Deborah Bottorff, Chair Debby Coles - Dobay, Public Art
Christine Moeller, Vice Chair Administrator
Robyn Lorenz
Paul Sirota
Anderson Slocombe (arrived 6.32 p.m.)
Aylin Tito
I. Call to Order
Chair Bottorff called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Roll Call of Members
Self- introductions were made. A quorum was present.
Agenda Approval
Ms. Lorenz moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Moeller seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
IV. Approve Meeting Minutes
D. June 25, 2013 minutes
There were no changes to the June minutes
E. July 30, 2013 minutes
There were two changes made to the July minutes on page 1 as follows:
• Debby Denny Mead, Boynton Beach Art District;
i9w, Heather Gaker, glass artist at the Glass Mermaid;
Mr. Slocombe moved to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Sirota seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
V. Announcements /Reports
D. Wed. July 31, Old Dixie Eco Walk Celebration
Ms. Lorenz attended the Old Dixie Eco Walk and announced the celebration was well
attended. The pathway had inlaid butterfly shapes, the sidewalk is colored, and there
were all kinds of plants and trees along the path with lots of butterflies. Attendees
included Keep America Beautiful members, the County Public Art Administrator, City
Commission, many artists, CRA staff, and Arts Commission members.
Many schools are planting butterfly gardens on campus and there were maintenance
personnel from two school districts in attendance. The walk teaches everyone about
butterfly gardens and native landscaping, what to plant and how butterflies can exist in
this area. The walk also addressed lifecycle plants, and how to take an area and
reforest it. It has an educational component and was a good destination trip for garden
clubs, schools, and scientists conducting yearly butterfly counts. The developer was
trying to make the walk a continued study site. There was quite a bit of press providing
great exposure and informational brochures were available. Ms. Coles -Dobay noted
one could receive tax breaks for planting native plants.
E. Thurs. August 22 — Arts District Walk
Ms. Lorenz and Ms. Coles -Dobay attended the walk. It was mentioned the walks were
attracting large crowds of people and some were becoming regulars. Parking was an
issue as there was only one strip of parking. Chair Bottorff also commented the last
time she attended, some galleries were closed; however, Mr. Sirota noticed the later in
the evening one goes, the galleries are all open. Ms. Coles -Dobay explained this was
being addressed. If artists are not personally at the studios, others will open the studio
for them and sit in for the artist until they return.
F. December 24 meeting date — reschedule or cancel
There was very brief discussion on this item.
Mr. Sirota moved to cancel the December 24th meeting with the proviso they stay in
touch with Ms. Coles- Dobay. The motion was duly seconded and unanimously passed.
VI. Project Updates /Approvals
A. None.
VII. International Kinetic Art Symposium and Exhibit Planning
A. Planning worksheet
The members reviewed the planning worksheet. The Kinetic Art Symposium and Exhibit
website is on a private server which the Arts Commission got for free. The public can
send emails to the site, but they are forwarded to the members' personal email
addresses. Chair Bottorff commented she did not have all of the member email
addresses and suggested putting a list together. Other members did not have the list
either and Ms. Coles -Dobay explained members should not be communicating with one
another on issues that will be voted on or discussed in the future.
In the past, each Arts Commission member was the Chair of a subcommittee and they
emailed amongst themselves because the other subcommittee members were not Art
Commission members. Each Chair brought their tasks to the subcommittee members,
and at each meeting, reports on the subcommittee's accomplishments were made.
The worksheet was a recap of what was done last year and how to plan for the next
symposium. There will be other planning items, and Ms. Coles -Dobay will provide a to-
do list to. the members next week so they could contemplate how to complete their
tasks. Ms. Moeller hoped exhibitors and vendors would catch onto the event as it is an
interesting exhibit. Ms. Coles -Dobay had heard that comment after the event was over.
Boca Bearings, FPL and Galaxy Elementary School did not quite understand the value
of the event at first, but later understood and supported it. It also would have been
better if vendors had a backup representative or plan as one vendor got sick and his
booth was unmanned. There were artists looking for information about the company
and the Committee did not even have a name or contact so if someone approached a
booth, they could provide contact information. It was a learning curve.
The members discussed marketing the event. Feather banners were discussed and Ms.
