Minutes 01-07-74.MIN~ES OF REGULAR CITY COURCIL MEETING 0P THE CITY OP BOYNTON BEACH, PLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1974. PRESENT Emily M. Jackson, Mayor Joe DeLong, Vice Mayo~ David Roberts, C~ancilman FozTest L. W~llace, Councilman Edward F. Harmen/ng, Councilma~ P~ank Kohl, City Manager El~lest: Simon, . Cityl.Atto!~!ey Te~eesa Padgett~ City Clerk Mayor Jackson called the meeting to order at 7:55 P ~M. She welcomed the audience and noted the micrOphones weren'~ wo~.ki~. T~ was_ well as an organizational meetmng. ~ne asked everyone for the invocation given by City Manages, Frank Kohl: ~ollowed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Vice MaYor DeLong. A~l~o~/lcement s Mayor Jackson announced that Cou~ would be held on the following evening, January 8~ 1974. Re Homestead Exemption filing, Mayor Jackson advised that anyone living in his home since January 1, 1975 would soon ~eceive a card frc~ the County Assessor's office which must be filled out and returned by April 1, 1974. Regarding the filing of new homestead exemptions, the Mayor advised that representatives of the tax assessor's office would be in City Hall January 22nd and 25rd. Applications must be made by April 1: 1974. She then read the qualifications and provisions necessary for exemption. Mayor Jackson announced that the next regular City Council meeting would be held Tuesday, January 15, 1974. The next announcement concerned the agenda -- under LEGAL "Ap', item 2 should read, ~'Proposed Ordinance 75-59 - Re: Eliminating Public Hearings by Planning & Zoning Board in Reviewing Site Plans'~. MINUTES Regular Meeting - Decem~..er 18, 1975 Mayor Jackson noted page 10, 6 lines from the bottom -- the Second word should be "thought~' and Mrs. Padgett said this had been corrected. Mm. Roberts referred to page 4, next to the last paragraph, the item rega~iing one sanitary sewer extension on N.E. 7th Avenue. He noted that on page 6~ paragraph 6, the matter was re-opened for discussion with a motion made to handle the matter administratively. Since the it~ had ~irst been put-on the table, he asked if it should now be put on the agenda for proper handling . It was decided that this be done so it could technically be removed from the table. M~. Wallace .moved to adopt the Minutes of December 18, 1975 as cor- rected, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. MINUTES OP RECJJLAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLOEIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1974. P~BLIC AUDIENCE Mayo~ Jaekso~ asked those who had to say on ~ up ~ the A~te= the: ~ t~e ~te~ ~d ~id~ines as laid d~ by ~e n~ CouReil ate h~. ~e ~ ~- vited tl~se ~ ~i~ to spe~ on ~ othem it~ not on the agen~ to e~e ~o~a~. No ~ ask~ to BIDS None. FOBLIC HEARING None. LEGAL Ordinances - Second Resd~ng - Public Hearing Proposed Ordinance No. 75-56 - Re: Community Appearance Board .. Eliminating Public Hearings by Mr. Simon read Ordinance No. 75-56 on second reading hy caption only -- An Ordinance of the City of Boynton Beach~ Plorida, Amending the First Sentence of Section 51-16.2(5) of Chapter 51 of the Codified Ordinances of Said City by Eliminating Provisions for Publ/c Hearings by the Commur~ty Appearance Board, etc. Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished' to speak on this because it was also open for public hea~in9. Mr. DeLong questioned the fact that there were no public hearings scheduled and discussion ensued during whichMr. Simon advised that there had to be a public hearing on each ordinance a~ter it was advertised. No one asked to speak. Mr. DeLong moved to adopt Ordinance No. 73-56 on second reading, seconded by Mr. Harmening. There was no discussion. Mrs. Padgett conducted the roll call vote as follows: Vice Mayor DeLong - Yes Councilman Harmening Yes Councilmen Roberts Yes Councilman Wallace - Yes Mayor Jackson - Yes Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 75-59 - Re: Eliminating Public Hearings by Planning and Zoning Board in Reviewing Site Plans Mayor Jackson clarified that this ordinance didn't meenthat the Planning and Zoning Board wasn't going to have hearings. Mr. Simon read Ordinance - 2 MINU~ES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, ~LORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, MONDAY, ~ 7, 1974. No. 73-59 on second reading by caption only -- An Ordinance of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida: Amending Section 51-16.1(7) of Chapter 51 of the Codified Ordi~%nces of Said City by El/mitering Provisions for Public Hearing by the Planning and Zoo%lng Board in Reviewz-ng Site Plat%s: etc. Mayor Jackson asked if anyone wished to speak on this item under p~lic hearing. No one came fo~Na~d. /~r. Ha~mening moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 73-59 on second reading, seconded by Mr. DeLong. There was no discussion. Mrs. Padgett conducted the roll call vote as follows: Vice Mayor DeLong Councilman Harmenin9 Councilman Roberts Councilman Wallace Mayor Jackson Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 5-0. Ordinances - 1st Readi~.g. Proposed Ordinance - Re: Approved Use of P.V.C. Pipe Mr. Kohl advised that an ordinance was not necessary for the above item as provisions were made for handling this matter in the Code -- therefore, it can be stricken from the agenda. Mr. DeLong moved to delete this item from the agenda as recommended by the City Manager~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion ca,Tied 5-0. Proposed Ordinance - Re: Declaration of Intent to Annex (St. Andrews) Mayor Jackson requested that this item be moved under "X - NEW BUSINESS" after "D. Appointments to Boards and Committees~' as this was her last night on Council. It was decided by the members to bring this item down under "XI - OTHER~. Resolutions Resolution No. 74-A - Re: Appointment of Paul H. Startzman, Liaison Mr. Simon read Resolution No. 74-A -- A Resolution of the City Council of the City of BoyntonBeach, Florida: Appointing Paul H. Startzman as Liaison for Said City in ConsideringRegional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Facility. Mr. Harmening moved to adopt Resolution No. 74-A, seconded by Mr. Wallace. No diseussion. Mrs. Padgett conducted the roll call vote as follows: Vice Mayor DeLong Councilman Haz~ening CouncilmanRoberts Councilman Waltace Mayo~ Jackson Yes Aye Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 5-0. MINU~ES OP RE~dLAR CITY COU~CIL ME. MVING OP THE CITY OF BOYSTON BEACH, 'FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, MONDAY, J~NUARY 7, 1974. Other ~ayor Jackson asked ~r. ~l~ ~ ~ w~ be wise to move ~ ,~e~ two items om ~e ~ .~er to ~he next Ce~eil -- Br~ Water Contract and Si~nin~ of the Lease. After some discussion, it was decided that Ma~or Jackson should be involved in the final action as she had worked on this. Consider Water Contract - Briny Breezes Mr. Wallace clarified with Mr. Simon that this was a S-year rather than a 1-yea~ contract. He su~q~sted Sm view of the wa~er and sewer p~oblems facin~ the City and tho ~ses in rates that this contract be on a 1-year basis and that t_his be the case for any of the satellite co~ties. He also asked t~ the contrac~ specifically state that should the~e for any reason be an increase in any of the charges to the residents of the City, these eon~racts to the satellite areas also incorporate those same incx~%ses if and when they come about. Mr. DeLonq agreed due to the info~mation Council had received that the present rates may not be adequate enough~ Fir. Robez~cs thought this had been brought up the other night and that some provision h~d been made in the contract regarding ra~es. M~. Smmon said the p~o¥1slons xn thms contract regardlr~.rate. _pr~ov. lde fo~ a per unit basis based upon the.rates set forth in Resolution No. 75-XXX, the most recent resolution adopted. This resolution fu~0ther p~ovides f~r ~uch rates as may hereafter be adopted by Reso- lution o~ Ordinance. A~ter some further discussion, Fn~. Wallace moved that the contract be amended to be on<a 1-year basis, ineludin~ those items as discussed. Mr. DeLong seconded. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Simon then read the Water Supply Contract between the City of Boynton Beach and Briny Breezes. Mr. Harmening moved for the adoption of this contract, seconded by Mr. DeLong with the inclusion by the City Attorney to have the proper City authorities authorized to si~n and eonsuammate the agreement. Mr. Simon said he had prepared a Resolution to that e~fect and Mr. DeLong felt it wouldn't hurt to also have the provision included in the agreement itself. There was no other discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Resolution No. 74-B - Authorizing Wete~ Cor~'ract with Briny Breezes Mr. Simon read Resolution No. 74-B -- A Resolution of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida~ Authorizing the Water Supply Contract with Briny Breezes, Inc., ~. DeLong moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 74-B, seconded by ~ ~llace. There was no discussion. Mrs. Padgett conducted the - 4- MIhWdTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, MONDAYs JANUARY 7, 1974. roll call vote as follows: Vice Mayor DeLong Councilman Hat, honing CouncilmsnRoberts Councilman Wallace Mayor Jackson Motion carried 5-0. Yes Yes Yes Yes Approval Requested to Sign Lease Mr. Wallace reviewed the contents of Mr. Kohl's letter for the agenda to which a copy of s lease was attached between the City of Boynton Beach and James & Rose P. Hopkins for warehouse space at 905 North Railroad Avenues for a total amount of $2~520.00 per year. Since the City is in dire need of storage space for equipment, Mr. Kohl requested approval to continue with the lease. Mr. Wallace moved to grant this approval and adopt the lease if every- thing was in order, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. OLD BUSINESS Consider Recommendation of the Board of Trustees of the Employees Pension Plan (Tabled) Mr. Wallace ~oved th-remove this item from the table, seconded by Mr. DeLong. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Pre~acing consideration of this item, Mayor Jackson noted that she had been Chairman of the Pension Board this past year, during which time the above plan had been worked on. P~. John Gable from Retirement Pla~s, Inc., Cleveland, had been do~zn to the City in June and November end gave his recommendations to the Pension Board, copies of which were included With the back-up material before Council in the agenda books. Mr. DeLong requested that this item be tabled as he felt a request such as this could open up a "Pandora's box~' and set up a little political o~ganization and cause a run on the City's pension fund i~ the Council didn't take a little more interest and study as to how this should be set up. His reason for saying this was that he had not given this an in depth ~tudy in every facet presented. He felt from past experience in having worked with pension plans that there was a glaring error in this plan. Mr. DeLonghad no objections to the Board of Trustees approving a disability pension, but in view of the fact that the Board of Trustees does not have the expertise to detemm~ne the. aCtual, existence of a permanent disability~ Mr. DeLong submitted mnfo~matmon from a well established existingpension plan as an example, which he then read. ~INU~ES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL~ MONDAY, JANTdARY 7~ 1974. Mr. DeLong said he was trying to protect the taxpayers of the City and he didn't think there was anything wrong, unfair or unreasonable in having people comply to p~ove through raedical examination they are tz~dly entitled to a disability pension. For this reason, Mr. DeLong felt this item should be again tabled because he had a recommenda- tion to make later on in this meeting regarding the City's entire pen- sion system. He requested that those who moved and seconded to remove this item from the table withdraw their actions. Mr. Wallace felt in view of the fact that the Mayor specifically re- quested this item be pieced on the agenda for action this evening~ he wished to have someone else place it on the table again. Mayor Jackson explained that she had asked to have this matter considered tonight because the Pension Board had worked on it for some time. She had requested Mr. Roberts to work ~rith the Board, but this never ~materi~.l~zed. Discussion ensued regarding whether the matter should ~De considered now rathe~ than in the n~xt session this even.in.g~ followed Dy a motion from M~. Wallace that it be acted upon at this time. Mayor Jackson said she had no objection if the plan was considered later on in the meeting, but she felt something should be done after having been worked on for a year. Mr. DeLong agreed there should be some action but he didn't want to be ~ushed into anything without proper study. After ~urther discussion~ Mr.~ Robez~s moved to place this item further down on the agenda under '~X - ~EW B~$INESS:~ item Comments by 1974 Mayor and City Council Members~'. Mr. Harmening seconded. There was no discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Final Approval of Oriole-Pastel Plat -(Shaker Heights) Mr. Kohl clarified 'that this was now .kn.o%~n as Shaker Heights. Council reviewed his letter for the agenda which stated that the Technical Review Board and Planning and Zoning Board gave final approval for this ~.ubdivision at meetings of December 21, 1975. ~ubdivision is exactly n? s. ame as approved for preliminary, except .thgt S.E. 22nd Street cu33n~nates in a cul-de-sac instead of continuing through to S.E. ~4th Avenue unti. 1 the developer of the south tract opens up S.E. 54th Avenue. The preliminary and final~ development plans wer~ in the hands of the City Manager and they have been revised in accordance with the recom- mendations of the P&Z Board and the Technical Review Board. The City Engineer has approved the estimate for performance bond in the amount of $~2~, 000.00. Percolation tests indicate by computations made by the developer's engineers and the City Engineer that drainage will not be a problem. Mr. Kohl said he n~; had the final plat and everything is in order for the final reading of the ordinance if Council so approves. Mr. DeLong referred to his earlier request that the streets to be put in this area would be specific on the plats and he asked if anything was done about this. City Engineer, Tom Clark~ said it was his under- standing that a cul-de-sac was requested untilthere is additional PLIN-GTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CItY OF BOYAWCON BEACH~ FIDRIDA~ HELD AT CITY HALL, MONDAY~ JANUJh~Y 7, 1974. construction on the adjacent property. Mr. Clark then reviewed the plat with Council. Mr. DeLong wanted to be certain that the cul-de-sac was temporary so there would be no land-locking. Mr. Roberts asked if the final plat has been approved by the County and all necessary agencies. Mr. Barrett explained that this was only up for first reading and the County doesn't give approval until it's been approved and signed by the appropriate City officials. Mr. Wallace asked if Mr. Barrett saw any problems regarding the cul-de- sac as compared to past experiences and Mr. Baz~ett said no since there is a developer to the south of this tract that is considering developing s~ud provisions would be m~de by both parties to join the roads and the cul-de-sac would then come out. It was clarified that there was a pro- viso on the plat to this effect. Mr. Wallace moved to approve the first reading of final Shaker Helght~ plat (Oriole-Pastal)~ seconded by Mr. DeLong. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance No. 74-1 - Re: Approval of Plat - Shaker Heights M~. Simon read Ordinance No. 74-1 -- An Ordinance of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida, Approving Plat of Shaker Heights, etc. Mr. Hazvaening moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 74-1 on first reading, seconded by Mr. Wallace. Under discussion~ it was clarified t~at the performance bond was estimated to be $~2~000. Mr. DeLong qqesti~ned the exact location of the cul-de-sac end Mr. Ba~ett c~arifzed that nothing could be done until the adjacent property was d.~veloped and there is presently talk of developing same. Mrs. Padgett cOnducted the roll call vote as follows: Vice Mayor DeLon9 Councilman Harmening Counci/manRoberts Councilman Wallace Mayor Jackson Yes Aye Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Jackson noted that the Mayor of Belle Glade~ Dr. John Grady was present end she asked him to stand. (Applause) Dr. Grady said he had a presentation to make and it was decided to finish up with the bills first. Approval of Bills M~. ]~ohl read the following bills for approval: Riteway Paving Co., Inc. Inv. ~4469 Req. ~ Re: Constr. of Casa Loma Blvd. per bid Pay from Encumbered 100-558 for 1972-73 Budget $ 5~371.53 MINU~ES OF RE~dLAR CITY COUNCIL MEETI/~G OF THE CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH: 'FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, MONDAYs J~NILAEY 7~ 1974. Pontaine Industries-Inv. ~49701 $ For Underground Storage Tank Pay from Encumbered Funds 100-358 for 1972-73 Budget 998.00 Overland Const. Co.-Inv. 12-17-75 Aerator Support on Waste Water Treatment Plant Caz~y over funds 6220-529 1,958.00 Tropical Fence - Inv. ~nctose Dog Pound Pay from Capital Imp. Encumbered Funds ~5805 Funds & Fed. Rev. Sharing 778.91 Huber~ H. Hansen & Assoc. Inv. ~'s 5257 & 5237A Heavy Duty Basketball Back Boards & Posts for same. Pay from Capital Imp. Funds & Fed. Rev. Sharing Picard Chemical: Inc.-Inv. ~'s 49399 & 49400 ~or-4 ~ons of Chlorine for Water Plant Pay from 6120-554 2~560.00 Lauderdate Contracting Corp.-Inv. ~550597 SpecialN.E. loth Ave. Lateral lines. Pay out of ~tility General Fund. !, 200.00 Russell & Axon-tnv.~8 Job 6858-4-CP Engineering Services for upgrading existing Waste Wa~er Treatment Facilities Pay from 6220-298 2:977.41 Russell & Axon-Inv. ~5 Job 6858-9-CP Engineering Services PL92-500 Fed. Grant Joint Regional Waste Water Pollution Control Facility Pay from 6500-298 -- Set up as A/C Red. Fed. Grants P/L 92-500 Russell &Axon-Inv. ~1 Job 6858-10-CP Water L Sewer Rate Re-evaluation Charge to 6220-514.29 2~764.26 621.60 Russell & Axon Inv. ~9 Job ~6868-8m-III&CP Consulting Eng. Sanitary Sewer Extension Pay from 197!-i951~000,000. Bond Funds at ANB. 5~899.46 Lauderda!e Contracting Est. ~9 Progressive payment.Sewer System Extension Pay from 1971-5.9' $1:000:000. Bond Funds at ANB. 95,222.54 Romano Construction Co. Date 12-11-75 7~290.00 Wilson Recreation Center Pay from Capital Imp. Fund Fed. Rev. Sharing as per Jack Barrett's review & notations o~ work in progress. - 8 - .MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH: FLORIDA~ HELD AT C~Y HALL: MONDAY~ JANUARY 7~ 1974. Florida Slurry Seal Pavements, Inc $ 483 965.69 Their Inv. ~lOg-Pl00 Est. ~2 $ 49,478.69 ALSO:- Less our deductions for Labor Withhold for Assistance provided ............. 513.00 repair~. 5, 000.00 $ ~ PAY:$ 43,965.69 Pay from Carry-over Funds 2500-520. Rigsby's Electric Co. - Inv. ~9377 Update Telephone System City Hall Pay from 1810-224 642.37 H. F. Mason Equipment Corp. Inv. ~287 Wood Chipper Machine Pay from Encumbered Funds 100-338 McClaren Construction Co. Pro~ess Payment ~4 of 12/i5/73 Dog Kennel Pay f~om Capital Imp. Funds & Fed. Rev. Sharing. ~lenagan-Metcalf, Inc. Emergency Repairs at Wastewater Treatment Plant Pay from Encumbered Funds 6220-51~ 4:381.00 2~947.50 !6,715.40 Mr. Kohl said the bills described have2been approved and verified.by the department heads involved; checked and approved for payment by the Finance Director and funds are available in their respective budgets. He therefore recommended payment of the bills. Mr. Wallace moved to pay the bills as recommended by the City Manager~ seconded by Mr. Harmening. Under discussion: Mr. DeLong questioned where Mr. Kohl said that £unds would be taken from the General Fund~ did he mean the ~tility General Fund and Mr. Kohl said yes. Motion carried 5-0. .Presentation of Plaque~ to Mayor & City Council MeJnbers Mayor Jackson turned the floor over to Dr. Grady, former Mayor of Belle Glade: now the Vice Mayor. D~. Grady extended the greetings of the City Commission of Belle Glade: particularly from Mayor Farmer, and appreciation to Boynton Beach for the spirit of friendship a6d cooperation that exists between the two cities. He especially com- plimented the efforts of Mayor Jackson. _Dr. Grady then spoke as P~esident of the Florida Legislative Research Committee and said State Director of Public Retations~ Don Mathers and his wife were - present. Dr. Grady spoke of the activities of the Legislative and Research Committee: particularly in defense of local se3~-government. Due to the exemplary efforts of Boynton Beach in resisting the changes in constitutional goveDnment and streng~chening grass roots ~overnment: Dr. Grady presented a special citation to Mayor Jackson as an outstanding woman and municipal official on behalf of the Florida Legislative and Research Committee. MINHTES OF RE~dLAR CITY COUd~CIL MEETING OP THE CITY OF BOYN~ON BEACH~ FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1974. Charlotte ~Knaus of Briny Breezes, President of the Palm Beach County Unit No. i of the Women's Constitutional Govez~ment presented Mayor Jackson with a serot! in appreciation of her dedicated service over the past few years. Mayor Jackson then presented plaques to each of her fellow Councilmem- bers~ followed by the presentation of a plaque to the Mayor by Vice M~yor DeLong in behalf of all the members. Remarks by Retiring ~yor - Emily M. Jack, on Prefacing Mayor Jackson's remarkS: Mr. DeLong noted this wou!dbethe first all-male eou~nc±! in four years. Mayor Jackson then made her ~etirement speech~ reviewing the time she spent in office and the progress over the past years. In con- clusion she thanked the citizenry and her colleagues for their support. RECESS Recess was called at 8:50 P.M. Administration of Oaths of Office Mr. Kohl called the Re-o~3anizational Meeting of the Boynton Beach City Council to order at 9:12 P.M. The Oaths of Office were administered by the City Clerk, Mrs. Padgett, for 1974-75 to Councilmen Roberts and Strnad (newly eleeted); then to Mr. Roberts as Vice Mayor and finally to Mr. DeLong as Mayor. Mayor DeLong said it is generally the procedure for the Vice Mayor to sit at the right of the Mayor and he asked Mr. Roberts to change his seat. NEW BUSINESS Mayor DeLong introduced several people in the audience -- former Mayor Walter lZ~dsemand his vrife; the wives of Vice Mayor Roberts and Councilman Wallace. Neither the i~ife of CounCilman Harmening nor Councilman Strnad was present. Mayor DeLong then introduced his wife, Grace. Comments by 1974 Mayor & City Council Members Mayor DeLong opened his remarks wit~ an expression of appreciation and an appeal for support in the coming year. He welcomed newly elected Councilman Norman Strnad to the Council and wished the retiring Mayor~ Mrs. Jackso% best wishes. Mayor DeLong noted that it was customary for the Chairman of all incoming Councils to express a direction for City affairs for the Council's advice and pleasure. He then submitted for the public record~ the following findings of his survey made during the past year of the general conditions and - l0 - . MINUTES OF REGULA~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA~ HELD AT CITY HALL~ MONDAYs JANUARY 7, 1974. and circumstances, and especially the functional status of the local government wherever needed. ~he City has been turned around by the policy of the immediate past City Council from a City of regression to a City of progress with economy, thereby cutting loose the millstone of lack of direction that hung so heavily around the City's neck. The advancements are an ex- ample of Council teamwork, aided by the contributions of the City Manager and various department heads. The ~3-ring circus~ atmosphere of previous Council meetings is wearing thin -- so are the smoldering feuds and bitter personal attacks byCouncil members upon each other. The City is finally acquiring a fitting and proper image. Even the morale of the City employees has reached a nev~ plateau. Let's keep it that way. The stor~ that anything is good enough for Boynton Beach is changing. The taxpayer is charged top dollar for everything the City buys end should settle for nothing less than top value in return. The Coney Island atmosphere wherever it exists must be permanently elimina- ted. Out City officials with an assist from the Chamber of Commerce and .other local Civic organizations must continuouslyendeavor to establish and maintain a City-wide attractiveness. This will encourage Boynton Beach residents to remain here~ the better type of developer to build here and the non-residents seeking new surroundings to locate here. Many local buyers of new homes are up in az~ns. They find them- selves in a state of despair due to the false or unkept promises by those whom they purchased their homes from. The unscrupulous developer or contractor must be outlawed. Council should adopt legislation re- quiring the buyers of all newly constructed dwellings to submit a notice of acceptance before a certificate of occupancy is issued. Ail general contractors should be required to post a $100 deposit before a building permit is granted to defray the cost for the removal of trash they leave for the City to cleanup. Many of our folks are concerned about the construction of a public'~otT~~ course. Others are interested in bicycle paths or neighborhood tennis courts: and so it goes. Gentlemen, you take it from here. Our City employees are on a par with the best and deserve the best and are entitled to the p~otection of disability pension provisions. The employees' pension system is in need of a comprehen- sive survey. It appears retirement benefits are meager. It is essen- tially unfair to expect any employee who has devoted a lifetime serving the public to atten~t to barely exist on a pittance when retired. The services of a eompstent actuary should be engaged in o~der to upgrade the presen~ pension plan. A much discussed and necessary improvement is the proposed bus ~eeder lines within the City connecting with the anticipated County ~ransportation system. The lack of sufficient beach pa~king space requires a review of Boynton Beach property in Ocean Ridge in order to determine if it can be utilized for parking. A group of citizens are interested in Council appointment of a housing authority~ selecting MtN-riTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH: FLORIDA~ HELD ~T CITY HALL: MONDA~ ~ 7: 1974. C members with compassion who will provide for the relocation of those who may be forced to vacate their homes. The stre~ situation ~s one of daily Conversation: pointing to the dire necessity for widening, drainage and resurfacing~ providing also for left and right turning lanes at busy intersections with priorities at N.E. 10th Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. ~ throughout the entire City 'limits and all east to west roads. ~nder t~h~ City Manager's direct supervision, City services have impr. oved and~5~ntin~e to do.so when new: much needed equipment is deiivered. The recommendation fo~ annexation by Councilman Wallace must he implemented. It is also suggested, the City Council and Planning & Zoning Boa~d agree, on a plan for a wester~ Cit-j boundar~ limit to be submitted to ~he voters for referendum. ~any inquiries are received regarding a public auditorium. I believe if the City Manager cOntacts all org-~nizations in Boynton Beach, civic, fraternal and so forth: requesting one volunteer from each, ready to sex~e on a City Auditorium Committee chaired by Councilman Wallace: perhaps this objective can th~n be achieved. We must attract compatible and suitable industry to locate in Boynton Beach. A City of any consequence is comprised of the working: middle and upper. The working class is the backbone of ever~ thriving and progressive commtknity and we must p~ovide employment for them. No industry, no worF~ng class. No working class: no backbone. No backbone, no consequence. The working conditions and appearance of the General Services compound are deplorable. A new garage and u.~m~, o~are ?ne packer t~ucks ~a~.~ as a consequence: needed re.pairs ~sr P.e. co.n~u?.ted in the open ~ rainy weather. Delay on th~ project · s cos~&y ~o ~ne taxpayer and the City is now leasing space for one City department at a cost of $2:500 per yea~ At that rate $25:000 o~f the taxpayers' money for a ~z~iod of ~0 years time gees down the Grain. Fu~c~ermore: due to ~hep p~esent need for more space: the City wiJ_l be obliged to lease additional space for other expanded depa~t- monte. The pDesent garage and office Space can be oon~erted into bays, here.b.y provtdi, ng adequate space for many years in the future. I urge the Couneli to approve the p~epa~ation of preliminary plans by the Building D?pa~ent ~ submissi~ to the Council ~th a~ estimate of cost so this project can begin. In view of Counci/man St~nad~s experience with boat launching ramp construction plus landscapiD~: I request he join with me and members of the Community Appeamance Board in an effort to compile a report~f~r Council's pleasure relativ~.o improvemen~ at the public beach ~a public boat launching rampd~cocated at N.E. 20th Avenue. FUnds are available for these projects, thereby avoiding any increase in the ad valorem tax. There is also a sum of $500:000 in the operating Capital Improvement Fund~ earmarked 'by the City Council as a loan to the water and sewer system to be ~evenue certi~[dat~ fs~ue zs zloat~?~ ~eD~id~.~th{s sum can ~ u'sed ~p e~ ~o e~®ensa~ ~ -necessary ~o~..th~s o~ anticipated revenue that may be created by the energy crisis. · MINL~ES OF REGULAR CITY COL4NCIL MEETI~NG OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ PLOPdDA~ HELD AT CITY .~L%LL: MO~AY~ JA~TULRY 7~ 1974. Fea~, exaggerated or othergrise~ must not be permitted to detay~ cuz~cai! or cause Council to abandon this long overdue p~ogTam. To do so would be costly to the taxpayer. The r~sponsibility of continued p~o~Tess with economy or a return to regression rests ent/~ely dependent upon this Council's I wish to assure each member of the Council I am fully cognizent our Council is a 5-member Council and I shall always continue to accept and respect the decisions of the majority of any quorum, in an expand- ing city such as ours, it is an all hands job to ~ep ahead. There is an acute need for each Counailmember's ideas, suggestions and recomme~ tions. We face a texTi~ic c~ha!lenge and I believe by your past accom- plis.hments you have p~oven you-ca~ cope very capably with all situations. Let us cent/hue to be united and so doing help to make our City the gem of the Gold Coast, Thank you for your patience and k/nd indulgence. '~ Going by longevity of each individual Counci3~member~ Mayor DeLong called upon each for his comments, Mr. Wallace said it was an honor and a p~ivilege to he serving for another year. He then asked to have item "E. Project '74" moved up on the agenda so he could speak about it now. He said the previous Council laid the g~undwork fora the feasibility of having an a~ditorium in Boynton Beach~ He .has t~ied to d~elop a questionna/_~e to be sent to all organizations within the City. These letters will alSo be available to any citizens of the City who wish to make a contribution. Mr. WaTlace then reviewed the questions included in the questionnaire regarding the desirability, location and f~nding of an auditorium, as well as the type of committee necessamy to make this an ongoing propo- sition for the City of Boynton Beach. PI~o Wallace spoke about the g~owt/% in the City~ adding that an attempt will be made to bring the City's employees' wages in line with those of other municipalities in the area. He alSo specified the importance of improving the sewer and water systems. Mr. ~oberts spoke next and thanked the citizenmy fo~ e!ect/ng him to another term. He felt that Boynton Beach has remained one of the fe~ desirable com~runities in the area with more people~/~_o~.i~ in. He felt the City did not need skyscrapers or undes/mabt~ ~ to attract g~owth. He felt the City eo~d use sOn%e business and clean ir~ustry i~ keeping with the ideas suggested ~ Mayor DeLong. M~. Roberts expressed his appreciation to the efforts o~ ~ayor DeLong and the outgoing Mayor, Mms. Jackson. He felt confident that this Council would b~%ndle the p~ob!ems presented in 1974 in a beneficial m~ner for the City, Mr. Harmening spoke next and thanked the citizenry for its many forms of help. He felt it would continue to be a pleasure and an honor to sezve the people of Boynton Beach~ and that the Council would continue to work together in an effol~c to move forward. I~IN~TES OF REGULAR CITY CO~N2IL ~F~ETING OF THE CItY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ PL~RIE~, HELD AT CI~f HALL~ MO~UAY, J~UARY 7, 1974. v~cers made a ~se ch~ee. ~. St~nad said he ~uld not make long spe~s ~d ~t ~ ~e~d ~ ~ ~ ~I1 do a 1~ th~ ~at ~ ~. ~ n~ed ~ Mr. ~ng had e~e~ the ~o it,s ~ the agenda ~ whi~ he w~ ~ to spe~ -- ~se~si~ ~ ~e Bea~ ~d the ~min~. He ~ ~ E~ b~ Mr. De~ ~ ~v~ the builders e~ply ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ ~p~ ~ t~re has be~ mu~ t~o~le in ce~ain a~e~. F~yor DeLong noted the in~lv~ o~ M~. Strnad d-,~ing an incident over the weekend in which a ~ple of large trucks receives summonses for running through the pa~k ~ Hampshire Gardens as there have been many violations there ove~ the years. Adopt Rules of Order Mr. Roberts moved to continue with Roberfs Rules of O~der. Mr. Wallace seconeed and noted that it should be Robert's Rules of Order Revised, Otherwise the Chairman would have no vote. There was also clarification that the City Attorney would be the pariiamenta~ian of the City Council. Motion carried 5-0. Before proceeding with the appointments to Boards and Committees, Mr. ROberts moved that the Council allow one member to serve on One board at a time thereby allowing more people to become involved and also not place anyone under a burden so a better job can be dOne. Mr. Strnad seconded. Under discussion, Fn~. Roberts ~elt there should be an exception of extenuating circumstances. The motion was rephrased to the degree that anyone serving on a board at the present time that is going to be eliminated within the near fmture would be p~ivileged to accept an appointment on another board. O~hez~ise no one can serve on two boards at one time. Mr. Wallace noted the example of one individual on the Cemetery Board who is being named an alternate on another Board. He felt such an individual should have a choice of which board he wished to serve on. Mr. Roberts ad- Vised that the man in question had already indicated a desire to serve on the Cemetez~; Board alone. Motion carried 5-0. .ADpointment of City Offi¢~l.~ .C. ity Manager Mr. Wallace moved to reappoint the present City Manager, Mr. for the year 1974, seconded by ~i~. Roberts, No discussion. carried 5-0. Frank Kohl, Motion .City Attorney Mr. Harmening moved to reappoint the Present City Attorney, Mr. E~nest Simon, for the year 1974. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. - 14 - MIR~iTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~EETiNG OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, MONDAY, J~k~ 7, 1974. ~uuicipa! Judge Mr. Roberts moved to appoint the Ci~% Prosecutor, John Wessel, as Municipal Judge for the yea~ 1974~ seconded by Mr. Ha~mening. No dis- cussi~u. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor DeLon9 said he put the questions before Councilthis evening by saying ~Ali those in favor, say yes; all opposed, say no'~ because this was the m~thod to be used in aceomdance with Robert's Rules of Order. Judge Ad Litem M~. Wallace moved to reappoint the present Judge Ad Litem, Judge Pizzi for the yea~ 1974, seconded by Mr. Strnad. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. City Prosecutor Mr. Harmening moved to appoint Mr. David Centola as City Prosecutor, seconded by Mr. Wallace. No discussion~ Motion tax, led 5-0. City Prosecutor Ad Litem After some discussion, Mr. Robez~cs moved to reappoint the present City Prosecuto~ Ad Litem, Mr. Noz~is Ri~key~ for the year 1974~ sec~uded by Mr. Wallace. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Public Defender Mr. Roberts moved to reappoint the present Public Defender: Mr. Robert Reed, for the year, 19747 seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Appointments to Boards and Committees Mayor DeLong suggested expediting this portion by going do~ thz~r th~ list submitted by Mr. Wallace ~d Vice Mayor Roberts. Mr. Wallace wished to clari~y for the record the manner in which the n~mes were compiled for the ~rni/a~ioi~s -!97~.- A ~eques~V~s made for a list of nominees to be compiled. A statement was submitted which ~s in essense. ~eording to the action of the City Council at the'meeting of December 18, 1973, we hereby attach copies for nom_natlons* ' of Board members for 1974, indicating te~umber of members required for each board. Please place the names in order of your preference -- Example No. 1~ name would be your first choice, etc. I ~uld suggest the Transportation Committee remain the same~ inasmuch as due to the energy crisis it would appear this committee is in a state of limbo. - 15 - MIkWdTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA~ HELD AT CITY HALL~ MONDAY~ JANUARY 7.~ 1974. At completion, please place in an envelope and submit to either Councilman Roberts or mFself ~ using our boxes out in f~3ont. We would appreciate you~ nominations no later than December 26th. ~ To further ciari~y, Mr. Wallace said this listing was not made by himsel~ or by Mr. Roberts as individuals. One list was submitted to Mr. Wallace as an individual. It was returned to that specific Council member as the other members did not submit lists. Four mem- bers of this Council met at City Hall to discuss the nomLnations for the particular boards and it was the consensus of opinion from those members as to how these names were a~ived at. Mr. Roberts noted there may be some discrepancies due to improper recording (one was in regard to the Recreation and Parks Board),but he felt the end result would be the same. M~. Harmening moved that nominations be opened for nominations to Boards and Committees in the City of Boynton Beach~ ~lorida~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. NOTE: The nominations were made and accepted as per the attached list and the motions were made as follows: Board of Adjustment Mr. Wallace moved to close the nominations after they were read~ seconded by Mr. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0. The nominees were then unanimously appointed. Board of Barber Examiners Mr. Wallace said practically all the duties of this board have been usurped by other authorities and he asked if it was necessary to appoint such a board. Mr. Roberts said there was no real need for this board but there are a few duties that he asked Mrs. Padgett to explain, other than what the County has taken over, Mrs. Padgett said the board does certify to the City that barbers be issued certificates with a fee levied. It was decided that the board does perfo~ a service after which Mr. Wallace read the nominations. Mr. Roberts moved to close the nominations, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0. Council unanimously appointed the nominees. Building Board Mr. Harmening moved that nominations be closed: seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Wallace moved to appoint the nominees, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Discussion ensued to clarify that if a member's te~m ran for another year, he didn't have to be reappointed. Motion carried 5-0. - 16 - MINUTES OF P~EG~LD/~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FIDRiDA~ HELD AT CITY HALL~ MON~AY~ J~ ]NU~RY 7~ 1974. Cemetery B oa!~l Mr. Harmening moved to close the nominations after they were read~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0. ~I~. Roberts moved to appoint the nominees, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0. Charter Revision Co~T~ittee Mayor DeLong noted that the Cha~Vcer Revision Conm~'ttee would terminate after the second meeting in Fe!rfua~y ~nd Mr. Wallace made a motion to that effect, seconded by Mr. Harmening~ No discussion. Motio~ carz~.[ed 5-0. Civil Service Appeals Board After lengthy disDussion, Mr. Harmeningmoved to delay the appointments~ to the Civil Service Board until the next regular Council meeting of Tuesday~ January 15, 1974, seconded byMr. Robe, s. No discussion. Mo- tion carried 5-0. Community Relations Board A~ter the reading of nominations per the attached list, discussion ensued clarifying that all vacancies could be filled at the next regular meeting. Mr. Ha~mening~m.ovedthat nominations be closed~ seconded by Mr. Strnad. No disc~si~. Motion carried 5-0. l{r~ Harmening moved to appoint the nominees, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Board of Examiners of Electricians Mr. Harmenf_ng moved that n~mip~tions be closed~ seconded byMr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Council unao/mously appointed the nominees. Library Board Mr. Harmeniug moved that nominations be c!osed~ seconded byMr. Strnad~ including the honorary m~uber, Mrs. Florence Sullivan. No discussion. M6tion carried 5-0. Mr. Wallace moged to appoint the nominees, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Planning g Zoning Board Mr. Harmening moved that nominations be c!osed, seconded by Mr. Stmnad. NO discussion. ~fotion carried 5-0. Mr. Wallace moved to appoint t~e nominees, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Discussion ensued as to the te~ of the appointees. Council decided upon the terms per the attached liSt. Motion carried 5-0. Board of Plumbing Commission MrI. Harmening moved that nominations be closed, No discussion. Motion ca, tied 5-0. - 17 - seconded by Mr. RobemTs. MINUTES OF RE~dL~ CITY CO%hNCIL ~EETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNT~N BEACH, FLOP~DA: HELD AT CITY HALL, ~DNDAY, J~NUARY 7, 1974. Mr. Harm~/n~ moved to appoint the n~minees, seconded by Fir. St~nad~ No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ~'~See p. 21. Board of T~ustees - Employees Pension Plan There was some discussion c!a~/~ying that Council certify the name of Johnny Johnson as elected by the employees of the City to this Board. This was followed by disc~/ssion clarifying that the ~yor se~ves as Chairman of this board according to resolution~ Mr. Wag]ace moved to appoint Johnny Johnson to the Board of Trustees - Employees PeD~ion Plan~ seconded by Fir. Harmen/ng. Unde~ discussion, Mr. Wallace noted that Council had to come up 9rith two othe~ nom/nees for the next ~egula~ Council meeting. Motion carried 5-0. Community Appearance Board After some discussion regarding the completion of the list of nominees: Mr. RobeTts moved that nominatior~ be closed, seconded by M~. Harmening. No discussio~ Motion ca~ied 5-0. Mr. Wallace moved to appoint the nominees, seconded by Mr. Roberts, with the continuation o~ Dr. M. M. Weea~ Sr. as an honoral~y member. No discussior~ Motion caz~ried 5-0. Tee/~nical Committee on Site Plan Review - Department Heads P~. Wallace moved that this committee continue fo~ the ensuing yearn, seconded by Mr. Marmening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Transportat/on Study Co~ittee Referring to his earlier comment that the present committee eontinue~ M~. Wallace ~ead their Pintoes as nominees. Fir. Harmening moved that nominations be closed, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Harmening moved to appoint the nominees, seconded by Mr. Wallace. Mayor DeLong noted that there was no //mitatien on the duration of the appointment of this committee. Motion carried 5-0. Resolution 74-C - Re: Bank Signatures Mr. Simon mead Resolution No. 74-C per-taint.9 to authorization of bank signatures. Mr. Harmerzingmovedto adopt Resolution No. 7~-C, seconded by Mr. Wa]Race. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett conducted the rOll call vote as follows: Mayor DeLong - Yes Councilman Ha=mening Yes Vice Mayor Roberts Yes CounciLman Strnad - Yes Counc~tmanWa!!ace Yes 18 - MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING OF TS~E CITY OF BOYNTON B~ICH, FLOR/DA, HELD ~ C/k~f HALL, MONDAY, JANUAR~ 7, 1974. Motion carried 5-0. Request Authorization to Open Checking and Savings Accounts Boynton Beach National B_a~k - West Mr. Kohl referred to his letter for the agenda in which he said the Finance Director recon~nends that accounts be opened at the above bank as soon as poss/bte. Any leqally established bank with/n the City is entitled to a sha~e of the City finance aetlvity. They cash the City's employee checks; pay taxes and utility eha~ges and their advice and assistance is always available. The Finance Director recommends the Utility Capital /m~ovement Fund be opened there and M mo Kohl eoncummed with his recommendation. Mr. ~Yaltace moved to accep~ the recom~aendations of the City Manager, seconded by Mr. MaZ~ening. No d/scussion, Motion corm/ed 5-0. Request Authorization to Open Checking & Investment Aeccunts National Bank of M/am/ Mr. Kohl read his letter for the agenda /n which he sa/d the Finance Director, Ftm. John Flynn, recommends the City open the above accounts __ inctu~ding a checking account and investment account with the Manageme~t Department. Mm. Etl4s Cla~k~ Vice Pres/dent ~nd Mr. Ken Nagle, Asst~ Chief Accountant advised this ~e done as the intemest and return on funds to this City woutd be highe~ than Certificates o~ Deposit. The Money Management Department of the 1st National Bank of M/ami is designed to offer municipalities a source of higher interest ~etu~n on funds fully guaranteed by the ~.S. Treasury Bi]]~ and CeI~Cif/Cates. Mr. Kohl noted that co~espondence explaining the services of this bank was available. Me asked rom Council,s advice as to whether o~ not there was interest in opening these accounts. Mr. Flynn advised that the interest ~ate was better than 2%~ amounting to approximately $40,000 in interest ~et~n to the City. He further advised that he had found no bank in Pa/m Beach County which can render the same se_~vices as the 1st National Bank of M/ami. Discussion ensued as to the reason F~r. Kohl did not concur with this recommendation __ which was that he felt all tmansactions made by the City should be done with businesses within the City itself. At this point, the lights went out in City Hall for a few minutes. ~nen the lights were ~estored, Mm. F~ynn offemedto have a representative ~f the bank in quest%on speak further on the sub' . ~lt all recOmmendations to t~ ~ ........... 3ect~ M~yorDeLong the City Manager. ,,= =u~u~± snou~G ~ave the coneur~nce Aftem re-them discussion, Mr. Wall ....... = down~ seconded bv~ ~--.~{~ ~uu~rus~--= ro~ ~u~. ,~uv~u. una~ r~s request be turned requested that the matter b- ~_=(Ll~c~ss~on. purposes. Mm. Roberts . cer~d~nc fi~,res ~ ...... ?.~u ~nEo.ru~cner %~ith mo=e detail _ ~u~ ~ a~ruru~ date. Othem MihT~ES OF REGULAR CITY CO%~CIL P~ETING OF THE CITY OF BOY'TON .BEACH, FiDRiDA, HELD ~T CiTY HALL~ MOkq)AY, JANUD3~. 77 1974. members agreed. Pk~ion ca,tied 5-0~ OTHE~ Consider Recommendation of the Board of Trustees of the Employees Pension Plan Council decided to take up dm.cusston'~ ' of_ this item at the next meeting, Tuesday, January 15, 1974. M~. Wallace moved to table this item until then~ seconded by M~. HarmeJutn~o No d/scussion. Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 74--2 - Re: Declaration of Intent to ~_nnex (St. Andrews) P~. Simon read Ordinance No. 74-2 on first reading -- An Ordinance of - the City of Boynton Beach, F!ol~ida, Declaring the Intention of Said City to Extend its Pkmicipat Territorial Limits by the Annexation of a Certain ~k~inaor~orated Tract o~ Land COntaining Less than T~n Registered Voters, Lying Contigu~rds Thereto and Within Palm Beach County: Florida, to wit: A Parcel of Land in Lot It, Benson B~other~, Subdivision, etc. Mr. Roberts moved to adopt Or~inance No. 74-2 on first reading~ seconded by Mr. Harma~ning. ~o discussion. Mrs. Padgett conducted the roll call vote as follows: Mayor DeLong Councilman Ha~'mening Vice Mayor Ro~rts Councilman Strnad Councilman Wai/ace Motion caz~ied 5-0. Yes Yes Yes Yes /n line with Resolution No. 74-A ~oncerniug the appo~utment of Mr. Startzm~n, Mr. Wal 1 ace moved that the City Manage~ direct those people necessary to see that the City's finances are in ordem so that the fiscal consultants can begin negotiations with the bon~ding counsel in ordem to move along ~ith the revenus certificate issue. Mr. Harmen- ing ~econded. No discussion. F~tion carried 5-0. Mayor DeLong recognized a member of the audience who said he would like to speak. Mr. James Cleary, 160 South Boulevard, questioned the use of an emer- gency generator in view of the powe~ failure that had occurred earlier in the evening. Council advised that the City has an auxilliary set-up but~ no one was available to activate it. Mayor ~eLong felt the next order of business was to have it cor~uected to City Hat! to go on auto- matically when necessary. - 20 - MINL~ES OF REGGLAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1974. Mr. Wallace clarified that when the generators were obtained~ it was with the idea that they would be la~e enough to car~y the facilities of the City and he recommended that the City b~ana~er handle this matter administratively with a representative of the Police Department being available with a walk~e talkie or use of some other n~thod. Mr. Kohl said he would take ease of this. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Wallace moved to adjou~n~ seconded by Mr. Robemts. Motion carried 5-0. Meetinq adjou~ned at 11:05 P.M. Recreation and Parks Board Mr. Harmenin9 moved that nominations be closed, seconded by Mr. Wallace. No discussion. Mot-ion carried 5-0. Mr. Harmening moved to appoint the nominees, seconded by M~o Wallace. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA ATTEST: // ~2ity Clerk Vice Mayor Councilman Councilman 21- BOARD OF ADJUSTMEi~T Foy Ward J, Lester Cousins Frank G. Lucas Walter B. Rutter Gil M. Eckert ~lternates: Ezell Hester Sy~on Rider BOARD OF BARBER EX~MI~RS Walter R. Lacey Francis Oliveri Calvin Rahming BOILDING BOARD Ward Cummings Caeser Mauti Milton Russell Nolan ~i] 1 isms John Churey Jack Barrett~ Building Official CEMETERY BOAI~D Edgar D. H~rford Basil Camilot ~Lrs. Frances Var~Devender Lo Don Combs _Mrs. Bertha Chadwell Mrs. Tereesa Padgett~City Clerk CHARTER REVISION COMMISSION Jobm F. White Mrs. Vicky Castello John H. Denson~ Jr. James M. Harves~ Walter M. Trauger John F. Fitzpatrick (to service thru the 2nd meetim~ in February) CML S~qVICE ~3PEALS BOARD It wasannounced that the employees had elected Robert Beane and Robert E£fron as members and Lou Samyn and Don Combs as alternates. The Couucil agreed to make their appointments to this board at the next meeting. COMMUNI~f RELATIONS BOARD John H. Stephens ~Melvin Cohen Mrs. Lois Haire Leroy Harris Joseph Lisy Vernon Thompson Mrs. Mildred ~$alker John White BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF EIECTRiCI~_NS Stephen M. Koch~kien Pete Bokisa Iv~u Allmond Allan Nyquist Louis Pehlke Alternate: Robert Cole LI ~RAPYZ BO~RD Estelle S cheap Mildred $~hite Ckristine Edws~ds Kathleen Kirton Saudra Lautens ehlager Ruby Mack Paula Moore Florence S~llivau~ Honorary Member PLANNXNG & ZONING BOARD Fred Kostner L. R. Blacketer Oris %~alker Mini ly Jackson ~4arilyn Huckle Col. $~alter Tra~ger Joe T. Ke llly PLU~ING BOARD Tom Canavan Frank Kirkeby Willie Slo~u Stephen Toth C. Len Sckmidt Term 1 year i year I year 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years RECREATION & PARKS BOARD Blanche Gir tman Toni Bonardi Gladys Iscoe Mrs. Walter Trauger Tom Marvin A. A. Stuart Mrs. John Schultz BOARD OF TRUSTEES~ F~MPLOYEE PF~NSION PLAN John Johnston, Employee Representative COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD Chauncey M. Buck Mrs. Frances Fry Col. Cam R. Rei~ Anthony Malotke Mrs. Lester Deneen N. M. Weems, Sr. - Honorary TECHNICAL CO~I'1~£~ FOR SITE PLA~ REVIEW Utilities Fire Dept. Police Dept. Parks Dept. Recreation Dept. Building Dept. General Services Department Head Tom Clark Gene Wright Noah Huddleston Gus Hart Charles Frederick Jack Barrett Bob Feltz Representative William Flushing AllanNyquist Lt. John Gardner Mike Rubin Fred Patrick TRANSPORTATION STUDY COPA~ITTEE Mrs. Li!iian Artis Frank E. Carre!~ Jr. John P. Cleary Dick Lambert Ralph L. Pearson, Jr. Jmnes H. Roff AudyWittkop