Michele Costantino, Chair David Tolces, City Attorney
Gary Cale, First Vice Chair Diane Springer, Code Compliance Coordinator
Alan Borrelli
Kathleen Carroll
RoseMarie Yerzy
Carol Brenner
1. Call to Order
Chair Costantino called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. A quorum was present.
II. Approval of Agenda
Diane Springer, Code Compliance Coordinator, announced the Respondents for
Case No. 10 -468 and Case No. 09 -3309 were not yet present.
Swearing in of Witnesses
Attorney Tolces administered an oath to all those intending to testify.
Ms. Springer distributed a letter to the Respondents detailing the procedures and
appeals to the City Commission. She explained it could take up to a month and a half
before the matter is final. When needed, she could issue a letter detailing the Board's
decision, pending City Commission review, if requested.
IV. New Business
Case No. 11 -3198 US Bank National Assoc. TS 309 SW 4th Street
Ms. Springer presented the case. The notice of violation was on November 28, 2011,
for violations pertaining to mowing and maintaining all overgrowth. The case was heard
on January 18, 2012, and no one appeared. The compliance date and fine set by the
Board was to comply by January 28, 2012, or a fine of $250 per day would be imposed
thereafter. The violations were corrected on December 12, 2012, having 318 days of
non - compliance.
When Ms. Springer was first contacted, she checked the water and tax bills. All was up-
to -date at that time and the case was in compliance. There needed to be an inspection
for lien reduction and she emailed the real estate agency and title company to send a
representative to repair or replace the garage door, clean and secure the pool, repair
the pool enclosure, replace the pool filter, maintain overgrowth and pressure clean the
In February, a re- inspection took place and all but the fence was addressed. The Code
Officer found the garage door was installed without a permit. Ms. Springer contacted
the real estate agent, who paid for a permit, but the contractor did not pull one. A permit
was eventually issued. The work was finalized on March 27, 2013, and the property
passed inspection on April 11, 2012, making it eligible for a lien reduction.
Sue King, 5629 Strand Boulevard, Naples, with Datauick Title, was present. She
explained the property is a bank -owned foreclosure. It foreclosed slightly over $378,000.
The list price was $149,900, but the contract price was unknown. Ms. King assumed the
contract price was fairly close to the list price. They made over $43,000 of repairs on
property and she produced receipts she provided to the Board. Ms. King got involved
with the property about two months ago and that was when she found out about the
garage door and a few other items to be corrected. There is a contract pending the
release of the lien.
Ms. Springer had photographs from May she showed to the Respondent and the Board
of the interior and exterior of the home. Chair Costantino inquired if the buyer was
purchasing the property as an investor. Ms. King did not know, but hoped it would be
an end user. She thought if the buyer was an investor, there would be a loan. The
buyer is purchasing the home from the bank after the bank foreclosed.
It was noted the violations complied before the photographs were taken and the repairs
were extensive.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, and
having been advised that the Respondent has complied with all lien reduction
procedures set forth in Section 2 -84 through 2 -89 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of
Ordinances, Vice Chair Cale moved that this Board reduce the fine instituted in the
aforementioned case by virtue of this Board's Order of January 18, 2012, to an amount
of $7,634.12 including administrative costs. Ms. Yerzy seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case No. 11 -852 USA Bank National Assoc. TR 729 Ocean Inlet Drive
Ms. Springer presented the case. The notice of violation was April 18, 2011, for
violations pertaining to registering a foreclosed property, securing and cleaning the pool,
trimming the hedges in the front to four feet, removing trash and debris, and securing
the home. The case was heard on June 15, 2011, and no one appeared. The
compliance date and fine set by the Board was June 25, 2011, or $1,000 per day. The
violations were corrected on June 1, 2013, having 706 days of non - compliance.
The Respondent had to pay an outstanding water bill of $1,029.03 and taxes of
$4,384.08. Ms. Springer was contacted on August 1, 2013, for a lien reduction
inspection and they needed to repair the self - latching gate on the west side and obtain a
permit for the water heater which was done. The property was re- inspected on August
20, 2013, and the Respondent had to mow and remove trash and debris. The property
passed inspection by August 26, 2013.
Barry Reuben, 5003 N. Travelers Palm Lane, Tamarac, who works for the owner was
present. They bought the house in 2012 and inherited the violations. He represented
Paul Rioff, of Coquina Cove, the owner, and had a notarized affidavit authorizing him to
speak on his behalf.
Mr. Reuben explained they cleaned the property, painted the house, did landscaping
and it was mostly all outside improvements. They pulled a permit for a hot -water heater
He was present to request a reduction. He had receipts, which were not produced. He
explained they invested about $33,000 in the property and paid $3,000 in water bills,
past electric bills, and closing costs. There was brief discussion about the repair of the
self - latching gate. Ms. Springer clarified that did not mean the gate was open.
The owners purchased the property in 2012 and secured and cleaned the pool
immediately thereafter. Mr. Reuben believed it was around October 2012 when they
purchased the home for $136,000. The home was an investment property. They had a
contract, but it fell through.
Vice Chair Cole noted he purchased the home in October 2012 and the pool was
unsecured for 1.5 years. He thought they were very fortunate nothing happened.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case and having
been advised that the Respondent has complied with all lien reduction procedures set
forth in Section 2 -84 through 2 -89 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances,
Ms. Yerzy moved that this Board reduce the fines instituted in the aforementioned case
by virtue of this Board's Order of June 15, 2011 to an amount of $21,000, including
administrative costs. The motion died for lack of a second.
Chair Costantino noted the Board set a precedent on the swimming pools. The liens
run with the property. A prior case involved a swimming pool and the Board reduced
the fine to $65,000. She thought the Board should stay with the precedent. Chair
Costantino liked $70,600.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case and having
been advised that the Respondent has complied with all lien reduction procedures set
forth in Section 2 -84 through 2 -89 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances,
Vice Chair Cole moved that this Board reduce the fines instituted in the aforementioned
case by virtue of this Board's Order of June 15, 2011 to an amount of $70,600, including
administrative costs. Ms. Yerzy seconded the motion that passed 4 -1 (Ms. Carroll
Chair Costantino explained the Respondent can appear before the City Commission to
request a further reduction.
Case No. 11 -1835 Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. 3197 E. Palm Drive
Ms. Springer presented the case. The notice of violation was sent on July 14, 2011,
pertaining to registration of a foreclosure property and mowing and trimming. The case
was heard on September 21, 2011, and no one appeared. The compliance date and
fine set by the Board was October 1, 2011, or a fine of $150 a day would be incurred
thereafter. The violations were corrected on February 25, 2013, having 512 days of
non - compliance.
The Respondent paid an outstanding water bill of $2,344.32. Ms. Springer was first
contacted via email August 15, 2013, requesting a lien reduction inspection and they
needed to replace the soffit and fascia, soffit screens and rear window, the window air
conditioners, repair the gate on the north side in the front of the house, trim all
overgrowth, sod the front yard, remove diamond mesh from the windows and weed or
replace the driveway. The property was re- inspected on August 26, 2013, and passed.
Don Clemens, 508 Harbour Road, North Palm Beach, the local contractor
representing the AltiSource Property Preservation Division, had an affidavit authorizing
him to speak on the Bank's behalf.
Mr. Clemens, as the contractor, explained they took possession of the property in
January 2013 and the yard was very overgrown. They trimmed the bushes and cleaned
the yard shortly after taking possession. They secured the property, boarded broken
windows and replaced the lock. They have been maintaining the property since then
and the yard is mowed every two weeks. The property is under contract and the sale is
pending the outcome of the lien reduction. When notified of the repairs needed for lien
reduction, they immediately complied. The fascia was repaired, the diamond screens
were removed, windows and sod were installed, and house and mailbox numbers were
installed. Mr. Clemens had before and after photographs which he showed to the Board.
He had no idea whether the property would be an investment property. He estimated
the repairs were $5,000 to $10,000. They have a contract, but he did not know for how
much as he is strictly in property preservation. Currently, the property is secured.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case and having
been advised that the Respondent has complied with all lien reduction procedures set
forth in Section 2 -84 through 2 -89 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances,
Ms. Yerzy moved that this Board reduce the fines instituted in the aforementioned case
by virtue of this Board's Order of September 21, 2011, to an amount of $14,634.12,
including administrative costs. Vice Chair Cole seconded the motion that failed 3 -2 (Ms.
Carroll and Mr. Borelli dissenting.)
Attorney Tolces explained the motion failed. A quorum must be present and the
majority of the entire Board must vote in the affirmative. The Board is a seven - member
Board and has one vacancy. Even with six members, the majority was more than three.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case and having
been advised that the Respondent has complied with all lien reduction procedures set
forth in Section 2 -84 through 2 -89 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances,
Ms. Carroll moved that this Board reduce the fines instituted in the aforementioned case
by virtue of this Board's Order of September 21, 2011, to an amount of $10,634.12
including administrative costs. Mr. Borelli seconded the motion that passed 4 -1 (Ms.
Yerzy dissenting.)
Mr. Borelli inquired whether the Board considers, when imposing a stiff fine, that it
would prevent a resale and make the property unsellable. Attorney Tolces explained
the Board is to look at what efforts were made to comply, the severity of the violations
and the fact the property is in compliance. What happens to the property should not be
part of the Board's concern.
Case No. 12 -448 BAC Home Loans Servicing LP 8049 Stirrup Cay Ct.
Ms. Springer presented the case. The notice of violation was March 14, 2012, to mow,
weed and trim overgrowth and replace the broken window by the front door. The case
was heard on July 28, 2012, and no one appeared. The compliance date and fine set
by the Board was July 25, 2012, or a fine of $500 per day would be incurred thereafter,
The violations were corrected on August 5, 2013, having 375 days of non - compliance.
Ms. Springer was first contacted on August 1, 2013. The property was inspected and
there were torn window screens, torn screens on the screen room that needed to be
replaced, and the fence needed to be propped on the north and south sides.
Compliance was verified yesterday and there were no outstanding water bills or taxes
that had to be paid.
Cyndi Michie, 1200 S. Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, and realtor for Nautica
Realty, was maintaining the home for the Respondent, and explained they still own the
property. When she contacted Ms. Springer, the title company said there was a violation
on the property dating back to 2012. Nautica Realty got the property in May 2013. Ms.
Michie learned of the property on May 1st, and had the window and overgrowth
addressed. She requested a re- inspection and learned the screens in the back needed
replacing as well as a broken window. Yesterday, the property passed inspection and
Ms. Michie explained they spent about $1,000 on all violations.
The property was originally registered on January 30, 2012, and re- registered on May
30th. BAC home loan servicing registered the property, but mail was sent to BAC in
care of the Florida Default Group.
The home does not have a contract on it at this time. Ms. Springer had photographs of
the repairs she distributed to the Board.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, and
having been advised that the Respondent has complied with all lien reduction
procedures set forth in Section 2 -84 through 2 -89 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of
Ordinances, Ms. Yerzy moved that this Board reduce the fine instituted in the
aforementioned case by virtue of this Board's Order of July 18, 2012, to an amount of
$8,730.15, including administrative costs. Vice Chair Cole seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case No. 12 -1107 Mohammad Kibria & Farhan Newaz 21 Hawthorne Lane
Ms. Springer presented the case. The notice of violation was June 14, 2012, pertaining
to repairing a screen room, roof, and replace screening. Windows, window screens,
and door handles needed to be replaced and pavers repaired. The case was heard
August 15, 2012, and no one appeared. The compliance date and fine set by the Board
was August 25, 2012, or a fine of $200 per day would be incurred thereafter. The
violations were corrected on August 21, 2013, having 360 days of non - compliance.
A water bill of $59.51 dollars was paid and the property was inspected on August 21,
2013, and passed. Nothing remained to be done.
Cyndi Michie, 1200 S. Federal Highway, Nautica Realty, representing Fannie Mae in
a bank foreclosure, was present.
Nautica Realty received the property on June 20, 2013, and received the notice of
violation on August 5, 2013. All the violations were addressed within 30 days. They
repaired a screen room in the back, broken windows, a door handle, removed broken
pavers and sodded the lawn. Ms. Michie explained they spent about $1,900 and
there is a contract on the home.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, and
having been advised that the Respondent has complied with all lien reduction
procedures set forth in Section 2 -84 through 2 -89 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of
Ordinances, Vice Chair Cole moved that this Board reduce the fine instituted in the
aforementioned case by virtue of this Board's Order of August 25, 2012, to an amount of
$5,634.12, including administrative costs. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case No. 10 -468 Mytrice Walker 70 Miner Road
Attorney Tolces administered an oath to the Respondent.
Ms. Springer presented the case. The notice of violation was February 18, 2010,
pertaining to mowing and removing trash and debris. The case was heard on April 21,
2010, and no one appeared. The compliance date and fine set by the Board was May 6,
2010, or a fine of $50 per day would be incurred thereafter. The violations were
corrected on July 20, 2010, having 75 days of non - compliance.
The Respondent paid a water bill of $111.56 and there was a $544.44 municipal lien
paid. Ms. Springer was first contacted in October 2012 for a lien reduction inspection.
The Respondent resurfaced the driveway, repaired the fence, replaced broken windows
and screens, repaired the light fixture, and trimmed an overgrown tree in the front yard.
The property was re- inspected on July 3, 2013, and the Respondent had to install four -
inch house numbers, remove trash in the back, replace the screen on the sliding door,
replace the gate and install a mailbox. All of the work was done on July 18, 2013.
Josh Joseph, TD Enterprises, explained he bought the property at auction last year in
October 2012 and inherited the house problems. They over - improved the home and
spent $31,000 on repairs. The home is a three - bedroom, one -bath home. They added
a second bath, expanded the master bedroom closet, and increased and improved the
electrical. They hired a general contractor, an electrician, plumber and someone for
mechanical matters. They pulled a permit. The home is like new and has all new
windows and hurricane shutters. They installed sod and a sprinkler system and they
put the home on the market.
When the home was inspected for the lien reduction, some items on the list remained
outstanding such as the driveway resurface, repair the fence, replace broken windows,
screens, light fixtures, missing soffit screens, trim hedges in rear of property, trim
overgrowth and the front tree. TD Enterprises is an investment firm that improves
homes to sell. The City did not require the Respondent to make all the repairs they
made. The property is for sale.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in the aforementioned case, and
having been advised that the Respondent has complied with all lien reduction
procedures set forth in Section 2 -84 through 2 -89 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of
Ordinances, Ms. Carroll moved that this Board reduce the fine instituted in the
aforementioned case by virtue of this Board's Order of April 21, 2010, to an amount of
$2,634.12, including administrative costs. Vice Chair Cole seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
The Board discussed the November and December meetings. Due to the holidays, the
November Lien Reduction meeting will be on November 20, 2013, and the December
Lien Reduction meeting will be held on December 18, 2013.
Case No. 09 -3309 Mark McLeod 40 Desford Lane
Vice Chair Cole moved that the aforementioned case be tabled until the Code
Compliance Board meeting to be held on September 25, 2013. Ms. Carroll
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Chair Costantino presented Ms. Springer with two cupcakes and she and the Board
wished her a Happy Birthday.
Attorney Tolces introduced Brian Sherman, an attorney with his office who was
observing. Attorney Sherman may be at the meetings on occasion and the Board
welcomed him.
Chair Costantino also expressed the Board's deepest sympathy to Ms. Springer on the
loss of two of her family members.
M otion
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Yerzy moved to adjourn. Ms. Carroll
seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:24
6 (
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist