Jerry Taylor, Chair Vivian Brooks, Executive Director
Woodrow Hay, Vice Chair James Cherof, Board Counsel
James "Buck" Buchanan
Joe Casello (Arrived 6:56 p.m.)
Michael Fitzpatrick
Mark Karageorge
David Merker
1. Call to Order
Chair Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
II. Invocation and Pledge to the Flag
Vice Chair Hay gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
III. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll. A quorum was present.
IV. Legal
V. Agenda Approval:
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda
Vivian Brooks, Executive Director, pulled Item VIII.D. from the Consent Agenda.
Mr. Buchanan wanted to add to the next agenda a Galaxy Wi -Fi Project, covering the
Heart of Boynton down to Ocean Avenue, as a Future Agenda Item. He explained
Galaxy Elementary School was providing students with iPads and computers that can
be used in that area. Mr. Buchanan believed the project fit the Community
Redevelopment Agency's (CRA) mission to alleviate slum and blight through education,
and it provides economic opportunities by helping businesses in that area. He thought it
was a worthwhile project, and he wanted to partner with the City and School Board. He
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 14, 2013
pointed out there is a short timeframe to act on it. He recognized it was not in the
budget, but by partnering with the City, the program could be implemented.
Mr. Karageorge pulled Item VIII.B of the Consent Agenda.
B. Adoption of Agenda
Vice Chair Hay moved to approve the agenda as amended. Mr. Karageorge seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
VI. Informational Items and Disclosures by Board Members and CRA Staff:
A. Disclosure of Conflicts, Contacts and Relationships for Items Presented to the
CRA Board on Agenda Items
There were no conflicts or disclosures made.
B. Informational Announcements
Mr. Karageorge welcomed Scott Klein, the new Economic Development Director. He
complimented the Related Group for selling 80 units at Costa Cosa, which Waterway
Investments was unable to do. He commented the purchases were made by individuals
from South America, Brazil, Argentina, and individuals from the New York/ New Jersey
metropolitan area. The purchases totaled about $25 million, which will help the tax
base and local businesses.
He congratulated Kelly Smallridge of the Business Development Board. Ms. Smallridge
was recently recognized by the Governor with the Ambassador Award, for recruiting
jobs to the State and the County.
Mr. Karageorge announced the Red Hot Blues Cruise was a success. He thanked Mr.
Buchanan and the volunteers, especially Mr. Casello and his wife, who were present
with their daughter. Mr. Casello commented he enjoyed the day. It was a great event
and one could see it would grow every year.
He commented the Move On Boynton Beach event was great.
Mr. Karageorge encouraged anyone who had not purchased tickets for the Taste Of
Boynton event to do so. The cost was $40, and tickets could be purchased through the
Chamber of Commerce. The event will be held at Indian Springs Country Club and
about 20 restaurants, plus the Wine Cellar would be present. It is always a fun event
and all were encouraged to attend.
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Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 14, 2013
Vice Chair Hay attended the Arbor Day event and planted trees with students from St.
Mark School. A few days later, he attended the Birthday Extravaganza at Mangrove
Park and learned a great deal. He attended the Chili Cook -Off and commented there
were 19 different varieties of chili. He congratulated the Fire Department for a great
activity and charitable event.
Mr. Merker advised he is in the health insurance industry and participating in the Move
On walk brings people together. His participation, as a senior citizen, demonstrated that
all have the opportunity to stay healthy, happy and wise.
Mr. Casello attended the Chili Cook -Off and ran into a former co- worker from a
Massachusetts Fire Department. He thought volunteerism was great and a good way to
promote the City and get the public involved.
Mr. Buchanan announced he participated in the Red Hot Blues Cruise.
Chair Taylor reminded all that the Police Awards Ceremony would be held on
Wednesday, May 15, 2013, at 10 a.m. at Intracoastal Park.
VII. Announcements & Awards:
A. Ocean Ave. Concert — 5/17/13
Kathy Biscuiti, Special Events Director, announced this Friday was the last Ocean
Avenue concert of the season. It is held at the amphitheater, and would feature The
People Upstairs. This band has a following and should draw a nice crowd. The concert
would be held from 7 to 9 p.m., and attendees should bring chairs and blankets. The
Little House Restaurant would provide food, beer and wine, and the food truck would be
VIII. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of Minutes — CRA Board Meeting, April 9, 2013
B. Approval of Period Ended April 30, 2013 Financial Report
This item was pulled by Mr. Karageorge.
C. Monthly Purchase Orders
D. Approval of Commercial Fagade Grant to Global Project Boynton Beach SW,
LLC (Sherwin Williams)
E. Approval of Rent Reimbursement Grant to FAH Associates, LLC d /b /a Maui
Wowi Hawaiian
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 1, 2013
Vice Chair Hay moved to approve Consent Agenda Items A, C and E. Mr. Fitzpatrick
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Mr. Buchanan noted on page two of the minutes, a sentence in the last paragraph
should read, "Blues will be presented by top bands clubs such as BB Kings, ..."
IX. Pulled Consent Agenda Items:
B. Approval of Period Ended April 30, 2013 Financial Report
Mr. Karageorge requested an update on the insurance costs and legal fees paid so far
on the Lisa Bright case.
Susan Harris, Finance Director, did not know how much the insurance company was
paying their attorney to represent the CRA. The CRA paid the $5,000 deductible
directly to the insurance firm. Attorney Cherof's firm was paid $21,000 to -date. The type
of insurance, called Public Officers and Employment Practices Liability, increased from
$9,000 to $25,000 in this fiscal year. It was an increase of 300 %.
Attorney Cherof explained the case is scheduled for a mediation conference in the near
future. They were working out the details and the parties agreed to a mediator.
Mr. Karageorge moved to approve. Vice Chair Hay seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
D. Approval of Commercial Fagade Grant to Global Project Boynton Beach
SW, LLC (Sherwin Williams)
Ms. Brooks pulled this item because she could not confirm the liens were paid;
however, Attorney Cherof confirmed they were. The property went through a bankruptcy
proceeding and he was able to obtain the court order. It was further confirmed by the
City's Bankruptcy Attorney just before the meeting. The property was the old Ralph and
Rosie property.
Vice Chair Hay moved to approve. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion.
An inquiry was made whether the applicant was present. Mr. Buchanan commented the
CRA has design guidelines and he did not think the drawings met them. He did not want
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 14, 2013
to award funds to someone who would not follow them. The applicant; however, was
not at the meeting to respond.
Ms. Brooks explained the design guidelines were geared more to new buildings. In this
instance, the applicant was removing the old mansard roof, leaving the original square
building. It did not meet the design guidelines for a newly constructed building, but it
was okay to update the building. The applicant was retrofitting the building and cleaning
it up.
Ms. Brooks commented there will be projects that do not fit the guidelines 100 %, but in
her opinion, it was still an improvement. The applicant was a good quality business that
paid its liens and improved the property. She pointed out this would be for an interim
use. The Agency would not improve all five miles of Federal Highway for many years
and there will be similar projects that are rehabbed. She pointed out Sunshine Square
was to be a mixed -use project, but because of the economy, that did not occur. What
was done did not necessarily meet the design guidelines, but it is an interim
redevelopment of that site, until at some point, it would be a mixed -use project. She
clarified redevelopment projects usually occur in phases. She thought the Board needed
to leave room for small businesses to be able to improve their establishments.
Mr. Buchanan agreed, but his point was the building did not have to be made to look so
industrial. There could be cosmetic changes to make it more compatible with the
guidelines. The change would be reviewed by staff as a minor site plan modification;
however, City staff is not familiar with the Community Redevelopment Agency's
requirements. After brief discussion, the members decided to table the item and ask the
applicant to work with staff on the building design.
Mr. Buchanan so moved. Mr. Merker seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
X. Information Only:
A. Public Comment Log
B. Media Outreach and Editorial Coverage
C. Special Events Recap
D. FRA Regional Meeting — CRA Board Basics Training 5/18/13
Ms. Brooks reminded all the training was this Saturday at the DoubleTree Hotel on PGA
Boulevard. All the members were registered and were eligible for mileage
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 14, 2013
I. Public Comments: (Note: comments are limited to 3 minutes in duration.)
Chair Taylor opened the Public Comments.
Mack McCray, 806 NW 4th Street, former Community Redevelopment Agency Board
member, thanked the Board for keeping Boynton Beach on track and for all the current
There being no one else coming forward, Public Comments was closed.
II. Public Hearing: None.
III. Old Business:
A. Consideration of Renewing Lease with Jesus House of Worship (Tabled April
9, 2013)
Mr. Karageorge moved to remove. Vice Chair Hay seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Vice Chair Hay thanked the Board for giving him the opportunity to discuss the lease
with clergy from Jesus House of Worship. He and Mike Simon, CRA Development
Director, sat down with Pastor Evans and others at the property and discussed the
Together, they discussed the CRA Board's position with regard to a future lease and the
meeting ended on a positive note and with prayer. Since Vice Chair Hay fellowships
nearby, he thought it was necessary to end the lease on a positive note, and he thanked
the Board for allowing him to establish a good neighbor exit.
