Willie Swoope, Chair Matthew Graham, Board Liaison
Wendy Kelly, Vice Chair
Ben Lowe
Margaret Newton
Floyd Zonenstein
Lesha Roundtree
Carol Porter
1. Openings
2. Call to Order
Mr Swoope called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
4. Roll Call
Roll call was taken A quorum was present
5. Approval of Minutes from July 10 Meeting
Mr. Zonenstein moved to accept the minutes as submitted. Ms. Kelly seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
6. Announcements
Mr. Swoope commented that everyone received an email from Chair Piraino
announcing his resignation from the Community Relations Board. The question was
whether or not a copy of Mr. Piraino's email was sent to the Clerk. Since it was not
clear, Mr. Swoope assumed Mr. Piraino's resignation is official.
Mr. Lowe replied that Mr. Piraino only sent the email to the members of Board. Mr.
Swoope asked Mr. Graham if he received a copy of the email and if it constituted an
official resignation. Mr. Graham responded that he forwarded the email to the City
Clerk's Office and it will be discussed at the next Commission meeting. Mr. Swoope
wanted clarification if the Board can assume Mr. Piraino's resignation is official or if the
Board needed to wait until after the Commission meets. Mr. Graham responded that it
would be accepted at the next Commission meeting.
There were no other announcements to discuss.
7. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Swoope acknowledged that the Community Relations Board did not have a
prepared Agenda for this meeting. In light of Mr. Piraino's resignation, Mr. Swoope
reviewed the Community Relations Board's Ordinance to clarify what it says about
resignations and electing officers. Specifically, the Ordinance does not talk about
electing a Chair or Vice Chair. However, Mr. Swoope felt that a Chair and /or a Vice
Chair should be elected at the meeting.
Mr. Lowe nominated Mr. Swoope for Chair. Mr Zonenstein seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Chair Swoope also held elections for Vice Chair of the Board. Mr. Zonenstein
nominated Mr. Lowe for Vice Chair; however, Mr. Lowe did not accept the nomination
saying he would only be on the board for three more months.
Mr. Lowe nominated Wendy Kelly for Vice Chair. Ms. Newton seconded the motion
which passed unanimously.
Chair Swoope wanted to add two additional items to the agenda; the survey results from
the City Manager's office and the strategy for the Community Relations Board going
forward. Chair Swoope asked if there were any other items to add to the agenda. Ms.
Newton replied that she did not have anything for this agenda, but wanted to make sure
an item would be discussed at the October meeting. Ms. Newton requested that the
Board look into the rehabilitation homes that are going up in the northwest section of the
community. Apparently, these are drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers for young
adults As far as Ms. Newton was aware, there has been no notification to the
community. It is not clear if this issue should be discussed with the Police Department
or Code Enforcement. Chair Swoope felt that this is something Code Enforcement
would have information about.
Mr. Zonenstein thought a presenter from the Code Compliance Office was supposed to
be at the meeting, however, Chair Swoope replied it was something Mr. Piraino should
have followed up with. This item will be tabled for another meeting.
Chair Swoope asked for approval of the agenda. There was a motion to approve by Mr.
Lowe and seconded by Mr. Zonenstein. The motion was passed unanimously.
8. Public Audience
Chair Swoope announced Public Audience.
Kevin Johnson approached the podium to introduce himself and to say that he is a new
resident of West Boynton Beach and wanted to listen to the discussion /comments of the
Community Relations Board and to see what is happening in the community. Mr.
Johnson was observing.
Janet Morgano, 803 NE 3 rd Street was under the impression that this was a Town Hall
meeting where the new Police Chief was to be introduced. She commented on the
Boynton Beach Police Department. There have been a few incidents at Ms. Morgano's
home and the response from the Police Department has been quick and positive. Ms.
Morgano's only concern is across the street from her home, there is drug activity. When
Ms. Morgano stops at the light by that area, her car is approached which is
troublesome However, she will go the Town Hall meeting and address her concerns
Mr. Lowe stated that the Town Hall meeting was being broadcast live, and the meeting
was being held at the Woman's Club. Ms. Morgano commented she recently received a
call from the Police Department alerting her that her side door was open and her two
Great Danes had gotten out. A K -9 Unit and Police Officers were containing her dogs
when she arrived home. The Officers went inside to make sure everything was safe
and secure. Mr. Lowe asked if Ms. Morgano had spoken to the Police about the drug
traffic in her area Ms. Morgano said she had but would discuss it at the Town Hall
Chair Swoope asked if there were any other citizens in the audience who wanted to
speak There were none. Public Audience was closed.
9. Old Business
A Survey Results /Update
Chair Swoope commented that from reviewing the minutes from the last meeting, only
five members of the Community Relations Board had returned their survey to the City
Manager's office. Ms. Kelly, Mr. Zonenstein, Mr. Lowe and Chair Swoope have
submitted their surveys. Ms. Newton submitted her survey directly to the receptionist at
City Hall. Apparently, Carol Porter and Lesha Roundtree have not submitted their
surveys. Chair Swoope stated that the importance of getting the survey completed was
to get an evaluation from the City Manager's office to determine what the status of the
Board is for the future.
Chair Swoope asked Mr. Graham if he had any idea when to expect feedback from the
Manager's office. Mr. Graham replied that once all the responses are in they can better
discuss what the plan will be for the Community Relations Board. Chair Swoope asked
if it would be possible to get the results back by the Board's next meeting and Mr.
Graham replied that he would ask Ms. LeJeune. Chair Swoope commented that this
issue had been on the table long enough and results should be done by now. Mr.
Graham replied that he would send an email to Ms. LeJeune to get an idea of when to
expect a response. Chair Swoope asked Mr. Graham if he would send whatever
information he gets to the Community Relations Board members. Mr Graham said he
Chair Swoope wanted to thank all of the Board members for making so many good
suggestions with regards to the Boards community involvement and activities fulfilling
the Board's purpose. The Community Relations Board has participated in various
community activities and has attempted to relay messages to the City Commission that
the Community Relations Board is ready and willing to do whatever is needed. Chair
Swoope stated that the Board has done as much as it can do in regards to informing the
public. The next important step is to see what the City Manager thinks the purpose of
the Community Relations Board should be. Based on the genesis of the Community
Relations Board, perhaps the purpose has changed.
B Strategy Moving Forward for the Community Relations Board
Chair Swoope again wanted the members of the Board to know, in reviewing the
Ordinance, it very clearly states that; "The Community Relations Board in general, is to
be utilized as a forum for the hearing of grievances or complaints of all citizens of the
City and the Board shall make timely recommendations to the City Commission
concerning such grievances or complaints ". Chair Swoope also stated that there are
other specific duties outlined but this was the Boards primary duty. Chair Swoope
commented that after reviewing the minutes from the last meeting, there was no one
from the public present to hear the presentation of the Code Compliance Officer. Chair
Swoope again commented that having reviewed the Ordinance and having reviewed the
minutes, it was his feeling that the best thing to do at this point was to wait for the City
Manager's results of the survey and evaluation and based on that, the Board can then
determine what the strategy should be to communicate with citizens.
Mr. Lowe commented that it would have been helpful for the Police to have coordinated
their Town Hall meeting with the Community Relations Board, especially since both
meetings took place on the same night. It was a good opportunity for members of the
community to get to know the Board. People are going to the Town Hall meeting to
complain about issues going on in their communities, and that is what the Community
Relations Board is set up to do Someone in the Police Department should have
thought to coordinate the Town Hall meeting with the Community Relations Board.
There should be a way to accomplish this in the future instead of having separate
Ms. Newton commented that she is confused as to why the City is taking so long to get
the results back if they have five responses and five members make up a majority. Ms.
Newton said the City should be able to make a decision on the five surveys they have
Mr Kevin Johnson (in the audience), asked if it would be helpful for someone from the
public to ask the City Manager directly where a person of the community can go to voice
their grievances. Mr. Johnson also asked how someone would know when the
Community Relations Board meets in order to attend.
Chair Swoope said this has been one of the struggles the Board has been dealing with.
There has been discussion about creating a pamphlet that can be distributed to the
citizens, or perhaps a web page where announcements can be made as to when
Boards are meeting. A number of different strategies have been discussed on ways to
inform the community about the Community Relations Board and how they can be an
asset to citizens and help resolve issues. Those ideas, however, have either not been
implemented or not been as successful as the Board would like them to be. Chair
Swoope also told Mr. Johnson that if he wanted to speak to the City Manager about the
Community Relations Board he is free to do so. Chair Swoope said he himself found
out about the Community Relations Board because there was something about it in the
water bill. Chair Swoope then went to the City's website to find out more information.
Mr. Zonenstein commented that in the cases of condos, the only people that get the
water bills are the Associations who don't always give the water bills out
Chair Swoope also commented that he recently learned the Community Relations
Board was established in 1991 when the race relations in the City were not as good as
they are today. The Community Relations Board served as a forum where citizens
could address their complaints as it related to community services. Citizens felt more
comfortable going to the Community Relations Board than the Police Department or the
Mayor's Office. Today, citizens feel empowered to go directly to their City
representatives to discuss their issues. Chair Swoope reiterated that this is why the
Community Relations Board has evolved over the years and perhaps it is going through
another change now.
Mr. Lowe wanted to add that the purpose of the Community Relations Board seems to
have been taken over in some ways by other organizations. Mr. Lowe received a Tweet
from the Police Department that at the Town Hall meeting, concern cards where handed
out asking people to write down issues that are plaguing their neighborhoods. The
Police have essentially taken over the role the Community Relations Board should be
doing. If the Board is not hearing these complaints, what is the purpose of a
Community Relations Board? Mr. Lowe also commented that, as Chair Swoope read in
the Ordinance, this is what the Board should be doing, yet the Police are doing it. Mr.
Zonenstein commented that at one of the Commission meetings, all complaints are
going to the Commission and they are not being referred to the Community Relations
Ms Newton stated that she again strongly suggests that the City decide by the October
meeting what the function of the Community Relations Board is going to be. The survey
has been circulating since before the summer and now Fall is coming. It is
understandable why people do not wish to register to sit on this Board or why we so
many people resigned in the last few months. It is not the Board's fault. It is the City's
fault for not telling this Board how they want it to function. If this Board is not viable,
abolish it If it is viable, the City needs to tell the Board their function.
Mr. Zonenstein continued to say that at one of the Commission meetings he
approached Vice Mayor Hay to ask why complaints are not given to the Community
Relations Board. The Vice Mayor said; "That's a good idea ". Vice Mayor Hay did not
know that citizens are complaining that in order for handicapped people to get onto the
beach, they now pay $40.00 for a yearly permit or $10.00 to get on the beach. This
used to be a free service for the handicapped. They also took the bus away from them.
Vice Mayor Hay asked when this had happened and Mayor Taylor, (who was sitting
next to him) said "Yes, the Commission voted to abolish the free handicap entrance to
the beach" Mr. Zonenstein commented that the City says come to Boynton Beach, but
these types of things are chasing people away.
Mr. Lowe wanted to ask Mr. Graham if he would ask the City Manager to look at the
function of the Community Relations Board within the context of the Ordinance. It
clearly spells out what the Board should do, but it seems to be duplicated somewhere
else. The City cannot ask this Board to do something that is not in the Ordinance. It
has to be in the context of what is in the Ordinance.
10. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Swoope adjourned the meeting at
7:42 p.m.
/ / Grace Morales
Records Coordinator
9/12/13 3 hours