Minutes 04-10-73MINVdTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ PLORIDA~ HELD AT CITY HALL, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1975 PRESENT Emily M. JacP~on, Mayor Joe DeLon~, Vice Mayor David Robert~, Councilman Forrest L. Wallace, Councilman Edward Fo Ha~mening, Councilman Frank Kohl, City Manager Mrs. Cal!ie Clanton, Dep. City Clerk Attorney Ernest G. Simon Mayor called the Special Meeting to o~de~ at 7:55 P.M. Attorney Simon gave a report on the present lawsuit involv/ng Palm- Jland Development Corp. we h~ve 2 court h~arings scheduled for Friday, Kpril t3th, also a public hear/ng scheduled for n~xt T~esday night be- fore Council regarding the zoning of land involving Pa/m/and. Palm- land has presented a rough draft to Council of agreement between the two parties ~ which you need to go over as soon as possible, and consider cancelling the public hearing next T~esday night and put it on the agenda for next Tuesday to review and possibly accept the agreement, which the hope to have ~. fo~.mal forth. This would be a com- plete the four tawsults involved. Palmland is willing to ( 15th~ i~ Counail is willing to can- eel ~nd work towards an a ~g~eement. ~I~. ~ to ~ prese, nted by ~ gi~7 orn.ey to review it and come bac~ with some .~ own. Seconded by Mr. Wallace - ~.arr~ed 5-0 · ~ and Mr. Holtlngs~orth, M~. Fenimo~e Coope~, ~ep~esent~ Palmland ' ~Z~m' attorney came forwerd to explain the rough draft of agTee~ent. 'F~. Cooper stated that this was definitely a rough fo~m, but they had a~- tempted to bring forth the main points in the agreement. He p~oceeded to explain about streets, drainage, wate~ and waste wa. tot ut~ land uses ~ limitations etc. It was brought out that if Palmland deeds az~Y land to the City, it must be free and clea~ of any mortga~e~ invOlved~ A.t~?neys $/mon and Ho~lli~gsworth are to meet on Friday to look ove~ a ~/nished draft by Palmland in o~de~ for the Members of Cou/%eil to have t/me to review it before next Tuesday's meeting. M~. Wallace moved to cancel the publ/c hearing ~ecommended by the Planning and Zoning seconded by Mr. DeLong. CarTied 5-0. Request for wate~ and sewer Service and possible annexation by O. Clin- ton Scott was left on. tfc~e table. .g~pointments of Judge ad litem and Assistant Prosecutor. Mr. Walla~ moved to appoint David Centola, 400 South Federal as Judge ad l~tem. Seconded ~y M~. Ha~mening. Carried 5-0. M~ Hwy.~ ·Harmen - in~ moved. ~/lat Assistant P~osecutor be tabled, seconded by Mr. DeLong, and carrmed 5-0. MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL ~ETING APRIL 10, 1973 Reguest of Mr. Kohl - Re Street Resurf&~/n,q Mr. Wallace moved tbmt this matter be taken off table, seconded by Mm. DeLong~ and carried 5-0. ~. DeLong moved to accept reco~nendations of City Manager~ seconded by Mm. Robe~ts~ carried 5-0. Status Report of City Mana~qer ZoningRegulations: It was recommended that legal plann/ng and zon/ng be submitted to legal cozn~-I before being presented to this Council2 M~. Roberts moved to ~dce~t~ seconded ~by Pi~. DeLong, and carried 5 0. . Received $16~920.00 ~rom HUD. re: Comprehensive Planning Assistance. Con~m/nity School project contract will appear on April 17th A~enda for approval and signatures. ~. Kohl request~9~d Permission to remove a build/ng at Seacrest Blvd.& · EL. 1 Ave. whiCh.had ~been condemned. M~. DeLong ~vedtheJ ~ity.~ianager take necessary a=kion tO remove said building~ seconded bM M~. Har~enfza~,~ e~ied.5-0· MaYOr J~ekson asg~d Fly. Kohl i~ the City cre-w could take down this l~/ildi~g and the answer was ~Yes, wa can.~ Mm. Kohl: upon ~request of .Mrs. Hoilbrook and M~. i{~, asked Council fo.r per~lssion ~oT the Socialite Club to use the Basketball Court at Wz!s?n Center, onl June 24th~ from noon to 8 P.M. for a children's carn- ival Mr. DeLo~g moved to grant this request~ seconded by Mr. Harmening, carried 5-0. Revenue Shewing Mr. DeLong stated: ~ I move~ the City Council ear-mark ten per cent of all Federal Revenue Sha~ing Funds already received and/or to be received by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida~ for the purpose of he~e-by creat- ing~ a program of aid for the poor~ needy and infirm residents o~ the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and extending the scope of activities o~ the Community Relations Board, where-by said Boardl shall be ~espon- sible to study, investigate and reco~nend, in writin~'~o the City Council the d/sposition of all app!ieat/ons for this type o~'aid. Further more, funds for this assistance shall not be disbursed without City Council approval: and upon recommendation, in writing, to the City Counc~ by a majority vote of the entire membership of the Community Relations Board ~ When Federal Revenue Sharing Funds to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida terminate, so shall this program o~ aid. The City Attorney, is here-by instructed to prepare the necessary legal instrtument, in order to implement this motionJ~ -2- MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 10, 1973 o~nd~_d b~ ~- W~l~ace and earz~ied 5-0. Mr. DeLong requested copses be n~iled to Community Relations Board. DiscuSs Comnm/nity Appearance Board Discussion followed on this by Mr. ~eLong and ~,,n~ ~urned over to the City Attorney t~ check out Resolution in question. North Boynton Industrial Park Mr. Hollingsworth, Attorney,~ reported tl%at this Plat has ~een withdrawn. No action to ~e taken. Re-location of Handball Court Mr. DeLong moved th. is be tabled until next meetir~3, seconded by M~. Haz~ening and carried 5-0. Consider DOT Letter Mr. Kohl read a lette~ from the Department of T~ansportation regarding 1-95 into the record. Other }~. DeLong moved that Mr. Kelly ~irton be appointed as an alternate member to the CivilService Board, to replace LaWrence D. ( Skip ) Crawford, seconded by Mr, Roberts, carried 5-0. Mr. DeLong read into the record an article on chapter 7 Civil Service and turned it over to the City Attorney for his opinion. Copies were to he mailed to Civil Service Board Members. D~. Steve Kochakian of 3525 So. Lake Drive, Boynton Beach, stated that the Electrical ~oard elected him to be spokasman ~or them, regarding 96 modular homes being ereoted off Seacrest Blvd., one block west of ,5thAvenue~ and claimed it is un~air to put metal buildings in Boynton Beach where people have spent so much to buy their homes. The founda- tions are in and another permit wilt ~e necassary fo~ 9retting con- struotion, Mu~h diseussion-.£ol~owed ~en the~City Attorney,~the City Council and 1~. Koehakian. Mr. Wallace moved that a ~ Stop O~der~ be instituted, that no future permits for foundations or erection of buildinqs be allowed until a ruling or determination of courts received. seconded by Mr. Harmening~ and carried 5-0. Mr. Leslie Thompson requested permission to talk about North Boynton Industrial Park. Me is definitely opposed to a Cement Plant or any other detremental building being e~eet~d, when he has spent so much on his home. It will tend to devalue his property greatly. He asked the City Council not to let it develop any further. Notices ~or Speeiel Meetings are to continue until otherwise ~otified. -3- MI~U~S SPECLAL CITY COUNCIL P~ETING APRIL 10~ 1973 Mr. Ha~mening moved to adjourn, seconded by}i~. Wallace. There being no fUrther business, meeting adjourned at 9:20 P. M. i ATTEST: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA Emi~y M. ~3~cksor~ Mayor DaVid Ro~ts, Counei~an E war F. H~n~ C~i~n / ,.-- I ~ ' ~ ~ EDWARD A MUcLL~R---be~re~ ~- : ~.~:~'~,.~ De~ay Be~ch~ Florida - -' . ' , Section: 9~1'1 ' ' ' -~r¢~*~ ~;* ~-9, 197~ ..... State ~o&d *' " ...... . '~ ' ~ .... ~3 ~¢o.: Z-9~-~(~04)~ · ~%~j oi Bo~on B_ach ' ,~ 120 ~--~ ' -aV~n;~ - - ! "Bd~toh !~ach, F!ori~ ~- ---~es= Padgett - City Clerk. - ' ' ~=~ k~s.' Padgett: ' .... ' - . . · ..: T ~=z ,.~h'yo~' }.~. _Tom Ci~ City En~eer, ~d' ~. C~les Fre~ick, Recreatio~ ~ - D=~e~o~, on ~-~c.. 21, 1~73 ~d e~l~ed the prooosed p-~chase of 1-95 P. ight ' ~j~ - ~ - ~ ~ - SW ~, of Way ~t the So~,ze~ corner of 15th Avenue ~d SW 3~d Street in ~tan i~ o=aca. ~.=-. Cl~-k provmded, ma with ~ copy of }.~. Frede~ck~ Msmor~ud~ , h 3-15-73 ~ere~ he e:~ressed conce~ about a ~ssib~e ~crsased ~fic h~z~d ~n.e_cn~uoe. It was the S~- s 'L[ - res~ting from the 1-95 ~ + ~ '" ¢ requested t~t I ~t ..... " bro~sai in-~itin~ so thai'it ~y o- properly considered by ~ne ~=z~ Fio~da Dep~tment of ~as~rtation has ~e~ed a v~ffe dete~uati~_ of L~ ~al~e ~d .uo~s ~ C'~e ~ud t~s is broken do~ as follows: - r.- ~ 9,-t'30.00--. : ~ .-~_ ,¢~/~ =~cr=~ Land in the-T~ng _ ,. ~ 20~00.00: _.ccess Ro~ - .-* ~s~ ,1 ~ ~ to C~e ~12~.000.O~ -~- Backst~p_.~d Fence ~.~d~ications ' ' . · ' ~. ~." ' ~50;O0 '.:. L~dsaape i-tems · ~o~O.~0 To~ Compe~&tion Cbs '~e~chsrs ~e..mov~ble ~ ~e ~onsi~cr~d as oe=so~] p~ope~ty ~ather th~u . realty. I texize ~hht ~e~e o~tic~ bleaChers ~e q'~te old ~d ~oving .. them wo~d no~-b~- ~o~ ~ad~id~. 0~, the bleachers on ~ne ~{or~ 'szce ' ' ~z~n l;k. Fre~ick it was felt that ~u est~mR.te ccnszderea, in conversation- '~' of ~1,87D.~O for a -set-of bleachers q~te ~sslb!y co~a be aoso. o-d in the u~,~ to C~e of $32,950.00. The l~udscap~ fi~s .ox ~&LSO.~O covers cost ~eo~ ~ci~- the Ficus trees rather th~u moving them. The ~ ~ . ~ .... ~ ~40¢¢00.u0 fi~e for access road is based on the plan ~roposed by the City, However sho'~d sub- s~mue~' de~ ....... ~ *ton~' "suggasL' a different arrangement of the access road: ~_~_,~]~ p~1~n~.~ o e~c.' ~u~._o ~o~d be acceotable to the Ds~tmenL of Transportation. .~ C~e compensation chose %o apprqpriate the ;£%i~-~s diffe~en%iy, .... un_. ~ was yo,~ pero~a~ive. ~,. ~.t!an~mc , De!ray ~ach~ ~lo~aa Phone iA ,,.~ City W~~O~'-=~=~Z~_ ~ as discussed wzzn .,.~. Fredrick, '~ -'~= Very t~]y ~i. Maier ..... . JBy: H.H. P. O. Box 868 Boynton Beach, Fla. 33435 April l, i973 TO: City of Boynton Beach F~yor ~nd Council Members Re: Resol~tio~No. 73-R .Written notice of objection to ResoZutionNo; 73-R and ite passagebytheCityCo~ncil of B°Y~t~aBeach. 1. On~h 29, !973 I appeared at 't~eCityEngi~e~r,s office to i~spect pla~s and s.Decifications c~vering construction of NO. ?~-R whioh is required to be-ma~e available to anyone according tot he City Charter. I was toid they were unavail- able became they had not-been completed at that time. 2. There seems to be a do~ble standard as far as developers are ~onCerned. When we were constructing our bu/lding at 205 3rd Street we were told and we did p~y for, all paving, of alleys streets concerning or benefitting our buildings because the said that the developer had to provide_them. Also the city made us put in a 4 inch,water line (175 feet} to serve this building at a cost of. $1400.00 dollars tO ~us which we did because again we were told that the developer ~d to. ~How~ver in ~he case of Charles Boos of Bo!rntOn Center the de- ~e!operof adjoining property and the propaseror~etitioner of Resolution Eo. 73--R, he asked the city to pave the street which he needs before he ca~ get a Certificate of Occupancy , 150 feet on undeveloped N,E. 1st Ave. end N. Eo 2nd St. benefits 'him .almost 100~. Our property faces ~. E. 3rd Sto I do not need N. E. let Ave. and the benefit to our property is practically nit. Your city charter reads -- ~most be~efits"o I thinkF~. Charles Boos as developer of same should pay for t~s paving Just as I was made to. 3. Also Charles.Boos %~s allowed to use a water line tb~t I ~s denied usage of 6 months before he started construction b~cause I was told that it was insufficient to supply a 20 unit apartment. Bnt he has now connected two (2) 20-unit apartments a total of 40 units to this sa~ line and the city em~.loyees did all the work in connecting up same. .City of -2- '1 ~ADril~ 1973 I was also told that he would-have to' install a 6 inch water line with a fire hydrant, none of 'which' has been done. City Council members ~ I think that a ~ouble standard does _ in this city wi~h speciaI favors to certain individuals. I have been to most city council meetings in the past year and have heard this double s~andards and how you. were going ~o w'zth ~hem but-this Resolution ?is a perfect e~ample~of special'consideration, i plan to research this fur.'er an~ ta~e whatever action necessary to protect my interestS. Yours truly, ~ ~rsnk Mute, President ~illicent's OpportuD/ties Corp._ Sox 868 Boynton Beach, ~la. 33435