Minutes 11-07-72MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, NOVEMBER 7: 1972 AT 7:50 Pi M. PRESENT Robert B. Effron: Mayor M_rs. Emily Jackson, Vice Nayor John Archie, Councilman Harold Blanehette, Councilman David Roberts ~ Councilman Travis E. Killgore, City M~uager l~s. Tereesa Padgett~ City Clerk Gene Moore~ City Attorney Mayor Effron called the meeting to o~der at 7:31 P. M. The Invocation was given by Rev. Douglas Smith, First Ho/ted Presby- terian Chureh~ followed by the Flag Salute led by the Marine Corqps Color Guard. Presentation of Award to Jeff Hurt Hayor Effron stated that at the last meeting we had in our audience a young man who sh~ed g~eat hero/sm in the airplane crash J_n Deerfie!d Beach. The Mayor called Jeff Hurt forward and on behalf of the City CoLtncil presented him with an award of honor for heroic action that saved the life of a pilot in the wreckage of his plane. He ~eeeived a standing Ovation. Proclamation - United States Marine Corps Day The Proclamation read by Mayor Effron designated November 10 as United States F~rine Co~ps Day~ and urged all citizens to join in recognition and appreciation of this magnificent fighting force. Proclamation - Bible Week The Mayor then read a Proclamation designating the week of November 19-26 as Bible Week, and urged a]1 men, women and children of all faiths to observe the, week by reading the Scriptures. Mayor Effron announced that the Public Hearing on the Proposed General Development Plan witlbe NOvember t4th at 7:50 P. M. Mrs. Jackson stated that it should be made cle8~ that it is not the map, it is the P~oposed General Development Plan. MINUTES Regnlar Meeting - October 17, 1972. Mr. Roberts moved that the min- utes of October 17th be approved ~s written~ seconded by Mr. Az~hie. Motion carried 5-0. Special Meeting - October t9~ 1972. Mr. Archie moved that the min- utes ~--October 19th be approved as w~itten~ seconded by M~s. Jackson. Motion ca~ried 5-0. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEI~5~ER 7.~ 1972 M/~N~TES, eont' d. Special Meeting - October 24~ 1972. ~. Archie moved that the min- utes of October 24th be approved as written, seconded by Mr. Blanehette. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Douglas Smith~ President of the Ministerial Association of Boynton Beach: expressed his thanks to the Mayor and City Council for the pro- elamation that was read and reminded the City that Bible Weak falls within the week of Thanksgiving~ and the Association is planning a community-v~de Thanksgiving Service. He invited the entire City to take part in this Special ThankSgiving Service at 7:30 P. Mi on November 22nd. O. T. McLes~u~ 906 S. Federal Highway~ stated that a Trust Fund has been opened at First Bank and Trust for the defense appeal of E~nest Gior- dano. Anyone who wishes to contribute can do so at the First Barak and Trust. He then stated that he has a letter fo~ distribution: and that the City Manager has taken it upon himself to censor the Council's mail. Mr. Archie stated that he received a letter and it is in the waste basket. Mr. Killgore stated that he wrote a memo, which this Council is aware of~ to the effect that this type of material would not be distributed in the City, It is completely inappropriate. This individual is running for public office. This can be considered political material. He does not agree' with it going through official mail channels and does not condone it. If Council wishes to instruet him otherwise he will listen, ~ayor Effron personally agreed with F~. Xillgore. He stated that today and weeks before he has received an abundance of literature from ean- didates~ and each of them had an 8¢ stamp on them. Anybody running ~or office is welcome to put an eight cent stamp on a letter and mail it to him. It is not the job of anyone in the City Hall to distribute such letters and information and he concurs with the City Manager. Hank Thompson asked to speak on Item VI A(t). Mrs. Victoria Castello asked to speak on Item VI A(1). Mrs. Ma~y Hartman asked to speak on Item VI A(1). Bob Collier asked to speak on Item VI A(1). Sgt. McDonald of the of the Marine Corps expressed his thanks to the City Council for the Proclamation that was read for the anniversary of the Marine Corps. Sgt. McDonald introduced his comrade. -2- MINUTES REGULAR C]~ COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 7: !972 BIDS Demolition of Old Police and Fire Station Complex Mr. Killgore repo~ted that two bids were received: Big Chief Inc. CuyahogaWrecking Co. 14,200 12:480 Mr. Killgore reconwaended the bid be awarded to Cuyahoga Wrecking Com- pany, in the amount of $i2~480~ and that $8:480 be transferred from the Surplus Account to the General Fund to cover the difference in the bid and the budgeted figure. Mr. Blanchette moved to accept the recommendation of the City Manager and the bid be awarded for the dest-~uction of these buildings that are an eyesore to the City, seconded by Fir. Archie. Mayor Effron stated that, based on the reverter clause: as long as this property is used by the City we will be alright. Motion carried 5-0. 1973 - ~ Ton Van T~uck Mr. Killgore reported that four bids were received. The low bid was received from Adams Chevrolet in the amount of $2,495.75. They also submitted an alternate bid of $2,540 which includes additional equip- ment~ heavy duty eluteh, glass sliding door on the side which allows better vision and heavy duty rear springs. He recommended that the alternate bid be accepted. Mr. Arabic moved that the alternate bid from Adams Chevrolet be ac- cepted in the amount of $2~540, seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0. Construction of ~tility Building - Boynton Beach Memorial Park Mr. Killgore reported that four bids were received. The low bid in the amount of $16:362 was received from Kemoo Enterprises, and he recc~nended it be accepted° Mr. Blanchette moved to award the lag bid of $16,362 to Kemeo Enter- prises, seconded by,Wits. Jackson. Motion ca~ried Mr. Archie s3Ostained due to conflict of interest. LEGAL Ordinance No. 72-27 - Palm!and Development Corporation Annexation Hank Thompson~ President of the Ocean Ridge-Boynton Beach Board of Realtors: asked members of the Board who were present to stand. MINUTES REGULAR C/~Y C0%RNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 7~ 1972 LEGAL, eonttd. - Annexation, Ordinance No. 72-27 He stated that they had a meeting on October 50 and the Board unani- mously supports the Council in the action on the first reading of the Ordinance for Pa!roland Development Co~p. He further stated that they feet they have learned that people are the c~iteria for establishing value in this world. We have been privileged with the opportunity to come snd live in this area. We were allowed the p~ivilege of becoming part of this City of Boynton Beach. We recognize the need of E~intain- ing a broad tax base for the City's development. The Board also went on record as opposing the Proposed County Land Use Plan. M~s. V. Caste/lo stared that she is for annexation, and has nothing against Pa3untand Development Corporation. Her objection to this annexa- tion is the Zoning O~dinance. The Zoning Ordinance does not have P.U.D. and does not have site plan approval. She asked M~. Moore i~ this is correct. She further stated that she is for ar~exation, at better terms. Mr. Blanchette asked what kind of terms. Mrs. Castello answered site plan approval and P.U.D. Mr. Blanchette stated that we are moving toward site plan approval. Mayor Effron stated that PaLmland has said they will live under the site plan ordinance. He then Stated that Mrs. Castello is a candidate for City Counei!~ and would not like to see this become a political football. Mrs. Castei!o stated that her being a candidate is irrelevant, and that she had asked these questions before she became a candidate. She stated that the City Attorney can tell y~ we don't have site plan approval. M~. Moore stated that we do have a site plan committee per se, made up of the Department heads. Mrs. Castello stated that it is just a policy. Mr. Moore stated that we have the Ordinances on the books. Bob Collier~ a member of the Board of Realtors with Mr. Thompson agreed with what F~. Thompson had said. He stated that the people in this City elected five people to this Council and anybody that solicits other people to sign a petition to circumvent the majority ~3_le of this Coun- cil is alluding to tactics and he is opposed to it, and he is opposed to Mrs. Jackson's p~oposal that we adopt the County Land Use Plan. If we should adopt this ptanwe are turning over the power to the County to establish the tax base of this City in future. We can do that our- selves. We have the people who are capable right here in Boynton Beach. -4- MINUTES REGGLAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEmbER 7, 1972 LEGAL, cont'd.