Minutes 01-01-73MINUTES OF SPECIAL CITY C0~NCIL MEETING HELD AT C~TY HALL, BOY~ON BEACH, FLORIDA, JANUARY 1, 1975 AT lO:O0 A. M. Robert Effron, Mayor Mms. Emily Jackson, Vice Mayor John I~ Arehie, Councilman David Robe~ts~ Counei/man Harold Blanchette, Cou/%cilman Mrs. Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Mayor Effron called the Special Meeting to order at I0:00 A. M. He the~ stated we will no~ have the swearing in of the Council members, Mayor and Vice Fmyor for 1975. Oath of O~fiee M~s. Padgett adm/nistered the oath of office to FozTest Wallace, Ed Ha~mening and Joe DeLong, Council members for 1973-1974. Mrs. Padget~then administered the oath of office to the Mayor for 1973, M~s. Emily Jackson$ and the Vice Mayor for 1973, Joe DeLong. The old Council members stepped down, and the new Council members took their seats. Emily M. Jackson, Mayor Joseph DeLonq~ Vice Mayor Fo~rest Wallace~ Counci/man Ed Harmening, Councilman David Roberts: Councilman Mrs. Jackson stated that the reason for this Special Meeting is be- cause the Cha~ter calls for the Council members to take thei~ seats on the 1st of January, and also the appointment of Judge. We will make appointments, then recess until the regula~ meeting on Tuesday. Adopt Rules of Order Mr. Wallace moved to adopt Roberts R~les of Order, seconded by Mr. Rob- e~ts. Mr. DeLong suggested adding to that motion that the City Attorney, at the pleasure of the Council, will serve as the Pamliamentamian. M~. Wallace accepted this as an amendment to the motion. Motion ca~ied 5-0. MINUTES SPECIAL C~'£f CO%%~CIL MEETING JANUARY 1, 1973 Appointment of .C%ty Officials City Attorney Mr. Wallace moved to appoint Mr. Ernest S~mon and Associates as City Attorneys seconded by Mr. Harmening. Mr. DeLo.n? moved t. hat the nominations be clOSed, seconded by Mm. Ha~men- lng. MOtion ca~rled 5-0. City Judge Mr. Hamening moved to appoint Monroe A. Coogler, Jr. as City Judge, seconded by Mr. Wallace. Mr. DeLong moved that nora/nations be closed. Mr. Harmening gave brief background information about Mr. Motion carried 5-0. Judge ad litem Action was deferred until the next meeting. City Prosecutor Yn~. RDbe~ts nominated Louis H. Casson for City Prosecutor, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Mr. DeLong moved that the nominations be closed, seconded by Mr. Wallace. Motion carried 5-0. Motio~ to appoint Louis Casson as City P~osecutor cax~ied 5-0. City Manager Mr. Wallace suggested since we a~e withont a City Manager that the City Clerk be in charge of City Mall, and that all pertinent decisions be referred to the City Council until a City ~4anager is appointed. Fl~. W~llace moved that in the absence of a City Manager, the City Council will act as City Manager and the City Clerk will be in cha~ge of City Hall, seconded by Mr. DeLong. Motion ea~ied 5-0. Appointments to Boards and Committees Mr. Roberts suggested that no one person serve on mors than one board. It is not fair to impose burdens on them~ and possibly cannot attend to their duties. fir. DeLong moved that members appointed to a board can only serve on one board at a time, seconded by Mr. Wallace- Y~fcion ~ed 5-0. -2- MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING J~ l, 1973 ..Appointments to 'Boards and COmmittees, cont'd. Mrs. Jackson stat. ed that it MOuld be a good policy if no City employee WOUld take any mS~%lItes for the Boards. Each Board sh(~l__d elect its secretary from the Board members~ ~.e' Wallace moved th?t. no City Employee will take minutes of the Board etings unless provided by ~ahaz~ce~ and that a recordln~ be made and minutes he fmled ~n City Halls seconded by M~. DeLong. Motion carmied 5- BOARD OF AD~dSTMENT Mr. Roberts. ~om~t~d~ Ezelt Hester. Mm. Walla~ J. Lester Cousins. Fr. DeLonq ~a~te~i. ~a~/this t~ he does not have any appointmerfcs. He ~as n.o knowledge of any appointments to submit so he feels it would be unfai~ to bedome involved at this particula~ time. Ha~mening nora/hated Walter Rutter. Roberts n~m/nated Frank Lucas. Jackson nominated Foy Ward. Wallace nominated Richard Rohan, as an Alternate Harmening nominated Waxd Stumgis and George Ampol, as ~lte~nates. By a unanimous vote the Board of Adjustment was appointed as follows: Ezelt Hester J. Lester Cousins Walter B. Rutter Frank G. Lucas Foy Ward Richard Rohan, Alternate Wa~d Stu. rgis, Alternate George Ampol~ Altel~nate BOARD OF BARBER MT. Wallaoe moved that the membership rema/n as it now stands~ seconded by Mr. Haz~ening. Motion camried 5-0. Board of Barber Examiners - 1973 Walter Lacey ~mne/s Oliveri Calvin Rahming Lyman R. Saxton BEACH BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE Mr. Roberts moved to dispense with this eou~nittee, until it is needed at a late~ time, secor~ed by Mr. Wa/lace, who suggested that these same members could possibly be ~einstated if the ccmm%ittee is needed at a later date. Motion ca~ried 5-0. MINU~ES SPECIAL C~TY COUNCIL MEETING JAh~iARY 19 1973 BUILDING BOARD By unanimous vote the 1975 Building Board members were appointed as fol- lOWs: Nolan Wi],1 ~ams Gerald S~aley John Chu~ey Ward Cummings Milton Russell Caesar Mauti