Minutes 03-06-73MINUTES OF REGU3.,AR MEP~I'iNG OF C~TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ PLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, TUESDAY~ MARCH 6, 1975 PRESENT ~E~ily M. Jackson, Mayor Joe DeLong, Vice Mayor David Roberts, Councilman Edward F. Harmening~ Councilman For~est L. Wmllace~ Councilman E~nest G. Simon~ City Attorney Frank Kohl, City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Mayor Jackson called the meeting to o~der at 7: 30 P. M. Rev. Paul Bz%uuner: First Bapt~.st Church: gave the i~vooatiOn, followed by the Flag Salute led by Ez~aest Simon. City Attorney. The Mayor asked that each member of Council speak into the microphones so they could be heard. She also reminded the audience to speak prior to a motion being made. MINU~ES M~. Wallace moved to remove the minutes of January DOth end February 6th from the table. Motion seconded by M~. DeLong end carried 5-0. Mr. Wallace referred to Page 4 of the minutes of Jenuary 50th end read the third paz~g~aph from the top. He stated that he did not feel the minutes reflected the tDue meaning o~ what trenspired that everning. He asked that these minutes be corrected: or a statement placed in the min- utes of the p~esent meetin~ to indicate that M~. Sulliven did not go to the Council but that the Council did go to him, end asked that he come up with a l~eom~ndation to Council. He agreed that a statement in the pDesent minutes would be sufficient. M~. Wallace ~eferred to Pages 10 and II of the minutes o~ February 6, 1973: end asked that the word" "' you ~n the second para, apb from the top on Page 11 be chenged to "Council". Mr. Wallace moved to accept the minutes of Jenuary 50th and February 6~h as corrected. Motion seconded by Mr. DeLong. Mr. Wallace asked the Attorney if the subject corrections affected the Resolution in any way. Mr. Simon answered ~no~. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Jackson asked that a Tabulation Sheet on the bids for (Page 8) be attached to the minutes of P~bruaTy 90th so thea P~per bid figures wg.utd become pax~ .of the minutes. She also asked that on Page 10 of the P.~bruary 2otb meetlng ~n the fourth paragraph from the top the minutes should state that Mrs. Jackson handed the gavel to Vice Mayor DeLong. A%so a~to /~.st s.en~tence of said paragraph - ~%ecause they are a party tG the 3~lwsuit which would be a conflict of interest~'. -1- M3hNUTES REGULAR CItY COUNCIL MEET~G MARCH 6: 1973 MINU~ES, cant' d. Fn2. Wsllace toured to accept the minutes of February 20th as corrected. Motion seconded by Mr. Harmening and cazTied 5-0. Mr. Wallace moved to accept the minutes of Pebruary 27th. Motion sec- onded by Mr. Harmening and ca~l~ied 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Vernon Thompson, 208 N. E. 10th Ave.: thanked the Council for getting sewer service to his p~operty, and asked about the completion of his street at his apartment complex on N. E. 8th Ave. and 1st St. Mr. DeLong moved to refer this matter to the City Manager for adminis- t-~ative action. Motion secOnded by Mr. Wallace~ and cazTied 5-0. Ployd Van Deusen~ 227 N. E. 22nd Ave., asked to spe~k on Item IXB if deemed necessary. Bigelow, Palmland Development, asked to be con. zdered under items D cud E. Geox~3e Bailey presented a certified copy of a Resolution adopted by the Board of County Commissioners last Tuesday. Bruce Daniels asked to be heard on Item VI D. J~hn Hess, 7075 High Ridge Road, reserved the right to speak on Item VID. M~lba Bruce, 1820 Tomatoe Road~ ~ese~ved the right to speak on Item V! D. The City Clerk referred to a letter Mr. Arnold Stroshein w~ote in regard ~ moving the handball cou~..s. The Mayor asked that it be filed, since 1 members of Council received a copy of same. ANNLL~L BIDS (See attached Tabulation Sheets) (a) Tires The Tabulating Co~m~ttee recommended award to Easy-Pay Tire Store (Good- y~ar) of Boynton Beach. Mr. Wall ace moved to accept the ~ecommendation of the Tabulating Committee. Seconded by Mr. DeLong and ear, led 5-0. (h) Cast Iron Pipe & Asbestos Cement Pipe Tabul?.tin.g Committee recommended award to American Cast Iron Pipe Co. for all sizes. Mr. DeLon9 moved to accept the recommendation of the ?ommittee a~.d .award the bid to American Cast I~on Pipe Co. Mr. Harmen- ~ng seconded the motion. Motion-carried 5-0. -2- MINUTES REGULAR CItY COL~NCIL MEETING ~d~Xq 67 1975 ANNUAL BIDS, cont'd. The Tabut~ing Committee reccm~nended award be made on t~he Asbestos Cement Pipe to Southern Meter Co. Mr. Ha~nening moved to award as per recom- mendation. Motion seconded by Mr. W~l]aee and ca~ried 5-0. (c) Galvanized Pipe $ other accessories It ~as the recc~nendation of the Tabulating Cc~nittee that the award be made to low bidder in accordance with the tabulation sheet attached. Motion made to follow mecommendation~ by Mr. Wm]]aee: seconded by M~. Harme~uq. Motion carried5-0. (d) Gasoline & Diesel Fuel Mr. DeLong moved to award the bid to Gulf Oil Co. as per attached recom- mendation. Motion seconded hymn. Wallace and carried 5-0. (e) Shell Rock & Pit Lime Rock ~. Harmening moved to award the bid on Pit Lime to Ha~d~ives, Inc.~_~_~and She!l~odk to Keatts Trucking Co. Motion seconded by M~. DeLong ear, led 5-0. (f) Cold Mix & Asphalt Type II M~. DeLong. m. ov?d to .accept the tabulation repoz~c from the Committee, and .~a~d t~e ozd to Ruben Construction Co. Motion seconded by Mr. Harmen- i~g, ar~ ea~z~ied 5-0. (g) Chlorine M~. Wallace moved to follow the reeon~endation of the Tabulating Commit- teD~ and award the bid to Allied Chlorine Co. Motion seconded by DeLonq and carceied 5-0. (h) Water Meters Mr. DeLong moved to award the bid in accordance with the attached bid tabulation sheet. Motion seconded by Mr. Walla~e~ and ~a~z~ed 5-0. One (1) lO:O00 Gallon Storage Tank The Purchasing Agent advised Council that this item was being =e-bid. LEGAL o~. DeLong moved to instruct Mr. Simon to defend the City in the appeal the St. Ma~k's Towe~s suit. Motion seconded by Fi~. Ha~mening and car- tied 5-0. -5- N~RCH 6, 1~73 Mr. Harmeninq asked if the Attorney had an opinion in regard to this suit. M3~. Simon felt we should follow through. The Mayor asked if the date for the validation of the L~b~aryBonds had bee~ set. ~b?. Simon stated '~not yet~'. Mr. Sfonon mead Ord. 75-7 by caption only. Fir. P~ng moved for the sndadOPtiCa~cal~ed°f O~d.5_0. 73-7 on second reading. Motion seconded byMr. DeLong PUBLIC Pawning a Portion of N. W. 5th Street No one spoke in favor or against subject improvement. Mr. Roberts am~d to proeeed with the assessment. Motion seconded by Mr. Wallace 'carried 5-0. LEGAL~ conrad. The City Attorney read Ord. 73-8 by caption only. Mr. Harmening mOved tOcar~iedadOPt5_0.0rd. 73-8 on seeond ~eading. Motion seconded by MD. DeLong and Mr. Simon read Oz~Linanee No. 73-9 by caption only. Mr. DeLong mOved to adopt O~d. 7~-9 on second ~eading. Motion seconded by Mr. Roberts, and eaz~ied 5-0. Ordinance No. 73-10 was read by caption only. Motion made by Mr. Rob- ert~ to .adopt S~me on second reading. Motion seconded by Pit. Wallace and carried 5-0. Mr. Wallace questioned the coverage of this particular ordinance. ORDIN~MCES _ 1st Reading Mr. Simon read Ordinance No. 73-12 in regard to the assessment for pav- ing a.po~tion of N. W. 5th St. Motion made by Mr. Harmening to approve 0~d.5_0. ~73-12 on 1st reading. Motion seconded by Mr. DeLong and caz~ied . .O~ii~ance ~ ~713~ amending ~...~ee No. 73-2~ was read in its t~rety by ~ne u~y Attorney. Mot .... ~ ..... NO. 75-13 ..... ~ ~u~,~u~ Dy l%r. belong to acco ~ O on ~sr ~eaoaalg. Motion seconded by Mr. Harmenin P 5-0. g and RESOIYJTIONS Mr. ~allace moved to remove Resolution No. 73-P from the table. Motion seoopJded by Mr. PIarmenin~ and ca.Died 5-0o -4- M/3~TE$ REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 6~ 1975 RESOLUTIONS, oont' d. Mr. Simon read Resolution No. 73-P requesting consideration on the P.I. N.D. parcels in the City. Mr. DeLon9 moved for the adoption of Resolu- tion 75-P and for the City Manager to send a copy of this Resolution to Florida Inland Navigation District. Motion seconded by Mr. Marmening, and carried 5-0. Resolution 73-Q - Kitpatrick and Engleman Abandonment Request Fn~. Wallace moved to remove Resolution No. 75~Q from the table. Motion seconded by Fir. Robez~zs and carried 5-0. Mr. Simon read Res. ~7~-Q in regard to the abandonment request of Harold Kilpatriek and H. Engleman. Motion made by Mn2. Harmening to approve Res. 75-Q. Motion seconded by Mr. DeLong and carried 5-0. Resotu~on 73-R - Estimate of Cost to Constr~ct Portions of N. E. 1st Ave. and N. E. 2nd St. t~es. No. 73-R was read estimating the cost to construct portions o£ N. 1st Ave. and N. E. 2nd St. Motion made by M~. Wallace to adopt Res. No. 75-R, seconded by Ph2. DeLong~ and carried 5-0. Resolution 75-S - Appointing Finance Director Res. No. 75-S appointing John G. F!ynn: Sr. as Finance Director was read. Mr. DeLong m~ged for the adoption of same, seconded by Mr. Harmening~ and carried 5-0. Resolution No. 75-T Resolution No. 73-T, adopt-lng general requirements and procedural ~u!es o~ the CGTmmlnityAppeaI~nnce Board, was read in fullbyPlr. Simon. Mr. Wallace moved to adopt Res. ~75-T. Motion seconded by Mr. DeLong and c~rried 5-0. Resolution No. 73-U Mr. Wallace moved to table Resolution No. 75-H until later in the Agenda. Motion seconded by Mr. DeLong, and carried 5-0. North Boynton Industrial Park Mr. Simon read an opinion on this subject prepared by Mr. Anderson, es per his inst-r~ctions, and recommended the stop order be lifted. ~. George Baileyrepo~te? that his client had agreed to contribute 75% the cost of construetmngthe road to the south and the County Commis- · ~ had agreed to have their attorney find a prompt method of building subseet ~oad. Me felt the Resolution adopted by the County gave the residents of High Ridge Road proper and adequate protection. He asked MINU~ES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ¥~ARCH 6, 1973 NG2th Boynton Industrial Pa~k: eont'd~ that the Council lift the stop o~de~, approve the plat. issue the excavation permit and Mr. John Hess~ repo~ted that he felt the solution to the p~oblem was to establish a hiatus at the point where the residential a~ea meets with ~he industrial area. He urged this be eonsidez~d in appz~ving the plat. He also z. efez~ed to the rezaoval of fill from the industrial area, and said he did not feel this was aest~etlaa]_ly he~lrkiful for the area. ~u~e Daniels, representing Lehigh Cement Co. ~ joined with Mr. Bailey i~ his requests to Council. He stated Lehigh Cement Co. wan~ed to cOme into the City as a good neighbor - not To cause p~oblems. He presented photographs and other documents showing the location of similar plants in other areas of the state. This material was ~aviewed in detail by the Council: and ~1-~o by residents of the High Ridge Road area. Mrs. Melba Bruce questioned how a permit could be issued with no water, no sewer: and no plat approval. She also questioned the zoning of this annexed parcel. She asked that the cement factory pemJait not be issued until it meets all requirements of all o~dinanees. Mr. Arm&nd Sisoian~ 7131 High Ridge Road~ asked if this parcel had been legally zoned. Mr. Eddie' Miteheli asked if these people objecting to this were resi- dents of Boynton Beach. Mayo~ Jackson answered ~No~'. Mr. Wallace asked if this parcel was annexed and zoned at the same time. The answer was WYes ~. Mr. Roberts asked if water and sewer plans had been developed. Mr. Clark answered that much had been done along this line, but there n. 9 wet. er there yet. Jack Bar~ett stated that the building pezc~it was ~up%~o_t~he F_io~ida. Pneu~. ~e on a metes and.bounds description~ and ~ or a p&a~. ne said the County would issue a permit for a tem- poral~ Septic tap/~ ~t~ ~um~h~ s~ated that a Certificate of Occupancy would n~c be issued until such time as full wateD a~d sewer service is a~ailabte. s~t' Bailey again requested tentative approval of the plat: lifting the ~op o~der and issuance of the fill pez~ait. The City would still hold cdntrol as far as zoning goes. He reviewed the sequence of events. Mr. Harmening questioned the capacity o~ the trucks on High Ridge Road. M~. DeLong asked about an 80~ right of way to th~ County to provide n~ ~ght of way into this parcel. -6- REGULAR CITY CO%~CIL MEETING MARCH 6~ 1973 North Boynton Ir~iust~ial Park, eont'd. Elmer Davis~ High Ridge Road~ asked if it were legal to annex and zone in the same ordinance. M~. DeLong said he was more cOncerned about the legality of the whole thing than he was about the present circumstances. Ann Lambert~ 7141 High Ridge Road: requested the Council to hold off on vote on this subject until their attorney could be present. M~. Harmening re~erred to parag~'aph ~3 of the Attorney's opinion. Mr. Simon Stated that he had heard nothing in the conversation this evening to change his thinking. Mr. He,honing moved to lift the stop order on the building permit is- sued to the Florida Pneumatic, with instructions to the Building Dept. that no permits be issued until every cloud surrounding this area has been cleared to the Council's satiSfaction. Motion seconded by Mr. DeLong~ and carried 5-0. The City Manager was asked to present a detailed report on this project. Liltian Ripley~ 7731 High Ridge Road, asked when this prope~cy was zoned~ and if it were legal to annex and zone at the same time? Mr. Frank Kohl:reviewed the deed on Lots 4~ 5 and 6~ Block 6, Sawyer~s Add. ~ which stated that subject lots must be used for mur~cipal poses. ~. Kohl also ~eported that the appraisal on the lots in Cher~y ~ls had not been r~ceived. OLD B~SINESS Single Voter Registration -(On the Table) Mr. Roberts moved to take this from the table~ and carried 5-0. seconded by Mr. Wallace: Roberts stated that it would cost more: but felt it was time we did chis so that the people would have only one place to vote. He moved go to Courfcy Registration. Mr. DeLong s?eonded the motion. Mr. a.~me.n.~g asked what w.e were talking about ~n dollars and cents. Mr. aage.~ stated that thins would about triple the cost ~n labor and chines because of the added number of precincts. The motion carried Report on Assessment Roll - Paving Portion of N. E. 7th St. (On the tabl~ M~. Wallace moved to take this from the table. Motion seconded by Mr. Harmening and carried 5-0. ~o Clark ?~.ptained that approximately 90' was assessed in error due to e traneitmon area. He recon~nended that Mrs. Bz~inkman be given a --7-- MINUTES REGULAR C~Y COUNCIL ME5~ MARCH 6, 1973 Report on Assessment Roll, contrd. re~und, and that Dr. Gracey be assessed for lOr and not. the 100' ft. Mr. Wallace moved to accept the ~ecommendation of the City Engineer, cozTect the roll accordingly. Motion seconded by Mr. Hammening, and carried 5-0. Plats o~ Mango He~gh~s_._an_d~_M__~a~0_Heig_~_t._s___l~.~ Addn. Mr. Robez~S m?ed to strike this item from the A~d~. by Mr. Hanm~ning and Carried 5-0. Report fr. om Community Appearan_ce Board (On the table) Mr. Wallace moved to take it fr~m the table. Seconded by Mr. carried 5-0. (On the table) D~Long~ an( Mrs. Frances F~y~ Chairman o£ Conmumity Appearance Board (CAB), presente~ copies of application £onms for the CAB for their approval. She thanked Council for the Resolution read tonight, and asked the full cooperation Of the citizens of Boynton Beach to make this a more beautiful place in which to live. Discuss Use of Highway Property Ft~. Roberts moved to table this item due to the late hour. onded by Mr. Wallace~ and carried 5-0. Motion see- ~onsider Request of City Engineer - 1-95 Mm. Cla~k asked for approval of D.O.T. form entitled "Subordination of Encumbrance to Froperty R/ghts to State of Florida": known as Parcel 195. Mm. Cla~k recommended that subject forms be signed. Motion made by Mr. Harmenlng to authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign necessary ~orms upon approval of the City Attorney. Motion seconded by Mr. Walla¢ and carried 5-0. Arnold Stroshein read the letter mentioned during Public Audience into the record. He asked that the p~oposed site for a librsmy be ~econsid- ered. If they insist on moving the handball cour4u he will seek r~4ef through the Cou~ts. RECESS AD 'MtNIs'£~AT IVE Consider Request of Donald She3_hamer and Peter Kulla re Snack Bar Mr. DeLong moved to re. er this lease to the City Manager and City Attor ney for execution. He asked that the lease be drafted in the name of the present owner and the lease be filed in the office of the City Cler~ -8- MINU~ES REGULAR ~ COUNCIL MEETING M~CH 6~ 1973 Snack Bard conrad. Motion seconded by Mr. Roberts. M~. Wallace inquired as to status of this snack bar if the County should come into the picture sometime in the future. Motion carried 4-1. Mr. Wallace voted ~'~No~. Consider reeommendation of Recreation Director Mr. DeLonq read a pro~£ess report on the Foz~$t M~il Pa~k ~te su~tt~d by Charles Frederick. b~. Wallace suggested that the young people of the area be contacted. Consider Proposal of Palm Beach County Mayor Jackson read the entl~e p~oposal in regard to animal control by the County. Mr. Ha~mening asked if the County proposed to take over our license fees. The Mayor explained there were two licenses - one for the County~ and one for the City. Mr. Wsl]~ce moved that we do not enter into this agreement at this time with Palm Beach County. Mot~seeonded by Mr. Ha~mening and carried 5-0. Consider Proposal of Palmland De~lopment, Cg~p. Mayor Jackson handed the gavel to Vice Mayor DeLong~ and left the podium. Mr. Wallace asked the Agenda items be ~eve~sed~ and we first d~scuss Clarification of Past Council Action re Charter World l~. Wal!ace~s question to the Attorney was '~Was Cha~ter Wo~ld legally an- nexed to the City of Boynton Beach?' Mr. Simon stated this was the question before the courts right now. Mr. Wal!ace~s second question - ~what alternative do I have as a Council- man to act legally upon what they present to the City?~ ~$ Simon explained that the City was a defendant in the lawsu/t. The u~y allegedly annexed the 1.a~.d in 1972. At this p~int you must z~.gard ~ ~ast~ actmgn of the Coun?~! 9s pmope~ action until z~led otherwxse in rna uourr as ra~ as annexation ~s concerned. TheDe are two questions - 1. Annexation 2. Zoning -9- M~ES MARCH 6~ 1975 Clarification o~ Past Council Action-m= Ch~ World~ conrad. The zoning is separate and apart from the annexation. This parcel has been I~_fer~ed to the Planning g Zoning Boa~d for recommendation and then final action by Council. Consider Proposal of Pa!roland Development Co~p. M~. Lovett, Attorney for Palmland, reviewed the alternatives if P.alm!and is not annexed to the City of Boynton Beach. Adjudication in favor would not solve the problems at hand. He felt they have reached the point that a meeting of the m/nds is nee.essary so that they can pro- oecd with t~im development~. He expressed h~s thinking that they could live with the new density o~dinauce. They would build the T~oads C' dedicate them to the ity: and they would also conoUz, uct the water and sewem facilities and t-~ansfer them to the City. It is thai~ ing that this would be an irfcer/m measume. ~ight WaTdlaw~ Director of Engineering~ introduced Mm. Irvin Rubin~ PTesid~nt: Mr. A1 Bigelow, Director of. ~eereation~ a~.d Mm. Pete White- head~ licenses contmactor for the project. He.also introduced M~. ~. DeYoun~: f~om Boca Raton, from one of the leading sewer and wateT r~rms in the world. Mm. Emmett Waite, from the Gainesvilte office of Black~ Crowe et al. re- fexTed to a n~p of the proposed ~nstall~tion of sewer and water fae~]~- ties, ar~ stated they would meet all requirements~ and then be donated back to the City. He urged concurrence from the Council on this subject. Mr. Wallace asked if Cha~ter World was aware of the Planning g Zon/ng Boa~d meeting last evening. Mm. Wardlaw stated he was present. They felt it was necessary to put their proposal in writing. Mr. Wa~dlaw asked when he would be able to get a permit for the models.. Mr. Harmenin~ moved that the p~oposal submitted by Palmland Development Co~p. ~egamdin~ wate~ and sewer dated Pebruary 5~ 1973 be referred to the City's Consulting EngineerS, Enssetl S Axon, for study and evalua- tion, and a repo~t back to the City Council as to how this would affect the overall s~er and water program in this City. Motion seconded by M~. Wa~ee, a~d carried 3-0, Mr. Roberts abstained and Mayor Jackson had left the podium. Discussion followed in regard to d=nsity and the ~ffect of the new dinance. Receipt of Resignation o~ city Prosecutor M .... ~--Uson _.md the letter of resignation from Louis Casson, City Prosec~tor~ =rfectzve immedlately. Motion made by Mr. Roberts to accep -!0- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~EETING MA~CH 6, 1975 C Resignation of City Prosecutor, cont'd. same. Motion seconded by ,Mr. DeLcng~ and carried 5-0. Mm. DeLong moved to relieve John Wessell of his duties as Judge ad l~.te~, a_nd appoint ~ as City P~osec~tor. Motion seconded by Mr. ~n//~g and carried 5-0. M~. S/mon read Resolution No. 75-U eonfJ_rm/ng sUbject appointment. DeLong moved for the adoption of Resolution 73-U. Motion seconded by Mr. Har~ening and ea~ried 5-0. Consider Appointment of Assistant Court Clerks The City Clerk submitted the names of Frances Owen and Pamela The~fe~ fo~ approval as Assistant City Clerks to handle the court work for the City. M~. DeLong moved to approve same. Seconded by Mr. Wallaee~ and carried 5-0. Review Job Classification Due to length of this. subject and the lateness of the houm Mm. DeLong moved to place this item on the table. Motion seconded by Nne. Ha~meni~g and oarried 5-0. APPROVAL OF BILLS The follow/rig 5~ls _we?e Submitted for approval and payment recommended by the Aoting Finance Di~eeto~ - Hawk/ns & Hamilton EngineeringMachine Co. Badge~ Meter, Inc. Federal Copper & Aluminum Kelly Tractor Belvedere Construction Co. Adams Chevrolet 1~t28.00 2,567.00 27791.80 1,229.59 2,058.94 5~892.95 2:540.00 Mr. DeLong moved to accept the recommendation and pay the bills. Motic~u seconded by Mr. W~]laee and carried . Ma~ th~ ti~ He Jackson announced a meeting for Tuesday~ March 15th, to eopmider ~led items, DeLon~brought up the subject of Federal Revenue Sham/ngand sug- ~ted that 10~ of the total amount be used ~o~ assisting the pooT and needy. Th/s would be handled in conjunction w/th the CommunityRela- ~s Board. ~lso suggested that some of this money be used fo~ a Pi~e Sub-Station. -ll- MINUTES REGULAR CItY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 6, 1975 OTHER, cont ~ d. M~. Wallace objected to these additional items being di.cus.sed, since an item~ namely ~'Job Classifications~ that was on the Agenda was tabled~ M~. DeLong stated he did not expect action, hut just wanted to throw these items out fora thought. He also asked the City Manage~ to check into the "81u~y Seal" program. The Council inquired of Bob Largent as to the p~og~ess on the Zoning Or- d~ee and Map. Mr. La, gent said it should be ready by the Special Meeting on Tuesday. Hugh Quinn, Attorney for the Developer of the project at the co~nem of Sea¢~est and S. E. 21st Avenue felt he was due scme relief frc~ the mora- torium. He claimed a vested interest prior to the effective date of said moratorium. This project was mentioned at the last meeting - Seawoz~h- shi~e. M~o Baz~ett said his position was the same as the other devel- opers. Mr. Quinn asked fo~ permission to meet with the City Attorm~y and members of Council to try to work this out. Meetin~ adjourned at 12:45 A. M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH: FLORIDA