Emily M. Jackson, Mayor
JOe DeLong, Vice Mayor
David Roberts, Councilman
Edward F. Harmening, Councilman
Forrest L. Wallace, Countilman
Frank Kohl, City Manager
Ernest G. Simon, City Attorney
Mrs. Tereesa Padgett~ City Clerk
Mrs. Jackson opened the meeting at 7:35 P. M. The ,Mayor welcomed the
audience~ and stated the first item on the agenda is discussion of
Revenue Shal~ing.
I. Revenue Sharing
Mr. DeLong - My idea was to take at least 10% of the money and earmark
it for the needy and distressed in the City and to ew~andthe aCtiVities
of the Community Relations Board, and turn these applications over to
them for investigation, and referral back to us with a recommendation.
It appears in this City there are many who need help and I believe the
revenue sharing was meant to siphon down to these people. 1~ would not
be too great an amount, but 'I would be very specific that you were not
creating any municipal relief fund v~en federal funds no longer are
forthcoming. I did talk about a sub-fire station,
Mayor Jackson Stated those two lots in Wilson Center may he considered.
We have a chance to buy them now to enlarge our park facilities.
Mr. Harmening suggested the purchase be taken from revenue sharing, it
is a worthwhile usage. The two lots are reasonably priced in his opinion
Mayor Jackson stated she thinks we should take action very quickly.
Mr. Kohl, City Manager, mentioned the asking price of $1~500 for these
two lots. Stated the appraisal is $3,800, and it would be a 9~eat advan-
tage to us to have this for recreation, and recommended that the two
lots be bought either out of unappropriated surplus or Revenue Sharing
Motion made by Mr. Wallace to follow the City Managerts recommendation:
seconded by Mr. Harmenin§.
The Fmyor inquired which funds should he used for the purchase.
Mr. Wallace suggested to leave it to the discretion of the City Manager.
Mr. DeLong stated if an immediate purchase is to be made the use of Rev-
enue Sharing funds would cause a delay~ since revenue sharin~ money is
tied up in government certificates.
MgIP~CH 15, 1973
Mm. Harmening-
I find no fault with this~ if it is possible to t~ansfer the money at a
later date. Is this in the bounds of the revenue sharing rules and reg-
Mr. Roberts -
I do not think it Should be tied up in view of the fact that the offer
of purchase is only ~1~500 against appraisement of $5,800.
Mayor Jackson -
Motion is made and seconded that we purchase the two lots, Lots 521 and
522: Che~ry Hills Subdivision ... Is there any discussion?
Mr. Harmening-
The seller states that this is a net pu~hase price: do we want to spend
any money for title insurance, or should our Attorney check the abstract
and title?
Mayor Jackson -
Any other discussion
Attorney Simon -
I want to be sure you dispose of the question of title insurance. I
strongly urge we obtain title insurance. I would like to see the binder~
Mr. Kohl.
Mayor Jackson -
All in favor say Aye - So carried 5-0.
Mr. Wallace-
Did we get an evaluation Of the other prope~y around that area? We
were talking about 12 lots.
Mr. Koh~ City Manage_~-
No, Sir~ not at this time~ but there were homes on most of the other
property around this.
Mayor Jackson -
Our p~'operty on U. S, 1 with reverter clause should be taken care of in
a hurry - is this correct, Mr. Simon?
MARCH 15, 1975
Attocney Simon -
Reasons391y soon. You ate dealing with a mever~ec clause wheme thece is
no set numbec of days: weeks om months within which to do something;
Do something now to avoid any ~uestion as to whethec o~ not you have
acted within a Teasonable time,
Mayoc Jackson -
Can Fedemal Revenue ShaTing funds be used lot this?
Att o~ney Simon
Yes: as t mecai! fmom Teading the documents.
Mm. Ha~mening-
Pe~h.aps at this time we should considem meinstituting the dog pound an a
portion of the lot: peThaps the back half~ and at the same time we
might consideT that peThaps the Pamks Depamtmsnt could complete theim
initial pmog~am to beautify the fTont half at the paTk~ landsoape~ in-
stall spminklecs~ gmass it, etc, I would like to speak to MT. Ba~-~ett.
I believe he has plans fo~ a dog kennel.
Mayom Jackson -
Would you like to come up and show us the pictuTe?
Mc. Ha~mening-
Do you have an estimate of cost?
MT. BamTett: Building Official-
$!8~000 is the estimated cost; can be added to at a lateT date: will be
scTeened~ this is a complete deal~ and will fit on the back half of the
MT. Ha~mening-
I move the City ManageT be instTueted to go oo7c lot bids on this plan
foT a new dog pound~ and that the funds be taken fcom mevenue shaTing~
and that the Pamks Department be instructed to pmoceed fomthwith on
o~ati0n o~ a pa~k aTea on the fmont half.
Mc. DeLong - I second the motion.
Mc. t~obects
Question - You' would like the Pamks Department to submit plans and cost
estimates befoce we take action?
MT. Ha~mening- Right
MA~CH t3~ 1973
Mayor Jackson -
I would like to say that Congress has been trying to have as many cities
as possible name a park on the 200th anniversary of our country. I sug-
gest we call it Bicentennial Park. Any other discussion,
Mr. Wallace -
If you took the $18~C00 you have plus the cost to move the handball court
I still stipulate as far as building the library on the facilities of
which you are speaking~ specifically a~ter one of the architects said
Saturday - ooutd pz~bably be built around without affecting the h~ndball
cou~t: bu~ of whiehwas not given the opport~n%ity to discuss it any fur-
ther - I thi~/< we are shortchanging ourselves on long range planning,
Mr. Ma~mening -
I fail to see how this hears on the dog kennel.
Mr. Wallace -
It happens to be one of the parcels of preperty under discussion, You
will recall an architect who said the library could be built out there
without affecting the handball cou~t. I still think the U. S. ~! site
with present drawbacks and looking to long range planning - some of you
sat down there this evening and listened to an architect and you are
already discussing expansion. When you expand it does that mean you are
going to take more recreational area? You are already talking about
expansion o£ library facilities. I am simply saying, hopefully: look
to long range plar~uing - if the downtown City area of which we had
talked about at one particular time would be refurbished in these areas
do you want a dog pound sitting in the middle of it?
Mayor Jackson -
It has been moved and seconded that we look into the possibility of hav-
ing the dog pound in.the back of the ~. S. ~t property~ and the front
part for a park.
Mr. DeLong -
Point of information - I second the motion if we are to go out for bid
for the dog kennels.
Mayor Jackson -
All in favor say AYE - Opposed NO - Motion carried 4-1. Mr. Wallace
voted NO.
Mr. Harmening -
I would like to ask another question. We discussed increasing the area
of parks~ not only in any one particular place, but in at least two other
IiIRCH 15, 1973
Mr. Harmening, cont~d.
locations. One~ Rolling Green Elementar~ School, the other on SW 8th
St. I would like to go on record that a sizable percentage of money to
be spent for recreation eomes from revenue sharing sources at such time
as we actually make these expenditures.
Mayor Jacks on
I would like to add Sara Simms Park. This is available, just need
equipment to finish this up. M~. Kohl, will yo~ get some figures on
what it would cost to m ak e these into acceptable parks~ and increase our
recreational facilities?
Mr. Kohl-
I have these on my desk now, and will look into them and bring back my
recommendation to the Council.
Mr. DeLong -
I see a ve~v definite need at the present time for a sub-fire station:
not only for the protection of the life and property of the people~ but
it Hill also give us a better rating, also it will be a savings to resi-
dents of this City on fire insurance rates. We are developing very
heavily in the southwest area. You have a piece of property there where
a substation could be erected. This is a one-shot deal. You have a
certain radius to take care o~. The possible cost for a substation is
around $1~0,000. A new piece of equipment would be here in six months'
time, and later we will need emergency first aid tr~¢k. This entails
quite an expenditure - 10 additional firemen will have to be employed -
but when dealing with life and property the amount spent is very minute.
Mr. Wallace -
Will you place this as a motion?
Mr. DeLong-
I will, I make the motion to instruct the City Manager in conjunction
with Chief of the Department and any other depaz~Tnent head deemed ad-
visable to get the plans for a fire sub-station on a piece of proper~y
owned by the City and ~ecommended by the Hnde~riters, which is on the
eas~ side of Congress Avenue~ north of S. W. 25rd Avenue.
bi~. Rober~cs -
I second the motion.
I asked how much time it would take a piece o~ equipment to be delivered
and I was told at least one year. We will be in a new budget before
then. I am questioning the time table.
MARCH 15, 1975
Mr. Ha~mening-
The bid time is 560 days.
Mr. Roberts -
It would not be delivered £or another year from date of award.
Mr. DeLOng-
I would go along with the plans for the substation. With the increase
of labor and material it would be advisable, and I would believe it
would take approximately 10 months before the p~Oject would be completed
but we would still have the building when the engine was delivered.
Mr. R. B. Vastine -
I would like to call to your attention, Boynton West has stated they
would give the additional piece of land behind the fire station.
Mr. DeLong-
It has all been reviewed.
Mayor Jackson -
All in favor vote AYE. Motion eazTied 5-0.
One thing: would you check with the Finance Director how nvach we have
received from Revenue Sharing so far, and give the repozWc so far.
M~. Kohl-
$1907 152
Mr. Harmening-
I notice in the last directive from the Treasury Department~ none of the
revenue sharing money can be used to retire any existing debt, and
cannot be used for any of the interest.
Mayor Jackson -
Any further discussion on the revenue sharing?
II. Discuss the completion of the zoning o~dinance and map
Mayor Jackson read a letter of resignation from Bob La~Jent, City
Mr. Harmening-
I move ta accept Mr. Largent's resignation.
Mr. DeLong-
Do we accept the resignation as of March 21st, and is any mention made
of severance pay?
Mr. Harmening-
?we weeks is s~tandard, the Cit~ M~anageF has authority on this. I move
~.o accept M~, La~gent~ ~esignation, ai~ would further state that the
C!ty Manager, at h~s disereti~on, may g~ve Mr. La,gent the no~mal severn-
ante pay.
Mr. ~Obe~ts -
I second the motion and honor his request.
Mayor Jackson -
It has been moved and seconded that we accept his resignation~ and have
the City Manager give him severance pay at the City ManagerYs discre-
tion. Ail in favor vote AYA - So carried - 5-0.
Is there anything more about the proposed zoning ordinance and map?
Mr. Kohl-
As of Monday mo~/ng we had all of the pages typed for what we had
ceived~ and then about 8:50 A. M. we received about 30 or 40 more pages
we had quite a bit of work for two girls. We stopped work~ but have
now secured another lady to type part time on the zoning ordinance.
Mr. Harmening-
I move to table Agenda Item ~.
~vir. DeLonq-
I second the motion.
Mayor Jackson -
All those in favor signify by saying AYE - So carried: 5-0.
~II. Discuss Job Classifications
Mr. Sultivan~ Personnel Direeto~-
I thought for the time being Mr. Kohl and I could work on this, and
b~ping it back to you.
Ym. DeLong -
I believe Mr.
his motion.
Wallace brought this up~
I will acquiesce for him to make
MAR~H 15, 1975
Mm. Wallace -
I think they are going to be the ones to have to go thru this. The Coun-
cf! should be aware of the job classifications as described. The ChazVcer
stipulates eerta/n duties and yet the duties in the P~d Book are entirely
different. There are some C!efks wol~c/ng for the City that are not even
in there and are low on the pay scale, and should be brought up to
equal bearing with other Clerks.
Whe~. we voted to go back to the oFiginalpersonnel area: what I am won-
dering about at this psmti~ular time, ~o we now have a ~ob class/fieation
thc? has a depare~me~head without a department. W~at is Mr. Ca,den's
d~signaCi6n at the present time?
Mr. Sull/van -
r. Camden m! general servmces director in charge of Shop, Sanitation,
Parks and Building maintensnae.
Mr. Wallace -
Does this nor all come under the direction of Mr. Hopkins?
Mr. Sullivan -
Right - he is still the asSiStant to M~ Hopkins.
Mr. Wallace -
What is his title.
Mr. Sul!/van-
His title was never changed - it is still the same as it was last Octo-
Mr. Wallace -
I think this is one of the things that we came about - before, previously
we got into a little bit of an argument. I have nothing against Mr. Car-
den but I am simply saying that I think all of these things oughttto be
drawn in line in retrospect as to what we had voted previously to go
back to personnel specifically, as stated by Charter. This is so Mr.
Kohl and Bill will be aware o~ discrepancies in there and can bring back
recommendations to Council. I m~e a motion that these discrepancies
be correeted~ and we meet the provisions of the Charter.
Mr. DeLong -
i second your motion that the overhaul be done, that appropriate changes
be made~ if necessary.
M~IRCH 15, 1975
Mr, Wallace -
Also include secretaries whose pay is not included, which causes turn-
over. Four clerks quit last month.
Mr. Kohl-
One was Getting marrzed, on - something else happened.
Mr. Wallace -
I still think we should get up to par.
Mrs. Padgett-
! would like to ask Council a .q?estion, When job classifications are
accepted and adopted by resolution, Can they not only be changed by
Mr. Wallace -
They must be changed by resolution.
Mrs. Padgett -
In the recent past they have been changed without being done by resolu-
Mr. DeLong -
We change by resolution. In the past it has not been done by resolution.
Itwas an axiomatic transaction. If you-~anted to create new positions
or change classification you could do it at budget time with the adop-
tion of the budget without any specific announcements that this was tak-
ing place, which is not the correct procedure, the procedure is by reso-
Mr. Sullivan -
They were put through with the budget and pay plan. When the budget was
presented each department was reviewed page ~j page and the job titles
were there when it was discussed. They were picked up at that point, or
if accepted at that point they would go through.
Mr. DeLong -
I believe we should keep on top of it with the Personnel Director being
~esponsible. I would say I would be very carefu!~ would refuse to have
any blanketendorsement of classification, be it by pay plan or by city
budget, I would not buy it.
MARCH 1% 1975
Mayor Jackson -
Motio~has been mad and seconded to turn over to Mr. Sullivan and Mr,
](chi to work OUt job classifications in aecor~ee with the Charter and
bf~kug it up to standards. Ail in favOr say AYE - Carried 5-0.
Mr. DeLong -
I would like to have discussion pertaining to moratorium on pa~ticuiar
plot p~s t~at havE been'~eview~d. I.th{nk it Would be in ~rder to
~c_o~.~Ge~r the s?-~zal that were not ~.giVen any consideration~ a~d we
p~ITalt-UeG severa~o Oontb_nue, At th~s time I would like to have Mr.
Simon please advise on this.
Mr. Simon, City Attorney-
This originally came up when Mr. Anderson was here. He first became
aware of it, and I have looked into it~ and what ~e have is a situation
where a moratorium was enacted and it is my understanding that a small
number, I believe~ of projects were in the works, were pursuing the
various processes required by the City of Boynton Beach as prerequisites
to actual formal applications for building permits. The step by step
pursued by these people were being pursued in accordance with Building
Dept· requirements. They would have applied for building permits prior
to moratorium package had they completed all requiz~Jnents tha~ the City
had required. T~is~.woutd suggest to me ~he basis for an equitable
estoppel - that l~ ~ere someone comes in and goes to substantxal ex
pense to eomp!y wzth City's requirements as prerequisites to applying
for a building permit has in acting on the assurance he has to do this
to get his building permit - does them - at his expense, only to find
that when he reaches a certain point a moratorium is enacted depriving
him o~ completing what he has started and pursued at some great expense
to himself. This is the basis for equitable estoppel doctrines. There
is the St. Marks Church~ for example, that was one of the issues in
that case as to whether or not the Church had established an equitable
estoppel - the lower cour~ ruled they had and the Appellate Court ruled
~ey, had not. Looking ~t.these situations that we haVe in the !%ght of
ne Appellate.Court dee~sion, I w~uld ~eet that there is a certain
amount of equitab%e esrg~?~i basis and elements involved in these. I
am aware of two, xn ~ ~Ition to the two you have already agreed to.
~ytOrney Hu~h.~inn~ ~v.e~oper, has gone to considerable expense in a -
ing for building ] ~itand then the ~-~-:-- £ ........ P
· ' ~ . -~'=uw~u~uoo~ ~rrect~ and ne
was depr~ved o~ app~ ~ fo9 his building permit. ~ha~ is different
from someone, s~ply ( ~ng up ~ applying for a building perhlit. There
~tmanoS~s~- ! want ~ do s~methxng - ~ndthe City isays 6K you may do
· pr v~ea you take all~ these steps, At substantia~ exper~e he does
~e;~;.es~p~i~' establish with acquiescence of the C~ty
The two situations that I am awa~e of may warrant close consideration on
that basis. As opposed to saying - Welt~ we d~aw a line for application
~9~.b~i~di~ permit. $9~e people have.reached a point where they are en-
z~£ed ~o ~e consideration without being in violatlon of the spirit of
the moratorium.
MARCH 15, 1975
Mr. DeLong -
Madam Mayor, may I call upon Mr. Barrett to find out just exactly how
many there are existing at the present time. I believe the last time
we spoke about this, Mr. Barrett, I donut believe fully explained what
the situation was. In one instance it was explained not that this par~
ticular plot plan had been approved. I think Mr. Barrett said he came
in the day a~ter the moratoriumto get his per, it but not acquainting
us with the fact that the plans had almeady been approved. Is this so,
in one instance?
Mayor Jackson -
When is the date of the ordinance we passed - when does that go into
Mr. Harmening -
40 days.
~ttorney Simon -
50 days from the second reading.
Mr. Barrett -
The only two that I know of are Hugh Quinn and Novotny. I don't know
whether Mr. Largent has any that have processed through his department
up to a point, but they have not~ I don~t believe, completed all the
steps required for an application for a building permit. These two had
completed all the steps required other than actually applying for the
building permit. The property location is S. E. 21st Ave. and Seacrest.
Mr. Wallace -
Is this the same property that we had a petition from 2/3 of the people
in that area that were against this type of building in this area?
There was a listing on file. Everyone in that end of the City on both
sides of Seacrest opposed it. This was a duplex-condominium type. It
was a pretty high number per acre.
Mr. Barrett -
I think this was a S0 acre plot south of this. It was zoned R-]AA and
they were asking for
Mr. DeLong -
What is the density of this particular area?
Mr. Barrett-
b~/~CH 13, 1973
Mr. Wallace -
Was the new zoning ever granted?
Mr. Barrett -
No, 8ir.~
Mr. Wallace -
Then how could a permit be issued to build what he wants?
Mr. Barrett -
This is a different area. It is zoned R-2. I think the point you are
asking about is the 50 acre tract. This is south~ starting at 31st Ave.
~unning south to ~th from Seacrest to the P~ilroad.
Mr. Wallace -
This is the same area that some 700 people signed a petition.
Mr. Harmening-
I would like to direct a question to Mr. Simon. How do you feel tha~*
the granting of any of these permits which are in excess of our new or~
dinance~ and also apparently in violation of the moratorium - would
feet our moratorium in the interim between now and such time as it's
lifted? Would this strengthen our position in regard to the moratorium
or diminish it?
Attorney Simon -
D think it must strengthen it. When you establish a moratorium you
say no more buildings from this time forward because of a reason. In
this case the reason was stated at the time ~nd with regard to sewer and
water facilities - au that time you have to recognize the rights of
those who have reached a point in pursuing whate~er procedures are re-
qui~ed to get their building permit. It requires a substantial amount
of investment and effor~ to warrant being regarded as a vested right -
an equitable estoppel.
Mr. Harmening -
I thought at the time of the placing of moratorium: I thoughtwe were
very specific and made clear the only exceptions were the per. its on
file and in the process of issuance in the Building Office - I can't
understand how a person could have a vested interest in a permit based
on the work and expense prior to actual issuance - anticipation of the
issuance. I do think that before we would 9~ant the type of relief we
should have proven to us conclusively and beyond any doubt that any in-
dividual has a very definite vested interest.
MARCH 15~ 1975
Attorney Simon -
I agree with that - absolutely.
Mr. Wallace-
Go back and cheek the minutes. When this came up the question was asked
Does this take ears of all people as fa~ as permits - and the answer was
Yes. We went back and ~eeonsidered three - these were developers that
already had one or two buildings built~ and this was a continuation of
it and that the issuance of a permit was accepted as far as a cutoff
date. I assumed this Was what the Council used for a cutoff date~ and
this was what we placed cum vote on. Now we have two mo~e e0ming back
in and Saying they wer~ there.
You vote for a moratorium~ why have a moratorium if you are going to
make exceptions to the rule evezs;time a developer walks up here. I
voted against the moratorium. I think continuity is something the
Council should abide by or lift it altogether - not make exceptions.
Mr. DeLong-
I would like to have the City Council go on reco~d that the City Attor-
ney would amend the zoning ordinance i~sofa~ as being specific on an-
nexations. Mr. SL~on~ we have no direction in zoning ordinances for
Attorney Simon -
There are ~.~o parcels of annexation I am aware of. One in the annexing
ordinance designated zoning etassification~ the other annexing ordin-
ance simply referred to a map~ without designating specifically in the
ordinance itself exactly what the zoning classifications were. An or-
dinance has to be clear in its meaning and intent so that in one ease~
for example when this Industrial Park came up - there is a specific
designation of the zoning c!assifioation in the annexing ordinaneeo
There was, as I understand it: a public hearing with proper notice - a
step by step procedure. I simply dwell on this for the moment to com-
pare that with the other annexing ordinance that did not specify what
portions of that~ p~oper~y were zoned in what classification, so that
if one read the notice in the newspaper would know whether or not and
in what manner hs is affected. $o far as procedures are concerned~ I
think in the one! case where you actually have an annexing ordinance and
a public hearing and the published public notice specifying what prop-
erty is going to be zoned in what manner then you fulfill the require-
ments~ and they are quite adequate: I think.
Mayor Jackson -
In other words - we can't annex it without zoning it.
MARCH 15, 197D
Mr. Simon-
No - In this Industrial Park it was annexed with a specified zoning. It
was at the time. As I understand fro~the reco~d that I went over with
Mr. Kohl yesterday - step by step was followed. The point is you want
the people to know what is going on and how it affects that property,
and how that may affect them.
This is one of the basic requirements. If a published notice tells the
public what you a~e doing, and what you are going to give this zoning
to and to what propez~cy, then you have met the first requirement. The
second requirement is to give the opportunity to be heard. I under-
stand in that ease this opportunity was given. It was only after that -
that a recon~nendation was made to the City Council and thereafter the
City Council adopted an o~nance annexingthe property and designating
a zoning ctas~lflcatlon. All the requiz~ments were there.
~ was=c~sideration b~y.~he Planning & Zoning Board, published public
Ace anu ~nen recommendations tot he City Council~ then the City
Council acted - that is the prescribed method. At least it has been the
method in this City. I think that would take care of the method of
annexinq and zoning.
Mr. Harme~ning-
In accordance with what Mr. DeLonu said, it might be for the public's
benefit if we incorporated an~ additional method of publishing notifica-
tion in addition to the advertisements in newspapers of general circula-
tion. This is not in the foz~l of a motion, but I think we should in-
corporate in our zoning oz~lir~anee a method of notifying any property
owners within a radius of 1,000 feet of the area in which zoning changes
are to be made. I thinkthe public would have a better chance to ec~e
forth and speak p~o or con in regard to s matter that was subject to
this review. I believe there is a possibility that people were not en-
tirely aware of sc~e ~ezoning that was contemplated and actually done in
some instances, and if we would do this I think the people would appre-
ciate it.
Mr. DeLong -
The established policy inmost municipalities is 400 feet in all direc-
tions from all propez, b~ lines to be rezoned and provision for registered
mail being sent with return receipt .
Mayor Jackson -
I would like to see it advertised in somethinqwith more circulation:
perhaps the SHOPPER, so people are aware there is an annexation. It af-
fects the whole City.
MARCH 13, 1973
Mr. Harmening -
Perhaps we could ineori>orate two newspapers.
9dYe public more warning.
Mr. Albert G. Wehrell-
Co,ne up with something to
For notification I believe it is presently rezorulng 500 feet. I feel
this is not enough~ should be at least 500', a pmoper distance.
Mr. Rpberts -
Rezoning - isn't it spelled out in our Ordinances?
Attorney Simon -
Yes, it is. But the question is annexation and zoning at the same time.
Mayor Jackson -
Any other business?
Mr. Kohl -
I would like to p~esent the Council with a folder. This is a file on
the North Boynton Industrial Park. On the lefthand side, first page,
you have the dates and references in regard to all documents and exhib-
its. On the rtghthand side every single document that's in there. This
is for your perusal for Sen we have it on the Agenda.
Mr. DeLong -
My compliments to the City Manage~ on this compilation.
Mayom Jackson -
Can we have this on the Agenda next week?
Mr. Kohl -
Fine with me.
Mr. Hollingworth -
On behalf of Mr. Jos. Novotny~ Trustee, rom application of building per-
mit. He had a site plan approved in November. Your Building Inspector
had been advised because of moratorium that we needed to have Council
approval. I wish to leave letters with you~ and ask to be put on the
Agenda, if possible rom next meeting. I do not believe the moratorium
should affect us. I will hand them to the City Manager.
MARCH 13~ 1973
Mr. Wallace -
Motion to adjourn.
Mr. Harmening -
Meeting adjourned.