Jerry Taylor, Chair Vivian Brooks, Executive Director
Woodrow Hay, Vice Chair Jim Cherof, Board Attorney
Buck Buchanan
Joe Casello
Mike Fitzpatrick
Mark Karageorge
David Merker
I. Call to Order
Chair Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Invocation and Pledge to the Flag
Vice Chair Hay gave the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
III. Roll Call
Roll call was taken. A quorum was present.
IV. Legal: None
V. Agenda Approval:
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda
B. Adoption of Agenda
Vice Chair Hay moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Merker seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
VI. Informational Items and Disclosures by Board Members and CRA Staff:
A. Disclosure of Conflicts, Contacts and Relationships for Items Presented to the
CRA Board on Agenda Items
Vivian Brooks, Executive Director, disclosed she met with representatives from One
Boynton last week and was working through issues and items. She has met with all the
Board members except Mr. Fitzpatrick about them.
Mr. Fitzpatrick disclosed he spoke with Tom Hayden of LeCesse about the former
Arches site with Mr. Simon and Ms. Brooks present.
B. Informational Announcements
Mr. Karageorge had no disclosures, but announced he and other Board members
attended the 31S Palm Beach County Business Development Board GALA this past
weekend. He congratulated Kelly Smallridge on 25 years of service with the Business
Development Board, The Business Development Board is 31 years old and she started
as an entry level staff employee and rose to President and CEO. He also commended
Gary Hines of the Business Development Board on 24 years of service. The Community
Redevelopment Agency Board members were well received. He commented Boynton
Beach has come a long way in a short time. He commended the Chair, Vice Chair, the
Executive Director, City Manager, and many members of the Chamber. For years, they
wanted to see Boynton Beach focused on economic development and moving forward.
That has been achieved. Brian Cartland, from the Business Development Board is
working on bringing a manufacturer to Boynton Beach adding 35 new jobs. A second
manufacturer was also interested in coming to Boynton Beach. Individuals are
recognizing that Boynton Beach is on the move.
He encouraged all to come to Benvenuto's to hear the State of the City and State of the
CRA presentation by the Chair at the Chamber of Commerce Luncheon the next day at
11:30 a.m.
Vice Chair Hay agreed the GALA was fantastic. He praised Kelly Smallridge for her
contributions and noted the Governor appointed her as Vice Chair of Enterprise Florida.
He commended staff on a well - organized, easy to understand budget presentation. He
noted the dedication of Dewey Park took place earlier in the day. The dedication was
interesting as it detailed the Deweys' contributions to the City. The event was well
attended and received much positive press.
Mr. Merker articulated Vice Chair Hay and Mr. Karageorge's comments about the
GALA. The key was the success of the program and thanks to the efforts of Ms. Brooks
and staff, Boynton Beach is moving ahead. He thanked Ms. Brooks for her leadership
and enjoyed the GALA event.
Mr. Casello agreed with the comments made by Mr. Karageorge. He attended the
Dewey Park renaming dedication along with Mr. Fitzpatrick, Vice Chair Hay and the
Mayor. It was well attended and he thanked Wally Majors, Director, Recreation and
Parks for getting the Park in shape. He was very proud of the Park and the unveiling
went well. As to the GALA, he pointed out anyone who was connected in Florida was at
the GALA. Chair Taylor and Vice Chair Hay are well known and respected by the
business and political community, which could only assist the City in attracting projects
and moving them forward. He thanked them for their hard work and dedication and
giving Boynton Beach name recognition.
Mr. Buchanan attended the GALA and had no disclosures to make.
Chair Taylor had no informational items.
VII. Announcements & Awards:
A. Boynton Beach Haunted Pirate Fest with the Mermaid Splash
Ms. Brooks reminded all of the Haunted Pirate Fest on October 26 and the new
Mermaid Splash that will operate from 5 to 10 p.m. The Pirate event will operate on
Saturday and Sunday from 10 -5. The Mermaid Splash is all about local vendors,
retailers and restaurants who will participate and staff was receiving much interest from
the business community. The event will extend to the Marina from Seacrest, and this
will be the CRA's signature event. The goal is to double attendance from last year and
staff is marketing the event earlier than last year. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate.
B. Catch a Dance — 9/20/13
There were no comments on this item.
VIII. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of Minutes — CRA Board Meeting, August 13, 2013
B. Approval of Period Ended August 30, 2013 Financial Report
C. Monthly Purchase Orders
I. Pulled Consent Agenda Items:
X. Information Only:
A. Public Comment Log
B. Invitation to Grand Opening of Secret Garden Cafe
C. Women's Circle RE: LaVictoire Dorissaint Donation
D. Habitat for Humanity Paint -A -Thou Block Party — 10/12/13
Vice Chair Hay inquired what time this event would start. Ms. Brooks explained the
contractors arrive at 8 a.m. and will paint until 2 p.m. The contractors picked 10 homes
and staff gave Habitat for Humanity the names of three local contractors that received
grants from the CRA in the hope the contractors would give back to the community and
participate in the Paint- A -Thon. At 2 p.m., there is a neighborhood picnic at the park
running along 1 -95. There will be a barbeque and games for kids. Ms. Brooks clarified
the contractors are bringing their own painters. Ms. Brooks left a message for Mr.
Campbell of Habitat for Humanity as she thought the CRA could contribute a bounce
house for the day. There is a flyer for the event, and it is a very comprehensive and
aggressive program to paint 10 houses in one day.
XI. Public Comments: (Note: comments are limited to 3 minutes in duration)
Chair Taylor opened Public Comments. No one came forward. Public Comments was
XII. Public Hearing: None
XIII. Old Business:
A. Consideration of Approval of Resolution No. R13 -01 Adopting the CRA
Budget for FY2013 -2014
Susan Harris, Finance Director, explained this item was the formal approval of the
2013/2014 fiscal year budget. There was very little change from the budget meeting.
The Board at that time wanted to reallocate $60,000 from the Boynton Beach Boulevard
Design Funds, $60,000 for the Ocean Breeze West Housing Subsidy, and $10,000 to
the Special Event Grant Pool in the event they fund the upcoming Chamber event. All
other aspects of the budget remained unchanged.
Ms. Harris pointed out the Board will likely receive a budget amendment in October if
the City approved a millage rate other than 7.6, which is what the budget is based on.
Additionally, any funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year can be allocated in one of
the following ways: give the funds back to the City and County; escrow the funds for
future debt payments; or allocate the funds to redevelopment projects. She noted the
funds have to be spent in three years. The budget will be ratified by the City
Commission on September 17 and the _item was requesting formal approval of the
budget subject to ratification by the City Commission.
Attorney Cherof explained approval of the budget is accomplished by the adoption of
Resolution R13 -01 that states by title: "Resolution of the Boynton Beach Community
Redevelopment Agency adopting a budget for Fiscal Year October 1, 2013 to
September 30, 2014, and providing an effective date."
Mr. Karageorge so moved. Vice Chair Hay seconded the motion that unanimously
B.. Consideration of Reallocating $1,500 in FY 12/13 in the Project Fund
Approved for Realtor Training in Historic Preservation for a Celebration of
Boynton Artist Conrad Pickel
Chair Taylor explained this item was originally supposed to be used for training, but
Delray Beach did not match the funds, so the request is to move the funds to celebrate
Artist Conrad Pickel.
Ms. Harris explained staff recommended the Board approve the request. Warren
Adams, Historic Preservation Planner, and Ms. Coles - Dobay, Public Art Administrator,
were present to answer questions.
Mr. Karageorge observed many art projects end up being funded by the CRA. The
2015 Kinetic Art Exhibit and Symposium event was approaching and he was confident
the Agency will be asked for funding. He appreciates art, but had a problem with the
CRA being viewed as a piggy bank. He acknowledged the historical significance of what
the artist has done throughout the country, and for many churches with his stained -
glass windows. He recognized the request was not for a lot of money, but he expressed
apprehension about the continuation of the trend to ask the CRA to fund projects. He
noted the purpose of the CRA is to eliminate slum and blight and revitalize
neighborhoods and the request was a stretch. He commented at some point,
organizations can only go to the well so often. The CRA will be asked for a significant
amount for the Kinetic event. While the event was successful, he hoped more private
companies would contribute to the event.
Mr. Merker both agreed and disagreed. He preferred to think the Board has the wisdom
to single out events that are appropriate or not, and thought it unwise to make a blanket
statement for or against the arts. Picking artists that are the most meaningful for the
City is important and he suggested that was how it should be judged. The request was
nominal and the money is worthwhile.
Vice Chair Hay did not question the integrity of the CRA staff and understood the
concern. He stated for the record that based on the fact that some CRA's are being
audited for violations, they should avoid those situations. He inquired how historic
preservation fits into the guidelines of allowable uses.
Ms. Brooks explained it was a marketing tool that CRAs use. Buildings are preserved
and an area is marketed. New Orleans and St. Augustine were examples. Conrad
Pickel's building next to the Woman's Club is a very unique building and if they market
that the building is in the City and District, it is useful. Many cities do this and the CRA
was just starting to implement historic preservation. The Little House was the start.
Ms. Brooks expounded on the concept that people visit New Orleans and St. Augustine
because it is so unique. The City has unique structures such as the Woman's Club, the
Schoolhouse Children's Museum and the Conrad Pickel building was another. If they
put the structures together in a tour, which Mr. Adams was promulgating, it will attract
individuals interested in historic structures. Visitors will arrive and eat and shop. The
request was a small amount and there had to be a start. The concept behind the
request was Boynton Beach had a prolific glass artist that no one knows, but they want
to get the word out the man who created some very famous church stained -glass
windows was an artist -in- residence in the City.
Ms. Brooks agreed the CRA is not a piggy bank for art for the City nor should they be
viewed that way, but historic preservation is a very good tool for redevelopment and one
of several that are commonly used. Chair Taylor noted most of the celebrations are in
the downtown area which helps the CRA.
Mr. Buchanan moved to approve the allocation of $1,500. Mr. Merker seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
C. Consideration of Conditional Approval of Insurance Broker of Record BB & T.
Ms. Harris explained the Plastridge Agency, the Agency's new insurance brokers, have
been unable to place their insurance in the market as a new client, so the recourse is to
ask for a renewal from the current carrier they have had since 2005 (Preferred
Government Insurance Trust). They are willing to renew the policy, but have to have
BB & T, the former broker, appointed as broker of record. Ms. Harris explained the
request was time sensitive as their insurance will expire at the end of September. In the
event that Plastridge can obtain insurance, since they have one more carrier to contact,
if the price is substantially below what Preferred Government Insurance Trust will renew
them for, they will not follow through with the renewal.
Vice Chair Hay moved to approve. Mr. Casello seconded the motion.
Mr. Merker recommended a prelude to thinking of getting another agency in the future is
to ask what companies they cover, this way they know what the Agency needs. Ms.
Harris agreed and mentioned prior to the RFP, she went to the Florida League of Cities
as they write insurance and was told they were not quoting as did Plastridge.
Mr. Casello inquired if the Agency was having a hard time soliciting an insurance carrier
because of the pending lawsuit. Ms. Harris explained the Agency's claims experience
was one reason, but another reason was the Florida market.
Insurance agencies bundle property insurance and general liability together with
employment practices and public officers' liability. It was anticipated the situation may
not improve until all was settled. Ms. Harris agreed the course of action was to get the
policy renewed and go from there.
Mr. Merker noted some brokerage companies specialize and the matter should be
researched. The issue is what each brokerage company is offering and that could be
predetermined ahead of time.
Chair Taylor agreed it was important to put the past behind them. The Board already
had one closed -door meeting. He suggested if the Board wanted to have another
closed -door meeting to reconsider anything, they should let him know and they would
set up another closed -door session if wanted.
Ms. Harris also pointed out Legal Counsel will work with staff on the letter to appoint BB
&T as the broker of record because it had to be done immediately.
The motion unanimously passed.
XIV. New Business:
A. Consideration of Boynton Harbor Marina Dockage Agreements for Fiscal
Year 2013 -2014
Mr. Buchanan moved to approve. Mr. Casello seconded the motion that unanimously
B. Consideration of the Commercial Construction Project Incentive Grant
Program Guidelines and Applications for Fiscal Year 2013 -2014
Mr. Karageorge moved to approve. Mr. Buchanan seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
C. Consideration of the Commercial Facade Grant Program Guidelines and
Applications for Fiscal Year 2013 -2014
Vice Chair Hay moved to approve. Mr. Casello seconded the motion.
Chair Taylor noted in each item they were removing one tier and going to a two -tier
program. He presumed in each instance the money increased slightly and inquired if
the money was already there.
Mr. Simon confirmed it was and staff just dropped the lowest ranking of funding in the
rent program and left the three values in the Interior Building program.
The motion unanimously passed.
D. Consideration of the Commercial Rent Reimbursement Grant Program
Guidelines and Applications for Fiscal Year 2013 -2014
Mr. Karageorge moved to approve. Mr. Casello seconded the motion that unanimously
E. Consideration of the Commercial Interior Build -Out Grant Program Guidelines
and Applications for Fiscal Year 2013 -2014
Mr. Fitzpatrick moved to approve. Vice Chair Hay seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
F. Consideration of Executive Directors Annual Employment Review and
Mr. Karageorge felt strongly Ms. Brooks merited an increase and commented she has
done an exemplary job managing staff and creating a team that is organized and
professional to the point other CRA Directors have commented on the team. The
Agency has had clean audits for four years. The Marina has a new entry feature, a
beautiful amphitheater and the Little House. All three projects were done on time, under
budget and without any debt service which speaks well of Ms. Brooks and Mr. Simon.
He noted Mr. Simon did a great job with those. He proposed to make Ms. Brooks'
salary commensurate with others in the industry and recommended an annual salary of
Mr. Merker noted Ms. Brooks and Mr. Simon ensured that he, as a new member, was
educated about the issues. He reviewed the item and noted in the past, Ms. Brooks
had received a miniscule increase. Ms. Brooks is highly regarded and received kudos
at the GALA. He expressed in comparison to other cities, Ms. Brooks should receive a
significant increase and he recommended 7 %, bringing her salary to $126,741.50. He
reiterated the increase she received last year was so small, it was disrespectful. He
thanked Ms. Brooks for her service.
Chair Taylor agreed Ms. Brooks has done a good job and deserves an increase, but he
wanted to counsel the Board that many employees in the City have not had a raise in
four years and the City Commission was trying hard to give them a 3% increase. Ms.
Brooks' current salary was $118,450, so a 3% increase would be $3,553. A 3.5%
increase would be $4,145; a 4% increase would be $4,738; 4.5% would be $5,530; and
5% would be $5,922. Even Mr. Karageorge's suggestion was over 5% and Mr.
Merker's suggestion was 7 %. He suggested the members contemplate the message
they are sending to the City employees. If the City Commission can manage it, the
employees would be lucky to receive a 3% increase.
Mr. Casello contended the issue is not whether Ms. Brooks did a great job or not
because she has. The issue is what the Board could afford. He agreed general
employees will be lucky to receive 3% and Ms. Brook's staff was in for 3 %. A long
discussion on Ms. Brook's worth is not in question.
Mr. Fitzpatrick agreed with Mr. Casello as it would send a message. There is more
money in the CRA budget than the City because much of the increases that occurred,
did so in the CRA District as opposed to the City, but it was all one pot and they all were
pulling the same rate. He agreed to send the same message of 3 %.
Vice Chair Hay agreed with Messrs. Casello and Fitzpatrick and also agreed she did a
great job. Much of what occurred in the District would not have occurred without Ms.
Brook's leadership. He would be comfortable justifying 4% to other City employees
based on her performance. He recommended 4 %.
Mr. Casello commented West Palm Beach paid their CRA director $128,000 for working
28 hours per week.
Mr. Buchanan noted when Ms. Brooks was made permanent director, she directed part
of her raise to her staff as they had not received an increase, and that should be
considered. He commented her performance has been exemplary. He agreed, in
theory, with the 3 %, but because of her performance and her past actions, he was
comfortable with the 5% range.
Ms. Brooks pointed out she is a contract employee and typically, contract employees,
CRA Directors and City Managers receive a car allowance. The prior Board removed
that from the contract. The car allowance was $250 per month. Ms. Brooks was not
receiving the remuneration other contract employees receive.
Mr. Karageorge pointed out there are things City employees get the CRA employees do
not. The CRA is a separate entity and has its own budget. The Agency is looking at an
extra $150,000- 160,000 if the City passes its millage rate. He thought rewarding an
employee at a 3% or 4% level was absurd. The Riveria Beach CRA Director gets an
absurd amount of money and he could not compare to Ms. Brooks. He thought the
matter should be viewed as a CRA matter, not a City matter.
Mr. Merker agreed with Mr. Karageorge and Mr. Buchanan, but would not agree to
anything less than 5 %. Mr. Casello agreed the CRA was a separate entity, but pointed
out it was still taxpayer dollars.
Chair Taylor agreed no one could argue Ms. Brooks did an outstanding job, but he had
concerns. She is a good leader and her staff is receiving 3 %. A 4% increase was
$5,000 which is a nice increase. He agreed with Vice Chair Hay.
Mr. Casello inquired if the car allowance could be added in as well as a 4% raise and it
was learned it could.
Mr. Casello moved to increase the CRA Executive Director's salary 4% and reinstate
the previous car allowance. Vice Chair Hay seconded the motion. It was clarified the
car allowance was $250 per month. The motion passed 5 -2 (Messrs. Merker and
Fitzpatrick dissenting.)
Mr. Merker wanted it noted he did not believe the amount was a sufficient increase for
the job she has done.
G. Consideration of Allowing the Immediate Advertising of the Marketing, events
and Economic Development Assistant position due to acute staffing need.
Mr. Casello moved to approve. Vice Chair Hay seconded the motion that unanimously
XV. Executive Director's Report:
A. Project Status Update
Mr. Karageorge inquired if the Agency was still on target with the Marina and parking lot
and learned it was.
Mr. Casello requested Mr. Simon provide a progress report regarding the Arches and
One Boynton. Ms. Brooks agreed to do so and advised she had a meeting with Mr.
Hayden the next week.
Mr. Simon provided an update on work being done in the Heart of Boynton and along
Federal Highway with the Police Department. He reported staff had an excellent
response from the Police over the last several months with increased patrols on MLK
Boulevard due to comments made by Board members and the community regarding the
loitering on CRA properties and other properties on that Boulevard and corridor. There
is effective teamwork with the new Chief, Officer Hoffman and Lt. Bonafaire. Many
arrests were made and it was a big improvement. Mr. Karageorge noted there was a
much stronger police presence.
Chair Taylor announced there is an Open House at the Sims Center with Chief Katz.
Mr. Casello thought it was important the City Commissioners show their support for the
Chief and the constituents they represent.
Mr. Fitzpatrick understood Ms. Bright's attorney was arrested and inquired where it left
the CRA.
Attorney Cherof responded because the attorney was charged with a crime does not
mean the attorney is guilty. The case will be called for trial this week. When that occurs
they will know more.
XVI. Future Agenda Items:
A. RFP for General Contracting Services for Parking Lot Project located at NE
1st Street and NE 1st Avenue
B. RFP for General Contracting Services for the Boynton Harbor Marina Phase II
XVII. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Taylor properly adjourned the meeting
at 7:25 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist