Steve Waldman, Chair
Mary Morera, Vice Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Carla Colebrooks
Carol Lundquist
Loretta Wilkinson
Dr Tiffany North
Jeanne Heavilin
Gerline Christophe, Alternate
Lourdes Paola Alvarez, Student Voting Member
Kellsie Kershaw, Student Voting Member
Dawson Charles Hagger- Lendoiro, Student Non - Voting Member
Hattie Miller
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 6 06 p m Self - introductions were made
II. Pledge of Allegiance /Moment of Silent Reflection
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of silent
III. Approval of Minutes of May 23, 2013
Sherri Claude pointed out a correction on page three in regards to the Shred- A -Thon. The
sentence that reads the event only needed to be advertised in the Palm Beach Post should be
deleted This is not the only way it is advertised
Chair Waldman moved to approve the minutes as amended. Ms Wilkinson seconded and the
motion was approved unanimously.
IV. Approval of Agenda
Chair Waldman added an item to the agenda under Old Business "D" — Adopt -A- Classroom
Chair Waldman moved to approve the agenda as amended The motion was seconded by Ms.
Wilkinson and approved unanimously.
V. Announcements /Presentations /Correspondence
A. Presentation: Common Core Standards (Jennifer Jones and Mickey Banek of
the Department of Elementary Education)
Mr. Banek began the presentation of The Common Core State Standards which were adopted
by the State of Florida into law The Common Core Standards are aligned with college and
work expectations for our students to be able to meet the expectations to be successful in
college and the workplace. The Standards will also be very rigorous to raise the expectations
for our students to be able to engage in rich and challenging real world type problems This is
what the rest of the world is doing, especially those countries that are out - performing the United
States That is a guide used to base the standards on in order to be successful and help the
American students surpass other countries in the world.
The Common Core Standards initiative was put together by the National Governors Association
and the Chief States School Officers, which are the Superintendent's Association. The
Standards tell students what they are expected to know and be able to do, but it does not tell
teachers what they are expected to teach. The expectations are outlined but the stepping
stones to get to those expectations are up to the teachers The standards are grounded in real
world relevancy, not just to learn things in text books This initiative was important because
each state had its set of academic standards and the Common Core Standards are meant to
unify a national set of standards. All students are expected to compete with their peers across
the country and across the world. There are 45 states that have adopted the Common Core
Some think that adopting the Common Core Standards will bring all State Standards down to
the lowest common denominator The Common Core writers looked at the highest expectations
that were built in past State standards and they made that the benchmark that all states had to
reach, and in most cases they surpassed them. The Florida State Standards that we adopted in
2007 were a guide for much of the mathematic standards that were written Common Core
Standards were written in a top -down design with the end goal being college and career
readiness so the learning progressions were built for the students to have that strong
conceptual understanding and move through the progressions of learning. The second grade
students will be taking the Common Core assessment in the next school year 2014 -2015 In
2011 -2012, there was full implementation of the Common Core Standards for English,
Language Arts and Mathematics in kindergarten The following year, 2012 -2013, it was full
implementation for kindergarten and first grade In this present school year, 2013 -2014, there is
full implementation, K -2 grade, but also a blended curriculum for grades 3 -12. Students will be
learning the Common Core Standards but will also be assessed on the FCAT. In 2014 -2015,
there will be full implementation, K -12, with the Common Core Standards and then on Common
Core Assessment. At this time, the State of Florida is not sure which assessment they are
adopting They are looking at PARCC Assessment or the Smarter Assessment Balance
The learning progressions for mathematics are to prepare the students to be algebra ready.
Traditionally students have been unsuccessful with algebra and the Common Core Standards
are meant to help students to be better prepared to pass. Students will engage in rich problem
solving tasks that are grounded in the real world so that they do ultimately realize math exists
outside the classroom
The third practice is to construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Students will have deep mathematical conversations with the teacher and their peers
The fourth practice is to model with mathematics where students are using manipulatives to
model real world math
The fifth practice is to use appropriate tools strategically. Students will be able to realize the
best tool for the job
The sixth practice is to focus on precision Students will be precise with their mathematical
communications using appropriate vocabulary and they will also be precise in their calculations
Practices seven and eight are very similar where they deal with patterning, looking for and
making use of structures where they see patterns that occur in the real world
In practice eight students will realize that they can use a method for solving a problem that they
have used before so that there is a pattern to solving problems.
Palm Beach County teachers are being trained to engage with the Common Core Standards by
upside down teaching This means that they will be starting with a rich word problem and show
the students all the skills they need to solve that real world type problem.
Chair Waldman and the Board asked the following questions.
1. Who makes up the Common Core questions?
There are two testing consortiums across the country The first one is PARCC, (The
Partnership for Assessment for Readiness of College and Careers). At this time there are 19
states that are part of the PARCC consortium for testing Florida has not decided which
consortium to choose. The other is the Smarter Balanced Assessment consortium and there
are about 20 states involved with that one. Other states have developed their own Common
Core type assessment.
2 Are there any actual real -life classroom teachers involved in making up these test items?
Each test item goes through a vetting process to make sure they are on the proper level and
that they are valid and reliable according to statistics
3 Will there be any classroom teachers involved in these assessments?
The State of Florida is creating its own test bank in order to help the teachers and students be
prepared for the role out of a Common Core assessment and these items are being written by
classroom teachers across the state
4 Ms Morera remarked that it was her understanding that in the FCAT they were cutting
down on free response type questions because of the grading difficulty involved She
asked how you will go about grading a free response math question with so many
students taking these tests.
There will be questions of multiple choice, but there may be multiple answers to the same
question so they would have to choose all the correct answers that apply to that problem
Turnaround time in being able to grade these tests is still up for discussion
5 How much training is being done?
There is a lot of training happening at the District level, but Ms. Jones will be better able to
answer the questions about reading specifically For mathematics, multiple trainings in each
area of the school District are being offered for every grade level and there was training all
summer long on the Common Core Standards to help teachers to be prepared for what is
Chair Waldman commented that he has read there are about nine states that have opted out of
the Common Core Standards. However, Florida has adopted the Standards Mr Banek
responded that this is true and added that he has had a few conversations with the Chancellor
of Education and she is completely on board with the Common Core Standards.
6 What plans do they have to make Common Core comparable to what we are doing right
now with access points in special education?
"Content connectors" have been created but it is the same alignment to the access points They
are in draft form and they are under public review They can be found on the Core Standards
website at Corestandards.org.
7 Are these presented strictly as smart board material or are they going to be in text
At this time, the School District has adopted a Common Core aligned textbook so all students,
K -5, have a Common Core textbook Secondary education is presently under a textbook
adoption year, so they will be adopting a Common Core aligned textbook next year
The second part of the presentation was done by Ms Jennifer Jones who discussed the English
Language Arts for the Common Core States Standards which are organized into six clusters;
literature informational text, foundational skills, writing, speaking, listening and language. There
are 10 anchor standards for reading They represent an elevation in the expectations for
students over what used to be
A great deal of training of teachers across the districts has occurred and they have kept with a
balance literacy approach which has been in our district for about 15 years Teachers are being
asked to provide different experiences around reading with their students every day They
should read aloud using text that is more difficult than what the students can read on their own
as well as using books that the kids can read at their level They are being encouraged to do
independent reading with their students because we know from reading research, matching
students appropriately to level text is the best and fastest way to help them build their ability as
They are engaging the students in complex thought Although students should be able to
answer questions from text, they should also to be able to think beyond and be able to infer,
synthesize and make connections to predict They will be able to do the deepest level of
analysis in critique and analyzing from the earliest grades, even from kindergarten. They can
apply this kind of thinking to texts that are written at their level
The Common Core is very much about critical literacy and integrating literacy across subject
areas These also lend themselves to social studies, science and math, as well as literature
and informational text
Teachers are working on understanding text complexity and what makes a text difficult
Quantitative gives us a readability formula that is simplistic and usually based on a sentence
link, sometimes the number or syllable of a word Qualitative measures take many more things
into account such as what students need to know in order to be able to understand, as well as
how the text is written, and what are the language patterns that we see Students are often
reading books that are way above their ability to understand because they are able to say the
words The Common Core expects that students will be able to think very deeply about the text
they are reading, and the text needs to be appropriately difficult. This is a gap being addressed
in order for the students to be prepared and to meet the demands of the Common Core
Ms Jones asked if there were any questions about Reading or Language Arts.
1 What happens to the kids who don't speak English when they come to this country?
What about the kids that have been here for a few years who will find it harder to
Within the district for many years, there has been concern about the needs of English language
learners Language acquisition takes time. There are programs in place to support English
language learners There are student progression guidelines which students are subject to
including ELL students, but for those who are recently in the country or within the first two or
three years, there are different standards because language acquisition takes time When
students are not developing as expected or as would normally be the case, there could be an
underlying issue that needs to be addressed but it cannot be addressed unless it is assessed
and we know what the issues are.
Beginning in the next school year, 2014 -2015, there will be a move towards a Common Core
Assessment for grades 3 -11, with intermittent end of course exams aligned to certain courses
like Algebra I, and moving towards an Algebra II assessment This year there is also an end of
course assessment for Civics Administrator and teacher training is being provided on effective
instructional practices and aligning instructional materials to help teachers be ready to deliver
the instruction
The next steps are to continue the professional development This school year, the Common
Core full implementation will be place in grade two and providing professional development to
grades 3 -10 with a blended curriculum. The focus will be on the standards when assessing
students in order to inform parents how their children are progressing in meeting those
standards Much of the information about the Common Core Standards has come from the
Council of Great City Schools which has created informational videos that have been shared
with parents on the School District website so that they can access information about the
Common Core Standards. They were published in English and Spanish. In addition to the roll
out of the Common Core Standards, a Standards Based report card has been implemented for
those grade levels that are part of the full implementation of the Standards. The students will
have a true picture of how they are mastering those standards and be able to share their
progress with their parents.
2 How do we access the teacher in the classroom? You have to go into that
classroom on more than one occasion to see how this is progressing How are the
administrators being trained to evaluate'?
All veteran teachers, outside of their two years of teaching, will have multiple evaluations and
there has been much professional development, not only for the administrators, but also
professional development for the teachers For the first and second year teachers, they are
going to have twice as many evaluations to make sure they are delivering good instruction and
maintaining that safe environment in the classrooms
Ms Colebrook commented that they used the Marzano model, and the administrators did come
in more than once.
Ms Wilkinson was concerned there has been discussion about teachers being more creative
and being able to do all of this, completely contradicting everything that Marzano stands for. If
the Principals and Assistant Principals are coming into the classrooms with specific things they
are looking for in order to evaluate their teachers, all of the creative thinking that was discussed
earlier doesn't work
Mr Banek responded by saying that Principals are looking for teaching actions that have shown
through research to be successful Through the 41 indicators on the Marzano frame -work,
those are the different teaching moves that Principals are looking for.
Chair Waldman said he was concerned that when there is a "checklist ", observation is not
occurring They need to be more open to some of the things that are being suggested It is
going to have to be a large paradigm shift to get administrators out of an old mold to a new mold
of observing, as well as for the teachers
Mr Banek responded that in addition to the checklist, there has to be an open line of
communication between the teachers and the administrators
3 How about social studies? What would be done with the Common Core Standards
on the High School level?
One of the requirements of the Common Core is to increase the reading of informational text,
such as newspapers or non - fiction texts, Declaration of Independence and comparing that to the
Rights of Man in France.
Teachers are being trained to really look closely at students and what they are currently able to
do, and how they are going to help them bridge that gap. One of the very best ways of doing
that is to provide text at their level and increasing the complexity as they are able. In order to do
that, teachers are going to have to be very good at assessment, as well as understanding the
demands of the standards because in some cases it is quite a bridge to gap There are some
programs in place for ESC, ELL students and third graders who don't perform well on FCAT, we
have summer reading academy, and all of those are helping with that.
4 Are they doing away with the letter grades all the way through high school
The standard base report card presently is grades K -2, and the plan is to go to K -5, but to
progress no further. The concern has come from the parents and the Academic Advisory
Council at the District that parents are worried about GPAs and student admissions into college.
At this time there are no plans to take it beyond elementary school
5 Is there parent training as far as the report card goes keeping in mind some parents
don't speak the language?
That is the message that is being shared with the teachers as they are training for the
Standards Based report cards The District has created literature in parent brochures in
English, Spanish, Creole and Portuguese. Parents will have the information on how their child
is being assessed on the report card In addition, the Department of Curriculum has put
together vodcasts so that parents can get the information about the report card in an audio
format for easier understanding
6 When is the teacher training taking place and how does it affect the teachers?
Training is going on at this time There will be some ongoing training throughout the District
over the next coming weeks
7 How long is the training session?
The School level module training is approximately one or two hours.
VI. Public Audience
Chair Waldman announced the presence in the audience of a board member, Tiffany North
Laura Orloff, representing Boynton Reads, is part of a group of community partnerships in its
second year that have come together to increase literacy in the City of Boynton Beach. The
group supports the five East Boynton Beach elementary schools which include Forest Park,
Galaxy, Rolling Green, Poinciana and Crosspointe. In the first year, the goal was to get books
into the hands of children Many of the children on the east side of Boynton Beach do not own a
book Book drives throughout the City were held with Barnes and Noble's support, WXEL, the
Firefighters and many others. Each child received at least one or two books to take home for
the summer This year, there are two goals, making sure the children attend school every day,
and getting there on time Many of the children in East Boynton come to school every day, but
they are late There is an effort to work with many business partners and additional partners to
provide incentives to get the children to school The children and also their families will be
rewarded because it is a family effort There are commitments from Barnes and Nobles and
Subway and at the end of the year, for every family who was there every day and on time, the
Boynton Beach Firefighters have offered to provide a gourmet dinner for all those families, up to
10 people per family, five times for each school.
The second goal continues from last year, and that is to provide students with books. It was
done once at the end of the year, but the goal this year to do it three times during the year.
Every child at Forest Park, was given one book on the first day of school to welcome them. An
effort will be made to do it at winter break and again at the end of the year. In addition to that,
Boynton Reads is always looking for volunteers for tutors and business partners.
Ms. Orloff said the next meeting of Boynton Reads will be on September 10 4:00 p.m. at the
Boynton Beach City Library in the back room. Ms. Wilkinson volunteered to attend the meeting.
Chair Waldman moved the agenda forward to the Adopt -A- Classroom item. The board
adopted a couple of schools last year.
Ms. Wilkinson confirmed the board adopted classrooms at Forest Park and Galaxy.
Ms. Orloff reported that she is a reading coach at Forest Park and deals with Kindergarten
through fifth grade. However, she is concerned about the needs of the entire school
Ms. Lundquist moved that we give $100 to Forest Park. Ms. Wilkinson seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
Ms. Wilkinson moved to earmark that money specifically for the reading program at Forest Park.
The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.
Ms. Morera advised although her son goes to Congress Middle school, there would not be a
conflict of interest with her suggestion to donate to that school since her son's classroom is not
in need of the money. Ms. Morera's friend volunteers in the lower level science classrooms and
reported they are struggling.
Ms. Wilkinson moved to donate $100 to Congress Middle School. She noted there are no other
middle schools within the City limits. Ms. Morera seconded the motion that unanimously
Ms. Wilkinson reported that St. AloysiuG Santaluces houses children from Boynton Beach and
she inquired if the Adopt -a- Classroom program works only with public schools. Ms. Colebrooks
responded that it applies to charter schools.
Ms Wilkinson moved to donate $100 to the South Tech Prep The motion was seconded by
Ms Colebrooks
Ms Colebrooks reconfirmed that the donation was going to South Tech Academy High School
and not South Tech Prep since that is a different school.
A vote was taken and the motion was passed unanimously.
At the request of the Chairman, Ms Colebrooks volunteered to contact the principals of the
three schools that will receive the donations.
VII. New Business
A. Sister Cities International Conference Report (Kellsie Kershaw)
Ms Kershaw reported on the different sessions during the conference At the first one, the key
note speaker was the Ambassador for Indonesia. He was born in Japan and grew up in
Virginia. He started as the dishwasher in the Embassy where he is currently the Ambassador
Two groups were formed and a committee group. Ms. Kershaw was the United States and
Food Security for her group. The U.S Diplomat, Steve DeMunico spoke with the group. He
works in the office that Hilary Clinton started three years ago and came in with the Obama
administration There was a special session about sports diplomacy and one key note speaker
was Ross Davis, a Paralympics athlete who won in Sydney. He showed his gold medal and
heard an emotional story During the mock U N simulation, they had two tables in the middle of
the room and two different countries were seated at the center. The Food Security had two
topics for which they had to come up with solutions. The two topics were Safe Water Future and
how to feed everyone without spiking costs. There was discussion back and forth and it was a
good lesson For the U S. there were two representatives
There were also other committees like The World Health Organization, General Assembly and
Client Control The one that had the most discussion at the mock U N meeting was World
Health Organization There was an award ceremony at the end of the conference and Ms
Kershaw received an award for Distinguished Delegate — "Youth Leadership Summit 2013 Best
Chair Waldman commented that Ms. Kershaw was doing Common Core during the conference.
Chair Waldman asked how many kids attended the conference and Ms Kershaw responded
that over 50 kids mostly of the United States attended
Chair Waldman inquired if Ms. Kershaw was going make this presentation to the City
Commission Ms Kershaw responded that she would send to presentation to Ms Claude who
will link it to everyone
Chair Waldman felt Ms Kershaw should talk to the City Commission since Mayor Taylor
donated funds to it and felt it would be appropriate to go before the City Commission and tell
them about her experience
Jeanne Heavilin of the Boynton Beach Sister Cities Program, reported it was a delight to have
Kelisie attend. She represented the City very well. Ms. Heavilin said she heard that the United
States was given kind of a hard time but Ms. Kershaw handled it very well.
Ms. Kershaw responded that China and the U.S. went back and forth a lot.
Ms. Heavilin pointed out that Ms. Kershaw learned negotiation and diplomacy. There were over
500 people attending the conference from 25 different counties. They actually ran several
summits concurrently. One was the Youth Leadership. There was also an International
Environmental and Urban summit. The different tracks they had included communications,
exchanges and partnerships, fund raising and economic development. Ms. Heavilin asked
Kelisie for her opinion on whether Sister Cities should continue sending youth each year.
Ms. Kershaw said it was a really good experience, especially to come back and share the
experience with everyone.
Ms. Heavilin announced that Sister Cities will continue doing this every year. However, a
process will be put into place for next year. Perhaps a couple of scholarships can be offered
after an application process. Ms. Heavilin will seek Chair Waldman's help with this.
Chair Waldman agreed to help.
Ms. Heavilin commented that the next conference will be in San Jose at the end of July or first
of August and asked if the board would help create a criteria for the process of recruiting the
candidates that will attend.
Chair Waldman replied that the board would help but needed ground rules of what were Ms.
Heavilin's expectations for the process. Chair Waldman asked if more than one candidate
would be going and Ms. Heavilin replied that she would like more than one student to go. She
will reach out to Ms. Gonzalez at Recreation and Parks Department PARCC's Youth Leadership
Program for assistance.
Chair Waldman commented that they would contact Ms. Gonzalez and perhaps donate funds to
the program. The City Commission will be contacted for their help as well.
Ms. Wilkinson said that the Borovy scholarship is used, and there may be a template that some
of the Kiwanis clubs use also. The Borovy scholarship is more an essay type of application with
just a few questions about community service. Ideas can come from the other one. Ms.
Wilkinson will send the information to Chair Waldman.
Ms. Heavilin mentioned that she would like to get the information out earlier in the year so that
families would have time to prepare and to perhaps do a joint fund raiser.
Ms. Heavilin went on to talk about the Young Artists and Young Authors for 2014. The theme
will be; "Connect Globally, Thrive Locally ". This is the tag line for Sister Cities International.
Information will go out by the middle of September to all the schools so they can incorporate it
into curriculum. On Wednesday, August Au ust 28 th , Sister Cities is having a webinar on their Sister
Schools p rograms at 5:00 p.m. and it is free. Go on their website under "event's" then
webinars /join.
Ms. Heavilin continued that there was a strategy workshop last week and the new mission
statement should prompt international exchanges to connect globally and thrive locally. There
are goals and projects that are being worked on. There was a meeting with a member of the
Haitian consulate about the Haitian government's role in Sister Cities Chief Carter from the
Fire Department will be sending surplus equipment Some officers will go to do some training
and possibly on -line training ahead of time
B. Renaming of Tennis Carnival in Memory of Phyllis Stern
Phyllis Stern, a former Board member and a member of the Community Relations Board,
passed away. Ms Stern started the Tennis Carnival at Hunters Run and her family wishes to
continue it Donations so far total $275 and there is a scheduled meeting with Ms. Stern's
daughter where more donations are expected. Ms. Stern was always concerned with children
who had less opportunity. She will be missed
Chair Waldman moved to rename the Tennis Carnival in memory of Phyllis Stern to be called
"The Phyllis Stern Memorial Tennis Carnival" Ms. Wilkinson seconded and the motion was
passed unanimously
C. November /December meeting dates
Ms Claude spoke about the upcoming meetings. Ms. Claude suggested cancelling the
November meeting and rescheduling the December meeting to December 05
Chair Waldman approved the December 5 th date No vote was necessary
A. Shred -A -Thon
Ms Wilkinson gave an update on the Shred -A -Thon event Suggested dates to Micro Shred are
October 19 and April 19 They tentatively agreed to April 19 just in case and October 19 is
Ms Claude commented that as soon as Micro Shred returns the completed documents
promotion of the event can begin. The fee will remain the same as last year at $500
Chair Waldman reminded Ms. Wilkinson to contact the school to confirm the date Ms
Wilkinson will contact the school
B. Youth Volunteer Bank
Ms. Claude replied that there was nothing to report at this time.
Chair Waldman skipped the fund raising item since there was already discussion of the Shred -
A -Thon
XI. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Ms Wilkinson moved to adjourn. Ms Morera
seconded the motion that unanimously passed The meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m
Grace Morales 4' �
Records Coordinator
8/26/2013 7 hours