Minutes 02-06-73MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL 'MEETING MELD AT CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA, TU~SDAY~ FEBRUARY 6~ 1973~ at 7:50 Po M. PRESENT Mrs. Emily M. Jackson~ Mayor Joe DeLong~ Vice Mayor David Roberts~ Councilman Edward F. Harmening~ Councilman ForreSt L. Wailaoe~ Councilm~n Ernest G. Simon~ City Attorney Mrs. Tereesa Padgett~ City Clerk Harold R. Hopkins~ Acting City Mayor Jackson called the meeting to order at 7:35 P. M. was given by Rev° Nelson Moyer~ First Methodist Church~ Flag Salute led by Councilman Harmening. The Invocation £o!!owed by the ANNOUNCEMENT S Mrs. Jackson arnaounced she has been asked by Cable TV to name the mom- bers of Council and others on the dais ~ which she did. To give equal time Mrs. Jackson announced WKAO 1510 on your dial. A1 Topel was introduced. Mrs. Jackson stated presentation of an official commendation was in or- der From the Police Department for Officer Olindo Csmardella: and asked him to step forward iF he was in the audience. This presentation is for his a!e~tness and quick action on January 25, 1973, when Mr. Camardelia saved the life of a victim From a omoke Filled room. Your action is appreciated by your feller oFfice~sand citizens of this com- munity. Mrs. Jackson then announced that County Commissioner Warren brought down a letter from the Acting County ~ngineer regarding N. E. 10th Avenue~ City of Boynton~ach~ the alxgnm~nt has been completed and t~e right-of-way map isbein~ prepared and~Will be completed in t~ee wee~s and would ask approval to secure a right-of-way in this area. MINUTES Special Meeting - January 9, 1973 Mr. Wallace made motion to romove these minutes from the table, seconded by Mr. DeLong. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Wallace suggested if there be no corrections that all the minutes be approved at one time. Special Meeting - January 9:1973 Regular Meeting - January 16, 1973 Special Meeting - January 23~ 1975 Special Meeting - January 26~ 1973 Mr. Wallace moved that the minutes he adopted as written~ seconded by Mr. DeLong. Motion carried 5-0. -1- MINUTES ~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBR~ 6~ 1973 P~BLIC AUDIENCE Mrs. Jackson stated there have been many complaints from the audience and Cou~ucil members t~t they cannot be heard over the microphone: and requested that in the future the public audience should adjust the micro- phone to the proper height Of the individual and state your name and address. P~. F. C. Van Deusen of 227 NE 22nd Avenue~ stated he had requested about a month ago that something be done about speeding on N. E. 22nd Ave. People pass his home at 60 and 70 miles per hour. This condition is dangerous for children in the area as well as people trying to cross the street. Mr. DeLong moved that this matter should be turned over to the City Man- ager: who in turn should talk to the Chief of Potice~ and do something to rectify this; seconded by Mr. Hammening. Mrs. Jackson stated to take it up with the Chief of Police. Mr. Wallace suggested if ce~c~*n areas are to be patrolled it should be well publicized, a~d not hidden. Mayor Jackson stated that Lt. Davis did take down notes at a prior meet- lng and the Police Department had checked ~n this. Mr. Wallace suggested that the freeze on personnel in the Police Dept. be lifted. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. F. C. Van Deusen also stated that the pipeline was put d~n in the rear of his property~ at 23rd Avenue and 2nd Cou~t~ they tore up the road end never repaired it~ and every time they fill it in it falls out again, they never put blacktop in it. Mrs. Jackson asked Mr. Hopkins to get this taken care of. Mr. Van Deusen also asked that the shuffleboard courts be taken care of and maintained in better fashion. Mrs. Jackson stated we will try to take care of that. Rev. Lee~ 407 N. W. 9th Avenue: asked consideration by Councitwith re- spect to Federal government issue to local municipalities of revenue sharing funds. He stated theme are 8 categories for which this money can be used. The Child Care Center on N. E. Drd Avenue is one project that would be eligible. They are asking Colmcil~ in the category of Social Services~ to allocate $3,000 for .:.~lt classes in sewing~ better meal p!anning: budget planning and typing'that could be held at the Child Care Center. ~se of FedOra! Revenue Sharing funds for these pur- poses would be beneficial to the community. An invitation was extended to Council to visit the Child Care Center to see what is being done~ not --2-- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 6~ 1973 P~BLIC AUDIENCE~ cont~d. only for the children~ hut for the adults as well. We are only asking for $3, 000 under the eategors; of Social Se~vioe when Council decides to allocate. M~s. Jackson stated that this item should go un~3~ New Business, and asked ~ev. Lee if he would be able to return lat~. Rev. Lee said he would do so. Norman Hands~ 1119 N. Seacrest Blvd. ~ thanked the Council for cleaning up Wilson Center. He passed out photographs to Council members~ and explained that these areas need to be cleaned up. In the first photo you see the City trash collectors cleaning up the lot~ they make two piles of trash consisting of bottles and all kinds of trash, and then leave it there. It has been there over a month that I know of. One pile was set afire last week, and it is still there. It has been there over two months~ piled there~ and tP~d: is one section. They first rake the sand and pile up the trash~ and leave it sitting there. Ail the Supervisors and patrolmen and City trucks ride ]:bY it~ but no one reports it. Mr. Hopkins stated someone should see to it. In addition~ Mr. Wallace reported that at times a pickup train has only one person on it - this man gets off the pickup train while it is moving: picks up the trash, throws it in the hack, and gets back on while the truck is still moving. This actually happened because I witnessed it - I wish someone would check into this. Mr. Hopkins asked in what section of town? Mr. W~]lace stated in the southwest area of the City - to be explicit at my home address, 2830 S. W. 9th Street. I stood there and watched ito Mr. Hopkins stated something would he done about it. Mr. Herb Zobe!: 154 S. W. 8th Avenue~ a foz~aer employee~ stated the Council had made a quick decision~ and he had too~ Also he stated he was here to clarify some items that had bean in the paper. He stated he has been a member of a number of active groups~ churches and an employee of the City of Boynton Beach for 4~ years. Re felt Doctor Weems, who has done so much for this City, should not be bJdrt in such a mariner. He said that he had a complete file on all the plants that had been donated: and pictures and facts to indicate where they had been placed. He planned to retain this file in his possession for a few weeks prior to placing it on file with the PLLrehasing Agent. He further stated that papers belonging in his file were four, under the r~g in Public Works by the janitor. M~. Zobe! referred to an incident about a year ago when Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Card, wanted to,e move a hibiscus hedge att he Boat Club park area north of Oak St. The people in the area ealted Mrs. Padgett and asked that the hedge be left there. -3- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 197~ PUBLIC AUDIENCE~ eont' d. Mr. Zobel also mentioned that there had been six girls in the Public Works office in the past 5 years. Two of these girls came to Mrs. Pad- gert, when she was Acting, and asked to be transferred or something, due to the harassment and what went on in Public Works office. He also said that they had had 8 supervisors leave in the last 4 years. Four of these had offered to back him up as they too had been harassed. Mr. Zobel told Council that he had been told this last week by a person in Public Works that if he came before this Council and .reported this and hu~t anyone in any way my business would be hu~t. God help thom if they do. He felt the men remaining in his department could have handled it when he left, and questioned why a person from another department was placed in charge. He asked that Council check into conditions for the benefit of all om- plOyees. Mr. Roberts asked Mr. Zobel to step back up, he wanted to ask him some questi0ns.- ~ Mr. ~.Rqberts .. ~ated he~ did- not kn.ow what this is all about ~ he doesn~t~read ~th~e n~wspaPams' most of the time~ ,ygu.can be misquoted. He asked' Mrk Zobel if 'h~ .was forced .~o' resign frc~a his job° Mr. Zobel said no, n.ot. forced, not really, but under harasoment~ yes. ~en trying to order~ th~ngs, paZ~c would be purchased and part would be scratched. He stated in a way he was forced'to resign as he could not do the job for the City he wanted to. Under Recreation he did better than the last two years under Public Works. He went on~ saying that Mr. Wallace had stated a few eet3axgs ago that anyone wanting to state anyth, ing instead of a letter to sign their name and take action. I could brxng to you an employee who complained to Mr. Jones, and when he complained or anyone complained Mr. Hopkins would see you got fired, and this boy will back up anything. Yes, I was forced to resign in a way. Mr. Roberts stated the only reason I did ask I should say I didn't know all the details. Ail City employees have recourse even without Civil Service: and this is the first time for this. Mr. Zobel further stated, ~Mr. Roberts, strange as it may seem last year you had three people,~ friends .of mine~ which would have cut out old Herb: and his friends. Mr. Wallace knows me same way: I would not come to any Couneilman. Your pre~ious City Ms_nager had all this. I realize you people didn't agree with everything he said. He had it in a letter. You~ previous Manager Jones knew this: and Courtney. Why should any employee ~un to a City Counci/raan: yet there is not an employee would go to the City Manager because he would be fired like 'that - and that is the truth." Mr. Wallace spoke in reference to the first or second meeting, at which discussion was held that Parks and Recreation stay combined: and he -4- MINUTES REGULAR C~TY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 6~ 1973 PUBLIC AUDIENCE~ oont'd. believed that three members had given ind/eation that this was the direc- tion they were going. It was changed later as far as vote. I am not making light of any problem. There is always going to be pe~onality problems within an organization: but had Parks and Recreation been able to stay together and answerable to the City Council until it got its feel on the g~ound - ! even brought o~t they would need more personnel~ more f/nantes, more equipment, and I hoped t2ais was the d/rection the Council was going to go. Possibly this could have been avoided if we had gone in this direction. ~.m. DeLong asked isn't it a fact Parks Depaz. LJA~ent had to go back to Pub- lic Works to conform with the Charter? Mrs. Jackson stated that is right. Mr. Wal!aee stated it is a separate entity by itself. The only sugges- tion I made at that particular time, it even went back in order to give it impetus and get it off the ground~ and get it into work and nursed it like a baby so to speak, that it would be answerable to Council. There was no separation - that was my only recommendation. We have done this before. Mm. DeLong agreed with that~ stating it would have to go back all the way~ not bs]f way. Mr. Wallace stated you can divide your employees, so m. an.y people to do this job~ so many people to do that one and for the timebemng they are ans%~erab!e to the Counci~ only Until it gets organized~ and this is what I was going down the line with. Mr. DeLong stated he was always under the impression that Parks and Recreation should always be together. There is nothing we can do about it until we could change the Charter. Charles O'Hara of 3 Velaire Dr. ~ spoke with reference to the building o~f Old Boynton Road~ and a 12 ft. road proposed to be put in between our property and those buildings. We do not like that~ and the builder is wi]]~ug to go along with puttin in lawns. They would have to remove 5 or 6 trees. He asked that the trees be left. Mr. Hopkins stated he had checked that out. This particular building plan~ as far as I can remember, there was basic access for service vehicles: and at the t/me they recommended a road for these vehicles to have egress and ingress. The Fire Marshal: I suspeot~ requested it. Mr. OtHara again stated there would be motorcycles and noisy traffic up and down Hoadley Road~ and we will have a ~'hell~' of a lot of noise. It is bad enough now - I am talking about Vetai~e Drive going west to Hoadley Road. -5- MINUTES REGULAR CiTY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 6~ 1973 PUBLIC AUDIENCE: cont~d. Mr. O~Hara stated the garbage receptacles could be put in front of the buildings down in theg~ound in containers. Mr. Hopkins insisted the road to the rear or access road is a necessity for service entry. Mr. O'Hara stated this is a private residential section - i~ the access road goes through it will be right off my porch. Mayor Jackson asked that this be reviewed because there have been some calls on this p~oblem. Mr. O'Hara mn~lsted - fire t~ucks could go in front of the buildings same as other places~ and the garbage disposal containers could be placed in the 9~ound~ and arrange for parking in front of the buildings. Mayor Jackson assured Mr. O'Hara it could be reviewed. Mr. O'Hara said he would appreciate it. ~rs. Schultz, 147 Ocean Ct.: stated she is a member of Shuffleboard~ and would ]~ke to thank the City for a much needed light in the parking lot. She also stated she thoughtthe Council might like to hear some- thing pleasant. She received a letter from her sister-in-law in Sy~a- cuse~ N. Y. which cited ~:some people we know went to Florida, as far as Miami, and she told me there was one place that impressed her the most~ -guess where it was - Boynton Beach. BIDS t. High Velocity Sewer Cleaner The Purchasing Agent stated we received 3 bids ~, E, Mason Equipment Corp. O'Brien One - ~'no bid?~ $5~846 - Deliverys 60 days 5,799 - ~ 45 days $6~000 has been budgeted. Mr. Wallace moved we accept the bid of O'Brien for $5~799~ with delivery in 45 days~ seconded by Mr. DeLong. Motion carried 5-0. Raw Water Supply Well ~!1 Mr. Hopkins stated we received only one bid - from A!say Drilling~ Inc. in the amount of $52~505. The Consulting Engineers have recommended accepting the bids if there are no legal ranfufications because we eeived only one bid. I concur with their recommendation. -6- M~dTES RE~ CITY COONCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 6~ 1973 BIDS: cont'd. (Raw Water Supply Well ,~1t) PLr. DeLong moved at this time that we accept the recommendation and award the bid to Alsay. Funds are available. Mr. Harmening asked if there is any question as to the legality of the award in view of ther~ being only one bld~ and that maybe Mr. Simon can check into it. Mr. Simon stated he would check into it~ but to go ahead with the motion subject to his approval. Mr. DeLong amended his motion to a~ard the bid subject to the City At- torney's approval as specified to Alsay Well Drilling~ Inc. Motion seconded by Mr. Roberts and carried 5-0. 3. Seven (7) T~ucks and Boom & Bucket Li~t Playor Jackson noted the bid tabulation was not signed by the Purchasing Agent, and asked Mr. Sullivan why he did not sign it. Mr. Sullivan stated it was an oversight: he thought he had signed it~ that he meant to sign it. Mr. Sullivan proceeded to sign it. Mr. Sullivan stated 15 bid requests were sent out, and we only received back 8 bids, and I would like to review the first three items~ which would be 3 - 1/2 Ton Pickups with F!eetside body 1 - 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck with U~i!ity Body I - 1 Ton Flat Bed Dump Truck We received two bids which I would 3J_ke you to considerand both met specifications: Coastal GMC truck is low bid on the first two..-items. ~L~yor Jackson asked Mr. Sul]~van to read the figures for the record. Mr. Sullivan gave the following lo~.bid~ on the first 3 items - Coastal - 3 - ~ Ton Pickups w/ Fleetside body $7~063.17 ~ - 1 - ~ Ton Pickup w/Utility Body ~,750.42 Adams - 1 - 1 Ton Flat Bed Dump Truck $5~690.00 Chevrolet If we go with low hid we would award the first two items to Coastal~ and the third item to Adams Chevrolet. The total amount bid would be $13~503.59. Mr. Sullivan ~uz~cher stated that Public Works Assistant has recommended that we go across the board with one firm~ and that would be Adams Chev- rolet. This has been done in the past. The only reason for this is -7-- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEET/uNG FEBRUARY 6~ 1973 BIDS, eont' d. (Trucks) ease of securing parts and maintenance in the fut-~re. If we do this Adams Chevrolet's total bid would be $13~670o The difference between going with low bid and across the board on those three items would be $166.41, and I think that is explained on your Agenda note. Mayor Jackson stated she did not understand why we have to buy thom all from one dealer. Mr. SullY.van stated we don~t, you can go at low bid which is the recom- mendation~ or we can go across the board for $166.41. Mr. Carden, Acting Dir. of Public Works, stated that explanation is a bit over-simplified. He pointed out that the current City fleet is all Chevrolet~ for no other reason than they have been successful low bidders in the past. There is no reason we have to buy that particular brand. However: buying from two different sources - all new vehicles have warranty itoms and we have to ~etu~n thom to the dealers. For the difference of $166.41, I would point out this dealer is local in Detray Beach: as opposed to taking vehicles to West Palm Beach where some of the bidders are from. It just makes sense from a n~nagoment point of view to buy the vehicles from a single source. Mr. Wallace asked if the specifications were written so that there could only be a bid from the Chevrolet Company? ~.Acting Director replied absolutely not, as a matter of fact we ~lsed Purchasing to send bid request to Dick McCutley-~ord wanted to bid this too~ the only exomption on the specifications on the engine we have from Chrysler Motor Co. we had exompt 225 cu. inches: 6 eyl. Slant. From our maintenance point of view and managoment, we do not want that engine. Mr. Wallace stated the meason he asked the question is we sent out a great n%umber of bids~ and only received some returns. I called a num- ber of people that had not returned a bid, and my reason for asking is they stated the reason they did not bid is because the specifications were written for one particular company, therefore they could not meet those specifications and this is something I was trying to citY'fy. The Acting Director stated, I think they were not giving you a clear picture - first of all the Ford Motor Co. has dxscont~_nued their factory participation on municipal sales. Chrysler and Chevrolet are the only people now extending this program, and Chrysler is already exompt cause we are exempting our 225 cu. inch Slant 6 which we do not want. Mr. DeLong asked Mr. Carden if this ~]~o involves a service situation? Mr. Cardan - I assume you mean the dealer service? Mr. DeLong - Yes, sir. --8-- MINU~ES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUAi~Y 6~ 1975 BIDS, cent' d. (Trucks) M~. Carden stated we have warranty wo~k on the vehicles: being new they all have to be returned for one thing or another: regardless of how small or how large the mepa~. Mr. DeLong - Then it is to ou~ advantage to have it all in one ageney~ one bid? Mr. Carden - It occurs to me we have a stronger position when we are desl~ng with one individual. The~e are many~ n~ny Chevrolet dealers in the area - why the others did not elect to hid is known only to them. Mr. DeLong moved we accept the recommendation of the tabulating cc~mit- tee and a~ar~ the bid to Adams Chevrolet. Mr. Hopkins stated funds were available with an administrative transfer of $56.00. ~otion seconded by Mr. Harmening. Mr. Harmening asked~ is there anyone in the audience from any o£ these automobile dealers? Guess not. Mayor Jaekson asked if there were any other questions. Motion carried 5-0. It was noted that the award was made on 5 trucks only, and not on 7 trucks and one Boom & Bucket as advertised. One (!) Workshop Buildin9 - Sewer Plant Mr, Sullivan stated this is 14 x 24 Flat Roof Frame Workshop building to be locate~ at. the Sewer Plant. The low bidder was Hetzel Brothers at $2~640. ~d it can be constructed within 45 working days. This is recommended by the tabulating committee. We received a bid from Kemco Enterprises for $5~696.56:60 days eonst~uction~ and frc~ J. Barbara Inc~ for $4~ ~68.00, 30 days delivez¥. Mr, Wallace.~oved the bid be awarded to Hetzel Brothers for $2~ 640.00~ .. / Motmon carried 5-0. 5. Sewer Contract Mr. Hopkins~ along with the recommendations of the Consulting Engineers, recommended that the bid be awarded by resolution to Lauderdale Con- tracting Corp. based on their alternate bid of $1~243:709.50: subject to completion and execution of the ~rant agreement end concurrence by DHUD. The Attorney was instructed to prepare the necessary resolution. -9- MqIfdTES REG~rLBR CItY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRIhlRY 6~ 1975 Sewer Contract~ oont~d. Roberts inquired as tothe reputation of subject fi~m. Mm. DeLong moved that the City Attorney draw the appropriate resolution in accordance with the recommendation of the Acting City Manager, Mr. Harmening seconded the motion. Motion oaz~ied 5-0. LEGAL ~mnce No. 73-5 Mr. Simon read O~dinance No. 7~-5~ by caption only. amending residential garbage rates Mr. Harmening moved for the acceptance of Ord. ~73-5. Motion seconded by Mr. DeLong. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance No. 77-6 M~. Simon read Emergency Ordinance No. 73-6 in its entirety~ adopting an organizational c hart for the City. Motion made by Mr. Hamening to adopt Emergency Ordinance No. 73-6. Motion seconded by Mr. DeLong. Motion carried 5-0. The proposed ordinance establishing the position of Assistant City Prosecutor was left on the table. Resolution No. 7~-E Mr. Simon read Resolution No. 73-E requesting t~a~fic lights on U. S.~I at N. E. 22nd Ave. and S. E. 23rd Ave. I~. DeLong moved for the adop- tion of the Resolution. Motion seconded by M~. Roberts~ and carried 5-0. Resolution No. 73-F The Attorney read Resolution 73-F in ~egard to the improvement of a portion of N. E, 1st Avenue lying between N. E. 1st St. and N. E. 5rd St. and alSo a portion of N. E. 2~d St. lying between N. E. 1st Ave. and Ocean Ave. Mr. Harmening moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 73-F as amended. Motion seconded by Mr~ DeLo~g~ and carried 5-0. Resolution No. 73-G Mr. Simon read Resolution No. 73-G removing the name of Larry Artz from the list of authorized signatures for all bank accounts of the City. Mr. Roberts moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 73-G. Motion see- onded by Mr. DeLong and carried 5-0. Resolution No. 73-H The Attorney mead Resolution No. 75-H amending job elassifieation of seoretaries. Mr. Roberts moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 75-H. Motion seconded by Mr. Harmening. -10- MINUTES REGUI~LR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBR%L~RY 6, 1975 Resolution No. Y3-H, cont'd. Mr, W~llaee qUestioned the ~eeommendation of the Personnel O~ficer. Mr. Sullivan stated that he came up with the No. III, which was what ~wantedo Motion carried 4-1. Mayor Jackson inquired as to status of our court. Mr. Simon said he had ta.lked to Judge McM~ltan~ and he had requested a letter outlining the desires of the City. The Mayor also inquired as to the date of validation of bonds for the library. Mr. ~imon stated he was awaiting woad fram the Bond counsel in Jacksonville. OLD BUSINESS Mayor Jackson read the following recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Board: That the density factor for the entire City and the Reserve Area be s~t at - Ten (10) dwetl~.ng units per acre from Intracoastal to 1-95 2. Five ~5)dwell.in/units per acre from 1-95 to Congress Three (5) dwelling units per acre from Congress to western boundary of Reserve Area. Discussion fol~ this time. He completed firs1 Mr. Simon urge( at the ear!iesl for ~direction~ him. Mr. Harmeniug the Legistatiw Building Code. Discuss Mango Mr. Roberts m~ by Mr. Harmeni] .owed. Mr. Wallace felt this should not be acted upon at further stated that the water and sewe~ study should be l the completion of the over-all zoning map and ordinance possible moment. He felt the Planner was simply asking from Council so he could proceed with the task before oved to instruct the Attorney to prepare a resolution to Delegation opposing the control by the County of our Motion seconded by Mr. DeLong~ and carried 5-0. sights & Mango Heights 1st Addn. (On the Table) ~ed to remove thi~ item from the table. Motion seoonded ~g~ and carried 5-0. -ll- MINUTES REG~dL~/~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING PEBPJJARY 6~ 1973 OLD; BUSIt~ESS~ cont'd. Mr. Roberts reported open culverts: two cut places on 5rd Street that have not been repaimed: tons of debris on 4th Avenue and the entire area is a mess. He requested a report on the entire project. Mr. Clark stated he had been in touch with M~. Mummy and he would follow through on this project. Mr. Wallace moved that the commercial rates for garbage pickup be lowered as the residential rates have been done previously. The motion died for lack of a second. Discuss Extension of Sewer for Vernon Thompson The Acting City Manager stated that he and the City Engineer had studied this project at the request of Council. The Eng-/neer had submitted an approximate cost to the City of $3,400 with work to be completed in three weeks on a cost plus basis as arranged with Hal~ve! g DeLand. He further pointed out that the cost with Lauderdale ContraCting Co. do- ing the work would be around $57500. The City would get 5~ of the cost from RVJD if allowed to continue under the 9~ant. He estimated this would be some 10 to 12 weeks away. l~. Thompson needs the sewer within three weeks. Mr. Hopkins rec~mnendedto Council that due to the emergency of this pro- ject we permit Mr. Clark to negotiate with Ha~vel & DeLand and award authorization to them to complete this work for $3~400.00 so that Mr. Thompson will be able to occupy his building upon completion of same. Mr. Wallace moved to accept the recommendation of the Acting City Manager and proceed with the emez~eney work. Motion seconded by Mr. DeLong~ and carried 5-0. NEW BUSINESS Rev, Lee spoke in behalf of the Boynten Beach Child CazeCenter ~o~ family service type of assistance through the Revenue Sharing Program. He was asked to send in a written request with a bz~down as to salary~ ma- terials and the like to account for the $3~000 requested. Mrs. Arkie Baker and MarvinGlover presented the request of the Senior Citizen Friendship Club for assistance at Wilson Center for the aged and helpless through the Revenue Sharing Program. They need transporta- tion, salaries~ supplies: ete~ to promote this program. The Council agreed to consider this further at a wor~hop session. Mr. Murr~ ~040 Old Spanish Trail~ Tel, 582-4280~ asked the Council to consider assisting the people in the area by extending the facilities the Day Care Cente~ into evening classes~ etc. He offered to prepare proposed px~x3~amand return same to Cotlncil withinl5 days. MINUTES P~EGULA~ CItY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRU~d~Y 6, 1975 In accordance with Sec. 8-3 of the Code the City Clerk presented a purged list of registered voters to the City Council. Mr. DeLong moved to instruct the City Clerk to proceed in accordance with subject section of the Code. Motion seconded by ~Lr. Harmening and aa~ried 5-0. Receipt of Assessment Roll - Portion of N. W. 5th St. The City Clerk presented the Assessment Roll for paving that portion of N. W. 5th St. lying between N. W. 10th Ave. and N. W. 12th Ave. Mr. Wallace moved to accept the Assessment Roll and schedule a public heaz.- ing. MDtion seconded by I~. Roberts and carried 5-0. Consider Applications to Solicit 1. Palm Glades Girl Scout Council~ Inc. 2. Cline-Pautsch ~nit ~164~ American Legion Auxiliary Mr. Wallace moved to ~ant the permit to solicit. Motion seconded by Mr. Harmening~ and carried 5-0. Consider request for change in Street Names Jack Barrett requested approval of the City Council to change that por- tion of N. E. 3rd Ct. lying between N. Eh l_~th Ct. and N. E. 19th Ave. to N. E. 2nd Lane, to avoid duplication of numbers. Mr. DeLong moved to accept the ~ecommendation of the Acting Building Of- ficial~ and approve the cD--ge in name of street, and the Acting City Manager be instructed to forward the necessary information to the County. Motion seconded by Mr. Harmening~ and carried 5-0. Appoint Community Appearance Board Mr. Wallace moved that the following he appointed to the Con, unity Ap- pearance Board - 1, Mrs. Frances Fry 6. Thomas Murry 2. C. M. Buck 7. William Tirsbier 3. Anthony Newbold 4. Norman Strnad Alternates 5. Col. C. Reid Norman Merkle James Pea~ce Dr. Nat Weems~ Honorary Member Motion seconded by ~. DeLong~ and ca.tied 5-0. Receipt of Resignation of Ward Sturges~ Alternate~ Board o~ Adjustment Mr. Roberts moved to accept the resignation of Ward Sturges. seconded by Mr. Harmening and carried 5-0. Motion MINUTES REGULAR C~Y COU~{CIL MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 1975 Board of Adjustment~ c0nt'd. M~. DeLong moved to appoint Gil Eckert to fill this vacancy. Motion seconded by Mr. Harm~hing and carried 5-0. Consider Appointment of Acting Pinance Director H~old Hopkins, Acting City t~aager, recommended that Betty Law: City T~easu~er be appointed Interim Pinance Director at a salary supplement of $50.00 per week~ to be charged against the budgeted salary of the Finance Director. Mr. Wallace moved to approve the recommendation of the Acting ~ity Manager. Motion seconded by M~. Ha~mening and carried 5-0. List of Payments Made in December Mr. Wallace moved to receive same, and place them on file. Motion sec- onded by Mr. DeLong and carried 5-0. Approval of Bills i. Mattis & Haun Ins. 2. Freeman~ Richardson $1,291.50 !:005.00 Mr. Wallace moved to pay ~ttis & Haun and place item ~2 on the table. Motion seconded by F~. DeLong, and carried 5-0. OTHER It was agreed to hold a joint meeting with the Library Board and the Planning & Zoning Board to d4~cuss s site ~or the new library on Tues- day~ Peb~uary 13th: at 7:50 P. M. Mrs. Jackson suggested that the Police Department be allowed to add the men allowed in the budget. Mr. Wa3_lace moved to allow this to be done. Motion seconded by Mr. DeLong and carried 5-0. Mr, Clark addressed the Council in respect to the stack lane at the Beach. No bids were received on this project. Discussion followed. The Acting City Manager recommended that they allow Mr. Clark to try to negotiate a price~ since we were not able to get a bid= and bring it back to Council. It was estimated this would run between $4~000 and $6~000. Mr. Haz~ening moved to accept the Acting City Manager's recommendation. Motion seconded by Mr. DeLong and carried 5-0. Ail members of Council aqreed to look the situation over in the meantime. Mr. Harmening moved that Mr. Simon be authorized to handle all legal work unless he advises us to the contrary due to conflict of interest~ time or the like. Motion seconded by Mr. DeLong. MINUTES REGIILAR CItY COUNCIL ~-ETiNG FEBRILIRY 6: 1975 OTHER~ cont ~ d. Mrs. Jackson asked if she should abstain since she was involved in one of the lawsuits. M~. Simon said ~no~. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Jackson inquired as to the desire of the Council in regard to Gor- don Battelle as Finance Director. Mr. Wallace moved to hire Go~don Battelle as Finance Director at $15:0OO subject to proper examination. Motion seconded hymn. Harmening, and carried 5-0. Mr. O. T. McLean asked if he was to be placed on the wrecker rotation. He was advised that the City does not have wrecker rotation system. Vernon Thompson inquired as to paving N. E. 1st St. between N. E. 7th Ave. and N~ E. 8th Ave. He was told it was under study. Mr. Wallace requested a priority list for street improvements. Ga~3 Winter suggested reverse order of ingress and egress at the Beach site. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA $ Joef'Detfon~ Vice Mayor~ / ~ a F. ~armening, Counci~m~n For~est L. Waltace~ Councilman -15-