Minutes 10-01-74~EKNUTES OF REGULAR CITT COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CIT~ OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, TUESDAY, OCTOBER l, PRESENT Joe DeLc~g, Na~or E~ward F. Harmeming, Ceancilmam Norma~ F. Str~ad, Councilman ABSENT David Roberts, Vice Maurer F~rrest L. Wallace, Ce~acilma~ Ernest Simcm, Ci~yAtterney Frank Kohl, City Manager Norris Rickey, Acting City Arty Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Mayer DeLeng called the meeting or order at 7:30 P.M. and aske~ all tc rise for the imvecatie~ give~ by Rev. Ernest R. Cs~pbell, First Baptist Church, fellow ed ~y the Pledge of Allegiance led ~y Ceumeilmam Harme~i~g in the absence of CcumcilmanWallaee. Anno~cements Mayor DeLong read a letter receive~ by Fire Chief Wright from the Office of the Treasurer in Ts~aha~see in regard to the seleetiem ef the Fireman cf the Year, Firefighter Kite ef Beymte~Beach. M~vor DeLong said he and CQuncilmanStrnad wo~ld go tc TaILahassee to take part in this award. The Mayor then recognized the presence of Mr. Norris Rieke~ who was substituting for the CL~yAtter~ey, Mr. Simon. At the request of Gertrude Watson, Lect~rer in the City of Boy.ton Beach, Mayer DeLong read a Proclamation adopted by Governer Askew, proclaiming National Open Meeting Month for Weight Watchers, September 30 to October 20, 1974. The Mayor gave the meetimg times and place for Weight Watchers as Tuesday 9:30 A.N~ and ?:30 P.M. an~ Thursday, 9:30 A.M., $03 N.W. Second Avenue, BeyntcnBeach, It was noted that the City was net adopting this Proclamation as such, but just reading same. Mayor DeLong advised that yesterday he sBd Ceu~eilmam Strnad went to the Palm Beach County Commission Chambers for the final heari~ on the budget for the ensuing fiscal year which bega~ today. Mayor DeLong said they attended at the request ef the County League cf M~_mieipalities a~ were pleased' te l~earn t~h~t ~lt~hcug~h the County Co??is. sien ha~ erigima.lly p~an~e~a mo ~uaget $50,000 for prel.~mzmary work on a five-year p±an mcr Seacrest Beulevar~ ($-laning, me~ian strip, etc.), they have ~ew put~$150,o00 in the budget for this work. They also budgeted $65,000 for mmprevememts of the roa~ east cf 5th Avenu?, comi~ off the overpass a~d also the $10,000 was put bae~k in for the~.~0th Aven~e project., . 0~ Thmrsday morning__ there will be a hea. mmg whereby ~he City will get the ~5 acres on the south end of the Ci~, east ef Cemgress Avenue which the City ~ applied for as far back as 1966. -1- NINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~EETING BOTNTON BEA~{, FLORiDA OCTOBER 1, Mrs. Emily Jackson, Chairman cf the Bi-Centennial Committee, in~ro~ueed all members ef the Committee amd along with I~ Jones, Scrapbook Chair~, presented a scrapbcek to Librariam, ~rs. Faraee. tc be displaye~ in the new Library. Nr. Jsm~es ~Me~ara. member ef the Bi-Center~uial Committee, then addressed the CounCil em the achievements of the U~te4 States in its history a~d pledged the Committee's support ef the in~erests ef Beynten Beach. Nay~r DeLong complimented the selection sf the committee members a~ also pledged the City's smppcrt~' Ce~3aeilmm~u Straad noted that the $65,,08 referred Ge earlier by the Nayer was for 15th Avenue er~W~&e~right Rea~, net 5th Ave~e~1 Nayer DeLeng asked those in ~he audiemce wishing te speak abomt items em the agenda to give their names to the City Clerk se they ceded be called at the appropriate ~ime. NINUTES ReE~lar ~eeting - Seotember l?, 19~4 ~Lr; Harmem$~g msved Ge accept the Ninutes of September l?, 197~ as submitted, seconded by NrJ Strmad, No dissuasion. Notion carried 3-0. it was announced that City Hall would be closed for observance of Celumbms D~y, Nonday, 0etcher 14, 1974. Simce it was too early for the public hearin~ at 8:80 p,N., the Nayer moved Ge page 2 ef the Agenda, OLD BUSINESS Qensider Preliminary. Approval of Herbert A/%,son Assoc. Ftri' Kohl referred to the material before Council, including excerpts from the Ni~utes of the Regular Neeting cf the Plan~ing & ZoninE Board of September lO, 1974 wherein they indicated their recommendation for preliminary approval en the above ~nder a P~;D. zoning. All back up material b~,seen in the City Nanager's office er aG th~s evening's meetiD~. ~r; Harmeming moved to gr~ut pretiminaz~y approval cf Herbert 3u~sem Associates in accordance wiTJa the recommendations ef the Pla~ai~ & Zeni~ Beard. Nr. Strna~ seconded. Ne discussion. Notion carried 3-0. _ermmeter.,,.Pmommg Replaeeme.nt ,- ,~ilscm ,Peel t~. Kohl referred to excerpts from the Ninutes of Regular City - 2 - NINUTES - REGULAR Ci_~T COUNOIL NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER l, 1974 0eumcil Neetimg ef April 2, 1974 whereim he had recommended replacement of this pipimg as soon as the peel closed. Simee Nr.- Harme~ing moved te accept the City Nanager's recommendation above amd te proceed immediately, seeende~ by Nr, Strna~. Ne disc~ssieno Netie~ carried 3-0. NEW BUSINESS ADNINIS TRATIVE A~vertisin~ for Z eni~ ~.5%,.~p ~ir. Kohl said he would like to advertise this as an Ordinance is advertised inasmuch as it would take two ee~ter sections for the zoning mad tc be publicized amd this weul~ run approxi- mately $~,~00~00 which is exerbitamt, There is ~ething in the Char~er which states that we h~ve to publicize the drawing ef the map in the newspaper, The City emu state in its advertise- merit thmt the map is en display at City Hall. Nayer DeLeng noted that the map probably ee~uld net ~e a~vertised in its entirety an~ to break it up would e~st the City Nrs. Emily Jackson, 728 N.E. 9th Avenue, felt since this was such a comDrehemsive endeavor for the benefit ef the citizens, she wished the City could find the money somehow te allow for advertising the map. ~, Fred Kos%~aer, Chairman ef the Plann~ & Zoning B~ar~, stressed the efforts ~f the Beard in preparing the zoning map an~ noted that it had net been UlUlated for at least 12 years. He felt just displaying the map in CiSy Hall was ne~ geed enough amd N~. Kestner appealed to ~euncii for consideration to advertise in the newspaper. Netin§ that Nr, Vastine had also re~ueste~ te speak on this subject, the Nayer c~lle~ for a me~m~n~' te suspen~ the regular order ef business as it was time for the public hearing. Mr. Harmenim~ moved te suspend ~he regular order ef business and te oreceed te dispense with all items scheduled for a public ~earing, ~r. Strnad seconded. Ne discussion. Notion carried 3-0, PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 PoN. Abandemmen3 Re~uest¢of Boynten ~est Development Mr~ Ko.hi referred tea reeuest before Comm¢il from Nr, Enrico Rossi, .E. regarding the-above, Beynton West Development ~TES - -REGULAR CI~ COUNCIL ~EETiNG 0CTOB~ i, 1974 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Corporation has a contract' for the sale ef 14 lets te the adjoin~ng l~d ovmer, who happens to be thc Baptist Church, ~nd this 23r~ ~vemue ~ C~ess Avemue. ~. Ke~ submitted the following ~er~ation for Co,oil's perusal. The public hearing was advertised in the Bey~ton Beach News Jo~nal en September 12th and 19th, 1974, He assured that all r~uirements ha~e been complied with and ~ur~aer, approval for this request w~s received from T~he Department heads con- cerned; the City Engineer an~ Buildi~ Official, Also, the City has received letters~;fr~m the following: Fla, Dept. ef Transportation "does not have any utility facili- ties ~nvelved ; Fla. Public Utilities Co, "ne e~ection-"ne underground gas distribution facilities-; Teleprompter Cable T~%% "We have no cable in the above areas,-~ Seuthera Bell "no cbjeetto~ . ~he.Pl~an~t~. and ~oning Board, a~ their regular meeting of eDmember 2~, 197~ also gave their a~roval te this ~-~ Nr, Kohl sa~d he has all toe,es of l~tters notices ~;~^~ etc, ~ h~s off,ce xor Council's perusal as well as at this evening's meeting. Nr~~ Ko~l noted that he received a letter from Florida Power & Light today s~ating t~. they have no objection to aband~m- memt of these easements ~f Boynton west Development will ~r~a~t F~L.easemen~s as.indicate~ on th? site plan . ~. ~oaz sa~d ~n checking with the C~y Engineer ~ud Buil~i~ Official, t~ts can be done in the ri~h~ way and he would--like te see this 4one. Nr;~ Harmen~g moved to gra~t the request for a~andonment of Boynten West Development Corporation, provided, ~ewever, that the request of Florida Power & Light is carried cut, ~Sr.- strna~ seconded. No discussion. Notion was veted upon by roll call vote as follows: Councilman Harmening - Aye Councilmam Strna~ - Aye Nayer DeLong - Aye Eotien carried 3-~, There was some discussion as to whether or not a~ 0rdin~ee had bee~ prepared, as the Nayor felt the audience should not be asked whetheruer not they are in favor of a motion. Nayor DeLong asked if auyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of this motion. Nr. Eestner note~ tha~ ~he ~atter had the approval of the Plan~ng & Zo~i.ng Board. Nayor DeL cng asked if anyone wishe~ te speak ~n opposition to this motion. Ne reply. Notion carried 3-0. It was olsmified that the Ci~yAttorney would have,Resolution drawn up for the next meeting pertaining te the above. -4- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BE~EH, FLORIDA OCTOBER l, 1974 Mr. Harmening ~uestiened the order of busLuess, noting that ~Lr, Vastine was ~iti~ te speak ~d Mayer DeLo~ note~ that ~he motion was to ~isDe~se with ~he D~blic he~ -- w~ reg~g the a~e~en~, ~ th~ ~e pree~e~ ~ ~ispense wi~h ~l i~e~ sehe~e~ for a Dublic he~i~. The N~er felt to ~avoi~cemfusiem, all i~e~ sehedule~ for sheul~ be t~en a~e ef at ~he s~e t~e -- ~ this case the ensmed at some length regarding the procedure follewed~ ~. Rickey felt the order of b~siness would be to proceed with the age~da as it's laid out. LEGAL _0rd~ina~ces 2nd ReadiD~. -. PUBT,iC P~--~RING Pro~esed Ord. ?~. ~.4 - Re: A~w~-xaticn of Lake View Raven ~r. Rickey read the above Ordinance en second reading by caption ~. Es~mening moved for the adeptic~ of Ordinance ?~-34 en second and final reading, ~ ~r. Strnad seconded. No discussion. ~ms. Padgett ccnd~ed a roll call vote as follows: Councilman Harmening - Aye Councilman S tr~d Aye ~layor DeLong ~ A~e Notion carrie~ To avoi~ f~ture eenfusio~ ef this type, Mayer DeLeng requested of Mr. Kohl that in the preparatiom of all agendas, the public hearing sections be segregated from a regular or,er of busimess. Mr. Harmening moved to ret~rn to the regular order of business. Mr. Strnad seconde~. No discussion. Notion carried 3-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE ~r. Edward Perry, 2560 S.W. 10th Circle, publicly apologized for remarks he made in Jar~uary directed against the Building Dep~rtme~t and Mr. Barrett as he has since developed a geed working relationship with same, adding that Mr. Barrett is doing his job correctly. ~ayor DeLo~g accepted the apology on behalf of Council ~u~ asked that Mr. Barrett step forwar~ to accept also, which he ~id. After some discussion as to the order of Dusiness, Mr. Vastine was i~vited up to speak. Mr. R~~ B. Vast~e, 132 Leisureville Boulevard, felt that the newspaper with the greatest circulation im the City of Bcynten Beach ought to have this map publicized therein as there is a -- ~ -- EINUTES - REGULAR CITY CONNCIL ~ETING OCTOBER 1, 1974 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA major public relations factor involved. He felt the citizems should be able to study the map without havi~g to come into City Hall aud he complimented the efforts efaJL1 these who reek part i~preparatien of the map. ~. HarmenL~g said he Was im favor of a~vertising the proposed zenimg c~_~e ~ he felt many people would be interested, however, he meted it was a lot of mo~ey te advertise in the newspaper. He suggested printing the map in the same size as it would appear~m the newspaper and include it with the water bills cad he felt it would cost cer~ideraDly less. 2~yer DeLe~g felt it would De worthwhile exploring this idea. ~r. Kohl said he didn't have a specific deadline and a~ree~ this method would eesta lot less. Nr. Kohl sai~ he had me objection te a~vertisi~g -- his job was to try te come up with the memey after Ce~neil decides en the course ef action te follow. After some further discussion on the merits~f Nr. Harmening,s s~ggestion and after clarifying that N~. Kohl would have enough ~ime, ~r. Harmeni~g moved that the City Nanager be instructed to make a study as te the cost ef mailing a copy ef the printed zeningmap to each home with the wa~er bill. ~r~~ Str~ad seconded. Under discussion, Mr. Strnad suggested if anyone received the map who could not interpret it preper2y, it be clarified that the property in questio~h~d been rezened. Nr, PL~rmening felt it would entail a great deal of work te only send maps to the people whose property has been re-zoned and if ~nyone has a question, he should speak to someone who is informed. It was clarified that something womld be include8 in the mailing asking e~h resident if the changes affect their property. Notion carried 3-0. M~r. Fred Kestner, Chairm~ of the Planning & Zoning Board, said ail people ~o not get water Dills a~d he was ceneer~ed ~oeut the people in the condominiums. ~, Kehl said he would see that the condeminimm owners received copies a~ he would still be able to handle the mailing in accordance with Council's wishes. Nayor DeLeng said the United Beynton Civic League ceuld help by netifyLug people also. NedicalArts Nra. Loyal Roh~baugh, 285? S.E. 1st Place, referred to the/ parking lot en an u~umbered parcel, zoned RiAA and p~t to a commercial use on residential property adjacent te her home and she asked for Council's feelings on this matter. It was noted that this matter had been in litigation and ~ decision was rendered in favor of the City. The matter was discussed at some length ~Ud it was decided that the City Na-uager would get an opinion from the City Atter~ey as te where the Council stab_ds. It was clarified that ~r. Kohl had already sent a 'request to ~r. Simon ae he should have an answer ba~k Dy the October 15th meeting. ~r. Kohl sai~ he wo-e~d send ~rs. Re~baugh a written copy of the City Attorney's opinion when it iS received. -6- NINUTES - REGUIdLR 0ITT COUNCIL 5!EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER l, 1974 Nr, Fred Kostner, Chairman of the Pl~uning & Zoning Boa~d expressed appreciation for the yellow ship that was painted alone the curbing from Walter Dmtch~ southward, however, he felt it should be completed to the Greyhound Bus~ depot, It was decided that this matter should be taken up with the City Namager. Nr. Harry LeFort, 2152 S;~E. 1st Way, referred to the motion made at the last meeting regarding ~usxatien. It was clarified that the City Attormey had been i~ructed to smbmit a reply te this ~mestien amd it would ~e discussed under AD~INISTRATI~, Nr. F~ 0. VamDeusen E27 N;E. 2End Avenue~ expressed appreciation for the lighting the City provided on 22nd Avenue. AD~IINIS TRATI VE Censide~ Purchase ef Truc~ D~r, Kohl requested deleting this item until the meeting of 0etcher l$~th as mt would be necessary to have four members of Council present. ~r. Harmening moved to place this item en the table, seconded by~!r. Strnad. No discussion. Notion carried 3-0. O.onsider Request from Bernard Werther of Delra~. Acme Taw~ Co, 5ir~ Kohl referred to Nr. Werther's letter of September 25, 1974 which was before Council regardin~ am application for rate increase to be in accordance with Delray Beach taxi rates. That would be 80¢ for the first 1/4 mile ~ud 10~ ~ =~ a~d~t~cmal 1/?tn of a mate; also ~9.~ per hour waitin~ tim~ Ee noted there has hem been a rate cha~ge smnce 1969 - refer to Section 27-14 Boyn~on Beach Code, Page 38~ - a~d the price of gasoline has increased since that period better thrum 5~%. Insurance has doubled, and the cost cf vehicles has increased by ~0%. Y~. Werther felt this would Be the only way he would Be able to give the proper service te Boynten Beach. Nr. Kohl said he checked with the four surro~mding cities and Beynton is the lowest as far as taxi rates. Mr. Strnad questioned the $9,~0 waiting rate and wished to knew if it was for a full hour or a portion of a~ hour. ~r. Kohl said this was not clarified in the ordinance and he read ~$~tes of ether cities in comparison. It was noted if ~s ~nerease was approved, the ordinance woul~ then have to be ~m~nded. After some further ~iscussion, Nr.'Harmeming moved te tmrn this mat~er· . over tc the City. Nanager. to contact the City Attorney ~or amending the.a?proprmate or~mnance and imelude in the en~nge more spee~fze~information as to the waiting charge along with the other new rates. Mr. Strnad seconded. Ne discussion. Netimn carried 3-~. -7- NII~WJTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER l, 1~74 A~licatipn for ~eense - NcCoys Used Mr, Kohl referred te the completed application before Council which has been approved l~y the Police Department, Buildi~ a~d Zenir~gDeFartments, with one stipulation by the Police Depar%-ment that used cars would not be parked on the street. H' The address is 72~ NJ Federal _ ~ghway, Beynten Beach. It was clarified that i~ comparison with the application for a mse~ ear ~ealership that was turned down at the last meeting, this is a changeover i~ owaership ef a~ existing business. In conjunction with the ether ~epartmen~s noted, Nr, Kohl reeomme~ed approVal, noting the ~e. stipmlatio~ above. After some discussion as te the location 9f this business, Mr. Harmening moved to grant approval ef this application with the stipulation that no business be eendueted on the public right-cZ-way in any manner whatsoever im accordance with ~he request of the Police Department. Mr. Strnad seconded. No discussion. Motion earrie~ 3-0. Application for Permit te Solicit: Heart Association of Palm Beach Cowry Mm, Kohl referred to the a~plication before Council noting that the dates of solicitation 9oald be Heart Sunday ~eek, house to house, Cem~z-e~ and Industry Drive, month of February, and he recommended approval, ~. Harme~img moved te grant approval of the above application, seconded by t~r, Strnad. No discussion. Notion carried 3-0. C_~nsider ~e~f.und en Cemete.ry Lots: C. arl W. ~ns...~elen N. Sommer Pit. Kohl submitted the request of Carl W, Sommer in regard to lots in Boynton Beach Memorial Park. The Cemetery Board in their meeting ef September 24, 1974 voted unanimously to recommend allowLng the purchase orice of $250.00 for the lots in Block C to apply on the purchase price of lets in Block N. Er. Kohl then read Hr. Sommer's letter of request. Upon the mecommendatien of the Cemetery Board, ~. Harmening moved to grant the request of Mr. Seamer. ~Ir. Strnad seconded. Nc discussion. ~otion carried 3-0 (to pmrchase three plo+~ together in Block N, Addition #1, #588A, 508B and 509A in Boynton Beach Memorial Park). Receipt of CorresDondemce from Duffy ~ro_nrath, Inc. I~r~' Kohl read a letter from the above firm addressed to the Mayer in which they offered to Boynton Beach a 200 acre tract ef land en Congress Avenue witbi~ the City of Boynton Beach, which could be used for a golf course and recreational complex, asking price $6,000,00~. - 8- mINUTES - REGULAR CITY_ 00UNCIL ~TING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 1, 197~ Nr. Strnad moved to accept the above letter and hold in the file for future consideration. Nr. Harmening seconded. No discussion. Notiem carried 3-0. Consider Eeeuest ef ~ire DeDar...tment F~. Kohl noted the request from Fire Chief Gene Wright for a ba~e radio as the old radio is 16 years old and parts are not nowa~amlable.' 5~, Ke~ said money is Dm~ge~ed in sa!~ies w~eh c~ be transferred for this o~ ~ ~,~,~.~ . ~e~a. radz~ for appro~ma~e~y $2,035,08 plus a ~ape recorder. · ae ~az ees~ wo~d ~e a~o~t ~2,200,0~ ~d ~. KehI r~ueste~ pe~issien ~o go em~ for emergency qme~ti~ for a Base radio s~tien. Nr. Strnad moved to grant the request of the Fire Department upon ~he t~e¢ommendation ef the City manager, Harmenim~, No diseussiom, motion carried 3-0. Annexation - Feasib~ ~.ty ef Placin~ on Referendum ~Ir. Kohl noted that he had requested the City Attorney to study this matter in accordance with the request of the City Council at the last meeting, in view ef the ~harter regarding a.nnexation. ~r. Kohl read mr. Simon's letter of September 23, 1~74 in which he advised that t~e referend~am procedure for annexation of unincorporated contiguous land is set forth ~u Section 7(32) ef the Nunicipal Charter. These previsions pertain, however, to the proposed annexation of a specific trae~ of land rather than as to the general question of annexation. Accordingly, a referendum on the general question of whether er not to annex additiena! land, while Lndicative of the wish~s of the voters, would have no binding effect upon any specific anmexations in the futu~re. Nayor DeLon~ felt the Council should think about amending that particular section not to go alom~ with 25 names om a petition since the City is of a greater size. He felt at least 1/5th cf the voters ef ar~ municipality should be required. Discussion ensued between ~yor DeLon~ ~ud ~m. LeFort in the audience regarding the actual numbers of people required to sign a petition amd the Nayor exp!ained that he felt 25 people should not be permitted to stop the progress of the City. mayor DeLong felt the City should be concerned with westwara expansion and broa~eming the base of its tax strmctume. He felt that he woul~'t have gene along with the way Charter World originally c~me into the City as he thought the people were ignored re~arding their petitions. However, he fel~ he was bound to uphold the pre~ent provisions of the Oharter, although he doesn't agree with the one on Charter World. ~m. LeFort said in 1972 that Nayor DeLeng asked people to remove their names from the petitionagainst St. Andrews which the Nayer denied. Nayor DeLong explained he was om the Developme~ said he told mm. O'mara that this was not an issue that the - 9 ~INUTES - REGULAR CI~IT BOTNTON BEACH, FLORIDA COUNOIL ~EETING OCTOBER l, 197~ Chamber of Commerce should become involved in. Nr. 0'Nara concurred. Nayor DeLong said he told the people to use their own j~gment, Although the Cha~er ef Commerce requested him to do this, he felt the people shomld de as they wished. ~r. 0~N~ra sai~ the situatic~m~s just as Nr. DeLong described. Approval ef B.!lls ~. Kohl read the following bills f~r approval: t. Flerid~ League. ef Cities Bmdgeted Funds 1~7~-75 ~dget - 1~-264 2. Freem~ ewer 3,190.28 Rev. Bend Series - 1974 Pay from Atlantic National Bank Ameriea~Steel Servi.ces Centers Galv. ~ip~ Pay from i~73-74 Budget 6130-580 4. K. estts Trueki~E Service Shell rock Pay from 1973-?~ Budget 2500-280 5.~ R~hin Con.~truetien Co. Rental of E~uipment - Street Paving Pa~w from I953-?~ Budget 2500-520~08 Rms~!I &~on - Inv. ~? J~b ~46O.-1-11-~P Regiemal was~ewater T~e~ent Pi~ - Pay fremu~zlmt~y General 1,931,83 1,311.00 2,227.50 61,?19.~5 7~ Russ.ell & Axo~ r Location & New Well fiel~s~ Inv. ~Job 6858,~-CP Pay from 1973 ~$ B~dget 6300-298 i~011,05 Rmssel~ ~ Axon -Inv, #28 Job 6858-!~A-CP 2,657.8? pay from Utility Gene~al-Reim-bursablefrom D~0.T. DEISTS - Not te be paid until checked further. Russell &..~xon ? inv, ~18 Job ~8~8-ON-111&OP S~n~~ewer extension - Laude~'!'e Cons~ pay from Utilit~ ~ ~ ~enera& F~d R~ssel!& ix_~n %nv,#~ Job~6858-$tll&Cp I~erim~aste~ter Tre~tm~ntFaciii~¢~- Wa~er & Sewer Rev, Bend - 1974 Series Pay from &t!antic National Bank 5,627.60 The bills described have been approved a~d verified by the department heads invelve~; chocked and approved for payment - l0 - ~INUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER l, 197~ by the Finance Director~ f~ds are available in their respective Dudgets. Nr. Kohl recommended Dayment of these bills with the exceptien e£ number 9 above. Regarding Item 6 in the amoumt of $6t,?i9.45, ~, Kohl said this is part ef the $160,O*~-edd as far as Boynton's part ef the Regie~al Wastewater Treatment Plamt such as that which Delray had t~ pay in the same ameunt. This Just abeut finishes it upj There is eme mere bill which is small. After this is ever with~ regardless ef what EPA says, ~. Kohl will pursme the matter te try aud get the City's memey ~ack. H~armenm~gmove~ tc pay the Dills as sm~mitted with ~he deletm~ ef Irem 9~ secend~ed By ~r. Strna~. No discussion. carried 3-0, ADjOUR~[ENT ~4r, Hmrme~ing moved te a~journ, seconded by Nr. Straad. Netien earrie~~-O'. Neeting adjourned ~t 9:24 P.N. CITY OF B0¥NTOM BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: Councilman ll-