- Annex~tion~ Ordinance No. 72-27 Mrs. Jackson stated that she never said she wanted to adopt the Land Use Advisory Map. She only wanted to wait and dovetail our plan with their plan and work with them. She thJ~nks it would be w~_'se to wait. Mayor Effron stated that he attended the meeting of the AdvisoryBoard and this was not a finished document. ~. Thempson of Boca Eaton said there wer~ changes made to it since the last time he saw it~ We are heading for met~o~ whereby, the County is tel!ing~e municipalities what to do as ~araS density cor~mols: and eVer~Ything elSe. Thi~ . Council has tried to ~ooPeratm with the County, referring to additlona! beach acquisition, and where did it get us? Mrs. Mary Hartman, 3725 S. Lake Drive, stated that one thing that was not brought up about this annexation is a human ~actor. k~_o is ~ing to take c~e of 1all these people when they are s~ck? The uommunm~y hospital has 178 beds. Perhaps this is not your problems but if you were sick it is. tf we ~-~ow can we as citizens help our hospital to 9mow? This was her factor .when she asked the people to signthe peti- tion. She begged Council to take this into consideration. M~. Archie pointed out that if these people do not get the annexation from the City of Boynton Beach t~ey are going to build anyway. There will still be 20~000 people. Wo~ld you rather have the tax dollar~ and control over them: or have no control at all. She would like to see a hospital before the people come. BitlKoch~ Chairman of Hospital Board, stated that we build for the future. We are contemplating taking care of County areas as well as City. If this develops we will have to take ca~e of it~ and we are mindful of it. Mayor Effron stated tt~t tax dollars support the Hospital. With annexation the County is going to get tax dollars and the City is going to get tax dollars. The Hospital will get these funds. Mayor Effron alSo stated that this development is not going to be built overnight. This is a 10 year program. F~. Ki!!gore added that there will be 100 units the first year~ 200 units the second yea~ ~nd 500 units the third year. P~s. Hartman asked if the Hospital will be able to keep up with this? Mr. Koch stated that they are doing their best~ and planning for the future. We have our problems and have to face them. M_rs. Castello asked Mr. Koch if he has connections with the developer. -5- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 1972 LEGAL~ cont'd.- Annexation, Ordinance NO. 72-27 Mr. Koch stated no~ he has connections with the land owners. Mayor Effron acknowledged receipt of a 29 page petition received at 2:15 P. M. on Monday via Rober~ Vastine. The Mayor read the Petition request~%g the question of Annexation of Pa/mtand be placed on endum. Mr. Kil!gore stated that from an adm/nistrative viewpoint, someone who sits here has to prepare for long range planning. It is necessamy we speak ~n relation to business management. We have an obligation to give those people the same right that we have. This job will be done with or without us. Mr. Archie stated that ~rs. Jackson has been opposed to annexation right from the beginning~ and asked her if she has changed her ~d~nd since the opinion was received from the Attorney General backing the City Attomney. Jackson stated no, she has not changed her mind. Mr. A~chie then stated that now that we know the City Attorney was right all along with the way we are annexing and have the evidence from Attorney General Shevin, M~s. Jackson doesn't mention it any more. Mayor Effron stated that the delak~ing tactics on St. Andrews Co~poration annexation cost the City of Boynton Beach $3~ 100 in building permit fees. F~, Roberts stated that he recogn/zes the fact that the Board of Realtors and businessmen in this City wou!dbe quite happy for 8/qnexa- tion. The City has g~own 73% in the last t0 years, and 22% in the State. Any merchant should be happy with the g~owth. There is no real income from annexation for about 10 years. It was mentioned of the rights for people to come down here, but the taxpayers of this City have the right to voice an opin/on. The people have the right to put this to a referendum: and let them express themselves at the polls. There will be 25~000 people in an area of about 700 acres. Mayor Effron stated that there will only be 17~380 people. There is 45~560~000 square feet of open area in th/s development: and maximum land coverage is only 2~. Mr. Moore read Ordinanoe No. 72-27. l~lr. Blanchette moved to adopt Ord. ~72-27 on second and final reading~ seconded by M~. Archie. M~s. Jackson stated she feels we are jumping the gun and should wait. Motic~G carried 3-2. i~s. Jackson and Mr. Roberts voted ~nos'. -6- MINUTES REGGLAR CITY COUNCIL MEETLNG NOVEMBER 7~ 1972 LEGAL~ cont ~d. Ordinance No. 72-31 - Beach Parking Mr. Moore read Ord. No. 72-31. Mr. Archie moved to adopt Ord. ~72-31 on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Bianehette. Motion car- ried 5-0. RECESS Ordinance No. 72-33 - Approval of Plat of Boynton Beach Memorial Park Add. ~1 - 1st reading Mr. Moore read Ordinance No. 72-55 in its entirety. Mr. Roberts moved to pass Ord. ~72-33~ seconded by Mr. Archie~ Motion carried 5-0. Resolution No. 72-Y - Amending Resolution 72-A~ Bank Signatures (On the table) Mrs. Jackson moved that Res. No. 72-Y be taken off the table, seconded by Mr. Archie. Motion carried 5-0. Moore stated that this Resolution was read at the previous meeting. Mr. Archie moved to adopt Resolution No. 72-Y, seconded by Mr. Blan- chette. Motion carried 5-0. Other Mr. Moore stated that the City has been served on the suit involving Mr. Hopkins~ a!aim against the City. Mr. Archie moved that the City Attorney be instructed to defend the City~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. OLD BUSINESS Appointment to the Cha~ter Revision Commission Mayor Effron stated that at the last Council meeting t~;o resignations were received from the Charter Revision Commission. Couneil members who appointed these two were asked to be prepared to recommend another appointment. The third resignation has been received. The Mayor read the resignation of Mrs. Judy Sanders. The Mayor then stated that this Board has been working very hard and he would like to poll Council on abolishing this Board and hire some- one to draft this Charter~ subjeet to Council approval. The Board has done a fantastic job, and is a long way from finishing~ He would just like to poll Council on this suggestion. -7- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 7~ 1972 Appointment to the Charter Revision Commission, cont'd. Walter Traugar, member of the Chaz~er Revision Commission, stated that the Commission started Ln with the task of going through the Boynton Beach Charter and it has been a slow process to get the best for Boyn- ton Beach_ We have come through quite a few sections: and we have been recessed by resignations. As a member of the Boa~dhe would like to see Council go along with them and try it for a period of time. Mr. Ar~hie recommended leaving the Board as it is, end don~t appoint three new members that they will have to bring up to date. Mr. Archie moved to accept the resignations of the three members of the Charter Revision Commission with regret, end do not replace the ap- pointees end let the Board continue as a six member Boa~d~ seconded by Mro Blanehette. Motion ca~ried 5-0. Appointment of Election Board 5iayor Effron stated that P~s. Padgett has submitted a list of the peo- ple who have asked to serve on the Election Board. Mr. A~ehie moved to accept the recommendation of the City Clerk, sec- onded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. Receipt of Nominating Petitions Mayor Effron stated that the City Clerk has prepared a list of the 12 candidates, and this should be attached to the minutes. Mr. Roberts questioned that anyone running for office has to be a resident for some 18 months~ not refe~Ting to owning of any property. One or two of the candidates have been here for a short time. Mr. Moore stated that according to the most recent ruling of the Su- preme Court any length of time requirement would be over-ruled. M~s. Jackson moved that the list be made a part of the minutes, sec- onded by Mr. Archie. Motion carried 4-1. Mr. Blenchette abstained. Mayor Effron read the names of the candidates, and they stood up when their name was called. Request for Refund on Cemetery Lots - Mrs. Margaret Florencm Mrs. Florence has requested a refund on Cemetery Lots 269~ 270 and 271, Block M. Mr. ¥~%tlgore recommended the refund be given in accordance with the established policy. Mrs. Jackson moved to accept the City Menager~s recommendation, sec- onded by Mr. Archie. Motion carried 5-0. -8- MINU~ES REGULAR CItY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 1972 Setting a Public Hearing for Site Plan and Beautification C~ittee Ordinances Counei! agreed to have the Public Hea~inq as a Re~l~r Meeting. Mr. Blanchette moved to have the City Clerk advertise for a Public Hearing on the Site Plan and Beautification Ordinances at the Regular Meeting of December 5, seconded by F~so Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. ADMINISTRAT ION Authorization to Proceed with Sewer Line Inspection Mr. Kill~o~e recommended that Southern Line Cleaning be employed at the rate of $450.00 per day to inspect our total system~ and identify the problem of infiltration. This wilt t~ke approximately 4 or 5 days. Mrs. Jackson stated that it should be put out to bid because it is over $1~000. Mr. ]~illgore stated that this is for inspection only and not repair. Mrs. Jackson moved to go out on bid. Mr. Moore stated that it seems to be an emergency situation and it can be paid for on a daily basis. Mr. t~obe~ts moved to accept the recommendation of the City Manager: see- onded by Mr. Archie. Motion carried 5-0~ Mrs. Jackson stated we muSt pay for it daily so we will not be violat- ing our Charter. Transfer of Funds from Earned Surplus to Bank Fees Account (Water and Sewer Utility Fund) Mr. Artz stated that the Atlantic National Bank held the bills for some unknown reason. Mr. Kil!qore stated that it did not cost the City any more or any less: and recommended it be approved. Mr. Archie so moved~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. Request for Acceptance of Plan for Of~-Street Parking - Deb-N-Heir Nuts e~y School Mr. Killgore stated that our Cede does not provide a provision for park- ing for a nursery school. He recommended the plan be approved. ~. Blanchette moved to accept the recommendation of the City Manager and approve the plan~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. -9- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEET/NG NOVEP~ER 7~ 1972 Authorization to Sign Agreement with County for Trs~fic Signal at Inter- ~eet!on of GOlf Road and Congress Avenue M~. Arehie moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0, App]~ations for Permit to Solicit 1. United Cerebral Palsey of Florida 2, Heart AsSoeiati°n Palm Beach County 3- National Multiple Sclerosis SOCiety 4. R0]l.~ng G~een Elementary Gray Y Football Teem 5. NatzOnai F~datlon March of Dimes 6. SeVenth Day Adventist Church of Boynton Beach Mr. Killgore recammended that they al3 be approved. Mrs. Jae2<son mOVed that the request to solicit be g~anted to these ap- plicants, seconded by F~. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0. OTHER Site Plan Change in Village Royale Mr. Killgore stated that they would like to change the location of buildings in Village Royale. It will reduce the coverage of land. The Planning & Zoning Board recommends approval. Mr. Archie moved that the request for a Site Plan change in Village Royale be granted: seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0. Letter of Resignation from Gene Moore Mayor Effron read the letter of resignation from Gene Moore~ City At- torney. Mr. Archie moved to table the item, seconded by Pi~. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Archie moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion car- ried. MeetSmg adjourned at 9:03 P. M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH: FLORIDA Robert B. Eff~or~ ~ayor ~ -10- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 7~ 1972 ~Old L. ~;~ahehe-'v.