Mr. Karageorge moved to terminate the lease with Jesus House of Worship for the
property located at 1000 N. Seacrest Boulevard and allow five months to vacate the
premises. Vice Chair Hay seconded the motion.
Chair Taylor appreciated Mr. Simon's and Vice Chair Hay's efforts. He agreed the
Board was extremely gracious to allow them to stay for five months. He would not have
been as lenient, as the Board paid the Church $300,000 and then it was leased to them
for $10 per year. It was thought they rented it out to another house of worship for
probably more than $10 a year.
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Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 14, 2013
Vice Chair Hay was unsure whether Pastor Evans was paying Pastor Ed and Reverend
Jeune any money as they relocated to 10th Avenue. Because of that transition,
Reverend Jeune was allowed to use the building at no cost, so there was no exchange
of funds. They were originally from Jesus House of Worship and started ministries
there. Additionally, the insurance shown to staff was still listed under Jesus House of
The motion unanimously passed.
B. Consideration of Responses to RFP for 211 E. Ocean
Ms. Brooks explained the RFP for 211 E. Ocean Boulevard, known as the Magnuson
House, was issued on January 8th. Staff received two proposals on April 22nd: one
from Orange Studios and the other from Telluride Bar and Grill.
The first proposal suggested a live /work arrangement for the property constructed in
three phases. In the first phase, the house would be rehabbed. The second phase
would be a second building providing live /work space behind the property itself, and in
phase three, there would be more live /work units on the property west of 211, which is
vacant. In the first phase, Orange Studio proposed to have an architectural office and
rent the upstairs. The applicant was offering $45,000 for the property.
The second proposal was for a barbeque, Tex Mex bar and grill. They proposed a 150
seat restaurant, which was the concept staff had sketched out with REG Architects.
They proposed to pay $1,700 per month on a 10 -year lease with four, 10 -year renewals
and have an option to purchase at the current appraised value within the first 10 years.
Both proposers would use the $185,000 the CRA was offering to incentivise the project.
Ms. Brooks advised both proposals complied with the general response criteria of the
RFP, but there was some key financial information lacking. Staff requested such via
email from both parties, and their responses were included in the meeting backup.
Blaise McGinely, the architect from Orange Studio was present to make a
presentation; however, staff was not recommending approval of his proposal due to it
not being able to generate foot traffic on Ocean Avenue. Right now, Mr. McGinely is a
one -man operation, but he did, later in the day, indicate that there would be eight
employees. Ms. Brooks recalled not too long ago, the Board rejected a hi -tech company
with eight employees for that site. Staff wanted a more active use. There was no
market study for the live /work proposal, but that type of arrangement has not worked
well in Florida at all. West Palm Beach has many live /work units downtown that are
vacant and the concept has not proven to be successful. Staff was not convinced it was
something to pursue.
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Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 14, 2013
The second proposal lacked proof of financial viability. It was a restaurant and staff
wanted to see if the applicant had the funding to move it forward. The applicant was not
present at the meeting, and Ms. Brooks commented the applicant became defensive
when staff asked for additional information. The applicant was invited to the meeting
and were told if they appeared and were still interested, staff would give them a list of
documents that were needed and 20 days to produce them. Ms. Brooks thought the
applicant's failure to appear for a project of this magnitude reflected their lack of
Mr. McGinely made a presentation on his concept. Afterwards, there was Board
discussion they would rather see an active use and the activity must attract individuals
to Ocean Avenue. The use, as proposed, would not make Ocean Avenue a destination,
nor would it have an immediate impact. Aside from the fact that live /work units are not
successful, the selected proposal, ideally, would provide an 18 -hour activity on the
As to a restaurant, Mr. Buchanan would accept an interim lease, but noted barbeque
restaurants do not do well. The CRA purchased the Magnuson House for $820,000,
and staff indicated there are projects coming down the road which may garner interest
that was more appropriate for the site. Additionally, parking was anticipated to become
available in April 2014. Discussion ensued that the applicant may not have appeared
due to an emergency. Some members thought allowing 20 additional days to submit
the documentation would be permissible. Some members disagreed.
Mr. Karageorge moved to reject both proposals and revisit this when staff receives
interest. Vice Chair Hay seconded the motion.
Ms. Brooks pointed out that reissuing an RFP may not generate responses. Staff was
open to hearing from interested parties about the site. Additionally, the streetscape will
change once the old high school is redeveloped. It was likely that there will be a lot
more interest in the future.
The motion passed unanimously, and Mr. Karageorge clarified his motion did not
include a time limit.
C. Consideration of Terms of Conveyance of 222 N. Federal Highway to One
Boynton LLC
Ms. Brooks explained at the last meeting, staff and legal were directed to draft a
conveyance document that would include a claw -back provision and other terms. The
project was proposed in four phases, with the first phase being an office building for a
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 14, 2013
law firm that would employ up to 200 people. Phases two and three were proposed as
mixed -use residential towers. Phase four would be a flagship hotel. David Camalier,
the principal of One Boynton, LLC, agreed with the terms and legal staff would draft a
formal conveyance agreement that would be brought back for the Board's approval.
The additional provisions that were included were as follows:
➢ Site plan approval by the City of Boynton Beach of an office building of at least
40,000 square feet by December 31, 2013.
➢ Construction permit approval by the City of Boynton Beach for the office building
by March 30, 2014.
➢ Construction of the office building to begin by May 1, 2014.
After the property conveys, the following conditions would apply:
➢ Construction of three water features, public plaza and walkways, and landscaped
areas as shown on the proposal submitted to the CRA Board on April 9, 2012.
Changes to the proposed plans must be approved by the CRA Board.
➢ Inclusion into the site plan of a covered Palm Tran stop that will be architecturally
consistent with the project.
➢ Once the overall site plan is approved, material changes to the plan would
require Board approval. Failure to do so would trigger the reverter clause of the
➢ Failure to construct the public improvements or the bus shelter shall trigger the
reverter clause.
Mr. Karageorge moved to approve the business terms and direct staff to work with legal
to draft a conveyance document to bring back to the Board at the next meeting. Mr.
Buchanan seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Chair Taylor commented he received a call from Mr. Knight who was working with the
developer's attorney, who had a concern the project would not move forward. He then
received a call from Mr. Camalier who would be in town next week. Mr. Camalier
explained he was very much in favor of moving forward, but he had some questions.
Chair Taylor thought the items he discussed were very solvable, and he asked Ms.
Brooks and staff to set up a meeting to work with Mr. Knight and Mr. Camalier to resolve
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Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 14, 2013
XIV. New Business:
A. Consideration of Short Sale Terms from HAP Grant Recipient Martha Guerich
Ms. Brooks explained the buyer for the property changed, but staff received all the
documentation they needed earlier in the day, and they received the HUD statement
and contract. The item was good to go.
Vice Chair Hay moved to approve. Mr. Merker seconded the motion that unanimously
Mr. Fitzpatrick inquired about the agreements and asked if things did not work out,
whether the Agency was in the business of accepting short sale terms in the future. Ms.
Brooks explained this was a project at the Preserve. The project was originally a "For
Sale" townhouse project. The developer has a DIFA agreement and wanted to switch
the project from a "For Sale" community to a low- income rental community. The
individuals who originally purchased and received down - payment assistance were
firefighters, teachers and police officers. They are now in the middle of a low- income
development. Staff did not support the change, but the Board voted to allow it and the
units would never be worth anything. The Agency assisted twenty residents that were
foreclosed on or who short sold. The only other type of project the CRA was involved
in, that could have a similar circumstance, was single- infill housing, and there was only
one instance there.
B. Consideration of Dates for Budget Meeting
Ms. Harris explained budget hearings are usually held in August. The City's are held
the third week of July. The following dates were suggested:
➢ August 14, the Wednesday after the CRA meeting
➢ August 21, the Wednesday after the City Commission meeting
➢ August 27, a Tuesday
➢ Aug 28, a Wednesday
The meeting would start on the selected date at 6 p.m. and be held at the Intracoastal
Park Clubhouse.
After discussion, there was consensus to meet on August 27, 2013. It was noted none
of those dates were good for Mr. Merker and an inquiry was made whether he could call
into the meeting. Attorney Cherof advised he could not. The member has to be ill or
experience some other critical event. A routine absence for the meeting was not
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 14, 2013
C. Consideration of Issuing RFQ for Professional Services
Mr. Simon explained the item was a request for Qualifications for Professional Services
for architecture, landscaping, engineering and civil work. In the past, the CRA issued
an RFQ, and from that RFQ, solicitations and submittals from professional
organizations, such as Kimley Horn, REG Architects, and VHB Miller Sellen (formerly
known as MSCW), were received. The current firms were selected from that RFQ.
After seven years, staff felt it was time to issue another RFQ. He noted there are many
projects forthcoming, and it was a good time to review all options.
Vice Chair Hay moved to approve the issuance of an RFQ for Professional Design and
Engineering Services with the submission deadline of 3 p.m. on June 24, 2013. Mr.
Karageorge seconded the motion for discussion.
Mr. Karageorge inquired if the RFQ would prohibit the current firms from continuing.
Ms. Brooks explained any outstanding work orders for the firms currently under contract
would be completed through an addendum to the existing contract, if they were not
selected. New terms would fall under the new contract, but the existing contractors
would have to reapply.
The motion unanimously passed.
D. Consideration of Issuing RFP for Insurance Brokerage Services
Ms. Harris explained the current five -year contract for insurance brokerage services was
expiring and an RFP was needed. The proposed RFP was heavily modeled on the
City's last RFQ and RFP, and City and legal staff reviewed it. She thanked Lori
LaVerriere, the City Manager, for volunteering her staff to help.
The RFP would commence with a two -year initial term with two, two -year renewals.
The broker would go to market to look for bids on the Agency's insurance needs,
evaluate them and bring back the most responsible, cost - effective bids from high -rated
companies that can be relied on. Additional terms were added, including being available
to meet with staff at least twice per year and have experience with municipalities and
other public entities. It would be an apples -to- apples comparison. In addition to the
public notice, she would reach out to the City's current brokers to ensure they were
aware the Agency was in the market for a new broker. If approved, staff would issue
the RFP May 15th, and it would come back to the Board with recommendations for
review and approval in July.
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Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 14, 2013
As to the Agency's current legal situation, an inquiry was made whether it would carry
over to the new insurer as it would affect the market quote for that line of insurance.
Attorney Cherof explained there will be no ramifications regarding any ongoing litigation
carrying over as the claim is made under a certain policy, and it is pursued under that
policy until it is completed.
Mr. Casello moved to approve. Mr. Merker seconded the motion that unanimously
E. Consideration of New Commercial Construction Project Incentive Program
Mr. Simon explained the application and guidelines for this item were included in the
meeting backup and the CRA had several programs, beginning in 2005, with the
Commercial Fagade Program. In 2009 and 2010, staff worked to develop new ways to
incentivize the area and help existing businesses and attract new ones. Staff developed
a Rent Reimbursement Program, an Interior Build -Out Grant, and Commercial Signage
Grant. The Commercial Interior Build -Out and Rent Reimbursement Grants were tied to
job creation and the Commercial Fagade Program was just for existing structures.
During those years, they assisted 40 existing business and 18 new ones, with the bulk
of them assisted in 2009 and 2010.
The Board approved $730,000 in CRA grant funds for the programs, and the private
sector match was $5.8 million, which was great public -to- private dollar ratio. By working
with businesses to identify what they needed, they developed a program to assist with
site development and permit -fee type costs for new projects. Mr. Simon pointed out
there are substantial costs involved with permitting and impact fees, and this Program
would be an incentive to advance an existing business and recruit new business to
Boynton Beach.
Staff was targeting businesses between the $250,000 and $2 million investment mark.
The program would provide a 3.3% reimbursement of the initial construction cost as
listed on the permit application. The guidelines would not allow reimbursement of the
fees to that percentage until after the developer paid their permit fees and received their
Certificate of Occupancy.
Mr. Karageorge commented since 2004, the grant programs generated 188 new jobs in
the City. The program is another economic tool and not every municipality was offering
it. He thought it would make Boynton Beach more attractive.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 14, 2013
Mr. Karageorge moved to approve the Commercial Business Grant Program as outlined
and the Commercial Project Construction Incentive Program Guidelines and application.
Vice Chair Hay seconded the motion.
Vice Chair Hay thought the program was great and reminded all, for the record, that
submission of an application is not a guarantee of funding. It is the responsibility of the
applicant to read and understand all aspects of the application and guidelines.
The motion unanimously passed.
XV. Executive Director's Report:
A. Project Status Update
There were no questions on the update.
XVI. Future Agenda Items:
XVII. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Taylor adjourned the meeting at 8:06
OdwUA�X1, Af
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist