Minutes 05-21-74MINUTES CF REGULAR CITY OOUNCIL NE~.TING OF THE CITY ~F BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, TUESDAY, NAY 21, 1974. PRESENT Jee DeLe~g, Nayo.r Davi~' Reber~$, Vmee Mayer E~ward F. Harmemi~g, Cemmeilman Forrest L. Watlaee, Ceun..oilman Nerman F. Strma~, Oeuneilman FramkKo~l, Ci~Manager Ermest Slmcm, ~i~yAtterney ~ereesa Padgett, Ci~y Clerk Mayer DeLmmg catle~ ~he meetLag te.er~er at ?:3GP.M, The audiemee rese fer the imvecatiom given byNr~ FramkKehl, ~$~y fellewe~ ~y ~he Pledge ef Allegtamee led by Yeu~h ~n G Giglie. aske~ all these present wishing ~o speak te give their mames to the City 01erk, whe wemld ealI them at the appropriate time. NayorDeLemg rea~ a Preclamatiom, ~esig~a~i~ May 20-25, be observe~as Memtal Health Week. Mr. Lansing, Primeipal of the Beyntom Beach Jr. High School, came ferward to speak in regard to the 8th gra~e students par~icipa~iagi~Yeuth im Gever~aent Day i~ the Ci~y en May 22~. Mayor DeLemg oongrat~.lated the stu~em~s an~ losked ~o the future for ~heir prelected mmteres~ im gover~memt. He them read the ammemmoememt .~eszgnati~g Youth in Gevernment Day te be Wednesday, May 25, Mayor. DeLo~g read a le$~e~ ad~resse~ to t~e City Manager frem Nm. Sullivan, Pers~nuel Direoter, re~mest~mg ti~e f~r a s~eech by the Yemth in Gevernmemt Day "Mayer" am4 a brief znt~ssie~ at 8:CO P.E~ allowing the st~en~s to leave. The Mayer them ealle~ stmde~ts to ~e swerm im ~y the City Clerk~ , Elton Jehnsen (V~ee Mayor), and Leves~me am~ Danny Holstein (Cemmeilmem). The weul~ be in~ro~uoe~ an~ givem their assignments ~he fellowing morning at City Hall. After l~he stu~e~ts :~eoeived their oath ef office, student 'Mayor" Michael Giglie gave a shert speech. Regarding e Proclamation on Men~al Health, N~yor DeLong remtn~e~ ~hat there weul~ be seme ceremenies where the ~eumty0~mmissioner representzmg this area will be the ~rincipal speaker ,- temerrew afterm~en at ~:,8 P,M. in ~elray Beach. He aske~ that each OeuncLlm~ be present if pessible. -1 - NINUTES '- REGULAR CITY GOUNCIL NMETtNG ~yor DeLo~g anmouneed that I~0ndaY~ Nay 27, 197~ would be observed as a ieg~l holiday by the City of Bo2~nton Beach and Cindy Hall would Be closed. Regmlar ~ity Oemn¢it ~eetimg - ~ay ?., 197~ Nr. Roberts referre~ to page 23, last paragraph, last word in line 2 -- should be "b~dget" instead of 'beard". Nr. Harmening referre~ to the corrections to the April 16th meetimg on page l, next te last paragraph, li~es 3 and4 -- the word "after" sheul~ be ehamge~ te "as". Nr~ Wallace meve~ te reef?d, s~oo~e~ by,r;~ carrze~ 5-0. · he Ninutes ef Nay ?, 1975 as ¢or- Ne 4iScussion. Notion BiDS PUBLIC LEGAL ordi~es - 2~d Readl~ - PUBLIC HEARINQ Proposed Or~ina~ce No. 74-12- Re: ~.enditional Use for Church ~&r, Simom rea~ proposed Ordinance Ne, 7~-12 regarding conditional ~se for construetic~ and operation of a church in Bey~ton Hills. Nmyor DeL~r~g aske~ if ~yone wished te speak in favor of or agaimst this or~ina~ee~ No reply. Nr. Harmening moved for the adoptiom ef Ordinate No. ?~-i2 en seco~ rea~i~g, seoe~e~ by ~, Wa!isle. Ne ~iscussion. Nfs. Padgett eomdueted a roll call veto as follows: Eouneilm~ Harmening - Aye Vi~e ~ayerHoberts - Aye Co~¢ilma~Strna~ - Aye CouncilmamWaliace - Aye Nayor DeLem~ - Aye Notion earrie~ 5-0. Or~Lna~e~s - ls~ Hemdin~ Prepose~ Ordinance Ne.?~-.~ Re: R~se...rve· A~meXatiom Area Wallace moved to table this item inasmuch as there has Deen ~e discussion among Council as to the feasiDility of this MINUTES - REGULA~R CITY COUNCIL ~TEETING NAT 21, 1975 matter. He asked that those in the audience who wished to speak about a~mexa~ion De permitted te do so. Nr. Harmening seconded. Under discussion, Nr. Wallace asked Council to co. sider settimg up a date for a workshop meeti~ with proper a~vertising so that the public could atte~. ~Iotio~ carried 5-0. Nrs. Padgett said ~r. MeOraoken asked to speak en this subject. The audience was then invited up to speak and someone said he would like to hear the ordinamoe read. Mr. Wallace explained ~hat this was the re~sen the matter was tabled inasmuch as Coumoil itself was umfamiliar with the details, Everything would be ~e public at the workshop meeting referred to earlier an~ if the City does go for ~xation and the hearings are set, they will be published i~ the newsptper alamg wi~h a map of the effected areas. A gentleman in the audience from Palm Beach Ranches, south of Hypoluxo ama west ef ~,.ili%ary Trail, believe~ his area to be im the proposed area and said he was against bei~ anuexe~. ~t~yor DeLong said the proper time to speak a~eut this would be a~ the time the matter is brought Dack before Ceum¢il as ~here may be ma~y changes by then. Paula Percy of Ranches Read in Lake Worth, asked who should be contacted by the public to find out what is ge~g e~ She was advised te call the City Namager. N~ Roberts volumteered te keep touch wi~h the people eemce~ned and gave his phome number -- 732-~685. Mrs. Nadely~ ~¢Cracken of Ranches Read asked in what paper and msmner the City would advertise such information. ~a~or DeLong prevaiIe~ upom the reporters to carry any imformation L~ TJaeir newspapers relative te City ¢oum¢il and s~nexation. It would be treate~ as a news item. Nr. Wallace suggested appointing a general spokesma~ for ~he group of ¢onoermed citizens and leaving his or her ns me with the Ci~yN~ager te be con~acted about the workshop meeting, in addition ~o other ~etices that woul~ appear Lu the newspaper. Nr. Don Stuart ef Ranches Road said th~se ~n his area ~e not want annexation. James Kemp, Hypoluxo Farms Road felt in view of the prob- ltm~. Boynton. Beaeh is having Ln operating within its own City lmmits,' he dmdn't see how it could come out a~d take over the County. A$~n~l~mam from the audience representing Pime Grove Village, sa~ ~hms area is new incorporated amd he ~i~n't see how the City could take over in view of this. Mayor DeLemg said he didn't know if Pine Grove Village would even Be affected ~y amne~ation, and a referen~umwou!d have to be held im a~y event. NayerDeLo~ felt there was some pre- mature wor~y on the part of the public and everyone would have -3- .~INUTES - REGUT,~R OITY COU~IL NEETING NAY 21, 197~ his or her rights respeeted as to whether er not amnexation would take place, It ~as fmrther explained that this matter was still im the s~mdy stage a~d Be£ere any definitive action eomld be taken, it would have te be advertised, A question came from the audienee as te what newspaper womld "S carry T~e advertm ements. N~, Kohl said +de Palm Beach Pest %he au~iemee that the public woul~ Be kept imfermed. and should ~ ~e some differemt meth~s ef for waC.er a~ sewer Services, they ~aid Ce~eil had not ~iscussed ~he feasibility ef for e~e dt~u't see amything ~appeni~g in i%, F~%her ~is~ussie~ fetle~ ~ ~$~e~ %he ~e~ple ~ain %hat ~hey we~ ~e eeneer~mg ~exatiem. Nr. Paul Wessou of ~es~er~ ~ay, asked hew much money has ~een spent en this "easnal' survey. Geuneil advised that ne special funds have ~een a!loeated er spent for a study on annexation. RECESS NayerDeLemg called for a recess at 8:85 P~. ~ayer DeLong ealled the meeting to order at 8:1~ P.~. aud zntredueed a member ef the au4ie~ee,' ~r. EraukBrutt, Director of the Area Pla~mi~g Beard, It was nete~ that Nr~ Brutt would speak under Item ~-3 - ReselutioR - Re: Waste ~ater Treatment System. Prepose~ Ordinamee Ne. ?~- Re: Requiring an tmpaet Statement Ce~eer~i~g School F~eili%ies .,, Mr. Roberts moved te have this item s~ioken from the agemda as this matter has not ~een brought up te Commeil a~ any time. Mr. S~ad seconded. No discussion. Notion carried 5-~. ResOlutier~ Proposed Resolution Ne. ?$-U - Re: Am~rak Rail Passenger Service Alomg~ Fi~rida East ~.eas~ Nr. Simon read the above Resolution im its en~ire~y, Mr, Harmen- i~ move~ ~e adep~ Resolution Ne. ?~-U~ seeended By ~. ~tlaee. No discussion. ~rs~ Pa~get~ eendueted a roll eall vote as follows: Ce~cilm~u Harmeni~ - Aye Vice ~er Roberts - Aye CITY COgN~IL ~TING Ce~eilman Str~ad - Aye Co~cilma~Wallaee - Aye Hayer DsLe~g - Aye Notion carried 5-0. 21, 1~75 Resolution Ne. ?~-V - Re: Au%horizf~g Cheek~ Account for Nr, Sime~ remd the a~eeve Resolution i~ its entire~. Roberts meve~ te a~opt Resolmtio~ No, ?&-V, seceded Harme~i~. Ne ~iseuss~e~. ~rs. Padgett eo~-~e~e~ a roll call vote as fell,ws: Notion carried 5-0. Reselmtion No. ?4-W:- Re: Te Jei~with Leoal Governments to ~eer~_uate Waste Treatment ~r. Simon rea8 ~he a~ove Resolution ~Bru~, D~eu~er ef the ~ea Pl~i~ Be~8 e~e~ t~ ~his is a suggested Reselmtien reqm~ed by the geve~en~ i~ erd~ for P~Beach continue ~ ~he Wat~ Quali~ N~ement Stuay. He sai8 Fl~ida's Geve~er ~s bee~ i~orme~ by the E~v~e~e~tal Pre- ~ee~ien~e~ey ~a~ 10e% f~ ~e available ~e ~o plying ~d s~y, i,e. Fea~ net be re~u~e~ ~om the lee~ ~ea -- P~m Beach Count. Specifically, the Geve~er inferme~ the Area P~s~ni~ Bo~d ~ha~ ~ P~m Beach Ge~y ~esired ~e ap~ly for Dl~g f~ds, ~he EPA ceul~ be =em~acted by ~he ~v~o~en~Pl~g Be~d, ~e be fello~e~ up by a pmblie he~i~g e~la~ t~e p~ieml~ ~regr~ -- whmeh ~ been ~one. Also, mt was requ~ea t~t the ~ea Pl~ Bo~ meet with the v~teus m~ieip~ities t~eugh- ou~ the Ceun~ re~ve te eb~ain~ resolutions stmil~ to the eg~ reg~ t~is eveni~, sta~g w~ess ~e cooperate with e%n~r &ee~ ~e~ e~ Eov~ent mn the ~evele~nt ~ ~ple- m~tie~ ef this l~. ~. Brutt said ~he stye ~ been reached ef ite~zi~ ~hese ce~unit~s ~t ~ve ~eady t~en the actien~ier te BoFntO~ ~d the to~ peDulatien re~re- sente~ is 389,~ee or 390,~ ~sons i~ Pa~Beaeh Oe~ He sai~ most eo~ties realize there is a ~ollutien Dreblem and this ~t~er before Council te~oh~ ~ a ¢ent~m~ D~ ef the Water ~u~i~N~en~ Pl~ S~dy, Af~e~ ~es~e te apply for Fe~al fun~s ~e ee~eet the prebIe~ w~eh ~e i~e~tifi~, Nr. Roberts asked if t~s ~ mere efa fae~er te held the ~i~ t~ h~er i~ ~ ~. B~ s~d ~he Wa~er Qmali~N~ge- ment w~ ree~tly eemDle~ed w~s the ~is e~ w~eh ef P~tl~tien Cen~rel reviewed -5- ~INUTF~ - REGULAR GITY GOUN~IL ~EETi-NG NAY 21, 19?S suggested fumdi~. Basically, this is a method of ac~uaLut'~z~g the e~ities wi~h ~he fact that a s~y e~e ~-elepe~ ~ ~hen i~ weul~ be up t~ ~he ~e~u~ties if th~ ~esire to ~ve the Fe~ f~s ~e ~le~ate ~v pollu~ien ~ebte~ tha~ ~e i4em~ifie~. Ne erie is ebligate4 ~o app~ fer Fe~e~l f~$; It w~ cl~ified ~ t~s we~4 ~e helpfml ~e the ee~ties, Nayer DeLcng advised F~. Brutt that the Oity weuld cceperate wi~h th~ ~e~y iu this endeaver. After seme further eemment, Nr~~ Wallaee meve~ tc a~ept Eeselmtien Ne. ?S-W, seee~de~ by Nm. Reheats. Ne discussion. ~o Padge~t eon~ucted a rell ealt vete as fcllcws: Ceuneilma~ Harmenimg - Aye Vice Nayer Rebe~ts - Aye ~ oumei!~8_n S~nm~ad Aye Ce~n¢ilma~ Wallace - Aye Nayer BeLong Aye Netien carried 5-'~. Pr~pese~ Resel~tiem Ne. 7~-X - Re: Price Ch~ge fer Bey~tcn B~e~c~Nemeri~t C'emetery ~r. Sime~ rea~ the above Eeselmtiom in its entirety. Harmening move~ tc a~eptResolmtie~ Ne~ 74-X, secende~ by ~ir~ Wailaee~ U~der discmssien. NLr. St%~na~ aske~ why the ~i%~ ex~en~s *~he privilege of msing the City's cemetery ent-e£-towners. ~r. ~allace noted that the bmmk-mp material s~ated there wa~ e~eu.gh property te take care e~ these needs. A~ter f~rT~her dmseuss~cn, Mrs. Padgett cenducted a tell call vote as fellows: Oeuncilman H%~me~i~g - ~-e Vice Naycr Roberts - Aye Ceuneilmam Str~.4 - Aye Ce~eilm~n Wallace - Aye Nayor DeLeng - Aye Ne~ien earrie~ ~0ther Ccmsi~er Lease Agreement Bet~.~een the 0ity cf Bcyntc~ Beach a~d'~ Be,7~aton Be~eh ~hild Care 0,enter ..... ~Lr. Simon read the aBeve Lease Agreement i~ its entirety. Roberts asked iF this had been reviewed and was in the prober or~er. NrJ Simem said yes an~ there is a~c~her lease c~ adjoining prcper%~. They're om the same terms and previsions except fer the length of term. Nr~ Rcbert~ ~ske~ for the definition ~f "e!eemcsynary- and Simen sai~ this mes~t charitable in ma~zre. Nr. Earm~ing m~ved that the pr.per Ci~y officials be instrmeted te execmte this lease mgreemen? be~wee~ the City cf Boymtcm Bemch and the Beyat~n Beach Child Care Center, sece~de~ 'Dy NINUTES - REGULAR 0!TY COUNG!L NEETING NAY 21, 197~ Nr, Wallace. Ne discUSsion. Notion carried 5-0. CeD~ider Recommendati~m of Bear~ of Trustees (Employees Pe~sie~ Plsm) .. --. ~, Sisera rea~ ~he a~eve Ag~ey ~eeme~ ~ i~ en~e~ ~ ~ ~e~ ask~ ~. Sim°n if he ~ ~f~e~ this ~ieul~ ~, Sime~ said ~he or~ ~opes~ ~ s~e~ by ~ ~ha~ which ~s j~ re~ eem~ine~ ~. Simon's revi~e~~ N~er De~mg ne~e~ ~t Oe~itmembers ~ the ~ ef ~he Be~ ef ~ees ef ~he Employees Pensie~ Pl~ ~hem ~ Which i~ ~ mete~ ef ~his ~e~em~ a~ the~ ef ~em~ay, Nr. Sisera meted the following amem~memt which was te have Deem included i~ the agreement -- at the end ef paragraph a~ the wer4s, "Ne~hi~g ce~aine~ herei~ shall serve to i~- ~emmify the D~k agar_not any wrcmgdoing er negligence on ~he part cf the 1~.~'.~ ~r.~ Eimon ex~laine~ that ~his mes~t the Oity wcul~ in~emmify them for the usual matters, Dst nc~ for their ~w~ megligence. This ~hrase was left out as a~ eversighto D~scuss~cn er~ued in which~ it was clarified that this Agreement covered all City emplOYees except the Police an~ Fire Depart- merits. Proposals will be forthcoming from the Actmary t~ see what Denefits weul4 Be realize~ if these departments were in- elude4. Mayer De-,~.eng also felt that au a_~reement would have to De sigme~ Dy each member ef the Police and Fire Departmemts with a yes or me answer if such a consolidation was recammende~ to take place. OLD BUSINESS approve the new Agemcy Agreement as el~dmng ~he amen&merit te paragraph 12, Ne discussion. Notion carried 5-~. C.~nsi~er Red,est cf Tomche R.ess - TABLED Nayor DeLeng recommended leavi~ this on the radio se the Oity ~ager am~ ~i~y Attorney ceul~ consult on this matter an~ ~ ~etermine how mmch lomger the audit weal~ continue. Nr. Kohl said Nr~ Duff Nacbeth of Touche Ross was in ~e audience to advise Council. Nr. Wallace moved tc ~ake the item off the table, seeende~ ~y Nr. Harmeni~g. Ne ~iscussiem. ~otien carried Nr~Naebeth ~ ~t ~he apprexi~e~ 7 mo~t~ Touche Ross has ~een in ~he Ci~ h~ bee~ ~or4~e~ long, however, he said there ~d Deem ~eble~. He fel~ Touche Ross sh~ml~ Be able ~e h~ve ~1 reper~ rely ~ ~ the h~s of the City by J~e 15~h* ~or DeLo~ el~ified that t~ Ci~ woul~ be payi~ Temche Ross mp te tha~ ~a~ ~ nete~ ~hat th~ work ~s eest the ~i~ ap~exima~ely$31,00O. He w~he~ te ~ow what the f~ ~e~t w~d ~e. ~. Naebe~h di~'t feel the fi~e ~NU~ES - REGULAR ~ITY ~OUN~IL ~I~ we~td ~c above $35,e00. NAY 21, 197~ Discussion ensued about the question ef charges in accor~amce wi~h the City's original agreement with Touche Ross. Nr. Wallace was ~ist~rbed by.paragraph 2 cf Mr! Kohl's Nay 7th letter for TJae agen~awhmeh sta~e~ "also find emclesed ~he letter a~eement (September 10, 1973) which i~icatesch. page No. 2 that ~hey were mot te exceed t~e total fees of $15,00~ u~less However, we reeeiv~ ne such notification ~SQ0~QO is a 'significant' amcmmt.- This woml~ make T~e ameer double of wh~t Tcmche Ross was ee~raeted for. Nr~ Wadd~e said he would ~e~ .a~?e wit~ this amount. Nr~'Na~e~h sai~ he ~i~m't a~reement with these %here was a~e~agement the Gity, that . if eircmms~m~es warram~e~ fee. He ~var amd Nr. ~ebe~h felt the were ~he werke~ ~ former Einamee , ~, who was ~o !e~ger with the prooeedA Er. Kohl T Ross was working he aske~ if it ~ere so l~d that : u~Ia~e the this was -- in his mim~ authorization, amd specific a~d report back te 0o~mcil wi~h reecmme~a~i~m~. Nr, Harmening seconded. Ne disemssicn, Netie~ earrie~ 5-0. ~ Waltaoe move~ te pmt the ~uestiom of Touche Ross back en the ~able, seconded by ~r. Earmeni~g. No discussion. Netio~ caz~ed 5~0. 0~.mde~. Bmke Path (East $.ide ef Congress) ~; Kohl referred ~? eerrespondemce from P~r. Time~hy F. Hunt o~he Oo~ty~laz~mgDivisiena~ F~. Oh~ies Frederick, the Ci~'$ Reere~m~n D~eo~, ~d me~e~ ~hat the Co~n~ is aid~ ~ Ci~es ~u the~o~.by sh~i~ ~he eos~ inc~red for . of 5~56 ~ee~ a~ a cos~ of $27,27~.80; the cost ~e ~e Ci~y will be $13,639.9~. ~. Kohl oo~om~e~ with this ~eco~endatmo~. He ~ ~ last~ the Oi~ Bu~ge~ $1~,0~0 moz ~e bike paths ~ re~mested the ~ditio~ ~e~t of $3,639.90 be ~INU~EE - REGULAR CITY C0gNOIL ~EETING NAY 21, 1974 ~ramsferred from the 0ontingemey Fund te Activity #4100/598.18, Nr. Wallace meve~ to accept the City Nanager's reco~e~dation and request for ~a~fer ef ~nds for diseussio~m~eses ~. H~memi~ seconded. Un~ ~ise~sion, ~ Wal~ee ~ke~ ~ ~ther f~m we~ be se~ aside for ~he s~y ef bike ee~eet~ te ether ei~ies, etc. ~a w~ were ~e priorities. Nay~ DeLe~g sai~ ~his w~ ~ eppor~i~ ~e ~ou~le ~he ~ike pa~s ~ he believe~ i~ w~~ ~ ~t~ntien ~e bu~ge? mere memey t* eemple?e e~her ~ike pat~. ~t~ some ~is~ussien cem~ern~g reee~e~atie~ ef ~he R~rea~iem B~ eemcer~img ~ike pa~ ~e~ 2~ A~ue S~em~h ~ 2~ Avenue North, Kohl n~e~ ~ha~ ~he ~e~ wishes Se build 8 foe~ bike ~ if go ~e~ wi~h ~he 0~, ~e ~, Wallace was satisfie~ with the sta~ememt that ether fumds would be ~u~gete~, Nr. Harmeni~ added that there was some he~i~a~ie~ regard,lng 23r~ &venme because of eomstrm¢~ion i~ ~hat area, I~&r. Frederick came forward a~d said 22nd Avenue was ~w firs~ next year, there weald be a bike path the f%~ti length 23r~, ¢emuecti~ Sea,rest a~ Congress. ~Lr. Roberts asked if ~ Frederick ha4 a copy ef a~ extemsive map ~ewn te Beea which he had seen at e~e of ~he League meetings an~ F.~, Fred.erlek s~d he ~ reGueste~ one, ~. Ro~ ~so asked whe~er there w~ enough teem on Ce~s te ce~t ~ 8 feet b~e paSh ~d he was ~vime~ t~t i~ w~ a~ea~y s~te~. Notion carried 5-~. BUSINESS Consider Ac~sition cf Land (North ¢f Pmblic Beat Ramp NjEA 2~h A~enu~ - Ceu~cilma~S~ ., Hayer DeLer~g clarified that ev~e~e ~ reeeive~ a ple~ p~n r~ ~his ~er. In view ef ~he fact ~e Ci~ is ~ewi~ zn ~pid~reper~me~. te ~. recreation faemlities. ~ ~ ~m~s~ i p~mcml~ p~cel ms eem~ems ~e ~he 0i~'s presemt ~uil~i~ f~i~, ~ also ~hat S~a~e f~s ~e a~ilable in a l~ge s~ Se ~teh ~s ~e City weml~ spen~, ~ S~ad meve~ ~k ~he City N~ te proceed in the ~re~ ~ire~ion u~ $ ~ese~ ~oa~ r~p. ~or D~ ~e~ ~ha~ from h~s ' eDse~tmen, a~ leas~ 2~3 s ef ~he ~eper~ ms undevelepe4 with eld b~14~gs em ~he ether 1/3. He felt the price weren't be tee e~er~it~. He asked that ~he me,ion ~cl~de authorization for ~r. Ke~ ~e eomtae~ the e~e~ to let them ~eDer~, ad4~ ~ the Ci~ ~$ ~he right ef ~ema~ in i~t~ees s~ch as this. ~, Simon sai4-i~ we~ Be ul~i~te~ up te the Ce~t ~e ~eei~e whether er not there ~ a necessity ef t~img the l~d for public p~peses. R~er DeLe~ asked te be imclu4e~ in the mo~ien that ~ een- tae%L~ t~e e~ers, ~. Ko~ ~se present the fac~ we~a ~e ~erest~ in the~develepe~ portion im the ev~ She e~s wishe~ ~e retaim the 4eveleped p~t. ~. Roberts ~ked te imel~4e im the me,ion t~t the proper~ be appraise~ ~. H~men- i~ secende~, ' 9 - NINUTES 7_ REGULAR CITY GOUNCIL ~EETING Under discussion, it was clarified that the City Naua~er would e~--plore all possibilities regardimg this property a~d impress ~he owners with the Ci%7's cencera and if they have intentiems of ge~timg rid ef the property, She City would like first noted there was a modern swimming pool en the ~rJ asked if at the same time the Oily ~ager tookimg i~te this parcel, that he aisc leek of T~he exte~ zen ef the Cz%y ewae4 reperty o~ , which would, bring it ail the ~mqv back- up to UA~= t~ There has been a ~For Sale" siga there ~or several · he City looked into it approximately ~ years ago -- Street. added ~ha% ~he representative from She Department ef the amemnt ~ff~ds the Ci~ywould discussion, 5-0. A genttemm~ from the audience note~ the area im ~uesti~ should Be eerree~e4 to be N.E, 20th Avenue. f~r Am~exa~ion for Nrj Romaid G. ~e~et~e - Nr. Kehl refe~re~ to the material before Geumeil, ~eludi~g the ~plic~ti~reeeive~ frem~= Nere~o e~ the above, which ~ ~ ae~er~ce wi~h Resel~ie~ Ne. 75-L. The complete file, i~elu~i~ h~ check, 1~ s~ey w~4 ~e ~ ~he office for ~e~eil's $~dy, This is ~r~ e~e-f~i!y homes ~ the s~oje~ preper~ is ~ the sem~h si~e ~f Nissi~ Hi~ Read ~e~een 1-95 right-of- w~ an~ke Drive Exaction, Nr. Waltaee asked if the proposed soning of the subject proper~y -- RIAAB is under the new Oode. ~Nr. Barrett said that is in the proposed Cede. If it doesn'~ go through om the R1AAB on the mew Code, it will revert~to the RiAA and will ~e m~der the highest ctassifica~iom on the Cede. Wallace said he'd like ~e see it u~er the RiAA which the City mow has as the highest classification and ~. B~rrett said this could be done. ~. ~atlaoe moved to have the City Nanager proeee~ with the proper flow em this amaexatiem and that this piece ef property will come in amd be zoned a~ the highest zonimg in residential classification om the books at the present time. ~ Strnad se¢onde~. Ne dis- eussion. Notion ~arried 5-0. Conszd,e~I'' ~ ~eoo~2zen of ~om~,nni~ ~etion ~ene~y Nr. Kohl referred tea letter ~efere Ceuncit from Coumty Com- missioner Robert G~tpepper changin~ the Palm Beach Ceum~y Camm~_~itry Aetien~gem~y from a private non-profit agency to a public agency under the Coum%-y admimistration~ Inasmuch as each municipality could be served by the newly desi~ated t0- REGULAR GI~f CGUNOiL ~EETING p~.bli¢ cemm~nity Aetien Agency, Nr. Kohl concurred with ~ro ~ul~e~er, ~hai~ ef ~e Bo~d ~f ~o~y ~e~issio~ers. He re. ee~en4e~ that the Oi~ have ~ Resolution prepped te ee~e~ wi~h Pa~ B~amh ~, I~ ~ cl~ifie~ ~ha~ *~e Feder~ Ge~r~ent weul~ su'esi~ime the ~ with ~n~s for this endeavor, ~r. Roberts moved te have the aDprepriate Resolution preDare~ by the ~i~y A~erney far the mext meeting to be acted -~Den by Council. 'l~r, Harme~ing seconded. Ne diseussion. Notion carried 5-0. ADNINIS T~&TIVE ~£Scus, s Raee~. e~ .~arres~amdenee Nr. Kohl referred tea letter before Ceumei! received from Nrs. Leis Ha~e ef tko ~emmumi~y Rela~i~s Beard ~. Kohl sai~ he has 4iseu~s~d this letter wi~hNr. Joe Lisy, Chair~s~ 9f the Nr;~ Wallace felt +Jaa~ although this letter was ~o~ sent as a resmlt ef am action by the Beard, Ceumeil shemI~ take a leek at some ef the ~hi~ tha~ ~ve ~e~ rece~enae4. ~. Roberts ~is~ ~ fel~ ~he leper w~ high~ emetien~ ~e~ of Berg ~e4 en f~e~ ~ he meve~ ~e replace this member en ~e B~;~ ~, $~a~fe!t the le~r was pre~ s~e~ ~e be · ~eete~ ~e 0e~e~ ~ seeo~d~ the me,ion. Under ~e~sion ~, W~e sai~ he di~'~ ~ee wi~h the s~tem~ ~e ~ the le~er er wi~h which they ~ght have beeR~4e, get the reaetio~ ef ~e e~ ~ action of remove. Notion Mayer DeLeng time someone chastise ~r out ef order. the v~tes L~ favor by saying that amy by Council does net authority, Co~Ueil He added that ~ p~wer te make recommendations, nat Ceu~eil, s~ the letter i~ questien w~s Ce~si~.er Req~es~ ef Be2u~ten Beaeh Ghil~...0are Cem~er ~. Kohl recommended grating the request for ad~i~ienai fumds reqmes~ed b~ the Beymte~ Beach 0hil~ ~are O.enter in the amount of ~86~0~ im er~er te continue the recremtme~al child care program far the rest ef the year. help this group. Nr. Strnad seee~ed the motion. Ne discussion. Notion c~rried 5-0. Reeuest Amtherizatiem te Ga Gut far Bid e~ Surplus Equipmen2 ~r. Kohl referre~ te the list~f obsolete e~uipment submitted HiNUTES -REGULAR CITY COUN~IL ~EETING N-~¥ 21, 197~ By the Purchasing Agent, Hr. Bill Sullivan, which was Before Ceun¢l,_. All Depar%-men+~ have Been ma~e aware ef the list nome were interested in these i~ems. Kohl reoemmende~ the disposal ef TZ~is equipment ~y advert~s- tier ~i~s, ~ en i~ f~r w~eh no ~i~$ ~e ~eoeive~, he sm~s~ ~ey ~e ~p~e~ of by se~i~ ~ j~ me~ ~o a ~ Hr. Watlaee felt the City was net trying te ~ke a grea~ deal ef money em these i%e~, bu~ j~s~ ~te~ to dispose the best w~v possible. ~. Kohl Sai~ ~he s~ll it~ eeml~ be a~etie~ elf, ~u~ ~he re~i~er w~mt~ have ~e ge fel~ ~ t~ was ne~ necess~ A. pprevaI ~f Bills te follew the City Nsz~ger~s recommendation f e~mi?men~, ad~i~ t~at he ~e ~is~etien. NO aisa~ssien. Notion earrie~ 5,0. S ' srvlees Rog Items t, ~ ~d 8 regaz~ing Russell & the first ems was for consulting engineering sa~i~ary sewer extensiem~ the seeon~ ~as for and item 8 is far the Beyn%~nBeaeh-Delrwy Treatment Plant. It was stated '~hat the grant the funds en this plant because ef something going wrong -- the City Wemld have the pta~s, but no plat.~ I~r; Kohl Oe~ncil theme would be ~we increases in the oest durlmg the next year, amounting te approximately $?.~0 for each uniform. He asked that .~he remaining Budget for umiferms be msed te buy new an4 avoid the mncreases, Nm. Wallace moved te permit the Gity Hanager te purchase ~niferms with the remaimir~ me~ey i~ that bo&get te realize a cost savings. Nr~ S~rna~ seconded. Under discussion, it was c~arified that there was enough space tc stere these uniforms. Notion carried 5-0~ pay then read the following bills for apprcval: t&CP $ 3,$o$.97 2. 68 Pay from Utility General Fund Florida Tennis ~. -Imv has not ~e~n installe~ as par~s are order. Pay from encumbered funds - 12 - operator on baok 11,600.~0 NINUTES - EEGUL~R ~ITY OOUNCIL ~EETING Super Policy Hu'~in Construction Co. Inv~ P~ from 25~-288 less ~ ~ Club NAY 21, $ 2,3 5.eo 1,563.79 ~, 926.38 311.00 R s, ell& Axo Est. - 15,948.19 Pay f~em Mtili~y General F~nd" 10. R oll~t~g ~reem Pay from ~100;.. 298 Contract 2,2?6.00 The adore bills have been approved au~ verified by ~e department hea~ i~vo!ve~; ~heoke~ a~d approved for ~ayment by the Finance Director; f~nds are available in their respective budgets. Eohl recommended payment ef these'~,~ills, ~. ~Yal!aee moved that the bills be ~amd, secom~e~ by ~r. St~nad. Ne discussion. Notion carried ~ THF~R ~. ~allace oomme~te~ that the Charter sta~es all Department Heads will attemd ¢i~yOounoil meetings. It does no~ state "~estgmate~ representatives.- The City N~er said he wout~ h~le this. May~r DeLomg said he reeeive~ registered mail with another lien today aga~t t~e eomp~uy that ~i~ the pavi~g o~ CasalomaBIv~. a~d Nr, Eohl samd they have ~ot yet been paid, After eheekingwithNr. Nerman Han~ that he was agreeable, ~. Roberts moved that Nr. Har~ be appeinted to the Community Relations Boar~ to Zill the vacmmey of Nfs. Haire. ~r. ~allaoe seeemde~. No discussion. Notion carried 5-0. ~. Han~ came forwa~ to speak to Coumoi! ~Dout some problems with the Police Department an4 he was direote~ to discuss the m~ter with the CityNa~ager i~ his office. ADJOL~R.~NT Wallace moved to adjourn, seconded by Nr. Harmeni~g. ~eetimg ad~omrne~ at 9:~5 13- ~I~OTES - REG~L~ ~ITY OGUNGIL ~E~ING NAY ~l, CITY OF BOYNTON BEA~H, ~0RIDA Ceun¢iima~ ATTEST: