for appropriate depositorie~ into which all funds shall be deposited. ' ' 8. Establish a procedure for disbursement'of funds' ' ' from the appropriate depositories. 9. Establish fidelity bonds for those receiving and disbursing funds. 10. Make authorized purchases in the Board's name. t!, Transact all business and take title to ali personal property in its o~n name. . 12, 'Acquire ownership, custody, operation, maintenance, te~se or sale of personal property. 13. Shall purchase all necessary insurance coverage to fully protect the facilities, including but not limited to fire~ cas. ualties~ liability, workmen's compensation,, surety~ bonding, -4- The following powers, are exercisable by the Board subject to approval by a majority vote of each City ~0~cil'~efore becoming effective. 1. Shall create employee positi6ns. 2, Shall at least annually consider the Regional Facility with respect to the policies, rates, charges, maintenance, extensions, exp~sions, construction, financing and management and take such action thereon as is deemed necessary. 3, Shall annually adopt a budget in accordance with procedures established ~y the Board. 4, Enter into contracts for non-budgeted items. 54 Acquire Ownership, custody, operation, maintenance, lease or sale of real property. 6.- Return ~ny'surplus money accumulated to the Cities in their proportion of.<ownership of the facilities. (D) An indep~nden~ audit shall be made of all accounts of the Board at the end of each fiscal year and more frequently if deemed necessary by the Board. Such audit shall be made by certified public accountants experienced in g~vernmental accounting, and who shall ha~e no perspnal inSerest, direct or indirect, in the fiscal affairs Of the South central Regional Wastewater Treatment and '~ ~isposal Board, or of any members of the Board. The condensed audit · shall be distributed to members of the City Councils, .City Managers, ~isclose Pertinent facts concerning the activities and finances Qf the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board. ~ectiOn 4:' Procedure for amendin~ Interlocal Agreement. A proposed amendment to this Interlocal Agreement may be initiated hy any Board member in writing to the Board mt least Seven {7) days prior to a vote %hereon, and such proposed amendmen~ ~st ~e approved by the concurring vote of the Board as set forth -5- in SeCtion 3 above; provided~ shall become effective unless City Conncil acting independently. however, that no proposed amendment approved by a majority vote of each Section 5: Authority to hire and discharge Chief Executive Officer. The Board may hire and discharge a Chief Executive Officer by the concurring vote of the Board, as set forth in Section 3 above provided, however, no such action to hire or discharge such Chief Executive Officer shall be effective unless approved by a majority vote of both City Councils acting independently of the Board. ~ection 6: ~Duties and authority of Chief Executive Officer.. The Chief Executive Officer shall be the administrative head of the Regional F~cillty. He shall be responsible to the Board for the proper administration of all affairs of the Board and of the RegionaI Facility, and to that end, subject to the provisions of this Inter!ocal ~greement, the Chief Executive Officer.shall have the power and shall be required to: (A) ~ppoint employees. Appoint and when necessary for the '..good of the Regional Facility remove all officers and employees of theR~e~ionat Facility except as otherwise provided by'this Interlocal Agreement and except as he may authorize the head Of a department or office to appoint and remove subordinates in such department or office~ (B) ~dg~.,. Prepare the budget annually and submit it to the Board and be responsible for its administration after adoption. (C) .financial report. Prepare~a~d submit to. the Board as_ of the end of the fiscal year a complete report on the finances the R~gional Facility for the and administrative activities of prece~ln~g ~ear, (D) financial condition. Keep the Board ~dvised_of the f~nancial condition and future needs of the Regional Facility and ~ke such recoramendatiOns as may seem to-him desirable, ~) ~her duties. Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this Interlocal Agreement or.required of him by the Board not inconsistent with this Interlocal Agreement. Section 7: Ownership. ' Ownership of the regional wastewater treatment and disposal facilities shall be vested proportionately with Delray and Boynton in accordance with the capital investments of each City as made from time to time. Facilities may be constructed on land owned by %he Board and/or leased-from either City. Land and/or facilities owned by either City may be leased, purchased or otherwise acquired by %he ~oard. Land f~r the treatment facility may he acquired by the Board and 'financed in the same manner as the improvements. Each City may meet~its required capital contribution by contributing cash, land, capital assets, or any combination thereof, provided, however, that any such contribution other than cash shall be first approved by the Board and by the majority of each City Council. Each City will pay the debt service on its own bonds. section 8: Services and cost allocation. Ir'is agreed ~hat the initial project for a 12-million gallon per day -(MGD) facility to be constructed under the terms of this Interlocal Agreement will be that project more fully described in the EPA application FY75 No. C-12-0406010, and sig~ed by appropriate officers of each Ci~yo It is further agreed that the services of ~he Regional Facility shall be available only to the wastewater received ~hrough the transmission lines of Detray and Boynton. Both Boynton and Delray agree to an allocation in the initial 12 MGD ~roject of 6 MGD average daily flow for each Cit~. The capital cost allocation for each City will, therefore, be 50% of the total for the same initial project. ' The capital cost of any ~xpansion of capacity of the Regional Facility shall be apportioned to each City in proportion to the allocation to each City of such added capacity. Section 9: Written Agreements. ~The Cities may enter into written agreements from time to time temporarily assigning unused portions of the allocation of capacity from one City to the other City. Such agreements shall ~ ~be administered by the Board. Charges to the user under such agree- merits shall be 150% of the monthly billing rate per MGD. Of the said 158%, one-third shall be credited to the billing of the and the remaining two-thirds shall be retained by releasing City, the Section 10: Supervision and operation. I~ view of the fac~ that initial installation of regional wastewater treatment disposal facilities will be within the city limits of Delray, the Board will contract with' Delray on a non-profit basis t0 supervise the construction of and to operate the Regional Facility, provided, however, that-such contracts shall be approved by the majority vote'of each .City Council and provided, further, that such contracts shall be subject to the contractural rights created and vested b~ reason of the.issuance of bonds by Boynton or Delray for the construction of said Regional Facility° Section 11: Renewal and replacement requirements. Renewal and replacement requirements of the Regional Facility shall be considered by each City in the establishment of their respective rate structures. Section 12: Expansion.. At any time the plant has reached 75% of the overall design ~apacity of ~h~as~ e~pansi0n incremenC; the Board shall commence final financing and engineering plans for the proper expansion of the project~ -This planning must be completed by the Board and submitted to the City Councils of Delray and Boynton for approval ~y the time the plant has reached 85% of the overall design capacity of the last expansion increment. -8- Section 13: Financial support. Within ten {10] days after this Interlocal Agreement becomeseffective as provided in Section 14 hereof, Delray and Boynton shall each pay to the Board the sum of $25,000.00 from their respective public funds to provide financial support to defray a portlon of the costs of fulfilling the purposes set forth in this tnterlocatAgreemento Section 14: Approval, filing and effective date. ~his Interlocall Agreement shall be immediately submitted to the Department of Legal Affairs of the State of Florida for approval as required by the provisions of Section 163.01(11), Florida Statutes. A copy of this Interlocat Agreement and all subsequentamendments thereto shall be filed ~ith the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach C~unty and with the Department of Community Affairs of the State of~lorida. This Interlocal Agreement shall take effect irm~edlately upon its approval by the Department of Legal Affairs and its being filed as provided in Section Statutes. ~' IN~?~TNESS I4HEREOF, the City of of Delray Beach have entered into this have caused 163.01(11, 12), Florida Boynton Beach and the City InterlocalAgreement and it to be executed by their duly authorized officers. CITY OFDELRAY BEACH A I4unlcipat Corporation Attest: Approved as to correctness and for~ ~- ~/ity ~lanager City Attorne7 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH A Municipal Corporation Approved as to correctness and ~rm: ' ' ~ity Attorfiey -9- ALLOCATION OF OPERATING COSTS ~NNEX. I tO the Xnterlocat Agreement between the City of Delray Beach, -Florida ("Detray")~ and the City of Boynton Beach, Florida ("Boynton"), (hereinafter sometimes referred to collectively as the "City" or the "Citles")~ dated the ~ day of '.~ ~~ , 19 J~. This Annex will establish and provide the basis of operation, supervision, mana~ement~ maintenance, repair and replacement cost determination and billing therefor of the Regional Plant° 1. Proration of Operation Costs: Boynton and Delray have agreed part of the Board's ~'operating costs" IntertocalAgreement to ~vhich this is to pay to the Board a proportional as used herein and in the attached which are defined as the total cost of all operation, supervision, management, maintenance, repalr~ renewaI'~nd replacement expenses and ~11 other operating ..... _ expenses. The porti°n of the operation costs paid by each Cit~ shall be based-on the. ratio that each City's flow bears to the total flows. Said costs shall be billed on a monthly basis ~nd shall be payable by eac~ City to the Board within ten (10) days after receipt of the invoice for same. 2. Metering Stations: It is agreed that the Cities will from time to time, at their exl0ense, acquire, install and construct metering facilities of a t~pe, quality and at locations approved by the Board: and. acquired ~y the Cities at-their expense, for the purpose of providing depend- able recorded measurements of flows of wastewater discharging from the Cities into the Regional Facility. Said facilities shall be operated, supervised, managed, maintained, repaired and replace~ by the Board as a cost to the Regional Facility. Until said metering fac=litles have been so acquired, installed or constructed, the cities shall not discharge any wastewater~ into the Regional FacilitY. of "~ ~3aa% period of time will be billed ~- of the~-h-ree preceding monthl~ Failure of Me~rs: In the event of a meter failure which prevents the recording continuous flow data for any period of time for billing purposes,_ on the basis of the daily average flows° 4. sludge: - It is agreed that the prompt removal of sludge is necessary to the eff~clent operation of the Regional Facility, and no charge '.shall be made to either of the parties hereto for the sludge removed ~y s~ch p~rt~ and ~ny sludge so removed shall be treated as the property of that part~. The sludge shall be available to the cities ~_on an eq~l basis. [ ' 5. Claims Agains~ the Cityt. In defending or prosecuting any claims of any nature whatsoever, l~wsuits~'actions, causes of action, workmen'S compensation, or any other matters pertalnzng to the operations of the Regional Facilit~ and the activities of the Board, including legal fees and ~expen,ses~ fees.f°r professional, services, or any other related expenses# shall be included as a part of the operating costs of the Regional Facility-. 'CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH A Municipal Corporation CITY OF DELRAY BEAC~ i% Municipal Corporation Mayor At~est~. ~ > ~ . . _ .. . Attest: ~ ~f~ _/~: ×~-z4 - - City Clerk ~ ~ Approved as to correctness ' red as ~o coffee, ess . ApprO - · and form. ~~ ~, - ~Ianager ~ .~ty ~lanager ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~'~ - ~ty .Attorney ~ity ~ttorney EXHIBIT A STANDARDS OF ACCEPTABILITY FOR WASTEWATER DISCHARGED INTO THE REGIONAL FACILITY ANNEX II to the ~nterlocal Agreement Florida ("Delray"), and the (hereinafter sometimes "Cities"), dated the 1. Definitions between the City of Delray Beach, City of Boynton Beach, Florida ("Boynton"), referred to collectively as the "City" / or the Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise~ the meaning of terms used in these regulations shall be as follows: ~'Sewage WOrks" shall mean all facilities for collecting, puiaping, treating, and disposing of sewage° _ "Sewage" shall mean a combination of the water-carried waste from residences, business buildings, institutions, and industrial establishments, together with such ground, surface and storm waters as may be present b~t unintentionally admitted. "Sewer" shall mean aplpe or conduit for carrying sewage. "Public Sewer" shall mean a sewer in which all owners of abutting properties have equal.rights, and is controlled~by public authority. "Sanitary Sewer" shall mean a sewer which carries sewage b_~d to which storm, surface and ground waters are excluded. "Storm Sewer" or "Storm Drain" shall mean a sewer which carries storm and surface waters and drainage, but excludes sewage and polluted industrial wastes. "Water Pollution Control Plant" shall mean any arrangement of devices and structures used for treatment of sewage. "Industrial Was~es" shall mean the liquid wastes from industrial processes as distinct from sanitary sewage. "B.O.D." (denoting Biochemical Oxygen Demand) shall mean the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five days at 20 degrees C~ -1- expressed in parts per million by weight. "PH~ shall mean the logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution. "Suspended Solids" shall mean solids that either float on the surface of, or are in suspension in water, sewage, or other liquids, and which are removable by laboratory filtering. "Natural Outlet" shall mean any outlet into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake, or other body of surface or ground water ~"Watercourse" shall mean a channel in which a flow of water occurs~ either continuously or intermittently. "Person" shall~mean any individual~ firm, company, society, corporation.~ or group. '~ "Shall" is mandatory; "May" ispermisslve.' . "'City" shall mean either City of BoyntonBeach or City of Delray Beach, as applicable. r .~ "Constituents" shall mean the combination of particles or conditionswhich~exist in the Industrial Wastes-. ........ ~. "Flammable" shall be defined by existing fire regulations. 2. Use of Public Sewers.~ A. Except as hereinafter PrOvided, no person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any of the following described waters or wastes to Board's Regional Facility. 1. Any liquid or vapor having a temperature.higher than 150 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Any water or waste which may contain more than 100 parts per mitlion, by weight, of fat, oil~ or grease, or any water or wastes containing oils, greases, or other substances that will solidify or become viscous at temperatures between 32 degrees to lS0 degrees Fahrenheit. 3. Any gasoline,~ benzen-, naptha, fuel oil, motor oil, mineral spirits, commercial solvent or other association, -2- flammable or explosive liquid, solid, or gas. 4. Any water or wastes that contain more than 10.0 parts per million by weight of the following gases: hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, or nitrous oxide. '5~ Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, offal, plastics, wood, paunch manure, hair and fleshings, entrails, lime residues, beer or distillery slops, chemical residues, paint or ink residues, cannery waste bulk solids, or any other solid or viscous substance capable of causing obs%rnction to the flow in sewers, or other interference with the proper operation of the sewage works. 6. Any waters or wastes having a p~ lower than 5.5 or higher, than 9.5 at any time, or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard %o structures, equipment, and ~ersonn~l of the sewage works. 7. Any waters or wastes containing toxic, poisonous, -or~dioactive substances in concentrations such as to constitute a hazard to humans or animals or to interfere with any sewage treatment process, or create any hazard in the receiving waters of ~he sewage treatment plant. The limits fixed herein may be used as a guide Fixed Upper Limits .in design and plant control, the Board in ~he event of a the sewage trea~nent plant. for Constituents 1. Cadmium but may be altered by cummulative overload on (Parts per Million by weight] 0.1 2 .- Chromium 0.5 3. Copper 3.0 -3- 4. Cyanide 5. Nickel 6. Silver 7. Tin 8.' Zinc 9. Phenol 10. Lead 11. Mercur~ 12. Arsenic 13. Flouride 14~ Selenium 15. Barium 16~ Strontium 17. Chloride 18. H S 2 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 3.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 :0.01 I~,3 0.1 0.0 600 I0.0 B. Any waters containing suspended solids of such character and quantity that unusual provision, . _ attention or expense is required to handle such materials at the sewage treatment plant. . 9. Any noxious or malodorous gas or substance, capable of creating a public nuisance or hazard to life or preventing entry into sewers for their maintenance, inspection and repair. 18. Any waters containing quantities of radium, naturally occurring, or artificially produced radio- isotopes in excess of presently existing or subsequently accepted limits for drinking water as established by the National Committee on Radiation. 11._. Any concentrated dye wastes, spent tanning solutions, or other wastes which are highly colored, or wastes which are of unusual volume, concentration of solids or compositibn that may create obstruction -4- to the flow in sewers, or other interference with the proper operation and-treated effluent of the sewage works. The admissien into the public sewers of any waters or wastes having a five-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand in excess of 500 parts per million by weight on a 24 .hour composite basis~ or for any sample period having a five-day BOD in excess of five times the average influent.value for the affected sewage treat- m~nt plant during the previous calendar year, will be subject to review by the Board. ~'~ere necessary in the opinion of the Board, the Contributor shall provide and operate at his own expense, such pretreatment as may be required to reduce the Bi~ch~mical 'Oxygen Demand to meet the above requirementso C. The admission3into the 'public sewersof any waters or wastes having a suspended solids content in excess of 500 parts per million by weight on a 24-hour composite basis or having a suspended solids content for any sample period greater than five times the average influent value recorded at the affected sewage treatment plant during the previous calendar year, will be subject to review by the Board. ~ere necessary in %he opinion of the Board, pretreatment may be req~ire~ as ~in B above. D.. The admission into the publi~ sewers of any waters or %~astes in volume, or with constituents, such that e×isti~g dilution 'conditions in the sewers or at the treatment plant would be affected to %he detriment of the regional treatment plant, shall be subject to review and approval of the Director of Utilities of each City. Where necessary in the opinion of the Board~ pretrea%ment or equalizings/ units may be required to bring constituents or volume of flow within prescribed ~acceptable levels and to hold or equalize flows such that no p~ak flow conditions may hamper operation of any unit of the sewer system. Said equalization or holding unit shall have a capacity suitable to serve its intended purpose, and be equipped with acceptable outlet control facilities to provide flexibility inoperation and accommodate changing conditions in the waste flow. E. ~here preliminary treatment facilities are provided for any waters-or-waste, they shall be maintained continuously and/o~ use~ in satisfactory and effective operation by the owner/at his expense Waste discharges to the regional plant by either city shall be limited as to chlorides as follows: initially 1500 ppm for five years after the date of connection of the City's system to the regional plant or until advanced waste treat- merit is added to the regional plant, therJafter, 600 ppm for five'years. chlorides exceed the above standards whichever is sooner; In the event that the for any 30 day period, the monthly operating charge to-either City as provided for in the Agreement shall be multiplied by the ratio of the a6tual chloride concentration to the standard and the rate produced will be monthly charge billed to the applicable cities~- No credit will be givenfor chlorides falling below the standards. G. All' measurements, test and analyses of the character- istics of wakers and wastes to which reference is made in this Annex II shall be determined in accordance with "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage," and shall be determimed upon suitable ssar~pies from the nearest down- stream manhole in the public sewer to the pointat.which' .... =~_ the building sewer is connected. H. Any approval by the Board of a type, kind, or capacity of .... an installation shall not relieve a person of the responsibility of revamping, enlarging or otherwise modifying such installation to accomplish an intended purpose. Nor shall any fixed or verbal agreement as to limits of constituents or volumes of -6- waters or wastes be considered as final approval.for continuing operation. These limits will be subject to constant study and change as considered necessary to serve their intended purpose. I. In the event of an accidental spill or u-navoidable loss to ~he .drains of any deleterious material, the industry concerned shall promptly notify the Board of the nature of the spill, the quantity and time of occurrence. J. No statement contained in these rules and regulations- shall be construed as preventing any special agreement between the City and any industrial concern whereby an industrial waste of unusual strength or character may be accepted by the Board for trea~/nent, subject to payment therefor by the industrial concern. K. ~o storm water~ yard drains, roof drains, air conditioners, or street catch-basins shall be emptied by either City into the Regional Facility and no waste from an~ industrial or commercial plant may be discharged by either party into any sewer unless said waste shall first have be~n treated as . ~ . prescribed herein. 3. -Overloading, Endangering or Impairing Efficient Operations It is understood that both Cities will enforce the Standards of Acceptability set forth herein. It is further agreed that no provision of this agreement or any other previous agreemen~ shall be construed in suc~ a manner as to allow either City, either for itself or for the use and benefit of any person or entity to construct and connect any sewer or sewers which will overload, endanger or impair the efficient operation of the Regional Facility. IN WITNESS WHEP~OF, the City of Boynton Beach and the City of Delray Beach have entered into this Annex II to%I~%erl6cal..Agreement -7- and have caused, it to De executed by their duly authorized officers. CITY OF DELI{AY BEACH A Municipal Corporation Approved as to correctness and form: - CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH A Municipal Corporation  /- ~ Mayor - ,/ Attest: ~ Approved as to correctness and form: . · Ciy~ M~ager t City Attorney -8-