Rober~ B. Effron, Fmyor
Mrs. Emily M. Jackson, Vice Mayor
John L. Arahie, Councilman
Hsmold L. Btanehette, Councilman
David Roberts, Councilman
Travis E. Xillgore, Ci%7 Manager
Mrs. Tereesa 'Padgett, City Clerk
Gene Moore, City Attorney
there is
memDers of
Mayor Effron c~11ed the meeting to order at 7:57 P. M. This Public
Hearing is on the Proposed Zoning Map and PrOposed Zoning Regulations.
FOr a poi~. of fnfozmation, Mayor Effron stated that it waS felt by.
this COUncil tha~. due to the f~ct that the orig/nal Public H-e~n=s on
the Proposed zon/~g M~p and P~gulations were held last February i~ '
would be up-dating of this~ because o~ the lapse
of t/me. We the Zoning Map and two on the
research, and going back over the
and ~ealizing the con, sion
would like to poll
know/ng that on N~vember
Hearing on the up-dated Ccmprehen-
_1962 we had a ComDrehensive. Master Plan, and he feels that the City
~oynton Beach has been remiss in tk~ the p~an has not been up-d~
Georgia border
any more.
mun~ty in
ion the
cannot c~me into Florida
people who retire and young people
,. It behooves every e~-
this ~rowth and in his opin-
through density contacts. I be//eve
p~oper base can be at-
Also, in
duced as
mum of 45 j
the newly proposed ordinance o~ which public hearings
in the new p~o. posal, the
would be excessively high.
considerably re-
be controlled at a max/-
The Mayor =hat he has gone through the technical report
on the ?lan done by the consultants, Candeub and
~ that is in the ~eport
premature on this heaz~ing.
hearing on the up-dated Compre-
the if~ th/s is discussed and adopted
and after the hearing
on have to turn around
and the la~d use map. I
feelings as far as not
to wait until we have the up-
OCTOBER 19, 1972
dated c~mprehensive maste~ plan hear/ng~ knowing the~e wilt be changes
to that.
M~s. Jackson agreed with the Mayor. She stated that she attended the
Land Use Advisory Board meeting for the Co~/%t~, and was shown slides a~d
movies~ and it showed her that we have to take a second look on
density: The Board is going to be ready to present plans to the County
Commission on October 27, a second meeting November 9, and then a final
meeting on: November 16. She feels they are going to be working along
with us, and would I/Re to See this postponed.
~Mla.~t~r Effron stated with t~his rega~d~ the meeting o~ Octob. er 27th d~
~e ~c~omat~ ~ea. of ,~ B~ County. ~is ~ ~he~
Te~on fo~ dewing ~is ~il ~tem ~e meet~g of ~ob~ ~7.
Mr. Roberts went along with the reeommendation~ but feels that s/nee so
ma~y people have taken the t/me to come here we might get some construc-
tive eritio~sm from them~ and they should be given an oppo~tun/ty to
be heaTd.
M~. Blanchette stated that the proposed zoning map has been p~olonged
for 5 oT 4 years: and h~s become obsolete to work with. h new zoning
map and plan should be con. idered.
Mr. Archie agreed in essence with what has been said. He is against
this business of petting off and putting off. There are two avenues
we can utilize:
To utilize Candeub and Pleissig, who is going to present us
with an over all Comp1~_hensive Mastem Plan~ at $7~ 500 to
draw up a Zoning Map and Oral/nonce;
2. To-utilize the man we hi, ed in the fimst place: the Planner,
to-take cate of these things.
We can utilize oum own people to draw up a new zoning map and o~dinance
to coincide basfe~%y with the ~eport by Candeub g Fleissig. Maybe he
ca~ ~ti]~e Candeub & Flelssig in an adviso~y capacity. Let's take
action this evening and either give the job to Mr. La,gent o~ give it
to Candeub & Fleissig.
Mayor EffTon Stated that at the t/me we hired Candeub & Pleissig, we
received a $28,200 grant fT~ the State Improvement Fund for this up-
dating of the Comuz~hensive Mastem Plan. Their technical report has
been condensed into a book along with a brochure that shows maps. We
oTdered 100 books and 500.broc.hu.~es. When Mm. Largent was hired in Nov-
ember~ 1971, it was the fi~ t/me this City had a pls/%ner. It is a
necessary step in ou~ local government today to have our own Planning
Depa~.~,ent. Mayo~ ~££~on asked Mr. La,gent if he and his department
could prepare a zon/ng map and zoning regulations that comply with this
technical repose.
OCTOBER 19, 1972
Mm. La,gent stated that he has prepared 10 to 15 zon/ng o~dtnanees
and about 7 master plans in the past, and'he could p~epame the zoning
map and o~dinance, and he would solicit the help of the City CoUncil
and all others as to their thi~ng. He est/mated that it would pith-
ably take about 4 mo~ths to prepare such a map and ordinance.
Mr. Arehie asked M~. Lazgent if he would like Candeub & Flaissi~ as an
Mr. Largent stated that this is done many times. He would like them to
cheek over any plan o~ ordinances we smmive at at least once, to see
if they feel we get the concepts of the plan they have prepared, on a
per diem basis. We owe it to ourselves to make one check with expe~ts
to see. that we hav. e the latest in zord.ng. Mayor Effron suggested that
he wo~ closely with the County Planning Depaz~cment.
Mayor Effron stated that the hardest job the CoUncil b~s is rezoning.
The biggest complaint is definition. He suggested that it be b~ought
down to simple layman language. If this could be done he would appre-
ciate it - keep it brief and understandable!
Mr. Archie made a motion that this Public Heeming be cancelled, and
instruct Mm. Lsmgent and his staff to p~oceed to p~epa~e a new zon/ng
map and zon/ng ordinance to co-ordinate with the plan of Candeub and
Pleissig, seconded by Mms. Jackson.
Discussion followed.
Mrs. Jackson pointed out that this would be a long term plan~ some-
thing to work with for many years°
Mr. Killgore asked about the moratorium on ~ezoning. If you don't ex-
tend it you still have an indefinite moratorium.
Motion caz~ied 5-0.
Mayor Effronthen stated that theme are over 20 City Boards. One very
busy boa~d is the Planning ~ Zoning Board. He asked the members of the
Board p~esent to stand. Mr. Olds~ Mr. Weaver, Mr. Ayers and Mr. Kost-
ncr stood up. This Board has worked fo~ yea~s on the proposed zoning
map and regulationsthat we just shot down. He thanked the Board for
the f/ne fob they have done. The work and effort of the Board was
not wasted.
Mrs. Jackson feels the moratorium should be kept on for awhile longe~.
Mayor Bffron stated that if it was 1/~ted, the ~ezoning application
would go through the p~oper procedure. The CoUncil will still have
the final say. If it is l~ted~ any rezoning that would come in
should be checked w/th the Master Plan of Candeub & Flsissigto see
that it is not the exact opposite of the intended plan.
OCTOBER 19, 197~
Mr. Bl~nchette moved to ]i~t the moratorium with the recommendations
Gene Moo~e, City Attoz~ney, pointed our that the oou~ts frown on it, if
it is caz~ied on fo~ an extended pe~od of time without something eon-
stzuctive being done. It would be k. ind of hard to explain and someone
Could ha~e a Px~r~ ~t~ug case against the City.
Mms. Castello brought out that the County has a moratorium on the u~in-
_~..~po~ated ameas; s~meone that wants to annex ,will ask the City if the
City does not have a moratorium.
Albez~ Weh~ell stated that it leaves us with the old 1962 zoning map
and ordinance. The~e a~e many tkin~s wrong with the plan, that is
whM we a~e making a ~ch~.ge, not so much with the plan but the lack of
restrietion~ in the- Ordi~amce itself. Our Pla~ Board was left
without site plan approval.
M~. Wehrell fumt~er stated there is lack of maximum density per acre
in R-5 and C~m~ercial zones.
Mrs. Jackson proposed an ame,ndment to the moti.on t9 lift the moratgrium
whe~ ~e have a site plan o~iinance and beautifzcatmon ordmnance wrmt-
Nm. Blanchette accepted the amendment.
Mayor Effron pointed out that we have site plan approval now, but we
don't haveit ~n' o~linance' form. Each department bead reviews each
and eve~ plan as far as the site and makes reco~menda~io~m.
Mrs. Jackson stated that if it is not in ordinance fora, we cannot
hold them to it,
Mr. Largent was mn. tructed o~ a priority basis to immediately proceed
on site plan approval ordinance and community appearance ordinance.
Motion ca, tied 5-0.
Robert Boy,er expressed his approval of the action taken tonight on
the proposed zoning plan.
Fo~Test Wallace recommended that the people that sent in petitioD~ be
notified, so that they know what is actually happening.
Mrs, F~y Sta~ed that she is concerned about ,what will happen in the
meantime. We are not doing anything to add to beautifioation. She
asked if the~e could be an emergency ord/nance to ~et beautification
started o
The Mayor expressed his belief that the proposed beautification ordin-
ance was much too stringent and would not hold up in court.
OCTOBER 19, 1972
Mayo~ Eff~n stated that ~. ;e~ ~s ~o g~ve it ~op ~
~s, F~ spoke in ~e of the p~ o~ ~~ to ~ve
a m~et~g ~th he~ ~ee b~o~ ~s~~ the B~~i~
~e to the ~ A~o~ =o see ~ =h~ w~d ~e =o ~ ~y
~ges. '
Mr. Lar~ent stated he wo~ld t.r~M~ to have the Site
ance ~e~dM fo~ the nex~ Comncii meeting-.
Eme~geney O~dinanee No. ?2-52 - Bond Referendum on the Ne~. Libraz~
M~. Moo~e z~dy Emergency O~dinance No. 72-~2 //3 its entirety. F~.
ATch/e moved to adopt Oz~L~nance No. 72-52 on first and f/hal read/ng,
seconded by Mr, RObez~cs. Motion eaz~ied 5-0,
M~s. Jackson asked M~. Moo~e if he is checking into the f~mst meeting
M~. Moore stated that it is his opinio~ that the meet/rig should be held
on the first Monday /n January, The elected offfc/als should be p~esent
so that they can agree on the appo/ntments. Only the Judge has to be
appointed on that day.
~Ma~or E~.?n. U~ed .eyemyone to get out and vo~e on the ~*~sa~y re~eren-
cum, as it ~s someth/ng we definitely need.
M~eting adjourned at'. 9:20 P. M.