Buildin9 Official BOARD Op ~OVERNORS - Cemeter~__Boamd Mm. Wallace moved that the Board remain as it p~esently is~ by Mr. Harmaning. seconded Board of G~ver~ors - 1975 Edgar Humfo~d L. Don Combs Frances Van Deven~er Bertha Chadwell Basil Camilot Tereesa Padgett Rev. P~ite asked why there is no black person on the Board. Mr. Wallace replied that there was not one suggested. Rev. ~aite suqgested checking to see if any black people are willing to serve on the Boards. Mr. Hester stated that there should be representation on evez~y one of the Boards. The Council should t~y to put at least one black on every He further questioned why people living outside the City were appointed as Judge~ Attorney~ etc. Mrs. Jackson asked Mr. Hester if he thinks someone should be appointed to a Board because of the color or because of qualifications. Fir. Hester stated that qualifications don't mean anything. He stated that there are people placed on these boards that don't have any quali- fications. When he was placed on the Board he did not have any, quali- fications. He does not believe a per~on should be appointed because he is b/ack. He also does not believe a person should be appointed just because he is white. Motion carried 5-0. -4- MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING 0ANIRLRY t~ 1973 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTR/CT DEVEI~ PMENT BOARD M~. Wallace moved that the Central Business District Development Board be loft in .comp!?te charge.of the Chamber of Co~nerce, who would work in conjunction With the City Counoil~ and this Board be deleted as far as the City is concerned~ ~eoonded by Mm. Ha~mening. Motion cazupied 5-0. Mrs. JackSon reco~hiZed County Commissioner Robert Johnson in the au- dience. CHARTER RB~ISION COMMISSION By a unaruimous vote the Charter Revision Commission for 1973 was ap- pointed as follows: Paul H. Startzmen Robert B. Reed, Jr. Walter M. Trauger John White James V~ilson, Jr. Mrs. Judy Sanders Daniel Smithwie~k Jc~hn Denson Vieky Castello Jack Kuj ata This includes the original Commission, with the addition of Vieky Cas- telto and James Wilson. CIVIL SERVICE APPEALS BOARD Since the tetras of the members appointed by Council have not expired, there is no appointment to be made. The two Council appointees will remain the same; Richard Monahan Eddie 14/tchell COMMUNITY APPEARANCE COMMITTEE Act was deferred until the Regular Meeting on Tuesday. COMPKtN£TY RELATIONS CO~r/~CTTEE Mr. Roberts nominated Melvin Cohen. Mr. Wallace moved that the C~m~ttee remain the same, with the addition of Melvin Cohen, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0. Community Relations Committee - 1973 Mrs. Lois Haire John Stephens Leroy Harris Vernon Th~pson Joseph Lisy Mrs. John Ray! -5- Mrs. Mildred Walker Melvin Cohen MINU~ES SPECIAL CITY COtRNCIL MEETING J~NUJ~RY l: 1975 DEVELOPMENT BOngO M~ Wallace moved to delete,this Board and turn it over to the Chamber Of c,°mme~e for recommendations to the City~ seconded by Mr. Harmening. M6ti0n c~ried 5-0. BOARD OF EX~MINE~ OF ELECTRICIANS Mr. Ezell Hester suggested the name of W~13iam Ba~ton~ Jr. Action wa~ deferred uracil the Regular Meeting on Tuesday, [,TBP~Ry BOARD MrS, Jackson suggested Paula Moore in place of Don Tinker since he did no~ attend any meetings. By a unanimous vote the Library Board for 1975 was appointed as follows: Kath!een Kirton Mildred White Estelle Schaap Christine Edward Ruby Mack Sandra Laut enschlauger Paula Moore PLANNING g ZONING BOARD Mr. Roberts nominated Robert Olds and Fred Kostner Mr. Wallace nominated Otis Walker and L. R. Blacketer Mr. Harmening nominated Richard Vastine Mrs. Jackson nominated Albert Wehre!! and Lynn Huckle By unanimous vote the Planning & Zonin9 Board for 197~ was appointed as follows: Robert Olds Fred Kostner Otis WaLker L, R. Blaeketer Richard Vastine Albert Wehrell Lynn Huckle PLtlF~ING BOi~D Mr. Wallace moved that the Board r~nain the same with an Alternate named at a later date~ seconded by Mr. Ha~mening. Motion carried 5-0. Board of Plumbing Commissioners - 1975 John W. Ridgeway Joseph E. Fodo~ Frar~k Kirkeby Willie Sloan -6- MINUTES SPECIAL C~TY COUNCIL MEETING JDi~L%RY !~ 1973 RECREATION AND PARES BOARD Mr. Wallac~ nominated Robert Shaekley for reappo~ntment. Mrs. Jackson nominated Jack Dunn in place of Robert Johnson. By unanimous vote the Recreation and Parks Board was appointed as follows: Mrs. Peggy ~anshumaker Mrs. Helen Ki~keby Mrs.. Walter Trauger Robert Sha~ey~ Jr. A. a. Stuaz~ MrS. John Schultz John R. Dunn MSs. John Schultz stated that under M~. Wallace a black man was appointed to the Board. He attended not more than 5 meetings. He was very welcome and he left on his own. BOARD OF TRLSSTEES~ EMPLOYEES PENSION PLAN By unanimous vote the Council appointed the following to the 1973 Board of Trustees, Employees Pension Plan: John Howell Sa! De Canio Mr. DeLong moved to recess until the regula~ meeting on Tuesday, sec- onded by Mr. Wallace. Meeting adjourned at 10:55 A. M. ATTEST: Cit~le?k CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Emily ~ d~ck~3~ Mayor David Roberts, Cou~eilman~ Forest L. Wallace~ Councilman -7-