Minutes 08-06-74MINUTES OF REGULAR CIT~ COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR~A, HELD aT CITY HALL, TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1974. P~S~T Joe DeLomg, Mayor David Roberts, Vice Mayor Edward F. Harmemimg, Coumcilman Forrest L. Wallace, Councilman Norman F. Strnad, Councilman Frank Kohl~ City Manager Ernest Simon, City Attorney Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Mayor DeLong called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. and Welcomed everyone. He asked the audience to rise for the imvocatien give~ by Mr. ~rank Kohl, City N~ager, followed hy the Pledge of Allegiamce led by Co~m¢ilma~ NermamStrnad. Mayor DeLong stated at this time he felt it'~would he very appropriate if the members of the audience a~d the members of the Coumcil bowed their heads with him for a silent minute of prayer f r W.mn. nme Larson. He annommced that she had been active at Sterlim~ Village ~eing President of the Board of Directors and was a steady visitor to the City Co,oil meet- i~gs and she was present at the last meeting. He added that it was a shook that she die~ quite suddenly. Announcements Mayor DeLong announced that he would like to request ~. Paul Startzmam to represent the City at the D.P.C. meeting in West Palm Beach. Ne added that he would like the Council members to attend also, if they could possibly make it. Mr. Roberts asked the date of this meeting and Mayor DeLong replied it was on Wednesday, August 28. Mayor DeLong continued that Mr. Startsman has done a lot of work on this and has a lot of background. In view of Russell & Axon being tied in with both cities, it was determined advisable to have Mr. Startzman as cur spokesman. The Council members agreed to this. Mr. ~allace referred to correspomdence from Congressman Rogers. Mayor DeLong advised that he had a telephone oomversation witk Congressman Rogers and he wants the opimion and sentiment from Council members of what is recommended. He added that he appreciated Mr. Wallace bringing attention to this. A $oll was then taken and all the members replied.they were firm. Mayor DeLong replied that he was pleased an4 now kmew what direction he could go im and would take care of it. Mayor DeLong referred to the Agenda under IX, Administrative, Item E, and requested that the Community Appearance Board be added. M.INUTE~ - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 Mayer DeLong referred to a datagram published by the Florida League of Cities, which he believed was worthwhile. He re- quested members in the audience to pay strict at~emtiom te tr2 to help this alomg as requested an~ suggested. ~ the mouths ahead, the qmestiom of federal revenue sharing will be once agaim ~efare Cemgress. As you are contacted for smpport, you are requeste~ to urge them te support the re- enactment of federal sh~ing i~ the present form, Mamy of from Flori~a ~id not support revemue s~arimg. shoul~ be in favor of it. When you are te them to If yom would take this it will held Nayor addressed to him from Robert F. ef Divisiou E of Unite~ W~y cemeri=g Mayor DeLemg to hahdle this im the Bey~ten Beach. Mayor DeLeng state~ he believed this ~ benefit to B~ynto~ Beach; therefore, ~e did accept to serve au~ will inform the CoU~il as they go along. MINUTES Regular Meetin~ - Jul~ ~6~ 1974 Mr. Narmening referred te Page 8, next te the bottom' line, where he said ~'it" gives and it should be "this" gives. Strike the werd "it" an~ substitute "this". Mr. Btr~ad moved to adopt the Minutes cf the Regular Meeting ef July t6, 1974, as corrected, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No ~iscussion. Motio~ carried ~-0, with Mr. Wallace abstaim- lag since he was absent. PUBLIC A~DIENCE Mr. Wallace stated he would like to take a moment to commend the Fire Department and Police Department. Ne told about their efficiency at two different accidents em West Boynton Road and 2he~escue efa man at a comstruction site. Mr. Wallace then moved to report a commendatiem in the record of the individual concerned. Mr. Strnad seconde~ the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Jeh~ Cleary stated his name and his address as ~60 South Boulevard. Ee stated he would like 2e k~ew if certain people have special privileges to call upon the library te have them do research for them. Also, some people have special privi- leges te keep out becks for a lomg perio~ of time. Mayer DeLong state~ this point was well t~ken. -2- MINUTES - REGUL~ CITY C0~NCXL MEETinG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mr. Jc~hc-Vam Demsen stated his name and his address as 227 N.E. 22nd Avenue. Ee stated he could mot knew what is going om umtil after he read it in the papers. He thought the people should be aware of the budget meetings, so ~hey could sit in en them. Budget meetings are held without amy notice. He feels they shovld Be notified, so they can atte~ them for their i~- terest, replied that he am~ the ¢ommcil members agreed with Mr. Re asked if the regular proeedvre had been followed. Mr. Kohl advised that tkis was a~vertised i~ and em the radio. Mayor DeLeng remarked that it would he job to call everyeae an~ also t~a% no~ice was peste~ o~ the deers ef the Hall. Mr. Roberts a~lded that there will ~e two public also. Mrs. Frank Simmers stated her marne and her address as 653 ~.~. 4th Avenue. She stated she was here to represent a group pro- testing high water bills for the past mo~th. The ~st ef the thing is that yom j~st ge ahea~ and pay it. She moved here three years age and has alt her bills. ~ past month, ~er water bill was $3~.25. They were away en vacation from Jmne 2] to July 7 and the bill includes these two weeks. The pre- vious two months were ~?.~5 each am~ several months previous to that were ~9.~5 each. Mayor DeLeng ~uestioned if she had complained to the City? Mrs. Eimmoms re~lied that she called Fro. Nekl and the man chect~ed the meter. T~e d~y after she came back from vacation, she saw men in the yard and they advised they were meters in the area because ~f high water billa. When that day, she received this high hill. The people ne~t ~ad been having bills aroun, d $10.00 and their bill this month' was $26.00. Mrs. William~ on the next street ha~ a ~il.1 up te $45.00. Mayor DeLeng stated he believed some in~eStiga~iom-shoul~ be made in that area to see what i~ going ch. Mrs. Simmons advised they had checked in the area and some me,ers are so covered with dirt, they could not even ~e read. Nayor DeLeng then asked the City Manager the. results ef this. Mr. Kohl stated that a few weeks age there were other people here in reference tc this and they had men check the meters. The meters were checked and they all agree~, we ca~ only ge by whether the im M~rs. S~m~ons, case. He the~ her yard while she was plied: mo, that it was rain. ¥~yor DeLong asked if in the line and Nr. Kohl replied if~ayone had watered as they had a lot of checked for any bre~W~ h~ checked every- thing. Mr, Wallace asked if any readers ha~ been hired and Mr. Kohl replied that .mono. had been hired lately. -3- MINUTF~ ~ REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 Mr. Wallace asked if the meter had been read om a monthly basis since she has lived im Beyntem Beach? Mrs. Simmons replied that she could mot possibly say, as she had not seen anyone read the meter. Mr. Wallace stated that he had asked before if the meters were read on a regular basis. This la~y is locking for an answer. He di~m,t think they could just say they were sorry amd eve~ though she was away for two weeks, it could go from $13.00 te $30.00. Ne requested a thorough investigatiem to be held in reference te all the people who have cempls~tmed in this area and an adjustment should he made accordingly, Nayer DeLong remarked that with this big jump, it appeared something is wrong. Mr. ~arme~img stated he lieved the Oity Manager should imvestigate ~his a little mere. Possibly a few meters have net been read recently and possibly wrong readings have been made. It woul~ seem rather ~ecmliar for several in the meighberheed te all have leaks. Nr. Kohl stated he would recheck this~. Mr. Fred Kestmer stated his name s~d his address as ~40 Nigh Point Boulevard. He stated that he had a similar experience and the meter was also read amd found te be accurate. Ne tur~ed the water off from the outs~ide of the building fe~ud the meter still rumuing. They ~i~ find a bad leak them betweem the meter smd the h~ilding. Mrs. $1mmems asked if it would be~investigate~ amd Mayor DeLong advised that the City Nanager would make a thorough study. Am an from the audience stated he had the same problem amd went te City Hall. A mam was sent to check his meter ~d the meter was ru~ing even though he had his water turned off. He then femnd water ru~ning into a pipe in his utility room that he did not knew about. Mrs. Russell Wells stated her mame and her address as 316 7th Street. She stated she was Mrs. S~mmo~' neighbor who re- ceive~ the $45.00 wa~er bill. She talked ~o Jehnmy Jo~msom a~d to his knowledge, the water meters were dependable. Ju~e was the wettest month we have had. Two of our children were away om vacation. The biggest bill we have had was $20.00 and that was when we watered day and ~ight. Nayor DeLong stated that the City Mamager would take ca~e of t~. Mr. Mike Mignon stated his name a~d his address as 2300 N.E. 1st Lane. He referred to the request te support the revenue sharimg as it is. He stated that before he would do this, he would like to know how Boynton Beach would spend the money that would come te them umder this legislation? Mayer DeLeng imformed him that they have eight agencies to spend that money on. Last year we were advised by the state and federal author- ities to reduce the ad valorem tax on the resident. Mr. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 Migmon stated that ~n~tead ef reducing taxes, it should be msed for education, etc. Mayer belong advised him they must file am application with the federal agency advisimg what we plan to do with the funds for the ensuing fiscal year. This was requested by the City Mamager and approved by the City Council amd forwarded to the federal agency. For the ensming fiscal year, we still have some money emcumbered whieh will go te the Little Leagme Parkland aids for the needy amd aged. On the application it was listed for aG eneral Services Bmild- ~g Co~p~e~, ag~d_amd_~ee~y, an~ Little League ~all fields, r a total of $2~5, ~57, Nr. Mi~ ~h~We~ Mayer for his explamation and adde~ thatmayBe some momey msed to take care ef along Seacrest Boulevar~ tee. in co~jun= recommended by whie~ ~cludes Boulevard. T~e priation ~de them ~ if if ~e Co~ty took care ef Del,mE ~formed him that ra~rea~. ~. w~ terrible. a five lrai~s,, medias strip, agreed ~o along as be an appr~- r~t~ead Mayor takes ears off,is with the west o~ En~ Avenue ~hat $~ is ~at they ~on't the proper base down. particular there willbe p~t in. Hr. Migmon rem~?ked that in ~e cars were getting ruiaed. ~DeLemg plan to do the proper Job as So~n as 1-95 is people,s ' ~hey ~1.o there. Mayor DeLong asked those in the audience wishing to speak about items on the Agemda to give their names te the City Clerk, who would call them at the appropriate time. Mrs. Harry Harbison stated her name and her address as 1006 N.W. 7th Co~urt. She stated she was referring to the roads im this area and Hr. Kohl had called her and advised her to tell the neighbors that they were going to get the road black sealed. She was wondering why this has not been dome. This is a place in Boynton Beach that is completely forgotten. Mr. Kohl stated that he did advise her that the read would be primed as soon as Rubin Coustruction comes back from vaca- tion this Monday. It will be primed. Ma~or DeLong stated he believed it is mot the intentiom to wait for the system for the 50%. He believed there were some very good poimts made why they did not wait for the 50%. He believed they should try to accommodate these people, as this is a health hazard for anyone with emphysema, etc. He thought he was firm in his convictions that they are doing what is best for all co~- corned. Hr. Kohl advised that this road also ha4 to he built MINUTES - P~EGUL~R CITY COUNCIL ~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 up with shell rock. Mayor DeLong remarked that from all appearsmces, it does look like we will try to cooperate. Mrs. Harbiso~ stated that their air conditioner has beem ~roke~ since Ja~e 14. She has called the air conditioner people, Jo.h~son Brothers, every single day simce J~me 14 and the a~swers~ag service states they have given the message te them. Ye haven't heard one word ~rom them amd with the win- dews open, her house is a mess. Mr. Roberts questioned whether this has been on the agenda for any action a~dMayor DeLe~g replied: not yet, b~t the City Mamager is ha~li~g it. Mr. Kohl stated that it would he brought before ~e ~ity Co,oil for the cost of priming a~d it is ~eing Drocessed. Mr. Larry Williams stated his mame amd his address as ~21 N.W. 6th. Ne state~ that there is a~ emDty let moar~ smd it is a hazard 2or children. About a year age, it was cut by the City a~d he weald like te k~ow if the City is goimg te do it again this year. ~er DeLemg suggeste~ thmt ~e make this request through the City Manager. Mr. Jay Kay stated his name amd his address as Village Royale On the Green. He state~ ~e had no complaLat, but just wanted to go on record te commend ~wo City officials. First he com- mended Mr. FrsmkKohl for fast action i~ response to citizens at Village Royale on the Green, Ne read newspaper commenda- tions printed from this arsa. The other article cemmemded Mr. Jack Barrett for his service. Everyone at Village Royale tha~d~ them, even though they are in the ~ack line behimd the City ~o~¢il. Mayor De~omg thanked him a~d added it was always se mice to receive some flowers with the w~eds. Mr. O. T. McLea~ stated his name a~d his address as 906 South Federal