Minutes 01-23-73MISVdTES OF SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BHACH: FLORIDA, JANUARY 25, 1973 PRESENT M~s. Emily M. Jackson~ Mayor Joe DeLong, vice Mayo~ Por~est L. Wa!lecky--Councilman Edward P. Ha~mening~ Councilman David RobeTts, Councilman Harold R. Hopkins: Acting City Manager Mrs. Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Following a .workshOp Sessions with the consent of the entire Council, Mayor Jacks°n catlec% the Special Meeting to order at 10:20 P. M. to consider One item only. Gove~n~ Askewhad declamed Thursday, JaD,~y 25, 1975 as a Day of Mourn- for f_o~mer President Johnson. M~.~ Wallace moved that the Day o£ Mourn/ng as declared by the Governor o~ ~the ~tate of Florida be observed by the City o~ Boynton Beach and it be a paid hol/day for its employees. Motion seconded by Mr. DeLong, and carried 5-0. Mayor Jackson requested members of Council to stop by the Personnel of~iee~ and ~eview the applications for Buitd/ng Official. M~. Wallace moved to adjourn the special meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Harmening, and ca~ried 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 10:25 P. M. CItY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: