BEACH, FLORIDA, JANUARY 16, 1973, AT 7:30 P. M.
Mrs. Emily M. Jackson: Mayor
Joe DeLong~ Vice May.on
David Roberts, Councl/man
Edward F. Harmening, Councilman
Forrest L. Wallace, Councilman
Mrs° Te~eesa Padgett, City Clerk
Ernest G. Simon, City Attorney
Mayor Jackson called the meeting to o~der at 7:51 Po M. The Invocation
was given by former Mayor F~ank McCoy~ followed by the F/ag Salute led
by Councilman Wallace.
M~s. Jackson announced that the Chamber of Commerce and Council and
the Community Development Committee will have a joint meeting on
Januaz~ 24:1973 at 3:00 P. M.
She also announced that representatives of the County will be in City
Hall on January 22 through January 26 for filing of Homestead EXemp-
Presentation o~ Plaques
Mrs. Jackson presented Martin Durkin with a plaque for his ter~s of
service as Municipal Judge, for 1961-1968 and 1970.
Mrs. Jackson then presented a plaque to Clarence Q. Jones "tn Apprecia-
tionw, City Manager, June 1970 to 1972.
Martin Durkin expressed his thanks to the Council. He stated that
being a Judge, he lost some friends. He insisted on adhering to
principles of the law. In the 10 years, as Judge, he handled at
least 20,000 cases: of those only 2 decisions were ~epealed and both
were confirmed and approved by the Cir~uitCour~ of Palm Beach County.
He then put in a good word for Walter Jackson. He also stated that
he had excellent clerks of court, and one person in the City Hall to
whom he owes an obligation, who is capable, amiable and handsome, City
Clerk: Tereesa Padgett.
Special__Me__e_ti__n~- - January 1, 1975
l~. Wallace moved that the minutes of January 1 be adopted as written,
seconded by Mr. DeLong. Motion eaz~ied 5-0.
Regular Meet_lng - January 2, 1975
M~. Wallace moved that the minutes of January 2, 1972, be adopted as
written, Seconded by Mr. Ha~mening~ Motion carried 5-0.
JAN~L~RY 16, 1975
M!NUTES~ cont'd.
Special Meeting - Januar~ 9~ 1973
Mrs. Jackson askod that these minutes be t~bled as she tms not yet read
Mr. DeLong moved that the minutes of January 9th be tabled, seconded by
Mr. Wallace. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson introduced a gentlemen who flew in from Colorado to speak
to Palm Beaeh County on regional government, Archibald EdwardRoberts,
Lt. Col. U. $. Army (Ret.), author, lecturers authority on constitu-
tional government.
Mr. Roberts stated that he is in the State of Florida on behalf of the
Florida Legislative Research Cc~mittee, a private organization, for the
purpose of addressing various County cc~missions on regional government
and what affect it has on local gover~3nent structure, and what it holds
for the future. He explained his program briefly, and left a copy of
his text with the City Clerk.
R. B. Vastine, 132 Leisurevilles Blvd., Vice Pres. of the United Boynton
Civic League, stated that a man who consistently and in a trolly dedi-
cated manner attended all Council meetings and advocated all things good
for the City and the community at large had recently passed away~ and
asked that a tribute be given to Robert Beyrer.
Clarence Jones, 1144 S. W. 25th Avenues expressed his appreciation to
the Council for presenting him with the plaque. He expressed his eon-
cern about what has recently occurred with two employees, Harold Hopkins
and Tereesa Padgett. Both employe~s received letters of reprimand durin9
the past two or three months.~ Du~zng his year and a half as City Man-
ager~ he found both of these employees to be extremely efficient and
totally dedicated'to the interests of all citizens of the community.
The fact that the 1970 Couneilappointed Mr. Hopkins Acting City Man-
ager and the 1972 Council appointed M~s. Padgett as Acting City Manager
should prove their capability. He then requested that Council review
this case and see that justide is dones and requested that Counoit re-
ceive his letters of commendation for each of their personnel files.
He expressed his appreciation to Harold M0pk~a~s and Tereesa Padgett for
the support ~ivento him during his tenure as City Manager from June 1,
1970 to January 1, 1972.
M~. DeLong thanked Mr. Jones end stated that this has been the object of
study by the entire City Council. It will come up at the appropriate
t~me on the Agenda.
Mrs. Jackson suggested that Mr. Jone~~ letters be given to Mrs. Padgett
to be turned over to Mr. Sullivan to be put in the respective personnel
J~N~dARY 169 1973
Eze!l Hester, 1106 N. W. 1st St., stated that the candidates who were
elected are right on sehedu!e. The Council is do/rig exactly what was
asked by the United Boynton Civic League. He then read questions that
were sent out by the Civi~ League. He also Stated that he does not see
how the letters that Mr. JOnes w~ote can be put in the personnel files
when he is only a citizen.
M_TS. Jackson stated there are letters f~om Other citizens in personnel
Mr. Hester then stated that he might want to put some letters in also.
Mr. Hester further stated that Mr. Hopkins was down at Public Works
doing special favors. You should not give special favors, you should
work fora the good Of the total co,unity. He stated that the Council
are not good managers~ and a City Manager should be appointed. He
then stated that Mrs. Jackson wanted a full time attorney. He is not
against Mr. Simon, but he is a Judge in another city, and Mrs. Jackson
said we need a full time attorney.
No,men Hands~ 1119 N. Seacrest Blvd. wanted tokno~why the Parks Depart-
ment has not been out to the Wilson Recreation Center to do any work
for quite some time.
Mm. DeLong stated that he made an on-the-spot survey of the area~ and
he agreed that the people in charge should give more assistance to the
A1 Coogler, Municipal Judge, requested a change for the citizens of
this City. Court is held at 9:00 A. M. This means that the working
man is assessed two fines~ for a violation. One is by the City, and
in addition~ unless he has an understanding boss, he loses wages. He
would like to have the Council Chambers to hold cour~ in the evening
one night a week.
Mrs. Padgett stated that Monday or Friday night is available.
Mr. Coogler stated that he preferred Monday night.
Mr. DeLong moved to allow Plea Day court sessions to be held on Monday
nights at 7:00 P. M., secor~ed by Mr. Wallace. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Padgett reminded Council that this will mean additional work hours.
John Stephens, 715 N. W. 4th Street~ asked why the Board o~ Adjustment
denied a variance~ and later one of the members of the Board moved that
the Board rehear this parcel, and no one in the neighborhood knew about
it. The building per, dr has been issued. This concerns building on a
50' lot. If this is legal it should be changed.
JAkWdARY 16, 1975
MSs. Padgett stated that apparently it was brought up by the Board~ it
was notreadve~tlsed.' It will be checked into.
Mr. Wallace moved that the building permit be irrevocably Devoked until
further clarification, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0.
Mm. Stephens then stated that there are Federal funds available for
cycle trails. If the City ~outd consider it, it would make bicycle
riders safer~
Mrs. Jackson stated that the Recreation Board is working on a plan for a
Bicycle Trail to recommend to Council.
Mr. Hest~ co~nented on the parcel questioned by Mr~ Stephens. There
was a hearing on this. The Omdinanee was Changed in 1962 requiring a
60' lot to build on. This person owned a 50' iot, and the vote was 2-2,
and he abstained because he owns p~operty in the area. It came back up
at one of the meetings, and one of the Board m~mbers suggested that we
rehear it. The~e was no mo~e property available. The Board voted to
approve the vamianee. The people were more concerned about what type
of house is going to be built, that is not the Board's function. In
that area there are a lot of 50~ lots, and you cannot deny a person
f~om buildir~g on his lot.
Mr. Hester then asked if it is possible for the City Attorney to go
over the Summary Outlinewith the Board.
Fred Kostner, 140 C High Point Blvd., asked that something be done about
the traffic at S. W. 5rd St. and 23rd Avenue. Perhaps a bliDke~ light
would help. He urged Council to consider it. He also mentioned the
rough part of the pavement west of the railroad t~aek on S. E. 15th
Avenue - suggested that 150' to 200~ of road be topped to improve it.
Mrs. Jackson said she would call the County on this.
O. T. McLean, 906 S. Federal Hway, commended the new Judge; he also
commended Clarence Jones who was a firm believer that all public reeo~S
were open to the public.
Mr. McLean then r~quested that Council put his wrecker back on the rota-
tion list. There is orkly one wreeker operating legally~ that is Citeo.
Two others in C-1 Zone have been permitted to operate. He is in C-R
and requested that he be put on the wrecker motation list. He wanted
an answer one way or the other tonight.
Mr. Harmening stated that since there are some legal ramifications he is
not familiar with he would like to have the Attorney investiuate this.
Mr. McLean stated that it has been thoroughly investigated, and he would
like an answer tonight.
Council agreed to have each Council membem ~took into it, and take it up
with the City Attorney.
JANUARY 16, 1973
Ordinance No. 73-1 - Establishing Site__?.!a~Revie_
Mr. S/mon read Ordinance No. 73-1 by caption only; Mr. Harmening moved
to adopt Ordinance No. 73-1 on second s~nd ~inal read/ng, seconded by
Mr. Wallace.
Mr. Wallace a~ked mf the intent is to have the ~it~ Plan Review Board
make recommendations to the Planning .Zoning Board Who, in turn, would
make th~ final recommendation to Counc!i.
Mr~ Simon ~tated that it is not the intent in this Ordinance~ and if it
is the irfc~nt Of Coutncil it would have to be amended a~ter adoption.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Wallace moved that Ordinance No. 73-1 be amended to read the InHouse
Supervision would make recommendations to the Planning $ Zoning Board
which would make the final recommendation to Council, seconded by Mr.
Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinance No. 73-2 - Creating a Community Appearance Board
Mr. Simon read Ordinance No. 73-R~ by caption oniy~
to adopt Ordo No. 73-2 on second and final reading~
Mr. DeLong moved
seconded by Mr.
If there are any amendments to this Ordinance it can be done after adop-
Motion carried 5-0.
F~s. Jackson requested Council members to come to the next meeting with
names for members of the Community Appearance Board.
Mrs. Padgett asked the Council if it is their intent to lift the mora-
torium on rezoning. It was originally planned to lift it when we had
site plan approval.
Mr. Wallace moved that the rezoning moratorium stay in effect until the
complete Master Plan and Zoning Map has been adopted~ seconded by Mr.
Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinance No. 73-3 - Approval of Plat, Leisureville~ Sec. IX
Mr. Simon ~ead Ordinance No. 7~-3 by caption only. Mr. DeLong moved to
adopt Ord. No. 73-5 on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Wallace.
Motion carried 5-0.
JANUARY 16, 1975
LEGAL, con~:d.
Oz~inanees - ls¢ Reading
P~posed Oz~inance - ~ppz~vai of Plats of Mango Heights and Mango Heights
1st Add'n. (On the table)
Remained on the table.
~?_~p_ose_~d~O~.r~diu__an_e~e_ - Creating Position of Assistant City Prosecutor
Mr. Roberts moved to table this item~ seconded by Mr. DeLong. Motion
carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 75-5 - F~nendingG_a_r_bgqe_Rates
Mr. Simon read Ordinance No. 73-5. Mr. Harmening moved to pass Ord. No.
75-5 on first reading~ seconded by Mr. DeLong.
Discussion of con~aercial garbage rates followed.
Mr. Wallace asked that consideration be given to the bu.lness interests
of the City, as well as the individual heme owner.
}~. DeLong suggested adopting the O~dinanee as it is, and then amend it
later if necessary.
Motion carried 4-1. Mr. Wallace voted '~no~,.
Discussion of commercial garbage rates was referred to workshop meeting.
Proposed Emergency Ordinanee No. 73-4 - Repealing Ord. 72-25, Organiza-
tional Char~
Mr. Simon read Emergency Ordinance No. 75-4. Mr. Roberts moved to adopt
Emergency Ordinance No. 75-4~ seconded by Mr. Harmening. Motion
carTied 5-0.
With the consent of members of Council Mr. Wallace moved that Harold
Hopkins be appointed Interim City Manager, and be given $250 per month
above his regular salary~ seconded by Mr. Harmening.
Mr. Hopkins stated he would be willing to serve.
Discuss/on followed.
Motion carried 5-0.
Resolution No. 73-B-Authorizing Finance Director to Purchase Securities
Mr. Simon read Resolution No. 73-B. Mr. DeLong moved to adopt Res. No.
75-B, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0.
JANUARY 16, 1973
LEGAL, cont ~ d.
Proposed Resolution 73-C - Revenue Sha~ing (On the Table)
M~. DeLong movSd to take it fr°m the table~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. Mo-
tion ea~ied 5-0.
Simon read Resolution No. 75-C~ Mr. Harmening moved to adopt Res.
73-C, seconded by Mr. Wallace. Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 73-D - Authorizing Execution of Grant Agreement -
Sewer Extension
Mr. Simon read Resolution No. 73-D.
Mr. DeLong asked h~; soon the bid can be awarded.
Mr. Klink stated that the contract for the construction of the sewers
has been accepted by the contractor. He has submitted a letter indi-
eating he would accept the H. U~ D. provisions. As soon as your agree-
merit is receivedbyH. U. D. and countersigned by them~ you can signthe
contraCt documents for the construction of the sewers.
Mr. DeLong moved that Resolution No. 73-D be adopted, seconded by Mr.
Discussion followed.
Motion carried 5-0.
Ocean Ridge Sewer Agreement (On the Table)
The Attorney in Ocean Ridge requested that this remain on the table.
Mr. Wallace moved that this item remain on the table, seconded by Mr.
DeLong. Motion carried 5-0.
Request of Charles N. Boos and Ronald Linkous (On the Table)
Mr. DeLong moved to take this item from the table, seconded by Mr. Har-
menmng. Motion ca,Tied 5-0.
Mr. Clark stated that ~r. Boos and Mr. Linkous request theCity to pave
the stmeet and assess the owners on a front foot basis.
M~s. Jackson stated we would have to have a public hearing.
Mr. DeLong stated that we would have to decide on what assessment to ap-
pty to the cost.
JANUARY !6~ 1975
.Re__quest of Charles N. Boos and Ronatd Linkous: eont'd.
Mr o Wallace suggested that this be put back on t~he table until a work-
shop meeting and then develop a future policy for assessments.
Mr. Wallace moved that this item be returned to the table until such
time as a street paving policyhas been formulated~ seconded hyMr.
DeLong. Set for next workshop, Motion carried 5-0,
Receipt of Sept. 30~ 1972 Audit Report
Mr. Wallace moved that the 1972 Audit Report be accepted and filed, sec-
onded by Mr. Ha~mening. Motion carried 5-0.
Progress Report by City Planner on Proposed Zoning Map and Ordinance
Mr. Wallace stated that inasmuch as we are probably in litigation on
some of the things under discussion on the zoning map, where does that
place us?
Mr. Simon stated that it would be a!~ight to discuss the overall pro-
gress report of the Plan, but to stay away from expressing viewpoints
on areas that are in litigation.
M~. La,gent reported on the proposed zoning map and the County Lend Use
Map. He is asking direction from Council as far as density for the City
of Boynton Beach is concerned.
Mr. Harmening suggested doing better than the County, and come down to
about 4 units per acre. Then it would be easier to go up than it would
be to go down.
Mr. Roberts stated it is his understanding the the County regulation is
a guideline.
Mr. DeLong stated that it is understanding that the over-all density
should more or less come to the number recommended by the County.
Mr. Wallace asked what the County will possibly come up with for a den-
sity figure. Mr. Largent stated it would probably be about 4 units per
acre. We would have to depend on the engineers' statements re the
problem of shortage of water.
~s. Jackson requested that Mr. Largent try to get the film re Land Use
on the subject of water, eta. to show to the people~ and perhaps make
it clear to citizens why we should cut down on the density. Mr. Largen~.
said he would try to get the film.
In response to query Mr~ Largent stated that the average density in this
City in about Fe_b~uary, 1972 was about 5.25~ at the present time it is
probably climbing tOWard 8.
~f 16~ 1973
~. Largent s~at~ ~hat he is try~g to use a~ defi~ti~s t~t the
Cowry has to comply with the C~ty zon~g ordi~ee.
Co,oil agreed ~t it should be the lowest possible de~ity.
Request of S~ds Point~ Inc. to Accept the Assi~ent of Dm~el Pmopem-
ties~ Inc.
Mr. Clark stated that Drexel has certain obligations to the City. Drexel
is selling part of the propez~cy~ and the assignments are bound by this
agreement. It does not affect the City's obligation to provide water
and sewer.
Mr. Simon stated that he has looked the agreement over~ but he did not
prepare it.
Mr. DeLong moved that this be tabled and turned over to the City Attorney
to study the agre~ment~ seconded by Mr. Roberts, and come back to the
Council with recommendation of Council action.
Discussion followed.
Jerry Gross~ representing Drexel Properties stated that they have time
limits. Drexel will put in all facilities under the principal agreement.
Water and sewer obligation still remain 10~ with Drexel. Requesting
the right to water and sewer lines.
Motion carried 5-0.
_C_0_n_{i~d~e__r Req~_e~t of D~e_ve.~9_per{
1. Broderick &Rappa, Inc.
Council dm. cussed this with the City Engineer and Mr. Rappa. Several
questions came up.
Mr. Wallace moved to table this item until workshop~ seconded by Mr.
~rmening. Motion carried 5-0.
2. James W. Nowlin, Jr.
M~. James W. Nowtin, Jr., representing H. Ben Adams, stated that he is
only requesting water and gave a /~ttle background inforn~tion.
Mr. DeLong stated that there should be a hard and fast policy on water
and sewer revenue funds.
JANUARY 16, 1973
2. james W. Now]in, Jr.~ conrad.
Mr. Roberts moved to table this item till workshop to find out more in-
for~aation: Seconded by Mr, DeLong. Motion carried 5-0.
3. Inlet Pointe, Inc~
Robert james~ 6814 N~ W. l~th Ct., Plantation~ explained his request
for 325 hookups. He stated there would be a density of 43.6. Requests
signed s=atemer~: stating tha~ they will get 325 hookups when they need
th~. They wit~ pay fo~ their ow~ sewer on their own property. If the
City doesh~t bring the sewer to them they would like to t~ke the sewer
to the City.
Mr. Wallace moved that the item be tabled until workshop on Tuesday
night, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0.
Robert E. Fields, Jr.
Mr. Clark stated that this request is for lighting on N. W. 17th Ave.
We can authorize this along with other lights that have been recom-
mended for Golfvi~ Harbour and other areas in town according to
Florida Power g Light recommendations. The cost would be $16,000.
Mm. DeLong moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Roberts.
Chief Huddleston asked i~ this includes the area he requested lighting.
Mr. Clark answered that it is included.
Motion carried 5-0.
5. Rev. A. C. Evans
Mr. DeLong stated that before disposal of City property there must be a
public bid.
Mr. Wallace moved that no City property shall be sold until such time as
the Council determines it should be, and revise the procedure~ seconded
by Mr. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0~
1. Request to County to double-strip portion of Seacrest Blvd.
south of S. 36th Avenue
Turned over to Acting City Manager to handle administratively.
2. Regarding stmeet resurfacing
Referred to workshop.
JANUARY 16~ 197D
Consider Reco~mendatmgns of City~ Eng~ineer: cont' d.
5~ Acceptance of P~oposal for Odor Control
This would cost $13:000 a year to ~eplace process of chlorination. It
is a budgeted item.
Mr. DeLong mOved that this be followed through, seconded by Mr. Har-
mening. Motion c~ied 5-0.
4. Traffic Signals
M~s. Jackson recommended to Mr. Clark that the City get signals in-
stalled at
N. E, 22nd Avenue and U. S. !
Congress and State Rd. 804
S. E. 23rd Avenue and U. S. 1
Participation by D. O. T. should be requested.
Mr. Clark stated he had talked with Mr. Barker, D. O. T., who said Coun-
cil aetion should be initiated to request these lights. They request
a resolution requesting the lights so they can get one light installed
around June~ and the others later in the year.
Mr. Wallace moved that the City Attorney draft the appropriate resolu-
tion requesting these traffic signals, seconded by Mr, Roberts. Motion
carried 5-0.
Request of Police Department
Chief Huddleston requested the continuation of the benefits for the
outstanding officer of the month.
Mr. Wallace moved that the request be 9~anted, seconded by Mr. Roberts.
Mr. DeLong also suggested that a letter of commendation be sent to these
people to put in their personnel files.
Motion carried 5-0.
Telephone Service
Mrs. Jackson asked that a telephone be installed in the Senior Citizens
Building for the safety of residents.
Mr. Frederick recommended that a reqular City phone be installed so
that it will not be neeessazi~ to find a dime to make an emergency call.
Mr. Wallace moved that the request be 9~anted at $210 for the year~ sec-
onded by Mr. DeLong. Motion carried 5-0.
JANILARY 16, 1975
Requests for Transfer of Punds
1. Firing Range
2. Board Dinne~, Plaques, etc.
For Car Allowance for License Inspector
Mr. Wallace moved that the requests be granted~
Motion carried 5-0.
seconded by Mr. DeLong.
?pproval of Bills
1. Gene Moore $1,003
Mrs. Jackson stated that 5n the minutes of December 19~h that all bills
were brought up to date.
Mr. DeLon9 recommended that this be handled administratively by the City
Manager, and send a letter to Mr. Moore asking why he is billing us~ when
he stated that it would be free of charge.
Mr. Simon stated that there is a fir~l hearing on the 22nd of this month°
Gene Moore has prepared all the documents~ and is willing to attend this
final hearing. He recommends that it be done this way. Mr. Simon was
not aware of this othe~ bill, and thinks it should be clarified.
Mr. Wallace moved to follow the City Attorney's recommendation, and also
that Mr. Simon be included in the Bond Issue hearing, and be paid $60
an hour for the time taken, seconded by Mr. Harmeningo Motion carried
Mr. DeLong stated that he and other members of Council hague taken the
time to do some study and have come up with the eondlusionthat the in-
cidents involving the Superintendent of Public Works and the City
Clerk never warranted action that was taken by there ~letters. of
~a~e~_~?eo~os or DO=~ 1=Glv~ua!s, seconded by'Mr.'Watl~. Motion
Mrs. Padgett stated that ther~ has been a request to purchase a code boo~
in its entirety. The cost would be $225, up to date. With the Council's
permission we can sell it, He would have to pay for supplements to
keep it up to date,
Mr. Simon asked if there is any p~oblemwith the pubtishem.
Mrs. Padgett stated that the publisher will not release it without the
Council's approval.
JANUARY 16, 1975
OTHER: cont ~ d.
Mm. Bigelow requested that Council give appmoval to release the Code
Mm. Roberts moved to give approval to Mr. Bige!ow to buy the Code book
direct f~om the publ/shem~ seconded by M~, Wallace. Motion eaz~ied 5-0.
The Council then diseusse, d the use, of the C?Uneil Chambems~ as to whether
to eontLnue the same po]icy. Requested COpies of existing po//cy.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:51 P. M.