Minutes 08-23-73MINUTES OF SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA~ HELD IN COHNCIL CHAMBERS~ FRIDAY~ AI1GUST 247 1973. PRESENT Emily M Jackson, Mayor Joe DeLong~ Vice Mayor · n David Roberts, Counczlma Frank Kohl, City Manager Tereesa padgett~ CityClerk ABSENT Edward Fo Nammening~ Councilman Fomrest L. Wallace, Counei!man Ernest Simon, city Attorney Mayor Jackson called the Special Meeting to omdem at 4:32 P.M. and made the following statement; 'Vor the record~ I would like to explain why I felt this was an emer- gency and warranted a Special Meeting to get the bid awarded. Before the bids were opened~ the architect said that it would take seven months for the fire sub-station to be completed. With the difficulty in getting building pmojects started~ I felt that if the builder wasntt selected immediately, they might get started on another job, which would cause a delay. Also~ building material is becoming harder to get and we cannot mun the risk of having to wait. We have a new fire truck ordered and we will need the place to house it. Also with the possibility that 1-95 construction could start (hopefully) this winter, we are going to need a lime station as soon as possible to cover the western part of our City.'T Mr. Kohl read the following bids: Mays g Robinson McLaren Constmuction Co. Romano Constmuction Co. Lee A. Walker Co. $147,799.00 157,149.00 174,361.20 145,000.00 and recommended that the award be made to Lee A. Walker Co.~ Boca Raton~ low bidder. The Mayor stated that invitations to bid on this project were mailed out to 13 firms. Mr. DeLong stated that he did not know Lee A.Walkem and had never seen him prior to the bid opening on August 23rd. He moved to accept the recommendation of City Manager Kohl and ~wamd the eontmact for the construction of the South fire station to the low biddem, Lee A. Walkem Co. in the amount of one hundred f~ty five ($t45,000.00) thoB~ dollars. Let the record reflect this contract is a joint venture between Lee A. Walker Co. and C. L. Whiteside~ Inc. It is my understanding the City - 1 - MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 24, 1973 Building Official will honor the current Florida State Certified General Contractors License of C. L. Whiteside~ Inc. for the construc- tion of this project. Motion seconded by M~. Roberts. Mr. Kohl advised the ~ouncil that Mm. Wallace and Mr. Harmening were unable to be here because of their work schedule. Motion carried 3-0. Mr. DeLong questioned if the Architect would follow through on inspec- tions on the fire station project and the City Manager was to check the matter out prior to submitting the bill at the next meeting for approval of payment. Meeting adjourned at 4:40 P.M. ATTEST: ity Clerk CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA Edward F. Hammenmng, Councilman~ Forrest L.~ Wallace~ Councilman