Coles -Dobay thought they could be used in marketing. The Arts Commission had great
ideas, but the funds were not always in the budget to implement them. There are so
many opportunities to get the word out. Ms. Coles -Dobay thought it would be helpful for
the members to add their thoughts to the to -do list and bring it to the next meeting.
They can research how to have a broader reach. Mr. Sirota inquired if there was a flyer
used for the last symposium he could email to art teachers as it is helpful to provide
educational opportunities to teachers. Chair Bottorff thought mailing lists could be used
to reach many people inexpensively.
B. Sponsor Letter
A draft letter was provided and Mr. Anderson noted the difference in dollar amounts for
sponsorships. He thought the letter should be more specific to match up the amounts to
what the opportunities were. One issue with the symposium is there are so many
components to it.
Chair Bottorff was working on a sponsorship package for a national conference and she
noted they had almost the identical sponsor breakouts. The package was put together
by a well -known firm and the Chair agreed to speak with the representative to ask if she
can use some of their ideas. The ones from the firm had a greater number of items for
the higher sponsor levels.
The $75,000 sponsorship should be a separate academic component. This component
was the Rein Triefeldt solar tree project in the schools and universities to teach students
about the STEAM principle through solar art. At the culmination of the project, students
and school personnel can make a presentation of what the students learned and exhibit
their maquette or finished project at the symposium exhibit hall. Last year, that
component was not funded.
Mr. Slocombe thought those aspects needed to be identified in the sponsorship
opportunities. It was suggested putting the $100,000 amount at the top, followed by the
$50,000 and $25,000 levels and then delineate the $75,000 academic component
separately, as it is a special fund.
The Arts Commission had examples and videos, references, books and programs, and
images of signage and flyers, which can be shown to potential sponsors for the next
Symposium. It would also be nice to offer books this year, but it is an expense and
discussion turned to how to generate sales from them. The brochure was very well put
together and a suggestion was made the brochure may be sufficient. If the Arts
Commission created a poster in lieu of the book and featured the artists' work, it may
suffice and it is much less expensive to create a poster than a book. Ms. Moeller also
had a friend that had posters for the various Delray Affair events held throughout the
years. They were framed and hung in the friend's home and they were all interesting.
She thought posters of this event could serve just as well.
After brief discussion, there was agreement this item would be discussed at the next
meeting and further information provided. The to -do list will be sent and adjusted for the
next meeting.
VIII. Exhibits
A. Brad Jernigan
Chair Bottorff and Mr. Sirota investigated filtered mailing lists of galleries from Miami to
Stuart. She was told to go online to a list company, and for about $100 to $200, one
could get a list in excess of 500 names with principal contacts to use to alert gallery
owners the Jernigan pieces are up for sale.
Ms. Coles -Dobay explained there was much to consider. One aspect was to try to
garner interest in buying the collection. Although the collection was appraised, there
were only one or two pieces sold at auction, and one was a sculpture.
Ms. Coles -Dobay spoke to a gallery owner and learned it would be better to send the
information to galleries that have an interest in that type of art. If it is sent to a gallery
that does Cuban or modern art exclusively, they may not be interested. If they are
interested in the style or genre, they look online. If they find there are not many sales, it
is more of an expense for them to market.
Mr. Beau -Lieu offered to post six pieces of art on Art Brokerage to try to generate some
sales. Once -sales are made, it would entice other gallery owners to acquire the
collection. It would cost $300, at $50 per piece for six pieces, to experiment with the
website to see if there is a response. If sold, 25% goes to Art Brokerage and a 10%
Commission is paid. Ms. Coles -Dobay thought it could be worth the investment.
Discussion turned to trying to sell the pieces at the Art Walk. One issue was what the
price. point would be there and on the online brokerage site. It was thought there would
be a fairly significant difference. A suggestion was made to advertise it on ETSY, which
is inexpensive and the sales do well. Mr. Sirota thought $300 was a valid investment.
The pieces were valued at $500 to a few thousand. Chair Bottorff agreed. It was
thought there was no way to sell the paintings unless they invested money or displayed
them. Another suggestion made was to display them in the Library, but some of the
pieces needed frames and repairs which was an expense. The pieces were not gallery
Chair Bottorff favored investing the money. If pieces sold, they could recover the cost.
If they do not sell, a suggestion was made to bring the pieces to Industrial Avenue and
sell them. It was thought they may sell for $50 each or more.
Mr. Sirota moved to invest the minimum amount of money of $300 as written by Mr.
Beau -Lieu and follow that plan and list six of the pieces of work. Ms.. Lorenz seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
B. Myrna Jarit — City Hall
This artist had submitted art for the Avenue of the Arts, which was not selected for the
outdoor exhibit. The piece was titled "The Tango' which was a sculpture. It is made of
marble, is three -feet tall and Ms. Jarit was interested in exhibiting the sculpture in City
Hall since there is artwork on loan there. The exhibit could be for six months or a year,
or however long the Arts Commission decided. It was thought the piece was small;
however, the artist provided a sturdy black pedestal and with the pedestal, the piece
would be about six -feet high.
Mr. Sirota moved to exhibit the sculpture for six months and then reconsider it after six
months. Ms. Lorenz seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
C. September 27, 5 -7 p.m., Avenue of the Arts Artist Reception
Ms. Coles -Dobay circulated a press release and invitation for an artist reception for
Avenue of the Arts, which they never had. The Little House offered to host the reception
at the restaurant formerly known as the Ruth Jones Cottage. Hors d'ouerves and
beverages will be served. A company called iJoyRides will provide two electric vehicles
carrying five passengers each to tour the art on the avenue. Ms. Coles -Dobay was
attempting to schedule the installation of local artists first and then those from out of
town in order for all to attend the reception in their honor.
There will be a temporary brochure available at the reception, but since the artwork will
literally be installed that week, they will not have a print - production brochure available.
She thought a good way to entice individuals to take the tour would be to have a small
card with five items they will have to fill out after visiting each site. The prize is a gift
basket or something from the Glass Mermaid as a giveaway
Another special aspect about this year's Avenue of the Arts was the artist from Maine is
theta tist was interested in coordinating a workshop with the Schoolhouse
Children's Museum since they have students come in from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. He
will have installed his piece nearby that day. Youth and their parents can walk down the
Avenue and see a presentation and demonstration about carving, serving to promote
the event to families through the Museum.
A card will be printed and sent with a press release. The Avenue of the Arts receives
positive press and the workshop will be unique so it was anticipated the press coverage
would be good. The cards can be distributed at various locations and facilities, along
the Art Walk, posted on the Art in Public Places Facebook page and given to the
members. The card could also be sent via email. Mr. Sirota requested receiving the
press release and invitation and he would email it to art teachers in the District. Ms.
Lorenz would distribute the invitations to the Boynton Charter School and one could be
picked -up at City Hall. As to posting the reception as an event on Facebook, Ms.
Krussell would be consulted for assistance.
IX. New Business
A. Art in Public Places Program Mission and Vision Statements
Ms. Coles -Dobay distributed a document outlining the above. She wanted the members
to be aware of the differences between the mission and vision statements, which she
explained. Now that there is an established art program, the Arts Commission can have
a more condensed vision and mission statement.
Mr. Sirota inquired if the new Vision Statement was already set. Ms. Coles -Dobay
explained the Board should approve it as it was worked on and massaged. Discussion
followed about substituting the words "selecting, locating, installing and maintaining,"
with the word "facilitating." It was noted many people inquire how their art can be
placed or how art was situated. They do not understand there is a process. Public art
is its own category as not all artists are public artists. Chair Bottorff suggested, if listing
the steps in the process, the word locating should be first and Mr. Slocombe suggested
picking the artwork and "selecting" the art first to which the members agreed. They also
agreed the word "siting" was better than "locating."
Ms. Lorenz moved to change "locating" to "siting" for the New Art in Public Places
Mission Statement.
The members discussed the statement needed a lead in.
Ms. Lorenz withdrew her prior motion and amended the new AIPP Mission Statement
to read "The AIPP program is dedicated to integrate the arts into the greater community
by selecting, siting, installing and maintaining public art to stimulate cultural interaction,
education and economic development."
There was discussion there will be references to the AIPP and the program name
should be included. It should also include who the mission belongs to, but it sounded
like a long run -on sentence.
Ms. Lorenz repeated "The AIPP program is dedicated to the integration of the arts into
the greater community. The purpose is to select, site, install and maintain public art to
stimulate cultural interaction, education and economic development.
The members discussed the wording "the purpose is to stimulate interaction by
selecting, locating, installing and maintaining public art" and several members did not
like the Ing" after the words as it made the sentence cumbersome.
Further discussion followed the purpose was not necessarily to select and install, the
purpose is to stimulate.
Ms. Lorenz read the suggestion to change the second sentence as follows: "The AIPP
program is dedicated to integrate arts into the greater community. The purpose is to
stimulate cultural interaction, education and economic development by selecting, siting,
installing and maintaining public art.
Mr. Sirota explained the sentence should read 6 i ... dedicated to the integration of the
arts into the greater community. The purpose .
The proposed statement was repeated as: "The AIPP program is dedicated to integrate
the arts into the greater community. The purpose is to stimulate cultural interaction,
education and economic development by selecting, siting, installing and maintaining
public art."
Ms. Moeller moved to approve the new AIPP mission with the new verbiage just stated.
The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.
The members reviewed the Vision Statement and Ms. Coles -Dobay explained they
were reaching beyond Boynton Beach to enrich the cultural environment. They are
staging art and growing public art programs in the City to attract global communities.
Mr. Slocombe left the meeting at 8:08 p.m. and returned at 8:09 p.m.
Many suggestions were made and after discussion a suggestion was made to change
the Vision Statement to read: "Our vision is to connect the cultural environment in
Boynton Beach with the global community."
Ms. Lorenz moved to amend the statement to "Our vision is to connect the cultural
environment of Boynton Beach with the global community." Mr. Slocombe seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
X. Unfinished Business
A. Follow up on Art Spaces and Districts discussion
Ms. Coles -Dobay wanted to keep this item on the agenda. At the last meeting, all
contributed to the discussion and she inquired if the members had any further thoughts.
Mr. Slocombe thought quarterly meetings would be helpful Chair Bottorff agreed and
thought it was an exciting meeting. Ms. Coles -Dobay also offered monthly meetings to
assist artists at her office who could come to the Board with progress reports.
Some members felt there was much disconnect between the Arts Commission, the
Industrial Arts Alliance and that the Development Department had very divergent views
about the Arts District at Industrial Avenue. Ms. Coles -Dobay explained the purpose of
the meeting was to have an informational exchange. The CRA has a Master Plan, which
is something the staff has to follow. With development, there are adopted land
regulations and zoning districts. The plan Ms. Brooks spoke to was for a Cultural District
on Ocean Avenue. It did not mean the Arts District on Industrial Avenue would be
ignored nor was that the intent of the conversation. It was to speak to what happens to
visual arts in the City, and how other Arts Districts can co- exist.
The Arts Commission had adopted a document which recognized the Arts District and
that something different could occur. The meeting was about how the arts were
positioned, how they could integrate art, co -exist and have an overall plan. Artists in the
Arts District were becoming more organized and operate in the City; however, there are
regulations. They cannot have retail space on Industrial Avenue, but they can have
working studios. They can have events to promote their art such as art walks, but there
were concerns about limitations in the Industrial District. Meetings can foster
Mr. Sirota thought all were positive about the whole concept but it appeared the
Development Department was steering artists to other areas. Ms. Coles -Dobay
explained there are rules to abide by and there are limitations. There is support for the
Arts District and the City does recognize and support the value of art. The meetings are
necessary and important to find common ground.
There are processes such as that used with murals. As a group, the Arts Commission
said they would like these activities to occur more organically and affordably in an area
such as the Arts District so it can happen without a permit, but there are rules. They are
doing a great job in that District, but there has to be a reason why it was designated
because it must be uniformly applied. Parameters needed to be established. That did
not mean the City did not support the Arts. It had been discussed there would be
quarterly meetings and there was consensus to do so.
XI. Future Business
A. None.
A suggestion was made to add an item regarding judging work at the art camp at the
Civic Center to reports on the next agenda.
Ms. Lorenz also mentioned there was a comment made at the kinetic Avenue of the
Arts Reception that the street did not look clean. There were branches and items in the
police parking lot and the area looked trashy. She inquired if there could be a clean -up
of the area before the next event. Ms. Coles -Dobay commented they would ask.
XII. Adjournment
Ms. Lorenz moved to adjourn. Mr. Sirota seconded the motion that unanimously
passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist