Minutes 02-12-73MINQTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF C~i'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA HELD AT CITY HALL, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1~ 1973 AT 7:00 P. M. PRESENT: Emily M. Jackson, Mayor Joseph DeLong, Vice Mayor David Roberts~ Councilman Edward P. Ha~mening~ Councilman Forrest L. Wallace, Councilman Harold Hopkins, Acting City Manager C~ll~e Clanton, Deputy City Clerk Mayor Jackson called the Special Meeting to ordem at 7:15 P. M. Finance Directo~ Mr. Roberts stated that after having a rather nice interview with Mr. Battelle~ Mr. Sullivan has since been in touch with him, and Mr. Bat- telle asked several questions which led thom to believe that he was unsure about moving to Florida, therefore Mr. Roberts suggested the Council consider other applicants. Mr. Roberts made motion to p~oceed with interviews with other appli- cants for Finance Director, seconded by Mr. DeLong. Mr. Harmening stated that Mr. Sullivan had said that the~e were no tests available for Finance Director, but Mr. Harmening felt that Mr. Sullivan Should contact the adjoining cities, and try to come up with something~ or make up a test of his own~ so these people can taP~e a test~ then we would have something to go on. Mr. DeLong said there was no such thing as an examination for Pinance Director. He .a~d the requirement was based on the qualifications. It was agreed that Mr. Sullivan should inquire about this with adjoining cities. Motion carried 5-0. .City Manager ~ayor Jackson stated that the cutoff date for City Manager was a week go today· What are the Council's wishes? Mr. Roberts discussed an interview they had with one applicant who seomed to have a tromendous background and experience~ but after check- ing more thoroughly and the information that he received, he felt this applicant should be dispensed° Ail agreed. Discussion followed concerning more interviews~ especially two appli- cants that were favorable to Council. It was suggested that Mr. Roberts gat a thorough check on these two applicants. M~. Roberts agreed to do so. -1- MINLrCES SPEC/AL CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 12, 1973 OTHER Amendment to Rule VI!I, Sec. 1 of Civil Service Rules Mayor Jackson read recommendation from Personnel Directo=, William Sul- livan, regarding an amendment to Rule VIII, Section i of the Civil Service Rules and Regulations~ copy attached. Mr. DeLong moved to adopt the amendment to Rule VIII~ Section 1 as rea- ommended by the Personnel Director, and instruct the City Attorney to draw up correct Resolution~ seconded by M~. Roberts. Motion caz~ied 5-0. Review of Drexel Agreement Discussion followed concerning the Drexel Agreement. Mr. Harmening stated that before passing a resolution or ordinenee validating this Agreement he would like to see the terms of the Agreement altered whereby the City is not absolutely bound in furnishing services in and under all conditions. It could work a hardship on the City in the future. Mr. DeLong suggested forwarding this to the City Attorney, and that he and Acting City Manager ~enegotiate this Agreement with Drexel and report to Council. _~ay. or Jackson stated she had attended a meeting regarding the County Building Code. Ail councilmen agreed they opposed it~ end most other e~ties are sending representatives to oppose. Building Official Mr. DeLong moved to appoint Jack Barrett as Building Official, effective as of this evening, and negotiate on the sala~y$ seconded by M~. Wal- lace. Motion carried 5-0. ADJOURNMENT Mr. DeLong moved to adjourn at 7:45 P. M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~nul±y M. ~ackso~Mayor ~ Vice, or MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 12~ 1975 ATTEST: 'D~v±d Rober~s~ Councilman est L. Wa!lace~ Counet!man -3- Director