Minutes 11-28-73 _M~E CITY COUNCt~ OF THE CiTY
28, 1973.
Emily ~. Jacks on, ~!ayor
Joe DeLong, Vice ~layor
David Roberts, councilman
Edward F · Harmening, COuncilman
Foz~_~est L. Wallace, Councilman
Frank Kohl, City Manager
Ernest Simon, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Mayor Jackson called the meeting to order at 7:33 P,2~. She wel-
comed the audience and announced that the meeting would be con-
oe~ned with the water and sewer crisis in the City, She asked
the audience to hold their comments until all the consulting
people have spoken. She then read a letter dated November 28~ 1973
from the Department of Pollution Control regarding the areas
that Boynton Beach was in violation of the law ~ud the actions
necessary to correct the situation. This letter is on file in
City Hall's Central File.
~ayor Jackson then announced that Nr, Paul Startzman was appointed
as consultant of Boynton Beach to work in conjunction with the
City of Delray Beach~ followed by the reading of ~is report on
the first joint meeting between the two cities of November 27, 1975.
The meeting was held to begin examination and exploration seekLug
opti~s~ imolementation of adopting PaLm Beach Wa~er Quality~anage-
ment Plan ~f September, 1973. This report is on file in the Central
File of City Hall~
The letter included actions to be taken by~r. Klinck of Russell &
Axon, the City's consulting engineering firm: prepare letter of
intent for Council action of each City at next meeting~ arrange
for meeting prior to public hearing, authorizing Atlantic High
School auditorium as first choice or Bo~nton Beach council Chambers
as second choice~ meeting to be held ~onday, December 17~ 1973 to
permit ne~paper advertising and public notice~ request ~. James
R. ~aloy of the Area Planning Board to chair the public meeting
be assisted by ~ro Frank W. Brutt, Director of PlaD~ing, Area Planning
~r. DeLong asked it to be made a matter of public record that there
is no other place for the City of Boynton Beach to go but in with
Delray Beach. Nr. Klinck concurred that it is the only alternative
of Bo5~ton Beach~uader the present statute regarding the Water
Guaiity~anagemant Plan.
Nr. Klinck reported that he had carried out the instructions stipu-
lated in ~. Startzman's report above to ~he best of his ability,
including the fact that the public hearing would be held at Atlmutic
High School Cafeteria on December 17, 1973. He said ~ustead of a
letter of intent, after further conversation with Mr. ~arriott, City
~anager of Delray Beach, and ~. Startzman, it was agreed that it
~,ould be more fitting and effective to prepare a Resolution which
Would be identical for both cities to consider, it sets up the
NOVEMBER 28, 1973
orovisions for the public hearing, the chairmanship of it by
Maloy ~ud certain conditions ~nich are to be presented sad in what
msa~ner to the public at that public hearing. It also gives the
City a chance to express itself in good faith to proceed with the
development of a connecting program with Delray Beach. Mr, Elinck
said it has not yet been resolved as to who will oven the rsgional
sewage treatment plan~ and the ocean outfall system. The alterna-
tiVeS included a contract with either City owning this facility
and the other being a customer, or asking the County to c~me ~n
and run it as a regional agency. He felt somewhere between these
alternatives would be more desirable -- Either a contractual
arrangement or an interlocal authority to be composed of repre-
sentatives of Delr~y Beach and Boynton Beach, forming another
agency which would have financing oapability to issue bonds, buy
sewage facilities as necessary and operate ~udmanage them.
~; Klinck said it is c~rently ~nderstood that the City of Boynton
Beach will continue to own its owen sewage collection system, serving
its own citizer~ as customers of that s~tem. This will ~also be
true of Delray Beach. The only question under consideration at
this time is the terms of the ov~ership and operation of a treatment
and disposal facility which has to be under some regional authority.
No other agency outside of Boynton Beach and Delray Beach is being
considered at this time. Delray Beach now owns a sewage treatment
plant site adjacent to the south City limits of Boynton Beach, just
east of Congress Avenue, If Boynton Beach sees proper to build its
o~ transmission facilities, the City will own its o~n facilities
dow~ to that point. If the Resolution is acceptable to Bo~nton
Beach, it will then be read for consideration at the next meeting
of the City Council of Delray Beach.
It was clarified that if the ~o cities worked together, there
would be a greater possibility of getting a government grant for
~Gnding. Without something of this type enacted before January l,
1974, a joint application c~unot be submitted with Delray Beach.
The Resolution includes that an agreement of this type be made
but it doesn't mean that the agency itself has to be formulated in
detail to meet the~January 1st deadline.
Eri' DeLong felt time should be allotted to the Council for study
of this proposition and ~. Klinck explained that there had to be
a public hearing preceded by legal notice of s~me 15 days preceeding
the he~ing to be made a matter of Dublic record. With a December
17th public beaching date, there are only two days to get notification
in the paper. ~r~~ Harmenir~ pointed out that the passage of this
Resolution or~y put the Ci~-y on record that it was agreeable to
exploring the possibilities of working something out with Delray
Mr~Simon read the Resolution for the Establishment of Regional
~aste Water Treatment and Disposal Facility, after which lr~. Wall, s
suggested moving on with the rest of the meeting to consider all
areas before adopting the Resolution.
_ wz*~.~. Simon that this Resolution is a sta~e-
~, DeLong c~arifisd ' ~ ~ ~ ~
merit of good faith and is not committal, other than opening the
NOVemBER 28, 1973
door for negotiations. Discussion ensued as to who would be
the ~epresentative designated under Section 4 of the Resolution,
~Sr~ Klinck said it had to be a City official and the wording in-
serted in Section 4 would be "the Nayor, or in the absence of the
Mayor, the Vice Nayor". He said an individual's name should not
be used.
After some discussion as to the passage of this Resolution along
with the Codicil authorizing the City Clerks of both Cities to
advertise for public hearing, !~. Harmening moved to adopt this
Resolution for the Establishment of a Regional Waste Water Treatment
and Disposal facility (with the correct number of the Resolution to
be included later), plus the Codicil as to public advertisement,
5~. DeLong seconded. ~s. Padgett conducted the roll call vote
as follo~:
~ir; Roberts - Yes
[~, Wallace - Yes
~, Harmening - Yes
Vice ~ayor DeLong - Yes
~ayor Jackson Yes
~otzo~ carrzem 5-0.
~f~ Rates for th~ Improvemen~ of the S.e),¢er plant
~. Klinck read correspondence that ~as presented to Council at
the last Regular ~eeting, e~plaining the details of this matter
which is based on the proposition that there have been several
rate schedules for different classes of users of the water and
sewer system.. This is an attempt to help the City equallize those
rates on the premise that a gallon of water consumed at the south
end of the Cit~y costs just as much ~o produce as one conso~ed
near the water plant, regardless of whether there is a single
f~mily home or a multi-family dwelling, and to place the rates
on the basis of a per ~it family dwelling, This correspondence
dated November 20~ 1973 is on file in the Central File of City
i~Ro Klinck said part of the amount included in the suggested bond
issue of $2,050,000 is to help pay for the cost of preparing the
City,s plans for imolementation of the Water ~uality ~anagement
Pls~ on the regiona~ waste w~ter disoosal facili%%~ and beiD~ ready
for that Federal grant. Attached to the correspondence referred
to herein were recommended rates and the test for coverage of the
intended bond issue. The test was based on audit reports of
operating expenses for the year 1971-72 and the recently released
year-end budget rate for 1972-73,
~. Ktinck said that Section 14b of Resolution No. 64-FF limiting
the application of only 75% of the proposed rate increase has been
~ T
complied with. ~. ~e~ong noted that the v~.ter connection chs~gas
of $125.00 as referred to uP_der item 2 in Russel?& Axon's letter
just read, will not apply to those that are already being serviced
or where a permit had already been taken out for construction.
Mayor Jackson said Resolution No. 64-FF specifies that no preferential
rates will be established for water of the s~me class. She noted
tD~t the action being contemplated was only bringing the water rates
up to the agreement passed in 1964 and Nr.' K~inck concurred.
!~:~ Ktinck th~u read the recommended new water rate schedule on file
in the Ci%%?s C~ntral File; He said the equivalent ~nits have been
worked out on the basis of water use over a period of many years
are in accordance with health authorities' provisions requiring design
criteria~~ The minimum monthly charge for 3,000 gallons or less will
be $2~65 plus 40¢ for each l~000 gallons above the basic minimu~ of
3~"000 gallons oer month~~ Service charges will remain as at present,
me~ing disco~ect,' reconnect, ere; Co~ection charges shall be
$125~;00 ocr umit~' In all multi-~3nit buildi_ugs the charge shall be
mpplied ~dividually to each ~nit;
I~;' KiLnck then read the recommended sewer rate schedule which is
on file in the City's Central File;' Ninim~ monthly charge will be
$4;40, covering five fixt~mes or less (sip~, batht~fo, separate shower,
vmshing machine or anything that discharges into the sewer system).
For eoD~ercial ~nd industrial type buildings ~ restaurants, hospitals,
nursing homes ~ the sewer charge will be 100% of the ~ter bill.
