Vince Piraino, Chair Matthew Graham, Board Liaison
Wendy Kelly
Ben Lowe
Carol Porter
Lesha Roundtree (arrived 7.03 p.m.)
Floyd Zonenstein
Willie Swoope, Vice Chair
Margaret Newton
1. Openings
2. Call to Order
Chair Piraino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
4. Roll Call
Roll call was taken. A quorum was present.
5. Approval of Minutes from June 12th Meeting (Previously mailed by
the City Clerk's office)
Mr. Zonenstein moved to approve the minutes. Chair Piraino seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
6. Announcements:
Meetings Minutes
Community Relations Board
B oynton Beach, FL July 10, 2013
7. Approval of Agenda
a. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
It was noted the Agenda contained the wrong meeting date. It should read July 10th
and not June 10th.
(Ms. Roundtree arrived.)
b. Adoption
Mr. Zonenstein moved to approve as amended for the date. Chair Piraino seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
8. Public Audience
9. Old Business.
a. Survey Results /Update.
Chair Piraino inquired who, besides Mr. Lowe, had not turned in their survey. The City
Manager's office said five were received. Ms. Roundtree had not yet submitted hers
and it was suggested the members resubmit them. There was agreement Mr. Graham
would email the survey to the Chair to distribute to the members. It was unknown
whose survey was received and whose was not.
b. Board Resignations /Appointments
Chair Piraino advised he was not present at the last meeting, but noted there was a
recommendation to move forward with exit surveys and someone was to follow up with
Mr. Graham spoke with the City Manager's Office about the matter and there was no
interest in doing so at this point. They have a pretty good membership as far as
advisory boards go, and when members resign, they generally indicate the reason. It
was unknown why Ms. Rushing resigned, but it was known Ms. Khoja joined a
Meetings Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL July 10, 2013
The members wanted to know why there was a high turnover on the Board. Ms.
Newton had mentioned the exit survey as it could be a tool to keep members engaged
and review what the Board was doing right and wrong.
10. Special Business:
a. Code Enforcement Presentation.
Diane Springer, Code Compliance Coordinator, was in attendance to make a
presentation; however, there were no public attendees. Chair Piraino noted the water
bill used to advertise the event listed the date for March 13, 2013, when it was originally
scheduled. Ms. Springer commented she had received a few calls regarding the
presentation. Mr. Graham explained the water bills that were issued in May contained
the March date. The June bill had the correct July date, but they were mailed in late
June. Chair Piraino suggested waiting briefly to see if any public arrived for the
While waiting, Chair Piraino inquired if the members wanted to have a presentation
about hurricane and storm awareness as he had read there would be many storms and
hurricanes this year. Ms. Kelly noted Palm Beach County has an Emergency Readiness
program and inquired if she should give them a call. Chair Piraino thought it would be
good idea to schedule something for the August or September meeting and they would
focus on Code Compliance for August.
After the brief wait, Chair Piraino announced Ms. Springer would make a short
presentation for the benefit of the members. Ms. Springer explained the Code
Compliance Division is under the purview of the Police Department. A Police Sergeant
supervises the Division and takes the complaint calls when citizens are adamant about
speaking with a supervisor. He also accompanies the Code Officer when residents give
them a hard time. Ms. Springer explained she runs the day -to -day operations in the
When fully staffed, there are eight officers. At the moment there are five officers,
another starting in two weeks, and hopefully they would hire two more. They have two
support staff. All officers and staff are certified by the Florida Association of Code
Enforcement. They receive training for each certification level and pass a test. They
range in rank from Code Officer, and when they obtain three levels of certification and
five years of experience, they are elevated to Senior Code Officer.
The Division currently acts, because they are short- staffed, on a complaint generated
basis, but when driving to the violation location, if the officer notices other violations on
other properties, they can cite those properties.
Meetings Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL July 10 , 201
When fully staffed, they do routine inspections. Each officer has an assigned zone.
There are three in the northeast section of the City; two in the south section south of
Boynton Beach Boulevard, and one officer handling the area west of 1 -95. They patrol
their zones and if they find a violation, there is a process to obtain information about
who owns the property through deeds and tax records, and they turn it over to office
staff to process.
The Division is governed by Florida Statute 162, which requires the violator to be
notified in writing and given reasonable time to correct the violation. A violator can be
given 10 days to mow the grass, but not 10 days to put on a new roof. Instead, they
could be given four to six weeks.
If the violator does not comply, they are notified by certified mail to attend a Code Board
Hearing. The violator has to receive service via a signed green card, or if not returned,
staff posts the property 10 days before the hearing date which is legal service. The
respondent appears before the Board and hears staffs report. The respondent, if
present, can testify. The Board asks the respondent how much time they need. The
Board usually gives the requested time, but sets a compliance date and a fine amount.
If they do not comply by that date, they start to accrue a daily fine until the date of
compliance. If they still do not comply by the original compliance date, they go back to
the Code Compliance Board, receiving notice via certified mail and the Board certifies
the fine and places a lien on the property. When the respondent finally corrects the
violations, the Board has a lien reduction process.
The Division works with other departments processing cases. One example is if the
Building Department finds a violation of a building Code, the violator is issued a Red
Tag giving a set amount of time to comply. If the respondent does not comply, the case
is referred to the Code Division for a Code Board hearing. Also, they process cases for
non - payment of excessive false alarms and non - payment of fire inspection fees.
Mr. Lowe inquired about the best way to bring a violation to the City's attention. Ms.
Springer explained all complaints go through the Dispatch non - emergency number.
Violations can be reported anonymously. In the past, one would call the office, staff
would take the information, give it to the Code Officer, and there could be a 24 to 48
hour turnaround. With Dispatch, the call is immediately made to the Officer to verify the
violation. The Officer has about an hour to respond to Dispatch whether there is a
violation or not.
An inquiry was made if there is a number people can call to find out what constitutes a
violation. Ms. Springer responded they should call. Sometimes something looks like a
violation, but it is not covered by the Statute. Ms. Springer also pointed out they have
an officer who works on Saturday, so the office operates six days per week.
Meetings Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL July 10,
In response to a question about how much the fines usually are, Ms. Springer
responded the fines depend on the violation, are based on its severity, how long it has
been in non - compliance, and on Statute 162.
Someone who does not cut grass may receive a fine of $50 per day, but if the violation
was an abandoned home, an unsecured pool or an unsecured property with vagrants,
that could be $1,000 per day. The City enacted an ordinance in 2009 to address
properties that are abandoned and go into the foreclosure process. The Bank does not
yet own the property and the owners do not care. The Ordinance states that as soon as
a property is vacant or goes into foreclosure, the Bank is cited. Consequently, some
Banks send someone to address the issue.
The City has a Nuisance Abatement program. If the Bank does nothing and the grass is
two feet high, staff goes through the process of notifying the owner. It does not happen
overnight, but once the process is complete, the City has a vendor mow the property
and another vendor to board unsecured homes.
A question was posed about personal property, and if there is a listing of the various
violations. Ms. Springer explained the violations are contained in the City's Ordinances.
She recommended checking online under Code Enforcement, and using the search
The Board has a regular meeting once a month and a Lien Reduction meeting once per
month. As to the criteria to be a Board member, there are a variety of backgrounds on
the Board. The Board currently has six members, but for a City this size, the Board
normally has seven regular and two alternate members. Anyone wanting to volunteer
should let the Commission know.
Preparation to go before the Board starts a week before the meeting. Last month, they
had 82 cases. All the mail has to be certified so if there is no quorum, staff has to
resend the letters certified mail. The Board meets on Wednesdays. The Code Officer
presents the case he sent the notice of violation for and the Board makes a decision.
When the respondent is not present, staff recommends a compliance date since the
Code Officer has inspected the site. The members read the backup material provided,
determine the severity of the violation and attach a commensurate fine.
Chair Piraino and the members thanked Ms. Springer for the presentation.
11. New Business
a. Press Communication Update — Mr. Lowe
Meetings Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FIL Ju 10, 2013
Mr. Lowe explained he contacted the Palm Beach Post and the Sun - Sentinel for this
meeting. He spoke to a representative about the March event which was cancelled at
the last minute, and they were not happy because they had advertised it and it was
difficult to notify the public of the cancellation.
This last time, the representative from the Palm Beach Post did not return any of Mr.
Lowe's emails, but the Sun - Sentinel did, and they would try to get the word out in the
paper. He did a quick check earlier in the day and did not see it. He commented this
was how the public could find out about the meetings, especially important special
meetings. Unless he looked at his water bill, he would not have had any idea about the
presentation. He was open to suggestions how to have a better relationship with the
Ms. Kelly suggested instead of focusing on the old way of advertising such as the press,
the members be innovative and go to the community, since the community was not
coming to them. She thought, as to Hurricane Preparedness, having information to
distribute and attending local community meetings would be helpful.
Chair Piraino attended Planning and Development meetings, and noted one person
came to that meeting and that Board was one of the more important Boards. He
inquired if other Board's attract audiences. Mr. Zonenstein commented one problem
was individuals go to the City Commission meetings, and the City Commission does not
bother with the Board. He inquired if the Veterans, Cemetery, and Library Boards have
public attendees.
Mr. Lowe thought the Library Board makes policy, because the City Commission does
not get involved in the details of it. What the Community Relations Board does overlaps
with the City Commission and he thought the Commission could delegate some of the
issues to the Board. It would be good to have the City Commission announce the Board
is available to listen and is a forum for resolution.
Chair Piraino commented each opportunity they have to market the Board is shot down
and he felt the Board was running out of options. He did not know if the citizens do not
get involved or care. Ms. Kelly opined it was not that people did not care; it was that
they associate the name with the face. She thought they should be more engaged in the
community and the public would feel more comfortable coming to the meetings. Brief
discussion followed whether other Boards list the members and their pictures on the
website. He noted Boca Raton does and he asked if Boynton Beach did or if they
could. It was thought a name should go with a face.
b. Rights Restoration - Possible future meeting presentation (Board
discussion, if any)
Meetings Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Fl- July 10,
Ms. Kelly explained this was her suggestion as there has been a lot of negativity in the
news regarding the Police Department and there was some discussion a few meetings
ago about having the police come and talk. She thought they could team up, do
something positive with them, and possibly help restore rights of individuals who are
felons. Again, this would be an opportunity to put a name with a face and bring
something positive to the community. There was no date set; it was up for discussion.
Mr. Zonenstein commented at the last City Commission meeting, the Commission did
not mention the fact they eliminated two Police Major jobs, and never announced it at
the City Commission meeting. If he had not read it in the paper, he would not have
known. Mr. Zonenstein went to the Chief that night about the matter and was told the
Majors expected it. Lt. Jeffrey Katz will serve as Interim Chief. That was the extent of
his knowledge and he commented one did not know what was going on even in the
C. CRB member Turnover — Possible exit survey
This item was discussed earlier in the meeting.
12. Other New Business
Mr. Lowe inquired what would be done at the next meeting. Chair Piraino thought
August was more of a vacation month. He thought September may be a good meeting
to hear about Charter Schools and/or Code Compliance or both. The members could
start working on the matter now, and he suggested each member bring two residents to
the meeting.
Mr. Lowe thought if revisiting the Code Compliance presentation, the public would ask
questions about what is a violation. Ms. Springer responded she could respond to
general questions, and if specific, would send a Code Officer.
Ms. Kelly inquired if there was an After School Bash, perhaps for school supplies they
can participate in. Mr. Graham agreed to research this. Chair Piraino agreed to contact
Mr. Lee regarding a Charter School presentation. He thought Code Compliance should
be scheduled for September and advertised in the July water bills. Mr. Lowe would try
to enlist the help of the press.
Ms. Kelly offered to ask her employer to donate school supplies and that could draw the
public to the meeting. Chair Piraino liked the idea, but was unsure the Board could do
so. Mr. Zonenstein noted at one time, the Police Department gave out backpacks. It
was suggested they team up with the Police Department if they would participate in a
back to school project.
Meetings iu
Community Relations Board
Boy nton Beach, FL July 1, 2013
The next meeting would be on September 11, 2013. Chair Piraino agreed to contact
the school for a speaker and forward the information he receives from Mr. Graham to
the members. It was noted the Board does not necessarily meet in August. The
members agreed to contact the Chair whether they would meet or not.
13. Adjournment:
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Piraino properly adjourned the
meeting at 7:40 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist