t{ober~ B. Effron~ Mayor
Mrs. Emily M. Jackson~ Vice Mayor
John L. Arable, Councilman
Harold B!anehette~ Councilman
David Rober~s~ Councilman
Travis E. Killgore, City Manager
Mrs. Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Gene Moore, City Attorney
~L~yor Effron called the meeting to order at 7:31 P. M.
The ir~ocation was given by Rev. Paul E. Brunner~ First Baptist Church,
followed by the Flag Salute led by Dick Carden, General Services Dir-
Mayor Effronstated that it is an honor to have a young /ad in the
audience who has been receiving sc~e well deserved publicity. He
asked Jeff Hurt to stand. Me is one of two young lads who pulled
two people from the airplane that crashed in Deerfietd Beach. The
Mayor read a portion of the newspaper article: and told Jeff he would
be presented a plaque at a later date. Jeff received a standing ova-
P~esentation of Plaque to Mr. Byron Liggett
Mayor Effron reported that at a later date Byron Liggett will be pre-
sentedwith a plaque for his fair and impartial newspaper reporting
while serving the City of BoyntonBeach. Byron has taken a position
with the Florida Plood Control: and could not be here tonight.
Mayor Effron announced that there will he a Special Meeting on Octo-
ber 19th at 7:30 P. M. for a Public Hearing on the Proposed Zoning
O~dinance: and Proposed Zoning Map.
Also, a Special Meetingwill be held on October 2$th at 7:30 P. M. for
a Public Hearin9 on the Proposed Annexation of Palmlend Corporation
(Charter World).
Proe!amation - International Zonta Week
Mayor Effron read the Proclamation designating the Week of November 5
to November 11 Zonta International Week.
Mrs. Jackson introduced Jeff's mother~ Mrs. Hurt~ who is a member of
the County Land Use Advisory Board.
J/mO'Meara expressed his appreciation to the Council members ~or at-
tending the Chamber of Commerce Installation Banquet. He feels that
BoyntonBeach is a wonderful p/ace to live: and is pleased with the
effort put ~orthbytheCouneil in behalf of the Chamber of Commerce.
OCTOBER 17~ 1972
MINU~ES - Regular Meeting, October 3, 1972
Mr. B!anehette moved that the minutes of October 5 be accepted as w~it-
ten~ seconded by Mr. A~chie. Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Roberts abstained
since he was not present at this meeting.
R. B. Vastine, asked to speak on Item IXB. He would also like to make
two appeals. One life lost at an intersection is too many. A resident
of Leisureville~ who had been here just 6 days, was killed at West
Ocean Dr. and Congress Avenue. It is a very dangerous intersectio~
and there have been numerous accidents there. He asked that a study
be made to see exactly what the traffic pattern is. Also, it is nee-
essary for bicycle rider, s to ride on Ocean Drive to the Shopping Cen-
te~. Side~wa~s~, a~e definitely necessary. He asked that Council give
eonside~a~'o~ ~O these two items.
This can he handled adm*~tratively by Mr. Kitlgore.
Albert Wehrell as~ to speak on Resolution No. 72-Z.
Victoria CaStello s~ated that she sat in the audience on Septembe. r 5th
when the dates ~o~~, b,h~ Public Hearings on the Zoning Map and Ordinance
and th.e request f~ ~exa~ion were discussed. She read the notice
pertaining to the 0h~ober tgth meeting on the proposed Zoning M. ap
and Zoning Ordinanc~ She as. ked for an explanation as to why zt was
written.up as a.Speaial Meeting to consi, der the adoption of the map
and ordmnance~ instead of a Public Hearing.
Mr. Moore stated that Council could have voted on this without another
Public Hearing.
Mayor Effron stated that two Public Hearings were held on the Zoning
regulations and two were held on the Zoning Map back in January or
Mrs. Castello stated that she went to the office of the City M~ger
and tried to get a copy of the zoning ordinance and was not able to
get one. She also stated that ~ hearings can discourage people. She
then read a portion of the notice pertaining to the October 24th meet-
ing on Charter World. She asked why it is written up as a Special
Meeting to consider the adoption of an Ordinance, when it was stated
as a Public Hearing when the meeting date was set.
Mayor Effron clarified that the only reason there were fou~ Public
Hearings was because the City was split into two halves. The north
was heard one night~ the south another night.
Mrs. Castello then questioned why the meeting with the Consultants
was set for November 14 after the Hearing on the Map and Ordinance.
OCTOBER l?, 1972
.P.~LIC AUDIENCE, ~o~.~'d,
Ma..yor Eff~on stated ~hat if You will check back in the ~utes you
will find that the Ci~y. Manage~ g~a~.e us a report, and this Council
voted 4-1 to proceed with the PUblic Hearing~ ? P~oposed Zoning Map
and Regulations. The reas0~ for anothem P~blie Hearing was be. use
the original heaz~ings were so tong ago. We did Say that we wotuld
take all objections into consideration, and we have not done this yet.
She questioned the Public Hearing on Palmland Annexation before hear-
ing from the Consultants.
Mr. Moore stated that M~s. Castello seems to be confused. The Council
is trying to solve the immediate problem of updating the zoning o~din-
ance and zoning map Of the City.
Mrs. Castello stated that she is not confused~ but only questions why
her elected officials would do it this way.
Mrs. Jackson brought out that this has only been advertm~ed in the
d '
legal a vertlsement~ and have not had any publicity on this.
Mayor Effron stated that the press gets this information~ we cannot
force them to write their copy.
Robert Beyrer, President of United Civic League and Sterling Village
Senior Citizens, stated that Fn2s. Castello has raised some interesting
points. When this map was d~awn up, the fear was not density, it was
high rises. All the people that attended these heamings were satis-
fied with the fa~ that the City would not have high rises because
of the 45' heigh~ limit. We are now faced with the density problems.
In the best interest of the City we should hold up any action whatso-
ever on a map that would create a density as proposed of 100, 000
people, and give consideration to what the Consultants say. He ~
ther refer~ed to the ~hortage of electricity and possible shortage of
water and sewer service.
Ken Hall, 110 S. E. 2nd Avenue, stated that the Zoning Ordinance and
Map and the Charter World Annexation has not really been given the
professional aid of a City Planner. He does not see how the City's
best interest can be sex,;ed by approving a zoning olw~nance no one
has had a chance to look at, and really has not decided what we are
going to do with out-lying areas. ~ne Council should give considera-
tion to not voting at these two Special Meetings until you have the
services of our technical consultants.
Re-Roofing and Roof ghea~ Repairs - Wilson Recreation Center
Ph?. Killgore reported two bids were received:
Modern Roofing $ 1, 991.00 + $ 14.00 per carpenter hour
Nylund Roofing 1, 910.00 + 15. O0 ~' ~ '~
(Mr. K~]lgore estimated approximately 16 hours for carpenter)
OCTOBER 17, 1972
BIDS, cont'd.
Mr. Killgore recommended the bid from Nylund Roofing he accepted.
Mrs. Jackson moved that the hid of $1,910 from NylundRoofing be ac-
cepted: seconded by Mr. Archie. Motion cax~ied 5-0.
Ordnance No, 72-30 - Establishing Refuse Rates
Mr. Moore read Ord..No. 72-30. Mr. Archie moved to adopt O~d. ~72-30
on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Blanehette. Motion
tied 3-2. Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Roberts voted ~no~.
O~dinance No. 72-31 - Beach Parking
Mr. Moore read Ord. No. 72-31 in its entirety. Mr. Archie moved that
Ord. ~72-31 be passed from ~irst to second reading, seconded by Mrs.
Mrs. Jackson asked that the rates be explained to the audience.
Mr. Killgore explained that automobiles, motorseooters~ motor bikes and
motorcycles will pay a daily pa~king fee of $2.00. Buses, t~ucks and
other motor vehicles not included in Class 1 will pay $10.00 for park-
ing. He explained that all residents and/or property owners of the
City of Boynton Beach'will be issued a pa~king sticker at no charge,
and also temporary permits are available.
Mr. Vastine asked how a person would have proper identification if
they own property~ but only live here in the winter?
Mr. Killgore stated there would be a record of this in City Hall.
Mayor Effron stated that a question has come up with regard to campers
and what class it would be included in. Mr. Killgore answered Class II
Mr. Moore pointed out that these rules and regulations can be amended
as needed from time to time. We have no police powers in Ocean Ridge
and maybe after a trial period we can get a feel of what degree this
Motion carried
Resolution No. 72-Y - Amend/rig Resolution No. 72-A
Moore stated this was not completed.
Mrs. Jackson moved to table this Resolution~ seconded by Mr. Archie.
Motion carried 5-0.
OCTOBER 17, 1972
LEGALs cont t d.
Resolution No. 7~-Z - Amending-ut to Civil Service Rules & Reg~lations~
M~. Moore read Res. No. 72-Z. Pi~. Archie moved to adopt ~es. ~72-Z,
seconded by M~. Bl~nchette. Motion caz~ed 5-0.
Mr. Moore stated that a developer (Acacia) around $. W. 3~d and 5th
Avenue and S. W. tst St., has a problem with a prior owner whioh had
given 10' utility easement in a Quit claim deed.
This is normally done by an easement g~ant. It has caused some title
p~oblems, and he has requested we alleviate this with a Quit claim
deed end he wilt in turn give us an easement g~ant. The City I,L~nager
and City Engineer concur with the request. Authority would need to
be given to the Mayor and City Clerk to execote the quit claim deed.
Mr. Arohie moved that the request be g~anted~ and the Mayom and City
Clerk be authorized to sign the q~it claim deed, seconded by Fn~.
Blanohette. Motion carried 5-0.
Selection of Architect for New Library
Mr. Archie stated he does not see why an architect is needed yet. We
can hire an architect if the bond issue passes.
~L~yor Eff~on asked Fa. Killgoz~ i~ this would jeopardize any state or
federal funds. M~. Killgore answered nos it would not.
Mr. Archie stated that the Library Consultant ~uld be needed, however,
to set up the bond issue.
M~. Archie moved that the Cou/%cil not hi~e an a~chitect prior to the
referendum~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson.
Mayor E~fron stated that this is a very important p~ojeot. We had
placed $100, 000 in the budget, and then decided to go with a referen-
dum. A lot of times an architect's rendering of a b,,~lding of this
type will help a referendum. Mrs. Farace and the F~iends of the
Library can possibly p~epare to answer any questions from people
about the referendum.
Mr. Killgore also asked for a decision on the amount of the refe~en-
dum~ and the method of repayment,
Motion taxied 5-0.
OCTOBER 17, 1972
Mr. Archie moved that the City Attorney be instructed that the amount
of the General Obligation Bond Issue be limited to $250:000 to be paid
back in 20 years m~ximum, seconded by Mr. Blanehette. Motion ca~ried
5-0. This is with the understanding that if we get matching f~nds we
would only sell $125~ 000 in Bonds.
final decision on the proposed referendum
members of the Civil Service Appeals Board.
the overall ChaUcer
as a referendum item this year.
Advertl.ement for Bids on the Current Sewer Expansion Project
Mr. Kiltgore st, atDd that he had a.telephone conversation with Jack
Wiitingham, a~: 0u~ chances o.f being awarded a g~ant are very slim.
Other prOjects had higher priority. He feels that we have. lost the
~ant. He ~ecOnm~ends proceeding with the project and, prior to award-
ing the bids~ we can make a last minute attempt to see i~ the money
is available.
M~. Archie suggested an addendum to the bid for an extra $!00:000 for
another section or two.
Mr. Archie moved that the Consulting Engineers~ Russell & Axon, be in-
structed to go out for bid on the Sewer Program for the basic bid of
$1~000,000 with at least two addenda at $100,000 each, especially
for Section 5: A~ B & C along the Highway and Lake Boynton Estates,
seconded by Mrs. Jackson.
Mrs. Jackson asked i~ her questions regarding the capacity of the
sewer plsnt: the present status~ and h~ many more hookups can be put
on have been answered.
Mr. Killgore stated that it is an impossible request to get in a few
days. This request for sewer study will indicate that particular
thing. He has asked for a reading on water and sewer plant and it is
not ready yet. As far as the capacity of the sewer plant~ many thin~s
are involved~ one is infiltration.
Mrs. Jackson reported the information given to her by Larry Lukin,
Health Dept., commenting on our capacity of 3.~ M.G.D. and current
hydraulic load of approximately ~.2
Mr. Killgore stated he is m~uking assumptions he is not qualified to
make. He fuz~cher stated that the alarm that has been put out by the
State and the Health Dept. is unealled for, and irresponsible in ev-
er~ respect~ in his opinion.
OCTOBER 17, 1972
Mayor Eff~on stated he would still like to follow up with letters to
Congressman Rogers and Senator Gurney and Senatc~ Chiles, and he
urged the residents to w~ite letters too: and urge them to assist us
in getting a g~ant.
Motion carried 5-0.
Establish Policy on Reimbursement of Sewer Service Charge
i~. Killgore stated that he reviewed Chapter 25-A of the Code. He
would like Council to confirm the policy in order that adjustments
can be made concerning individual cases in order to correct the ac-
counts of the p~operty owners affected. You eannot have a general
policy that applies to ever~ case~ because you have to know the
situation that exists at that property.
Mr. Moore reminded the Council that there were cases where refunds
were not/indicated~ and each instance would have to be checked out.
Mr. Arehie moved to allow the City Manager and City Attorney the
latitude to handle this~ based on this p~oposed policy on a case
by case basis, seconded by Mrs. Jaekson~ Motion carried 5-0.