Corauection charges v~_ll be $250;'~00 per ~uit.~ in all multi-unit
buildings; the charge shall be applied individually for each u~it~
As to these rates being tested for a parity to apply to the bond issue,
Nr;! KiLuck asked the City's fiscal agent~ ~. Heckman to come for~vard~
~;' Hec!~u suggested that ~;~ Elinck continue his presentation and
he would ~uswer ~y questioD~ that come up;
~ Klinck repeated that the proposed amouut of the bond issue is
g2~'050~:000;'': assuming a bond life of 25 years with% debt serv_ce~ of
$89;~70 per $1~000~~ He then read the remainder of ~he proposal
including other financial data~~ It was clarified that fi~e 5$-drant
charges were included ~a this study under the statement about
service chargesl~
The City's ~inanoe Director, Ir.: Pl~_u, expiained that the position
of the Finance Deoar~men~ mn th_s ma~er was to orovide the sta~st~-
cal background information data requzred by the City ~gineers; He veri~~
fied the accuracy of the figo~es provided in regard to the proposed
v~ter and sewer rates; He also made recommendations and drew up pro-
posed Resolutions in regard to the present crisis pertaining to the
Temporary Operating Permit;~ advancing f~ds to.the Utility Fund of
a tempora?y nature to show the Dep~ of Pollutzon Control that the
City has every intention of going forward with its sewer expansion.
He w~uted to avoid the City's being fine~ $5,000 per day.
Er;~, F!y~u explained further the ~ee resolutions he prepared for
consideration: one dealing with the suspension of furze cD, urges
against the Utili~- operations by the General F~ud. He said there
were cetain administrative f~nctions exercised by officials in the City
in the operation of the utility plants. A reasonable charge is levied
~gainst the utility operation by the City for the services of its
officers supervising this work; in the present i~tance, however, the
City officials have not really worked out a detailed evaluation of these
... NO~R 28, 1973
sera-ices a~ud he proposed a suspension of the charges against the
Utility Fudd until they cmu be ~her evaluated. Therefore the
Utility operations wot~ld be in a better financial position to pay
back to the General Fund an advance of funds showing good faith,
giving Russell & Axon clearance to seek competitive bids for the
expansion of the sewer s~temo
~, DaLong asked if an yone compiled a list of water and sewer charges
in adjacent m~micipalities and ~r. Harmening said he had such a list
and was prepared to present a oomp~L~ison of the City's recommended
rates with neighborimg cities.
.~. Roberts asked to clarify that the proposed rates just ar~uomaced
were from $2.30 to $2,65 per month for a dwelling unit with 40¢
for each 1,000 gallor~ above that, eliminating ~ great deal of
_~gur~ng,' On the sewer the increase went from $4o00 to $4.40 per
month and he felt t.ms was not unreasenaole
~, Fly~m noted tb~t ~eat progress had been made in the City with
the new data. ~
process_rig system,
From the audience, ~ Thomas Canavmu asked t~t the City Finmuce
Director clari~y for the benefit of multiple dwelling residem~s
wb~t the rates am~e going to be for them. ~tr. Fly_o~u said multiple
Swelling rates are based on the fact that each unit in the comple~
ms mu individual dwelling unit and will be so charged a round figure.
l~Eaen the gallons are averaged out, the fee will be increased by the
base charge of 40¢ per l,'O00 gallons. ~r. Canavma said he understands
the 20% ~ncrease as it applied to the sewer but not the water usage
and discussion ensued with Mr, Fl~m explaining how the increase in
water rates wou~d apply to multiple dwell~gs,
Eayor Jackson said the City is trying to correct the mistake made
in the past of giving preferential rates which is against the bonding
agreement and has been since 1964, ~r, Canav~u wanted to ~aow why
this has gone on for ? years mad ~r; Fl~-om explained that Touche
Ross examined the %'~ter rate si~ation mud in seeing that the Ci%~
was u~able to keeo up its bond oay~.~aents, it was found in conjunction
with fiscal agents, Wain%;~ight and R~msey, that there were glaring
inequities in the rate system.
~r; William L, Shultz, lll8 Lake Terrace, President of the Leisureville
Apartment Condominium ASsociation, asked for clarification regarding
the new'¢~ater rates, Discussion ensued s~ to how the new rate
schedule worked in regard to multiple fmmily dwellings and ~, Flyma
pointed out that the action being taken has been dictated by the Federal
goverr.,ment in the City's application for grants to exp~ud the water
facilities; One of the require~ents was that all water rates were to
be equallized, ~, Shultz was concerned with Leisureville's charges
in comparison to other condominimms and the situation where~ water
was used for the benefit of all units, but the facilities we~eattached
to one building and the residents in t~t building wou$~d be going
over the rate allotted to them, while the residents of the other building
might be usir~ less th~a the a~2ount allotted to them, ~. Klinck suggeste
that in cases where residents felt they weren't being charged fairly,
they should have a separate water meter installed,
~ w.~' 28, 1973
~rs. Gertz~ade V. K, ~mith, N.r~-1 10th Cou-~t, Leisureville, objected
to any basic raise in rates, based on the fact that she occupied
her home for six months ~nd had to pay the minimum rate for 12 months
of the year, She felt %water mhd sewage should be metered from the
first ga!lon~,~, t~_ayor Jackson said the alternative ~.~y be taken to
~have T~e water tua~ned off when it's not used, but there is a service
ch~rEe,~ The.re is nothing that cs~u be done about the sewer service.
5~r, ~'ty~ samd in answer to this problem, he has never ~o%~a of a
b~d~ who would give him a break in his mortgage paymm~ts because he
moved out of the house for six months. There are exper~es a~d main-
ter~n~ce operatio~-n~ to maintain.'
Winnifred Larson, 880 Horizons West, Sterling Village, asked if
consideration w~s given to the savings in not havi.~ to read 84.0
maters of Sterling Villa§e since ~nere is one meter service, savings
of man hours in billir~, cost of paper usage, etc, She noted
Sterling Village paid its bill on time a~ud if TZaere w~s any deal
made by the developer as charged in the newspaper, the residents were
~aaware of it and they resented the statement in the ~a~er. She
complained of the recent v~ter bill in the ~mount of $1~6£6 last
month, not~_ng that under the new rate if passed, it would be ~2,226 per
month. ~,~s. Larson said more than half of the residents of Sterling
Village ~re away in the su_mmer but are still billed for services not
used. She asked for consideration Lu berg put on some type of
meter so that Sterling Village will p~y 5y~, volume rather than by
%unit. She assu~ed Council that the residents of Sterling Village
would cooperate with the rate increase,
~, Flyr~ apologized for his remarks as puoz~_shed in the ne~.~paper
as they were made while he w~s under great pressure.
~. Thomas Canav~n, ~eriing Village, wanted to ~ow ~gny the deadline
%~s being set for the progr~as presented tonight. ~.~ayor j.ackson
~ t~t there were certain rules s_nd regulations la~d
by the Environmental Protection ~gency, Department of P~llution
Control, etc. t.h~t had to be lived up to. ~r. Canavan asked What the
status of the County-wide sewer system was and ~yor Jackson explained
that the Cou~a~y b~s d~ded the system into five regions, Boynton
Beach is in the South-Central District and responsibilities will be
equally shared be~een Boynton szad Delray Beach,
I~, DeLong asked that the State representative explain wl~%t Bo~mton
Beach is required to do because when they say jump you're supposed
to ask how high. ~. Klinck explained that ~ost %~vo years ago
the P~lm Beach Coumty Area Pla_~zaing Board promulgated a regional plan
for %~ter and ~ewer, at which time the Bo~rnton Beach and Delray Beach
conceot was formulated, The Pa~ Beach Coun-~y sewer sj.~tem was set
up to~hsJadle those areas West of the City but those come to the
combined efforts of Boy~.ton and Delray as o~tomers .' However, the
implementation of this w~s not formally adopted um~til October l?, 1973
u_uder the name of the W-ater Quality- ~[muagement Plan which made it a
must. Approximately a month before that, the detailed plans were not
published and a change of rules and. regulations is cu_~rently being
considered for the fiscal year 1975-76 funding. He felt that no one
in the City b~s been dragging his feet on this. D~r. DeLong noted
that this C~ty Co-~uczi has been meets_rig on ~hzs matter since the
28, 1973
~ ' the ~ '
beg_nnzng of year with represen~atzves of Russell & Axon and
the State,
H~. Paul Phillips, Engineer with the State Department of Pollution
Control in Ft, Lauderdale, representLug the RegioD~zi Engineer, ~r,
Wa~en Strab_u, clarified the situation further, The Tempor~y
Operating Permit specified performance dates to complete certain
C~ - limits the discharge from the sev~ge treat-
actions by the _'~ a~ud
ment pls_ut. He referred to ~r, Klinck's contacts with the Departm_~.ent
of Pollution Control regarding Boynton's inability to meet the funding
to meet its T.0,P compliauce dates, A T,0.P, is a Temporary Operating
Perm. it given by the State of Florida allowing an area to operate its
treatment plant while upgrading it in compliance with a time schedule.
A T.O.P. is the official implementation of "good faith" in the State
of Florida.
~r. ~h~±lzp then explained the co_rectzve actions being taken, in
the meantime, the Palm Beach County Health Dept. determined that
Boynton's sewage ~eatment pla_ut was exceeding the discharge capacity
of suspended solid~,. He said the D,P.C. can work with changing
dates, but the T.B.P. is in danger when a City exceeds its discharge
limitations. ~. Phillips then went on to explain other problems
facir~ the City.
5~r. DeLong said it was pointed out at s,u earlier meeting that if
Boynton didn't.go in with Delray Beach, it would not be possible to
get a permit to operate or receive grants,
~'~. Roberts said in answer to a question from the audience, that the
City ~anager of Delray Beach notified the residents that on Au~.st 28th,
1~72 the City Council adopted an ordinance increasing the water and
sewer rates approximately 20% and 80% respectively. Nr, ~arriott had
further stated~that the increase in rates was necessary to finance
a proposed $5 million revenue bond issue for sewer treatment plant
construction and advised that the increase in rates %,muld be reflected
on the next utility bill,
O. T. ~cLean, 906 S, Federal High%~y, Bosmton Beach, reviewed the
length of service of each Council member ~ud questioned the reasons
why the present crisis situation came about. He sooke in opposition
to increasing the utility rates and proposed that %he City do away
with its consulting engineers and establish its ov~a engineering depart-
ment, using the surplu~ available that enabled a reduction in the
millage rate.
~r,~ DeLong said he did not make an in depth study of water and sewer
but of the General Fund where he found a surplus and at the time had
asked that an in depth study be made of the water and sewer system.
He noted there had.been a change of Finance Directors then and compli-
mented I~. Flynn for the ~ob he's done up to now.
~ayor Jackson said the bonding agreement passed in 1964 specified
that the City must have Russell & Axon or sm. other consulting engineering
firm nationally known mud discussion ensued as to whether or not an
outside consultant was required by the City.
NOVFP~ER 28, 1973
?tr. Harvey N. Heckman, Jr., Sr. Vice President of Wainwright &
Ramsey, nationallyknewn firm of municipal finance consult~uts
explained Wain~w~ight & Ramsey's role in this capital improvement
program and for the record pointed out that Wainwright and Ramsey
has not been with the Cm~y for several years. He explained that
in order to put out a successfnl bond issue, investors must be
invited to vmderwrite it and they must be shov~ good faith that
the City will stand behind it~ He then explained all the facto?s
necessary to obtain this bond, inoluding acquiring the services
of nationally ~no~a firms of engineering consultants, bond counsel
and financial eonsultsnts.
~. Heckman said the City's bond resolution No, 64-FF is very
lenient and prooab_y the smoo~nes~ vehicle at this time for issuing
additional bonds and he reviewed certain provisions for the water
and sewer rates contained therein. He pointed out the high costs
of setting up a qualified engineering department and explaLued that
Wain~ight & Ramsey's program was to help the City issue bonds at
the lowest possible interest rate on a sound financing basis which
is continuing.
~ayor Jaclmson read a portion of the sewer and v~ter agreement,
Resolution No. 6~-FF -- "Consulting Engineers: The City will
retaiB Russell & Axon, engineers of Daytona Beach, Florida, or
a~y o~her.qu,almfme.d engzneers .~o supervise.the construction, acqu~_s~-
tmon s~ad ~_ns~allatzon of additzons, exter~mons s~ud improvements to
the sewer system of the combined water ~ad sewer system authorized
by this Resolution, etc."
~r. Earl Pratt, Sterling Village, endorsed the co~uents byers.
Winnifred Larson regarding Sterling Village and he spoke at length
of his e~oeriences as a law~er in Ohio regarding the setting up of
sewer syste~. He felt the Council should not let the State
Depar'~ent of Pollution Control force them into hu_~ried action.
~. Wallace read a memo he had asked to be issued this morning to
members of Covraeil regarding sewer bonds. He felt there were
several alternatives open, If money was taken out of the General
Futad along wz~h usmng~tne Lzbrary funds,end the to~al amomut of
money needed was $1-2~ million, he felt the moratorium could possibly
be lifted immediately and less money would be needed for the total
bond ~ud the increase in home owners wouldn't be as severe at this
time. Er. Wallace exlolained his s~ggestions further ~ud asked ~r.
Klinck if they were feasible.
Nr~~ Klinck clarified the amount of money requested was $2,050,000
instead of $2½ million to be used to i~orove the City's sewer treatment
facilities plus increase its discharge capacity which will carz~y the
City t~hro~gh the period until the regional facility is ready, He said
that $1 million would not take care of this pro,nam alone as the
sewage treatment_elan program itself is aporoximately_ $1½ m~__zon'~'
and the rest is planning to secure eli~ilility of a Federal grant
of 75% on a far greater program;
Discussion ensued regarding how far a $2,~050,000 bond issue wgu!d go
andb~; M~inck said~{the City D~d to be coveredfor at least 2~ years.
November 28, 1973
Mr~ DeLo~ felt the City could raise $1 million without doing
away with the library and that theCity should use the $1 million
and go into the market for a $1,050,000 bond.~ He felt the Cii~
would get into the same bind with improvements as in the water and
sewer because the G~ueral Fund was taking money, from the water and
sewer ~ud now thetaetic would be reversed if everything was stopped
regarding capital improvements and put into the Utility Fund. Ir.
DeLong then referred to a financial statement before B~m arJ discussed
other alternatives with ~ Fl~n~u~ Mr~~ Flyrn~_ felt that l~ir.~Wallace
and t~r~~ DeLong were thinking along the right track~
~ ayor Jackson called for a 5 minute recess at 10:05 P~N~
The meeting was called to order again at !0:14
I~Sr,~ Robert B;~ Nutter,~ llll S~W. 8th Avenue, single family dwelling,
spoke at length on the progress in Boynton Beach since he moved
into the City in 1957;~ He gave several reasons why he was opposed
to preferential treatment and in favor of the utility rate increase.
~ThOmas Canav~u returned to the discussion of the bond issue and
agreed with Nr;'~ Yallaee in trying to relieve the City of its bond
zssue, He referred to the time I~? DeLong spent on this matte_ and
the report made by the fiscal agent about bonds. He said it's up
to the ta~oayer to vote for or aga~ns~ the bond ~ssue.
~ir;~ A1 Haas,~esident of High Point No;~ l, made a plea for reason
and felt malay problems were presented t~s evening whic~ required
more research;~ He reconu~ended the adopzz°n of an inter~i~ate struc-
ture ~til such time as the Ci~y c~n determine its needs~ He felt
it was foolish to rush ahead with ~ay kind of plan at this time
without being certain that the City can be out of trouble for several
years ;'
i~r~ ~ar~k Y%~att, 176 S,E~ 27th Place, single family residence, noted
tB~t the no new connections boom D~s already been lowered on the Ci~-
by ~he Deot~ of Pollution Con~ol. No new permits will be issued
~mtil ~hi~ b~ is lifted~ He recapped the cu~ent situation by sayi~
tha~ in order for the b~ to be lifted; certain improvements have to
be m~de which cost money~ In order for the City to raise mon~, it
is ~ying to raise some ~ddition~ bonds but found its credi~ rating
not up to ~r; The reason is due to the ~te struct~o~e not being in
accordance with the bond resolution which is the p~pose of the proposed
resol~2~ion ~troduced tonight~ It's ~ ch~ reaction ~ if this
resolution isn't passed, the bond rating isn't up, the b~ isn't lifted
~d the City gets fined~
~ayor Jackson said there were 2~3,000 vacant lots which c~unot be
built endow and the City has grown faster than it could be kept
with~'~ She hoped everyone realized that Council didn't enjoy raising
the rates but it ~s necessaa~y~~
~; Jack Pude!l of Colonial Ciub~. asked if the City was going to
send out ~dividual bills monthly to each occupan~ of a condomini-~
and ~!ayor Jackson said no, it will still ~o t'e the condominio=m
corporation who will divide it accordingly,'
28, i973
A gentleman from the audience asked ~. Klinck what the objection
was to the Co~ty o~ning the treatment plant as regional operator.
He also asked Council ~hether there was ~ay legal objection to
owning facilities in another to~rn.
~,~ Klinck said tb~t Bo~aaton Beach has long expressed the desire to
keep government as close to home as possible, Once the ooeration
gets into the operational capability of a higher goverD~ent agency,
it gets away from the City's con[hrol. Also, the County rates would
be higher.~ Regarding whether or not Boynton can owua a facility on
land in another ~o~;rn, ~, Simon said he believed it was permzt~ed
but he wo~d have to research it. Reference was also m~de to other
instances where a city owned land in another municipality.
Mr~ Be~i!-~I.~er, 2563 S.W. 10th Court, said he v~s a builder and
refe~ed to ~. Wallace's statement that there Ym.s approximately
$1 million available in the General Fund.~ He v~nted to know if it
could be used immediately and if approved, how long would it take
to lift ~he moratorium;
After some discussion, Nr. Philli-os of the Dept. of Pollution Control
said the Ci%~ can go back on coca,orions as soon as it meets the
T.O,P. conditions. ~. Wallace asked Nr; Klinck if the City had
the $1 million available tomorrow, how long ~ould it take to comply
with the T~O.?~ rules. ~. Klinok said the City could go out for
bids within a few da~. It would take at least 30 days for the bids
to be ~oreoared and submitted and if the bond program was moving
ahead ~ithin a period of 60-90 days, cor~truotion could be completed
within a year.
~?~. Wallace couldn't see the City going into an indebtedness of
$2,050,000 in bonds when it wou~d have to go out again in ~aother
two years and discussion ensued with Nr. Klinck explaining how
m3aeh the City needs this interim program to move on to the next
step and correction with Delray Beach.
Mayor Jac]~on read. a letter dated November l, 1973 from ~c. Charles
Geiger of Russell & Axon, dealLug with Boynton's share of the ~eatment
facilities to Delray Beach.~ The letter is on file in City Hall's
Central File.
Mr. Klinck spoke of Boynt6n's oosition on the priority list for Eederal
f~ading ~ad e~plaLued that if ~o~-nton and Delray joined together in
their application they could oossibly be oushed up to 1975 funding
which would be ~de available-in July, 19~4, He said Delray was higher
on the oriority list because they have the money available to match
Federal-fumds, they have a sewage pl~ut site ~ad the completed plans
and specifications so if the Environmental Protection Agency said they
could have the money, they could proceed immediately. Boo, ton b~s to
be bro~&ght up to %hat level and it will take tim~o
~r. Kruger asked if a plan could be put into effect Lu the very ~ear
future with the $1 million that the City ~has, how long would it take
to put a plan into effect to ~mf~ the morator~u~ and the answer was
about 2 weeks,
~ · N0~E~BER 28, 1973
~Sr,' A. L. ~acGregor, 2897 S.E. 1st Place s~id he's been in the
City 42 years. He refez~ed to the c~rent sewer plant which is
unacceptable and is removing more waste material th~u the new
plant which is acceptable~ Now suu interim plant is to be built
followed by a line down to Delray Beach and he asked w~hat the Ci%~y
~as going to do with a~l these facilities~
l~r. Klinck described the workings of each of the plants in operation
as well as the reasor~ for the improvements and the interim treatment
plant~ He said these facilities are not go~ng to be discarded when
the City goes to Delray Beach. The pollution con~ol authorities
have advised that as long as the plant operates under its discharge
requirements inoloding what will be required next year, it cs_u
continue to operate,' but once it again star%~ to violate, it can
be stopped~ Conditions c.hs~age constantly.
~r; Hyatt said he wished to re-state ~(aat ~r. Klinck said in a
different mmuner. He exp/~ined the Naloy Plan which specified that
agents and sub-agents w~e authorized to construct, operate and
expand interim systems which meet the current on-going pollution
control standards, in the meantime, plans would be adopted
for regional systems to come into being, He said he worked for
the Country and it was emphatic on the part off the Area Planning
Board on behalf of the E.?..&. and D.P;C. that rsgionalism was the
only way PaLm Beach Co-~mty v~s going to be permitted to go long range.
These interim systemz were to be developed from whatever funds could
be ~uade available with the idea that they would be associated with
or incorporated into the regional system~. He said the regional
system with Delray Beach is 3-5 years down the road. After further
co~m~ent in ~ch ~tc. ~att explained the Co~_utry's rate system, he
said that ~. Klinck's plan is in line with the ~aloy Plsna
for mu interim facility '~uhich will serve to allow progress in getting
service until the political, f~acial s~ud physical areas are cut out for
the regional system,
~r~ F!ynn noted that the meeting this evening was called to review
the water and sewer pmoblem~s~ He felt that there should be no ~ther
orec~as~mnatmon and the F~_nance Depar~n~ h~s p~eparem three
resolut~o~s- ' ~ for consideration in this matter; wh~_ch followed tS~ough
with ~ Wallace's ~ud ~ DeLong's thought for the most part,
Flyrau read his first orooosed resolution, oroviding for the adv~ucement
of a repayable loan a$~ 6~ interest to the Stili~~ F~3~d from the General
Fu~d in the amo~nt of ~l~000,000~ His second proposed resolution
provided for the suspension of the administrative service charges
levied by the General Fund against the Utility Fund; The third
proposed resolution pertained to interim rates subject to being
lowered or raised as the si~s~tion calls for~ _~; Fl~nn felt these
resolutions would help put the City in a position to get the bond
zssue ~ad l~ft the ~ora~.orzu~ ~mme?~_a~.ely. These resoluzmons were
drax ~ed mn con~%uac~_on w~ ~a th~ gumdel~ues ox the Russell & Axon report
but the City Attorney ham nOt ~een contacted~ nor b~d the City i,~anager.
~Ir; DeLmug w~.nted the City Attorney to look the resolutions over
he asked if the encumubered fu_uds were included in any of ~tr, F15~'s
reco~endations for the $1 million and ~r; FlyD~u said they %%~re not
included ~.
NOVE~BER 28, 1973
~r. Harmening felt the City would be subject ts criticism r~garding
grant applications if they charged more than the standard rate in
the City to outside municioalities. He was in favor ~f charging
an additional su_~chs~ge, b~t felt it was not ~ keepi~ag with the
gr~ut application; ~g~. Klinck said the guideline is for customers
in e~u~l circuzmst~aces. The surcharge f~r out of the City limits
is p~z~missible but there is a State law that limits ~ to 25%
except for certain extenuating circ~ts-uces.
5~. Wallace referred to the 3,000 vacant lots in the City and
suggested the $225 tap in fee be raised to $500, He asked if first
consideration should be given to those the City serves outside or
those within the City itself, He repeated his feeling that wi~a
all the possibilities at. liable, he couldn't see going for the
$2,050,000 bond for 2 years aud then going into something else after
~ayor Jackson asked if ever?one was satisfied that the rates had to
be raised ~ud discussion ~sued regarding i~. ~allace's suggestions
in ~sing money the City presently has available to it~ along with
certain details in ~r. FIjr~u's proposed resolutions.
· ~
Mr. Harmening said. he'd like ~o see the meter tap-in fees ~a_sed
to be in line with neighboring cor~-~nities, He suggested the 3/4'~
cor_~aection to be $150; l" - $175~ 1½" $250 s_ud 2" - $375 so that ~he
City would recover ~_ts costs ~ud perhaps n~ke a p~o_~z~.
~. Eiinck reviewed the utiiityrates of neighboring cities which
oroved to be much higher than Boynton's proposed increase. He
~elt the m~tter of a rate schedule was being con~sed with the matter
of the bond. issue. He recommended consideration of adjusting the
rate schedule tonight and then when the other money becomes available,
when a bond issue becomes validated, the City doesn't have to issue
$2 million worth of bonds if they are not needed at that time,
After lengt?~ d~scuss~on, ~r. Harmening moved to have the CztyAttorney
correct aud put in legal v for the regular City Co~_ucz~ meetzng
of December ~, 1973, the propose~ Resolution that when the money
a~a~b~e in the
is needed, the loan capacity of $! million be r~,de
~ ~ ' _ ~ad, ~, DeLong seconded
General Fund to be ad~ueed to the Ut_!l~
the ~ '
I~r. Simon read proposed Resolution No. 73-UUU (number to be verified).
Under disc'~ssion, ~. DeLong said Cou~oil should adopt the policy
that when Resolutions are to come before this body, the City Attorney
should first be consulted, in this case it was an emergency. Notion
carried 5-0.
Regarding F~. Fl~ura's suggested Resolution to suspend the charge on
the Utility F~ud to pay various administrative costs --Mr. Ha~uenirg
moved to turn this proposed Resolution deleting administrative charges
from the Utility Fund to the credit of the G~neral F~ud~ Hr. DeLong
con. coted the motion -- to turn over the Resolution as presented by
the Fins_uce Director in reference to the lo~a of funds from the
Utility Fund to the Caoital Improvement Fund to the City Attorney to
be brought back to Co~acil in the proper form at the next meeting.
~r, Wallace seconded. There was no discussion,~. ~otion carried 5-0.
~r, Simon said he would get together with ~, Flynn tomorrow.
1£ -
CITY 0P B0._N_uE B~&~H, FLORID.&
~tr. Harmen~g moved that Russell & Axon be authorized to go out
i~ediately for bids for improveraent and expansion of the sewer
treatment pls~nt with olmos and specifications on file in Ci~~ Hall,
After lengtbJ discussion clarii~yin~,that it was ~ot necess~ to
also go out immediately for a bond zssue, ~r~ DeDor~z seconaea the
me,zen. ~otion ca~rled 5-0.
}~r; Wallace moved that the water rates be equalized according to
the studies oresented to Coup_ell this evening, seconded by
Harmening with the addition that this resolution be put into final
form by the City Attorney including the combined efforts of both
~. Fllrnn and Russell & Axon's. resolutions and also includ~--ug the
' = of tap~-in or i:astgllation fees. There was no other dis-
lncreas ~s
cussion~~ Eotion carried 5-0,
~ayor Jackson referred to a note she sent to members of Co~ueil about
the Ocean Ridge contract that they would like to have Boynton Beach
ts.ks over their w~ter and sewer. After some dissuasion, it was
decided tl~t ~. F15nn% and 5ir. Simon work in conjunction to 5~ve
this contract ready for the meetir~o of the Council Tuesday, December
4, i973.
After fu-~ther discussion regardiD~ certain details in the resolutions
discussed tonight, Nr. Wallace moved that the City Attorney
Consulting Engineer meet together to iron out slay of the bugs. tb~t
are present and bring them back at the next Oouncil meeting ~_n final
form. ~r. DeLor~ seconded. ~{.otion csa~ried 5-0.
· ~ '- ~otion
Wallace moved to ad3ourn~ seconded by -~'~, Harmenzug.
caz.r~__ied 5-0. Meeting adjou2ned ~t 11~58 P,~[i~