-te. Councilmen -David Robez~cs~ Councilman ATTEST: -ll- MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING ON CHAR~-ER WORLD ANNEXATION HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, OCTOBER 24, 1972 at 7:50 P. M. PRESENT: Robert B. Effron, Mayor Mrs. Emily M. Jackson, Vice Mayor John L. Arahie, Councilman Harold L. B!anchette~ Councilman David Robe~ts~ Councilman Travis E. Killgore, City Manager Mrs. Tereesa Padgett: City Clerk Gone Moore~ City Attorney Mayor Effron called the meeting to o~der at 7:~ P. M. This is a Special Meeting regarding the ~nnexation request by Palm- land Development Corporation, also known as Cha~ter World. The Planning & Zoning Board had thei~ Public Hearing at which several members of Council were present for the presentation. It was later decided that it would be the best interest to hold a Public Hearing for the entire community to hear this presentation. At this time Mayor Effron turned the meeting over to Palmland Cor- poration for their presentation. Linton Lovett- Attorney for Charter World, stated that they are here to consider an ordinance for annexation and zoning of l%square miles west of the boundary of Boynton Beach. We are here primarily to answer any questions. For clarification he stated the contemplated development would be 7:900 dwelling units with a shopping area, a government area, a motel, a golf course ~th recreation area. We are ready to begin building. We have commitments. The City will benefit because if the area we a~e discussing comes within your City limits you w~ll control whatthe development is going to be. If you do not annex: it wilt be developed by 8 or 10 different sub- divisions with different plans with no control by the City Council, but by the C~nty C~mmission. This ~ives you an opportunity to con- trol development that is immediately adjacent to you~ City. Another benefit we are cc~mftting is 20~ acres to the City for e~ection of a municipal building. A deed has been delivered in escrow to the City Attorney on this area. Fir. Lovett also stated they are willing to make available to the school children the recreation area fo~ planned p~og~ams in physical education and spo~ts during certain hours of the day. They have de- livered an agreement to F~. Moore to th~ sffeat. They also plan to install and cont~ibute tot he City a water and sewer system, and pointed out the benefits of such. Irving Kat~ General Manager~ reviewed the exhibits for the honefit of the audience. The exhibits included a zoning map~ site plan, renderings showing the various cluster developmen=s, The Ch~z-ter Club, and Topographic Map. -1- ~ES - SPECIAL City COL51CIL MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING ON CHAR~ER WORLD ANNEXATION OCTOBER 24: 1972 Mayor E~f~on pointed out that the original drawings asked for P. U. D. type project, and they had buildings 50' and higher. Immediately they were told that the City of Boynton Beach has a 45' height limita- tion. They then conformed to the 45~ height and other existing codes and ordinances. Mr. V. astine questioned Mr. Katz as to what the density would he, ex- eluding the golf CouZ~e. Mr. Katz Stated about 1t units per acre. Mr. A~chie than asked Mr. Vastine what the density of Letsurevilte would be i~ we took out the golf course and Shopping Center. Mr. Vas- tine did not know. Mr. Katz 'stated that the~e will be less than 15% land coverage of buildings ~hich~ from a land plenning point of view~ is e~tremely de- sirable. Mrs. Castello asked Mr. Katz if he is aware of what the County is doing on water and sewe~, and that the County has a moratorium on rezoning. Mr. Katz stated that he is not interested in the County. He is inter- ested in Boynton Beach, mainly for sewer and water purposes. Mayor Effron stated that the dansity of Leisureville, as Mr. Archie questioned, has been computed as 9 persons per acre. At this time a z~eess was called so that members of the audience that wanted to could review the exhibits of Chaz~cer World. When the meeting ~esumed, Mayor Effron stated that the City Planner and B%~ilding 0ffieial calculated the density of Leisu~evitle: including the apaz~ments, exeludimg the golf course, etc., to be 17 units per aero. Mr. Vastine pointed out that Leisu~evflle is only two stories high. Mr. Beyrer asked if we are going to live by this plan that we paid $37,000 for: or let everyone cc~e in and put their plan into effect with no consideration for the work of the City Planner? Mayor Effron read a portion o~ the Candeub, Pleissig report that deals with the ~ese~ve annexation area. With re~ard to dansity, Candeub, Fleissig is recom~aending 8 units per ae~e 9~oss density. He then read some of the density figures of condominiums in the City from subject report. Mr. Archie stated that the State has said we~ the City of Boynton Beach~ must provide wat~ and sewer service for our district, this includes Cha~ter World. We can have zoning control at approximately 9 units per acre. We can benefit by ad valorem taxes. This is the plus side. We have yet to hear the minus side. -2- MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COth~CIL MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING ON CHAR~ER WORLD ANNEXATION OCTOBER 243 1972 Mrs. Castello then stated that there will be zoning control whether this is annexed or not. A meeting is scheduled by the County on October 27. She referred to the need for a Green Belt Area. Mr. Roberts questioned the type of development - since we did not have a P. U. D. Ordinance. Mr. Katz stated they have a Planned Unit Development without the O~dinance. The entire parcel would be zoned and site plan approval wou~d hav~ to he done on each parcel as they develop it. Mr. Roberts stated that the population of the City at the present time is about 20~ 000 people who live in an area of D~000 to 3,500 aeres o Here we are going to have 20, 000 people in an area of 760 - 780 acres. This is hard to conceive. M~. Archie pointed out that Boynton Beach is still building. We do not know what the, population will be in 10 years. He did not feel we could stop growth. Mr. Roberts felt perhaps a referendum is the best route to take - and let the people dec~ide. Mayor Effron stated we are faced with this reserve annexation area out west of town. We went to the State Legislature and asked this to be set aside for Boynton Beach reserve annexation area. They don~t want other munieipali'ties starting out there. These people would use our facilities and what do we receive-in ~eturn? It is your tax dollars that repai~ the streets and operate the beach. They use the Library and the recreation facilities. This land is going to be developed with or without annexation. Let~s~t the tax base to save you money. As pointed out in Mr. Killgore's repoz~c on the annexation of Palmland, it is more than ad valorem taxes. The potential estimated revenue to Boynton Beach is $t:4/2~864 per year after full development in approxi- mately 10 years. The question was raised about schools in the area. Mayor Effron pointed out that the City has no say as far as schools are concerned, C]~f Ripley has Stated that the School Board has no plans for the immediate area. Mr. EzellHester stated that if this goes along with the City's zoning now on the books there should not be any problem. The City is not going to stay Robert Beyrer stated his objection to the proposed annexation~ and urged Council to consider the Candeub~ Fleissig Ptanvery carefully. He was concerned as to our ability to service this area. He felt the developer was not clear as to whether this would be a condominium develoP~.ent or not. He urge~ that some single family homes be in- eluded in subject development. -5- MINUTES - $~L CITY COUNCIL ME~.~i'zNG AND PUBLIC HEARING ON CHARTER WORLD ANNEXATION OCTOBER 24, 1972 Mrs. Jackson stated' that it ha~ been bl~ught out that we are going tO have a shortage of wate~ and salt intzw/sion if we are not ca~efuL She suggested postponing this~ and have Mm. La,gent get the film fr~m the Land Use Advisory Board and show the people what can happen. Mr. Blanchette moved that Ordinance No. 72-27 be read~ seconded by Mr. Archie. Motio~ ~ried 4-1. Mrs. Ja¢~on voted ~'no~. Mr. Moore read Ord. ~72-27 in its entirety. Mr. Blanchette moved for the passage of Ord. ~72-27 on first reading to second reading~ seconded by M~. A~chie. Mrs. Jackson suggested Mr. Largent make arrangements to get the film from the County. Mayor Effron stated that it will be lShOWn by the County at the October 27 meeting. Motion carried 5-2. Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Roberts voted ~no~'. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P. M. ATTEST: c t7 cl? CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Robert ~. L. Amore, Counellman ~ ~ ~ehe~e, Counc~ a~i R~o~s~ Co~ei~