Willie Swoope, Vice Chair
Ben Lowe
Margaret Newton
Lesha Roundtree
Floyd Zonenstein
Vince Piraino, Chair
Wendy Kelly
Irma Khoja
I. Openings
A. Call to Order
Vice Chair Swoope called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Zonenstein
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and determined a quorum was present
III. Approval of Minutes from February Meeting
Mr. Zonenstein moved to approve the February minutes The motion was seconded by
Mr. Lowe and unanimously passed.
IV. Announcements
Vice Chair Swoope apologized for not getting the Board member's input for the agenda.
He hoped there would not be any issues. He did not have the opportunity to speak with
Chair Piraino
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL April 10, 2013
V. Approval of Agenda
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Ms. Newton wished to add an item under Special Business to discuss the need for the
Community Relations Board.
B. Adoption
The agenda was approved by consensus.
VI. Public Audience
VII. Old Business
A. May Presentation Code Enforcement Guest Speaker: Status Update
Vice Chair Swoope commented it was his understanding that the Code Enforcement
guest speaker would be in attendance at the May meeting. Since no one had any
comment, it was suggested to check with Chair Piraino for the status since he was the
one scheduling the speaker.
B. Status Update on CRB Brochure
There was no status available on the brochure. It was unknown at this time if there
would be a brochure in the future. However, there was a one page flyer that was
passed at a previous event and that could be used for the interim.
1. CRB Liaison
There was still no information on the CRB Liaison replacement.
2. Education Initiative
Ms. Newton advised she received no emails concerning this initiative. She does not
know what the status is. Mr. Lowe suggested that possibly it would not come to fruition
due to the Commissioner who created it resigned. Vice Chair Swoope will follow up
with Chair Piraino. Ms. Newton suggested that possibly the Board could continue on its
own with the initiative instead of waiting to see if a Commissioner would continue to
promote it. Possibly the Board could partner with the CRA in some way.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL April 10, 2013
Vice Chair Swoope commented that the Community Relations Board, like any other
Board, can play a role, but he was not sure it should be this Board's responsibility to
lead the initiative He added the City Commission would most likely have the
responsibility for authorizing whatever staff, agency, or Board was going to lead it and
take a role in it.
Ms. Newton explained that the initiative was put in place to highlight the educational
opportunities available in Boynton Beach. It was suggested that Chair Piraino follow up
with the Commission to find out the status of the education initiative program.
3. Other Items /Concerns
Ms. Roundtree shared that she attended a Commission meeting recently and there
were residents there complaining about the police officers and the volunteer police
officers about approaching the senior citizens in the community regarding their
handicapped tags and requesting proof they were eligible for them. The senior citizens
felt they were rude and were being harassed. Ms. Roundtree felt all police officers,
whether volunteer or not, should attend some sensitivity training
Mr Lowe commented that if anyone hears someone complain at any City board
meeting, they should be asked to attend the Community Relations Board meeting for
possible action
Mr Zonenstein commented that he also attended the meeting and recounted the story
of the officers involved. He also stated there was an investigation being conducted on
the incident
There was discussion on next month's presentation by the Code Enforcement
Coordinator. Steps need to be taken to insure there is an audience for the meeting.
There was a suggestion made to bring in one of the homeowner's association that
recently had problems with Code Enforcement in their community It was also
suggested that the press be contacted for coverage. It should first be confirmed that the
speaker is, in fact, still scheduled for the May meeting.
C. Other Presentation Topics /Future Meetings
It was discussed that sensitivity training and relationships within the community might
be a good topic for future discussion
VIII. Special Business
A CRB Future
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL April 10, 2013
Mr Lowe felt that the City Manager should attend a meeting so that a discussion could
ensue about the future of the Community Relations Board and its relationship with the
City. He felt with the new Commission, new ground could be covered and the
relationship could be defined and renewed There was brief discussion by the members
and concurrence on steps to be taken to ensure the future of the Board and the need to
inform the public it exists.
A Citizen Complaint Form was passed around to the members for review. Copies
would need to be supplied and made available. It was requested that the complaint
form be attached to the minutes.
Ms Roundtree suggested that possibly all advisory boards could rotate in the lobby
during each Commission meeting and hand out brochures and let the public know that
there are Boards within the City that could be of assistance to them.
IX. Adjournment
Mr. Zonenstein moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Newton seconded the motion that
unanimously passed
-ate_ at,66,gr
Ellie Caruso
Recording Secretary
Citizen Complaint Form
Your Contact Information
Your Name
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone (with area code)
Phone Number Type Home Work Cellphone
Email Address
Whom Do You Believe To Be Responsible For The Problem?
Owner /Company Name
Street Address _
Zip Code
Owner or Company Unknown
Address or Location of Nuisance
Nature of Complaint
Please check all that apply
❑ Abandoned Vehicle
❑ White Goods /Bulky Items In Alley On Property Both
❑ Trash and Debris Accumulation In Alley On Property Both
❑ Structurally unsound fence
❑ Brush on right -of -way
❑ Unsecured vacant premise
❑ Trees overhanging into street
❑ Construction work without permit
❑ Hazardous Material
❑ Junked Vehicles
❑ Other
Briefly describe the problem. Please provide as much detail as possible regarding the
description of the event and its location Please indicate any evidence or documentation
(i.e. photos, logs, etc.) of the nuisance that you will be able to provide.
If you remember specific times v‘hen the problem occurred, please list the time of day
and date:
Are you willing to testify under oath at an enforcement hearing, if needed?