Request of R. E. Fields~ Jr. - Radio Antenna System~ 1891 N. Seac~est
Mr. Killgore recommended authority be granted for the installation of
the 150 f~c. receiving and transmitting radio and antenna system in
accordance with Sec. 31-12 of the Code.
~. Archie moved that the request be g~anted, seconded by Mr. Btan-
ehette. Motion carried 5-0.
Request for T. V. Antenna System - Town Tavern
Mr. Kitlgore recommends the appr=val to Lnstall a T. V. Antenna 55 ft.
in height to pick up football g~mes.
Mr. Archie moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Blan-
chette. Motion carried 5-0.
Voc-Tech School Property - Consider Deed to Palm Beach County School
Mr. tCillgore stated that the Board of Public Instruction is going to
proceed with the Voc-Tech School and the City has not yet given them
a deed for the 20 acres that was approved for transfer to the School
OCTOBER 17, 1972
Mr. Archie moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign
the deed: seconded by Mm. Blanehette. Motion ea~rled 5-0.
Authorization to Accept Department of Transportation Awamds
Mr. ](il!gore stated that the apprais, als concerning 1-95 Right of Way
at the Sewer Plant land the Police Pistol Range are considered to be
fair. He Decommends approval.
~M~.. Archie moved t~at the appraisals be approved and the Mayor and
City Clerk b? authorized to sign the documents, seconded-byM_~. B!an-
chette. Motmon ca~ried 5-0.
Clarification of Section2-26(B) of the Code
Mr. XJ]lgore stated that he does not agree with the ~equirements set
for~h~ that all appointments and removals should be subject to the
approval of the City Council. He feels that the City Council should
consider an amendment of this Section of the Code. He also requested
approval of the action taken on September 7 concerning the dismissal.
Mrs. Jackson stated that the whole country is based on checks and
balances. She cannot see an appointed person to have this power.
The only place this is done is countries where they don't have free
elections and people don't represent them. She is very much opposed
to it.
Mr. Arehie agreed with Mrs. Jackson and noted in compliance with the
Code Mr. Killgore is asking for approval of the action taken on Sep-
tember 7~ in regard to the dismissal, and felt the Council should
uphold him on this dismissal~ but all the rest of the request could
be t~alked about at some future time.
Mr. Roberts moved to approve the action taken by the City Manager on
September 7 regarding the dismissal only~ seconded by Mr. Archie.
Ernest Giordano stated that his appeal is pending before the Civil
Service Board and he feels this would be a violation of his right if
this was voted on tonight.
Mrs. Jackson moved that the item be tabled: seconded by Mr. Roberts.
Motion failed 2-5.
Mr. Arehie reStated the previous motion to approve o~ the action taken
by the City Manager regarding the dismissal of Officer Giordano, sec-
onded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 4-1. Mn~s. Jackson voted ~no~.
OCTOBER 17, 1972
Consider ApprovingChangeorder - Extension of Drainage on N. W. 4th St.
and N. W. 5th Ave.
Mr. Ki!lgo~e stated that a proposal for changeorder was received from
Belvedere Consto of
M~. Archie moved that the request for changeo~der be g~anted~ seconded
by M~. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0.
Application for Pezmit to Solicit - League of Women Voters of South
Palm Beaeh County_
Mr. At,hie moved that the request be g~anted, seconded by Mrs. Jackson.
Motion carried 5-0.
Approval of Bills
Hardrives, Inc.
Allen Insurance Agency
$ 6~888.00
Mr. Killgore recommer~ed approval.
M~s. Jackson moved that the bills be paid, seconded by Mr. Archie.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Effron read letters of resignation from Rev. John White and
Joseph DeLong: members of the Cha~te~Revision commission. The Mayor
recommended that the Council members who recommended these two come
forward at the next meeting with another recommendation.
Mrs. Jackson brought up that the Cha~ter states that the Judge must
be appointed on the first Monday in January. The first Monday is on
New Years Day.
Pit. Archie suggested getting a ruling from the Attorney General.
Mr. Moore stated that it is hard to get rulings from the Attorney
General, but he will make an attempt. He feels it should be done on
the first Monday.
Mr. Archie suggested checking into the possibility of a tennis wall
on the east side of the handball courts before Mr. Hemminger finishes
the work.
Mayor EfFron pointed out that there is a reverter clause on the old
Po/ice Station, and we should not allow those buildings and grounds
to he used fo~ anything other than City use.
OCTOBER t7, !972
Mrs. Jackson moved to adjourn, seconded b~ M~. A~e.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P. M.
Robert B.
David Robe=ts~ Councilman