Highway. Ne state~ he didn't want te criticise tonight, hut waited ~til this moment to see if mmyo~e woald speak for Mrs. Win~ie Larson. Her life has been simply rich in serving others. She has steadfastly contributed her life te held others. He stated he had never heard her c~iticise or refuse to render service. She was physically handicapped a~d never gave ap and ~ever lost her sense of hamoro Mayor De~,o~g thanked him for his testimonial. It is nice to k~ow there are still people with compassion still existing. Mr. Sidney Schwartz stated his name and his address as 1006 S.W. 18th Street. He stated this was the first time he has had the pleasure and opportunity to appear before the City Council 'amd from onset, he would like to commend them for the democratic ways they have conducted this meeting. He then read a petition to the Governor from residents in refer- ence to expenses for recreatiomal facilities. It referred to the monthly amount amd how it was raised. Most of the -6- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 residents are semior citizens living ena fixed budget amd a~y increase works as am extreme hardship, The pelit.lom ended by were s~re the Governor of Flsrida was interested in those who have settled in this great state, etc. Two requests were made in the petitiomo One was that the laws be amended to require all condomi~imm amd ~svelopment associations to file yearly with a~ agemcy a statememt reflectimg all imceme a~d ex~enditmres ma~e by this ~ Second that a state amdi~er amdit the beot~ Ee stated that he k~ows the ~ity ~emmoit ~oe~ ~et have the ~ewer they re¢om- Governer. He then presem~e~ a copy of the that itappeared t~ the ~ommty like to meea repre- Ee s~tatad placed en He it w~ula be next ~eetimg. of This the~ will it womla get some leaders or dele- was ~ery happy s~a~t e~ he be ~ ~t for tkis. item along om the BIDS ~ix (6) Portable Radio U~itsfor Police Departmemt Mr. Kohl said the Tabulation Committee recommended acceptance of bid from Mr. Joh~ McKenzie, District Sales Manager of Motorola, Inc,, in the amoant of $6,732.G0, funds available in the L.E.A.A. Gramt (Law Enforcement Assistance Administra- tion). Im addition, six (6) multi-chargers in the amount of $667.00 is low bid by _Mr. McKenzie ef the same compamy. Fmnds are available for this in the Police Departmemt,s bmdget #3100-514, (Police Equipment). -7- MINUTE~ - REGULAR CITY COUNC/L~ MEETING BOYNTON BEACE, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 The Tabulation Sheet as well as a copy of the Proposal Form and a motarized copy of the Affidavit was before Co~¢il. Mr. Echl concurred with the Tabm!aticm Committee a~d recommended this p~rchase from Mr. Je~ ~cKe~zie of Motorola, Imc, Ne then read ~he other ~id received from Mr. James Roberts ef Mo%orala, Im¢., in the amomnt.ef $6,888.00 for six portable radio mmits amd $667.00 for smx mmlti-chargers. Mr. Nallaee moved to accept the City Mamager's recommendation to award t~e bid te Mr. Je~ MoKe~zie ef Motorola, I~c. i~ the stration) and for six m~lti-chargers im the ameaa~ of $667.00, fmm~s available im the Police Departme~t,s Sudget #3100-514, (Police Eqmipmemt). Mr. gtr~ad seconded the metier. No dis- cmssion. Motie~ carried 5-0. 120,000 Sq. Ft. of St. Augustine Sod for Boyntem Beach Memorial Cemeter~ Mr. Kohl stated he would like to table this, as he ~id not get the informatiom. Mr. Harmeo~g moved to table the bid for 120,000 Sq. Ft. of St. A~gustdme Sod for Boynto~ Beach Memorial Cemetery. Mr. Wallace seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Ordima~ces - 2md Readin$ - PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Ordinance No. 74-16 - Re: P~d Umit Development Mr. Simon rea~ proposed Ordinance No. 74-~6 hy captiom only. Mayor DeLong requested amyone present desiring to speak in reference to this ordi~amce to appear before the Council. Mr. R. B. Vasti~e stated his name amd his address as 132 Leisureville Boulevard. He stated that he was a former mem- ber of the Plamning & Zoning Board amd has given in-~epth study to this crdimance. He wished to commend the Building Official and Planming & Eoming Board that has prepared a P.U.D. ordimance that is 1,000% hotter tha~ the P.U.D. ordi- ~amce of 1968. This is a very strong guide that is detailed i~ every way. He trusted the Council will pass this. N~. Harme~i~g moved for adoptio~ of Ordinance No. 74-16 on second and final reading. Mr. Strnad seconded the motion~ w MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 No discussion. follows: Mrs. Padgett conducted a roll call vote Councilma~Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Roberts - Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye Co~mcilman Wallace - Aye Mayor DeLs~g - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ord. 74-17 - Re: Other Construction im City Rights of Way Mr. Simon read proposed OrdLuance Ne. 74-17 by caption only. Mr. Harmeming moved to table this proposed Ordinance Ne. 74-17 and recommend that the proposed ordimamce be turned ever to the City Manager for further stud~ and revision. Mr. Wallace seconded the motion. Ne discussion. Mrs. Padgett co~dmcted a roll call vote as fellows: Coumcilman Harmeni~g - Aye Vice Mayor Roberts - Aye CouncilmamStrnad - Aye CouncilmauWallace - Aye Mayor DeLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinamce No. 74-t8 - Re: Amendment to Ord. 73-38 of the Zoming Code Mr. Simon read proposed Ordinance No. 74-18 by caption only. Mayor DeLeng asked if amyone was presemt to speak in favor or in opposition to this ordinance amd received no respomse~ M~. Narmening moved for adoptiom of Ordinance No. 74-18 om second a~d final reading. Mr. Roberts seconded the motion. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as follows: Councilman Harmenlng - Aye Vice Mayor Roberts - Aye Comncilman Strnad - Aye Councilman Wallace - Aye Mayor DeLong - Aye MotioA carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. ties Fees 74-19 - Re: Interim Services & Facili- -9- C MIN~TE~ - REGb~LAR CITY COUNCIL ~TING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 Mr. Simon read proposed Ordinance No. 75-19 by captio~ o~ly. M~yor DeLong asked if amyone was present to speak im favor or in opposition to this ordinance amd received no reply. Mr. Harmening moved for adoption of Grd~n~ce No. 74-19 en second a~d final reading. Mr. Roberts seconded the motion. Ne discussion. Mrs. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as follows: Oeuncilman Harmem~tmg - Aye Vice ~or Roberts - Aye Cou~c!~mam Strnad - Aye Oommcilmam ~allace - Aye Mayor DeLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. .grdina~¢es - 1st ReadinE Proposed Ordinance 74-25 - Re: Amending Article 4, Sec. of The Charter 55 Mrs first reading, seconded by Mr. Wallace. No discussion. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as follows: Councilman Harme~ing - Aye Vice Mayor Roberts - Aye Councilman Strmad - Aye Councilman Wallace - Aye Mayor DeLong - Aye Simon read proposed Ordinance No. 74-25 in its entirety. Strnad moved for the adoption of Ordima~ce No. 74-25 on Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Roberts stated he believed there womld be a second reading and a public hearimg if anyone wishes to speak. ~or DeLong stated this was correct and during the secon~ reading, a Dmblic hearing is held. This will take place after these ordinances are take~ for the first reading. Proposed Ordinance 74-26 - Re: Amending ~dinance 73-27 - Operati~ Capital ~mprovement Fund Mr. Simon read proposed Ordinance NO. 74-26 in its entirety. Mr. Harme~ing moved for the adootion of Ordinance No. 74-26 on first readi~, seconded by Mr. ~trna~. No Padgett cen~cte~ a roll call vote ~ follows: Comncil~H~meming - ~e Vice ~or Roberts - ~e Co~cil~Str~d - ~e Ce~cilm~allace - ~e ~or DeLo~ - Aye MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON ~EACH, FLORIDA Motio~ carried 5-0. AUGUST 6, 1974 Resolmtions Proposed Resolution No. 74-CC - Re: To De~y Application for Abandonment of Public Beach in Mr. Simon read proposed Resolution Ne. 74-00 in its entirety. Mayor DeLong stated he thought this particmlar re~olutiom re- quires a little clarification. He believed this wa~ received from the County Commissiom. Mr. Kohl advised that this was from the City of Lake Worth. Mr. Harme~i~g moved for adoption of Resolution No. 74-¢0, seeonded by Mr. ~allace. Under discussion, Mr. Harmeni~g stated that while the resolution is well a~4 good a~d he thought they should send it dm, but the Comnty h~s already turned it dowm. He thomght it would show support. Mayor DeLo~g said he believed it is the desire of the Co~ty Com- mission to seek the support of the m~nicipalities a~d they do want their smpport. Mr. Strnad qmestiomed if the City Coancil should pass a resolution to ~rge them to obtain the area south of the Boymton Beach imlet. Mayor DeLo~g replied that this should be diScmssed under New Bmmimess. Mrs. Padgett conducted a roll cmll vote as follows: Councilman Harmeni~g - Aye Vice Mayer Roberts. - Aye Coumcilma~ Strnad - Aye CoancilmanWallace - Aye M~yor DeLe~g - Aye Motion carried 5-0. .~rd~na~ces - 1st Readim~(Oomtinued) Mr, Simon a~om~ced there were three ordimances mot on the agemda that should Be comsidered now. This shomld Be dome i~ order to meet mew procedures required by State law amd still comply wit~our Oity Charter~provisio~so Proposed Ordimance 74-27 -.Re: Re$istrati0n Fee Mr~ $imo~ read proposed Ordima~ce No. 74-27 im its~e~tirety. Mr. Etrmad moved for adoption of Ordinance No. 74-27 on £irst reading, seconded by Mr. ~allace. No ~seuss~o~. Mrs. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as follows: -tl- MINUTES - REGb~.AR CITY COUNCiL ~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 Cou~cilma~ Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Roberts - Aye Coun¢ilma~ Strnad - Aye Comncilma~Wallace - Aye Mayor DeLo~g - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Grd~_na~cs 74-28 - Re: Appropriations GrdiE~nce for Adop~in~ a Budget ... Mr. Simon read proposed Ordinance No. 75-28 in its entirety. Mr. Narme~ing moved for adoption of OreLinsmce No. 75-28 en first reading, seco~ed by Mr. Roberts. Nnder discmssion, Mr. Wallace stated he would withhold his disca~io~ ~tatil Item V!I-B listed ~der Old B~iness. Mrs. Padgett conducted a roll Call vote as follows: ¢ou~citma~Harme~g - Aye Vice Mayor Roberts - Aye Cou~cilmanStrnad Aye Co~n¢ilma~Wallace No Mayor DeLeng - Aye Motion carried 4-1. Proposed Ordinance 74-29 - Re: Tax Millage Rate Mr. Simon read proposed Ordinance No. 74-29 in its entirety. Mr. Harme~ing moved for adoption of 0rdinsmce No. 74-29 on first reading, seconded by Mr. Strnad. Under discussion, Mr. Wallace stated he would make his comments ander Old Busi- ness, Item VII. Mrs. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as follows: Co~cilman Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Roberts - Aye Council~a~Strnad - Aye Councilman Wallace - No Mayor DeLe~g - Aye Motion carried 4-1. Other Mr. Strnad stated he had been asked by the Vice Chairman of the Comm~ity Appearance Board to discuss the feasability of a tree ordinance and to get the consent of this Council to get the City Manager to look into this and possibly make a 12- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, t974 recommendation. Mr. Roberts questioned the purpose of a tree ordinance. Mr. Strnad explaimed it is supposed to pre- tect the foliage, the trees along the Int®~coas~al, trees beimg destroyed by developers, etc. Most cities already have something like this a~d now that Boynton Beach has grown, it should be comsidered. Mayor DeLo~g added that it has bee~ very beneficial where a tree ordinance is in effect. It stoDs developers from goimg in a~d destroying land and trees where it is not necessary. Mr. Str~ad made a motion to have the City Mamager with the City Attorney come back with a recommendatiom for a suitable, workable a~d effective tree ordinamce. Mr. Roberts seconded the motion. U~der discussion, a womam from the audience appeared before the Co~cil. Mayor DeLe~g advised her that if she had placed her name with the City Clerk, she would have bee~ called upon am4 this was for discussiom between the Ce~cil members, bat he would extend the courtesy for her to speak mow. She j~st wa~ted to state that when coming from Palm Beach to Boyntoa Beach, the first thing yom notice are the trees. Most of the trees are destroyed because they are not car~4 for. Motio~ carried 5-0. OLD BUS ~NESS Consider Prelimimary Approval for Palmlamd (Charter World) S~eetioms 1~ ~7 & 18 (Tab.led) Mr. Earme~g moved to remove tb~ item from the table, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Kohl read a letter dated July 31, 197~ from Johm D. McEey, Jr., of the firm of Byrd, Devitt, Otto & McKey, P.A., Attormeys at Law. It stated that their client, William Sextom, has instructed me to write you advislmg that he with- draws objections to the road plan, a copy of which is at- tached hereto. We have reached agreement with Palm Lan4 om renewal of the Option Agreement and, therefore, have no reason to object to the road plam, as it does not interfere with the p~rposes of the option. Mr. Harmeni~ moved to agree to the revised road plan hereis denoted as Exhibit B at Charter World, due to the fact that one of the people in the settlement had objected originally, and approve preliminary plans of Charter World Sections l, 17 and ~8 for revised roads. Mr. Str~ad secomded the metion. Motion carried 5-0. MINUTES - P~,G~LAR CITY COUNCIL M~TLNG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA A~GUST 6, 1974 Budget Review - CouncilmamForrest L. Wallace Mr. W~tlace stated it was always nice to review after the barn doer has been opened amd the horse gets out. ~ere were many things he would like te say in reference to the budget. One of the things he thoroughly disagrees with is the $t.00 across the board increase for trash collection for the home ouer. He thizdu? it is mmcalled for. T~e ether items atoug with that are im reference to the litter ordinance statimg that the home owner csnnot do certain things with certaim types ~f trash. The City has refused to pick up certai~ types of trash and he is wondering what they are supposed to do with it, unless they haul it away themselves. He then came back to the budget and stated his overallparti- cular objections. If they had kept the budget at the pre- posed millage, there would not be call at this particular time for an increase. We have made advances, bat looking at the true picture, we are about to m~ke the advances from the surplus from last year salaries such as federal revenue and use them in particular areas. He feels it is not necessary for this type of tax raise at this particular time. He referred to Mr. Roberts stating he did not wish to become the whipping boy of this particular budget and he could under- stand Mayor DeLong's statement in reference to rerunnimg for office. He stated this is a honest look at the budget as he sees it. It is not political, as he is not rerunning for office. He thiz~ks the citizens should give a honest look when it comes up for public hearing. Mr. Strnad stated this may be Mr. Wallace's opinion and he is entitled to it. However, his opinion is that they hired the City Manager to prepare the budget and he feels they should take his recommendation. Mr. Wallace stated that as far as an honest opinion is con- cerned, he wanted to ask Mr. Strnad if he looked into all these things. Mr. $trnad replied that he did look at this budget for two days. .Mr. Wallace replied that he just stated this was his honest opinion. He questioned how many times each person had refused to act upon an ordinance placed in the box late the same day? He was approached late in the afternoon in reference to coming to the budget hearing, All five members should be present at this hearing. This budget should be looked into as to the overall factors. - 14- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 ~L~yor DeLong stated he did not believe they were i~ order to get into this type of discussion at this particular time, for the simple reason that this is not a public hearing on the budget. He believed all comments should be reserved until the public hearing. Ne would make his comments at that time and give his reasons. Ee understands a~.d it was too had that ~~allace met with unfortunate c 1dent.* ~/~/ The work ef the City must go on. There was a majority of the Council members to attend the meetings. We are try- ing to work in the best manner possible. He did not believe anyone should have any short fuses. He believed everyome has done everything possible to make up this budget. Please save your remarks for the hearing. ~W BUS It~SS Mr. Strmad made a recommendation to raise the license fees in the City to all the people that have to get licenses. They have not been raised for some time. He questioned how long they had been in effect? Mrs. Padgett replied for only about three or four years. Mr. Roberts remarked that the majority are Coumty-wide. Mayor DeLong questioned if there was much of a difference in the charges between municipalities? Mrs. Padgett replied that Boynton Beach is lower im some imstamces thamsome cities. This ordinance was adopted about 1971 a~d there is a question as to whether it can be raised at this time. It must be checked with the City Attorney. Mayor DeLong questioned if it would be possible to make a spot check with other municipalities to see whether we are in line with them and then come back to the City Coumcil with recommenda- tions? Mrs. Padgett replied they would have to see if they could increase the rates first. She asked if he wanted this checked in all areas? ~or DeLong replied: yes, and it would give them somethimg to be guided by. Mr. Strnad stated that approximately two years ago, he and a group of people went Before the Comnty Commission and implored them to acquire 212 feet south of the inlet, which is badly needed for parking. It went to three different courts and finally the outfit that was supposed to build there went b~'upt. This lsmd is now available and the funds are also available. He suggested that this Council send a resolution to the Commissioners to give them support to obtain this prop- erty. Mayor beLong added that this area has been used by the public for fifty seme odd years. He thins what discouraged the Commissioners was that this beach front was not what was required for beach facility, but it is a great parking area. Once you have the par-king area there, you also have the docks for the fishing boats and you have ingress and egress, tf - * They endeavored to schedule the budget hearings, MINUTES - REGUtJ~ CiTY CO~ltCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACR, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, t974 the people can park on the land they are talking about pur- chasing, they can walk over to the north side and avail them- selves to the beautiful beach in Manalapam. He thimks the Ceumty Commission was not looking at it like this. Maybe there was a little pressers there not te permit that. It appears to him the more beach yo~ can get, the better it will be. Mr. Etrnad moved to send a resolution to the Co~ty Comm~ ssion stating that Boynton Beach supports Mr. Jsh~ssn's activities in attempting to acquire the property formerly k~ew~ as the Boynton I~let Docks. Mr. Ear~e~ing seconde~ the motion. No discassion. Motion carried ADMINISTRATIVE Report hy Fiscal Asent -..Mr. Alfred. Shepard Mr. Shepard submitted a proposal co~sistimg of a letter from his firm and a resolution accepting the terms of the letter. He read the proposed resolution. Mayor DeLong asked if there was a ceiling on the debt limit in reference to the interest? Mr. Shepard informed him that these bonds are issued by the?laws of the State. Ee added that the average interest rate is 7.22%. He explained the rating applied for Boynton Beach ~nd ths~t it had been upgraded. He added they hoped as Moody watches this City, that by the next t~me they come, they will have a higher rating. He stated they felt the offer is right o~ the m~ket. They have put Boynton Beach right in the middle of the market where they feel it should be and o~ that basis have made this offer, He referred to the good ~otographs of the City in the booklet. This is a City that has institutions, is a very attractive place to live and is good for marketing these bonds. He added that with 30,000 people, Boy~ton Beach does get atten- tion. He then gave the resolution to Mr. Simon and thanked the City Manager, the engineers on the site of the treatment planS,the City Clerk, etc. for all the information. Proposed Resolution 74-DD - Re: Awarding $2,050,000 Water a~ Sewer Revenme Bonds, Series 1974, of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida Mr. Simon read prop~sed Resolution No. 74-DD in its entirety. ~. Harmening moved for adoption of Resolution No. 74-DD, seconded by Mr. Wallace. No discmssion. Mrs. Padgett con- ducted a roll call vote as follows: - 16- MI~,~JTES - REGUI~R CITY CO%~CIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORID.~_ Councilman Harme~ing - Aye Vi~e Mayor Roberts - Aye Councilmam Strnad - Aye Commcilmam Wallace - Aye Mayor DeLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. AUGUST 6, 974 Consider Request of Russell & Axon - Re: Expamsion of the City's ~ell Fields Mr. Kohl referred to the two letters ia reference to this. ~yor DeLong stated the letter from Russell & Axon was very informative, but he believed all the Council members had read it. Mr. Kohl then read his letter stating the ~ater Resources Section of the Florida Flood Control District advised Rmssell &Axo~ that they would have to recommend rejection of oar wells at the previously designated locations. He personally contacted Mr. Storch who is the head of the Water ResourcesSection of F.C.D. and he informed him that the above information is correct. He objects strenuously to this turn of events due to the time wasted and the f~mds expended to date in order to accomplish this project and now learn, at this late date, that we ca,not proceed as planned. He realimes the urgency and the need for these wells, and it is with great consternation that he feels ~e must accept the plum as outli~ed in ~he attached letter as these wells are urgently needed ~ut before doing so, he certainly thinks the City is entitled to a more valid reason for their recommenda- tions. It would appear that we must start this project from the beginning amd all f~nds and time previously expended has been wasted. He does not approve of using the United States Geological vey_for monitoring o~r wells, he feels that we can monitor the wells ourselves at a much lower cost. We feel our anticipated funds for the next four months will cover the costs involved for the constructiom of these wells if Council approves. Mayor DeLong stated he was jmst going to talk from prior ex- perience. Re believed by s~aying away from the United States Geological SUrvey, they were going to run into a bundle of MI~UTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 trouble. He believed they should ~se their services as it has been beneficial im the past. Mr. Kohl reDlied that he omly stated this in reference to the monitorlmg of the wells. Mr. Harmeming stated that it was his ~derstanding for ms to participate in this program, it is going to cost approximately $50,000 a year. If we participate, we will only aid the U. S. Geological S~rvey to gain more data for them and ms. The prime data we are imterested im is the increase in the salt content is our well fields. We certaimly ca~ acquire from ~eighborimg towns the overall data prepared by the U. $. Geologieal Survey, We actual3qV have a monitoring program taking water samples and with the acquisitien of a few test wells and incorporatimg this data with data from other towns amd from U. S. Geological Survey data, we ca~ accomplish this at a mmch less cost. Mayor DeLo~g asked if there were matching funds a~d Mr. Kohl advised it would cost the City $13,000 a year. Mr. Milton Naltman from Russell & Axon appeared before the Council and stated he had a bundle of information. He stated Mr. Harme~ing was correct in some respects and also what Mr. Kohl has stated is correct, but possibly he could sum it up. What they would like to do is to meet with them and get a little better proposal for the City from U, S. Geological Survey in strictly a geological survey and net a monitoring system. In their proposal, there are certaim items the City ca~ do. They feel there is a savings in there for the City, but do recommend getting back with the U. S. Geological S~Lr- vey for a more practical study as soon as Mr. Rodis comes back to town as he is assigned to the Palm Beach area. There is a large void of information in the Boynton Beach area. They would like USGS to do a study further to the west. Possibly Boynton Beach can monitor wells to the east. We feel Mr. Kohl has made recommendations right in line with our recom- mendations. ~yor DeLe~g clarified that they would like to negotiate fur- ther with them. Mr. Hallman agreed, stating they would like to show them where they would like the test wells done. He added they had a preliminary meeting with the Flood Control District amd they are in agreement with the methods we are going. M~yor DeLeng qmestieme~ if he felt the USGS would have any objections if the City carried on their own monitoriag? Mr. Hallmam replied that Mr. Rodis would be glad for the City to do whatever the ~ity is able to do and extract that from their proposal. Mayor DeLong suggested gettimg this im writ- ing amd acceptimg this recommendatio~ with the request for Russell & _~xon te submit a written form from USGS stating they don't have any objection to ms doing our own momitorlng. - 18- MI~JTES - _REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 Mr. Harme~ing pointed out that it seemed that Russell & Axon was also seeking authorization ~o proceed with the P~lm Beach Goumty~chool Board to chamge location of wells. Mayor DeLong replied that this was included i~ the letter and Mr. Kohl was guided by that letter. Mr. Kohl clarified they were tryimg to get approval whether to proceed with the wells aud with Mr. Rodis of USGS. Nr. Hallmamasked them to refer to Page ~ of his letter where each thing is itemized. Mr. Earmenimg moved to accept the proposal as stated on Page 7 o~ the comm~m~ication dated July 29, 1974 from Russell & Axon, with the exceptio~ of the Seaboard COast Lime Railroad a~ also subject to Mr. Rodis'.recomme~dation im reference te USGS ~etermimimg cost. Mr. Wallace seconded the mo~ioa. Underd'~seuss~on,' Mayor ~eLomg remarked this weald cost guite a lot. Mr. Hallman stated they pl~ed to talk to Mr. Kohl about this to see where momey is available. Mayor DeLo~g replied thatif they had to go into the market for $250,000 revenue issue, it shows some lack oasomebo~y's part that this was not all orgamized ~ogether, Mr. Harme~i~g remarked that nobody in the State of Florida amticipate~ the creation of the new Water Resources Pivisiom affecting these counties and the fact they would step in so quickly with s~ch firm powers. Mayor DeLo~g replied that about 18 months ago, this Council was to go west for well f±el~s a~d did k~ow this awhile ago. The City was told by Russell & Axon to move their fresh water wells to the west. Mr. Harmening stated this was correct, but it was designed for future expansion. Mayor DeLong remarked that the future is here. Motion carried 5-0. ~onsider Change Order #2 for Upgrading and Expamsion of Waste Water Treatment Facilities .Mr. Kohl ascertained that correspondence from Russell & Axon regarding this Change Order #2 amd a copy of the Supplementary Agreement indicating the breakdown of this Change Order were before Council. He also asked them to note that they have re- quested an additional 60 days for completion of this project due to the uaavailability of cast iron pipe. He concurs with both requests. Mayor DeLo~g advised that he read this whole thing over and made a study at the plant. Mr. Harmening moved to accept the City Ma~ager,s recommenda- tion to Change Order #2 for Upgrading ~ud Expansion for Waste Nater Treatment Facilities, seconded by Mr. Wallace. No discussiom. Motion carried 5-0. -19- MINUTE~ REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON ~EACN, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 Consider Recommendations of the Community Relations Board M~. Kohl read his letter for the Agenda stating the Community Relations Board, at th~ meeting of July 10, 1974, unanimous- ly voted to i~crease the Assistant Cook's salary from $17.50 per week to $25.00 per week and the Driver,s salary from $35.00 to $45.00 per week, retroactive to July 15, 1974. He concurs with their recommendation. Monies are available in Revenue Sharing Funds. Mr. Harmening moved to accept the City Manager,s recommenda- tion to accept the reqmest of the Community Relatioms Board relative to the increase of salaries. Mr. ~allace seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Appointments Board to Board of Adjustment and Community Appearance Mayor DeLong announced they were supposed to have three ap- pointments to the Board of Adjustment for alternate members. He stated he had one to recommend as an alternate. He added he thought this man was going to be a very good~pointment, because they are now going to have a Professor of Law. He thought somebody was needed that could give them some guid- ance. He then read a resume from Prof. Sidney Schwartz, 1006 S. W. 18th Street. He said he thought he had a very splendid background. Mr. Roberts remarked that they should give him a job on the Council. Mayor DeLong stated this was his recommendation for one of the vacancies. There are still two more members needed for them to function with a full board. At least we are getting nearer. Mr. Harmening moved to accept Mayor DeLong's recommendation to appoint Prof. Sidney Schwartz as au alternate member of the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Strnad seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor DeLong requested that the necessary notices be sent. Motion carried 5-0. In reference to the vacancy on the Community Appearance Board, ~m. Strnad advised that per the recommendation of the Chairman of this Board, it was unanimously approved to accept Mrs. Arvid Nordstrom of 204 S. E. 2nd Avenne, to be an alternate member. He then read ~s. Nordstrom's resume. M~. Strnad moved to appoint,as an alternate member on the Community Appearance Board,Mrs. Arvid Nordstrom of 204 S. E. 2nd Avenue. Mr. Harme~ing seconded the motion. No discussion. Motio~ carried 5-0. - 20 - MI~JTES - REGULAR CiTY COUNCIL M~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 Discuss Touche Ross Mr. Kohl read his letter for the Agenda stating that on a~ original contract estimate of $15,0~0.00, Touche Ross to date, have been paid $31,500J and we have an additiomal bill in the amount of $3,500. which we are holding ~util we approve the final amdit. He recommends that we dismiss Touche Ross as the Gity Auditors fer the following reasons: 't I. They have been in the ¢1 y ten (10) months a~d after presenting their final audit report for the Genera~ Fund on July 30th, the Finance Director noted that many items were inaccurate or misleading amd were ef such a material nature that Touche Ross had to recall this report for corrections. nome of the aud±tors they sent to perform this audit were not permanent staff employees and not versed in municipal accounting. 3. As indicated a~eve they far exceeded their contract agreement. ~e were promised the audit report by J~ue 15th, parti- cularly since we are in the process of a bond issue and as of this date, still do not have the General Fmnd Report. Further, it was brought to our attention that although the City was in urgent ~eed of this audit report, the partner who w~ in charge of the audit, in the mean- time, did take a three week vacation with complete disregard for our immediate requirements. It is therefore, for the above reasons and the fact that we believe a local medium sized firm we~ld be in closer touch with the need~ of our City a~d better able to perform the services we require, that we recommend Touche Ross be terminated as auditors for the City of B~ynton Beach. Mayor DeLemg in~ire~ as to what action should be taken i~ re- ferenceto the $3,500? Mr~ Kohl replied that ~ntil he re- ceived a complete audit report a~d report from the Fi~ce Director, he suggested they do not pay it. Mayor DeLong stated he heard some talk abent not paying them at all and possibly i~stituti~g a suit. Mr. Kohl replied this was true, b~t a suit costs money a~d time~ Mr. Ro~erts referred to Item 4 and questioned if theY had re- ceived this report yet and Mr. Kohl replied they ha~ not. -21 - MI~7~TE~ - REGULAR CITY CO~CIL ~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 Mayor DeLeng stated he signed a~ $8,000 check the other day amd then foumd out they did not get the report. Mr. Kohl informed him the report was net correct, but they stated they would not brimg the correct report ~ntil we paid the $8,000. Mr. Str~ad questioned if they had received a letter in reference to the discrepancies and Mr. Kohl advised t~mt they did for that. There is another one going to be sent which has not been received stating the progress of the City ef Boynton Beach as far as the fi~nce records. Mr. Str~ad said this ~was the one he meant. Mr. Wallace referred Back to whether they should institute a suit or not. He asked what the actual cost would be and how mmch of the $3~,500 they would get back? Zmasmuch as they stated fmlly certified people would Be doing the audit amd this was not done, what t~pe of action would we he getting imto? ~ould we have legal ~asis for suit? Mr. Eimon pre- sented several qmestions in response. Were they represent~ i~g to the City Council they would perform certain areas of work with certain qualified people? tf the City takes the p~sition they have not lived up to that end of the bargain? If they produced the prod~ct? If the product is unsatisfac- tory a~d then the fail~re ~o provide the ~ervices or people is taken into co~ideration. A~other thing is in reference to the $31,500. Yom are ~oceeding in the right way by stat- lng when you receive the ~inal report, you will pay for it smd this is what you shoul~ do. Mr. Wallace questioned the fact that they submitted em incorrect report amd Mr. Sime~ replied he did not knew how far off base they were. They ca~ readily show some cases of slight errors. You have te get into a substantial departure from accounting procedures. Mayor DeLong stated he Believed they could not take any ac- tion until they received the final report. He suggested tabling this. Mr. Harmening pointed out they must still consider the termination. M~yor DeLong smggested postponing the whole thing, because if they terminated them now, they may not get the final report. It was his understanding that when the fiscal egents had asked for thim report that these people wanted to feed back $5,000 and the City Manager did some shopping and found out we could get it at a reduced amount. He was led to believe that we have the right to bring in anyone we wanted to. Mr. Kohl advised that as far as amditors were concerned,one will not ~egin an audit of a City until one is terminated as far as ethics. F~. Harmening moved to terminate the services of Touche Ross as the City auditors, seconded by Mr. Wallace. Under discussion, M~. Roberts stated he hoped we were not paying that money an~ ~. Kohl replied that we are not. Motion carried 5-0. - 22 - M~JTE~ - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Permission to E~gage Auditors for the Cit~ M~. Kohl read his letter for the Agenda stating it is extreme- ly necessary that we have a~ audited Certificate of Net Reve- nues of the Water amd Sewer System by Amgust 23, 1974 for a twenty-four (24) month period ending May 31, 1974 im order to consummate the sale of o~mr Bond issue. Although Touche~Ross had estimated the cost of this amdit to be au additional $5,000., we believe a better agreement eau be negotiated with a~other C.P.A. firm. If Coumcil members approve the previoms City. Mr. Wallace moved to follow the City Ma~ager,s recommendation to engage auditors for the City of Boynton Beach, seconded by Mr. Harmeming. Under discussion, Mr. Earmenimg ~uestioned whom they might be planning to engage? Mayor DeLomg also asked if they would be engaged just for this one specific project? Mr. Kohl advised he had Callaway, Carpenter, May & Company of West Palm Beach in mind a~d hoped they would stay. Mr. Harme~.~g said he was thimking of having three names sub- mitted for consideration. Mr. Wallace pointed out that Mr. Kohl stated he needed the information in a hurry as far as Mr. Shepard was concerne~ and how s~on could it Be done with submitting names? Mr. Harmeni~g replied t~s should be con- sidered for permanent aadi~ors. Mr. Wallace stated he be- lieved Mr. Kohl wanted them just for the fiscal project and if they are satisfactory, we can extend their services. Mr. Kshl advised them it would cost $3,000 for the AlfredShepard project. Mr. Wallace then made the addition to his motio~ that if the auditor does the job satisfactory, they will con- tinue subject to the approval of the City Co~cil, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0. .~pplication for Permit to Solicit r Bo~nton Rams Mr. Kohl read his letter for the Agenda stating at the meet- ing of July 16, 1974, he denied this request for lack of information. We were presented with a new application for a permit to solicit by Mr. Gary L. Spate a~d forwarded same to the Police Department and Recreation Department for their recommendations which are attached hereto for your perusal and action, ge recommends approval of this application. Mr. Harmening moved to grant the permission upon approval of the City Manager for solicitation by the Boynton Rams. Mr. ~allace seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. 23- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ET!NG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 ~pplication for Beverage License - Cavalier Mr. Kohl rsad the application submitted by the Cavalier Club of Boyntom Beach, Inc. ~. Nallace moved to approve the applicatio~ for a beverage license for the Cavalier Club, seconded by Mr. Harmeni~go No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ~raz~£er of F~uds Mr. Kohl read a memorandum dated August 1, 1974 from Tom Clark i~ reference to July 12, 1974 Budget Transfer Request - 6100-298 decrease - 6220-270, -298 amd -322 increase. Please be advised that subject request is hereby rescd~ded and the attached budget transfer request will replace it. Original amount was requested because of a mistake dm coding, which sho~ed less money in6220-298 thauactually existed and ac- counts for the request for the original amo~t of $5,300. Mr. ~allace moved to ~cept the City_Mauag~r,s r~quest fo~ a budget tra~mfer - 6100 298 decrease 6220 270, 298 a~ 322 increase. Mr. Harmening seconded the motion. No discussio=. Motion carried 5-0. Approval of Bills ~. Kohl read the following bills for approval~ 1. J. P. Carroll~ I~c. $ 2,419.81 ~cidize Well #4 - Pay from 6120-282 2. J. P. Carro~l~ Inc. 2,140.00 Rebuild Pump Well #3 - Pay from 6t20-282 3. J. P. Carroll~ Inc. 2,200.00 Rebuild Pump Well #2 - Pay from 6120-282 4. Lamar Uniforms, Inc. 1,520.48 Uniforms for employees - Pay from 1810-3t6 5. Gamo~-¢almet Industries~ Inc~ ~ 3,019.20 ~ater Meters - Pay from 6130 582 6. Lammr Uniforms~ I~c. 2,602.18 ~niforms for employees - Pay from 1810-316 7. Touche Ross & Co. (HOLD FOR FIN~ AUDIT) 3,500.00 Additional Charges for Audit - 24 - MINUTES - REGULatoR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 Approval of Bills (Continued) 8. Russell & Axo~ Est. #2 Job 6858-5-11&CP Charge to Uhar~er W'Srl~ 8,982.24 9. Russell & A~on Est. #5 Job 68~8-1-111&¢P Charge to Drexel Prop. 1,080.07 10. Rumsell & Axon Est. #26 Job 6858-13a-C~ Pay from 6300-298 Reimbmrsa~le from ~.O.T. 2,214.68 11. Peabo~y-Peterson Co. Est #2 Pay from Utility General Reimbursable from Bond !ssme 45,628.82 12. Russell & ~xon Est. $3 Job 6858-4-CP 5,122.28 Pay from 6D00-298 Reimbursable from Bond Issue 13. Lee Walker Est #8 Library - Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing 21,579.86 14. Federal Coppe~ & Aluminum Co. Copper Rolls ~ from 6t30-598 2,t62.40 15. Inman~ Inc. 20,901.46 Relocation of 1-95 Utilities Pay from Utility General Reimbursable from D.O.T. ~ne bills described have been approved a~d verified by the dep~tment heads involved~ checked and approved for payment by the Finance Director; funds are available in their respec- tive budgets. Mr. Kohl recommended payment of these bills. Mayor DeLong referred Peterso~ Co. and the amount of $5,122.28 for Russell & ~xon, Job #3, and questioned if these were going to be paid from the General ~ ~ ~ . ......... Z Fund. Mr Kohl reDlied he was quite sure it was a~d pointed out it was to be reimbursed. He added that he checked this over. Mayor DeLong remarked that it is quite lean. to the amount of $45,628.82 for Peabody- Mr. Roberts questioned Items Nos. 4 and 6. Mr. Kohl clarified that ~me was for shirts and the other for trousers and they were approved by the City Council. Mz~. Strnad made a motion to pay the bills as submitted, with- holding the smount for Touche Ross. ~r. ~allace seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. - 25 - MINUTES REGUL~M CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1974 ADJOURNMENT Mr. ~allace moved to adjomrn, seconded by Mr. Strmad. O- carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 1 .35 P. M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEA~, FLORIDA / MaTor Vice Mayor Co/~ilm~ Councilman AT~EST: Clerk - 26 -